Scout What we are

  • Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
  • Scouts what we are is what we do


  • @Alskarinna
    @Alskarinna 17 років тому

    I'm an italian scout... guys that is wonderful !! We are from all over the world and we are watching this vid because we believe in what we are doing, no metter what nationality we are... SCOUTING IS A WAY OF LIFE !!

  • @melissaholterman
    @melissaholterman 18 років тому

    I'm a scout from the Netherlands.. I really like this movie!
    Well, have fun at the Jamboree.. Too bad I won't be there..

  • @Dusecavate12
    @Dusecavate12 11 років тому +1

    Same here, its my whole life. Its given me so much confidence in myself and I've made better friends. I love Scouts!

  • @Rockstar7475
    @Rockstar7475 16 років тому

    Im a scout from California! I love it!

  • @KyleConrad1989
    @KyleConrad1989 17 років тому

    I'm an Eagle Scout from USA, scouts help make a person become great, to find their full potential. I would say anyone who wants to learn how to be a better person should go through scouts, not only for the skills, but for the fun and the companionship.
    Scouts 4 Ever. And to all my brother and sister scouts around the world hello =)

  • @teodorahellmich888
    @teodorahellmich888 18 років тому

    Hello! I am a scout from Bulgaria! A lot of smiles from Bulgarian scouts!

  • @winnetouch
    @winnetouch 18 років тому

    Wow. I was just blown away by this video. Scouts realy do rock, and I'm proud to be one. Be prepeared!!!

  • @scouterjim
    @scouterjim 15 років тому

    Been a leader for 20 years, and am proud of EVERY youth in Scouting world wide!

  • @thizizmyname
    @thizizmyname 18 років тому

    I have been a scout here in Sweden for about 10 years now and hopefully will continue for many more.
    It is the best thing that ever happened to me!

  • @trabajibiri
    @trabajibiri 16 років тому

    I was scout wen I was a teenager, almost 30 years ago: It was great!!! Learning how to be a better person while you are playing with friends. FRIENDSHIP, CAPACITY OF COLLABORATION, HONESTY, ALTRUISM, ENTHUSIASM, all in alife practice. Many teenagers with problems found great help. After many years, I find my society is lacking of those values, there is too much selfishness and individualism. Scout moovement my be not perfect, but it is a great experiece! THANKS BP, THANKS SCOUTS LEADERS!!!!

  • @AlessandroPellegrini
    @AlessandroPellegrini 17 років тому

    I'm an italian scout... I've seen this video at a show here in Rome about one month ago... Really really nice!!!
    Estote parati!

  • @antoniopinheirofna
    @antoniopinheirofna 15 років тому

    SCOUTS forever!!!!
    i LOVE scouts!!!
    Portuguese Fellowship

  • @SuperGothmonkey
    @SuperGothmonkey 9 років тому +1

    Greetings from England and to all scouts across the world, I've been in scouts for nearly 13 years and I'm 22 and I couldn't be happier or prouder to be a scout leader and teaching the next generation scouting skills. For all those people out there who aren't in scouts and mock scouts for what we stand for, do us a favour, grow up and stop mocking an organisation that you clearly know nothing about.

  • @Quembembole
    @Quembembole 17 років тому

    Hey, I'm a Swiss Scout, love the video!!!
    I think being a scout is great, wherever we are, we'll meet other scouts and we all have something in common...
    One world, one promise, let's keep it up!!!

  • @Rockstar7475
    @Rockstar7475 16 років тому

    To me scouting means everything. It has given me so much. Amazing quote at the end. Troop 546 Whittier, California

  • @NayshaFabiola
    @NayshaFabiola 17 років тому

    I`m scout and its very amazing, I love this! I from Peru in South America

  • @BigOldScout
    @BigOldScout 17 років тому

    I was in Gundershoffen at Intercamp. It was great. We won't make it to England but it is great to know the Scouting spirit is going on. Here is to another 100 years of scouting.

  • @BRACWatchChannel
    @BRACWatchChannel 14 років тому

    Bravo from the USA! Thank you for putting this together!

  • @jagenmag
    @jagenmag 15 років тому

    Hello Scouts from all over the world...
    Greets from The Netherlands / Holland

  • @Mephisteduardo
    @Mephisteduardo 18 років тому

    Heey people, mes freres un scout de Colombia and i loveed the vid. simply awesome, fierté chaque fois que je le pens sur le movement, soy scout hace 9 años y es una de las cosas de las cuales me siento mas orgulloso...Saludos desde Colombia, un apreton de mano izquierda my brothers.

