Bravo hai inventato il moto perpetuo, filmato veramente scadente forse pensi di avere a che fare con degli idioti che credono a queste cazzate, faresti meglio a togliere il video in rispetto delle persone oneste che forse ti credono e buttano via tempo per realizzarlo.
مساء الخير صديقي الفكرة عبقرية، دعك من المشككين والمحبطين، لا بد من تطوير الفكرة، استعمال عزل حراري للاسلك بمزج قطع صوف صخري معه وورق عزل، واستبدال المغانط بنيديوم والتلاعب بقطر السلك وطوله لا بد من حساب مهندس كهربائي ليكون المنتج عمليا ومستقبلا بإمكانك ان ان تضع محرك 3 فاز فقط ثق بنفسك وحظا موفقا محرك مروحة السقف ينتج اكثر بقوة أقل والحياة تجارب ❤
سيدي الكريم انا معبب جدا بهذه الفكره لكن لم يذكراسماء العناصر ومميزاتها يعني طول السلك وقطره. .، كذلك المحول والعنصر الكبير يتكون من عدة عناصر. لو سامحت ان تذكر لنا العناصر بالتفصيل لاني احسست فيك صاحب مهنة. وشكرا.
عن أي عبقرية تتحدث؟ هذه أفكار أطفال و غير ممكنة إلا باستعمال موصلات تحتية مقاومتها تؤول إلى الصفر، هل لك علم بمفهوم المقاومة الكهربائية ؟ أم أنك تخوض فيما لا تعلم؟؟
I appreciate that you were able uplift this individual and recommend enhancing elements. You have showcased your intelligence well, thank you in behalf of humanity!
А поднять деревянную площадку в верх, мы там случайно, провод воткнутый в розетку, через дырку в столе, не увидим? На следующем видео, нужно поднять в верх работающий прибор и показать, что там нет провода в розетке 220В, протянутый через дырку в столе. 😊
If your design is manageable and applicable in life, other energy sources are currently useless. Your ideas will be those of a genius in the future, good luck
The hot glue is what makes it work. Every decent engineer and prototype inventor I’ve ever seen relies primarily upon the hot glue gun for their go-to means of joining objects together. That’s the main thing that anyone should look for when determining if something on UA-cam is completely legit or complete bullsh1t. You, my friend are truly extraordinary. You are certain to change the world for all mankind. If only UA-cam was around when Tesla was doing his thing…You would probably be making videos on inter dimensional travel using an electric toothbrush and how to create a black hole using your neighbors garden rake and a ring doorbell camera. Just add hot glue, huh buddy…
What transformer is used? How many inputs and outputs? How many amperes are there? Thank you for telling. What is the diameter of the coil and the number of turns of the coil, what voltage does it give to the transformer? Thank
If I may ask... why a bearing as your core? How many turns in your mag wire? Where did you find mag wire that big of guage? Lastly ... transformer ; step up or down? Guessing that motor is an occalating fan motor.
free energy generator 240v electricity from magnetic gear and 100% copper coil transformer...... creative and I'm happy to see the video, success for "Cloud .........."....Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia OK
You're very funny, you will be the heroe who save the planet, thank you for your smart contribution. By the way, don't you have other produvtive way to use your time?
My question is to you. Why don't we get any gadgets like this in our markets??? Why don't government too gets interested in support for free energy??? 😕🤔
if is your project for education, you have to explain: The motor using, looks like from a washer machine. the C8861 BLACK PIECE CONNECTED TO THE MOTOR, ALSO THE AMPLIFIER BEFOR THE CONNECTOR WHAT SIDE IT IS.. IN ORDER FOR US WHO DON;T HAVE AGNOLEGE IN THOSE TYPE OF PROYECT.. THANK YOU
Наивные люди это просто фокусы во первых ЭДС самоиндукции очень мало во вторых у трансформатора 2 обмотки и к розетки идёт вторичная с которой если и снимешь то в лучшем случае вольт 10..15 но не как 110..220 ~
Don't just turn it on the table, but also lift it and remove it from the table. But that doesn't work 🤭 otherwise it will go out. Your inductive energy transfer doesn't work so well?🤔 But I like your ideas for constructing new devices. 👌
Lindo truco de magia. La trampa se encuentra en la enorme caja de los tres tomacorrientes. Y cuando haga el truco nuevamente con los tomas pelados sin caja que oculte los cables, les contaré otra cosa que nunca podría ocurrir en ese esquema eléctrico.
Não existe energia infinita sem uma fonte de alimentação óbvia, os imã por si só não tem este poder, dentro da caixinha de tomadas é possível ter esta fonte de alimentação escondida .
