I believe that was the first time he mentioned Ghosty for quite some time... made me tear up. I just wish for once he comes over to the house for Drama Time :(
@@Frankthetank302 I believe Ghosty and one of Preach's mods on Twitch had a falling out so Ghosty left PG as to not cause any more drama and remain friends with Preach
@@Frankthetank302I've been wondering this too. I had a pretty long hiatus so I haven't been around for semi-recent happenings. Does anyone here know what happened to him?
The Kara split 10 mans run were great , someone from group A popping into our vent during our race asking where we were up to and being pissed we were 2 bosses ahead
The best memory from WoW is, still to this day, my first kill of Baron Rivendare in vanilla. I was very young and very shit at the game. The PUG I was in had wiped 4 to 5 times and the tank had announced that he was leaving if we wiped again. On this last pull we almost got him down, but just as we were about to kill him we all died. However, not knowing how play a warlock, I had cast Curse of Doom instead of Curse of Agony and in the split second where we all died the 1 minute timer went off and it took down the Baron. I let out a little nerd scream and lifted my hands above my head before I pressed release and ran back to get that sweet sweet loot. I don't remember if I actually got any loot, but in that moment it did not matter one bit.
it feels weird Andy/Ghost being mentioned now... he really does seem like a Ghost of this channel now being that he was such a huge part of it in the past haha.. was a nice moment
@@Wilburytry Long story short, Andy was the center of some drama then when asked if he could stop reacting so explosively, for lack of a better word to shit like that. He said he couldn't promise anything so he was let go
@@Screamingtilltheend I saw a clip of Preach saying Ghosty couldn't justify having 2 jobs 1 of which wasn't paying cuz of the whole youtube copyright BS that happened several years ago that demonetised the channel as well as having a child to raise. It was completely mutual and there was no drama.
I was raised by my grandparents and my mom lived 2 hours from me. When she got out of prison she started playing WoW Vanilla and I got hooked. For years I only ever got to play when I saw her. I was young and barely even got to level cap before an expac ended let alone raid.. Just before the Cata launch I finally got my own PC and decided to join a guild. Long story less long, killing Nefarion and Sinestra with that guild in the first tier is my favorite WoW memory
Best memory TBC as a social player was a run through Ramps. After struggling for a few days without completing it, a group I joined had a lvl 70 hunter and of course we were all 60-61. I had no idea at the time if he was geared or not, but the ease with which we cleared it (obviously) had me rolling a hunter the next day. I continued playing as a hunter (casually) through the Mists expansion. One moment with a random player...had me hooked. Nice memory.
this video filled me with such delight. we were an absolutely shit guild, wiped on shriekwing upwards of 20 times, but we had all been a part of a big schism from another guild and were always joking around and having a blast trying to figure shit out. we were close enough that we could get mad at each other for screwing up and still come right back the next day. when we finally got him down as a guild, half of us just could not hold back from SCREAMING like lunatics. we thought we were hot shit, tbh. life got in the way for all of us but i miss that guild every day!
I haven't played World of Warcraft in half a decade yet I still watch Preach Gaming. Love your content, man! Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy your videos for many years to come!
@@supergaga1712 In one of his ranking videos someone said something along the lines of "what kind of animal draws 9s like that" and several people responded wondering the same as well. Basically his 9s in that video started at the top, then bottom, then top, then he made the loop.
My favorite moment of this tier was definitely our top dps hearthing out of a great Artificer pull while mind-controlled:D We were definitely having a stressful night, but it was so funny that everyone chilled out-we got the kill on the next pull
My fondest memories are from a time our guild was in a coma when siege of orgrimmar came out. I was playing holy paladin. A couple old friends who had moved on from our guild randomly asked me to join them raiding siege, but they needed dps so I said fine I'll learn rhat. It was a rag-tag group of players from many Finnish guilds, all of who knew some of the others beforehand and one random Estonian resto shaman who they had invited before asking me. This team, with our foreign addition stayed together for couple months and we progressed through siege and killed Garrosh heroic, that was just a bit before mythic was a thing I think. I got the mount from our first kill and more than that, I got to learn retribution and I fell in love with it, still maining it to this day. For the next expansion my guild woke up again and we still keep raiding.
My best memory is of the 1st Onyxia kill and getting the heart string we then rolled for the head and I got that to hand in as well, it all culminated about a month later with me getting the hunter epic bow which I have still got, as well as the Mallet of Zul Farrak.
Last night of legion before the bfa pre patch, me and a bunch of rag tag pugs cleared mythic helya for the chosen 3 times. We had not done it at all before that night, it was awesome. I had just started playing in legion and was trying with a few people for months and when all hope seemed lost it happened
I made so much bank with my guild selling The Chosen. Huge cash cow. Probably helped a lot of people that didn’t deserve it but that’s how it goes when a guild can sell it for gold.
Awesome vid! I think you’re right about how it’s the people we meet and play with along the way. That was my greatest WoW moment, although not as significant. It was during Wrath. I was leveling my first Alt of the game, like truly leveling. I had been leveling as a Holy Paly in BGs. I’d been going solo for about a week and just trying to heal my balls off. Well I’d just gotten home from work ready to grind it out from 11pm to ~6am. I load into Arathi Basin and all of a sudden I see people saying my name in chat. “Oh hell yea! Laniryn is here!” Apparently I had been in some of the same queues as a few of my teammates enough they had noticed me, and were impressed.
I think my best and funniest moment actually happend in Nathria, on Blood council. It was on the first night in the raid, when one of our DPS who had not quite picked up how the dance mechanic worked and thought that /dance was what he should do and eventually wiped because the entire raid has a laughing kick and was in tears :D
Greatest moment in WoW has to be the time I blew my guilds mind in TBC Karazhan during the Moroes fight. How it goes is that my guild felt that they didn't have enough CC for the Moroes fight and we were going to skip it till we found another rogue or hunter. I was playing a holy paladin and after them talking back and forth over comms, I chimed in with, "Guys, I have this spell called Turn Undead that can fear undead for 60 seconds. I can try that for the final CC we need if you want." No one the guild I guess played a paladin or knew about the spell so they gave the go ahead for one pull using it. We got the kill and the raid was cheering about how genius I was for every run we did after, I still remember it as a NBD but the guild praised for me knowing my class so well that I came to the "rescue" Good times.
My favorite moment was a horde quest in Ashenvale Forest back in early TBC. Waves of Furbolgs came at me but my shaman stood strong with the help of my newly acquired water totem. Felt awesome!
My best memory is killing Ragnaros 10 just before the reset when the big nerf was announced. We were stuck on him already for weeks. "Ah let's go one last time" when the server shutdown is already announced. And then, almost out of nowhere, we had the perfect run and killed the boss with everybody alive... And we never wiped again on old Raggy
My best moment is when i enter the world of warcraft somewhere in 2018. I was questing in Kharanos and accidentally clicked on the fly master, i almost had a heart attack when that gryphon took me in the air and later i found myself in the city of Ironforge, where i spent half an hour finding the way out :). The other moment is when a friend told me he'll take me on a journey and he transformed into dragon. My mind was blown away. Thanks for your videos.
