A latency sensitive place... Meaning... Trace backs are hard to achieve? Because it takes time to get there. I like the precise query being accessible. Save the route to the answer and express it precisely... The eval of the quality of the answer and the context window is quite a black art
A latency sensitive place... Meaning... Trace backs are hard to achieve? Because it takes time to get there. I like the precise query being accessible. Save the route to the answer and express it precisely... The eval of the quality of the answer and the context window is quite a black art
Exactly...this is where the human element comes into play initially to train
I am going into law and AI and I want to know how I can use this.
Generative ai content is
my salvation.
7 comments so far, ty WELCOME ALL!!!
Sup data Dawgs? Not to be confused with date a dog. It's nice to hear about observability
Watchdog legion ai generative super quantum roko basilisk ultra data