Deva ≠ ‘demigod’ | Indra, Brahma, Shiva are not “demigods” | Eng

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Does Sanātana Dharma have “demigods”?
    Are Indra, Brahma, Shiva, etc., “demigods”, as publications and followers of an organisation claim?
    Can the Sanskrit words ‘sura’ and ‘deva’ be translated into English as “a demigod”?
    Are there any Sanskrit words which can be translated into English as “a demigod”?
    Learn the answers to all these questions in our video today.
    #Sanskrit #Translation #Deva #Demigod
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КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,2 тис.

  • @neerajamb
    @neerajamb 5 місяців тому +79

    O Iskonn😀. A lot of translations to serve the agenda rather than a text.

    • @Poder108
      @Poder108 5 місяців тому +3


    • @rameshverma4461
      @rameshverma4461 5 місяців тому

      @@Poder108 hey SATAN Worshipper do what you can do....😁

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 5 місяців тому +3

      What agenda?

    • @abhishekmahanta1112
      @abhishekmahanta1112 5 місяців тому +2

      But what's their agenda?

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 5 місяців тому +4

      @@Poder108 bro everyone has the right to present their siddhant.
      If that is a case, every sampraday is running an 'agenda'

  • @moonwalkerindia4919
    @moonwalkerindia4919 5 місяців тому +102

    In my opinion We should simply write Bhagwan, Devta or Ishwar instead of Translating them into English.. just like Muslim never translate Allah, Rab into English.

    • @JethalalGada-m6v
      @JethalalGada-m6v 5 місяців тому +7


    • @space.ved108
      @space.ved108 5 місяців тому +3

      That's good but it wasn't possible for Srila Prabhupada in 1970s as his audience was English people who had zero knowledge of Indian languages. Moreover English itself is quite limited language. What will anyone do if there is no option. All the varied terms like ishwar, bhagvan, paramatma are used as God or One true God in their culture. So that's not Srila Prabhupada's problem if we carefully look into the matter.

    • @gauravshah89
      @gauravshah89 5 місяців тому

      He could have defined Sanskrit terms and then used . Would Muslim preachers not use Allah among English audience?

    • @000Aful
      @000Aful 5 місяців тому +4

      Muslims don't translate it because Allah is the actual NAME of the islamic god, just like Vishnu and Shiva are the names of hindu Gods. On the other hand, ishvara, bhagwan, devta, etc, are not names, so they should be translated. Otherwise, it would be impossible for non-indic language speakers to grasp the meanings of these words. However, I do agree that proper translations must be done for all these subtle, closely related words, or else it can cause even greater confusion.

    • @space.ved108
      @space.ved108 5 місяців тому +2

      @@000Aful good point. I forgot to mention that in my comment.

  • @descendantofbharatbharatva7155
    @descendantofbharatbharatva7155 5 місяців тому +138

    Brilliant video 👏 now I guess passionate Iskconites will cope hard to justify Prabhupada's mistranslations and bluffs in order to critic Nityanand sir for this video

    • @Mekanishka0610
      @Mekanishka0610 5 місяців тому +25

      That 2.62 purport clearly showcases Hatred for Lord Shiva.... May Bhagwan Krishna Give satbuddhi to these Iskcon people.

    • @KuldeepPalo
      @KuldeepPalo 5 місяців тому +4

      No they can is nityanand mishra present that time when prabhupad went to us and he thought two words God and Demi God so all cannot be God if one is God then other have to be Demi God in this way he showed hierarchy so hierarchy must be maintained.

    • @KuldeepPalo
      @KuldeepPalo 5 місяців тому +4

      @@PerfectStranger1623 yes I can proof by sampradaya like ramanujacharya madhvacharya ramananandacharya translation that visnu is paramatma and shiv ji is not so here to distinguish he translated as God and demigod

    • @KuldeepPalo
      @KuldeepPalo 5 місяців тому

      @@PerfectStranger1623 धृतोर्ध्वपुण्ड्रः परमेशितारं नारायणं साङ्ख्ययोगाधिगम्यम् ।
      ध्यात्वा विमुच्येत नरः समस्तैः संसारपाशैरिह चेति विष्णुम् ॥
      One who wears the Urdhvapundra and meditates on the great controller Naaraayana, who is known through Saankhya and Yoga, shall be liberated from all bondages of samsaara.
      -Mahaa Upanishad (quoted by Shri Vedaanta Deshika, in Sachcharitra Raksha)
      प्रत्यगानन्दं ब्रह्म पुरुषं प्रणव॑स्वरू॒पम् । अकार उकार मका॑र इ॒ति । तानेकधा समभरत्तदेत॑दोमि॒ति । यमुक्त्वा॑ मुच्य॑ते यो॒गी॒ ज॒न्म॒संसा॑रब॒न्धनात् ।
      The Yogi who pronounces the name of Him, the blissful Brahma Purusha, who is the form of the Pranava, composed of the letters ‘A’, ‘U’ and ‘Ma’, is released from the bondage of birth and samsaara.
      -Naaraayana Upanishad, Khanda 4 (also repeated in the Aatmabodha Upanishad)

    • @KuldeepPalo
      @KuldeepPalo 5 місяців тому +2

      @@PerfectStranger1623 brother you can read Vedas translation by acharya or Upanishads like ramanujacharya you will come to this conclusion

  • @JrJ2016
    @JrJ2016 5 місяців тому +67

    ISCON wants to put Krishna above all, addressing their Foreign Christian audience who NEED one God

    • @rameshverma4461
      @rameshverma4461 5 місяців тому +11

      @JrJ2016 well he is the one Supreme God of the Vaishnav Hindus also the one Supreme God of those who believe in BHAGVAT Gita 😇

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому +2

      @@rameshverma4461 Bhagawad Gita, the Book written for the Sudras ( Duds ), as they were not allowed to read the vedas !! 😂🤣

    • @sarthak8350
      @sarthak8350 5 місяців тому +8

      ​@@rameshverma4461tf do you mean by vaishnava hindus how much more will you divide people

    • @rameshverma4461
      @rameshverma4461 5 місяців тому +1

      @@sarthak8350 We are already divided long before just open your mind and Watch around you...

    • @agniswar3
      @agniswar3 5 місяців тому +5

      ​@@kumarakantirava429 may God give you some knowledge 🙏🏼 so that you may realise that it is for all sentient humans regardless of their caste or creed.

  • @Sankhyame
    @Sankhyame 5 місяців тому +37

    ISKCON devotees have become so rigid due to blind faith in Srila Prabhupada, they just don't want to accept the world has changed, and they need to adapt. They need to understand Srila Prabhupada was not a great Sanskrit scholar nor he was a great expert of different shastras. He had a great understanding of his sampradayic notions he followed, but he was no expert of overall Vedic philosophies. And his faith in fulfilling his guru's desire was commendable.

    • @SoumyaRanaRadharaman
      @SoumyaRanaRadharaman 5 місяців тому

      Accha 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 5 місяців тому +7

      What is indisputed is that English is an imperfect language. In earlier times, the divide between the West and the East was wide. Thus attempts were made to make the West understand the tenets of Sanatan Dharma in this imperfect language.
      Now that this divide has gone lesser, what we must do is gradually sanskritise English.
      Another important thing I would like to address. There are some people who are aggressively trying to portray ISKCON to be 'abrahamising' Dharma.
      To all such people: please don't be a close minded fool. The idea of Vishnu-paramatva is ANCIENT, not some new invention. If you disagree with it, you may and put forward your parampara. But this false narrative of the idea of Vishnu-paramatva being something new and 'abrahamic' is unfair. Mature adherents of Sanatan Dharma will not resort to such childish accusations. Dont listen to immature people on net who don't unerstand this simple fact.
      For that matter, Shri Nityanand ji is a disciple of Shripad Rambhadracharya ji, coming in line of Jagadguru Ramanandacharya ji. In their Sampraday, Shri Ram is 'Sarvaavatari Sarveshvar'. Shri Ram is the Supreme Personality, origin of even Narayan and Krishna. All devtas are subordinate to Shri Ram.
      Is this abrahamism? No.
      I repeat, you are free to put your own parampara forward, but false narratives are a sign of malice and dishonesty.

    • @devT44
      @devT44 5 місяців тому


    • @rajatsrivastava7791
      @rajatsrivastava7791 5 місяців тому +1

      @@aditshukla nicely explained

    • @FMCariappa
      @FMCariappa 5 місяців тому

      And you are great scholar to recognize that?

  • @lovvvv68
    @lovvvv68 5 місяців тому +14

    In my dictionary....the other words for the Iskon are 'spineless' , 'jokers' , 'cult of narcissist'....😊😊

    • @saisaurab2255
      @saisaurab2255 5 місяців тому

      I'm sure you'll enjoy reading that dictionary in your long tenure in hellish planets that you're sure to be destined to

  • @vedaakademin
    @vedaakademin 5 місяців тому +4

    This issue can be easily clarified by placing it within the appropriate context, which revolves around discerning between visnu-tattva and jiva-tattva, essentially addressing a matter of natural hierarchy. Referring directly to the Vedic shastras rather than relying on any Sanskrit dictionary with secular academic interpretations, we find support in the first verse of the fifth chapter of the Brahma Samhita, which states, "īśvaraḥ paramaḥ kṛṣṇaḥ sac-cid-ānanda-vigrahaḥ anādir ādir govindaḥ sarva-kāraṇa-kāraṇam." The transcendental origins of everything is Svayam Bhagavan Shree Krishna. Similarly, the Bhagavata Purana 1.3.28 declares, "kṛṣṇas tu bhagavān svayam", that He is the origin of all incarnations. For those well-versed in the Bhagavad-Gita, there can be no doubt that Krishna is One without a Second and that everything originates from Him, ahaṁ sarvasya prabhavo mattaḥ sarvaṁ pravartate. As vishnu-tattva, He is non-different from Rama, Baladeva, Narasimha, Laksmidevi, and all other innumerable transcendental forms of Svayam Bhagavan.
    All the material universes are populated by jiva-tattva - the infinitesimal living beings, equal to the Lord in quality, but not quantity, all having bodies composed of material elements, subject to creation and destruction. This includes the devas with one exception, Shiva, who has his own tattva, siva-tattva, which is like Vishnu just like yoghurt is like milk. So, among all these living jivas, some have the temporary bodies and names of "gods", though referred to as "demigods" to distinguish them as powerful jivas from the forms of Vishnu. Below the devas, or demigods, are the upadevas, or "sub-demigods," and so forth, for the duration of the universes.
    Understanding this context from shastras and the purpose of existence is paramount. In the Bhagavad-Gita, Lord Krishna states, "vedaiś ca sarvair aham eva vedyo vedānta-kṛd veda-vid eva cāham," emphasizing that He has provided the Vedas to enable us to understand Him.
    Unfortunately, the creator of the referenced video has missed this central point, exemplifying what Bhagavan Shree Krishna refers to in the Bhagavad-Gita 7.15 as "māyayāpahṛta-jñānā".

    • @Mekanishka0610
      @Mekanishka0610 5 місяців тому +4

      Hahahaha 😆😆😆 ISKCON/Gaudiyas childish evangelical interpretation of Scriptures 😆😆😆

    • @ericeriksson262
      @ericeriksson262 5 місяців тому

      The sacred teachings of the Vedic shastras should be accepted as they are, and not from word-wranglers and people envious of Vedic truth.​@@Mekanishka0610

    • @Mekanishka0610
      @Mekanishka0610 5 місяців тому +1

      ​@@ericeriksson262 Says a Druggie Homosexual Gaudiya Vaishnav

    • @YasodaJivandasa
      @YasodaJivandasa 5 місяців тому +3

      what it childish? you are child!! first learn abcd of scriptures and then comment on sampraday whose acaryas were great scholars and writters of thousands of books in sanskrit.

    • @arjunkrishnadas
      @arjunkrishnadas 5 місяців тому

      ​@@YasodaJivandasaexcellent, excellent. Hare Krishna.😊😊👏👏👏😆

  • @vrindavanlife
    @vrindavanlife 5 місяців тому +7

    द्वौ भूत-सर्गौ लोके 'स्मिन्,
    देवासुर एव च।
    विष्णु-भक्त: स्मृतो देव
    असुरस तद -विपर्यय :।।
    ( पद्म पुराण )
    Reference from Padam Puram that how followers of Lord Vishnu are Deva and those who oppose Lord Vishnu are Asura.

    • @YasodaJivandasa
      @YasodaJivandasa 5 місяців тому +1

      In the Agni purāṇa (383.12) which is one amongst the Tāmasika-purāṇa it is said
      dvividho bhūtamārgīyaṁ daiva āsura eva ca |
      viṣṇubhaktiparo daivo viparītastathāsuraḥ ||

    • @arjunkrishnadas
      @arjunkrishnadas 5 місяців тому


    • @chetan4patwal
      @chetan4patwal Місяць тому

      But when did Shiva's, Shakti's, Ganesha's, Surya Devta's devotees oppose Vishnu or Krishna? However, I have definitely watched videos in which your own ISKCON so-called gurus put Krishna over at a higher pedestal as compared to Vishnu-- nothing can be further from the truth! Hari Om Tat Sat 🕉️

  • @rishiexecs
    @rishiexecs 5 місяців тому +9

    To those decrying ISKCON or it's translation... some in the comment section have even dared to go to an extent of saying no 1 takes ISKCON English translated Bhagwat Gita seriously... to them I would like to say you do not belong to any desciplic succession of any 1 of the 4 primary bonafide school of Vedanta because if you did you wouldn't say such nonsensical things.
    For the 1st time I have found Shri Nityananda Mishra ji's understanding and translation both incorrect. Infact the Rig Ved sukta you read substantiated ISKCON stand no matter how Indian translators may have translated it.
    For Devas can be best translated as Demi Gods in English and there are numerous reasons for doing so. The most essentially ingredient of translation 1 cannot forget or completely overlook is the fact there is no concept of English equivalent of the Dharmic understanding of Devas.
    The word God in English or in the Christian west means the Supreme. Only the Supreme is called God. If Devas is translated as God in English the purport of Shrimad Bhagwat Gita itself will be lost in English language and to the Western audience.
    Indra, Bramha and Shiva aren't or the rest of others besides ofcourse Bhagwan Krishna/ Vishnu / Narayana is the Supreme Absolute Truth and the Supreme Personality of Godhead as conveyed in Shrimad Bhagwat Gita so for right context and explanation of the Shrimad Bhagwat Gita, the others have to be called as Demi God in English for English context because the God in Shrimad Bhagwat Gita is only Bhagwan Krishna. Period!
    Just because you know the language, Sanskrit, Nityanand ji doesn't make you an expert on any Sanatan Vedic Grantha. It makes you no more an expert on the subject than an English professor is of Chemistry or Physics or Rocker Science even if the subjects maybe explained in the book in English yet an English professor would be completely out of his depth to be able to explain any of the concepts of Chemistry or physics or rocket science... why because the English professor completely lacks the required domain knowledge... just like you do.
    When you translate any Granth in a language you have to translate it in such a way that you are able to convey the purport of ( e.g. here) of Srimad Bhagwat Gita without any compromise but also in a way that makes perfect sense to the English western audience in their civilizational context.
    Not translating Devas as God is essential to proper translation and explanation of Shrimad Bhagwat Gita. Otherwise if there are so many Gods, which means everyone is Supreme... is a completely wrong interpretation of all and any Sanatan Vedic Grantha.
    This is why it is crucial to under go a proper disciplic succession from 1 of the 4 bonafide Sampradaya of Vedantic school of thought... English translation of the word Sampradaya.
    Your knowledge on the subject is clearly toe deep. Also those who translated Devas as God either don't know the meaning of God and what the Word represents in the English / Western Christian template or were simply lacking proper understanding of Shrimad Bhagwat Gita if you ask me the former would most likely be the case . I wish Nityanand ji you had read the commentary of Madhava or Ramanuja or Nimbarka, the 6 Goswami's of Vrindavan or Shri Baladevan Vidyabhushan transliteration work on Shrimad Bhagwat Gita before dashing out such unfounded and vile comments on ISKCON's Shrimad Bhagwat Gita. I am stunned to see such puerile comments coming from someone like you & I say this without any intent to patronize.
    To those who object to ISKCON... pls know this ISKCON totally belongs to Bramha Madhav Gaudiya Sampradaya 1 of the original 4 Vedantic School of thoughts and authorities on the subject of Sanatan Vedic Dharma as per shastras. So when you comment on it 1st gain the prerequisite domain knowledge of things. These 4 Sampradaya as per Shastras are the only bonafide authorities of Sanatan Vedic Dharma. You can challange A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada but 1st go gain some domain knowledge on the subjects.
    Ye original core understanding of Sanatan Vedic Grantha hai as conveyed by Maharishi Vyas. Baki kya kisne perd ker samjha or kya serial dekha cannot be called bonafide or authoritative.

    • @niladri709
      @niladri709 5 місяців тому

      I agree completely.

    • @featurebug181
      @featurebug181 5 місяців тому +2

      Agree 100%! Superb response. Word translations are a by-product of translating the meaning of the book and not vice-versa. Without understanding the essential purport of the book what use are your word-translations. What use is an english dictionary to a student of chemistry or rocket science as you have pointed out.

    • @pradeepsethi90
      @pradeepsethi90 5 місяців тому +1

      That's a lot of words for being wrong. It appears Iskon people are more attached to Prabhupada than the actual texts 🤭

  • @Radhika-o3u
    @Radhika-o3u Місяць тому +1

    Just you should try to understand that in English for the word deva there is no meaning other than God,
    So foe the people outside India who do not know anything about Indian culture/ sanathan, the difference between Parmeshwar and Dev was explained to them by Sri Prabhupada Ji by this word demigod amd for parmeshwar he used god... Haters gonna hate butwe will praise srila Prabhupada ji 🙏🏻🙌🏻

  • @rambo3870
    @rambo3870 5 місяців тому +3

    Just call devās as celestial beings.

  • @reikihealeraccupressuretherapy
    @reikihealeraccupressuretherapy 5 місяців тому +8

    Very nice episode.

  • @sree18697
    @sree18697 5 місяців тому +25

    no iscon fanboy harmed in this video.....😁😁

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 5 місяців тому +3

      What is indisputed is that English is an imperfect language. In earlier times, the divide between the West and the East was wide. Thus attempts were made to make the West understand the tenets of Sanatan Dharma in this imperfect language.
      Now that this divide has gone lesser, what we must do is gradually sanskritise English.
      Another important thing I would like to address. There are some people who are aggressively trying to portray ISKCON to be 'abrahamising' Dharma.
      To all such people: please don't be a close minded fool. The idea of Vishnu-paramatva is ANCIENT, not some new invention. If you disagree with it, you may and put forward your parampara. But this false narrative of the idea of Vishnu-paramatva being something new and 'abrahamic' is unfair. Mature adherents of Sanatan Dharma will not resort to such childish accusations. Dont listen to immature people on net who don't unerstand this simple fact.
      For that matter, Shri Nityanand ji is a disciple of Shripad Rambhadracharya ji, coming in line of Jagadguru Ramanandacharya ji. In their Sampraday, Shri Ram is 'Sarvaavatari Sarveshvar'. Shri Ram is the Supreme Personality, origin of even Narayan and Krishna. All devtas are subordinate to Shri Ram.
      Is this abrahamism? No.
      I repeat, you are free to put your own parampara forward, but false narratives are a sign of malice and dishonesty.

    • @sree18697
      @sree18697 5 місяців тому +2

      @@aditshukla To make the West understand the tenets of Sanatan Dharma in this imperfect language you don't have to make fake translations😀.Never seen any sect in hindusim who aggressively push this idea that our god is the superior one.. like ISKcon .This is not good. How do a krishna bhakta feel If i say krishna is inferior to shiva because krishna prayed to lord shiva and did intence penence for six months in the himalayas to get the boon of a son{samba}.This story is written in mahabharata. But this is not the way to adress the story to a krishna bhakta. I would certainly avoid the word inferior in the conversation because it will only add up to dislike and hate..Thats where ISKON people are different.The idea of Vishnu-paramatva is ANCIENT, not some new invention. bur no other vaishnavite use these kind of superior inferior vocabulary like demi god. The word demi gods itelf is problamatic. The kind of speeches these guys make on youtube based ona fake translation of orginal scriptures are unbelivable. calling people like shankaracharya pakhandi is one amoung many notorious acts of ISKON people. So don't try to justify ISKON. No other vaishnavite sect use these kind of words..