One of my favourite moments when I was in a raiding guild back in WoD was in Blackrock Foundry. We were on Kromog and the guild and raid leader was going over the tactics and whilst explaining the rune of crushing earth ability of the boss just said 'Make sure you move and don't get the clap.' The entire raid team just burst into laughter whilst the raid leader had no idea what we were laughing and wondered what was so funny which made it even funnier. It took 5 minutes before someone could breath enough to explain.
The best memories are when you overcome something personally difficult. Finishing a normal raid with a group of people progressing is more fun than repeatedly failing with experienced/skilled players who aren’t trying.
One vivid memory I had when I got a new computer during TBC and could shift the graphics setting to increase view distance. I remember being on a flying mount and just being able to see all the way the horizon is Nagrand and just feeling like the world suddenly became so much bigger and so much more majestic. Before this our guild had gotten the opportunity to enter a nearly cleared SSC raid (before everyone was attuned so that we could start it ourselves) and I remember people pointing out that you could see Lady Vashj from the platforms but I could not see her because of the low graphics settings. Another part of getting that new computer was that it was actually a DPS increase as well since it meant all the bosses weren't simply huge lagfests for me anymore.
My favorite moment in World of Warcraft was back in Battle for Dazar Alor. We were reclearing Mythic Council (whatever that fight was called) and the raptors get ready to spawn and our super serious raid leader goes "Get ready for the Waptors" and the whole raid team burst out laughing. It was one of the funniest moments in my nearly 10 years with the game and our guild still talks about it to this day.
Preach, love this video. My story is, after wiping for days on Freya 3 Elder, we were short a few, so we brought in a buddy who'd never tanked it, and my little brother who'd never healed it, and not only 1 shot it with a solo tank and 2 healers, but we got the god damn speed achievement as well. Cheers!
Back in High School ( TBC Era ) me and a group of friends moved from our server we all started on to start a new guild on Stormreaver called Infamous. We grew ridiculously quickly and started smashing through the raids at a decent pace. Pretty sure we ended up on the top 100 list at one point. This will always be my number 1 memory of WoW as we're all still friends that play, maybe not to the same extent as we used to due to families, jobs etc but it was a time where we had no worries in life, but coming home from school and playing WoW with chums.
One of my favourite memories in wow is a wipe back in Antorus when we were progressing Coven. We had a healer and dps who were living together and played in the same room, and just during prog we hear them both wretching... We lost them both, and the wipe happened because their dog shit underneath the desk they had their computers at
I can relate to the story of a vacuum cleaner helping you get the first kill on Blackhand. 500 or so pulls into mythic Argus, one of our warlocks said his dog was throwing up. We killed it that pull, earning Cutting Edge just a couple of weeks before prepatch dropped. To this day, whenever a raider says their pet is sick, we joke that that's a very good omen.
I think everyone had the same problem as you did with Leothalas. My raid guild during that time even tried to do like a 50/50 split for the healers with dps gear. The patch came later though that tweaked the damage buff of holy and nature damage to him. One of my favorite moment was in 25man Ulduar. We transferred to this server Sisters of Elune and were trying to race two other guilds for server first. We had a strong first go of it and we had just taken down the first three bosses and we came up to that tall childish voice sounding robot. During the fight we were all doing so well with handling mechanics. Well one of our hunters had ordered chinese food and in the middle if the stun phase where the heart pops out he decided to go answer his door and get his food from the delivery guy. There was a lot if splash damage going on but for some reason he had taken his wireless mouse with him and was still clicking his macro buttons on it. Well he killed the heart. The robot went hard mode and we were unprepared. He came back eating an egg roll to us wiping and screaming at him. When he queued up with a mouth full of food to explain he had to eat, we all just died laughing. Another memorable moment for me was back in the day. My vanilla days. My guild had started progressing through 40man Naxx. It was the middle of December and we were stone walled by the military wing. Our guild had a tradition that we would have a holiday break where they would not count attendance or expect raiders to show up, nothing. The week before this holiday break we gave the military wing one good college try. It was some of the best 4 days of raiding I had as on the last day of our schedule we managed to down the four horsemen. The nerd cheers and shouts were the loudest that night. This is fun so one last one. TBC, Sunwell. Not the raid, the island around it. My first server for vanilla and TBC was Frostmane which is a PvP realm. Most of TBC had weak world pvp from what I can remember except for this island, this daily hub was a cesspool of death squads and large war parties. I can't remember what really drove the server to it, I remember some drama with an undead priest ganking people that really kicked it off. There would be cries in Shattrath asking for blood and people delivered. From the whole time when the patch started to the pre-patch for Wotlk it was war. It was fun. I have so many favorite warband moments from this time.
Thank god, this is awesome! The game may be shit right now, and not looking bright, but you are able to put out quality, entertaining, and relatable content all the same!
I was team B in Karazhan, but I rose to the occasion, team B became team A and after some time stuck on SSC I moved on to the top guild on the server on Ragnaros back then and got server first Illidan and KJ, but my fondest memory is from WotLK on Mimiron when our lock tank died and my balance druid tanked the rest of the fight topping dmg and with a whisper from my lock ranged dps officer lying on the floor "knew you could do it" /Beo
mechanically, blackwater behemoth might be shit, but you gotta admit, the setting and theme of it is awesome, i have always been a huge fan of the enormous water monster concept, I hope blizzard will get it right some day.
For me it was healing durumu in the throne of thunder, someone got punted off the edge going through the maze and I managed to life grip and save them mid air.
WoW Memories: The last Boss in Botanica spawns small trees which heal him. Because me and my brother were noobs (both rogues) and could not be bothered killing them, we tried stacking wound poison. hf in tbc everyone!
Your Helya story brought back memories of my guild doing the same, with our kill having me last man standing in an ice block, probably one of my favourite kill videos. Funnily enough, according to RaiderIO, our guilds killed the boss 6 minutes apart, with both of us playing fire mage lol
Some moments for me: 1) The first time our guild got past the first half of the bosses in Molten Core. We decided to try "one more boss", and one shot the boss. And the next one. And the next one. We finally wiped on Majordomo and ended our raid at 7 am. 2) The Onyxia raid where it didn't go very well, and the only three people left alive deep into the last phase are the main tank, and two healers (one of which is me). We spent a good 20 minutes keeping him and ourselves alive on low low mana while he gradually chipped the boss down, but eventually died. But the whole raid was cheering us on and it was super tense. Yes it would have been "correct" to just wipe it up and try again, but it was great. 3) The Razorgore boss fight bugging out. My guild wiped, but I had a soulstone, popped it switched into cat form and stealthed. The trash mobs killed to boss for out while I hid in the corner. We got the loot and everything. 4) Guild "jumping contest" when I was still very new to the game. We jumped to our deaths off of progressively taller stuff while emoting and doing other dumb stuff on the way down. We jumped down the elevator at thousand needles. We jumped into UnGoro crater. It was really dumb and really fun.
