So bed to food and food to bed is what I got. That's really the only way I can hunt the bucks on my property. I was hoping to hear him talk about still hunting them in there bedding areas. Changing it up a Lil bit. I know it's a dangerous move but sometimes if it's the end of the season it's all we got and can work. And it's extremely fun!!!
Great stuff, Jake! It’s always great to re-charge and what you hit on is a great reminder of how great the late season can be.
Hey Jake thanks for the information. Still waiting on the deer to show up on my late season food plots.
So bed to food and food to bed is what I got. That's really the only way I can hunt the bucks on my property. I was hoping to hear him talk about still hunting them in there bedding areas. Changing it up a Lil bit. I know it's a dangerous move but sometimes if it's the end of the season it's all we got and can work. And it's extremely fun!!!
Good info Jake
Useless information. A 10 year old knows more than that.