Its a yearly thing here. There's two kinds of soil here. Rock or clay, Ive got the clay. Luckily its the brown clay (not Red) which is a very rich soil. Even adding organic materials, by August the garden gets so hard a rototiller will only scratch the ground. I have to bring the tractor back in or hand dig for fall/second plantings. Thanks God Bless
Yup while momma's out there watchin Brett is singin "She Thinks My Tractors Sexy" Lol God Bless Guys Great little tractor
I hope she feels that way! lol Thanks, God Bless
Hi Cindy and Brett. So glad you were able to get the tractor. I know that’s a big help
Well it seems to be some life left in it! The old Ford will be a help for sure... Thanks God Bless
So cool!
I like my old tractors, especially when they can still do work! thanksa
Great to see her in action Brett, turning soil every couple of years is a good thing. Take care and have a blessed weekend to you both.
Its a yearly thing here. There's two kinds of soil here. Rock or clay, Ive got the clay. Luckily its the brown clay (not Red) which is a very rich soil. Even adding organic materials, by August the garden gets so hard a rototiller will only scratch the ground. I have to bring the tractor back in or hand dig for fall/second plantings. Thanks God Bless
Very nice looks like you going to get early start garden this year
Were just rolling the cover crop & grass over. That should give it time to breakdown. I prob start Potatoes around the first of April... Thanks
New tractor! Wait a minute. I learned to drive on my Dad's 8n about sixty years ago.
That's awesome, Yeah it followed me home New Years Day...
Thanks, Its nice to have a tractor with a wide front end. Take Care!
What kind of plow?
This one was a antique Ferguson 2 bottom plow.I used the same plow for the How Two Video about setting up a plow. Thanks
Over heating
No, it was good on heat. But the engine is worn , & you can the blow by coming out of the crankcase!