  • @JeanneHeleneP
    @JeanneHeleneP 18 років тому

    Hello! I'm French, and I've been scouting for ten years now. When I see tis video I always feel proud.

  • @quelabsb
    @quelabsb 17 років тому

    hola! yo soy de Cochabamba - Bolivia.
    soy scout desde que tengo 9 años y ahora dirijo la rama Lobatos de mi grupo. FELIZ CENTENARIO A TODOS Y TODAS!!!

  • @Xhat
    @Xhat 18 років тому

    Hi! I'm from Italy and I enjoyed this video because I've been scouting last 10 years. There were italian scouts from AGESCI in the clip, great!
    Un bacio!! By Roaring Lama

  • @cameramannik
    @cameramannik 17 років тому

    I'm italian, and I'm a scout. Scouting is a wonderful movement.

  • @Soderstrom91
    @Soderstrom91 14 років тому

    Scouting is experince for live. I don't think I would have never learned this much in school and I'm so glad and proud to say I'm a scout. I use to handle difficult sitautions that my friends can't handle that easy.

  • @lauxile
    @lauxile 17 років тому

    I'm Scout near Paris, France. I just want to say : Together Be prepared For ever. Semper Parati et Vive le Scoutisme !

  • @aprosdioristos
    @aprosdioristos 17 років тому

    i am a boy scouts leader from greece and i must admit that scouting had a deep influence on me after all these years... i feel i became much more confident against others and concerned about the environment...
    long live scouting!!!
    see you all in sweeden 2011!!! :D

  • @vorac
    @vorac 17 років тому

    hey, im a scout from malaysia, scouting is a very big movement, ive been to the world jamboree 4 years ago, and the best thing is meeting other ppl from around the world.

  • @johnmadden7092
    @johnmadden7092 7 років тому +1

    Hello I am a new subscribed and I like to say that I am a boy scout in Inverness FL troop 302 and I am a 2st class rank I been in the troop for 1 1/2 year's and I have love it and I went to my first boy scout jamboree and when the time comes i will be having all of the rank

  • @mangelan8988
    @mangelan8988 17 років тому

    Jeden świat jedno przyrzeczenie
    I'm scout in poland and I lov it:)

  • @Flafi
    @Flafi 18 років тому

    Hello I'm from HUngary and I'm scout too. Scouting is the best thing in my life.

  • @robinson39
    @robinson39 18 років тому

    im a scouter from manila, philippines. too bad i cant go to jamboree 2007. but i'll be with all scouts always

  • @alexis51597
    @alexis51597 15 років тому

    I LOVE scouts it is awsome and fun.If i wasnt in scouts i wouldnt know soo many of the friends i have today!

  • @scricciolina90
    @scricciolina90 18 років тому

    I think it's difficult say what really scouting gives you.. Simply....fantastic! Regards from Italy!

  • @toomaiCH
    @toomaiCH 18 років тому

    Indeed a great video...really enjoyed watching it and I must admit that it also made me proud being a scout! Great Job, see you in 2007

  • @chumayel90
    @chumayel90 17 років тому

    i'm scout fron mexico and i thnk that we are a unique movementof the world and we can do more for the wolrd
    i love the scouting
    atte. javier reyes

  • @RondelayAOK
    @RondelayAOK 16 років тому

    Scouting is great stuff. I'm always amazed when there are people who knock it. They really don't know.

  • @chuckdepluck
    @chuckdepluck 17 років тому

    I'm a scout from the Netherlands.
    And I think Scouting ís everything!
    Hope to see you all @ the word jamboree!

  • @sheppardfan
    @sheppardfan 13 років тому

    J'anime au scouts depuis 2 ans maintenant et j'adore ça. Je ne comprend pas comment les gens peu dire qu'on est homo ou gay. On est comme n'importe qui, on fait juste quelque chose qu'on aime. En fait, ceux qui disent des mauvais commentaires ne savent pas le but du mouvement et ne savent pas ce qu'est ce les scouts. Que t'aime les scouts ou pas laisse nous le droit d'aimer ça, sans nous traiter de tous les noms.

  • @Pico_Farad
    @Pico_Farad 15 років тому

    Excellent, and very well made. I like the "Fun with a purpose".

  • @ManguStar92
    @ManguStar92 15 років тому

    greetings from italy!!!! i've been to the 21st world Scout Jamboree, in England, atn Chelmsford Park...:)

  • @pendelbarn
    @pendelbarn 18 років тому

    Really amazing video, i am a scout from sweden and I hope some of you scout sout there are going to swden on Jingii this summer!

  • @tjoef1992
    @tjoef1992 15 років тому

    Greetings from a Belgian scout :) looking forward to go on camp!