Back during Wotlk, two friends and I went for a naxx pug. Everything was okay even though the main tank was kinda clueless, but whatever it's just wotlk naxx, it was okay. And here we were in front of Razuvious, I asked the tank "do you know what to do?", "Yes, of course" he replied full of confidence before ignoring the control orbs, charging the boss right away and getting one shot. The vision this human warrior charging Razuvious without a single shadow of a doubt and getting flattened mid animation absolutely killed us. We laughed so hard we couldn't breath
One of my favorite memories was doing Heroic Magister's terrace (we were a small casual guild at the time so this was a big deal) and wiping over and over again on Kael'thas. One of the dps ended up having to drop out since it was getting late. Another guy logged in just to do some daily stuff and we were like "hey man we're stuck on Kael'thas and need a dps wanna come?" and he said sure. He was cool and was playing an elemental shaman at the time, but we didn't get to see him often due to work but he had decent gear. He had a bit of a rep though and he was known as "Chicken." Because he had a habit of trying to run away from fights he knew we were gonna wipe on, fuck the rest of the party. Well he comes in (luckily he already knows the fight) and we do a decent job getting the boss down, until at the last second we all wipe right when he moves on to phase 2 for the gravity lapse. (Don't remember why it's been over a decade at this point) However, one man remains. Chicken. This dude pulls out some of the most clutch gameplay I've ever seen and fucking SOLOS THE BOSS FROM THAT POINT, meanwhile clucking like a chicken in VC as loud as he can until the boss falls to the ground dead. We were in tears. And that's how Kael'Thas was laid low by a clucking chicken that shoots lightning.
I like this video a lot. I think the player experience defines my best wow moments too, especially having an RP death knight guild on a private server years ago. Good times
Blackwing Descent is one of my good memories too! not because I was in a super good guild (in fact the team was called the Leftovers, I would say we were the target audience for the Flex raid they would later add in Mists...) I was one of the tanks, and I remember working so hard with the team to learn Omnotron Defense System, part of my job was tanking the boss mob that needed myself and a dps to constantly trade interrupts (for some reason I remember that detail still), it was just so fun and rewarding when we finally got it down and beat that boss!
As much as I'm loving my break from wow and raiding, beating mythic n'zoth after 400 pulls with a casual guild is probably the biggest achievement to me. I've had CE's come much sooner and on harder end bosses, but nothing compares to kill Mythic n'zoth with a 2 night a week casual guild.
Big grats! Hope many more CE’s for you bud. The best achievement is being a strictly 3-day guild, and getting US30th Mythic Uu’nat and Mythic Azshara. It’s extremely funny to see other guilds around the same ranking as that “claiming” to be 3-day guilds but in reality they all private log and raid 7 days a week. Pretty funny if I say so myself. Still goes on to this day.
Karazhan was a great experience back in the day. We were a smaller guild, but a funcioning one, since we were all RL Friends and there was no arguing or bickering among ourselves. We continued to play together until the End of WotLK until RL "claimed" us. None of us plays WoW any longer, but we still meet for a couple of drinks now and then and reminisce the good old days. Good times.
My fondest raid memory was back in 2011, healing Heroic Maloriak in a 10m group. The other two healers were asking each other before the pull who was going to dps, and due to confusion they both ended up going dps, leaving me as a solo healer... and I was not aware of this. I ended up yelling at everyone standing in the black goop, because I could swear everyone was doing it more often and longer than ever before. Every last drop of damage people took I could feel. It was all so excruciating to heal. And only afterwards when the other two healers were chatting about their damage numbers did I realize I'd been the lone healer, which cracked me up as it explained why that fight was so rough.
My best memory of any wow boss is from ICC, High Overlord Saurfang 10m H. I had been in a bigger guild that had fallen apart on 1 light in the darkness progress and ended up in a 10m guild for most of ToGC and all of ICC. We were progressing on Saurfang H and the other healer, a priest, died at around 30% left. I was healing as a shaman and told them to continue the pull and see how far we could get. That ended up being the pull we killed him, to many cheers. Great memory for me personally.
That Helia story reminded me of my Wrath guild we where doing Trial of the crusader Heroic and we had a perfect run going into Anub'arak. We had done this a several times and then had a wipe on him. So on this night my guild leader gave us a 25 minute speech on how we can do this and how we have the skill and coordination. Damn would you not believe after that speech we cleared it perfect not a single death even much less a wipe. That was a story told for months lol
One of my favorite moments in World of Warcraft is during the Cataclysm, Firelands. We were really a casual raiding guild, killing one boss per week and all that, but it was the most fun I ever had in my WoW raiding so far. The fight that made this moment so memorable was Baleroc, the firekeeper who wouldn't let us pass. This is not a story of the most extreme dps ever done, or the pure dedication of the players for that specific fight, or even the fun and loving atmosphere. It was a simple mechanic. Baleroc's main thing was a mechanic that would drop a shard and you would have to soak it. Because of the damage it would give, you could only go around 10-12 stacks before moving away and let the closest person to the shard soak it. We were 10 man, so one shard would be there to be soaked. Me and one of my closest friends to this day would just two man the shards with perfect execution every time. In fact, we were certain that this was the correct way to do it. Later we realized that you would actually need 3 people to properly manage it. So basically, me and him still take pride to this day that we two manned the shards every time without failure.
I don't pvp much, but me and a few friends were pvping during cata and this one defining moment was when I was following the flag carrier, This absolute beast of a tauren warrior. Out of no where a chaos bolt comes and hits him, now to me and my friends we knew those things could do some damage to the under geared. This tauren took it on the chin literally, shrugged it off and kept going to capture the flag without even turning to give that lock any attention. This nameless warrior always comes up in some fond memories of Wow when me and my friends talk about it. lol
one of my favorite kills were back when we were still running Molten Core. I was MT and so was one of my very best friends in the game. But he was in another guild. Farming for gear back then was a chore and everyone ended up hating the MC farms. So we organised a race. We won the race by only a few minutes, but it became a staple for our groups going forward for quite a while. We would win some, lose some, but it turned a crappy farm into a fun event.
One of my favorite memories from WoW is actually during BWL progression. After Nefarian was killed a class lead typed in /rw: "WHOEVER FINDS ME WITHIN 3 MINUTES GETS 25 GOLD". That little joke spawned 2 hours of us playing hide and seek with various amounts of gold as a prize...and it was so fun. Priests cheating with mind vision, someone trying to hide inside the suppression room before all the adds despawned and dying..at a certain point, because the rule was that whoever was the one looking for people had to play in first person (which of course...we couldnt verify) i just started putting him on /follow, and when he realized i had been behind him for like 2 minutes..comms exploded with laughs. Progressing bosses, getting my final piece of tier 2, forming my benediction...all memories that are dear to me. But that night in BWL is so special, because its when i realized (as cheesy as it sounds) that the people i raided with were not just "the people i raid with", but were actual friends i liked to spend time with.
I can definitely relate with Helya. While my guild only did it on HC, instead of Mythic, we also got her down on the last raid night before the Nighthold patch, and we actually did it on an extra pull, after the planned raid time was already over. It's still one of my personal proudest moments in the game (along with Gul'dan and KJ HC kills).
One of my favorite wow moments was on Twin Ogrons heroic. We had been stuck one this boss for about two weeks and our raid leader was one of those people who malds when something goes wrong. We had been getting yelled at by him all night and we were getting tired of it. At the start of a pull, he gets kicked off discord for some reason. Since no one was shot calling, I just decided to do it. We ended up getting our first kill. When the leader got back, he was more then a little salty but he did thank me. We ended up having someone else shot call the next week and it went so much better.
