  • Опубліковано 6 лип 2024
    Karen’s Korner
    This week in the United States we celebrated July 4th as a day of freedom. We celebrate those who have paid the price to have our freedom as a nation. I want to thank my Lord who paid the ultimate price so I can be free. Paralyzed to freedom in Luke 5.
    CARRIED BY FRIENDS. “Some men came to Jesus carrying a paraplegic man on a stretcher”. These were his friends.
    FORGIVEN BY JESUS. “Seeing the demonstration of their faith, Jesus said, “my friend, your sins are forgiven”. Only Jesus can forgive your past and all your sins.
    HEALED BY JESUS. “I say to you now, stand up. Carry your stretcher and go home for you are healed (free to walk)”.
    Our greatest freedom comes when we recognize we need freedom from sin. Go to our Lord, and you will become free at last!
    REFLECT: Do you need to be set free?
    TRUTH: He stood up, picked up his stretcher and went home.
    PRAY: Lord, on this freedom weekend, I receive your freedom.