Bravo Iran, salute and love to you. Your enemy would think trice to attack you now. you are more strong now, you are the most advance muslim nation in weaponary and military. Not such as some arab moslim countries which is they more prefered to be friend to their enemy and then bullied by western nations, even their brothers and sisters being terriblely slaughtered by their enemies...
All praises are due to Allah. Iran does not need 10000 fighter jets to act as a form of deterrence,, the Name Iran by itself serves as a deterrence. Iranians do not depend on their weapons, but rather on their Creator, they are a believing nation. Weapons is but a means to keep the enemies at bay.
All these new high-tech system that Iran have American economy want to fight because now Iran is getting more advanced and plus I ran have the hypersonic so America do not want to smoke
"According to recent data, Iran's economy is estimated to be around $401.5 billion USD in terms of GDP, as of December 2023." " As of January 2025, the United States' economy was $30.34 trillion in nominal GDP. This makes the US the world's largest economy. Do the Arithmetic, if you can.
Alhamdulillah! May Allah (S.W.T.) continuously bless and protect our beloved Islamic Republic of IRAN and all its good faithful Allies, Aameen Ya Rabbal Aalameen. Prayers and support from Philippines. ❤❤❤
Shiats belive that having s,x with animals is ok , as long as you sell the meet to another city. Plus a jew named Abdullah ibn saad made shiaism . Shia = part of judaism . Another extrem sect of it. Read al kaafi there holy book and u se.
"Nikolai Sennels is a Danish psychologist who has done extensive research into a little-known problem in the Muslim world: the disastrous results of Muslim inbreeding brought about by the marriage of first cousins. This practice, which has been prohibited in the Judeo-Christian tradition since the days of Moses, was sanctioned by Muhammad and has been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in the Muslim world. This practice of inbreeding will never go away in the Muslim world, since Muhammad is the ultimate example and authority on all matters, including marriage. The massive inbreeding in Muslim culture may well have done virtually irreversible damage to the Muslim gene pool, including extensive damage to its intelligence, sanity, and health. According to Sennels, close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred. In Pakistan , the numbers approach 70%. Even in England , more than half of Pakistani immigrants are married to their first cousins, and in Denmark the number of inbred Pakistani immigrants is around 40%. The numbers are equally devastating in other important Muslim countries: 67% in Saudi Arabia , 64% in Jordan , and Kuwait , 63% in Sudan , 60% in Iraq , and 54% in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar . According to the BBC, this Pakistani, Muslim-inspired inbreeding is thought to explain the probability that a British Pakistani family is more than 13 times as likely to have children with recessive genetic disorders. While Pakistanis are responsible for three percent of the births in the UK, they account for 33% of children with genetic birth defects. The risks of what are called autosomal recessive disorders such as cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy is 18 times higher, and the risk of death due to malformations is 10 times higher. Other negative consequences of inbreeding include a 100 percent increase in the risk of stillbirths and a 50% increase in the possibility that a child will die during labor. Lowered intellectual capacity is another devastating consequence of Muslim marriage patterns. According to Sennels, research shows that children of consanguineous marriages lose 10-16 points off their IQ and that social abilities develop much slower in inbred babies. The risk of having an IQ lower than 70, the official demarcation for being classified as “retarded,” increases by an astonishing 400 percent among children of cousin marriages. (Similar effects were seen in the Paranoiac dynasties in ancient Egypt and in the British royal family, where inbreeding was the norm for a significant period of time.) In Denmark , non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the intelligence test required for entrance into the Danish army. Sennels says, “The ability to enjoy and produce knowledge and abstract thinking is simply lower in the Islamic world.” He points out that the Arab world translates just 330 books every year, about 20% of what Greece alone does. In the last 1,200 years of Islam, just 100,000 books have been translated into Arabic, about what Spain does in a single year. Seven out of 10 Turks have never even read a book. Sennels points out the difficulties this creates for Muslims seeking to succeed in the West. “A lower IQ, together with a religion that denounces critical thinking, surely makes it harder for many Muslims to have success in our high-tech knowledge societies.” Only nine