One of my favorite raiding memories happened this tier. We were reclearing up to sire for progress and got stuck on stone legion. This wasnt unusual as stone legion had given us issues but this time it was bad. Like clearly half the raid was just awful and couldnt do even the basics. We also noticed that certain people were super quiet which was unusual. Eventually one of them spoke up and reminded us that we were raiding on 4/20. Half of our raid was completely stoned. We pull three or four more times and just laughed the whole way through. We called it after that as we were clearly incapable of downing the boss. Up to this point we were really struggling with this tier and getting frustrated. That night just let us laugh and have fun for a bit and I think it was a big reason we cleared sire a week later.
Literally felt a stab in my chest from missing him when Preach mentioned Andy. I have never met the man, nor Preach but that should speak to the chemistry Mike and Andy used to have on screen. Wish they could repair the shit that happend, if only for the sake of mending their friendship in private. Great video btw still btw :)
As far as I know, they're still friends, but just keep business separate to avoid it influencing their relationship? That's what I gathered from it all, but I'm generally bad at recognizing drama, so I might've just missed something
@@SimplyConeh I hope you are right. Though I think I remember Mike saying something along the lines of that he "lost a brother of 25 years" at some point, unless I dreamt it, which is also possible.
Man, it has been quite a few years since I had a good time with this game. I wish I had these kinds of experiences, sadly most of my good moments were moments in solitude where I achieved Gladiator for the first time, or when I had been completely out of it for a few expansions and felt washed up and then returned to again achieve Gladiator.
@@MyndZero ghosty I think wanted to focus on personal life, wife an kids etc so he left the wow scene. As far as I know he and preach are still great mates
I am glad I am not the only masochist who considers ZombieNeff kill (and Maloriak before him) as the best, funniest and most satisfying moment of their WoW carrier. Like really, those 2 fights had everything. Hectic kiting, some of the weirdest shit ever (like holy pally popping the threat aura to aggro Naff adds in P1), nice boss RP, actual strategies and eventually when it all came together, you just really had the "fuck yes!" mood.
These stories are amazing and make me look fondly back on my own pst experiences. At the same time it saddens me that I don’t have many fond experiences with the modern game. It’s made for a different audience and it saddens me.
One of my all time best moments was actually a wipe on Maiden in Tomb of Sargeras. We had a guy who was colour blind and at first we just thought it would be fine cause nothing was red or whatever so no problem. Nope. Turns out dude had a particular colour blindness that he couldn't tell green from yellow, looked identical. So he gets put on whichever colour and when the balls come out he just tries to guess the correct ones all while yelling "THEY LOOK THE SAME AAAAARRGGGGHHH" promptly blowing us all up. Team was in hysterics watching him flail about and us being blown all over the room. Complete hilarity. He actually reported it blizz and the next week they changed it so each ball colour had a different shape.
my most memorable moment was for sure our first ever Nefarian BWL kill. it was such an epic moment, I still watch the video we recorded of it from time to time. I honestly miss my vanilla guild. the boss kill is here on youtube. it's even uploaded 3 times by 3 differrent guild members haha :D so much fun.
I have to give my top moments as a new player (BFA baby, it's yikes). It's hard to rank them because there's very few that made my jaw dropped. 5. Discovering Prot Warrior. Such a fun class. I wasn't sure if I'd like Prot Warrior at first. But I ended up loving it, to the point where Warrior became my main for a while. I found running dungeons much more enjoyable as a Prot Warrior somehow, than Death Knight and Demon Hunter, who were runner ups in my favorite class spec list. 4. BFA's questing. Doesn't need a lot of explaining. The questing was incredible. It was immersive and super fun. 3. Horde fighting Anduin in a 40 man raid in Stormwind. I was afking in Stormwind, as my alliance character. I see the message in chat, the dwarven district was under attack. So I look, and I just see a bunch of people flying out of the underground tunnel, where the tram system is. And I followed them to Anduin. It was a really cool moment to me, just seeing the amount of players and this, battlefield of Horde fighting the Alliance. Of course I was not in PVP, but it was interesting to observe. 2. TBC Timewalking Raid with a terrible guild. Lots of laughs were had, so many that I said I wanted to do that again next timewalking. This is before the guild appeared in a Drama Time story, which I wrote as well. 1. Seeing zones for the first time, especially MoP onwards, with stunning scenery. I love exploration, and I'm a sucker for beautiful scenery. WoW never disappoints despite the outdated graphics. Every zone amazed me. Some honorable mentions would include mastering the Kil'Jaeden fight in legacy, with groups. I led a raid in raid finder group to victory in the 2nd wing of Ny'alotha.
That last story was so relateable. i lived with my sister a few years back and she ofc decides she is gonna build a bed mid raid and it couldnt wait at all. if that bed wasnt build i think the world would end in her eyes. getting memed by my guildies to this day:P
Best memory on my side: That time back in WotLK when my co-heal and me healed (outgeared) ICC as two on 25man and my co-heal forgot to switch her gear from cooking to the healing items. I haven't told her and she wondered half of the raid what was going and, why her heal was so low and so on. no other told her too. and after the breaktime I was just like: Sis, look at your gears... and everyone started laughing to tears over her ramblind and insulting on me (on a friendship funny base
Preach: "He *LURKED* in a big open room"
Me: "Hell yeah I love The Lurker Below..."
Preach: "Leotheras..."
Me: "You wot, mate?!"
I believe that was the first time he mentioned Ghosty for quite some time... made me tear up. I just wish for once he comes over to the house for Drama Time :(
Agreed, Ghosty is hilarious 💚
What ever happened to ghosty
@@Frankthetank302 I believe Ghosty and one of Preach's mods on Twitch had a falling out so Ghosty left PG as to not cause any more drama and remain friends with Preach
@@Frankthetank302I've been wondering this too. I had a pretty long hiatus so I haven't been around for semi-recent happenings. Does anyone here know what happened to him?
@@borga6566ghosty has made a tweet about the whole thing
The Kara split 10 mans run were great , someone from group A popping into our vent during our race asking where we were up to and being pissed we were 2 bosses ahead
The story about Andy totally suits for his personality
Miss Andy...
Yeah, I miss Ghostie :\
I hope Mike and Andy will do something together in the future
@@tyrous1743 IMO Preach is as good as he's ever been, but I do miss their dynamic on PG Fridays :(
It absolutely suits. I can hear it now.
"You told me to kill the inner demons mate, so I killed the fucking inner demons mate! Swivel!"
The best memory from WoW is, still to this day, my first kill of Baron Rivendare in vanilla. I was very young and very shit at the game. The PUG I was in had wiped 4 to 5 times and the tank had announced that he was leaving if we wiped again. On this last pull we almost got him down, but just as we were about to kill him we all died. However, not knowing how play a warlock, I had cast Curse of Doom instead of Curse of Agony and in the split second where we all died the 1 minute timer went off and it took down the Baron. I let out a little nerd scream and lifted my hands above my head before I pressed release and ran back to get that sweet sweet loot. I don't remember if I actually got any loot, but in that moment it did not matter one bit.
Mythic Blackhand's Therapist: "Tony Stark's Vacuum Cleaner isn't real. it can't hurt you."
