Did it make a difference that the capacitor wasn't soldered in the original position? Originally, the capacitor was to the left and you resoldered it to the right of its original position. Video at time code 4:19 shows the original position of the capacitor.
Yeah I was wondering this too, they're running in series which makes me think that it may not matter as long as they're on the same rail, but that's hard to definitively say without looking at a schematic.
Great job Alex!! I have to mention that newer laptops do need a LOT of time for memory training after battery disconnect!!! I remember a case about an HP laptop that took 1 minute and 20 seconds to post!!! That laptop did 4 power cycles to eventually appear hp logo. You easily can misunderstand the signs and call as a no fix a laptop that is fixed but needs more time.
Hi, I'm Junnel from the Philippines. I've been waiting for your new videos like its my daily therapy. I've been a fan for 2 years now and I learned so much from your videos specially data recovery. Thank you and I appreciate your time and effort doing this videos. God bless.
I come for the repairs, I stay for the scientists in the comments section. You just know they are going to say something about soldering that capacitor in a different location. You are trolling. Good job, sir.
Having a week without a video from Alex is too long time for me. I was starting to wonder. Good to know everybody is doing well. Greetings to everyone who missing his videos.
Alex, I just want to say thank you for sharing your time, effort and your knowledge with everyone, i really appreciate it. I live 5000+ miles away from you here in England, but thanks to your channel I am able to learn from you. I loved the video where you tell us about New York and the null modem cable. I was involved in the underground pirate scene on the Commodore C64 and Amiga back in the 80's, dialling out to US BBS's via circumventing the phone lines, in order to trade the latest software. Those were exciting times which I truly miss. I wish you all the best in this life my friend, the world needs more people like you
اول امر : رمضان مبارك و تقبل الله منكم صيامكم ، و قد علمت انك صائم لهذا لم تستطيع ان تركز مع capacitor ههههههه Noticed u put the capacitor not when it was, then i realized it was same thing. Great job like always and it's always pleasure to see you working bro, ما شاء الله
I believe, both of the slots connect to the same traces on the board. I also noticed that and watched that part of the video again. Waiting for Alex's expert opinion.
Here in Asia (PH) Asus is one of the brands that has a great warranty period , 2 years , if your board stopped working like the in the video they will replace the motherboard for free.. still.. I just bought this specific series with r7 4800h and rtx3050 ..hopefully it will last long enough
@@exiledwolfch I have their 2020 ROG Strix G17 with an Intel core i7 10750H and the GTX 1660 Ti and i've never had any problems so far. I've hsd it since the november of 2020
at 5:44 you replace the capacitor but you put it on the right side and not the left side where it was at first. Is there any incovenean doing this or they both behave the same ?
Sometimes a gaming laptop does not have a BIOS battery and needs to reset its BIOS before it powers on when the battery has been removed. That can take a little while.
Great fix ones again and you told that cap a lesson not to mess with you :) but i really love all your fixes even if you upload 100 asus laptop fixes each day i will still watch them. Keep up the great content Alex & Big Boss
At first I agreed with you. Then I remembered how Razer doesn’t even sell the rubber feet that keep falling off of their laptops due to the heat and weak adhesive. I bet they make it hard to repair their laptops too. So, I changed my mind, because at least they (Asus laptops) are easily repairable (for now?). It sucks that this is the world we currently live in.
@@Alex-ii5pm then again not everyone uses a laptop the same way. Most people that use ASUS are gamers so they run games at very high temperatures for long periods of time, issues are inevitable eventually.
@@Alex-ii5pm Yeah Toshiba is my favorite old school lappy, My daily driver is from 2009 - Ive upgraded its CPU and hard drive to ssd thats it. In 13 years its been powered on/off less than 100 times since its on full time.
Thanks God!…BIG BOSS is SOLID As Well… you are a fantastic technician ALEX and you are a good teacher and very therapeutic..good luck to you and your family.
My first watch on your channel. Very clear video and easy to understand because of your way of presenting. Love it. Being a minimalist in electronics I have learnt a lot from this one about mosfets. I have a TUF which needs about 10 to 20 presses of the power switch to start. Do you have a video on the power switch? Thanks for your great channel.
Been watching Alex's vids for a while now, Real nice guy and great content. like the work ethics and skills so much i just sent my msi laptop to him from the UK 😁. The services here for component level fixes are poor.