Muslims have ever won the Nobel Prize, and five of those were for the “Peace Prize.” According to Nature magazine, Muslim countries produce just 10 percent of the world average when it comes to scientific research measured by articles per million inhabitants. In Denmark , Sennels’ native country, Muslim children are grossly over represented among children with special needs. One-third of the budget for Danish schools is consumed by special education, and anywhere from 51% to 70% of retarded children with physical handicaps in Copenhagen have an immigrant background. Learning ability is severely affected as well. Studies indicated that 64% of schoolchildren with Arabic parents are still illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school system. The immigrant dropout rate in Danish high schools is twice that of the native-born. Mental illness is also a product. The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of schizophrenic illness. The increased risk of insanity may explain why more than 40% of patients in Denmark ’s biggest ward for clinically insane criminals have an immigrant background. The U.S. is not immune. According to Sennels, “One study based on 300,000 Americans shows that the majority of Muslims in the USA have a lower income, are less educated, and have worse jobs than the population as a whole.” Sennels concludes: There is no doubt that the wide spread tradition of first cousin marriages among Muslims has harmed the gene pool among Muslims. Because Muslims’ religious beliefs prohibit marrying non-Muslims and thus prevents them from adding fresh genetic material to their population, the genetic damage done to their gene pool since their prophet allowed first cousin marriages 1,400 years ago are most likely massive. This has produced overwhelming direct and indirect human and societal consequences. Bottom line: Islam is not simply a benign and morally equivalent alternative to the Judeo-Christian tradition. As Sennels points out, the first and biggest victims of Islam are Muslims."
The best thing to do is develop an ATGM that is directed by a recon drone using laser guidance so it doesn't need optics which leaves space for a shaped charge with more penetrative capabilities.
Not really. USA attacked Iraq with around 2500 fighter jets and it takes them 6 months to gather all the needed military tools and troops in the region. But they can't do this type of attacks on Iran due to Irans hundreds of thousands missiles and their own interests in the region. No Middle-East country is going to let's US troops or navy to use their country as a base to attack Iran as it would cost them a lot.
I think they could develop a solid indigenous aviation industry based on license of Russian and Chinese platforms and now there is talking of acquiring Pakistani J-17, coupled with developing indigenous single engine fighter aircraft they still possess a frame of f16, suitable for being a project for reverse engineering and then comprehensive development... I think for the Islamic Republic of Iran combat doctrine they don't to prioritize the air force because maybe in the early stages of any incoming comprehensive war, they want to ground their fighter aircraft's, close their airspace, and considering every platform appears in their radar systems, or approaching and flying in the Iranian airspace as hostile, it's risky strategy, because the air defense assets have to intercept the air2ground ammunition in addition to try to shooting down enemy fighter aircraft's, but it helps reduce the incident of shooting friendly aircraft's... this is why they have inflation in air defense systems, but their air force is very obsolete and small especially for the size of the Islamic Republic of Iran, while their spear to degrading the enemy air force strategically and operationally, will be the long range ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and attack and suicide drones, in order to destroy the enemy aircraft's on the ground and degrading its air bases...
@LIONIQ-foxhound "Considering every platform appears in their radar systems", the mullahs RADAR didn't detect the Israeli F 35's destroying their fuel mixers or anything else that was targeted.
@@scottwolf8633oh yea ?!?first of all fuck mulla is persian or iran army second we people ain't any beef with israel third if comes to war we defend our land no matter what just ask saddam
Это про качество у вас такие сказки Китайский не качественный или Иранский некачественный даже лучше производить Китай и Иран убрали не который не качество и улучшил. Западной производители покупали их товар всякий фейк говорят
@@PsYcHoRaTurk There is no way you can get an ATGM-sized missile to travel 8km let alone 15km. The law of physics do not permit it. Turks are known for exaggeration and had they invented a formula for a superfuel, they would have furnished missiles exceeding 200km in range. No such missile in the entire Turkish inventory. Plenty of jealousy against Iran though. Without NATO, Turkey is nothing.
