Marinelaren zai (Sorotan bele)

  • Опубліковано 4 жов 2024
  • Sorotan Beleren abesti melodiko ederra. Onenetarikoa.
    Arotzak zuen alaba bat
    zen herriko xamangarriena
    bi gizonek nahi zuten jabe izan
    haren bihotzak nola esan.
    -Zer dun, zer dun ene alaba
    -Mariñela maite dut aita
    -Ez al dun ulertzen, ezinezkoa da
    jauntxoa da hiretzat maitia.
    Orduan egarriak denak ziren ba
    maitasun ukatuarentzat
    jauntxoa dator hire esku bila
    marinela Irlandara doa
    Hala izan zan eskontz behartua
    aberatsik ez ziren han
    ta guztiak dantzan, guztiak alai
    mail ezberdinak ahaztuaz.
    -Zer dun, zer dun ene alaba
    -Mariñela maite dut aita
    -Ez al dun ulertzen, ezinezkoa da
    jauntxoaren emaztea zara.
    Gaur egun oraindik ikus dezakegu
    alaba hura lehioan
    mariñelaren zai,zai
    itsasoan du itxaropena.


  • @bainazereuskadi
    @bainazereuskadi 11 років тому +3

    Mikel, lagun, goian bego!! euskldunok bihotz-bihotzez eskertzen dizugun zuk egindako musika!

  • @kulioniclakarn2439
    @kulioniclakarn2439 2 місяці тому

    Esta canción me recuerda a aquella farra en la Q, nos despediamos de dos socios que se iban a Irlanda, desafortunadamente uno de ellos se cayó de un barranco! Liada histórica

  • @cutra300
    @cutra300 16 років тому +4

    se me ponen los pelos de punta con solo eskutxarla. milla ezker

  • @rosamariasasian101
    @rosamariasasian101 10 років тому +4

    Me marcho a visitar a mi hermana en bariloche y estoy segura que al oir estas canciones estara de nuevo en Donosti

    • @jonpeley
      @jonpeley 2 роки тому

      Te vas a reir, yo soy de Donosti y mi madre vive en la calle Fernando... Sasiain.

  • @jakkhered
    @jakkhered 15 років тому

    unkigarria... abesti hau eta argiaren hiria sorotan bele-ren abestirik politenak

  • @GabidelaMaza
    @GabidelaMaza  15 років тому +5

    I love you in Basque says "maite zaitut or maite haut. You have a song with that title in my canal.El composer and singer of the group "Sorotan Bele," Mikel Errazkin died too young last year. You have a song on my channel devoted precious than assumed when the mother died. Thank you very much for appreciating the culture and language of our country.

  • @josulizaso
    @josulizaso 5 років тому +1

    Ederra eta historioa, tristea, benetan..

  • @asunvaro6245
    @asunvaro6245 8 місяців тому

    Es maravillosa

  • @makutxe
    @makutxe 16 років тому +1

    Kantu eleantie benetan!!!!!

  • @GabidelaMaza
    @GabidelaMaza  16 років тому +3

    Pozten naz

  • @shiaghisan
    @shiaghisan 16 років тому +3

    Euskal Abestirik onena nire iritziz.
    Zeozer badauka berezia egiten duena. Ez dakit zer, baino oooosoo poliiitta da.

  • @monikaesthermartinezcoursi8027
    @monikaesthermartinezcoursi8027 11 років тому +1

    uauua paisages.............

  • @esejuquel8565
    @esejuquel8565 9 років тому +1

    Nice music

  • @yonyohernandezhernandez7314
    @yonyohernandezhernandez7314 5 років тому

    Fairport Convection taldearen Farewell, farewell abestiaren bertsio paregabea, zoragarria...
    Galdetzen ari natzaio nire buruari zer uste lukete Fairportkoek hau entzunda...

  • @tttlubna
    @tttlubna 15 років тому

    eskerrik asko

  • @gaizkamelendez1271
    @gaizkamelendez1271 4 роки тому

    Que bonitaa

  • @anandamurthi
    @anandamurthi 11 років тому +2

    Tapdh leibh (scottish gaelic) beautiful

  • @gorkimaximum8170
    @gorkimaximum8170 3 роки тому

    A alguien le suena por casualidad, la cancion Farewell, Farewell de Sandy Denny con Fairport Convention ?. Pués eso, que la música popular está en muchas partes, en muchas voces, y en muchas lenguas, gracias a Dios.