Tony Stark's Vacuum Cleaner:
it feels weird Andy/Ghost being mentioned now... he really does seem like a Ghost of this channel now being that he was such a huge part of it in the past haha.. was a nice moment
It's never occured to me what actualy happend with Andy, he just... dissapeared from this channel. Is he all right?
@@Wilburytry I wish we knew, I absolutely loved their banter and the way he dissappeared makes me think they had a big row or something
@@Wilburytry Creative differences caused a split.
@@Wilburytry Long story short, Andy was the center of some drama then when asked if he could stop reacting so explosively, for lack of a better word to shit like that. He said he couldn't promise anything so he was let go
@@Screamingtilltheend I saw a clip of Preach saying Ghosty couldn't justify having 2 jobs 1 of which wasn't paying cuz of the whole youtube copyright BS that happened several years ago that demonetised the channel as well as having a child to raise. It was completely mutual and there was no drama.
Some say you can still hear her vacuuming to this day.
I was raised by my grandparents and my mom lived 2 hours from me. When she got out of prison she started playing WoW Vanilla and I got hooked. For years I only ever got to play when I saw her. I was young and barely even got to level cap before an expac ended let alone raid.. Just before the Cata launch I finally got my own PC and decided to join a guild. Long story less long, killing Nefarion and Sinestra with that guild in the first tier is my favorite WoW memory
Best memory TBC as a social player was a run through Ramps. After struggling for a few days without completing it, a group I joined had a lvl 70 hunter and of course we were all 60-61. I had no idea at the time if he was geared or not, but the ease with which we cleared it (obviously) had me rolling a hunter the next day. I continued playing as a hunter (casually) through the Mists expansion. One moment with a random player...had me hooked. Nice memory.
That music, brings me back to the videos that first got me into your channel. Great work Preach keep it up
this video filled me with such delight. we were an absolutely shit guild, wiped on shriekwing upwards of 20 times, but we had all been a part of a big schism from another guild and were always joking around and having a blast trying to figure shit out. we were close enough that we could get mad at each other for screwing up and still come right back the next day. when we finally got him down as a guild, half of us just could not hold back from SCREAMING like lunatics. we thought we were hot shit, tbh. life got in the way for all of us but i miss that guild every day!
I haven't played World of Warcraft in half a decade yet I still watch Preach Gaming. Love your content, man! Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy your videos for many years to come!
Intro had me dying, I appreciate you mike
What's this 9 thing about ?
@@supergaga1712 Ty for asking that I was just scrolling down to do it myself.
@@supergaga1712 In one of his ranking videos someone said something along the lines of "what kind of animal draws 9s like that" and several people responded wondering the same as well. Basically his 9s in that video started at the top, then bottom, then top, then he made the loop.
@@jouaienttoi thanks man, much appreciated. Do you happen to have the video in question handy ?
My favorite moment of this tier was definitely our top dps hearthing out of a great Artificer pull while mind-controlled:D We were definitely having a stressful night, but it was so funny that everyone chilled out-we got the kill on the next pull
Your content lately has just gone through the roof dude. Keep up the great work.
Well, that had me in tears. Game gives us a lot of memories, I guess that's why we keep playing it.
Hairs lookin fresh fam
so fluffy lol
It’s incredible to finally see it growing. Really interested to see what the final result will look like.
@@dareptor2620 Arthas haircut
The bald patch on the back bro
@@PrimarchRoboleonFrenchyman Lol, imagine this
My fondest memories are from a time our guild was in a coma when siege of orgrimmar came out. I was playing holy paladin. A couple old friends who had moved on from our guild randomly asked me to join them raiding siege, but they needed dps so I said fine I'll learn rhat. It was a rag-tag group of players from many Finnish guilds, all of who knew some of the others beforehand and one random Estonian resto shaman who they had invited before asking me.
This team, with our foreign addition stayed together for couple months and we progressed through siege and killed Garrosh heroic, that was just a bit before mythic was a thing I think. I got the mount from our first kill and more than that, I got to learn retribution and I fell in love with it, still maining it to this day.
For the next expansion my guild woke up again and we still keep raiding.
hearing preach talk about ghosty is like how it used to feel to hear Arin talk about Jon on the rare occasion he did
Hey, it took about the same amount of time too - 1.5 years before Dan forcibly brought him up.
My best memory is of the 1st Onyxia kill and getting the heart string we then rolled for the head and I got that to hand in as well, it all culminated about a month later with me getting the hunter epic bow which I have still got, as well as the Mallet of Zul Farrak.
Last night of legion before the bfa pre patch, me and a bunch of rag tag pugs cleared mythic helya for the chosen 3 times. We had not done it at all before that night, it was awesome. I had just started playing in legion and was trying with a few people for months and when all hope seemed lost it happened
I made so much bank with my guild selling The Chosen. Huge cash cow. Probably helped a lot of people that didn’t deserve it but that’s how it goes when a guild can sell it for gold.
God how I miss these vids with the music going. How nostalgic! Thank you Mike for this. We really need these!
Awesome vid! I think you’re right about how it’s the people we meet and play with along the way. That was my greatest WoW moment, although not as significant. It was during Wrath. I was leveling my first Alt of the game, like truly leveling. I had been leveling as a Holy Paly in BGs. I’d been going solo for about a week and just trying to heal my balls off. Well I’d just gotten home from work ready to grind it out from 11pm to ~6am. I load into Arathi Basin and all of a sudden I see people saying my name in chat. “Oh hell yea! Laniryn is here!” Apparently I had been in some of the same queues as a few of my teammates enough they had noticed me, and were impressed.
I think my best and funniest moment actually happend in Nathria, on Blood council. It was on the first night in the raid, when one of our DPS who had not quite picked up how the dance mechanic worked and thought that /dance was what he should do and eventually wiped because the entire raid has a laughing kick and was in tears :D
Love the intro with the throwback to that hideous caveman drawing you made of that glorious number. Keep it up preach
I love these oldschool type of Preach videos
Greatest moment in WoW has to be the time I blew my guilds mind in TBC Karazhan during the Moroes fight. How it goes is that my guild felt that they didn't have enough CC for the Moroes fight and we were going to skip it till we found another rogue or hunter. I was playing a holy paladin and after them talking back and forth over comms, I chimed in with, "Guys, I have this spell called Turn Undead that can fear undead for 60 seconds. I can try that for the final CC we need if you want." No one the guild I guess played a paladin or knew about the spell so they gave the go ahead for one pull using it. We got the kill and the raid was cheering about how genius I was for every run we did after, I still remember it as a NBD but the guild praised for me knowing my class so well that I came to the "rescue" Good times.
My favorite moment was a horde quest in Ashenvale Forest back in early TBC. Waves of Furbolgs came at me but my shaman stood strong with the help of my newly acquired water totem. Felt awesome!
My best memory is killing Ragnaros 10 just before the reset when the big nerf was announced. We were stuck on him already for weeks. "Ah let's go one last time" when the server shutdown is already announced. And then, almost out of nowhere, we had the perfect run and killed the boss with everybody alive... And we never wiped again on old Raggy
thanks, this is exactly the kind of video I wanted on a friday evening! :)
Man I missed the top 5s. Love to see them back.