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      @@sree18697 Well said. Also, The Uttara Khanda of Padma Purana has a beautiful reference to Panchayatana puja. Bhagavan Krishna says the following to Satyabhama in the 88th Chapter :
      शैवाः सौराश्च गाणेशा वैष्णवाः शक्तिपूजकाः ।
      मामेव प्राप्नुवंतीह वर्षांभः सागरं यथा ॥ ४३ ॥
      एकोऽहं पंचधा जातः क्रीडयन्नामभिः किल ।
      देवदत्तो यथा कश्चित्पुत्राद्याह्वाननामभिः ॥ ४४ ॥ ( 6.88.43-44)
      Bhagvan says to Satyabhama , "As rain-water reaches the ocean, so also, the worshippers of Shiva,Surya,Ganesha,Vishnu and Shakti attain me. I am one, yet manifest in five ways. As one Devadatta is addressed in many ways, so also, I am called variously owing to my play. "

    • @kumarakantirava-n2b
      @kumarakantirava-n2b 5 місяців тому

      @@aditshukla @aditshukla Srimad Bhagawatam Prabhupaad Translation : - .1.2.11 " Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramātmā or Bhagavān ""

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 5 місяців тому

      @@kumarakantirava-n2b true

  • @harsh007301
    @harsh007301 5 місяців тому +1

    I follow Yatarth Geeta. And they described demi-gods as attendants of Kuber. It is publicly available on internet.

  • @KM-vi2bk
    @KM-vi2bk 4 місяці тому

    The english words used in Iskcon books are to differentiate between anya devathas as demi gods and Vishnu, Krishna and Vishnu avataras as God. It need not be a true translation of sanskrit into English, but it is only to segregate so that reader (especially the western audience) doesnt get confused by word deva being used to refer to all gods. Yes, they could have transalated 'other devas or other devathas, as other gods'. it is emphasize the bhava. As per vaishnavism and as per many puranas Vishnu is supreme gods among all gods. Similarly you have Shaivas and some puranas calling Shiva and as supreme god. So, the usage of word demi god for devathas other than Vishnu or Krishna avataras by Iskcon though may not be exact true translation into english, but it is merely to show the differentiation.

  • @srinathcaitanya
    @srinathcaitanya 5 місяців тому +8

    I am so glad you took this up for discussion. The amount of damage ISKCON is doing in India in confusion people is sad to watch. Even swami Prabhupada did not intent this for India. I hope Indians wake up. Hare Krishna 🙏

  • @GauravAgarwalR
    @GauravAgarwalR 5 місяців тому

    I am admiring the painting behind you. The shape of the flowers are fascinating.

  • @subhajitdutta286
    @subhajitdutta286 5 місяців тому

    Shri Ramcharit Manas Lanka Kand.
    Shri Ramchandra said:-
    _सिव द्रोही मम भगत कहावा। सो नर सपनेहुँ मोहि न पावा॥_
    _संकर बिमुख भगति चह मोरी। सो नारकी मूढ़ मति थोरी॥_
    “The person who is hostile to Shiva and Calls himself my devotee he cannot attain me even in his dreams.
    The one who wants my devotion by turning away from Shankara, is hell-bound, foolish and short-witted.”

  • @gsrcreations108
    @gsrcreations108 5 місяців тому

    Keno upanishad के 3.1 मे क्या लिखा है नित्यानंद ji।
    ब्रह्म ह देवेभ्यो विजिग्ये तस्य ह ब्रह्मणो विजये देवा अमहीयन्त।
    त ऐक्शन्तास्माकमेवायं विजयोऽस्माकमेवायं महिमेति ॥
    😊😊यहाँ देव स्वर्ग के देवताओं के लिए ही लिखा है।
    🎉🎉🎉🎉और swetaswatar उपनिषद me जो ये मंत्र मे देव आया है वो परब्रह्म ke लिए है। 😊😊😊😊😊😊
    😮एको देवः सर्वभूतेषु गूढः सर्वव्यापी सर्वभूतान्तरात्मा।
    कर्माध्यक्षः सर्वभूताधिवासः साक्षी चेता केवलो निर्गुणश्च॥
    🎉🎉🎉अब आप क्या कहोगे इस पर।
    वेद की गूढ़ भाषा को कोई सिर्फ संस्कृत व्याकरण और किताबे पढ़ कर नहीं समझ सकता।

  • @sarthak8350
    @sarthak8350 5 місяців тому +1

    I got into debate with a iskon people and he said we say shiva as demigod cuz there is no good English word for representing status of shiva

    • @kumarakantirava-n2b
      @kumarakantirava-n2b 5 місяців тому

      My Final reference will be to show how Prabupada failed in understanding Krsna. In Sydney, On April 1972, Prabupada says "Krsna will be proved Imperrfect & ISKCON will be proved B0gus if ISRO/NASA can land on the Moon " !! Not jsut this one statement, a full Book has been published on Prabupaad's comments on Moon !! He said He will Pr0ttest against ISRO-NASA if they claim they landed on the Moon !! When India Landed on the Moon, every ISKCON congratulated ISRO for proving ISKCON as B0gus !! So, his understanding is just B0gus !!
      if you have not done proper reaserch on a subject, you need not c0mment. Did NASA/ISRO ever say that they are going to Chandra Loka ?? No. They just reached teh Moon in our Night Sky. Prabupaada relied on Bhagawatam to say, the Moon of our Night Sky is 3 Crore Miles and Not 3 Lakh miles and hence cannot be reached by Rocket !! Prabupada never differentiated between Chandraloka & Moon. A full book has been Published collecting all such comments-writings of Prabupada . Prabhupaad did not even look into the book published by his own guru bhakti sidhanta about moon distance.
      " in 1790, war broke out between the Vaishnavite sadhus and the Shaivite, claimed the lives of 12,000 people."
      What do you think is the reason for this? False teachings.
      Our country has had vi0llence in the name of Siva & Visnu.
      Prabupaad added more fuel.
      2. In Srimad Bhagawatams 8/10/38 commentary he continues to criticize NASA/ISRO on the Moon distance issues without ever bothering to consider how the NASA/ISRO measurements coincide with the Surya Sidhanta. if Prabupaad had done a basic survey of Indian Astronomical Sciences, he would have at least read his own Guru's publication on Astronomical Sciences.
      Commentaries on our scriptures require more diligence and should be holistic.
      3. His interpolations on Bhagawatam is sab00-taging our sastra and we should pr0t-est against it at all costs. He cannot cast his philosophy to Bhagawata. He should recite only what the Bhagawatam says.. Example : - Bhagawatam has this beautiful verse , " Brahma, Shiva , Visnu are the Different Symbols given to "my actions" of Creations, preservation & annihil ". Go and see how Prabupaad messes this up by inserting "Demigods like Shiva" !! In the same flow, Bhagwata says, " Anyone who differentiates between Visnu-Shiva-Brahma " are ign0rant & bound to Narak". See how Prabupaad subverts this verse.
      4. If you guys take care of these N0n-sense, I will consider myself privileged with more time to mind my own business.
      It's really waste of time to keep commenting. I finsih my commenting. GoodBye.

  • @sravi2802
    @sravi2802 5 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for making this enlightening video.

  • @Littledevotees
    @Littledevotees 5 місяців тому +2

    Jai Shree Ram
    I started following your channel thinking finally I found a good source for Sankrit explanations of shashtras. But you turned out to be just like any other youtuber. If this wasn't for views, why would you drag an institutional name in your post and compare two great acharyas of the same Sampradaya against each other. If explanations of Shastras were that easy for people of this age, neither Prabhupada would exist nor any other Acharya. Unsubscribing. Thank you

    • @lakshmikrithika2521
      @lakshmikrithika2521 5 місяців тому

      Prabhupaad has never talked about other books extensively except the Gita.
      So I am not expecting much.
      I would rather go for a Sanskrit scholar who is a practising pandit (A LOT PF THEM IN SOUTH INDIA). To help me understand😊
      My family knows one such person who also received padma bhushan for his translation works into Telugu for ATLEASY 50-60 Puranas.
      Writing bhashyam for shankaracharya works.
      For restrospectively understanding the Bhagavad Gita.
      He also runs 7 Ved pathshaalas in Pune visakhapatnam Rajahmundry, cuddapah and two more locations.
      He was the member of the committee to formalise brahmanical studies in Pune and andhra university. And also helped formulate the pattern of study as well as syllabus and invigilator for a few years of the course start.
      So there are people. Just because someone went abroad and gathered people enmasse doesn’t exactly show his competence in Vedic studies.
      Aise toh the same thing daaji, Brahma Kumar is, sadhguru and all are also doing. Are they at par with all these people.
      Ok forget them.
      Vivekananda did it much before anybody. She had several Darshan of his ishta devata Durga maa.
      Same like his guru Ramakrishna did neem karo ki baba.

  • @Gopa_Anandkari
    @Gopa_Anandkari 5 місяців тому

    Let's focus on devotion rather than arguing about who is supreme. True devotion is based on genuine love and reverence for Lord Shiva or Krishna, regardless of whether they are considered gods. Let's strive to love them beyond debates.

  • @sree18697
    @sree18697 5 місяців тому +1

    can you please make video on the word shudra... and also about the varna system which is misrepresented by many.

    • @krsnadasa400
      @krsnadasa400 5 місяців тому +1

      Shudra is derived from the words shuk (sorrow) and dra (melt). One who melts at other's sorrows is a Shudra. It is a basic quality for every human being, as said by Sri Madhvāchārya. Due to this quality, the people of the fourth varna are also called so, since they provide service to society, which requires Shudratva.

  • @thekiminthenorth504
    @thekiminthenorth504 5 місяців тому +4

    Thank you exposing deliberate distortion

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      The Uttara Khanda of Padma Purana has a beautiful reference to Panchayatana puja. Bhagavan Krishna says the following to Satyabhama in the 88th Chapter :
      शैवाः सौराश्च गाणेशा वैष्णवाः शक्तिपूजकाः ।
      मामेव प्राप्नुवंतीह वर्षांभः सागरं यथा ॥ ४३ ॥
      एकोऽहं पंचधा जातः क्रीडयन्नामभिः किल ।
      देवदत्तो यथा कश्चित्पुत्राद्याह्वाननामभिः ॥ ४४ ॥ ( 6.88.43-44)
      Bhagvan says to Satyabhama , "As rain-water reaches the ocean, so also, the worshippers of Shiva,Surya,Ganesha,Vishnu and Shakti attain me. I am one, yet manifest in five ways. As one Devadatta is addressed in many ways, so also, I am called variously owing to my play. "

    • @harinamamrita
      @harinamamrita 5 місяців тому

  • @KrsnaDD97
    @KrsnaDD97 5 місяців тому

    Views nhi as rahe : let’s make controversy with ISCKON

  • @binapanibaitharu1798
    @binapanibaitharu1798 5 місяців тому +1

    Yes I am following iskcon, but it's hurted me many times when I listed lord Shiva,maa Parvati as demigods from preachers from Iskcon..
    Hare Krishna hare Krishna Krishna Krishna hare hare hare Ram hare Ram Ram Ram Hare hare.🕉️💦🙏🏼🪷
    ॐ नमः शिवाय ॐ 🕉️🙏🏼🪷🔱

    • @rameshverma4461
      @rameshverma4461 5 місяців тому

      Try google translate and know the answer yourself before hurting yourself more हरिॐ😇

    • @Pain53924
      @Pain53924 5 місяців тому

      Not that there's any evidence of existence of shiva or krishna

    • @rameshverma4461
      @rameshverma4461 5 місяців тому

      @@Pain53924 yeah their is The 5000 year old Ancient Dwarika under the Sea the 5000 year old Jarasandh's Fort of the Mahabharata period in Rajgir but their is no Evidence Of Buddha ever visited India nor the evidence of his Country KAPILVASTU and their is no Evidence Of Jesus nor any one knows when he was born but history is decided by his birth.

    • @agniswar3
      @agniswar3 5 місяців тому

      ​@@rameshverma4461 Kapilavastu was invaded and annexed by Prince Virudhaka which bring the downfall of the Shakya clan. This why it no longer exist.

    • @Pain53924
      @Pain53924 5 місяців тому

      @@rameshverma4461 city under water doesnt mean god existed. Remember extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. If i accept what you're claiming then i'll also have to accept that allah exists because kaaba exists.

  • @Ariyaan666
    @Ariyaan666 5 місяців тому

    A part of a Devta and human is regarded a demigod in English language which is a latin derivative, proper Hindi word for demigod would be Devansh, for instance Pandavs of Mahabharat could be regarded as demigods

  • @Raj.r2
    @Raj.r2 5 місяців тому +8

    Iskcon is trying to abrahamize sanatan Dharma which is misleading. Foreigners falls in that trap very easy but now a days Indians also fall for this. They always try to show lord Vishnu as superior which is not as per sashtra.

    • @descendantofbharatbharatva7155
      @descendantofbharatbharatva7155 5 місяців тому +5

      If you want to preach outside of the boundaries of Bharat for hinduism to grow, then you have to be like Iskcon rather than karpatri type orthodox trads who wants the civilization to remain just within the limited home boundaries and exclusively for the upper castes only

    • @Raj.r2
      @Raj.r2 5 місяців тому +2

      ​@@descendantofbharatbharatva7155 bro i don't have problem with them I just highlighted the problem. And I also want sanatan to spread throughout the world but I want true essence of sanatan to be spread not distorted one. BTW we are sanatani at least now don't divide on the basis of caste . Thanks

    • @descendantofbharatbharatva7155
      @descendantofbharatbharatva7155 5 місяців тому +1

      @@Raj.r2 hindus were always divided on castes. The trads folks like Shankaracharyas keep on promoting this traditional orthodox notion and they deliberately supports it too. Seems like you are unaware of them

    • @Raj.r2
      @Raj.r2 5 місяців тому

      @@descendantofbharatbharatva7155 bro I know we were divided but now we have to be united otherwise you can see the conversion. It's high time for us to promote our sanatan.

    • @descendantofbharatbharatva7155
      @descendantofbharatbharatva7155 5 місяців тому

      @@Raj.r2 hindus are still not united, both soft and hard casteism still exists as well as untouchability too. Trads folks due to the traditional orthodox caste system don't really want the heterodox hindutva movement to succeed since it is uniting Hindus by annihilating the varna, jati and caste which Savarkar had dreamt. But still hindus revere casteist fellows like the shankaracharyas

  • @amitkumarkashiv360
    @amitkumarkashiv360 5 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for these useful insights.

    • @KrsnaDD97
      @KrsnaDD97 5 місяців тому

  • @satveerrudra8424
    @satveerrudra8424 5 місяців тому

    Some sanskrit words cannot be translated into English or any other language. Their vocabulary is limited.

  • @agniswar3
    @agniswar3 5 місяців тому

    Can we use the word demi-god for 'Asuras'? I am asking this because English speaking Buddhists refer them as such.

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      My Final reference will be to show how Prabupada failed in understanding Krsna. In Sydney, On April 1972, Prabupada says "Krsna will be proved Imperrfect & ISKCON will be proved B0gus if ISRO/NASA can land on the Moon " !! Not jsut this one statement, a full Book has been published on Prabupaad's comments on Moon !! He said He will Pr0ttest against ISRO-NASA if they claim they landed on the Moon !! When India Landed on the Moon, every ISKCON congratulated ISRO for proving ISKCON as B0gus !! So, his understanding is just B0gus !!
      if you have not done proper reaserch on a subject, you need not c0mment. Did NASA/ISRO ever say that they are going to Chandra Loka ?? No. They just reached teh Moon in our Night Sky. Prabupaada relied on Bhagawatam to say, the Moon of our Night Sky is 3 Crore Miles and Not 3 Lakh miles and hence cannot be reached by Rocket !! Prabupada never differentiated between Chandraloka & Moon. A full book has been Published collecting all such comments-writings of Prabupada . Prabhupaad did not even look into the book published by his own guru bhakti sidhanta about moon distance.
      " in 1790, war broke out between the Vaishnavite sadhus and the Shaivite, claimed the lives of 12,000 people."
      What do you think is the reason for this? False teachings.
      Our country has had vi0llence in the name of Siva & Visnu.
      Prabupaad added more fuel.
      2. In Srimad Bhagawatams 8/10/38 commentary he continues to criticize NASA/ISRO on the Moon distance issues without ever bothering to consider how the NASA/ISRO measurements coincide with the Surya Sidhanta. if Prabupaad had done a basic survey of Indian Astronomical Sciences, he would have at least read his own Guru's publication on Astronomical Sciences.
      Commentaries on our scriptures require more diligence and should be holistic.
      3. His interpolations on Bhagawatam is sab00-taging our sastra and we should pr0t-est against it at all costs. He cannot cast his philosophy to Bhagawata. He should recite only what the Bhagawatam says.. Example : - Bhagawatam has this beautiful verse , " Brahma, Shiva , Visnu are the Different Symbols given to "my actions" of Creations, preservation & annihil ". Go and see how Prabupaad messes this up by inserting "Demigods like Shiva" !! In the same flow, Bhagwata says, " Anyone who differentiates between Visnu-Shiva-Brahma " are ign0rant & bound to Narak". See how Prabupaad subverts this verse.
      4. If you guys take care of these N0n-sense, I will consider myself privileged with more time to mind my own business.
      It's really waste of time to keep commenting. I finsih my commenting. GoodBye.

  • @Theanilgupta
    @Theanilgupta 5 місяців тому +1

    Iskcon se dur raho aur khaskar iskon ki bhagwad Geeta se
    Geetapress gorkhpur se pado

  • @Swarop2
    @Swarop2 5 місяців тому +2

    This attitude of ISCKON's will destroy themselves..krishna is watching ISCKON's fake bhakti ..

    • @rameshverma4461
      @rameshverma4461 5 місяців тому +2

      @user-ge9nk5sj6m Nope they are Doing what Krishna taught them about himself in the Bhagavad Gita - THE Light of TRUTH and They are spreading the light of truth everywhere....LONG LIVE ISCKON 🚩🚩🚩LONG LIVE PRABHUPADA -THE GREAT VAISHNAV SAINT🚩🚩🚩

    • @Swarop2
      @Swarop2 5 місяців тому

      @@rameshverma4461 brainwashed spotted 🤣

    • @tivo3720
      @tivo3720 5 місяців тому

      No ofcourse not. I can sense enough vakti in iskcon... It's only a translation problem. At early age of Hinduism in west. And as a devotee of the bhagawan you should never ever mock one's Bhakti

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      @@rameshverma4461 My Final reference will be to show how Prabupada failed in understanding Krsna. In Sydney, On April 1972, Prabupada says "Krsna will be proved Imperrfect & ISKCON will be proved B0gus if ISRO/NASA can land on the Moon " !! Not jsut this one statement, a full Book has been published on Prabupaad's comments on Moon !! He said He will Pr0ttest against ISRO-NASA if they claim they landed on the Moon !! When India Landed on the Moon, every ISKCON congratulated ISRO for proving ISKCON as B0gus !! So, his understanding is just B0gus !!
      if you have not done proper reaserch on a subject, you need not c0mment. Did NASA/ISRO ever say that they are going to Chandra Loka ?? No. They just reached teh Moon in our Night Sky. Prabupaada relied on Bhagawatam to say, the Moon of our Night Sky is 3 Crore Miles and Not 3 Lakh miles and hence cannot be reached by Rocket !! Prabupada never differentiated between Chandraloka & Moon. A full book has been Published collecting all such comments-writings of Prabupada . Prabhupaad did not even look into the book published by his own guru bhakti sidhanta about moon distance.
      " in 1790, war broke out between the Vaishnavite sadhus and the Shaivite, claimed the lives of 12,000 people."
      What do you think is the reason for this? False teachings.
      Our country has had vi0llence in the name of Siva & Visnu.
      Prabupaad added more fuel.
      2. In Srimad Bhagawatams 8/10/38 commentary he continues to criticize NASA/ISRO on the Moon distance issues without ever bothering to consider how the NASA/ISRO measurements coincide with the Surya Sidhanta. if Prabupaad had done a basic survey of Indian Astronomical Sciences, he would have at least read his own Guru's publication on Astronomical Sciences.
      Commentaries on our scriptures require more diligence and should be holistic.
      3. His interpolations on Bhagawatam is sab00-taging our sastra and we should pr0t-est against it at all costs. He cannot cast his philosophy to Bhagawata. He should recite only what the Bhagawatam says.. Example : - Bhagawatam has this beautiful verse , " Brahma, Shiva , Visnu are the Different Symbols given to "my actions" of Creations, preservation & annihil ". Go and see how Prabupaad messes this up by inserting "Demigods like Shiva" !! In the same flow, Bhagwata says, " Anyone who differentiates between Visnu-Shiva-Brahma " are ign0rant & bound to Narak". See how Prabupaad subverts this verse.
      4. If you guys take care of these N0n-sense, I will consider myself privileged with more time to mind my own business.
      It's really waste of time to keep commenting. I finsih my commenting. GoodBye.