Из подшипника электроэнергия это хорошо... Нужно было двух рядный брать, да размером больше. Тогда и двигатель киловатта на три можно подключить, плиту керамику, сплит... 😊😊😊😊😊 Фокусники сами наверно верить начинают, когда смотрят😂😂😂😂😂
the whole secret is hidden in a white box to which everything is connected. Made neatly and beautifully. I laughed for a long time. 😅😅You made my day!!! the music is cool. Thank you!❤😅😅
Es que la rotacion del planeta a unos 10.000 km/h hace que el nitrogeno liquido genere carga electrorulemanica y esta genera un campo de 25 hectareas lo cual genera el ambiente propicio para la tentación de risa 😂😂😂😂
भाई! 1 एम्पेयर के स्टेपडाउन ट्रांसफार्मर से 600 watt का बल्ब - मोटर कैसे चलेगा! कोई सिद्धांत नहीं है! हां... प्रैक्टिकल जरूर कीजिए, लेकिन अगली बार... फैरिटकोर वाली स्टेपडॉउन ट्रांसफार्मर का उपयोग कीजिए, परिणाम अच्छा आएगा!...
Adoro esses vídeos que mexem com nossa imaginação...mas infelizmente a realidade é outra e as leis da física também, parabéns pelo vídeo, bom entretenimento.
Trimakasih ilmun ya,👍 aku mau mencoba kebetulan saya punya peralatan untuk itu....dan kl ada waktu aku mau bikin ..Mudah" an ini suatu kesungguhan. Dan ada hasil nya.👍
Great tip, thanks for your effort .How much is the capacity of the transformer, or can you give me more details about the second transformer, how much is it capable of?
Imprescindible el cable verde de transferencia, se obtienen😂 varios gigawatts de mas la iluminacion verde ultraviolada tambien aumenta la respuesta y la correcta orientacion con la latitud nocturna del lugar.
put one wattmeter after the generator output, amonte by the triple outlet to show us the effective activ power in watt, after you can have my like, subscription and one beer. 🤣
Bei diesen Montagedemonstrationen sollte der Monteur bitte einmal die Geräte zeigen, die er schon in Betrieb hat, um seine Heißklebepistole mit Strom zu versorgen
I want to buy 1 generator, I pay much more than it costs. I contacted 20 such inventors and sent them offers to make good money, so if this costs them 1,000 euros, I offer to buy it for 10,000 euros, and if it costs them 5,000 euros, I offer 50,000 euros.
Der Ansatz mit Magneten und Wicklungen/Spulen ist ganz bestimmt der richtige Beginn, jedoch nicht in der gezeigten Anordnung. Würden Dauermagneten auf ein Rad montiert in einem zweiten Rad mit Spulen und Gleichrichtern in Umdrehung gebracht werden, dann könnte der Selbstantriebseffekt evtl. erfolgen indem sich durch die induzierten Spulen eine Spannung und Strom aufbaut, der durch eine Regelschaltung auf andere Spulen übertragen wird, welche dann wieder den Elektromagneteffekt auslösen und das sich drehende Rad abstoßen bzw. anziehen. Das wäre das schon lange gesuchte Perpetuum-Mobile!
Çevirme ile birlikte kuru icindeki roleye 12 volt gitmesiyle sistem devreye giriyor. Sonrasını kutu içindeki düzenek halledoyor. Böyle bir şey olmali. Ne kadar yük baglarsa bağlasın düzenek yavaşlamıyor. Bu saçma.
Bravo E un bel moto continuo che sì auto alimenta Ma quanti watt riesce a sviluppare ? Più quanti metri di cavo di rame hai utilizzato e con che diamentro Perché poi noto che hai usato un motore di un ventilatore a 45w più meno
This design could be improved by the insertion of a phased subduction module in series with the vector control. This would make the device more compatible with non-reactive LED circuits.
قوله تعالى : إن الله وملائكته يصلون على النبي يا أيها الذين آمنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما ) اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا ونبينا وحبيبنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين
You should redo your work, but: 1- open the socket box, or use a transparent one. 2- connect the light bulbs in the socket before starting the generator manually. This would debunk most the genuine criticism in the comments.
Your ability to hide the battery is highly appreciated😲😲🤔🤔😃😃
Он ее и не прятал, она приклеена второй к подставке
the battery is in the socket box
its probably under/within the plug-holes
Bravo hai inventato il moto perpetuo, filmato veramente scadente forse pensi di avere a che fare con degli idioti che credono a queste cazzate, faresti meglio a togliere il video in rispetto delle persone oneste che forse ti credono e buttano via tempo per realizzarlo.