@rashnuofthegoldenscales4512 name one weapon that is exaggerated from turkish inventory? Go on name 1, 8km has already been putin into use and thr 15km has been done already, in the demonstration the missiles can even work around obstacles, it's one if a kind and is ranked number 1 in the world, Turkiye sells arms globally, and is selling more and more. These are facts, go do your research before your envious little demon inside you speaks
@rashnuofthegoldenscales4512 it's already been done and is in active use, the 15km version has also been made and tested, its far superior than any over version, it even has the ability to avoid obstacles and hit targets behind walls, now I will counter your jealousy by asking you to name a single weapon the Turks have made that is over exaggerated? Just name one, if you can, seem as you know so much?
Bravo Iran, salute and love to you. Your enemy would think trice to attack you now. you are more strong now, you are the most advance muslim nation in weaponary and military. Not such as some arab moslim countries which is they more prefered to be friend to their enemy and then bullied by western nations, even their brothers and sisters being terriblely slaughtered by their enemies...
إيران بلد متقدم للغاية في الطب وصحة المجتمع في الصناعة النووية السلمية والزراعة والعسكرية
All praises are due to Allah. Iran does not need 10000 fighter jets to act as a form of deterrence,, the Name Iran by itself serves as a deterrence. Iranians do not depend on their weapons, but rather on their Creator, they are a believing nation. Weapons is but a means to keep the enemies at bay.
How blind you wanna be because of blindness we iran is in position
All these new high-tech system that Iran have American economy want to fight because now Iran is getting more advanced and plus I ran have the hypersonic so America do not want to smoke
The US cant fight. A country of 90 million, and invade Greenland, Panama, and Mexico.
amb a calldulence im having a stronk
"According to recent data, Iran's economy is estimated to be around $401.5 billion USD in terms of GDP, as of December 2023." " As of January 2025, the United States' economy was $30.34 trillion in nominal GDP. This makes the US the world's largest economy. Do the Arithmetic, if you can.
The end days of us economy is coming @@scottwolf8633
@scottwolf8633 US tops in depts from world bank
Alhamdulillah! May Allah (S.W.T.) continuously bless and protect our beloved Islamic Republic of IRAN and all its good faithful Allies, Aameen Ya Rabbal Aalameen. Prayers and support from Philippines. ❤❤❤
Shiats belive that having s,x with animals is ok , as long as you sell the meet to another city. Plus a jew named Abdullah ibn saad made shiaism . Shia = part of judaism . Another extrem sect of it. Read al kaafi there holy book and u se.
Alhamdulillah the Iranian military is so strong Allah will protect the Muslims
😂😂 we not we believe in god but that it every body say otherwise talk to new generations in iran
"Nikolai Sennels is a Danish psychologist who has done extensive research into a little-known problem in the Muslim world: the disastrous results of Muslim inbreeding brought about by the marriage of first cousins.
This practice, which has been prohibited in the Judeo-Christian tradition since the days of Moses, was sanctioned by Muhammad and has been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in the Muslim world.
This practice of inbreeding will never go away in the Muslim world, since Muhammad is the ultimate example and authority on all matters, including marriage.
The massive inbreeding in Muslim culture may well have done virtually irreversible damage to the
Muslim gene pool, including extensive damage to its intelligence, sanity, and health.
According to Sennels, close to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred.
In Pakistan , the numbers approach 70%. Even in England , more than half of Pakistani immigrants are married to their first cousins, and in Denmark the number of inbred Pakistani immigrants is around 40%.
The numbers are equally devastating in other important Muslim countries: 67% in Saudi Arabia , 64% in Jordan , and Kuwait , 63% in Sudan , 60% in Iraq , and 54% in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar .
According to the BBC, this Pakistani, Muslim-inspired inbreeding is thought to explain the probability that a British Pakistani family is more than 13 times as likely to have children with recessive genetic disorders.
While Pakistanis are responsible for three percent of the births in the UK, they account for 33% of children with genetic birth defects.
The risks of what are called autosomal recessive disorders such as cystic fibrosis, spinal muscular atrophy is 18 times higher, and the risk of death due to malformations is 10 times higher.
Other negative consequences of inbreeding include a 100 percent increase in the risk of stillbirths and a 50% increase in the possibility that a child will die during labor.
Lowered intellectual capacity is another devastating consequence of Muslim marriage patterns.
According to Sennels, research shows that children of consanguineous marriages lose 10-16 points off their IQ and that social abilities develop much slower in inbred babies.
The risk of having an IQ lower than 70, the official demarcation for being classified as “retarded,” increases by an astonishing 400 percent among children of cousin marriages.
(Similar effects were seen in the Paranoiac dynasties in ancient Egypt and in the British royal family, where inbreeding was the norm for a significant period of time.)
In Denmark , non-Western immigrants are more than 300 percent more likely to fail the intelligence test required for entrance into the Danish army.
Sennels says, “The ability to enjoy and produce knowledge and abstract thinking is simply lower in the Islamic world.”
He points out that the Arab world translates just 330 books every year, about 20% of what Greece alone does.
In the last 1,200 years of Islam, just 100,000 books have been translated into Arabic, about what Spain does in a single year.
Seven out of 10 Turks have never even read a book.
Sennels points out the difficulties this creates for Muslims seeking to succeed in the West.
“A lower IQ, together with a religion that denounces critical thinking, surely makes it harder for many Muslims to have success in our high-tech knowledge societies.”
Only nine Muslims have ever won the Nobel Prize, and five of those were for the “Peace Prize.”
According to Nature magazine, Muslim countries produce just 10 percent of the world average when it comes to scientific research measured by articles per million inhabitants.
In Denmark , Sennels’ native country, Muslim children are grossly over represented among children with special needs.
One-third of the budget for Danish schools is consumed by special education, and anywhere from 51% to 70% of retarded children with physical handicaps in Copenhagen have an immigrant background.
Learning ability is severely affected as well.
Studies indicated that 64% of schoolchildren with Arabic parents are still illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school system.
The immigrant dropout rate in Danish high schools is twice that of the native-born.
Mental illness is also a product.
The closer the blood relative, the higher the risk of schizophrenic illness.
The increased risk of insanity may explain why more than 40% of patients in Denmark ’s biggest ward for clinically insane criminals have an immigrant background.
The U.S. is not immune.
According to Sennels, “One study based on 300,000 Americans shows that the majority of Muslims in the USA have a lower income, are less educated, and have worse jobs than the population as a whole.”
Sennels concludes:
There is no doubt that the wide spread tradition of first cousin marriages among Muslims has harmed the gene pool among Muslims.
Because Muslims’ religious beliefs prohibit marrying non-Muslims and thus prevents them from adding fresh genetic material to their population, the genetic damage done to their gene pool since their prophet allowed first cousin marriages 1,400 years ago are most likely massive.
This has produced overwhelming direct and indirect human and societal consequences.
Bottom line: Islam is not simply a benign and morally equivalent alternative to the Judeo-Christian tradition.
As Sennels points out, the first and biggest victims of Islam are Muslims."
IRAN !!! ❤️🇮🇷💪✌️👌
How is a country dangerous when it is investing in its security
The best thing to do is develop an ATGM that is directed by a recon drone using laser guidance so it doesn't need optics which leaves space for a shaped charge with more penetrative capabilities.
Like how fired by one man like a bazooka, wonder if fireable from indoors via soft launch.