My best moment is when i enter the world of warcraft somewhere in 2018. I was questing in Kharanos and accidentally clicked on the fly master, i almost had a heart attack when that gryphon took me in the air and later i found myself in the city of Ironforge, where i spent half an hour finding the way out :). The other moment is when a friend told me he'll take me on a journey and he transformed into dragon. My mind was blown away. Thanks for your videos.
One of my favourite moments when I was in a raiding guild back in WoD was in Blackrock Foundry. We were on Kromog and the guild and raid leader was going over the tactics and whilst explaining the rune of crushing earth ability of the boss just said 'Make sure you move and don't get the clap.' The entire raid team just burst into laughter whilst the raid leader had no idea what we were laughing and wondered what was so funny which made it even funnier. It took 5 minutes before someone could breath enough to explain.
The best memories are when you overcome something personally difficult. Finishing a normal raid with a group of people progressing is more fun than repeatedly failing with experienced/skilled players who aren’t trying.
One vivid memory I had when I got a new computer during TBC and could shift the graphics setting to increase view distance. I remember being on a flying mount and just being able to see all the way the horizon is Nagrand and just feeling like the world suddenly became so much bigger and so much more majestic. Before this our guild had gotten the opportunity to enter a nearly cleared SSC raid (before everyone was attuned so that we could start it ourselves) and I remember people pointing out that you could see Lady Vashj from the platforms but I could not see her because of the low graphics settings. Another part of getting that new computer was that it was actually a DPS increase as well since it meant all the bosses weren't simply huge lagfests for me anymore.
The editing is ON POINT
This was great, thanks Preach. Big smile on my face throughout.
The music in the beginning made me so nostalgic for the "Legacy of..." videos
That was a really fun video Mike. I'd love to see more of that type of stuff
My favorite moment in World of Warcraft was back in Battle for Dazar Alor. We were reclearing Mythic Council (whatever that fight was called) and the raptors get ready to spawn and our super serious raid leader goes "Get ready for the Waptors" and the whole raid team burst out laughing. It was one of the funniest moments in my nearly 10 years with the game and our guild still talks about it to this day.
Preach, love this video. My story is, after wiping for days on Freya 3 Elder, we were short a few, so we brought in a buddy who'd never tanked it, and my little brother who'd never healed it, and not only 1 shot it with a solo tank and 2 healers, but we got the god damn speed achievement as well. Cheers!
Back in High School ( TBC Era ) me and a group of friends moved from our server we all started on to start a new guild on Stormreaver called Infamous. We grew ridiculously quickly and started smashing through the raids at a decent pace. Pretty sure we ended up on the top 100 list at one point. This will always be my number 1 memory of WoW as we're all still friends that play, maybe not to the same extent as we used to due to families, jobs etc but it was a time where we had no worries in life, but coming home from school and playing WoW with chums.
One of my favourite memories in wow is a wipe back in Antorus when we were progressing Coven. We had a healer and dps who were living together and played in the same room, and just during prog we hear them both wretching... We lost them both, and the wipe happened because their dog shit underneath the desk they had their computers at
Absolutely killing it at the moment preach. Keep it up the content.
I can relate to the story of a vacuum cleaner helping you get the first kill on Blackhand. 500 or so pulls into mythic Argus, one of our warlocks said his dog was throwing up. We killed it that pull, earning Cutting Edge just a couple of weeks before prepatch dropped. To this day, whenever a raider says their pet is sick, we joke that that's a very good omen.
All that matters, your hair is looking fresh my man
"You can take all those bosses and kiss my nuts" lol I love preach
I think everyone had the same problem as you did with Leothalas. My raid guild during that time even tried to do like a 50/50 split for the healers with dps gear. The patch came later though that tweaked the damage buff of holy and nature damage to him.
One of my favorite moment was in 25man Ulduar. We transferred to this server Sisters of Elune and were trying to race two other guilds for server first. We had a strong first go of it and we had just taken down the first three bosses and we came up to that tall childish voice sounding robot. During the fight we were all doing so well with handling mechanics. Well one of our hunters had ordered chinese food and in the middle if the stun phase where the heart pops out he decided to go answer his door and get his food from the delivery guy. There was a lot if splash damage going on but for some reason he had taken his wireless mouse with him and was still clicking his macro buttons on it. Well he killed the heart. The robot went hard mode and we were unprepared. He came back eating an egg roll to us wiping and screaming at him. When he queued up with a mouth full of food to explain he had to eat, we all just died laughing.
Another memorable moment for me was back in the day. My vanilla days. My guild had started progressing through 40man Naxx. It was the middle of December and we were stone walled by the military wing. Our guild had a tradition that we would have a holiday break where they would not count attendance or expect raiders to show up, nothing. The week before this holiday break we gave the military wing one good college try. It was some of the best 4 days of raiding I had as on the last day of our schedule we managed to down the four horsemen. The nerd cheers and shouts were the loudest that night.
This is fun so one last one. TBC, Sunwell. Not the raid, the island around it. My first server for vanilla and TBC was Frostmane which is a PvP realm. Most of TBC had weak world pvp from what I can remember except for this island, this daily hub was a cesspool of death squads and large war parties. I can't remember what really drove the server to it, I remember some drama with an undead priest ganking people that really kicked it off. There would be cries in Shattrath asking for blood and people delivered. From the whole time when the patch started to the pre-patch for Wotlk it was war. It was fun. I have so many favorite warband moments from this time.
Thank god, this is awesome! The game may be shit right now, and not looking bright, but you are able to put out quality, entertaining, and relatable content all the same!
I was team B in Karazhan, but I rose to the occasion, team B became team A and after some time stuck on SSC I moved on to the top guild on the server on Ragnaros back then and got server first Illidan and KJ, but my fondest memory is from WotLK on Mimiron when our lock tank died and my balance druid tanked the rest of the fight topping dmg and with a whisper from my lock ranged dps officer lying on the floor "knew you could do it" /Beo
mechanically, blackwater behemoth might be shit, but you gotta admit, the setting and theme of it is awesome, i have always been a huge fan of the enormous water monster concept, I hope blizzard will get it right some day.
Careful Preach, your channel might start to become a happy place!
That’s so awesome Mike, thank you for sharing!
For me it was healing durumu in the throne of thunder, someone got punted off the edge going through the maze and I managed to life grip and save them mid air.
love the old school preach videos hes putting out
WoW Memories:
The last Boss in Botanica spawns small trees which heal him.
Because me and my brother were noobs (both rogues) and could not be bothered killing them, we tried stacking wound poison.
hf in tbc everyone!
Your Helya story brought back memories of my guild doing the same, with our kill having me last man standing in an ice block, probably one of my favourite kill videos. Funnily enough, according to RaiderIO, our guilds killed the boss 6 minutes apart, with both of us playing fire mage lol
I am so happy he is doing this type of content. I really enjoyed watching old story videos of his multiple times, and this is very refreshing.
Some moments for me:
1) The first time our guild got past the first half of the bosses in Molten Core. We decided to try "one more boss", and one shot the boss. And the next one. And the next one. We finally wiped on Majordomo and ended our raid at 7 am.
2) The Onyxia raid where it didn't go very well, and the only three people left alive deep into the last phase are the main tank, and two healers (one of which is me). We spent a good 20 minutes keeping him and ourselves alive on low low mana while he gradually chipped the boss down, but eventually died. But the whole raid was cheering us on and it was super tense. Yes it would have been "correct" to just wipe it up and try again, but it was great.