If you have one of the later models (I have a ryzen 6000 one) and it doesn't power up, don't immediately assume the worst. Even though I had set Win 11 to shutdown when I close the lid, it never properly does. So when I didn't use it for a month the laptop refused to boot; even with the powercord plugged in. Leaving it on the charger for two hours and then holding the power button for 40 seconds it booted (took a long time to boot the first time). It's been working flawlessly since. So always shhutdown windows before closing the lid and the battery won't drain. Better for the battery too that way.
I think with ASUS laptops failing so commonly it could be good for your channel to get lots of videos up, naturally I bet lots of people search for repair, fault, asus, fix and suchlike :)
first i want to say i love when you say ninth dimension i need a tshirt with a 01005 filter with it in the ninth dimension dont stop making videos please i dont care if they are all asus or ham radios
EVIL Cap. Tries to escape from crime scene. Surely now strung to avenge on another pristine MOSFET... Thank You for Your videos. Also best regards to Big Boss.
The commentary with the treasonous fuse makes these repairs so much fun to watch, makes other UA-camrs boring in their dry imagination-less repairs. Keep up the great work. Any update on the hiring process? I wonder if anyone is close to being hired
Quick question: How do you know what mosfet to replace? I mean both the bad and the new mosfets have different numbers. Does this part came universal or do they have specific values?
That was a 30V N-channel MOSFET, and those are pretty typical to see in laptops. When in doubt, you can look up the part number of the defective one and find a suitable replacement. It helps to understand what the MOSFET is being used for and what it is doing so that you know which parameters are important and which are not.
Like you i also have this laptop with a 19v power rail short i think. Where are you doing continuity tests because you dont show it on camera. Thank you.
I think 3 things are going on with the Asus laptops, 1st probably they sells very well, 2nd problematic, or everyone knows you one of the best repair shop , I’ll go with that instead
Does it matter if cap is in either of two spots below mosfet? The cap flew off the left spot and u insisted it onto right side. I figure it's the same circuit..
If it bootloops, power cycles, and no image after minutes, it can be a corrupted bios. Atherwise on modern laptops its a common case to power cycle multiple times cuz these tests memorymodules and some other things 1 by 1. It takes time.
I would like to know what is the capacitance value of that SMD capacitor... I'll might check on my laptop that died a year ago (When switched on my laptop's Power light will flash once then off - no fan spin and no display) - Laptop can still charge tho...
Forcing a cap to dehydrate and heating it up even more without giving it flux is just cruelty toward capacitors. The other caps around it were probably screaming and the mosfets just sit there laughing.
so what do you think is best laptop brand alex in gaming category?? Acer dell or lenovo I just don't suggest newer asus laptop now adays for my family because parts are not getting abused before it become not working especially the keyboard and battery even the cheaper hp dies with shorted component my dell laptop is abused when i was in college but the keyboard only dies after 4 years i think the battery still alive she's 8 years old now hehe i just want to share my laptop experience
I stopped doing my own repairs on surface mount components awhile ago. I'm looking for the DC Power Jack on the motherboard of a ASUS TUF Gaming A15 FA506IH_TUF506IH. I found one spec sheet that says the jack is 6.0 mm x 3.7 mm DC Jack but I can't find one of those anywhere. Any help finding it would be appreciated. Thank you.
Bought a ASUS 15.6" TUF Gaming A15 Series TUF506II two years ago now and recently i am experiencing a problem that it won't turn on if i turn it off and don't use it until nex day. It start sometimes, but mostly not. Now i decided to let it plug to A/C even when not using it because is the only way it will power up next time. Everything else is fine, it plays games without crash and other tasks even if i disconnect the power from A/C.
Hey sorry about being a noob I find the content you produce awesome. I know absolutely nothing about electronics or using tools to diagnose faults. What is a good starting point to understand electronics repair? A book? Course? Many Thanks for guidance brother 🙏
Sometimes you need to wait for a seconds or minute because disconnecting the battery also resets the BIOS configuration if the battery isn't separated For bios, otherwise it's a Ram, GPU issue, etc...
Hey I have a asus rog strix g512lw-ws74 and recently the power button led and the keyboard backlighting and bottom light bar have just ceased all functionality.... everything is updated and installed,, one day they were working and next weren’t any idea as to why that would happen... also I emailed and dolly said she would forward the email to you
I have an ASUS A15 with a rtx 2060 and ryzen 4000... It locks up with black screen randomly... not heat related..always is fine after power cycle.. but 2 min. To 2 hours it will lock up again... ????