    • @harinamamrita
      @harinamamrita 5 місяців тому

      Temples are increasing, devotees are increasing, books are increasing, so called Hindus are leaving Pooja, going to temple, reading Bhagavad Geeta etc. Wake up and give up arrogance and read Bhagavad Geeta

  • @pratapyadaw591
    @pratapyadaw591 5 місяців тому +4

    जिनको संस्कृत आती है, वो प्रभु पाद की गीता को पढ़ते ही आरंभ से ही पता चल जायेगा की इस्कॉन की गीता का ट्रांसलेट गलत है ।।

  • @vishalverma9896
    @vishalverma9896 5 місяців тому

    Brilliant video.
    Please tell me the meaning of word "Sharvil" and "Taksh".
    Please tell me as my two cousins has named his son "Sharvil" and "Taksh" and they tells me that these are the names of Ganesh Bhagwan.🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

  • @tivo3720
    @tivo3720 5 місяців тому

    I think it happened bcz of the proper translation problem. Sri prabhupada had a very small time... So he choosed the words by with the people in west can easily understand. I have seen Shiva lingam and shiv puja in iskcon. My local iskcon temple also had a shiv lingam, Shiva is known as param vaishnav in vaishnava sect,without his mercy no one can reach Krishna. They don't insult other God. In every school of Hinduism there is the one supreme being.
    In vaishnav, the Krishna/ Rama/ maha Vishnu is the supreme under him the Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and Sakti.
    In shivaite the sadaShiva is supreme... Under him Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and Sakti.
    In Sakti worship the adi Sakti is supreme under her Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and others.
    Correct me if I'm wrong. Bcz I'm not expert.

    • @lakshmikrithika2521
      @lakshmikrithika2521 5 місяців тому

      In their own website they have this paragraph where they first justify Krishna and shiva as equal but move two paragraphs and they’re giving justifications as to why that could be wrong and give random shlok as from this puran and that puran to put shiv ji second to vishnu

  • @aparnasengupta2691
    @aparnasengupta2691 5 місяців тому +2


  • @sudeepmalakar3781
    @sudeepmalakar3781 5 місяців тому

    What i want to say... Shiva is not devata.... Devatas just gave him the title " mahadev ".... He is well respected by danaava s as well

  • @GiriColnat
    @GiriColnat 5 місяців тому +1

    Bhaja Govindam Bhaja Govindam Govindam Bhaja...

    • @Mekanishka0610
      @Mekanishka0610 5 місяців тому +1

      Don't force devotees of Shiva and Shakti to convert into Vaishnavism

  • @suraj-vd5lt
    @suraj-vd5lt 22 дні тому

    But why GOD make him soo successful?

    • @ChandelAditya27
      @ChandelAditya27 17 днів тому

      Because god didnt exist and Hinduism is most foolish 🤡 religion in whole universe .
      Leaving this logicless religion and joining agnostic society ❤❤❤❤

  • @AbhishekKumar-qj9wj
    @AbhishekKumar-qj9wj 5 місяців тому +1

    In my opinion God has immortality and his Adobe also immoral, in western world that people think God is the highest position no one greater than God. Devtas aren't immortal, even brahma has to die, when he die the universe go back to MahaVishnu by inhaling, the existing of preserver, creator, destroyer, the maintainers, managers, devas are temporary but God is Permanent, his eternal Adobe is permanent,. May be that's why Demigod use for others deities for westerners because he preach whole world.

    • @space.ved108
      @space.ved108 5 місяців тому +3

      Exactly you understood the purpose but people won't. It's very hard to understand how difficult it must have been for srila Prabhupada to actually present Sanskrit to English in 1970s to an audience who had no understanding of Indian languages and their specific terms.

    • @pikachue602
      @pikachue602 5 місяців тому


    • @HinduPhoenix
      @HinduPhoenix 5 місяців тому +1

      So they should remove it for Indian version..

    • @space.ved108
      @space.ved108 5 місяців тому

      @@HinduPhoenix yes it's not in any translation of Indian languages. It's just in English due to language issue. You can check Hindi translation or any local translation, there you won't find any such issues.

  • @karthikhulk45
    @karthikhulk45 5 місяців тому

    the artra vada makes great content
    devotion in the gaudiya perspective is supossed to be devoid of arthavada for names
    how ever seems inevitable i the pursuit of success

    • @kumarakantirava-n2b
      @kumarakantirava-n2b 5 місяців тому

      My Final reference will be to show how Prabupada failed in understanding Krsna. In Sydney, On April 1972, Prabupada says "Krsna will be proved Imperrfect & ISKCON will be proved B0gus if ISRO/NASA can land on the Moon " !! Not jsut this one statement, a full Book has been published on Prabupaad's comments on Moon !! He said He will Pr0ttest against ISRO-NASA if they claim they landed on the Moon !! When India Landed on the Moon, every ISKCON congratulated ISRO for proving ISKCON as B0gus !! So, his understanding is just B0gus !!
      if you have not done proper reaserch on a subject, you need not c0mment. Did NASA/ISRO ever say that they are going to Chandra Loka ?? No. They just reached teh Moon in our Night Sky. Prabupaada relied on Bhagawatam to say, the Moon of our Night Sky is 3 Crore Miles and Not 3 Lakh miles and hence cannot be reached by Rocket !! Prabupada never differentiated between Chandraloka & Moon. A full book has been Published collecting all such comments-writings of Prabupada . Prabhupaad did not even look into the book published by his own guru bhakti sidhanta about moon distance.
      " in 1790, war broke out between the Vaishnavite sadhus and the Shaivite, claimed the lives of 12,000 people."
      What do you think is the reason for this? False teachings.
      Our country has had vi0llence in the name of Siva & Visnu.
      Prabupaad added more fuel.
      2. In Srimad Bhagawatams 8/10/38 commentary he continues to criticize NASA/ISRO on the Moon distance issues without ever bothering to consider how the NASA/ISRO measurements coincide with the Surya Sidhanta. if Prabupaad had done a basic survey of Indian Astronomical Sciences, he would have at least read his own Guru's publication on Astronomical Sciences.
      Commentaries on our scriptures require more diligence and should be holistic.
      3. His interpolations on Bhagawatam is sab00-taging our sastra and we should pr0t-est against it at all costs. He cannot cast his philosophy to Bhagawata. He should recite only what the Bhagawatam says.. Example : - Bhagawatam has this beautiful verse , " Brahma, Shiva , Visnu are the Different Symbols given to "my actions" of Creations, preservation & annihil ". Go and see how Prabupaad messes this up by inserting "Demigods like Shiva" !! In the same flow, Bhagwata says, " Anyone who differentiates between Visnu-Shiva-Brahma " are ign0rant & bound to Narak". See how Prabupaad subverts this verse.
      4. If you guys take care of these N0n-sense, I will consider myself privileged with more time to mind my own business.
      It's really waste of time to keep commenting. I finsih my commenting. GoodBye.

  • @UpdeshSinghRana
    @UpdeshSinghRana 5 місяців тому +1

    Translation to other language is always a problem, please understand this

  • @linkmetoo
    @linkmetoo 5 місяців тому

    Why dont you interview any prominent isckon devotee on this than just giving opinions.
    Also, the translation happned in aparticular time when there was no support for dharma.
    Now we dont have visham parishtithi. We can build on top of things laid down by Prabbupada in this new environment.

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 5 місяців тому

      What is indisputed is that English is an imperfect language. In earlier times, the divide between the West and the East was wide. Thus attempts were made to make the West understand the tenets of Sanatan Dharma in this imperfect language.
      Now that this divide has gone lesser, what we must do is gradually sanskritise English.
      Another important thing I would like to address. There are some people who are aggressively trying to portray ISKCON to be 'abrahamising' Dharma.
      To all such people: please don't be a close minded fool. The idea of Vishnu-paramatva is ANCIENT, not some new invention. If you disagree with it, you may and put forward your parampara. But this false narrative of the idea of Vishnu-paramatva being something new and 'abrahamic' is unfair. Mature adherents of Sanatan Dharma will not resort to such childish accusations. Dont listen to immature people on net who don't unerstand this simple fact.
      For that matter, Shri Nityanand ji is a disciple of Shripad Rambhadracharya ji, coming in line of Jagadguru Ramanandacharya ji. In their Sampraday, Shri Ram is 'Sarvaavatari Sarveshvar'. Shri Ram is the Supreme Personality, origin of even Narayan and Krishna. All devtas are subordinate to Shri Ram.
      Is this abrahamism? No.
      I repeat, you are free to put your own parampara forward, but false narratives are a sign of malice and dishonesty.

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      @@aditshukla The Uttara Khanda of Padma Purana has a beautiful reference to Panchayatana puja. Bhagavan Krishna says the following to Satyabhama in the 88th Chapter :
      शैवाः सौराश्च गाणेशा वैष्णवाः शक्तिपूजकाः ।
      मामेव प्राप्नुवंतीह वर्षांभः सागरं यथा ॥ ४३ ॥
      एकोऽहं पंचधा जातः क्रीडयन्नामभिः किल ।
      देवदत्तो यथा कश्चित्पुत्राद्याह्वाननामभिः ॥ ४४ ॥ ( 6.88.43-44)
      Bhagvan says to Satyabhama , "As rain-water reaches the ocean, so also, the worshippers of Shiva,Surya,Ganesha,Vishnu and Shakti attain me. I am one, yet manifest in five ways. As one Devadatta is addressed in many ways, so also, I am called variously owing to my play. "

  • @sudeepmalakar3781
    @sudeepmalakar3781 5 місяців тому

    ISCON has done the same thing like in the buddhist litrecture :calling shiva a chetrapal devata.. To show buddha superrior than shiva 🤣😂😂..

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 5 місяців тому +1

      In Vraja and Purushottam khsetra, Shivji is revered as kshetrapaal since ages. Why put 'blame' on specific group.

    • @sudeepmalakar3781
      @sudeepmalakar3781 5 місяців тому

      One buddhist scholar told me shiva is just a chetrapal devata so budddha is supperior to shiva.. 😊... And they deserve blaming... Bhirab form of shiva are regarded as chetra pal.. I think

  • @ravishukla884
    @ravishukla884 5 місяців тому

    Dear Nityanand Mishra ji
    Dandvat pranams
    Before pointing out literals, you might also want to focus on the core message of the parampara to Which Srila Prabhupada belongs, may be you don't understand the Siddhant of Gaudiya Vaishnav parampara or may be you have a different motive...
    , if you go by the entire flow of Srimad Bhagavad Gita, it finally concludes exclusive Bhakti towards Lord Shri Krishna
    So in order to pass a very clear and simple message to even a common man, who doesn't have capabilities of a samskrit scholar nor does he understands the intricacies of this Great Philosophical Masterpiece, Srila Prabhupada has used certain terminology to make the message very clear, i.e. Exclusive Devotion to Lord Krishna with full Loving surrender
    This is what the conclusion of Srimad Bhagavad Gita is, as per the Gaudiya Vaishnav parampara, so if Srila Prabhupada's intention here is to point out the exclusiveness of Devotion to Lord Krishna and none other, he might have used an alternate terminology,
    Because Lord Krishna is the Ultimate Truth, as mentioned in Bhagavad Gita itself, and other Devtas are his Subordinates, working under His direction "aham sarvasya prabhavo"
    Srila Prabhupada might have used this word "Demigod"
    So using a literal such as Demigod might not be 100% from samskrit standards but that doesn't mean Srila Prabhupada did not do Justice to the core message of Srimad Bhagavad Gita
    We have to consider, understand and highlight the intention of Srila Prabhupada as well before showing off your samskrit mastery...
    Hope I was able to point out the missing part in your video, which is the Ultimate intention of Srila Prabhupada in his commentaries or translations
    Ultimately he wants his readers to have full surrender towards Lord Krishna, that is the overall message of Bhagavad Gita, where has he gone wrong in conveying that message, tell me...
    Srila Prabhupada ki Jai
    Hare Krishna

    • @featurebug181
      @featurebug181 5 місяців тому

      Excellent response prabhuji!
      Just to add, when we use momentum in physics, or energy, is it 100% up to english standards. Nobody in the physics community sits and thinks if they have used the right word for energy or momentum because once it is precisely defined and consistently used then it is as good as any other word.
      Similary Srila Prabhupada's usage of the word demi-god is very consistent over his entire huge corpus of work. Without looking at the broader theme of the entire work and just judging the translation of a single word is frankly foolish

  • @satishchandra...7727
    @satishchandra...7727 5 місяців тому

    Please bring vedio satpatha brahmin sir

  • @Sugam_singh
    @Sugam_singh 2 місяці тому

    Iskon wants devotees to become slave

  • @KrsnaDD97
    @KrsnaDD97 5 місяців тому
    Ek vaishnavas Bhagwan shiva ke bare me Kya bolta hai

  • @Gopa_Anandkari
    @Gopa_Anandkari 5 місяців тому

    It seems that some people are preoccupied with arguing about who is the supreme instead of focusing on their devotion to Lord Shiva or Krishna. True devotion should not be dependent on whether or not these figures are considered gods, but rather a genuine love and reverence for them. Let us strive to love them in a way that transcends such debates.

  • @balakrishnannatarajan6670
    @balakrishnannatarajan6670 5 місяців тому +31

    This video makes it very clear the significance of Sanskrit non translatables. Babaji has co-authored a book with Rajivji Malhotra in this subject. Another strong reason to learn Sanskrit and avoid translations , especially English 🙏

    • @harinamamrita
      @harinamamrita 5 місяців тому

  • @bishwaraj
    @bishwaraj 5 місяців тому +10

    I like ISKON but their calling of lord Shiva as demigod as a Shiva bhakt has never convinced me!

  • @neuronaldream9655
    @neuronaldream9655 5 місяців тому +72

    Thank u sir from Nepal. I was waiting for this video since long. I used to go to Iskon a few years back. But the use of word demigod haunted me. Krishna is always aradhya for me. But to degrade Shiva and Mahamaya Durga as demigods is always unacceptable.

    • @tivo3720
      @tivo3720 5 місяців тому +8

      I think it happened bcz of the proper translation problem. Sri prabhupada had a very small time... So he choosed the words by with the people in west can easily understand. I have seen Shiva lingam and shiv puja in iskcon. My local iskcon temple also had a shiv lingam, Shiva is known as param vaishnav in vaishnava sect,without his mercy no one can reach Krishna. They don't insult other God. In every school of Hinduism there is the one supreme being.
      In vaishnav, the Krishna/ Rama/ maha Vishnu is the supreme under him the Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and Sakti.
      In shivaite the sadaShiva is supreme... Under him Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and Sakti.
      In Sakti worship the adi Sakti is supreme under her Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh and others.
      Correct me if I'm wrong. Bcz I'm not expert.

    • @kumarakantirava-n2b
      @kumarakantirava-n2b 5 місяців тому

      @@tivo3720 My Final reference will be to show how Prabupada failed in understanding Krsna. In Sydney, On April 1972, Prabupada says "Krsna will be proved Imperrfect & ISKCON will be proved B0gus if ISRO/NASA can land on the Moon " !! Not jsut this one statement, a full Book has been published on Prabupaad's comments on Moon !! He said He will Pr0ttest against ISRO-NASA if they claim they landed on the Moon !! When India Landed on the Moon, every ISKCON congratulated ISRO for proving ISKCON as B0gus !! So, his understanding is just B0gus !!
      if you have not done proper reaserch on a subject, you need not c0mment. Did NASA/ISRO ever say that they are going to Chandra Loka ?? No. They just reached teh Moon in our Night Sky. Prabupaada relied on Bhagawatam to say, the Moon of our Night Sky is 3 Crore Miles and Not 3 Lakh miles and hence cannot be reached by Rocket !! Prabupada never differentiated between Chandraloka & Moon. A full book has been Published collecting all such comments-writings of Prabupada . Prabhupaad did not even look into the book published by his own guru bhakti sidhanta about moon distance.
      " in 1790, war broke out between the Vaishnavite sadhus and the Shaivite, claimed the lives of 12,000 people."
      What do you think is the reason for this? False teachings.
      Our country has had vi0llence in the name of Siva & Visnu.
      Prabupaad added more fuel.
      2. In Srimad Bhagawatams 8/10/38 commentary he continues to criticize NASA/ISRO on the Moon distance issues without ever bothering to consider how the NASA/ISRO measurements coincide with the Surya Sidhanta. if Prabupaad had done a basic survey of Indian Astronomical Sciences, he would have at least read his own Guru's publication on Astronomical Sciences.
      Commentaries on our scriptures require more diligence and should be holistic.
      3. His interpolations on Bhagawatam is sab00-taging our sastra and we should pr0t-est against it at all costs. He cannot cast his philosophy to Bhagawata. He should recite only what the Bhagawatam says.. Example : - Bhagawatam has this beautiful verse , " Brahma, Shiva , Visnu are the Different Symbols given to "my actions" of Creations, preservation & annihil ". Go and see how Prabupaad messes this up by inserting "Demigods like Shiva" !! In the same flow, Bhagwata says, " Anyone who differentiates between Visnu-Shiva-Brahma " are ign0rant & bound to Narak". See how Prabupaad subverts this verse.
      4. If you guys take care of these N0n-sense, I will consider myself privileged with more time to mind my own business.
      It's really waste of time to keep commenting. I finsih my commenting. GoodBye.

    • @kumarakantirava-n2b
      @kumarakantirava-n2b 5 місяців тому

      @@tivo3720 My Final reference will be to show how Prabupada failed in understanding Krsna. In Sydney, On April 1972, Prabupada says "Krsna will be proved Imperrfect & ISKCON will be proved B0gus if ISRO/NASA can land on the Moon " !! Not jsut this one statement, a full Book has been published on Prabupaad's comments on Moon !! He said He will Pr0ttest against ISRO-NASA if they claim they landed on the Moon !! When India Landed on the Moon, every ISKCON congratulated ISRO for proving ISKCON as B0gus !! So, his understanding is just B0gus !!
      if you have not done proper reaserch on a subject, you need not c0mment. Did NASA/ISRO ever say that they are going to Chandra Loka ?? No. They just reached teh Moon in our Night Sky. Prabupaada relied on Bhagawatam to say, the Moon of our Night Sky is 3 Crore Miles and Not 3 Lakh miles and hence cannot be reached by Rocket !! Prabupada never differentiated between Chandraloka & Moon. A full book has been Published collecting all such comments-writings of Prabupada . Prabhupaad did not even look into the book published by his own guru bhakti sidhanta about moon distance.
      " in 1790, war broke out between the Vaishnavite sadhus and the Shaivite, claimed the lives of 12,000 people."
      What do you think is the reason for this? False teachings.
      Our country has had vi0llence in the name of Siva & Visnu.
      Prabupaad added more fuel.
      2. In Srimad Bhagawatams 8/10/38 commentary he continues to criticize NASA/ISRO on the Moon distance issues without ever bothering to consider how the NASA/ISRO measurements coincide with the Surya Sidhanta. if Prabupaad had done a basic survey of Indian Astronomical Sciences, he would have at least read his own Guru's publication on Astronomical Sciences.
      Commentaries on our scriptures require more diligence and should be holistic.
      3. His interpolations on Bhagawatam is sab00-taging our sastra and we should pr0t-est against it at all costs. He cannot cast his philosophy to Bhagawata. He should recite only what the Bhagawatam says.. Example : - Bhagawatam has this beautiful verse , " Brahma, Shiva , Visnu are the Different Symbols given to "my actions" of Creations, preservation & annihil ". Go and see how Prabupaad messes this up by inserting "Demigods like Shiva" !! In the same flow, Bhagwata says, " Anyone who differentiates between Visnu-Shiva-Brahma " are ign0rant & bound to Narak". See how Prabupaad subverts this verse.
      4. If you guys take care of these N0n-sense, I will consider myself privileged with more time to mind my own business.
      It's really waste of time to keep commenting. I finsih my commenting. GoodBye.

    • @BhupendraKrSingh
      @BhupendraKrSingh 5 місяців тому +10

      Do not get deterred by just English translation, try to grasp the broader philosophy of Santan Dharm and ISKCON is spreading our Vedic culture all around the world.

    • @Desi_is_op
      @Desi_is_op 5 місяців тому +3

      I asked Bhairav ji and Krishna to explain why the demigod word is used for Shiva by prabhupada. Dhanyawad Nityanand ji for explaining it so well.

  • @shilpapal5717
    @shilpapal5717 5 місяців тому +11

    Iskon is not sanatan. They have created a new religion of their own by borrowing our Hari so that they may gain his unsuspecting followers. Sanatan has a tradition of guru, sadhu, rishi, muni, maharishi, acharya etc. Where did sanatan ever have titles like "his holiness"? Like typical corporate people, they have given themselves some very fancy titles, borrowed our Gita and turned their newly created religion into an abrahamic like monotheistic affair. I saw some videos where they said Hari does not want us to take the name of any other God or Goddess. Since when did Hari become so insecure?