  • @abelpower
    @abelpower 15 років тому

    I Love you says Maite zaitut

    @YONFIG 15 років тому +1

    i love you it´s sayed ``maite zaitut´´

  • @fastidioussloth6013
    @fastidioussloth6013 2 місяці тому

    Translated to English by Google:
    The carpenter had a daughter
    was the most charming of the town
    both men wanted to own it [possess her]
    how to tell his heart.
    - What's up, what's up my daughter
    - I love my father as a sailor
    -Don't you understand, it's impossible
    The gentleman is dear to you.
    Then everyone was thirsty
    for denied love
    the lord is coming for your hand
    the sailor goes to Ireland
    That was the forced marriage
    they were not rich there
    and all dancing, all happy
    forgetting the different levels.
    - What's up, what's up my daughter
    -I love my father as a sailor
    -Don't you understand, it's impossible
    You are the lord's wife.
    We can still see it today
    that daughter in the window
    sailor's zai, zai
    his hope is in the sea.

  • @janidiot
    @janidiot 15 років тому +7

    Hi Euskaran! How do you say "I love you" in your ancient language? I really admire such a small nation to have endured till today s time and to have kept the beautiful and unique language. Btw. the song is charming, even though I suppose it to be sung about an Irish girl...:o) Greetings from Czechia

    • @lauraetchegaray421
      @lauraetchegaray421 5 років тому

      "Maite zaitut"

    • @wife97
      @wife97 4 роки тому

      It's sung about a girl whose true love the sailor is going to Ireland. The version from the British Isles is Willy O'Winsbury. Best wishes from the USA.

    • @alimentacionoptimista5607
      @alimentacionoptimista5607 Рік тому

      Os os ñ😢0r😮😊o😊ñr yo iññu unof ñy uno huye 😅 Oñy

    • @MariaMENDEZ-en3fe
      @MariaMENDEZ-en3fe Рік тому

      Maite Zaitut , I love you

  • @Tanirogalarn
    @Tanirogalarn 15 років тому

    You're right. I was confused because of the closeness between "jauntxo" (master, lord) and "Jainko" (The Lord, God). (And also because nuns used to be called "The Lord's brides").

  • @Tanirogalarn
    @Tanirogalarn 15 років тому +1

    The song is about a Basque sailor who leaves for Ireland because the girl he wanted to marry is forced by her father to become a nun. The beautiful melody is apparently of Celtic origin, you can hear it in the original film 'The Wicker Man' (shot in the seventies) when there is a pagan procession. An English transcription of "maite zaitut" would look like "my teh sigh t'you-t". Morphologically, it is [love (verb)] [two-argument auxiliary: you-object / I-subject / present tense].

    • @aneblanco7105
      @aneblanco7105 8 років тому

      vascet whit c

    • @ayestaz7310
      @ayestaz7310 5 років тому +2

      That is not correct, the song is about a girl Who is forced to marry the lord of the city by her farher . But she loves a Sailor Who is going to Ireland to find Money and job. A forbiden love. She isn't a nun.

  • @fastidioussloth6013
    @fastidioussloth6013 2 місяці тому

    Lovely song and performance.
    It is based on the Scottish folk song Willie o' Winsbury
    Other fine renditions:
    Dick Gaughan:
    Andy Irvine, Sweeney's Men:

  • @eskualerritar
    @eskualerritar 11 років тому +1

    inork ba al dauka abesti honen partitura? batez ere hasierako introa

  • @lauraetchegaray421
    @lauraetchegaray421 5 років тому

    Zonbait akats letratan!!!!!

  • @valentinachimeva6528
    @valentinachimeva6528 8 років тому +2

    no entiendo nada me suena a chino😓😓😓

    • @yukkeg9427
      @yukkeg9427 6 років тому +3

      Valentina Chimeva es euskera, uno de los idiomas más antiguos y más bellos.

    • @ayestaz7310
      @ayestaz7310 5 років тому +1

      Va sobre una hija que quiere casarse con un marinero que se va a Irlanda, pero el padre ya la había prometido con el rico del pueblo, y al final se casan. Sin embargo ella espera a su amor (el marinero) mirando al mar por la ventana. todo los dias.

  • @jbm7453
    @jbm7453 4 роки тому +1

    Bonita versión de la canción tradicional escocesa "Willy O'Winsbury"