Sacma sapan yorumlar ilk harekette tabiki dışardan bir enerji almak sonra gerek kalmaz
Самое главное, без чего это устройство никогда не будет работать - это клей "сопли"! Будет клей, будет электричество!😂😂😂
A také modrá izolační páska!😅
مساء الخير
صديقي الفكرة عبقرية، دعك من المشككين والمحبطين، لا بد من تطوير الفكرة، استعمال عزل حراري للاسلك بمزج قطع صوف صخري معه وورق عزل، واستبدال المغانط بنيديوم والتلاعب بقطر السلك وطوله لا بد من حساب مهندس كهربائي ليكون المنتج عمليا ومستقبلا بإمكانك ان ان تضع محرك 3 فاز فقط ثق بنفسك وحظا موفقا محرك مروحة السقف ينتج اكثر بقوة أقل والحياة تجارب ❤
Thank you so much
سيدي الكريم انا معبب جدا بهذه الفكره لكن لم يذكراسماء العناصر ومميزاتها يعني طول السلك وقطره. .، كذلك المحول والعنصر الكبير يتكون من عدة عناصر.
لو سامحت ان تذكر لنا العناصر بالتفصيل لاني احسست فيك صاحب مهنة. وشكرا.
عن أي عبقرية تتحدث؟ هذه أفكار أطفال و غير ممكنة إلا باستعمال موصلات تحتية مقاومتها تؤول إلى الصفر،
هل لك علم بمفهوم المقاومة الكهربائية ؟ أم أنك تخوض فيما لا تعلم؟؟
ممكن اعرف كم دورة من السلك مستعمل قطره
I appreciate that you were able uplift this individual and recommend enhancing elements. You have showcased your intelligence well, thank you in behalf of humanity!
Congratulations, you have just saved the whole climate of the planet Earth ;-)
that guy thinks that this is the planet of fools ..- and believes that he will get popular on youtube on,, clicks,,
87😅@@stophrussiannazis❤cajey3i😅c'est tu autre chose qui dure
Такие генераторы обычно собирают индусы и только у них хорошо получается и всё работает 😊😊😊
Thanks for
А поднять деревянную площадку в верх, мы там случайно, провод воткнутый в розетку, через дырку в столе, не увидим?
На следующем видео, нужно поднять в верх работающий прибор и показать, что там нет провода в розетке 220В, протянутый через дырку в столе. 😊
oh! This is truly a talented director of the science fiction genre.🙏🙏🙏
इस तरह के प्रदर्शन करने वालों पर रोक लगनी चाहिए यह समय नष्ट करने के अलावा कुछ नहीं है
Modi ji ko inhi se chandryan 3 banwana tha Jo energy ke Karan dead hua vo na hota 😮
обратно снятое видео😂
Background music ❤👌👍💯💯💯💯and vdo also is super, 👍
Thank you so much 🌹🌹🌹
Do you use Li-ion cells in the socket box, or are they Lithium Polymer? And what is the cost of the Batteries,
The funniest thing of all is some silly thick bastard would try to make this, 🤣😂
If your design is manageable and applicable in life, other energy sources are currently useless. Your ideas will be those of a genius in the future, good luck
The hot glue is what makes it work. Every decent engineer and prototype inventor I’ve ever seen relies primarily upon the hot glue gun for their go-to means of joining objects together. That’s the main thing that anyone should look for when determining if something on UA-cam is completely legit or complete bullsh1t. You, my friend are truly extraordinary. You are certain to change the world for all mankind. If only UA-cam was around when Tesla was doing his thing…You would probably be making videos on inter dimensional travel using an electric toothbrush and how to create a black hole using your neighbors garden rake and a ring doorbell camera. Just add hot glue, huh buddy…
Видео короткое, надо было больше провода взять, и наматывать его аккуратно, не спеша, тогда можно было часа на два растянуть
синея изолента +40%кпд
Я понял, у него дощечка теперь металлическая. Поэтому все мощнее стало и столько приборов запитались. Но синяя изолента дала бы мощный эффект.
он надел термоусадку чтобы никого не убило током
Por que não colocou algumas velas de ignição , ( spark plugs) ?são tão bonitas! Why tou didin t use some spark plugs.? They are só beautiful!
You have discovered something that goes beyond continuous movement, very fun! Energy is neither created nor destroyed, it only INCREASES 😆😆😆😆
Под столом спрятано колесо с белочками)))
оно не под столом, а у него в голове
белочки прошлый век щас фиксики рулят
This very good. Please what is the capacity of the transformer used.
What transformer is used? How many inputs and outputs? How many amperes are there? Thank you for telling.
What is the diameter of the coil and the number of turns of the coil, what voltage does it give to the transformer? Thank
I have the same question
это абсолютно не важно )))
آیا شما این ویدئو را باور کردید؟؟؟؟😂😂😂😂😂
@@Sadiq.Hedaayatа почему не верить видео, там все показано, но правда или нет, это уже другое видео.
The amps and volts is an easy answer.
I’m thinking of number between zero and none.
If I may ask... why a bearing as your core? How many turns in your mag wire? Where did you find mag wire that big of guage? Lastly ... transformer ; step up or down?
Guessing that motor is an occalating fan motor.