    • @kumarakantirava-n2b
      @kumarakantirava-n2b 5 місяців тому +1

      My Final reference will be to show how Prabupada failed in understanding Krsna. In Sydney, On April 1972, Prabupada says "Krsna will be proved Imperrfect & ISKCON will be proved B0gus if ISRO/NASA can land on the Moon " !! Not jsut this one statement, a full Book has been published on Prabupaad's comments on Moon !! He said He will Pr0ttest against ISRO-NASA if they claim they landed on the Moon !! When India Landed on the Moon, every ISKCON congratulated ISRO for proving ISKCON as B0gus !! So, his understanding is just B0gus !!
      if you have not done proper reaserch on a subject, you need not c0mment. Did NASA/ISRO ever say that they are going to Chandra Loka ?? No. They just reached teh Moon in our Night Sky. Prabupaada relied on Bhagawatam to say, the Moon of our Night Sky is 3 Crore Miles and Not 3 Lakh miles and hence cannot be reached by Rocket !! Prabupada never differentiated between Chandraloka & Moon. A full book has been Published collecting all such comments-writings of Prabupada . Prabhupaad did not even look into the book published by his own guru bhakti sidhanta about moon distance.
      " in 1790, war broke out between the Vaishnavite sadhus and the Shaivite, claimed the lives of 12,000 people."
      What do you think is the reason for this? False teachings.
      Our country has had vi0llence in the name of Siva & Visnu.
      Prabupaad added more fuel.
      2. In Srimad Bhagawatams 8/10/38 commentary he continues to criticize NASA/ISRO on the Moon distance issues without ever bothering to consider how the NASA/ISRO measurements coincide with the Surya Sidhanta. if Prabupaad had done a basic survey of Indian Astronomical Sciences, he would have at least read his own Guru's publication on Astronomical Sciences.
      Commentaries on our scriptures require more diligence and should be holistic.
      3. His interpolations on Bhagawatam is sab00-taging our sastra and we should pr0t-est against it at all costs. He cannot cast his philosophy to Bhagawata. He should recite only what the Bhagawatam says.. Example : - Bhagawatam has this beautiful verse , " Brahma, Shiva , Visnu are the Different Symbols given to "my actions" of Creations, preservation & annihil ". Go and see how Prabupaad messes this up by inserting "Demigods like Shiva" !! In the same flow, Bhagwata says, " Anyone who differentiates between Visnu-Shiva-Brahma " are ign0rant & bound to Narak". See how Prabupaad subverts this verse.
      4. If you guys take care of these N0n-sense, I will consider myself privileged with more time to mind my own business.
      It's really waste of time to keep commenting. I finsih my commenting. GoodBye.

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 5 місяців тому

      Not true.
      Please be specific what aspect you think is not 'sanatan'.
      Everything ISKCON presents is well in line with shastra.

    • @NoNonsense_01
      @NoNonsense_01 3 місяці тому

      ​​​@@aditshukla Every aspect is a distortion of Sanatan, as aptly demonstrated in this video. To claim that Shiva is a demigod and a follower of Krishna is somehow even remotely comparable to him is absurdity of highest order.

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 3 місяці тому

      @@NoNonsense_01 That Shri Hari is ParamBhagvan and Shiv, Brahma aadi are anydevta, is an ancient siddhant, present throughout Bharat.
      *You can choose to differ from this, thats alright, nothing wrong with that, but to pretend that this concept is something new, that it did not exist before and is some concoction, is childish.*
      Vaishnav paramparas have existed since forever.
      This gentleman himself is a shishya of Pujya Rambhadracharya Maharaj ji, who comes in the line of Jagadguru Raamaanand Acharya ji, of Shri Sampraday branch which holds Shri RamChandra as Sarveshvar, Sarvaavatari and all other devas as dependent on Him.

    • @NoNonsense_01
      @NoNonsense_01 3 місяці тому

      @@aditshukla I not going to chase your pointless red herring.
      As shown in the video, ISKON deliberately distorts translation of basic Sanskrit words to fool gullible people. Their English translation of Gita is undoubtedly the worst!
      Nobody argues that Shiva is a demigod. There may be disagreement between who is the superior deity, but that has nothing to do with whether they are gods in the first place.

  • @radhavrindavanchandra1143
    @radhavrindavanchandra1143 5 місяців тому +13

    Sorry Sir!
    There are certainly non translatables in Sanskrit and देवता is one of them. No English word can define देव in one word. Prabhupad's translation may not be perfect but his intent was to transform the society.
    Regarding position of Lord Shiva and other devtas, a sampradaya has right to present is view based on shastra. It is not just Bhakti Vedanta Swami Prabhupada. Go read Brihad Bhagavatamrita written by Sanatan Goswami. He has given quotations for the view of all the Gaudiya Vaishnavas.
    Here is a quotation from Kulashekhar Alwar from his Mukund Mala stotra from Ramanuj Sampraday.
    pṛthvī-reṇur aṇuḥ payāḿsi kaṇikāḥ phalguḥ sphulińgo laghus
    tejo niḥśvasanaḿ marut tanutaraḿ randhraḿ su-sūkṣmaḿ nabhaḥ
    kṣudrā rudra-pitāmaha-prabhṛtayaḥ kiṭāḥ samastāḥ surā
    dṛṣṭe yatra sa tārako vijayate śrī-pāda-dhūli-kaṇāḥ
    He says for a devotee once Sri Vishnu is seen suras or devtas become like insect, rudra and Brahma look insignificant.. Well certainly Kulashekhar Alwar did not disrespect the devtas here but it is his nishtha towards Mukunda.

    • @Mekanishka0610
      @Mekanishka0610 5 місяців тому +2

      So according to you guys lord shiva is not worth worshipping?? If someone worships God other than Vishnu or Krishna does he or she go to hell as per your ideology?? Kindly present a Non Sectarian answer. And as far as I know Gaudiya Vaishnavs and ISKCON both don't regard Radharani as much as Krishna. They just show her only as a servant of Krishna while there are many stories as how Krishna himself serves the lotus Feet of Radharani. Apparently they disregard each and evey form of Shakti to be subservient to Purusha only!

    • @space.ved108
      @space.ved108 5 місяців тому

      ​@@Mekanishka0610who said that? No iskcon devotees will say such things. It's just that he is quoting from works of Sri Sampradaya also. That is done to substantiate the point that every sampradaya promotes their sidhant so what is wrong in that? Isn't it written in Shaiva literatures that Lord Vishnu is a jeeva?

    • @Mekanishka0610
      @Mekanishka0610 5 місяців тому +2

      @@space.ved108 That's also wrong. And at the same time Shaiva Puranas like Skanda Puran Glorify Lord Vishnu too. The jeevatma thing is only in Pashupata agama which is highly condemned in Devi Bhagwatam along with some more sectarian agamas.

    • @space.ved108
      @space.ved108 5 місяців тому +1

      @@Mekanishka0610 yes agreed but no one can deny that such things are mentioned when faith in one's deity is meant to increase. Such comparisons are not insulting but with a purpose that ordinary people should be educated in those respective knowledges. So is Srila Prabhupada doing. That's what I meant.

    • @priyanshupandey5451
      @priyanshupandey5451 5 місяців тому

      ​@@Mekanishka0610 you can translate word deva in latin it bacame deos as both are from same language family wich still use in catholic prayers in vatican so deva mean god

  • @VedaSay
    @VedaSay 5 місяців тому +16

    Not want to accuse anyone here but ISKON and BAPS have active efforts to package Sanatan Dharam as Abrahamic faiths. This is how they plan to increase following. That's where this discussion about "someone is inferior since gave in to physical relationship". In Abrahamic faiths, you are born off know the reason why. In Dharma sexual-reproduction is a riun (debt) of one born on this planet. Just like you perform Dharma, you also have to fulfill return to all the riun too.
    Now the issue with this is, are you really doing any service if you are just package Dharma as faith and selling to those who are trying to run away from the mess their life already is in.

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 5 місяців тому +2

      What is indisputed is that English is an imperfect language. In earlier times, the divide between the West and the East was wide. Thus attempts were made to make the West understand the tenets of Sanatan Dharma in this imperfect language.
      Now that this divide has gone lesser, what we must do is gradually sanskritise English.
      Another important thing I would like to address. There are some people who are aggressively trying to portray ISKCON to be 'abrahamising' Dharma.
      To all such people: please don't be a close minded fool. The idea of Vishnu-paramatva is ANCIENT, not some new invention. If you disagree with it, you may and put forward your parampara. But this false narrative of the idea of Vishnu-paramatva being something new and 'abrahamic' is unfair. Mature adherents of Sanatan Dharma will not resort to such childish accusations. Dont listen to immature people on net who don't unerstand this simple fact.
      For that matter, Shri Nityanand ji is a disciple of Shripad Rambhadracharya ji, coming in line of Jagadguru Ramanandacharya ji. In their Sampraday, Shri Ram is 'Sarvaavatari Sarveshvar'. Shri Ram is the Supreme Personality, origin of even Narayan and Krishna. All devtas are subordinate to Shri Ram.
      Is this abrahamism? No.
      I repeat, you are free to put your own parampara forward, but false narratives are a sign of malice and dishonesty.

    • @kumarakantirava-n2b
      @kumarakantirava-n2b 5 місяців тому +1

      My Final reference will be to show how Prabupada failed in understanding Krsna. In Sydney, On April 1972, Prabupada says "Krsna will be proved Imperrfect & ISKCON will be proved B0gus if ISRO/NASA can land on the Moon " !! Not jsut this one statement, a full Book has been published on Prabupaad's comments on Moon !! He said He will Pr0ttest against ISRO-NASA if they claim they landed on the Moon !! When India Landed on the Moon, every ISKCON congratulated ISRO for proving ISKCON as B0gus !! So, his understanding is just B0gus !!
      if you have not done proper reaserch on a subject, you need not c0mment. Did NASA/ISRO ever say that they are going to Chandra Loka ?? No. They just reached teh Moon in our Night Sky. Prabupaada relied on Bhagawatam to say, the Moon of our Night Sky is 3 Crore Miles and Not 3 Lakh miles and hence cannot be reached by Rocket !! Prabupada never differentiated between Chandraloka & Moon. A full book has been Published collecting all such comments-writings of Prabupada . Prabhupaad did not even look into the book published by his own guru bhakti sidhanta about moon distance.
      " in 1790, war broke out between the Vaishnavite sadhus and the Shaivite, claimed the lives of 12,000 people."
      What do you think is the reason for this? False teachings.
      Our country has had vi0llence in the name of Siva & Visnu.
      Prabupaad added more fuel.
      2. In Srimad Bhagawatams 8/10/38 commentary he continues to criticize NASA/ISRO on the Moon distance issues without ever bothering to consider how the NASA/ISRO measurements coincide with the Surya Sidhanta. if Prabupaad had done a basic survey of Indian Astronomical Sciences, he would have at least read his own Guru's publication on Astronomical Sciences.
      Commentaries on our scriptures require more diligence and should be holistic.
      3. His interpolations on Bhagawatam is sab00-taging our sastra and we should pr0t-est against it at all costs. He cannot cast his philosophy to Bhagawata. He should recite only what the Bhagawatam says.. Example : - Bhagawatam has this beautiful verse , " Brahma, Shiva , Visnu are the Different Symbols given to "my actions" of Creations, preservation & annihil ". Go and see how Prabupaad messes this up by inserting "Demigods like Shiva" !! In the same flow, Bhagwata says, " Anyone who differentiates between Visnu-Shiva-Brahma " are ign0rant & bound to Narak". See how Prabupaad subverts this verse.
      4. If you guys take care of these N0n-sense, I will consider myself privileged with more time to mind my own business.
      It's really waste of time to keep commenting. I finsih my commenting. GoodBye.

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 5 місяців тому +1

      I see that you have got an untrue understanding about ISKCON.
      In Vedic shastras, you will find a wide range of statements, from encouraging serious candidates to dedicate themselves completely to self-realisation, as well as provisons to persons to marry, live a dharmic life, and gradually progress towards moksha.
      Now if one takes one stand out of the contexts and considers it 'extreme', it is result of misunderstanding.
      Shrila Prabhupada comments in Chaitanya Charitamrita Adi Lila 14 55
      Although Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu accepted sannyāsa at an early age, it is not necessary for His devotees to follow Him by also taking sannyāsa. One can stay a householder, but one must be a devotee of Lord Caitanya Mahāprabhu. Then one will be happy, with all the material opulences of a good home, good children, good mate, good wealth and everything he desires. Therefore the śāstras advise, yajñaiḥ saṅkīrtana-prāyair yajanti hi su-medhasaḥ (Bhāg. 11.5.32). Every householder, therefore, who is actually intelligent should introduce the saṅkīrtana movement home to home and live peacefully in this life and go back to Godhead in the next.

    • @Bhaktify-life
      @Bhaktify-life 5 місяців тому

      @@kumarakantirava-n2b i think you are as bogus as your comment.

    • @sakha_dusthoka
      @sakha_dusthoka Місяць тому +1

      ​@@kumarakantirava-n2b you are fake n have a propoganda to spread . There was no fight btwn vaishnavs n shaivities n no one was killed just spreading lies ...

  • @hindienglish8347
    @hindienglish8347 5 місяців тому +52

    Interesting video. Rajiv Malhotra made a series of videos on the topic of ‘Sanskrit non translatables’ . One of them dealt with the word deva which is mistranslated as gods/angels in English. You will enjoy these videos. Keep up the good work mr Mishra.

    • @thecriticalanalysis9773
      @thecriticalanalysis9773 5 місяців тому +1

      He knows Rajiv Malhotra ji in person if you are new watch earliest of rajivjis video you will get to know about him and his work ,both of them have a video on that malechch devdutt patnayak a must watch!!

    • @imnemo1947
      @imnemo1947 5 місяців тому

      Do you know who has written Forward of the book Sanskrit Non-Translatables : The Importance of Sanskritizing English, authored by Rajiv Malhotra and Satyanarayana Dasa Babaji? Right now at the time of writing this comment, the book is at less than an arm's distance.
      In some of his videos Rajiv Malhotra has mentioned a kind of people who has no expertise, doesn't want to do any work, but just keep giving advice. Like Rajiv Malhotra, I too find those type of people not only disturbing but also distracting.
      Answer: Nityānanda Miśra

  • @EasyRitwik
    @EasyRitwik 5 місяців тому +45

    Calling Deva as demigod is nonsense, absurd and obnoxious!

    • @Pain53924
      @Pain53924 5 місяців тому

      Not that there's any evidence of existence of devas

    • @MaitreyaLakshya
      @MaitreyaLakshya 5 місяців тому +4

      ​@@Pain53924 Well Rigveda is the Oldest Literary evidences of Existence of Devas.

    • @Pain53924
      @Pain53924 5 місяців тому

      @@MaitreyaLakshya its just a book. Not evidence. It only makes claims about gods.

    • @blustingfiolex4695
      @blustingfiolex4695 5 місяців тому

      ​@@Pain53924Ok then tell me is any evidence that proclaims deva not exitsted

    • @Pain53924
      @Pain53924 5 місяців тому +1

      @@blustingfiolex4695 What a dumb question. You lack basic understanding of epistemology. The burden of proof is on the person who claims something. I'm just questioning your claim.

  • @Manas-f5i
    @Manas-f5i 5 місяців тому +5

    This is why I always have a problem with Bhakti sects... they always go too far to one side..

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      Good Morning.
      My Final reference will be to show how Prabupada failed in understanding Krsna. In Sydney, On April 1972, Prabupada says "Krsna will be proved Imperrfect & ISKCON will be proved B0gus if ISRO/NASA can land on the Moon " !! Not jsut this one statement, a full Book has been published on Prabupaad's comments on Moon !! He said He will Pr0ttest against ISRO-NASA if they claim they landed on the Moon !! When India Landed on the Moon, every ISKCON congratulated ISRO for proving ISKCON as B0gus !! So, his understanding is just B0gus !!
      if you have not done proper reaserch on a subject, you need not c0mment. Did NASA/ISRO ever say that they are going to Chandra Loka ?? No. They just reached teh Moon in our Night Sky. Prabupaada relied on Bhagawatam to say, the Moon of our Night Sky is 3 Crore Miles and Not 3 Lakh miles and hence cannot be reached by Rocket !! Prabupada never differentiated between Chandraloka & Moon. A full book has been Published collecting all such comments-writings of Prabupada . Prabhupaad did not even look into the book published by his own guru bhakti sidhanta about moon distance.
      " in 1790, war broke out between the Vaishnavite sadhus and the Shaivite, claimed the lives of 12,000 people."
      What do you think is the reason for this? False teachings.
      Our country has had vi0llence in the name of Siva & Visnu.
      Prabupaad added more fuel.
      2. In Srimad Bhagawatams 8/10/38 commentary he continues to criticize NASA/ISRO on the Moon distance issues without ever bothering to consider how the NASA/ISRO measurements coincide with the Surya Sidhanta. if Prabupaad had done a basic survey of Indian Astronomical Sciences, he would have at least read his own Guru's publication on Astronomical Sciences.
      Commentaries on our scriptures require more diligence and should be holistic.
      3. His interpolations on Bhagawatam is sab00-taging our sastra and we should pr0t-est against it at all costs. He cannot cast his philosophy to Bhagawata. He should recite only what the Bhagawatam says.. Example : - Bhagawatam has this beautiful verse , " Brahma, Shiva , Visnu are the Different Symbols given to "my actions" of Creations, preservation & annihil ". Go and see how Prabupaad messes this up by inserting "Demigods like Shiva" !! In the same flow, Bhagwata says, " Anyone who differentiates between Visnu-Shiva-Brahma " are ign0rant & bound to Narak". See how Prabupaad subverts this verse.
      4. If you guys take care of these N0n-sense, I will consider myself privileged with more time to mind my own business.
      It's really waste of time to keep commenting. I finsih my commenting. GoodBye.

    • @lakshmikrithika2521
      @lakshmikrithika2521 5 місяців тому

      I do agree.
      I think if I ever meet a staunch shaivite also I would dread 😒
      A condescending shaivite.
      Otherwise worship who you wanna worship😊

  • @PradhyuamnPathak
    @PradhyuamnPathak 5 місяців тому +16

    aapse anurodh hai ki iskcon ki bhagvadgeeta ki wrong traslations pr bhi ek video bnaiye

    • @Ram_The_Infinite
      @Ram_The_Infinite 5 місяців тому +3

      Much needed

    • @Ram_The_Infinite
      @Ram_The_Infinite 5 місяців тому +2

      @msrsculpts8179 listen it again, don't embarrass yourself 🤦🏻
      The Devas have already been translated as Gods
      It's clearly written - the Satvik's worship Gods (Devas)
      While Rajasic's worship DemiGods (yaksha)

    • @Ram_The_Infinite
      @Ram_The_Infinite 5 місяців тому +2

      @msrsculpts8179 There are many sanskrit words which dont have a direct english translation
      Which is why many videos and many books have been written on this matter "Non-Translatables"
      Words like Bhagwan, Parmatma, Satchidananda, Chetna, Atma etc. dont have an english word, due to english's limitations
      For example:
      Bhagwan means = Bha+Ga+Wa+Aa+Na
      Bh = Bhoomi (land/earth)
      Ga = Gagan (Space)
      Wa = Vayu (Air)
      Aa = Agni (Fire)
      Na = Neer (Water)
      There is no english word for this
      The word God is a Christian Word. It's meaning doesnt equate with Bhagwan, Parmatma or Satchidananda.

    • @Ram_The_Infinite
      @Ram_The_Infinite 5 місяців тому +2

      ​@msrsculpts8179 Bhagwan obviously.

    • @Ram_The_Infinite
      @Ram_The_Infinite 5 місяців тому +2

      @msrsculpts8179 Gods here mean the Heavenly Gods such as God of Thunder, God of water, God of air, Goddess Earth etc.
      These are not the Supreme God that we worship in Hinduism
      Krishna Ji doesn't fall in this category
      Krishna is Bhagwan
      Are you a Non-Indian? Non- Hindu?