Hidup iran pelindung umat islam
its good if its updated version of Almas , because Almas is battle proven missile ,
Or just use the drones
Iran needs at least 10,000 fighter jets for deterrence
Not really. USA attacked Iraq with around 2500 fighter jets and it takes them 6 months to gather all the needed military tools and troops in the region. But they can't do this type of attacks on Iran due to Irans hundreds of thousands missiles and their own interests in the region. No Middle-East country is going to let's US troops or navy to use their country as a base to attack Iran as it would cost them a lot.
I think they could develop a solid indigenous aviation industry based on license of Russian and Chinese platforms and now there is talking of acquiring Pakistani J-17, coupled with developing indigenous single engine fighter aircraft they still possess a frame of f16, suitable for being a project for reverse engineering and then comprehensive development...
I think for the Islamic Republic of Iran combat doctrine they don't to prioritize the air force because maybe in the early stages of any incoming comprehensive war, they want to ground their fighter aircraft's, close their airspace, and considering every platform appears in their radar systems, or approaching and flying in the Iranian airspace as hostile, it's risky strategy, because the air defense assets have to intercept the air2ground ammunition in addition to try to shooting down enemy fighter aircraft's,
but it helps reduce the incident of shooting friendly aircraft's...
this is why they have inflation in air defense systems, but their air force is very obsolete and small especially for the size of the Islamic Republic of Iran, while their spear to degrading the enemy air force strategically and operationally, will be the long range ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and attack and suicide drones, in order to destroy the enemy aircraft's on the ground and degrading its air bases...
@LIONIQ-foxhound "Considering every platform appears in their radar systems", the mullahs RADAR didn't detect the Israeli F 35's destroying their fuel mixers or anything else that was targeted.
Not like israel,spoon feeding
@@scottwolf8633oh yea ?!?first of all fuck mulla is persian or iran army second we people ain't any beef with israel third if comes to war we defend our land no matter what just ask saddam
Well, of course I ran another countries are going to prosper the United States is not God
my guessed all mass produced parts are outsource from china
Made in Iran has the same quality as made in China!
الصين وايران ولبنان واليمن والعراق وكوبا اشرف وافضل منكم يا ارهابي صهيوني نجس
What you build ? Fat belly ? 😂
Это про качество у вас такие сказки Китайский не качественный или Иранский некачественный даже лучше производить Китай и Иран убрали не который не качество и улучшил. Западной производители покупали их товар всякий фейк говорят
@@ЧиңгызТуранов Я купил отвертку, сделанную в Китае, и она сломалась при первом же использовании!
@bluestar2253 не ужели Илена Маск тожа покупайт Китайский отвертки? Тогда Китайцам есть с чем гордиться.
2km ? Sungur from Turkiye has a range of 8km and just announced a new one with 15km range
Turkish fiction.
@rashnuofthegoldenscales4512 how can it be fiction when it's already in inventory 🤣🤣🤣 let Iran play with their Temu drone 🤣🤣🤣
@@PsYcHoRaTurk There is no way you can get an ATGM-sized missile to travel 8km let alone 15km. The law of physics do not permit it. Turks are known for exaggeration and had they invented a formula for a superfuel, they would have furnished missiles exceeding 200km in range. No such missile in the entire Turkish inventory. Plenty of jealousy against Iran though. Without NATO, Turkey is nothing.
@rashnuofthegoldenscales4512 name one weapon that is exaggerated from turkish inventory? Go on name 1, 8km has already been putin into use and thr 15km has been done already, in the demonstration the missiles can even work around obstacles, it's one if a kind and is ranked number 1 in the world, Turkiye sells arms globally, and is selling more and more. These are facts, go do your research before your envious little demon inside you speaks
@rashnuofthegoldenscales4512 it's already been done and is in active use, the 15km version has also been made and tested, its far superior than any over version, it even has the ability to avoid obstacles and hit targets behind walls, now I will counter your jealousy by asking you to name a single weapon the Turks have made that is over exaggerated? Just name one, if you can, seem as you know so much?