3) The Razorgore boss fight bugging out. My guild wiped, but I had a soulstone, popped it switched into cat form and stealthed. The trash mobs killed to boss for out while I hid in the corner. We got the loot and everything.
4) Guild "jumping contest" when I was still very new to the game. We jumped to our deaths off of progressively taller stuff while emoting and doing other dumb stuff on the way down. We jumped down the elevator at thousand needles. We jumped into UnGoro crater. It was really dumb and really fun.
Shoutouts to the guy that said, "That sucks." You now owe me a new keyboard as mine is currently covered in nose-coffee.
The Legacy of the Hunter!
Back during Wotlk, two friends and I went for a naxx pug. Everything was okay even though the main tank was kinda clueless, but whatever it's just wotlk naxx, it was okay. And here we were in front of Razuvious, I asked the tank "do you know what to do?", "Yes, of course" he replied full of confidence before ignoring the control orbs, charging the boss right away and getting one shot. The vision this human warrior charging Razuvious without a single shadow of a doubt and getting flattened mid animation absolutely killed us. We laughed so hard we couldn't breath
What a lovely video, real wholesome! Looking forward to the followup :p
Great video! Also your hair is fire man, looking good!
One of my favorite memories was doing Heroic Magister's terrace (we were a small casual guild at the time so this was a big deal) and wiping over and over again on Kael'thas. One of the dps ended up having to drop out since it was getting late. Another guy logged in just to do some daily stuff and we were like "hey man we're stuck on Kael'thas and need a dps wanna come?" and he said sure. He was cool and was playing an elemental shaman at the time, but we didn't get to see him often due to work but he had decent gear. He had a bit of a rep though and he was known as "Chicken." Because he had a habit of trying to run away from fights he knew we were gonna wipe on, fuck the rest of the party. Well he comes in (luckily he already knows the fight) and we do a decent job getting the boss down, until at the last second we all wipe right when he moves on to phase 2 for the gravity lapse. (Don't remember why it's been over a decade at this point) However, one man remains. Chicken. This dude pulls out some of the most clutch gameplay I've ever seen and fucking SOLOS THE BOSS FROM THAT POINT, meanwhile clucking like a chicken in VC as loud as he can until the boss falls to the ground dead. We were in tears. And that's how Kael'Thas was laid low by a clucking chicken that shoots lightning.
I like this video a lot. I think the player experience defines my best wow moments too, especially having an RP death knight guild on a private server years ago. Good times
Love these vids Preach! Please keep them coming 🙌
Blackwing Descent is one of my good memories too! not because I was in a super good guild (in fact the team was called the Leftovers, I would say we were the target audience for the Flex raid they would later add in Mists...)
I was one of the tanks, and I remember working so hard with the team to learn Omnotron Defense System, part of my job was tanking the boss mob that needed myself and a dps to constantly trade interrupts (for some reason I remember that detail still), it was just so fun and rewarding when we finally got it down and beat that boss!
As much as I'm loving my break from wow and raiding, beating mythic n'zoth after 400 pulls with a casual guild is probably the biggest achievement to me. I've had CE's come much sooner and on harder end bosses, but nothing compares to kill Mythic n'zoth with a 2 night a week casual guild.
Big grats! Hope many more CE’s for you bud.
The best achievement is being a strictly 3-day guild, and getting US30th Mythic Uu’nat and Mythic Azshara. It’s extremely funny to see other guilds around the same ranking as that “claiming” to be 3-day guilds but in reality they all private log and raid 7 days a week. Pretty funny if I say so myself. Still goes on to this day.
Karazhan was a great experience back in the day. We were a smaller guild, but a funcioning one, since we were all RL Friends and there was no arguing or bickering among ourselves. We continued to play together until the End of WotLK until RL "claimed" us. None of us plays WoW any longer, but we still meet for a couple of drinks now and then and reminisce the good old days. Good times.
My fondest raid memory was back in 2011, healing Heroic Maloriak in a 10m group. The other two healers were asking each other before the pull who was going to dps, and due to confusion they both ended up going dps, leaving me as a solo healer... and I was not aware of this. I ended up yelling at everyone standing in the black goop, because I could swear everyone was doing it more often and longer than ever before. Every last drop of damage people took I could feel. It was all so excruciating to heal. And only afterwards when the other two healers were chatting about their damage numbers did I realize I'd been the lone healer, which cracked me up as it explained why that fight was so rough.
My best memory of any wow boss is from ICC, High Overlord Saurfang 10m H. I had been in a bigger guild that had fallen apart on 1 light in the darkness progress and ended up in a 10m guild for most of ToGC and all of ICC. We were progressing on Saurfang H and the other healer, a priest, died at around 30% left. I was healing as a shaman and told them to continue the pull and see how far we could get. That ended up being the pull we killed him, to many cheers. Great memory for me personally.
That Helia story reminded me of my Wrath guild we where doing Trial of the crusader Heroic and we had a perfect run going into Anub'arak. We had done this a several times and then had a wipe on him. So on this night my guild leader gave us a 25 minute speech on how we can do this and how we have the skill and coordination. Damn would you not believe after that speech we cleared it perfect not a single death even much less a wipe. That was a story told for months lol
Getting the hell out of the Barrens. Top moment.
These constant clips of random movies based on what you are saying is total pog
Death by vacuum cleaner is a new one for me.
One of my favorite moments in World of Warcraft is during the Cataclysm, Firelands. We were really a casual raiding guild, killing one boss per week and all that, but it was the most fun I ever had in my WoW raiding so far. The fight that made this moment so memorable was Baleroc, the firekeeper who wouldn't let us pass. This is not a story of the most extreme dps ever done, or the pure dedication of the players for that specific fight, or even the fun and loving atmosphere. It was a simple mechanic. Baleroc's main thing was a mechanic that would drop a shard and you would have to soak it. Because of the damage it would give, you could only go around 10-12 stacks before moving away and let the closest person to the shard soak it. We were 10 man, so one shard would be there to be soaked. Me and one of my closest friends to this day would just two man the shards with perfect execution every time. In fact, we were certain that this was the correct way to do it. Later we realized that you would actually need 3 people to properly manage it. So basically, me and him still take pride to this day that we two manned the shards every time without failure.
Helya story reminds me of my favorite WoW memory. Clearing Black Temple the night before a new patch that nerfed it came out. Gotta love the deadline!
I don't pvp much, but me and a few friends were pvping during cata and this one defining moment was when I was following the flag carrier, This absolute beast of a tauren warrior. Out of no where a chaos bolt comes and hits him, now to me and my friends we knew those things could do some damage to the under geared. This tauren took it on the chin literally, shrugged it off and kept going to capture the flag without even turning to give that lock any attention. This nameless warrior always comes up in some fond memories of Wow when me and my friends talk about it. lol
Downing Sarth+3 10man 2 weeks before Ulduar dropped was pretty epic
one of my favorite kills were back when we were still running Molten Core. I was MT and so was one of my very best friends in the game. But he was in another guild. Farming for gear back then was a chore and everyone ended up hating the MC farms. So we organised a race. We won the race by only a few minutes, but it became a staple for our groups going forward for quite a while. We would win some, lose some, but it turned a crappy farm into a fun event.