  • @vkc7992
    @vkc7992 4 місяці тому +6

    Respected Nityananda Misra ji,
    Bhaktivedanta Swami's translation firstly is not a chaya anuvada (literal translation) its a bhava anuvada. Bhaktivedanta Swami was well aware of these dictionaries and kept them for his reference while translating the Bhagavad-Gita. He also has many other translations of other acaryas as well. But he purposefully chose the word demigod to make the point that Krishna is actually God (Bhagavan) which is what is being said in Bhagavad-Gita itself. "Sri Bhagavan uvaca ...etc.."
    He didn't want the literal translations to create a confusion in the western audience who are not even aware of the basic sanskrit terms or their meanings. In ISKCON we believe that Krishna is GOD. He is Supreme Lord. In Santana Dharma already people are confused with the conclusions of Bhagavad-Gita. And Sankaracarya parampara give altogether a different meaning for Bhagavan. They refer Brahmajyoti as Bhagavan.
    Srila Prabhupada was very emphatic in putting forth his conclusions. Especially with regard to the position of Krishna.
    1. Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
    2. All other devatas are subordinate to Krishna.
    He wanted that there should not be any sort of confusion in undertaking these 2 points. If deva is translated as God then we are putting Krishna on the same level as other devatas. Which is against our point. He purposefully put aside the sanskrit dictionary meanings which would otherwise create confusion in the readers wrt understanding the fundamental point that Krishna is the Supreme Lord or GOD.
    That is the reason Bhaktivedanta Swami's Bhagavad-Gita has become so popular especially in conveying the point that Krishna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and unalloyed devotion to Krishna is the purpose of life. Now you may not care for this!!
    The English language is defective in its own way and Bhaktivedanta swami had made best use of the defective English words without compromising the concepts that he wanted to present.
    This is not at all appropriate to tell that Bhaktivedanta Swami's translation is incorrect. You are demeaning a very great personality who had achieved unimaginable feats in the history of Sanatana Dharma wrt the preaching and the volume of impact he has done to the society.
    I would urge you to read the biography of Bhaktivedanta Swami and know more about him before making such comments that would spread negative views about ISKCON and Swami Prabhupada.

    • @atanughosh2959
      @atanughosh2959 2 місяці тому

      Who gave him the authority to translate as his wish . He is not a bhagvat prapt mahapurush. And when without bhagvat prapti preaching the lords name and bhakti is futile and lead to adharma like this

    • @vkc7992
      @vkc7992 2 місяці тому

      @@atanughosh2959 who are you to judge whether he got bhagavat prapthi or not? You are not even like an ant infront of the work and service he has done to the world. Simply envious folks!!! You all just keep arguing which is the right translation. By your arguments and videos nobody becomes a devotee of Krishna. Your discussions are like the empty husk. Only to glorify your egos. 😁

    • @atanughosh2959
      @atanughosh2959 2 місяці тому

      @@vkc7992 I m not envy of prabhupad . I m not a mahapurush or guru or a competitor of prabhupad so there is no reason for me to be jealous of him . But as a Hindu it is our duty to uphold the principles of sastra and truth . But tell me is prabhupad greater than lord Shiva or Krishna or ved vyas or shankaracharya or nimbarkacharya or Chaitanya mahaprabhu . What he translated contradicts all those mentioned above . No great acharya changed translation but explain it according to their sampradaya but Prabhupad is one of the (no words to say ) who changed the word of god to fullfill his adharmic agenda in the name of bhakti . As if God s word less important than his ideology. And he is a naam apradhi also .most of his works breaks the sanatan and vaidik maryada . He called lord Shiva rascal demigod inferior to haridas thakur he even call lord vishnu as demigod what a joke .

    • @vkc7992
      @vkc7992 2 місяці тому

      @@atanughosh2959 firstly you should read all Prabhupada books properly and scrutinizingly first. Then you will regret for all the words you are saying. You just are catching one point and not understanding the context. Although you are saying you are non envious you are definitely envious and it can be seen in the way you are addressing him.

    • @atanughosh2959
      @atanughosh2959 2 місяці тому

      @@vkc7992 look I m not catch a point I watched all the lectures and discoures given by iskcon's so called acharyas and brahmacharis and their philosophies . They only teach what prabhupad wrote and . Believe it or not I m not envious I'm ready to serve as a servent if anybody is a bhakt and follow the path of truth and the truth which is our Vedic sastras .

  • @hariharaissame
    @hariharaissame 5 місяців тому +4

    ISKCON fools left the Chat...😂

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 5 місяців тому

      What is indisputed is that English is an imperfect language. In earlier times, the divide between the West and the East was wide. Thus attempts were made to make the West understand the tenets of Sanatan Dharma in this imperfect language.
      Now that this divide has gone lesser, what we must do is gradually sanskritise English.
      Another important thing I would like to address. There are some people who are aggressively trying to portray ISKCON to be 'abrahamising' Dharma.
      To all such people: please don't be a close minded fool. The idea of Vishnu-paramatva is ANCIENT, not some new invention. If you disagree with it, you may and put forward your parampara. But this false narrative of the idea of Vishnu-paramatva being something new and 'abrahamic' is unfair. Mature adherents of Sanatan Dharma will not resort to such childish accusations. Dont listen to immature people on net who don't unerstand this simple fact.
      For that matter, Shri Nityanand ji is a disciple of Shripad Rambhadracharya ji, coming in line of Jagadguru Ramanandacharya ji. In their Sampraday, Shri Ram is 'Sarvaavatari Sarveshvar'. Shri Ram is the Supreme Personality, origin of even Narayan and Krishna. All devtas are subordinate to Shri Ram.
      Is this abrahamism? No.
      I repeat, you are free to put your own parampara forward, but false narratives are a sign of malice and dishonesty.

    • @prashaant24
      @prashaant24 5 місяців тому +1

      Some are here😅

    • @rameshverma4461
      @rameshverma4461 5 місяців тому

      @hariharaissame Hari and Hara are not the same Hari is the Supreme God and Hara is the son of Brahma...who married his younger brother Daksha's daughter....Devi Sati

    • @hariharaissame
      @hariharaissame 5 місяців тому

      No Brahma No Vishnu No Shiv.
      I think You are Supreme God.

    • @rameshverma4461
      @rameshverma4461 5 місяців тому

      @@hariharaissame तुम हमको कैसे पहचान गए वत्स 😇

  • @Poder108
    @Poder108 5 місяців тому +5

    How wrong are the translations of Bhaktivedanta Swami. 🤦‍♂️ finally everybody is understanding it.

    • @rameshverma4461
      @rameshverma4461 5 місяців тому

      @tarotym Before Pointing your finger on Bhaktivedanta Swami Try Google Translation you will Find the answer...
      Demigods means Sanskrit what is the meaning of Devta definitely it will be not what the Hindu believes....

    • @Poder108
      @Poder108 5 місяців тому

      @rameshverma4461 Swami Bhaktivedanta did not used Google Translate. "Put the things in context."

    • @rameshverma4461
      @rameshverma4461 5 місяців тому

      @@Poder108 Yes, Prabhupada did not use Google Translate, but I had just asked to use Google Translate so that you know that Demigod means Devta....In the entire Hindu religion, each God has been described as supreme by their Followers and they have insulted others Gods But Prabhupada have not done anything wrong at that level he spoked the Truth and now after the Grand Opening of Ram mandir this type of things are raised deliberately to attack the Vaishnavas and it is a combined conspiracy of those two group of peoples one of whom drink Somaras and the second group is of those who smoke Ganja. those intoxicated people think that by doing this they will bring down the devotees of Krishna or the Vaishnava saints then it is not going to happen the fools will fall into their Own trap......

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому +1

      My Final reference will be to show how Prabupada failed in understanding Krsna. In Sydney, On April 1972, Prabupada says "Krsna will be proved Imperrfect & ISKCON will be proved B0gus if ISRO/NASA can land on the Moon " !! Not jsut this one statement, a full Book has been published on Prabupaad's comments on Moon !! He said He will Pr0ttest against ISRO-NASA if they claim they landed on the Moon !! When India Landed on the Moon, every ISKCON congratulated ISRO for proving ISKCON as B0gus !! So, his understanding is just B0gus !!
      if you have not done proper reaserch on a subject, you need not c0mment. Did NASA/ISRO ever say that they are going to Chandra Loka ?? No. They just reached teh Moon in our Night Sky. Prabupaada relied on Bhagawatam to say, the Moon of our Night Sky is 3 Crore Miles and Not 3 Lakh miles and hence cannot be reached by Rocket !! Prabupada never differentiated between Chandraloka & Moon. A full book has been Published collecting all such comments-writings of Prabupada . Prabhupaad did not even look into the book published by his own guru bhakti sidhanta about moon distance.
      " in 1790, war broke out between the Vaishnavite sadhus and the Shaivite, claimed the lives of 12,000 people."
      What do you think is the reason for this? False teachings.
      Our country has had vi0llence in the name of Siva & Visnu.
      Prabupaad added more fuel.
      2. In Srimad Bhagawatams 8/10/38 commentary he continues to criticize NASA/ISRO on the Moon distance issues without ever bothering to consider how the NASA/ISRO measurements coincide with the Surya Sidhanta. if Prabupaad had done a basic survey of Indian Astronomical Sciences, he would have at least read his own Guru's publication on Astronomical Sciences.
      Commentaries on our scriptures require more diligence and should be holistic.
      3. His interpolations on Bhagawatam is sab00-taging our sastra and we should pr0t-est against it at all costs. He cannot cast his philosophy to Bhagawata. He should recite only what the Bhagawatam says.. Example : - Bhagawatam has this beautiful verse , " Brahma, Shiva , Visnu are the Different Symbols given to "my actions" of Creations, preservation & annihil ". Go and see how Prabupaad messes this up by inserting "Demigods like Shiva" !! In the same flow, Bhagwata says, " Anyone who differentiates between Visnu-Shiva-Brahma " are ign0rant & bound to Narak". See how Prabupaad subverts this verse.
      4. If you guys take care of these N0n-sense, I will consider myself privileged with more time to mind my own business.
      It's really waste of time to keep commenting. I finsih my commenting. GoodBye.

    • @Poder108
      @Poder108 5 місяців тому

      @@kumarakantirava429 book name about the moon?

  • @Ranchhoddasji
    @Ranchhoddasji 5 місяців тому +42

    Authorities on the Bhagvadgita do not have much respect for the English translation ISKON version.

    • @apsnapsn4700
      @apsnapsn4700 5 місяців тому +1


    • @kumarakantirava-n2b
      @kumarakantirava-n2b 5 місяців тому

      @@apsnapsn4700 My Final reference will be to show how Prabupada failed in understanding Krsna. In Sydney, On April 1972, Prabupada says "Krsna will be proved Imperrfect & ISKCON will be proved B0gus if ISRO/NASA can land on the Moon " !! Not jsut this one statement, a full Book has been published on Prabupaad's comments on Moon !! He said He will Pr0ttest against ISRO-NASA if they claim they landed on the Moon !! When India Landed on the Moon, every ISKCON congratulated ISRO for proving ISKCON as B0gus !! So, his understanding is just B0gus !!
      if you have not done proper reaserch on a subject, you need not c0mment. Did NASA/ISRO ever say that they are going to Chandra Loka ?? No. They just reached teh Moon in our Night Sky. Prabupaada relied on Bhagawatam to say, the Moon of our Night Sky is 3 Crore Miles and Not 3 Lakh miles and hence cannot be reached by Rocket !! Prabupada never differentiated between Chandraloka & Moon. A full book has been Published collecting all such comments-writings of Prabupada . Prabhupaad did not even look into the book published by his own guru bhakti sidhanta about moon distance.
      " in 1790, war broke out between the Vaishnavite sadhus and the Shaivite, claimed the lives of 12,000 people."
      What do you think is the reason for this? False teachings.
      Our country has had vi0llence in the name of Siva & Visnu.
      Prabupaad added more fuel.
      2. In Srimad Bhagawatams 8/10/38 commentary he continues to criticize NASA/ISRO on the Moon distance issues without ever bothering to consider how the NASA/ISRO measurements coincide with the Surya Sidhanta. if Prabupaad had done a basic survey of Indian Astronomical Sciences, he would have at least read his own Guru's publication on Astronomical Sciences.
      Commentaries on our scriptures require more diligence and should be holistic.
      3. His interpolations on Bhagawatam is sab00-taging our sastra and we should pr0t-est against it at all costs. He cannot cast his philosophy to Bhagawata. He should recite only what the Bhagawatam says.. Example : - Bhagawatam has this beautiful verse , " Brahma, Shiva , Visnu are the Different Symbols given to "my actions" of Creations, preservation & annihil ". Go and see how Prabupaad messes this up by inserting "Demigods like Shiva" !! In the same flow, Bhagwata says, " Anyone who differentiates between Visnu-Shiva-Brahma " are ign0rant & bound to Narak". See how Prabupaad subverts this verse.
      4. If you guys take care of these N0n-sense, I will consider myself privileged with more time to mind my own business.
      It's really waste of time to keep commenting. I finsih my commenting. GoodBye.

    • @krishna03778
      @krishna03778 5 місяців тому +1

      @@apsnapsn4700 they call kali and shiva demi god

    • @apsnapsn4700
      @apsnapsn4700 5 місяців тому

      Jaya Shri Rama 🙏,
      I understand your concern about using the word 'demigod' for Devas because it means Greek half-human half God . However, anyone who is part of ISKCON, never thinks of Devas like the Greek counterparts. Instead, they know Devas to be those living entities who are neither free from influence of time, nor are like humans. So why should we dwell on this issue if the intended meaning is understood?
      Srila Prabhupāda uses different word for Devas. This means that he was only trying to find the best English counterpart for the Saṇskṛta word. In his early work (Gītā), he uses demigod as his English-speaking disciples tell that this is the word closest to Deva in English. Later, he also uses the English word God & Saṅskṛta word Īśvara for them, for example in Shrimad Bhagwatam:
      “The Sanskrit word īśvara(controller) conveys the import of God, but the Supreme Person is called the parameśvara, or the supreme īśvara. The Supreme Person, or parameśvara, is the supreme conscious personality, and because He does not derive any power from any other source, He is supremely independent. In the Vedic literatures Brahmā is described as the supreme god or the head of all other gods like Indra, Candra and Varuṇa, but the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam confirms that even Brahmā is not independent as far as his power and knowledge are concerned.”
      So this 'demigod' controversy seems to be more of a misunderstanding. Hopes you understand the condition, the intent & the bhāva of Prabhupāda.
      Jaya Shri Ram 🙏

    • @apsnapsn4700
      @apsnapsn4700 5 місяців тому +1

      Jaya Shri Rama,
      My friend, I understand your concern about using the word 'demigod' for Devas because it means Greek half-human half God . However, anyone who is part of ISKCON, never thinks of Devas like the Greek counterparts. Instead, they know Devas to be those living entities who are neither free from influence of time, nor are like humans. So why should we dwell on this issue if the intended meaning is understood?
      Srila Prabhupāda uses different word for Devas. This means that he was only trying to find the best English counterpart for the Saṇskṛta word. In his early work (Gītā), he uses demigod as his English-speaking disciples tell that this is the word closest to Deva in English. Later, he also uses the English word God & Saṅskṛta word Īśvara for them, for example in Shrimad Bhagwatam:
      “The Sanskrit word īśvara(controller) conveys the import of God, but the Supreme Person is called the parameśvara, or the supreme īśvara. The Supreme Person, or parameśvara, is the supreme conscious personality, and because He does not derive any power from any other source, He is supremely independent. In the Vedic literatures Brahmā is described as the supreme god or the head of all other gods like Indra, Candra and Varuṇa, but the Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam confirms that even Brahmā is not independent as far as his power and knowledge are concerned.”
      So this 'demigod' controversy seems to be more of a misunderstanding. Hopes you understand the condition, the intent & the bhāva of Prabhupāda.
      Jaya Shri Ram 🙏
      Moreover bro why are you replying something else that isn't related to my question

  • @Iamdattatreya
    @Iamdattatreya 5 місяців тому +41

    The only reason i think why श्रीला प्रभुपाद did the wrong translation of the word 'dev' is because he wanted the western countries to follow gaudiya vaishnav sampradaya(iskcon) and those people didn't knew the difference between dev , bhagwan , parmatma, परब्रह्म and maybe at that time श्रीला प्रभुपाद was unable to find right words for dev, bhagwan, parmatma etc and now its stuck in the mind of foreign iskcon followers and even hindus who follow iskcon...

    • @mukesh-ge4gx
      @mukesh-ge4gx 5 місяців тому +6

      Even Indian are doing same , amogh lila Prabhu in one of his video said satyam shiv sundram is not dedicated to shivji ,it is for Krishna because Krishna is satyam shivam sundaram

    • @Iamdattatreya
      @Iamdattatreya 5 місяців тому +7

      Also wanted to clarify the meaning of demigod was used in greek mythology/religion..when a god(greek) had an offspring with a human , that child was considered a demi god ""half god-half human""
      Some people also consider the meaning as to be minor/inferior diety for example karna, arjun and other pandavs will be considered as demi gods as they are the children of hindu gods and kunti..

    • @VijayKumar-eh4rf
      @VijayKumar-eh4rf 5 місяців тому

      That means he was not an enlightened guy. Just another guy who wants his way to be followed. Maybe he wanted to woo the west for more funds and nothing spiritual.

    • @Ram_The_Infinite
      @Ram_The_Infinite 5 місяців тому +1

      @@mukesh-ge4gx in the Mantra - Hare Krishna Hare Rama, they say "Rama" here doesn't mean Bhagwan Rama

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 5 місяців тому +2

      @@Ram_The_Infinite For us Ram in Mahamantra is RadhikaRaman Krishna.
      Bhaktas of Ramchandra can take it as their dear Saaketbihari Shri Ram.
      What's wrong here?

  • @वन्देमातरम्-थ9झ
    @वन्देमातरम्-थ9झ 5 місяців тому +11

    Iskon version of Bhagvadgeeta is not good. They should have used certain sanskrit words without translation in to English. Like Dharma, Bhagawan, Devas, etc

    • @Ram_The_Infinite
      @Ram_The_Infinite 5 місяців тому +3

      they have even translated "Karma Yog" as "Bhakti Yog" at all the places
      Thereby completely eliminating karma yog from entire Gita

    • @HinduPhoenix
      @HinduPhoenix 5 місяців тому +2

      ​@@Ram_The_Infinitebuddhi ko bhi bhakti kiya hai.. sabko bhakti kar diya hai😂😂

    • @Ram_The_Infinite
      @Ram_The_Infinite 5 місяців тому +2

      @@HinduPhoenix Bhagwan ke vachano se khilwad karte hue Sharm aani chahiye yr in logo ko 🤦🏻

    • @Rahul8976-u4y
      @Rahul8976-u4y 5 місяців тому +3

      Isckon Translation is worst ,

    • @harinamamrita
      @harinamamrita 5 місяців тому

      This"not good" Bhagavad Gita is being distributed in millions and is making thousands come to Sanatana Dharma. On the contrary you or Nityananda are not doing anything

  • @Ram_The_Infinite
    @Ram_The_Infinite 5 місяців тому +6

    Even Shiv Ji is shown as inferior to a devotee of Lord Hari
    What nonsense ISKCON is

    • @Mekanishka0610
      @Mekanishka0610 5 місяців тому +5

      Devotees of both the Lords are as equal as Harihara.... Iskcon is a blot on Sanatan dharma.

    • @Ram_The_Infinite
      @Ram_The_Infinite 5 місяців тому +3

      @@Mekanishka0610 true

    • @Mekanishka0610
      @Mekanishka0610 5 місяців тому +2

      @@Ram_The_Infinite Do you know what is written in BG 2.62 Commentary of ISKCON??? Utter disgusting!

    • @Ram_The_Infinite
      @Ram_The_Infinite 5 місяців тому +2

      @@Mekanishka0610 what?

    • @Mekanishka0610
      @Mekanishka0610 5 місяців тому +4

      @@Ram_The_Infinite The Commentary on The 62nd Verse of Chapter 2 of Bhagwad Gita of Iskcon insults Lord Shiva and Maa Parvati. I was heavily offended when i saw that portion!

  • @LEONARDO-xs2ke
    @LEONARDO-xs2ke 5 місяців тому +2

    Iskcon needs to be banned

  • @chaitanyasharma2370
    @chaitanyasharma2370 5 місяців тому +9

    Make a video about the word "Shudra" it is most controversial word in Hinduism.

    • @H00o0DA1
      @H00o0DA1 5 місяців тому

      it's just 4th varn

    • @descendantofbharatbharatva7155
      @descendantofbharatbharatva7155 5 місяців тому +2

      @@H00o0DA1 it's more than that

    • @suhaspol902
      @suhaspol902 5 місяців тому

      😂 no it's not part of his propaganda

    • @H00o0DA1
      @H00o0DA1 5 місяців тому

      @@descendantofbharatbharatva7155 How?
      They don't have much significance in matter of dharma other than that

    • @H00o0DA1
      @H00o0DA1 5 місяців тому

      @@suhaspol902 You are literally a fool who is crying in the Comment section for no reason

  • @gsrcreations108
    @gsrcreations108 5 місяців тому

    Like aatma word is used for both jeevaatma and parmatma in different places in ved upanishads. Similarly Dev word is used for demigods and God.
    But in realty there is only God and all are his menifestations. There are both type of verses in ved upanishads.
    एको देवः सर्वभूतेषु गूढः सर्वव्यापी सर्वभूतान्तरात्मा।
    कर्माध्यक्षः सर्वभूताधिवासः साक्षी चेता केवलो निर्गुणश्च॥
    Like here dev is used for parbrahm .
    🎉for a ordinary person with 3 virtues of maya it is impossible to translate the ved mantras in their correct sense.
    We should only depend on the writings of God realized personalities sants.
    Ved says there is only brahm which is sanatan.
    Ved also says there is jeev and brahm and both are sanatan अज.
    वेद also says there are ब्रह्म jeev maya. All three are अज अज अजा.....all are सनातन.
    🎉🎉sabhi sahi हैं aur इसी कारण ऐक vedant darshan पर इतने अलग अलग व्याख्यान है जो सभी सही है।
    🎉समझाने का तरीका बस अलग अलग है बस भगवान में मन लगना चाहिए। ॐॐॐ

  • @kuttysankar1401
    @kuttysankar1401 5 місяців тому +11

    When they called Lord Shiva as a mere demigod, it put me off their Sampradaya.

