English has three sounds: j/zh, x/ch, and x/sh. So to English ears, xiao (小) and shao (少) sound the same. English speakers do not hear "a sound that isn't in English". They hear the same English sound in both words. That is why we cannot distinguish them. EDIT: but that does not prevent learning Chinese. In English, it is very common for written letters (like pinyin) to represent different sounds. 没问题
This is the best explanation I’ve seen. Thank you so much!
您好老师。 感谢您的视频太神奇了。 对您来说了有很多的意思。
谢谢你! 你可以说说:对我来说,你说了很多有意思的事情。
对someone来说: For someone.
English has three sounds: j/zh, x/ch, and x/sh. So to English ears, xiao (小) and shao (少) sound the same. English speakers do not hear "a sound that isn't in English". They hear the same English sound in both words. That is why we cannot distinguish them. EDIT: but that does not prevent learning Chinese. In English, it is very common for written letters (like pinyin) to represent different sounds. 没问题
我同意,通过训练,大家是可以分得清zh ch sh 和 j q x的。
Hey Cherry it's Dylan, my old phone died by saltwater in a lake. Hope Ur well and wondering how u r
Hi I am really good. It’s a time for a new phone!