One of my favorite memories from WoW is actually during BWL progression. After Nefarian was killed a class lead typed in /rw:
That little joke spawned 2 hours of us playing hide and seek with various amounts of gold as a prize...and it was so fun.
Priests cheating with mind vision, someone trying to hide inside the suppression room before all the adds despawned and dying..at a certain point, because the rule was that whoever was the one looking for people had to play in first person (which of course...we couldnt verify) i just started putting him on /follow, and when he realized i had been behind him for like 2 minutes..comms exploded with laughs.
Progressing bosses, getting my final piece of tier 2, forming my benediction...all memories that are dear to me. But that night in BWL is so special, because its when i realized (as cheesy as it sounds) that the people i raided with were not just "the people i raid with", but were actual friends i liked to spend time with.
I can definitely relate with Helya. While my guild only did it on HC, instead of Mythic, we also got her down on the last raid night before the Nighthold patch, and we actually did it on an extra pull, after the planned raid time was already over. It's still one of my personal proudest moments in the game (along with Gul'dan and KJ HC kills).
One of my favorite wow moments was on Twin Ogrons heroic. We had been stuck one this boss for about two weeks and our raid leader was one of those people who malds when something goes wrong. We had been getting yelled at by him all night and we were getting tired of it.
At the start of a pull, he gets kicked off discord for some reason. Since no one was shot calling, I just decided to do it. We ended up getting our first kill. When the leader got back, he was more then a little salty but he did thank me. We ended up having someone else shot call the next week and it went so much better.
That independence day clip was genius during the Helya speech.
One of my favorite raiding memories happened this tier. We were reclearing up to sire for progress and got stuck on stone legion. This wasnt unusual as stone legion had given us issues but this time it was bad. Like clearly half the raid was just awful and couldnt do even the basics. We also noticed that certain people were super quiet which was unusual. Eventually one of them spoke up and reminded us that we were raiding on 4/20. Half of our raid was completely stoned. We pull three or four more times and just laughed the whole way through. We called it after that as we were clearly incapable of downing the boss. Up to this point we were really struggling with this tier and getting frustrated. That night just let us laugh and have fun for a bit and I think it was a big reason we cleared sire a week later.
the hair is coming along nicely Mike! very nice :)
Literally felt a stab in my chest from missing him when Preach mentioned Andy. I have never met the man, nor Preach but that should speak to the chemistry Mike and Andy used to have on screen. Wish they could repair the shit that happend, if only for the sake of mending their friendship in private.
Great video btw still btw :)
As far as I know, they're still friends, but just keep business separate to avoid it influencing their relationship? That's what I gathered from it all, but I'm generally bad at recognizing drama, so I might've just missed something
@@SimplyConeh I hope you are right. Though I think I remember Mike saying something along the lines of that he "lost a brother of 25 years" at some point, unless I dreamt it, which is also possible.
Man, it has been quite a few years since I had a good time with this game. I wish I had these kinds of experiences, sadly most of my good moments were moments in solitude where I achieved Gladiator for the first time, or when I had been completely out of it for a few expansions and felt washed up and then returned to again achieve Gladiator.
Man I'm so unhappy I wasn't raiding Blackrock Foundry. I restarted in the Hellfire Citadel and cleared it. Loved that raid.
I really hope Ghost watches this after number 2. Sounds like good times.
miss ghosty so much, preach and him had amazing chemistry
@@barrysmith8078 ye, Story Times featuring ghost were almost always better. All Hail Brojo
@@MyndZero ghosty I think wanted to focus on personal life, wife an kids etc so he left the wow scene. As far as I know he and preach are still great mates
I am glad I am not the only masochist who considers ZombieNeff kill (and Maloriak before him) as the best, funniest and most satisfying moment of their WoW carrier. Like really, those 2 fights had everything. Hectic kiting, some of the weirdest shit ever (like holy pally popping the threat aura to aggro Naff adds in P1), nice boss RP, actual strategies and eventually when it all came together, you just really had the "fuck yes!" mood.
That pic around 5 mins earns my like
These stories are amazing and make me look fondly back on my own pst experiences. At the same time it saddens me that I don’t have many fond experiences with the modern game. It’s made for a different audience and it saddens me.
One of my all time best moments was actually a wipe on Maiden in Tomb of Sargeras. We had a guy who was colour blind and at first we just thought it would be fine cause nothing was red or whatever so no problem. Nope. Turns out dude had a particular colour blindness that he couldn't tell green from yellow, looked identical. So he gets put on whichever colour and when the balls come out he just tries to guess the correct ones all while yelling "THEY LOOK THE SAME AAAAARRGGGGHHH" promptly blowing us all up. Team was in hysterics watching him flail about and us being blown all over the room. Complete hilarity.
He actually reported it blizz and the next week they changed it so each ball colour had a different shape.
my most memorable moment was for sure our first ever Nefarian BWL kill. it was such an epic moment, I still watch the video we recorded of it from time to time. I honestly miss my vanilla guild. the boss kill is here on youtube. it's even uploaded 3 times by 3 differrent guild members haha :D so much fun.
I have to give my top moments as a new player (BFA baby, it's yikes). It's hard to rank them because there's very few that made my jaw dropped.
5. Discovering Prot Warrior. Such a fun class. I wasn't sure if I'd like Prot Warrior at first. But I ended up loving it, to the point where Warrior became my main for a while. I found running dungeons much more enjoyable as a Prot Warrior somehow, than Death Knight and Demon Hunter, who were runner ups in my favorite class spec list.
4. BFA's questing. Doesn't need a lot of explaining. The questing was incredible. It was immersive and super fun.
3. Horde fighting Anduin in a 40 man raid in Stormwind. I was afking in Stormwind, as my alliance character. I see the message in chat, the dwarven district was under attack. So I look, and I just see a bunch of people flying out of the underground tunnel, where the tram system is. And I followed them to Anduin. It was a really cool moment to me, just seeing the amount of players and this, battlefield of Horde fighting the Alliance. Of course I was not in PVP, but it was interesting to observe.
2. TBC Timewalking Raid with a terrible guild. Lots of laughs were had, so many that I said I wanted to do that again next timewalking. This is before the guild appeared in a Drama Time story, which I wrote as well.
1. Seeing zones for the first time, especially MoP onwards, with stunning scenery. I love exploration, and I'm a sucker for beautiful scenery. WoW never disappoints despite the outdated graphics. Every zone amazed me.
Some honorable mentions would include mastering the Kil'Jaeden fight in legacy, with groups. I led a raid in raid finder group to victory in the 2nd wing of Ny'alotha.
That last story was so relateable. i lived with my sister a few years back and she ofc decides she is gonna build a bed mid raid and it couldnt wait at all. if that bed wasnt build i think the world would end in her eyes. getting memed by my guildies to this day:P
Best memory on my side: That time back in WotLK when my co-heal and me healed (outgeared) ICC as two on 25man and my co-heal forgot to switch her gear from cooking to the healing items. I haven't told her and she wondered half of the raid what was going and, why her heal was so low and so on. no other told her too. and after the breaktime I was just like: Sis, look at your gears... and everyone started laughing to tears over her ramblind and insulting on me (on a friendship funny base