    • @sugu811
      @sugu811 3 місяці тому

      How many Shivas are there

    • @atanughosh2959
      @atanughosh2959 2 місяці тому

      Lord Shiva is one but he takes many form as lord Vishnu

    • @sakha_dusthoka
      @sakha_dusthoka Місяць тому

      There crore of universe so there are crore of lord Visnu, lord shiva .
      But paramatma is one who is above crore universes and hi is Lord Krishna 🙏🏻...

  • @घुमंतू
    @घुमंतू 5 місяців тому +6

    Thank you for enlightening

  • @sidharthasatapathy3491
    @sidharthasatapathy3491 5 місяців тому +21

    I have read Srila Prabhupada's books. Much needed video 🙏🏻❤️🕉️
    Namo vah 🙏🏻

    • @kumarakantirava-n2b
      @kumarakantirava-n2b 5 місяців тому

      My Final reference will be to show how Prabupada failed in understanding Krsna. In Sydney, On April 1972, Prabupada says "Krsna will be proved Imperrfect & ISKCON will be proved B0gus if ISRO/NASA can land on the Moon " !! Not jsut this one statement, a full Book has been published on Prabupaad's comments on Moon !! He said He will Pr0ttest against ISRO-NASA if they claim they landed on the Moon !! When India Landed on the Moon, every ISKCON congratulated ISRO for proving ISKCON as B0gus !! So, his understanding is just B0gus !!
      if you have not done proper reaserch on a subject, you need not c0mment. Did NASA/ISRO ever say that they are going to Chandra Loka ?? No. They just reached teh Moon in our Night Sky. Prabupaada relied on Bhagawatam to say, the Moon of our Night Sky is 3 Crore Miles and Not 3 Lakh miles and hence cannot be reached by Rocket !! Prabupada never differentiated between Chandraloka & Moon. A full book has been Published collecting all such comments-writings of Prabupada . Prabhupaad did not even look into the book published by his own guru bhakti sidhanta about moon distance.
      " in 1790, war broke out between the Vaishnavite sadhus and the Shaivite, claimed the lives of 12,000 people."
      What do you think is the reason for this? False teachings.
      Our country has had vi0llence in the name of Siva & Visnu.
      Prabupaad added more fuel.
      2. In Srimad Bhagawatams 8/10/38 commentary he continues to criticize NASA/ISRO on the Moon distance issues without ever bothering to consider how the NASA/ISRO measurements coincide with the Surya Sidhanta. if Prabupaad had done a basic survey of Indian Astronomical Sciences, he would have at least read his own Guru's publication on Astronomical Sciences.
      Commentaries on our scriptures require more diligence and should be holistic.
      3. His interpolations on Bhagawatam is sab00-taging our sastra and we should pr0t-est against it at all costs. He cannot cast his philosophy to Bhagawata. He should recite only what the Bhagawatam says.. Example : - Bhagawatam has this beautiful verse , " Brahma, Shiva , Visnu are the Different Symbols given to "my actions" of Creations, preservation & annihil ". Go and see how Prabupaad messes this up by inserting "Demigods like Shiva" !! In the same flow, Bhagwata says, " Anyone who differentiates between Visnu-Shiva-Brahma " are ign0rant & bound to Narak". See how Prabupaad subverts this verse.
      4. If you guys take care of these N0n-sense, I will consider myself privileged with more time to mind my own business.
      It's really waste of time to keep commenting. I finsih my commenting. GoodBye.

    • @arjunkrishnadas
      @arjunkrishnadas 5 місяців тому

      Thank you for bringing this up. First, Greek and Latin does not have the concept of one God. So, all its derivatives like English too cannot have an equivalent for one God. But we know that God is one. What then??
      The only choice that a translator has is to assert a meaning or use the Sanskrit word as is.
      Coming to 'Demigod' word, it refers in English to partial entities to the 'Gods' who are actually not the one God but just living beings like Humans but who have Super human 'bodies'. The reference are the BG verses, 'ksheene punye martya lokam vishanti' meaning that when the credits are exhausted, the 'Gods' take birth with human bodies, Shocking!. What 'God' is this?. Also 'aabrahma bhuvanal lokah punaravartinah..'. meaning that this repeats on and on up and down. So Brahma is a normal living being and not the one God. So, in that sense, they are partial to the one God. That means, the 'Gods' themselves are partial to the one God and no better than humans, except Lord Shiva. Lord Shivas case is specially mentioned in another BBT publication the Brahma Samhita.
      Thus, in Latin and its derivatives, the so called 'Gods' are not the one God but partial to him.
      In other words, it is not an ISKCON mistranslation but the 'inadequacy' of the English language itself that has caused this dilemma.
      In order for the translator His Divine Grace Shri Abhaya Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada to 'overlook' that limitation, which requires a mind that is not enslaved by a foreign culture or language, such an 'improvisation' was the only way out.
      After all, if the language is itself inadequate but the subject matter is of such urgency in Kali Yuga, a 'True' Master paves his own way!.
      All the other 'great' translators mentioned here are scarcely known in the world while Swami Prabhupada is very well known only because of this power!
      Hare Krishna! 🙏🙏

    • @kumarakantirava-n2b
      @kumarakantirava-n2b 5 місяців тому

      @@arjunkrishnadas Maha prabhu ji, Eid Mubarak. Happy Ramzaan. Please also read my last line ! where were You Prabu till Now ? Dandawat Pranaam. How is Amogh Leela Daas Ji doing ? Please convey my wishes to him.
      1. Prabhupaad venturing to write commentary on Bhagawatam's Cosmology without reading his own Guru's Publications on vedic cosmology ? !
      2. Amogh Lila Prabhu running out when Questioned about why he congratulated ISRO m while Prabhupaad wanted to Protest against NASA/ISRO !
      3. I have 2 yr old MAil COnversations with Radhe Shyaam Prabhu ! Also his mails after ISRO moon landing.
      Best case study on Chamaleon.
      Even Prophet Mohammed is very famous across the world. Also, Mr Prabupaad, A true master did not pave his own way, he trampled his own way !

    • @arjunkrishnadas
      @arjunkrishnadas 5 місяців тому

      @@kumarakantirava-n2b Not only Shrila Prabhupada, many world scientists and observers still say that the old moon landing may have been faked. Do you have proof that they did not fake it? There are many analysis on this site that posits that it may be fake. So why not protest?
      All that is fine. You did a biiiig mistake by calling the Gitaji as inferior when all Acharyas lauded it. Your online credibility is done for! RIP friend! 😊

    • @arjunkrishnadas
      @arjunkrishnadas 5 місяців тому

      @@kumarakantirava-n2b Not only Shrila Prabhupada, many world scientists and observers still say that the old moon landing may have been faked. Do you have proof that they did not fake it? There are many analysis on this site that posits that it may be fake. So why not protest?
      All that is fine. You did a biiiig mistake by calling the Gitaji as inferior when all Acharyas lauded it. Your online credibility is done for! RIP friend! 😊

  • @poojagupta2588
    @poojagupta2588 5 місяців тому +5

    Iskcon वाले नहीं सुधरेंगे. Lord का सही अनुवाद "मालिक‌" होता हैं. Demigod का अर्थ A half God or Inferior God होता है और एक बहुत ही गंदा अर्थ होता हैं Demigod का। ये एक Poison Pill 💀💀💀💀 है word "Demigod". "मालिक (Lord) " अब्राहमिक God को कहते हैं, हमारे भगवान्, हमारे देवता है, मालिक नहीं।

    • @rameshverma4461
      @rameshverma4461 5 місяців тому

      @poojagupta2588 क्या मूर्खता है भगवान् देवता नहीं होते वैसे भगवद गीता एक मात्र ग्रन्थ है जिसकी व्याख्या करीब करीब भारत के सभी महान विद्वान लोगो ने की है Gandhi ,लाला लाजपत राय , राजेंद्र प्रसाद ,विवेकानंद आदि इसके आलावा Paigambar दयानंद के द्वारा स्थापित नव वैदिक कल्ट के आर्य नमाज़ी भी इसका 6 translation किये है एक बार सबके English Translation को पढ़ ले की देवता का अंग्रज़ी अनुवाद वे क्या किये है ya google kar le और haan एक बात aur hamare वैषणव धर्म में हम अपने भगवान् को अपना मालिक बोले या क्या बोले ये विधर्मी हमे नहीं बताएँगे

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 5 місяців тому

      What is indisputed is that English is an imperfect language. In earlier times, the divide between the West and the East was wide. Thus attempts were made to make the West understand the tenets of Sanatan Dharma in this imperfect language.
      Now that this divide has gone lesser, what we must do is gradually sanskritise English.
      Another important thing I would like to address. There are some people who are aggressively trying to portray ISKCON to be 'abrahamising' Dharma.
      To all such people: please don't be a close minded fool. The idea of Vishnu-paramatva is ANCIENT, not some new invention. If you disagree with it, you may and put forward your parampara. But this false narrative of the idea of Vishnu-paramatva being something new and 'abrahamic' is unfair. Mature adherents of Sanatan Dharma will not resort to such childish accusations. Dont listen to immature people on net who don't unerstand this simple fact.
      For that matter, Shri Nityanand ji is a disciple of Shripad Rambhadracharya ji, coming in line of Jagadguru Ramanandacharya ji. In their Sampraday, Shri Ram is 'Sarvaavatari Sarveshvar'. Shri Ram is the Supreme Personality, origin of even Narayan and Krishna. All devtas are subordinate to Shri Ram.
      Is this abrahamism? No.
      I repeat, you are free to put your own parampara forward, but false narratives are a sign of malice and dishonesty.

    • @poojagupta2588
      @poojagupta2588 5 місяців тому

      @@rameshverma4461 भगवान् विष्णु को परमपिता परमात्मा ही कहते हैं ना? अब्राहमिक रिलीजन में Creator and Creature is separate from each other. They are different. They are not one in Monotheism. Dualism .
      हमारे धर्म में Aatma (आत्मा) is not separate from paramaatma (परमात्मा). Aatma (आत्मा) is inseparable from paramaatma (परमात्मा) "Oneness with Brahman (ब्रह्म)" "Non Dualism".

    • @agniswar3
      @agniswar3 5 місяців тому

      What is your problem if we use the word 'Lord'? Don't we use the word 'Prabhu'?

    • @poojagupta2588
      @poojagupta2588 5 місяців тому

      ​@@agniswar3अब्राहमिक रिलीजन के अनुयायियों का (Followers का) मानना है कि " सबका मालिक (Lord) एक ". क्योंकि उनका मालिक सच में एक है बाकी सारे लोग उस मालिक (Lord) के गुलाम (Slave) है। अगर श्री कृष्ण Lord यानी कि मालिक है, तो बाकी सारे देवी - देवता उस मालिक (Lord) के क्या गुलाम (Slave) है? Iskcon वालो के नजर में। अब्राहमिक रिलीजन वालों का तो सिर्फ एक God होता है। इसलिए वो लोग " सबका मालिक एक " कहते रहते हैं, लेकिन हमारे तो बहुत सारे देवी - देवता हैं। और हमें सबका सम्मान भी करना होता है।
      मुझे ज्यादा Problem "Demigod " शब्द से है और जब देखो, तब Iskcon वाले इसी "Demigod" शब्द का प्रयोग करते रहते है, श्री कृष्ण को सारे देवी - देवताओं से Superior दिखाने के लिए।

  • @cw9728
    @cw9728 5 місяців тому +5

    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
    00:00 *📚 The term "demigod" in Sanātana Dharma lacks an equivalent in Sanskrit scriptures, differing interpretations exist.*
    01:10 *📖 Sanskrit word "deva" and "Sur" are often translated as "demigods," but debate exists on whether they should be translated as "Gods."*
    02:06 *💬 Interpretations of texts like the Bhagavad Gita vary, some translations use "demigods" while others use "Gods" for "deva" and "Sur".*
    03:09 *🌟 Some interpretations suggest a hierarchical view among celestial beings, with demigods like Shiva depicted as subservient to devotees of Krishna.*
    04:07 *📜 Rituals mentioned in Vedas direct worship towards specific demigods, indicating a belief in their existence and relevance.*
    05:00 *🔍 Scriptures categorize demigods into primal and administrative, with Vishnu as chief of the primal demigods and Indra as chief of the administrative.*
    07:23 *📚 Various translations of Sanskrit texts differ in translating terms like "demigods," adding complexity to their interpretation.*
    10:19 *📚 Sanskrit dictionaries translate "deva" and "Sur" as "Gods" or "Celestial deities," not as "demigods."*
    13:34 *📚 Sanskrit provides terms like "Upadeva," "upadevta," "dev-yoni," and "Aadha-deva" for demigods, distinct from "deva" and "Sur."*
    16:28 *🎓 Use of "demigod" for terms like "daa" and "Sur" lacks support from Sanskrit dictionaries, causing confusion in interpretation.*
    Made with HARPA AI

  • @uddhavpriyadas9391
    @uddhavpriyadas9391 5 місяців тому +2

    Videos of Mishraji are usually informative except few like this.
    He could not give any good eng word for devta.
    Hinduism is seen polytheistic religion because wrongly deva are considered as The God.
    Its like using official word for President to Peon.
    Logic of Upadevta, ardhadevta etc is like saying there are post of deputy officer, junior officer etc so Manager should be translated as CEO.
    Command of subject one doesn't get by getting book and dictionary.
    Mishraji is good in literature that doesn't mean he will become expert of all vedic subjects.
    Just like knowing English and getting a medicine book doesn't make one a doctor.
    I see translations are genius work of Prabhupada.
    Demigod is such a good word for devas. Just lesser God. Super. What more better word can anyone suggest for devtas?

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      Devatas = Divinities .
      Prabhupaad's translation deceives the intent of Krishna. It's the w0rst of all the translations.

  • @space.ved108
    @space.ved108 5 місяців тому +15

    Nityanand ji actually i am born ans brought up in Iskcon and i know that there are thousands of times that the word "demigod" is used but believe me thats not done with an intention of insulting any devtas. If you actually hear Srila Prabhupada's english lectures you will find that Srila Prabhupada is not so perfect in english. He is translating like that because thats what he is aware of. No bad intentions but. Even Iskcon devotees know that in sanskrit it would mean different and hence they take it generally not specifically. Actually if we see in Sanskrit there are terms like "ishwar"(controller), Bhagvan (one with 6 opulences) but english wont have such specific category so he although unintentionally generalized it and put devtas as demigods (inferior category) and bhagvan as Supreme Personality of Godhead. In English it would be just God even for ishwar and God even for Bhagvan. One also has to see the context why he did that. Thats why i say you will have to personally talk to iskcon devotees and not depend on what they say on UA-cam or write on emails or books. I also agree that it creates a confusion amongst people when speaking in public platform but we should know thay Srila Prabhupada's audience was majorly hippies and english people of 1970s who had zero idea of dharma. Srila Prabhupada created a good platform for them and he also told his disciples to learn Sanskrit and make things accurate where needed. Ofcourse we cant change what he has written but we can atleast make people understand his intentions.
    Also since you showed the meaning of demigods as offspring of God, from this perspective also there is no harm in calling all devtas as demigods because indeed they are offsprings of Narayan. In his Vishnu sahasra nam bhashya Sripad Adishankaracharya comments of the term "Keshava" from whom Lord Brahma, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu have come, thus hinting at Lord Krsna being the cause of their existence. The same meaning of Keshava is also there in Mahabharat. Didn't Lord Krsna say in Bhagvad Gita that He is the source of all and everything has emanated from Him- "aham sarvasya prabhavo"? I believe you could have atleast mentioned that his intentions were certainly not negative and it was primarily for his English audience. But you didn't acknowledge what he did for the whole world, on the contrary you just pointed out his technical mistakes which everyone agrees but atleast we all agree that what he did its nearly impossible for anyone to do at such a ripe age and in such a short span of time. Infact he was so dedicated to carry out his guru's orders that even in his last days he was hardly able to speak yet was seen translating the last two cantos of Srimad Bhagavatam. Hardly people know what he did. Everyone wants to simply correct the great acharyas and not see their vision.
    Hare Krishna

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому +1

      The Uttara Khanda of Padma Purana has a beautiful reference to Panchayatana puja. Bhagavan Krishna says the following to Satyabhama in the 88th Chapter :
      शैवाः सौराश्च गाणेशा वैष्णवाः शक्तिपूजकाः ।
      मामेव प्राप्नुवंतीह वर्षांभः सागरं यथा ॥ ४३ ॥
      एकोऽहं पंचधा जातः क्रीडयन्नामभिः किल ।
      देवदत्तो यथा कश्चित्पुत्राद्याह्वाननामभिः ॥ ४४ ॥ ( 6.88.43-44)
      Bhagvan says to Satyabhama , "As rain-water reaches the ocean, so also, the worshippers of Shiva,Surya,Ganesha,Vishnu and Shakti attain me. I am one, yet manifest in five ways. As one Devadatta is addressed in many ways, so also, I am called variously owing to my play. "

    • @space.ved108
      @space.ved108 5 місяців тому

      @@kumarakantirava429 this is not contradicting our one pointed worship to Lord Krishna so we accept that statement without any interpretation. For this is also given in Bhagvad Gita that ultimately all paths lead to Krsna only. Now the point is how they lead. If you wish to go on 10th floor of a building ofcourse there are various ways to reach, one is by lift and the other by stairs. The point here is that why would one unnecessarily use stairs to reach when the lift is available. That is not an insult to the stair process. It's just in order to save time and energy one uses lift. We Gaudiya Vaishnavas have never denied such statements, but we are very clear to point out the best way.
      Dsnt Lord Krsna Himself state in Bhagvad Gita that the worshipers of various Gods also ultimately worship Him but they do so "avidhipurvakam" (in a wrong way). Also He says that after many many births one comes to the point that Vasudev is all in all or all that exists. Again the thing to be understood is that one is Bhagvan and other are his manifestations. Worshipping manifestations is definitely great so imagine how great it must be in worshipping the direct form of Bhagvan. We have to understand all the statements of all the scriptures in general where required and specifically also where required. Infact the entire Vedic canon focusses on Lord Hari. That's what is even confirmed again in Bhagavad Gita where in Krsna says "vedaish cha sarvair aham Eva vedyo" - It is Me who is to be known through the Vedas. So the shloka that you pointed out is not rejected by us. We wholeheartedly accept it.

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      @@space.ved108 Where is that Krishna in Vedas & upanishads ?? Bhagwqad Gita is a scripture written for Sudras ( the Duds ! ). If the book written for raascaals is your reference point, God save this world from Duds !!

    • @agniswar3
      @agniswar3 5 місяців тому +2

      ​@@kumarakantirava429 May you realise the actual truth. May you grow up and realise that Bhagavad-Gita is for all.

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      @@agniswar3 @agniswar3 may the Government of India give you special scholarship to help you study veda vyasa properly. because, the author of Mahabharata ( gita ) himself says that he wrote it for the sudras - the idle talkers.

  • @ecneicsPhD4554
    @ecneicsPhD4554 5 місяців тому +4

    Mlechhasammohnaya certain words were used by Sirla Prabhupada during the translations. I don't think it is that big a deal for us.

    • @Kalesh_enjoyer
      @Kalesh_enjoyer 5 місяців тому +2

      Never but people having envy in their heart for ISKCON are making it big deal.

    • @HinduPhoenix
      @HinduPhoenix 5 місяців тому +1

      Then change it for Hindus. But they didn't.. so is it only mlechhasammohanaya or sarvasammohanaya? Swasiddhantsthapnarthaya?

    • @ecneicsPhD4554
      @ecneicsPhD4554 5 місяців тому

      @@HinduPhoenix When Lord Vishnu turned Himself into a beautiful dancer did He have to change back for the Devatas? No, the Devatas were smart and literate and the Asuras were completely enamoured. For Asurasammohanaya if Lord Vishnu who is a Paramapurusha becomes a female dancer do you think you have the right to question Him why did He not use some other sammohana strategy. Don't be an idiot and an illiterate like the Asuras. Just drink the Amrit and shut up if you can see through it.

