If you like Kalabalik and Paradox games, they played at the PDX Con earlier this year as well. :) Livestream on Facebook if you are interested: facebook.com/ParadoxInteractive/videos/10155420777199575/?hc_ref=ARTkC3aHriAWRCSWXqquE0n4DceVkPEu9oo1DdCyIKqYXBUjifKe0BE9xLte8Fy6U18
soundtrack Słowian z gry Crusader Kings 2. Jak to usłyszałem na żywo to padłem :D Kalabalik w tym roku rozmontował system i wymiótł cały festiwal.
If you like Kalabalik and Paradox games, they played at the PDX Con earlier this year as well. :) Livestream on Facebook if you are interested: facebook.com/ParadoxInteractive/videos/10155420777199575/?hc_ref=ARTkC3aHriAWRCSWXqquE0n4DceVkPEu9oo1DdCyIKqYXBUjifKe0BE9xLte8Fy6U18
anyone knows the name of this track and which album pliiiiz ?