A Year in Review at Sydney International Airport - 2014

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @falconmode7199
    @falconmode7199 4 роки тому +4

    Sad to see you not uploading anymore

  • @FlyingAsia
    @FlyingAsia 10 років тому +4

    Great compilation. Happy New Year and safe flying!

  • @JelmersAviation
    @JelmersAviation 10 років тому +1

    Really awesome video mate! I think you had a really awesome year!! HUGE LIKE!

  • @ImmortalKxlla
    @ImmortalKxlla 7 років тому +3

    Noo why you quit youtube i loved you
    4 Years Later:
    Still Waiting 7/2/22

  • @lucascalma605
    @lucascalma605 4 роки тому +2

    Why are have you been absent for 6 years? Come back because I miss you

  • @4dshow
    @4dshow 10 років тому

    Keep it up mate, I'm a proud subscriber

    • @4dshow
      @4dshow 2 роки тому

      Little did i know, he wouldn’t keep it up mate.

  • @Aviatorspot
    @Aviatorspot 10 років тому

    Excellent 2014 compilation! Keep them coming esp you have secret "inside info" on what aircrafts coming, LOL! ! Liked!

  • @Jaydos02
    @Jaydos02 10 років тому +2

    13:10 OMG the A350 XWB.

  • @pari0075
    @pari0075 8 років тому

    awesome!! Thank you!!!

    @CGSIDDLE 4 роки тому

    8:46 those were the days and miss those Qantas 747s

  • @ChrisZoomER
    @ChrisZoomER 3 роки тому

    2014 was a good year for airplanes, the TRUE golden age of aviation if you ask me!

  • @aalonso1961
    @aalonso1961 10 років тому

    muy bueno!

  • @declanprojects123
    @declanprojects123 9 років тому

    how come the ANA 77W was here?

  • @MrJwoww01
    @MrJwoww01 9 років тому

    Does anyone know how long it takes once a plane lands to taxi to the terminal?

  • @budimanbudiman6536
    @budimanbudiman6536 9 років тому

    Waiting for video - 2015

  • @damonlang1185
    @damonlang1185 9 років тому

    Do you work at sydney airport? If not, could please tell me all the spots you record the plane?

    • @lorenplanes
      @lorenplanes 9 років тому

      So far, I know of "the beach", Qantas Drive, Rydges Airport Hotel, Shep's Mound. Have fun!

    • @damonlang1185
      @damonlang1185 9 років тому

      lorenplanes Thanks for telling me, it really helps!

    • @lorenplanes
      @lorenplanes 9 років тому

      damonRBLX - ROBLOX DEV No Worries!

    • @peterchajo
      @peterchajo 9 років тому

      +AbstractAviator RBLX Theres also the Mill Stream which is the best for 34R and 16L

    • @damonlang1185
      @damonlang1185 9 років тому

      SydneyAirportCapturer HL Alright, thanks!

  • @sydneyaerospotter5856
    @sydneyaerospotter5856 10 років тому

    is there a 737 without the kangaroo and the name

  • @wakkhankhan3305
    @wakkhankhan3305 4 роки тому

    Air India flight super

  • @jotyers7845
    @jotyers7845 9 років тому

    I recon Qantas should order the A350 before Virgin does
    Hurry up Qantas and get the A350-900 and 1000 models
    How many of the 900 ( 25 ) and the 1000 ( 25 ) = 50 aircraft ( A350s )
    and some new A330s ( 10 )
    And the 777-300ER ( 20 ) to replace the old 747s
    2 767 freighters + 1 A330-200F
    Plus 20 Airbus A320s and 8 Airbus A321s for the Qantas fleet ( Replacements for the oldest 737-800s ) + 12 737-800s

    • @jotyers7845
      @jotyers7845 9 років тому

      Jo Tyers + 20 787-9s and they are not for Jetstar .

  • @charliedrinkwater5656
    @charliedrinkwater5656 7 років тому

    Make more videos