    • @Mekanishka0610
      @Mekanishka0610 5 місяців тому +2

      @@Kalesh_enjoyer You people tactfully convert the Devotees of Shiva and Shakti to Vaishnavism by forcing them to worship Krishna. Of course Krishna is supreme in his own way but don't force the believers of deities other than Krishna to worship him. He doesn't demand forceful bhakti like you people preach.

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      The Uttara Khanda of Padma Purana has a beautiful reference to Panchayatana puja. Bhagavan Krishna says the following to Satyabhama in the 88th Chapter :
      शैवाः सौराश्च गाणेशा वैष्णवाः शक्तिपूजकाः ।
      मामेव प्राप्नुवंतीह वर्षांभः सागरं यथा ॥ ४३ ॥
      एकोऽहं पंचधा जातः क्रीडयन्नामभिः किल ।
      देवदत्तो यथा कश्चित्पुत्राद्याह्वाननामभिः ॥ ४४ ॥ ( 6.88.43-44)
      Bhagvan says to Satyabhama , "As rain-water reaches the ocean, so also, the worshippers of Shiva,Surya,Ganesha,Vishnu and Shakti attain me. I am one, yet manifest in five ways. As one Devadatta is addressed in many ways, so also, I am called variously owing to my play. "

  • @aarjukr
    @aarjukr 5 місяців тому +3

    hopefully this comes across some of the iskon sanyaasi who otherwise are so active on UA-cam and social media like swami amogh leela and others

    • @rameshverma4461
      @rameshverma4461 5 місяців тому

      @aarjukr The problem is in the Sanskrit language so we the Hindus never accepted it.....there is the Word Devta when Translated in English it becomes Demigod this proved Devta means degraded beings not God.

    • @aarjukr
      @aarjukr 5 місяців тому

      @@rameshverma4461 problem is not with sanskrit, its with ppl who dont understand that any translation/interpretation is affected by blind sight of bias and linguistic and translation capability of the individual… and thus still sticking/defending incorrect interpretation in the name of “respect” to their guru

    • @arjunkrishnadas
      @arjunkrishnadas 5 місяців тому

      Thank you for bringing this up. First, Greek and Latin does not have the concept of one God. So, all its derivatives like English too cannot have an equivalent for one God. But we know that God is one. What then??
      The only choice that a translator has is to assert a meaning or use the Sanskrit word as is.
      Coming to 'Demigod' word, it refers in English to partial entities to the 'Gods' who are actually not the one God but just living beings like Humans but who have Super human 'bodies'. The reference are the BG verses, 'ksheene punye martya lokam vishanti' meaning that when the credits are exhausted, the 'Gods' take birth with human bodies, Shocking!. What 'God' is this?. Also 'aabrahma bhuvanal lokah punaravartinah..'. meaning that this repeats on and on up and down. So Brahma is a normal living being and not the one God. So, in that sense, they are partial to the one God. That means, the 'Gods' themselves are partial to the one God and no better than humans, except Lord Shiva. Lord Shivas case is specially mentioned in another BBT publication the Brahma Samhita.
      Thus, in Latin and its derivatives, the so called 'Gods' are not the one God but partial to him.
      In other words, it is not an ISKCON mistranslation but the 'inadequacy' of the English language itself that has caused this dilemma.
      In order for the translator His Divine Grace Shri Abhaya Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada to 'overlook' that limitation, which requires a mind that is not enslaved by a foreign culture or language, such an 'improvisation' was the only way out.
      After all, if the language is itself inadequate but the subject matter is of such urgency in Kali Yuga, a 'True' Master paves his own way!.
      All the other 'great' translators mentioned here are scarcely known in the world while Swami Prabhupada is very well known only because of this power!
      Hare Krishna! 🙏🙏

    • @aarjukr
      @aarjukr 4 місяці тому

      @@arjunkrishnadas I don’t want to get into a debate but there are many gaps in your explanation/answer. If the very inadequacy of the language that you have agreed to is clear to the translator then all translations should have asterisks, but there are none. Instead, the captain used “As it is” is used which adds to that. Yes there are people who can see through and and discern and still understand what in these translations is fluff and what to ignore if that is the only source one is reading from. But most masses are not, and hence all the useless debates about “which form of the supreme lord is greatest”. And all the labels of “agenda” are thrown in. As far as the sources quoting one form as superior than other, in diff purana, diff forms are primary, so one has to go to the roots for the truth, which are veda and upnishad. Purana are for developing bhakti towards ones ishtdeva, they batter not be used for gyaan so to speak, for that upnishad are supreme. And according to them, brahm is the ultimate reality, and appears in various worshipped forms. (एकम् सत् विप्र बहुधा वदंती). Shakti, Shiva, Krishna, being those forms, how can one be superior to other?
      Hare Krishna, Namah Shivaay 🙏

    • @-AATMA
      @-AATMA 3 місяці тому

      Amogh lila pr is not sanyasi sir , he is a practicing brahmachari

  • @aryandevpandey6066
    @aryandevpandey6066 5 місяців тому +15

    I am an ISKCON Devotee (or should I say I am trying to be one of the servants at ISKCON), and I am grateful for the clarification provided herein. Yes it may be true that 'Deva' does not literally mean demingod. But what I think also needs to be clarified here is the purpose of translating the Bhagavad Gita. A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami never posed himself as a Sanskrit Scholar (yet he managed to translate immense amount of Vedic literature but we are not discussing that here). He was a preacher and a trailblazer of the Bhakti Yoga, as he comes from the Bramha-Madhva-Gaudiya Sampradaya.
    His mission was to preach the message of Bhakti throughout the world as given by Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita, as I must mention, he was immensely successful opening 108 temples in mere 10 years and making thousands of people begin their journey on the path of Bhakti Yoga (considering his ripe old age of 70 and 2 heart attacks while on a cargo ship all alone). The Bhagavad Gita has been accepted by all Vaishnava Sampradayas and Acharyas as Bhakti-conclusive. The final instruction of Krishna is to become his devotee and surrender unto him. A.C Bhaktivedanta swami's attempt was to thus present the Gita as bhakti centric. He is seeing and presenting Bhakti, the heart of the Gita, throughout the gita. And isn't that also a symptom of pure devotion to the Supreme Lord Narayan?
    That is why I appreciate the fact that the presenter in the video has said, "from a Sanskrit Perspective." Yes, maybe from a Sanskrit perspective the translations may not be justified, but from the principle perspective, it is absolutely justified. Similar is the case with Madhvacharya's commentary. The vision of A.C Bhaktivedanta swami is not make sanskrit scholars, but make people simple pure hearted devotees of krishna. In a scripture known as Chaitanya Charitamrit, there is a story of a Brahmin, who is illiterate. This illiterate brahmin cannot even read, but is crying and weeping when he "reads" the Gita. Others laugh at him wondering how is he reading the Gita when he is illiterate? When the brahmin is confronted by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu (incarnation of Krishna) he replies that as his guru ordered the brahmin to read, he is trying. Although illiterate, as soon as he opens the Gita, he sees Lord Krishna driving Arjuna's chariot and weeps in seperation from the lord. Mahaprabhu embraces him and replies, "You are reading Bhagavad-gītā in the true sense." The purpose of shastra is not to become an erudite scholar, it may be a side effect but certainly not the goal. As Adi Shankaracharya writes,
    "bhaja govindaḿ bhaja govindaḿ
    govindaḿ bhajamūḍhamate
    saḿprāpte sannihite kāle
    nahi nahi rakśati"
    Translation: Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda, Worship Govinda. Oh fool! Rules of Grammar will not save you at the time of your death
    All the knowledge, of grammar, logic etc, is understood to be used in service of Sriman Narayan, and A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami does exactly that! For which I think all Sanatanis must honour him! When our grandfathers decide to retire, that is the age when Swami ji embarked on a seemingly impossible mission....ALL ALONE! He started ISKCON, which has helped MILLLIONS during natural calamties and pandemics, IN ADDITION TO THEIR SPIRITUAL CARE.
    The reason I have mentioned all of this is because 90% of the viewers (many so called hindus) are suffering from lust (India is one of the top countries watching pornography), anger, greed, pride etc. (India's rank on happiness index is 146 EVEN BELOW PAKISTAN) and their so called love for Sanatan is limited to waving orange flags and simply posting, "#sanatani" on social media, but here is a man, called A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami, who has actually done something for Sanatan Dharma, and that ought to be honored by us.
    I have said all this because, so many innocent and genuine people will be misguided and perhaps even leave the bigger mission just on the accord of mere grammatical translation shifts, which by the way are not SO WRONG THAT IT WILL COMPLETELY TEAR APART THE MESSAGE OF THE GITA. Millions have read Gita As it is by Bhaktivedanata Swami and have become people leading a pious life, and that is what truly matters. Hare Krishna! Jai Srila Prabhupad!
    pls watch ( and ( and (

    • @LEONARDO-xs2ke
      @LEONARDO-xs2ke 5 місяців тому

      Leave iskcon if you have even 1IQ

    • @domename
      @domename 5 місяців тому +1

      And he practiced what he preached. The philosophy of bhakti is to not overcomplicate yourself and rather just apply whatever you know in the service. Great comment!

    • @LEONARDO-xs2ke
      @LEONARDO-xs2ke 5 місяців тому +1

      @@domename wrong

    • @domename
      @domename 5 місяців тому

      @@LEONARDO-xs2ke how is it wrong?
      Shravanam kirtanam vishnoh smaranam ... shlok in bhagavatam. Look for it. This is devotional service.

    • @domename
      @domename 5 місяців тому

      @@LEONARDO-xs2ke And don't write such nonsense like "wrong". What do you have to prove it?

  • @-AATMA
    @-AATMA 3 місяці тому +1

    Prabhupāda: The demigods means they are highly advanced than these human beings. They are also living entities like us, but their duration of life, their standard of life, their civilization, spiritual knowledge, so advanced that they are called demigods. Almost God. They are so advanced. Demigods means almost God. They have got all godly qualities, and they are controller of the atmospheric affairs. Some of them are controlling rainy season; some of them controlling heat; some...
    The idea is krishna or vishnu is god , supreme above all and others are demigod. Devata are translated as demi-god which is not acurate , as we all know. cuz the idea of demigod is like compition to real god , but prabhupada didn't use word for so. For all vaishnav devatas are the servent of lord hari. Demi gods are respectable.
    द्वौ भूत-सर्गौ लोके 'स्मिन्,
    देवासुर एव च।
    विष्णु-भक्त: स्मृतो देव
    असुरस तद -विपर्यय :।।
    ( पद्म पुराण )

  • @saurabhgrover6737
    @saurabhgrover6737 5 місяців тому +6

    In Delhi Book fair few years back I picked up a small book on Shiva by ISCKON and to my surprise they called him evil.
    This belittling of others comes from a mindset to prove that Krishna is supreme. I hope new generation ISCKON people are not brought up with this hatred. They do great bhajans and monks are very nice and friendly.

    • @rameshverma4461
      @rameshverma4461 5 місяців тому

      Yeah he is the fallen Angel of ISLAM, Chtistinity and the Jews...

    • @abhishektiwari1868
      @abhishektiwari1868 5 місяців тому +3

      There is no book calling Lord Shiva as evil. Show the exact quote.
      Lord Shiva is worshipped as topmost Vaishnava in Gaudiya Vaishnava tradition and ISKCON.
      Although I do agree calling Lord Shiva as demigod feels very offensive to many. But the main focus is to do Krishna bhakti and not to belittle others.

    • @pankajalochana7236
      @pankajalochana7236 5 місяців тому +1

      What nonsense! Don't spread misinformation, tell the name of the name with proper reference. ISCKON don't write such things in their books.

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      @@abhishektiwari1868 The Uttara Khanda of Padma Purana has a beautiful reference to Panchayatana puja. Bhagavan Krishna says the following to Satyabhama in the 88th Chapter :
      शैवाः सौराश्च गाणेशा वैष्णवाः शक्तिपूजकाः ।
      मामेव प्राप्नुवंतीह वर्षांभः सागरं यथा ॥ ४३ ॥
      एकोऽहं पंचधा जातः क्रीडयन्नामभिः किल ।
      देवदत्तो यथा कश्चित्पुत्राद्याह्वाननामभिः ॥ ४४ ॥ ( 6.88.43-44)
      Bhagvan says to Satyabhama , "As rain-water reaches the ocean, so also, the worshippers of Shiva,Surya,Ganesha,Vishnu and Shakti attain me. I am one, yet manifest in five ways. As one Devadatta is addressed in many ways, so also, I am called variously owing to my play. "

    • @kumarakantirava-n2b
      @kumarakantirava-n2b 5 місяців тому

      @@pankajalochana7236 Srimad Bhagawatam Prabhupaad Translation : - .1.2.11 " Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramātmā or Bhagavān ""

  • @arjunkrishnadas
    @arjunkrishnadas 5 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for bringing this up. First, Greek and Latin does not have the concept of one God. So, all its derivatives like English too cannot have an equivalent for one God. But we know that God is one. What then??
    The only choice that a translator has is to assert a meaning or use the Sanskrit word as is.
    Coming to 'Demigod' word, it refers in English to partial entities to the 'Gods' who are actually not the one God but just living beings like Humans but who have Super human 'bodies'. The reference are the BG verses, 'ksheene punye martya lokam vishanti' meaning that when the credits are exhausted, the 'Gods' take birth with human bodies, Shocking!. What 'God' is this?. Also 'aabrahma bhuvanal lokah punaravartinah..'. meaning that this repeats on and on up and down. So Brahma is a normal living being and not the one God. So, in that sense, they are partial to the one God. That means, the 'Gods' themselves are partial to the one God and no better than humans, except Lord Shiva. Lord Shivas case is specially mentioned in another BBT publication the Brahma Samhita.
    Thus, in Latin and its derivatives, the so called 'Gods' are not the one God but partial to him.
    In other words, it is not an ISKCON mistranslation but the 'inadequacy' of the English language itself that has caused this dilemma.
    In order for the translator His Divine Grace Shri Abhaya Charanaravinda Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada to 'overlook' that limitation, which requires a mind that is not enslaved by a foreign culture or language, such an 'improvisation' was the only way out.
    After all, if the language is itself inadequate but the subject matter is of such urgency in Kali Yuga, a 'True' Master paves his own way!.
    All the other 'great' translators mentioned here are scarcely known in the world while Swami Prabhupada is very well known only because of this power!
    Hare Krishna! 🙏🙏

    • @featurebug181
      @featurebug181 5 місяців тому +1

      Great response prabhu! No attempt has been made to understand the technical meaning of the word demi-god as used very consistently in all of the books of srila prabhupada. Nityanada ji's argument is like taking the concept momentum in physics and sitting and arguing about its meaning by english etymology. It is only a placeholder for a technical concept which is very consistently used inside physics and it is a useless endeavour to understand its meaning any other way.
      If there is an objection toward referring to Shiva or Brahma as demi-gods then the argument must be a shastric one and not a linguistic one but Nityanand ji's argument is neither here nor there.

  • @kapilbhiwal3969
    @kapilbhiwal3969 5 місяців тому +3

    मैंने आपकी कई videos पर comment किया है।
    मुझे बहुत आवश्यकता है।
    आपका बहुत बहुत आभार।

    • @kumarakantirava-n2b
      @kumarakantirava-n2b 5 місяців тому

      My Final reference will be to show how Prabupada failed in understanding Krsna. In Sydney, On April 1972, Prabupada says "Krsna will be proved Imperrfect & ISKCON will be proved B0gus if ISRO/NASA can land on the Moon " !! Not jsut this one statement, a full Book has been published on Prabupaad's comments on Moon !! He said He will Pr0ttest against ISRO-NASA if they claim they landed on the Moon !! When India Landed on the Moon, every ISKCON congratulated ISRO for proving ISKCON as B0gus !! So, his understanding is just B0gus !!
      if you have not done proper reaserch on a subject, you need not c0mment. Did NASA/ISRO ever say that they are going to Chandra Loka ?? No. They just reached teh Moon in our Night Sky. Prabupaada relied on Bhagawatam to say, the Moon of our Night Sky is 3 Crore Miles and Not 3 Lakh miles and hence cannot be reached by Rocket !! Prabupada never differentiated between Chandraloka & Moon. A full book has been Published collecting all such comments-writings of Prabupada . Prabhupaad did not even look into the book published by his own guru bhakti sidhanta about moon distance.
      " in 1790, war broke out between the Vaishnavite sadhus and the Shaivite, claimed the lives of 12,000 people."
      What do you think is the reason for this? False teachings.
      Our country has had vi0llence in the name of Siva & Visnu.
      Prabupaad added more fuel.
      2. In Srimad Bhagawatams 8/10/38 commentary he continues to criticize NASA/ISRO on the Moon distance issues without ever bothering to consider how the NASA/ISRO measurements coincide with the Surya Sidhanta. if Prabupaad had done a basic survey of Indian Astronomical Sciences, he would have at least read his own Guru's publication on Astronomical Sciences.
      Commentaries on our scriptures require more diligence and should be holistic.
      3. His interpolations on Bhagawatam is sab00-taging our sastra and we should pr0t-est against it at all costs. He cannot cast his philosophy to Bhagawata. He should recite only what the Bhagawatam says.. Example : - Bhagawatam has this beautiful verse , " Brahma, Shiva , Visnu are the Different Symbols given to "my actions" of Creations, preservation & annihil ". Go and see how Prabupaad messes this up by inserting "Demigods like Shiva" !! In the same flow, Bhagwata says, " Anyone who differentiates between Visnu-Shiva-Brahma " are ign0rant & bound to Narak". See how Prabupaad subverts this verse.
      4. If you guys take care of these N0n-sense, I will consider myself privileged with more time to mind my own business.
      It's really waste of time to keep commenting. I finsih my commenting. GoodBye.

    • @KrsnaDD97
      @KrsnaDD97 5 місяців тому

  • @vishakhasharma2209
    @vishakhasharma2209 5 місяців тому +3

    Well ,i think its may be just translation inaccuracies ......
    As a non-isconite it do not feels like a deliberate attempt to create false narration !!!!
    Iskon walo ne dusre Bhagwan ke liye koi upshbd to nahi kahe h aj tak??? intention to galat nahi lagti but yes given the stature of the organisation ,steps for responsible tranlation must be taken ....after all it is the about our "sanatan dharma"❤

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому +2

      1. Srimad Bhagawatam Prabhupaad Translation : - .1.2.11 " Learned transcendentalists who know the Absolute Truth call this nondual substance Brahman, Paramātmā or Bhagavān ""
      2. The Uttara Khanda of Padma Purana has a beautiful reference to Panchayatana puja. Bhagavan Krishna says the following to Satyabhama in the 88th Chapter :
      शैवाः सौराश्च गाणेशा वैष्णवाः शक्तिपूजकाः ।
      मामेव प्राप्नुवंतीह वर्षांभः सागरं यथा ॥ ४३ ॥
      एकोऽहं पंचधा जातः क्रीडयन्नामभिः किल ।
      देवदत्तो यथा कश्चित्पुत्राद्याह्वाननामभिः ॥ ४४ ॥ ( 6.88.43-44)
      Bhagvan says to Satyabhama , "As rain-water reaches the ocean, so also, the worshippers of Shiva,Surya,Ganesha,Vishnu and Shakti attain me. I am one, yet manifest in five ways. As one Devadatta is addressed in many ways, so also, I am called variously owing to my play.

    • @linguistme6870
      @linguistme6870 5 місяців тому +1

      actually they do i will record them next time i go there

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      My Final reference will be to show how Prabupada failed in understanding Krsna. In Sydney, On April 1972, Prabupada says "Krsna will be proved Imperrfect & ISKCON will be proved B0gus if ISRO/NASA can land on the Moon " !! Not jsut this one statement, a full Book has been published on Prabupaad's comments on Moon !! He said He will Pr0ttest against ISRO-NASA if they claim they landed on the Moon !! When India Landed on the Moon, every ISKCON congratulated ISRO for proving ISKCON as B0gus !! So, his understanding is just B0gus !!
      if you have not done proper reaserch on a subject, you need not c0mment. Did NASA/ISRO ever say that they are going to Chandra Loka ?? No. They just reached teh Moon in our Night Sky. Prabupaada relied on Bhagawatam to say, the Moon of our Night Sky is 3 Crore Miles and Not 3 Lakh miles and hence cannot be reached by Rocket !! Prabupada never differentiated between Chandraloka & Moon. A full book has been Published collecting all such comments-writings of Prabupada . Prabhupaad did not even look into the book published by his own guru bhakti sidhanta about moon distance.
      " in 1790, war broke out between the Vaishnavite sadhus and the Shaivite, claimed the lives of 12,000 people."
      What do you think is the reason for this? False teachings.
      Our country has had vi0llence in the name of Siva & Visnu.
      Prabupaad added more fuel.
      2. In Srimad Bhagawatams 8/10/38 commentary he continues to criticize NASA/ISRO on the Moon distance issues without ever bothering to consider how the NASA/ISRO measurements coincide with the Surya Sidhanta. if Prabupaad had done a basic survey of Indian Astronomical Sciences, he would have at least read his own Guru's publication on Astronomical Sciences.
      Commentaries on our scriptures require more diligence and should be holistic.
      3. His interpolations on Bhagawatam is sab00-taging our sastra and we should pr0t-est against it at all costs. He cannot cast his philosophy to Bhagawata. He should recite only what the Bhagawatam says.. Example : - Bhagawatam has this beautiful verse , " Brahma, Shiva , Visnu are the Different Symbols given to "my actions" of Creations, preservation & annihil ". Go and see how Prabupaad messes this up by inserting "Demigods like Shiva" !! In the same flow, Bhagwata says, " Anyone who differentiates between Visnu-Shiva-Brahma " are ign0rant & bound to Narak". See how Prabupaad subverts this verse.
      4. If you guys take care of these N0n-sense, I will consider myself privileged with more time to mind my own business.
      It's really waste of time to keep commenting. I finsih my commenting. GoodBye.