Normally i don't comment but i got to... This is exact model that i use, after almost six months of using one day graphics card decided not to work because of the warranty they had replaced the motherboard. I am curious that which part will fail next. Maaan i wish i had found this channel before the purchase.
Hi, I have a dead asus laptop too and it too had graphics/display issues. Mine was out of warranty and never got to replace it. Now my laptop is completely dead. What do you mean gpu decided not to work? Were u not getting any display at all?
@@maklogetrich2378 I know :( that's why I'm waiting for data on other brands. Asus gaming laptops are usually readily available at competitive pricing & features where I cone from. But asus is so unreliable I won't buy them again. The worst part is asus spare parts and schematics are not easy to find.
@@therealb888 onboard gpu was working but there was no power/signal output from the actual gpu. Laptop couldn't even see the gpu' BIOS. That's why I wrote "decided not to work" But I gotta give them credits, they fixed and shipped to me within a day. At least they are quick.
My service here said that the chipset is dead and should be replaced, but its not granted if they order the parts that it will work. Its ryzen 7 4800h tuf a15.. any suggestions?
Match of the day. Alex vs Cap referee the big boss. After 4 rounds of heavy escaping tactics the Cap lost the match with knockout. Referee Big Boss announced the winner as Alex 1 Cap 0. :))
Got a variation of this laptop and its turning on for a minute or 2 and turning off then not turning back on again untill I leave it for a while then again on for a minute or 2 then off again I'm trying to figure out if it's fixable of even if it's worth it
Did it make a difference that the capacitor wasn't soldered in the original position? Originally, the capacitor was to the left and you resoldered it to the right of its original position. Video at time code 4:19 shows the original position of the capacitor.
Yeah I was wondering this too, they're running in series which makes me think that it may not matter as long as they're on the same rail, but that's hard to definitively say without looking at a schematic.
Both positions are parallel, so it doesn't matter
Great job Alex!! I have to mention that newer laptops do need a LOT of time for memory training after battery disconnect!!! I remember a case about an HP laptop that took 1 minute and 20 seconds to post!!! That laptop did 4 power cycles to eventually appear hp logo. You easily can misunderstand the signs and call as a no fix a laptop that is fixed but needs more time.
yes, TUF took a lot of time too
True , i had a probook that need more than 5 mins to "wake up" after reprogram the bios chip....
@@ДимитърАндонов-ъ7е the problem with newer laptops, they don't have cmos battery anymore
Hi, I'm Junnel from the Philippines. I've been waiting for your new videos like its my daily therapy. I've been a fan for 2 years now and I learned so much from your videos specially data recovery. Thank you and I appreciate your time and effort doing this videos. God bless.
I come for the repairs, I stay for the scientists in the comments section. You just know they are going to say something about soldering that capacitor in a different location. You are trolling. Good job, sir.
I never get bored of watching any repairs
Having a week without a video from Alex is too long time for me. I was starting to wonder. Good to know everybody is doing well. Greetings to everyone who missing his videos.
Alex, I just want to say thank you for sharing your time, effort and your knowledge with everyone, i really appreciate it. I live 5000+ miles away from you here in England, but thanks to your channel I am able to learn from you. I loved the video where you tell us about New York and the null modem cable. I was involved in the underground pirate scene on the Commodore C64 and Amiga back in the 80's, dialling out to US BBS's via circumventing the phone lines, in order to trade the latest software. Those were exciting times which I truly miss. I wish you all the best in this life my friend, the world needs more people like you
Amen to that from another Brit.
Lee, it's nice to hear from someone else who used to do pre-internet hacking with BBS's. I operated an underground Apple // BBS.
@@harleysofttailtx A way of life mate, sadly missed..
اول امر : رمضان مبارك و تقبل الله منكم صيامكم ، و قد علمت انك صائم لهذا لم تستطيع ان تركز مع capacitor ههههههه
Noticed u put the capacitor not when it was, then i realized it was same thing.
Great job like always and it's always pleasure to see you working bro,
ما شاء الله
اليكس مسلم؟
Nice work once again. Good to see you back, no matter what you are repairing.
You soldered capacitor to another slot, does it matter or those slots are in parallel?
I believe, both of the slots connect to the same traces on the board.
I also noticed that and watched that part of the video again.
Waiting for Alex's expert opinion.
@@ДимитърАндонов-ъ7е What's clear for you isnt clear for others, sorry for wasting your day, but I'm not an expert.