  • @Maicol912
    @Maicol912 17 років тому

    A world totally made by scouts would be a peaceful world.
    Once Scout, forever Scout.

  • @CaioBoSS
    @CaioBoSS 18 років тому

    Just an amazing Video!!!

  • @elekenek
    @elekenek 17 років тому

    Scouting is the best thing that ever happened to me, I' m sorry for those who had bad experiences about scouting, and believe me, there is nothing wrong with the movement, the people are those who can make a bad impression.
    One World One Promise! Greetings from Transylvania:)

  • @M4R1T4
    @M4R1T4 18 років тому

    yea, we'll be there! i'm a scout from austria and my group and I are going to be at jiingijamborii in sweden this summer. i'm really looking forward to this!
    And the video is really cool!
    Gut Pfad!

  • @MelroseScoutingProductions
    @MelroseScoutingProductions 18 років тому

    This is a great video. I wish there were more like it being shown.

  • @candrabichannel
    @candrabichannel 5 років тому

    It's always fun watching scouts
    I am a boy scout

  • @Skaln257
    @Skaln257 17 років тому

    I´m a girlsscout from sweden, and i think these video is very good. i never understan why everybody tinks scouting is for "geeks". havent been scout so long. but i LOVE it. It´s my life now. see you in sweden 2011.
    One world, one promise!

  • @elekenek
    @elekenek 17 років тому

    Hi, I'm a Hungarian scout, hope to see you at Sweden in 2011!

  • @sugoifriends
    @sugoifriends 17 років тому

    Something that worth to live for
    Portuguese scout, and proud of it

  • @mihai548
    @mihai548 15 років тому

    scouts rullle , Greetings from Romania ,Transilvania :D

  • @philkrstic
    @philkrstic 18 років тому

    I LOVE THAT VIDEO! it make sme proud to be a scout! With our group we do so much! we've done some amazing things which i'll never forget, it's given me a real boost in my life and i'm only 16! (there's a meaning of scouts trailer on my account, me and my scout friends have been working on the moviesince september)

  • @AngelTranter
    @AngelTranter 11 років тому +1

    They finally made a scout group in my area!! I'm joining ASAP! And I have my moms help because she used to be a scout leader :D

  • @kajtek6509
    @kajtek6509 14 років тому

    Greetings from scouts from Poland!

  • @Jinxsteper
    @Jinxsteper 16 років тому

    hey i am from auckland new zealand and i am a scout aswell its awsome

  • @Capone184
    @Capone184 17 років тому

    ive been a scout since i was 5..i now work for the GNYC branch, based in NYC. im 22 now.

  • @rpmilena
    @rpmilena 17 років тому

    Muy bueno. Me sentiré scout toda la vida...en efecto, es un estilo de vida...

  • @Saulxxl
    @Saulxxl 16 років тому

    Los Scouts son de lo mejor que te puede pasar en la vida ;)
    Scouts are one of the best thins of the life.

  • @dinscout
    @dinscout 18 років тому

    WOSM did a great video! Fantastic one!
    One World, One Promise.

  • @hathingenioso
    @hathingenioso 18 років тому

    exelente video, me encanta, los felicito.
    big hug form argentina

  • @ValandilTelrunya
    @ValandilTelrunya 14 років тому

    Greetings from scout from, Bergen, Norway

  • @loutessin
    @loutessin 12 років тому +1

    Fantastic video. Thank you

  • @AlexanderCarDi
    @AlexanderCarDi 17 років тому

    Yo soy Scout de Córazon!!!!
    Amo a los Scout!!!!

  • @dinaarumor
    @dinaarumor 15 років тому

    Yay, scouts ^^ greetings from Sweden

  • @MasterofTombRaider
    @MasterofTombRaider 17 років тому

    i'm a scout from portugal... and i love to be one...

  • @Zelglifc
    @Zelglifc 18 років тому

    hello i'm a guide from switzerland! for me scouting is natur, friends, differnt peoples, fun, adventure and more! by the scouts every talent counts and not just if you are sporty or not p.e.
    go on with your word in your country! i think we'll have great times in the scout! one slogan of this movie is very important: peace! scouting stands for peace!
    so sorry for my bad english and i wish you all the best!
    see you!
    and in swiss german we say: mis bescht!
    wirbel (my scout name)

  • @Cheeky10028
    @Cheeky10028 15 років тому

    I AM A SCOUT AND PROUD :P i am from the U.K (wales)

  •  16 років тому

    Nuestro deber es mostrar al Mundo de qué va esto del Esculstismo. Our duty is to show the world what is Scouting about. Be Prepared!!!!!! Siempre Listo. Desde Colombia.