    • @vishakhasharma2209
      @vishakhasharma2209 5 місяців тому

      @@kumarakantirava429 no no ,its not waste of time ,i read yr complete comment , yr criticism is worth pondering for both iskonites & noniskonites .......... 😇

  • @kewalshah9910
    @kewalshah9910 5 місяців тому +6

    Thanks for clarification

  • @tirtharajchakraborty442
    @tirtharajchakraborty442 5 місяців тому +1

    Iskon =liar

  • @PradhyuamnPathak
    @PradhyuamnPathak 5 місяців тому +6

    dhanyawaad aapka is video ko bnane ke liye mishra ji

  • @sumitdutta7043
    @sumitdutta7043 5 місяців тому +9

    No ISKCON harmed in this video😂

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 5 місяців тому +3

      What is indisputed is that English is an imperfect language. In earlier times, the divide between the West and the East was wide. Thus attempts were made to make the West understand the tenets of Sanatan Dharma in this imperfect language.
      Now that this divide has gone lesser, what we must do is gradually sanskritise English.
      Another important thing I would like to address. There are some people who are aggressively trying to portray ISKCON to be 'abrahamising' Dharma.
      To all such people: please don't be a close minded fool. The idea of Vishnu-paramatva is ANCIENT, not some new invention. If you disagree with it, you may and put forward your parampara. But this false narrative of the idea of Vishnu-paramatva being something new and 'abrahamic' is unfair. Mature adherents of Sanatan Dharma will not resort to such childish accusations. Dont listen to immature people on net who don't unerstand this simple fact.
      For that matter, Shri Nityanand ji is a disciple of Shripad Rambhadracharya ji, coming in line of Jagadguru Ramanandacharya ji. In their Sampraday, Shri Ram is 'Sarvaavatari Sarveshvar'. Shri Ram is the Supreme Personality, origin of even Narayan and Krishna. All devtas are subordinate to Shri Ram.
      Is this abrahamism? No.
      I repeat, you are free to put your own parampara forward, but false narratives are a sign of malice and dishonesty.

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      @@aditshukla The Uttara Khanda of Padma Purana has a beautiful reference to Panchayatana puja. Bhagavan Krishna says the following to Satyabhama in the 88th Chapter :
      शैवाः सौराश्च गाणेशा वैष्णवाः शक्तिपूजकाः ।
      मामेव प्राप्नुवंतीह वर्षांभः सागरं यथा ॥ ४३ ॥
      एकोऽहं पंचधा जातः क्रीडयन्नामभिः किल ।
      देवदत्तो यथा कश्चित्पुत्राद्याह्वाननामभिः ॥ ४४ ॥ ( 6.88.43-44)
      Bhagvan says to Satyabhama , "As rain-water reaches the ocean, so also, the worshippers of Shiva,Surya,Ganesha,Vishnu and Shakti attain me. I am one, yet manifest in five ways. As one Devadatta is addressed in many ways, so also, I am called variously owing to my play. "

  • @biddarani1997
    @biddarani1997 5 місяців тому +2

    Sir namaskar I am from Bangladesh. I am your follower. Just give me a favour. I need a book mahanirvan tantra. please sir

  • @PrachandParshuram
    @PrachandParshuram 5 місяців тому +5

    iskCON is abrahamising Sanatana Dharma in missionary mode to make it palatable to their western converts. It would be much appreciated if Nityananda Mishra Ji were to do an exhaustive critique of their ideology, showcasing flaws in their understanding and particularly pointing out the interpolations, liberties taken in translation of sacred vedic texts (most important being Bhagwd Gita, Bhagwat Purana) in English. Sadly the English medium educatied youth often turns to their english publications and gets indoctrinated.

    • @rameshverma4461
      @rameshverma4461 5 місяців тому +1

      @PrachandParshuram Well in the ancient time before Jesus the christian and till MUHAMMAD was Alive muslims were Santanis....

    • @aditshukla
      @aditshukla 5 місяців тому

      What is indisputed is that English is an imperfect language. In earlier times, the divide between the West and the East was wide. Thus attempts were made to make the West understand the tenets of Sanatan Dharma in this imperfect language.
      Now that this divide has gone lesser, what we must do is gradually sanskritise English.
      Another important thing I would like to address. There are some people who are aggressively trying to portray ISKCON to be 'abrahamising' Dharma.
      To all such people: please don't be a close minded fool. The idea of Vishnu-paramatva is ANCIENT, not some new invention. If you disagree with it, you may and put forward your parampara. But this false narrative of the idea of Vishnu-paramatva being something new and 'abrahamic' is unfair. Mature adherents of Sanatan Dharma will not resort to such childish accusations. Dont listen to immature people on net who don't unerstand this simple fact.
      For that matter, Shri Nityanand ji is a disciple of Shripad Rambhadracharya ji, coming in line of Jagadguru Ramanandacharya ji. In their Sampraday, Shri Ram is 'Sarvaavatari Sarveshvar'. Shri Ram is the Supreme Personality, origin of even Narayan and Krishna. All devtas are subordinate to Shri Ram.
      Is this abrahamism? No.
      I repeat, you are free to put your own parampara forward, but false narratives are a sign of malice and dishonesty.

    • @PrachandParshuram
      @PrachandParshuram 5 місяців тому +1

      @@aditshukla Any parampara creating schisms by going against and slandering the Shruti (Vedas) itself by demoting and denigrating the holy trinity which are but 3 aspects of the essential 1 Parabrahman must be condemned, refuted unequivocally. It's absolutely unacceptable to fit Shiva in their cosmo-theological scheme of things as a Demi God who is actually not particularly regarded. Sure there will be differences in lineages of the various acharyas even within Vaishnavism. But there should be no tolerance for sectarian chauvinism even if one ardently taken to a particular darshan, lineage.
      The special case of iskCON is not comparable to examples given by you. Perhaps you are unaware of the kind of people both within India and abroad who massively funding the proselytization activities of iskCON particularly targeting the youth and demographic effects this will have on the very perpetuation of the Hindu community itself what to say of the plurality of sects within the Sanatana fold. It is very evident for anyone who has gone to Mayapur and seen the Orthodox Christian temple architecture itself let alone activities and the kind crowd there that the organisation is very much modelled along the missionaries of the Christian Church. Compare glitzy highly commercial iskCON with restaurants and shops to the original humble Gaudiya Math in its Spiritual purity.
      I myself have almost all of iskCON's publications related to our core scriptures be it the Vedas, Upanishads and Puranas. I'm not aware if you have read, studied under guidance of a Guru, attending Bhagvath Saptah etc. the pinnacle of Vyasa's writings - Srimad Bhagvat Puran. This comes in an exhaustive 18 encyclopedic book set from iskcon and compared it with say MLBD or other indology focussed publications to note the significant departures in word by word meaning followed by interpretation. There was a time when invaders used to poison the wells to ethnically cleansed the natives, today they poison the stories.
      The Hinduphobic urban naxxxals now have been cleverly targeting Hindus by promoting their own warped understanding of Sanatana Dharma be it through Ivy League Professor authored books or having a Devdutt Pattnaik type Pharma sales and marketing Rep's turned "mythologist" running their own narrative. As if it wasn't enough to change the civilizational history of Hindus now even their beliefs are being subtly and cunningly changed by anyone and everyone who on basis of academic or financial credentials can get published in the mainstream.
      Bottomline is Spirituality is about actual experience and not arm chair intellectual entertainment. If one must read spiritual books then one should always have a critical thinking mind and skepticism for anything written or said by anyone who is not a truly Brahmanishtha commentator like for example the rare Bhagwan Ramana Maharshi or Swami Shivananda who can't be compared with Max Muller and the like.

    • @PrachandParshuram
      @PrachandParshuram 5 місяців тому

      @@rameshverma4461 True be it Yazidi's (Ya Siddhi's) of Syria, converted Christians of Armenia to the Danish people of Scandinavia to people of Arctic as per Tilak and not forget the Romani gypsy people now scattered all over the world they have Sanatana roots. Interestingly chosen people of the God of Abraham (Brahma?) and his consort Sarah (Saras-wati?) have a Jewish temple in Pushkar of all places. For Zoroastrians the Dieva's are the evil ones while the Ahura's (S replaced with H) are divine. Sadguru has found ancient consecrated Shiva Linga's in Turkey to Greece.
      Whatever be the case this civilizational memory has been systematically erased by Islamists and Christian missionaries the world over.

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      @@PrachandParshuram The Uttara Khanda of Padma Purana has a beautiful reference to Panchayatana puja. Bhagavan Krishna says the following to Satyabhama in the 88th Chapter :
      शैवाः सौराश्च गाणेशा वैष्णवाः शक्तिपूजकाः ।
      मामेव प्राप्नुवंतीह वर्षांभः सागरं यथा ॥ ४३ ॥
      एकोऽहं पंचधा जातः क्रीडयन्नामभिः किल ।
      देवदत्तो यथा कश्चित्पुत्राद्याह्वाननामभिः ॥ ४४ ॥ ( 6.88.43-44)
      Bhagvan says to Satyabhama , "As rain-water reaches the ocean, so also, the worshippers of Shiva,Surya,Ganesha,Vishnu and Shakti attain me. I am one, yet manifest in five ways. As one Devadatta is addressed in many ways, so also, I am called variously owing to my play. "

  • @andromedaxinsearchofanewho210
    @andromedaxinsearchofanewho210 5 місяців тому +5

    द्वौ भूत-सर्गौ लोके ऽस्मिन् दैव आसुर एव च
    विष्णु-भक्तः स्मृतो दैव आसुरस् तद्-विपर्ययः
    द्विविधो भूतमार्गोयं दैव आसुर एव च |
    विष्णुभक्तिपरो दैवो विपरीतस्तथासुरः ||
    ~ Caitanya Caritāmṛta Ādi 3.91 [अग्नि-पुराण ३८३.१२ ]
    So this theory is acceptable in the Gaudiya Sampradaya only under the constraint of calling the devas, demigod.
    I hope Śrīmān Nityānanda will look upon this.

    • @Mekanishka0610
      @Mekanishka0610 5 місяців тому +3

      So why they say it openly offending the devotees of other gods??

    • @Sankhyame
      @Sankhyame 5 місяців тому +3

      It's one of those "lost" references, hence, can't be accepted at all. This is probably a made up verse attributed to Padma Purana by Gaudiya writers. Instances like these are found throughout Chaitanya Charitamrita.

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      The Uttara Khanda of Padma Purana has a beautiful reference to Panchayatana puja. Bhagavan Krishna says the following to Satyabhama in the 88th Chapter :
      शैवाः सौराश्च गाणेशा वैष्णवाः शक्तिपूजकाः ।
      मामेव प्राप्नुवंतीह वर्षांभः सागरं यथा ॥ ४३ ॥
      एकोऽहं पंचधा जातः क्रीडयन्नामभिः किल ।
      देवदत्तो यथा कश्चित्पुत्राद्याह्वाननामभिः ॥ ४४ ॥ ( 6.88.43-44)
      Bhagvan says to Satyabhama , "As rain-water reaches the ocean, so also, the worshippers of Shiva,Surya,Ganesha,Vishnu and Shakti attain me. I am one, yet manifest in five ways. As one Devadatta is addressed in many ways, so also, I am called variously owing to my play. "

    • @andromedaxinsearchofanewho210
      @andromedaxinsearchofanewho210 5 місяців тому

      तस्मात् सुनियतैर्भाव्यं वैष्णवं मार्गमास्पदम्।।
      दुर्ल्लभं वैष्णवत्वं हि त्रिषु लोकेषु सुन्दरि।।८७।।
      जन्मान्तरसहस्रेषु समाराध्य वृषध्वजम् ।।
      वैष्णवत्वं लभेत् कश्चित्सर्वपापक्षये सति ।। ८८।। [वराहपुराणम् अध्यायः २११]
      This is purport of the Supposed Panchayatana worship in Padma purana. THis Krama mukti, (shakta < Saura < Ganpatya < Shaiva < Vaishanava) < Shuddha Sampradayik Vaishnava.

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому +1

      @@andromedaxinsearchofanewho210 🤣😂

  • @sourabhpachori1
    @sourabhpachori1 5 місяців тому +4

    This is underrated channel plese help him spread

  • @rupacharya6601
    @rupacharya6601 22 години тому

    Which version of the Bhagavad Gita should I read? There are many editions published by different organizations. Is there a particular Shrimad Bhagavad Gita that is considered the most accurate and true?

  • @thecriticalanalysis9773
    @thecriticalanalysis9773 5 місяців тому +3

    Most awaited topic Nityanandji m very thankful and grateful🙏 to you for bringing this fraud of iskon, baps and their likes, younger generation are swayed by them as something hindu but these organisations are involved in soft evangelical activities

  • @prasadb8917
    @prasadb8917 5 місяців тому +3

    Jai Shri Ram. Brilliant mahodaya❤

  • @benefactor4309
    @benefactor4309 5 місяців тому +4

    The worst spiritual guru on social media is that Amogh Lila das .His behaviour and style of commentary is that of a road side bully.
    He acts like a cheap stand up comedian .

    • @Ram_The_Infinite
      @Ram_The_Infinite 5 місяців тому +1

      true 💯
      Calling him Spiritual guru is an insult to spiritual gurus

    • @benefactor4309
      @benefactor4309 5 місяців тому +2

      @@Ram_The_Infinite yes he is a filthy troll

    • @KuldeepPalo
      @KuldeepPalo 5 місяців тому

      Us admi na 1karod plus ki naukri chodi aur sirf bhagwan ka Lia kitna samarpit hai khud jis condition mai rehta hai jaka dekho aur ek bar kitna youth ka usna krishna bhakt banaya isa dekho
      Aur aj ka yug mai sayad bahu kam admi honga jo itna swarth tyag kar bhagwan ki bhajenga

    • @benefactor4309
      @benefactor4309 5 місяців тому +2

      @@KuldeepPalo unhone kya chora mujhe usse kya ???
      Ek badtameez troll ki tarah doosro ka mazak udate hai

    • @lakshmikrithika2521
      @lakshmikrithika2521 5 місяців тому

      @@KuldeepPalohe could have used the money to support iskcon.
      But join hoke sirf uska naam aur kharaab kiya 😂

  • @KoushikDas-hn8zv
    @KoushikDas-hn8zv 5 місяців тому +1

    Mishra ji, how does it matter if devas like Indra is called god or demigod? It doesn't change their basic character, their histories or lilas. They are the same person even if they are termed as demigods. So, your discussion makes no sense at all. This video is just an expression of your egoistic hatred towards ISKCON and Swami Prabhupada. From this video people will learn nothing but hatred towards a man or an organisation who propagated Sanatan Dharma all over ther world.

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      just imagine going to the Vedic era and claiming Indra to be a Demi God. Pretty sure they'd be pissed

  • @108chaitanya
    @108chaitanya 5 місяців тому +5

    To those interested in the truth: No translation is perfect. Each author belonging to a sampradāya translates with the larger context or wordview (darśana) in mind. Though we can find flaws with the translations of any ācārya, we don't do it out of respect. Sometimes, a word like 'demigod' is employed to contrast with the primary deity of a tradition/sampradāya. Decontextualizing a term automatically sets itself up for ambiguity -- in short, text without context is meaning-less or worse, misleading.
    From a scholarly viewpoint: Saṁskṛta words (deva, dharma, śraddhā, etc.) are best used as they are without translating. To address the usage of the word 'demigod', we need some context. Gauḍīya-vaiṣṇavism, to which ISKCON belongs, holds Kṛṣṇa as the highest form of divinity & that devas appear from Him. The basis is the Bhagavad-Gītā. In 10.2, Kṛṣṇa mentions 'na me viduḥ suragaṇāḥ... aham ādir hi devānām': The suras/devas or great ṛṣis don't really know My origin, for I am their very origin in all respects. Further, Kṛṣṇa explicitly differentiates the devatas from Himself (7.23) by mentioning devān deva-yajo yānti mad-bhaktā yānti mām api. He clearly mentions of his unrivaled preeminence as the origin of everything: aham sarvasya prabhavo mattaḥ saravam pravartate (10.8). Thus, when Kṛṣṇa is viewed as the pre-eminent God, then His empowered representations like the devatas are contrasted as gods or demigods. Thus, deva-deva conveys the same sense of hierarchy when translated either as 'god of the gods' or 'the Lord of the demigods'.
    Nityānanda ji, before critiquing, one needs to be well-versed with the sampradāya, else the pūrva-pakṣa-jñana (knowledge of the opposition) remains incomplete, rendering arguments demi-scholarly or baseless at worst. There are references for other points on the definition of devas as those who are devoted to viṣṇu, etc. from sāmpradāyika texts like caitanya-caritāmṛta [viṣṇu-bhaktaḥ smṛto daivaḥ].
    I hope and pray that we all progress toward the objective truth in our subjective ways.

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      The Uttara Khanda of Padma Purana has a beautiful reference to Panchayatana puja. Bhagavan Krishna says the following to Satyabhama in the 88th Chapter :
      शैवाः सौराश्च गाणेशा वैष्णवाः शक्तिपूजकाः ।
      मामेव प्राप्नुवंतीह वर्षांभः सागरं यथा ॥ ४३ ॥
      एकोऽहं पंचधा जातः क्रीडयन्नामभिः किल ।
      देवदत्तो यथा कश्चित्पुत्राद्याह्वाननामभिः ॥ ४४ ॥ ( 6.88.43-44)
      Bhagvan says to Satyabhama , "As rain-water reaches the ocean, so also, the worshippers of Shiva,Surya,Ganesha,Vishnu and Shakti attain me. I am one, yet manifest in five ways. As one Devadatta is addressed in many ways, so also, I am called variously owing to my play. "

    • @chaitanyap5677
      @chaitanyap5677 5 місяців тому

      @@kumarakantirava429 Correct, provided the worshippers do it the right way. Usually not many do it the right way by seeing the devata as representation of Kṛṣṇa. This is why Kṛṣṇa cautions such worship by the use of the word aviddhi-pūrvakam [Bhagavad-Gītā 9.23]
      येऽप्यन्यदेवता भक्ता यजन्ते श्रद्धयान्विता: |
      तेऽपि मामेव कौन्तेय यजन्त्यविधिपूर्वकम् ||
      O son of Kunti, even those devotees who faithfully worship other gods also worship Me. But they do so by the wrong method.

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому +1

      @@chaitanyap5677 Even Krsna can be worshipped in wr0ng ways. Misinterpreting his scriptures by Prabhupaad is the ebst example.

    • @chaitanyap5677
      @chaitanyap5677 5 місяців тому

      @@kumarakantirava429 Kṛṣṇa can be worshipped in wrong ways, but that’s not the wrong representation of form being talked about - the difference is clear if we don’t choose to digress. The points previously made precisely illustrate [exclusively based on the Bhagavad-Gītā] on how the choice of the word demigod is reasonable within a sāmpradāya where the devatas are seen as partial/demi representations of the primary deity. Prabhupāda is exemplary in teaching Kṛṣṇa’s message even at the age of ~80 years to people who were far from Vedic culture. He’s like a grandfatherly figure, and is certainly respected like eminent ācāryas of sanātana dharma, of course only by people who follow dhārmic values like the PM who has also acknowledged openly.

    • @kumarakantirava429
      @kumarakantirava429 5 місяців тому

      @@chaitanyap5677 N0nsense. early morning I should spend my time in argumentation. There is NO Krsna in vedas - upanishads. Bhagawad gita was a Book written for Sudras, as said by vyasa himself. When Vuasa systemayised the Philosophy of Vedanta in Vedanya Sutras, he did not even care to mention a Krsna or a visnu. Pls dont wast my time