+lalelo53 Don't worry, even natives need to listen to the texts over and over. These songs are best perceived as complex entities that deliver positive energy. If you find them great, it means you are getting the message. And that and only that is what really matters here :-).
+lalelo53 Basically a very very abstract lyrics, like: "We are limbs, limbs made out of clay, limbs of saints... ...We stand here on the bottom of a pit facing each other and above our heads raven patrols flap their wings... Your lips, my lips, your knife, my knife, whose messages these are. Your god, my god, maybe they are watching us from above..." Refrain: "We want to tell ourselves how hot our hearts are, we only want to tell ourselves how hot they are, until we burn each other."
It is true, that the lyrics are very abstract, so it all depends on interpretation, but my take would be, that the song is about differences between people, that divide them, but in the end don't matter. That at the end all these differences are insignificant and it isn't worth it fighting about them, because we are all human beings and that is what matters... But as I said, just my interpretation and it sounds very clumsy, sorry.
Neuveriteľne silná a sugestívna pieseň, vlastne najlepšia od Zrní.
Výborné, jedno z nejsilnějších písní a alb co jsem kdy slyšel. Hraje mi to doma neustále...
Taky mi ta píseň přijde neskutečna a přitom nejde o hlavní hit z alba nebo jo?
Nádherné. Zrní jsou nejvíc na světě :-)
;-) :-D :-*
Včera v Lucerně jste byli skvělí! Tuhle jsem si užil nejvíc. (Ježíšek je. :)
Ja vas žeruuuu😍😍😍😍😉🙌🙌🙌🙌
Krasné, moc se mi líbí kousle v podkresu text si musím ještě dostat pod kůži kolikrát song od vás pochopím až s klipem.
Těším se na album, moc.
Nádhera jako vždycky mě to dostalo...už ted se tesim na celou desku
chcem si jenom rict, jak horky jsou ... nez se navzajem spalime... v ruce voba jinej konec stejny nite... Dokonaly!
Je to nejlepší kapela . Báječné !!!!
krása jako vždy!! :)
Me encanta :3
Tal vez sea el único comentario en español
Do you have translation of the lyrics?
Pěkné.. líbí se mi to :-)
Melodie je pro me usi bozska 😌🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏🙈🙉
krása,,,,,,opravdu,, poezie,, nakažlivý rytmus,, hloubka,,
Zupr!...na Spotify jsem poslech celý album a dobrá práce kluci!
Paráda. :) Nádherná píseň.
There There
! :P Zrní může obsahovat stopy RadioHead.
What is it about? It's great but I barely understand :-|
+lalelo53 Don't worry, even natives need to listen to the texts over and over. These songs are best perceived as complex entities that deliver positive energy. If you find them great, it means you are getting the message. And that and only that is what really matters here :-).
+lalelo53 Basically a very very abstract lyrics, like: "We are limbs, limbs made out of clay, limbs of saints... ...We stand here on the bottom of a pit facing each other and above our heads raven patrols flap their wings... Your lips, my lips, your knife, my knife, whose messages these are. Your god, my god, maybe they are watching us from above..." Refrain: "We want to tell ourselves how hot our hearts are, we only want to tell ourselves how hot they are, until we burn each other."
It is true, that the lyrics are very abstract, so it all depends on interpretation, but my take would be, that the song is about differences between people, that divide them, but in the end don't matter. That at the end all these differences are insignificant and it isn't worth it fighting about them, because we are all human beings and that is what matters... But as I said, just my interpretation and it sounds very clumsy, sorry.
Don't worry I don't get it either, 🙂
Tak tohle je na Zrní celkem slabé..