  • @rebecca19902008
    @rebecca19902008 17 років тому

    nice ...
    im from the israeli scouts and its amizing ..

  • @Convantol
    @Convantol 16 років тому

    Greeting from scouts Ternat (Belgium)!! :D

  • @sofiagiuliano
    @sofiagiuliano 17 років тому

    hi , i´m scout , and i´m from argentinaa
    it´s an amazing video :) . congratulations

  • @foscot
    @foscot 18 років тому

    Semel scout, semper scout...Keep on rocking!

  •  16 років тому

    We know Scouting is more than recreation,Scouting is
    education for life, a code of living, a worldwide movement
    with an impact, it's up to us to live the movement, and
    create the impact, and to make sure the impact we have on the outside
    world is the one we want, because Scouting has distictive strength,

  •  16 років тому

    this is why we follow our mission, educating young people, to play a constructive role in society,
    we want Scouting to be recognize as leading world youht movement to the 21st century, the Flour De Lis
    it's our symbol, it represents the image of Scouting, now and in the future we must shape this image, and we must care for it
    only together we can make it stronger.

  • @wild939
    @wild939 17 років тому

    I have joined the scoutface :D .
    Thanks for informing us about it, scoutface.
    And keep posting your cool and nice posts SCOUT'S MANIA and MEMBERS.
    By the way, scout face is soo cool try to join it, it's like facebook but the scoutface for scout members all over the world ONLY.

  • @fatnirvana
    @fatnirvana 17 років тому

    hello!! i am also a scout of luxemburg!! o love scouting too

  • @aleemraja1674
    @aleemraja1674 10 років тому +1

    i am a scout and i proud to be a scout

  • @1blacer
    @1blacer 15 років тому

    I'm a scout out the netherlands. And i'm saying hello to every scout on the world

  • @Kubosz34
    @Kubosz34 15 років тому

    Greetings from Poland! be prepared!

  • @jayman30001234
    @jayman30001234 16 років тому

    I am proud im a Scout!!
    Malta, Fgura Scouts

  • @Stormedo96
    @Stormedo96 14 років тому

    peace brothers and sisters from scouting. Best wishes from polish ZHR

  • @thehalogamer12
    @thehalogamer12 14 років тому

    my sisters are girlscouts i love the cookies :) im an eagle and sea scout, ive been in scouting for most of my 18 years and scouting has taught me alot of things i probably would never have learned otherwise, so for those people who dont know about scouts or dont like it, stop acting like little kids and dissing it and go find out more about your local scouting organizations.

  • @agjoos
    @agjoos 18 років тому

    I LOVE scouting!! see you at the jamboree!!

  • @romanoravec
    @romanoravec 14 років тому

    Greetings from Slovakia :D

  • @ERINCJ7
    @ERINCJ7 13 років тому +1

    No wonder the Scout said he was a force-of-nature.

  • @quackluckyducky
    @quackluckyducky 16 років тому

    I am currently in Scouts right now,and i live in Alberta,Canada.(There can be some tough weather conditions)

  • @54spiritedwill54
    @54spiritedwill54 17 років тому

    I think the best experience in my life.

  • @glenobrien2008
    @glenobrien2008 15 років тому

    scouts is the best we cook ourselfs and it teaches responsibity im in the 23rd limerick scouts

  • @erinrania
    @erinrania 16 років тому

    o proskopismos ta spaei!!!(scouting rules!)
    a big scout-hug from greece!!

  • @flightrnp
    @flightrnp 15 років тому

    Great thanks for uploading!

  • @KristinaAda
    @KristinaAda 15 років тому

    Greetings from Lithuania ! :)) czuwaj!

  • @krootdude
    @krootdude 14 років тому

    Greeting from Austria!

  • @piratz22
    @piratz22 16 років тому

    The real scouts are the Army cavalry and Marine Scout snipers. Hoooahhh Recon for life!

  • @TinNguyen04
    @TinNguyen04 15 років тому

    Greeting from VietNam

  •  16 років тому

    we need to transmite these strengths, we want to show that
    Scouting is a social force, an agent of development based on democratic values,
    we want to show that Scouting stands for a culture of peace, with a world
    wide commitment for peace in the enviroment, encouraging diversity and practicing
    tolerance, we want to show that Scouting needs a constructive contribution, he help
    other by applying our skills,

  • @lelviss
    @lelviss 17 років тому

    im a scout and i love it

  • @Carolus27
    @Carolus27 16 років тому

    i'm a scout that was in kandersteg and partecipated at this video

  • @pt3scout
    @pt3scout 15 років тому

    im a scout from australia and proud