It's The same path. Dosen't matter. If you follow the traces you can see it.
No. It doesn't matter if the circuit is complete
Yes they end up in the same place which is why it didn't matter that Alex didn't put it back in the same spot.
Great work. Shout out to all the SMD components never recovered from the ninth dimension!
Looks like ASUS is one of the top brands for gaming laptops whrn you get that many broken units. I don't believe that they fail the quickest
For me, Asus always have been the laptop brand to go to unless I find something way better
Low key happy now after seeing all these issues with ASUS TUF laptops and I almost bought one
I have old asus K53T, the graphic chip died couple of years ago and fan also, otherwise the laptop is great for 9 y.o. machine.
Here in Asia (PH) Asus is one of the brands that has a great warranty period , 2 years , if your board stopped working like the in the video they will replace the motherboard for free.. still.. I just bought this specific series with r7 4800h and rtx3050 ..hopefully it will last long enough
@@exiledwolfch I have their 2020 ROG Strix G17 with an Intel core i7 10750H and the GTX 1660 Ti and i've never had any problems so far. I've hsd it since the november of 2020
I like that I asked something in a previous video and I got my answer without even mentioning it.
at 5:44 you replace the capacitor but you put it on the right side and not the left side where it was at first. Is there any incovenean doing this or they both behave the same ?
Sometimes a gaming laptop does not have a BIOS battery and needs to reset its BIOS before it powers on when the battery has been removed. That can take a little while.
I don’t care what brand device it is, your videos are still fun to watch.
oh man - i looked at your last vid post (9days) and then i saw this - so excited to see what you fix :) love your work and channel.
Great fix ones again and you told that cap a lesson not to mess with you :) but i really love all your fixes even if you upload 100 asus laptop fixes each day i will still watch them. Keep up the great content Alex & Big Boss
ASUS Should sell a bag of MOSFET with their laptops at this point. 😂
The best mentor, thank you for everything, best tips, very good at your business! I LOVE your LOVE for the business!
And finally you’re back 👍🙂 Thank you for sharing your knowledge 🙂
I can’t wait see your next video 👍
Welcome back, it's been a while! I missed your videos !
I hope you were doing great during this time.
You and Louis Rossman are my favourite people
Very impressed by your surgery capacity. Awesome job!
Alex I enjoy watching your repair!
Better than Hollywood movies😂
Basically this video has taught me to avoid Asus laptops 😁😁😁
At first I agreed with you. Then I remembered how Razer doesn’t even sell the rubber feet that keep falling off of their laptops due to the heat and weak adhesive. I bet they make it hard to repair their laptops too. So, I changed my mind, because at least they (Asus laptops) are easily repairable (for now?). It sucks that this is the world we currently live in.
@@MischeifMakerz using a 11 year old Toshiba laptop. Still works after all this time. They don't make them like the used to.
@@Alex-ii5pm then again not everyone uses a laptop the same way. Most people that use ASUS are gamers so they run games at very high temperatures for long periods of time, issues are inevitable eventually.
@@Alex-ii5pm Yeah Toshiba is my favorite old school lappy, My daily driver is from 2009 - Ive upgraded its CPU and hard drive to ssd thats it. In 13 years its been powered on/off less than 100 times since its on full time.
@@AlkaVirus other gaming laptop brands exist as well. Asus has the highest failure rate. See my comment & northbridge reply to it.
Glad your back. Missed you guys for the last few days.
Hooo finaly a video 😅😄
Thanks God!…BIG BOSS is SOLID As Well… you are a fantastic technician ALEX and you are a good teacher and very therapeutic..good luck to you and your family.
My first watch on your channel. Very clear video and easy to understand because of your way of presenting. Love it. Being a minimalist in electronics I have learnt a lot from this one about mosfets. I have a TUF which needs about 10 to 20 presses of the power switch to start. Do you have a video on the power switch? Thanks for your great channel.
once you unplug and plug the battery back in these models ususally turn on on the third attempt due to the main battery also being the cmos battery
The books are a brilliant Idea , I could never think about it.
I'll definitely buy some
Been watching Alex's vids for a while now, Real nice guy and great content. like the work ethics and skills so much i just sent my msi laptop to him from the UK 😁. The services here for component level fixes are poor.
If you have one of the later models (I have a ryzen 6000 one) and it doesn't power up, don't immediately assume the worst.
