L Ron Hubbard and his Uncle Tom's Cabin

  • Опубліковано 14 сер 2013
  • Rantings of a MADMAN Named Hubbard Episode 14
    "L Ron Hubbard and his Uncle Tom's Cabin"
    Hubbard Racist Joke:
    "Now this oddity exists that people can create things they're not taking responisibility for.
    You'll, you'll notice some parents.. Yeah they can crete kids and not take any responsibility at all. Funny part of it is there's some families in some parts of the world all they is go into kid production you know they take no responsibility for anything they create. Like the story I heard one time, well that neither here nor there. Ahh {chuckle},
    A traveler was down in southern part of the United States and he walking down along the bayou he sees an alligator eating a child.
    So he runs up to the nearest house and he says to them, he says 'Say [he says] theres a alligator down there eating a child, your child?' And so forth and this old fellow was
    sitting on the porch steps and he uncoiled himself and leaned inside the house and he says
    'Mammys I told you somethin was gettin those chillins!' [laughter]
    Thus a person can create and not take any responsibility for the creation. That's what gets most anybody in trouble."
    If only Isaac Hayes, Will Smith and many others knew thew truth about how he felt about most minorities they would easily see he was NO Savior!!!!
    Just some of hubbard's racist statements
    "You shouldn't be scrubbing the floor on your hands and knees. Get yourself a nigger; that's what they're born for."
    --L. Ron Hubbard, in a letter to first wife, Polly Grubb
    "Actually, have you ever noticed how a Negro, in particular down south, where they're pretty close to the soil, personifies MEST? The gatepost
    and the wagon and the whip and anything around there-a hat. They talk to them, you know. "What'sa mattuh wi' you hat?" They imbue them with personality."
    --L. Ron Hubbard, Therapy section of Technique 80 ("Route to Infinity" tapes), Part I, a lecture given on 21 May 1952
    "The South African native is probably the one impossible person to train in the entire world - he is probably impossible by any human standard."
    --L. Ron Hubbard, PAB No. 119, 1 September 1957,
    as published in Level 0 PABS (c.1968, The American St. Hill Organization).
    "As long as a white foreman is there, they will prevent soil erosion; but the moment that a white foreman turns his back - boo! There goes the whole program."
    "And you finally get up to the point of where he's [native] supposed to take care of something, a lesson which has never been taught to the native of South Africa."
    --L. Ron Hubbard, 15th ACC (Power of Simplicity) lecture "Education: Point of Agreement", 30 Oct 1956.
    "...the African tribesman, with his complete contempt for truth and his emphasis on brutality and savagery for others but not for himself, is a no-civilization."
    --L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology: The Fundamentals of Thought.
    "...the Zulu is only outside the bars of a madhouse because there are no madhouses provided by his tribe. ... primitives are far more aberrated than civilized
    peoples. Their savageness, their unprogressiveness, their incidence of illness ..."
    --L. Ron Hubbard, Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.
    "Illiterate cultures do not survive and they are not very high. The natives of the tribe of the Bugga Bugga Booga Boogas down in Lower Bugga Wugga Booga Woog are mostly no longer with us, or they are around waving red flags today and
    revolting against their central government."
    "And they didn't learn fast. Their literacy was not up to absorbing culture rapidly."
    "They've been very happily down amongst the bong-bong trees, you know, dancing up and down amongst the bong-bong trees, and the highest level of their interest and so forth was their own back yard."
    --L. Ron Hubbard, The Study Tapes, "Study: Evaluation and Information", lecture given on 11 August 1964
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