Originally found in April of 2022 by a contact I have that works at youtube. He was working at home at the time and could search through any channel he wanted and basically asked if there was any I wanted him to check. He sent me video recordings of a few of these because they were private on Oliver's channel. Finally after 2 years I was able to get Oliver cooperate and rip the audio from them and send them over to me and the archive.
this is beautiful
How did you find this?
I've been wondering the same exact thing
apparently from oli himself
Originally found in April of 2022 by a contact I have that works at youtube. He was working at home at the time and could search through any channel he wanted and basically asked if there was any I wanted him to check. He sent me video recordings of a few of these because they were private on Oliver's channel.
Finally after 2 years I was able to get Oliver cooperate and rip the audio from them and send them over to me and the archive.
@@Ceeeedude you’re an OG, I love you Ceee. You are the definition of the most LOYAL Oliver~ fan. Preciate you bro