Even though I had set Win 11 to shutdown when I close the lid, it never properly does. So when I didn't use it for a month the laptop refused to boot; even with the powercord plugged in.
Leaving it on the charger for two hours and then holding the power button for 40 seconds it booted (took a long time to boot the first time). It's been working flawlessly since.
So always shhutdown windows before closing the lid and the battery won't drain. Better for the battery too that way.
Been loving the grinding pen! It’s great for cleaning corroded pens on ICs. The equipment I work on operates in the Gulf Of Mexico. Lots of corrosion.
I think with ASUS laptops failing so commonly it could be good for your channel to get lots of videos up, naturally I bet lots of people search for repair, fault, asus, fix and suchlike :)
Welcome back, Alex.
first i want to say i love when you say ninth dimension i need a tshirt with a 01005 filter with it in the ninth dimension
dont stop making videos please i dont care if they are all asus or ham radios
8:56 did the Boss unplug the ram while the laptop was running?
Glad to see you again !!!
you had M3966M power mosfet on board and you change it to AON6414A how you know the karakteristik from old and change to correct new one?
Great job man, you could have plugged an hdmi cable to an external display and see if there is any video out.👍
The cpu often does Ram training. 2 or 3 on /off works.
I need to learn this skill!!
I don´t know if it matters, but you soldered the runaway capacitor on the other pad.
I was gonna say...curious how that didn't seem to cause a problem but it was definitely put on the right side when it was on the left.
@@greganson3627The pads were in parallel anyway.
Always watching your video sir.... I idoliZe your toturial
Hellow, Sir. I am from India & Support your Channel.
those binders look fanrastic for those who use them!
EVIL Cap. Tries to escape from crime scene. Surely now strung to avenge on another pristine MOSFET...
Thank You for Your videos.
Also best regards to Big Boss.
great job alex .....big boss had magic touch hahha ....great to see him involved ...maybe a bit camera shy ???????
What the Flux cap was escaping.
The commentary with the treasonous fuse makes these repairs so much fun to watch, makes other UA-camrs boring in their dry imagination-less repairs. Keep up the great work. Any update on the hiring process? I wonder if anyone is close to being hired
Quick question: How do you know what mosfet to replace? I mean both the bad and the new mosfets have different numbers. Does this part came universal or do they have specific values?
That was a 30V N-channel MOSFET, and those are pretty typical to see in laptops. When in doubt, you can look up the part number of the defective one and find a suitable replacement. It helps to understand what the MOSFET is being used for and what it is doing so that you know which parameters are important and which are not.
Like you i also have this laptop with a 19v power rail short i think. Where are you doing continuity tests because you dont show it on camera. Thank you.
It's good to see you working on these boards. Have you ever face Ausua gaming lapto no display issues. Please share how to diagnose no display issues
Nice to see the cap has a new home, right next to the old one 😂😂
I think 3 things are going on with the Asus laptops, 1st probably they sells very well, 2nd problematic, or everyone knows you one of the best repair shop , I’ll go with that instead
The escaping capacitor had me in stitches. Just kept peacing right out.
Very good job 👏 👍 👌
what kind of hot tweser you use
Love your work thanks for what you do!
What smd capacitors do the A15 motherboards use?
You changed the position of the cap.
It doesn't matter. Same line.
@@NorthridgeFix OK, I just mentioned it 😅 great work as always btw
But in end you forgave the capacitor and gave it some hydration. Lol. Good one. I liked the way that was
Does it matter if cap is in either of two spots below mosfet? The cap flew off the left spot and u insisted it onto right side.
I figure it's the same circuit..
Came here to post that very comment. Agreed both sets of pads are probably the same circuit...
god bless you master and protect you
What is a good source for a 'book' for MOSFET's? Does such a thing exist?
If it bootloops, power cycles, and no image after minutes, it can be a corrupted bios. Atherwise on modern laptops its a common case to power cycle multiple times cuz these tests memorymodules and some other things 1 by 1. It takes time.
Awesome job bro keep rocking bro 👍👍👍
I would like to know what is the capacitance value of that SMD capacitor... I'll might check on my laptop that died a year ago (When switched on my laptop's Power light will flash once then off - no fan spin and no display) - Laptop can still charge tho...
Forcing a cap to dehydrate and heating it up even more without giving it flux is just cruelty toward capacitors.
