They are very well known in the video editing scene but the photo plugin for Lightroom (and other photo editing software) is fairly new in comparison. Glad you enjoyed it 😊
I was given a product to review, I was not paid to review the said product, there is a difference. Had Dehancer paid me (sponsored me) to make it I would have clearly acknowledged it, but this isn't the case. My opinion about the product was clear, a very easy and efficient software to use, but a pricey one. Hope that makes sense
Thank you for amazing review! The results are fantasctic!
Glad you enjoyed it 👍
Great! I didn't know such thing existed and like the results you achieved.
They are very well known in the video editing scene but the photo plugin for Lightroom (and other photo editing software) is fairly new in comparison. Glad you enjoyed it 😊
A review in exchange for a license. That is exactly what sponsoring is. Otherwise reviewing the trial version would suffice.
I was given a product to review, I was not paid to review the said product, there is a difference. Had Dehancer paid me (sponsored me) to make it I would have clearly acknowledged it, but this isn't the case. My opinion about the product was clear, a very easy and efficient software to use, but a pricey one. Hope that makes sense