The other caps around it were probably screaming and the mosfets just sit there laughing.
so what do you think is best laptop brand alex in gaming category?? Acer dell or lenovo I just don't suggest newer asus laptop now adays for my family because parts are not getting abused before it become not working especially the keyboard and battery even the cheaper hp dies with shorted component
my dell laptop is abused when i was in college but the keyboard only dies after 4 years i think the battery still alive she's 8 years old now hehe i just want to share my laptop experience
I know your bench every well whats that thing next to the multimeter with a blue screen
Most of the items i want to buy on your store are out of stock, any eta on a fully stocked store?
I stopped doing my own repairs on surface mount components awhile ago. I'm looking for the DC Power Jack on the motherboard of a ASUS TUF Gaming A15 FA506IH_TUF506IH. I found one spec sheet that says the jack is 6.0 mm x 3.7 mm DC Jack but I can't find one of those anywhere. Any help finding it would be appreciated. Thank you.
I need my northridge fix.. last week I watched some older videos.. lol
Bought a ASUS 15.6" TUF Gaming A15 Series TUF506II two years ago now and recently i am experiencing a problem that it won't turn on if i turn it off and don't use it until nex day. It start sometimes, but mostly not. Now i decided to let it plug to A/C even when not using it because is the only way it will power up next time. Everything else is fine, it plays games without crash and other tasks even if i disconnect the power from A/C.
Why do the power MOSFETs have 8 pins? I looked up a datasheet, but it didn't have a pinout.
Alex, that capacitor was trying to escape Souder-tarry confinement!
Hey sorry about being a noob I find the content you produce awesome.
I know absolutely nothing about electronics or using tools to diagnose faults.
What is a good starting point to understand electronics repair? A book? Course?
Many Thanks for guidance brother 🙏
I've got one of those laptops so now I'm nervous every time I use it.
What would you say was your most difficult repair?
that flying parts happens to me all the time also 😂
Sometimes you need to wait for a seconds or minute because disconnecting the battery also resets the BIOS configuration if the battery isn't separated For bios, otherwise it's a Ram, GPU issue, etc...
Seguro se estaba reiniciando la Bios 👍🏻
good job mate.
wow thank you so much
Hey I have a asus rog strix g512lw-ws74 and recently the power button led and the keyboard backlighting and bottom light bar have just ceased all functionality.... everything is updated and installed,, one day they were working and next weren’t any idea as to why that would happen... also I emailed and dolly said she would forward the email to you
I have an ASUS A15 with a rtx 2060 and ryzen 4000... It locks up with black screen randomly... not heat related..always is fine after power cycle.. but 2 min. To 2 hours it will lock up again... ????
The video title should be : "The naughty capacitor"
Awesome job man
Normally i don't comment but i got to...
This is exact model that i use, after almost six months of using one day graphics card decided not to work because of the warranty they had replaced the motherboard.
I am curious that which part will fail next.
Maaan i wish i had found this channel before the purchase.
Hi, I have a dead asus laptop too and it too had graphics/display issues.
Mine was out of warranty and never got to replace it. Now my laptop is completely dead.
What do you mean gpu decided not to work? Were u not getting any display at all?
man, stop buying asus laptops
@@maklogetrich2378 I know :( that's why I'm waiting for data on other brands.
Asus gaming laptops are usually readily available at competitive pricing & features where I cone from.
But asus is so unreliable I won't buy them again.
The worst part is asus spare parts and schematics are not easy to find.
@@therealb888 for everyday usage, HP/Lenovo is recommended, as those brands are rarely failing in our store
@@therealb888 onboard gpu was working but there was no power/signal output from the actual gpu. Laptop couldn't even see the gpu' BIOS. That's why I wrote "decided not to work"
But I gotta give them credits, they fixed and shipped to me within a day.
At least they are quick.
My service here said that the chipset is dead and should be replaced, but its not granted if they order the parts that it will work. Its ryzen 7 4800h tuf a15.. any suggestions?
Are these laptops any good?
So does ASUS need better MOSFETS or do gamers need to spend more time outside?
Best Alex support from Israel thank you for everything 👏👏
Match of the day. Alex vs Cap referee the big boss. After 4 rounds of heavy escaping tactics the Cap lost the match with knockout. Referee Big Boss announced the winner as Alex 1 Cap 0. :))
Got a variation of this laptop and its turning on for a minute or 2 and turning off then not turning back on again untill I leave it for a while then again on for a minute or 2 then off again I'm trying to figure out if it's fixable of even if it's worth it
Can you make a video, reballing a cpu, only for learning, to see your tecnique