सर इस प्रकार तो लाइट की समस्याएं खत्म हो जाएगी अगर यह प्रोजेक्ट सक्सेसफुल है तो हर इंडस्ट्रीज में और घरों में होना चाहिए
free energy generator 240v electricity from magnetic gear and 100% copper coil transformer...... creative and I'm happy to see the video, success for "Cloud .........."....Pekalongan, Central Java, Indonesia OK
Thanks Bro
Hello from Granada-Spain, can anyone confirm that this System produces Current....Electricity =???
Juan Granada-Spain
@@cloudrarCan you please tell what should I buy to get those things to make free electricity?
Donde están los tomacorrientes realmente es un inversor con baterías incluidas el embobinado nuca lo utilizo fue para despistar
You're very funny, you will be the heroe who save the planet, thank you for your smart contribution.
By the way, don't you have other produvtive way to use your time?
some scammers think they can change the laws of physics. meanwhile Perendev is still in prison😁😁
❤so that is an infinity power !!❤
@@cloudrar ❤️you’re welcome❤️
Fantastic video
If you wanted to educate the public, please list those material that you used thank you.
Lừa đảo, cái biến thế đó công suất khoản 500 mA mà chạy mấy bóng đèn với cả khoan điện😂😂😂😂
Right you are
good job.. but you can improve this by adding more powerful battery.. so that you can power the whole house 😂😂
Thanks for
Paten x.. Mas
Nggk perlu lagi bensin atau bahan bakar laen..
Lingkungan bersih... Bisa tu dipatenkan... Hasil Karyanya.
Music na baja k aap video k pura deatails bhi bata de to acha samajh me aata jaise bearing ka size aur wire ka size
Вот мастер! Главное вечный двигатель запустить шморгалкой (верёвкой), как всё гениально и просто 😂
you just know when they put the project together with that magic hot glue it's going to be good LOL🤣😂😉
For better understanding i suggest you to make make list of materials to be used and explain it clearly the parts you show in your video
ok, Thanks
I agree, so that people will be sure that, that configuration is true and real
@@GeorgeHerbert-ce8kf Thanks
My question is to you. Why don't we get any gadgets like this in our markets??? Why don't government too gets interested in support for free energy??? 😕🤔
@@ShifaAjmeri-no8yfbecause it doesn't work.
Transformers coil ke sath premiere coil ya secondry me jodana hai
انه عمل رائع وعلمي مرتبط بالفيزياء وكيفية توليد الطاقة الكهربائية شكرا لعملكم وجهودكم
Thank you so much
if is your project for education, you have to explain: The motor using, looks like from a washer machine. the C8861 BLACK PIECE CONNECTED TO THE MOTOR, ALSO THE AMPLIFIER BEFOR THE CONNECTOR WHAT SIDE IT IS.. IN ORDER FOR US WHO DON;T HAVE AGNOLEGE IN THOSE TYPE OF PROYECT..
Faltou colocar molho de pimenta com azeitonas pretas, mas tem que ser com azeitonas pretas, para melhorar o rendimento!
Без синей изоленты работать не будет.
Good magic there and whats under the table?
Наивные люди это просто фокусы во первых ЭДС самоиндукции очень мало во вторых у трансформатора 2 обмотки и к розетки идёт вторичная с которой если и снимешь то в лучшем случае вольт 10..15 но не как 110..220 ~
Thanks for your comments
вы не подскажите , зачем здесь подшипник ?
Но вроде на таком принципе уже и Тайота делала свои мотоциклы. Походу это не фейк....
بارك الله فيك على هاذا الاختراع
ساجربها وستكون حلت لي الكثير من المشاكل لاننا في سوريا ليس لدينا كهرباء
رجاء ذكر استطاعة المحول لو سمحت
That way, you will need a step up transformer but may require a heavy flywheel incorporated at the back of the ac electric motor.
Don't just turn it on the table, but also lift it and remove it from the table. But that doesn't work 🤭 otherwise it will go out. Your inductive energy transfer doesn't work so well?🤔 But I like your ideas for constructing new devices. 👌
Lindo truco de magia. La trampa se encuentra en la enorme caja de los tres tomacorrientes. Y cuando haga el truco nuevamente con los tomas pelados sin caja que oculte los cables, les contaré otra cosa que nunca podría ocurrir en ese esquema eléctrico.
Judging by the number of love hearts given by the page owner, I'd say that Clickbait is alive and well, thank you.
Não existe energia infinita sem uma fonte de alimentação óbvia, os imã por si só não tem este poder, dentro da caixinha de tomadas é possível ter esta fonte de alimentação escondida .
Из подшипника электроэнергия это хорошо... Нужно было двух рядный брать, да размером больше. Тогда и двигатель киловатта на три можно подключить, плиту керамику, сплит... 😊😊😊😊😊 Фокусники сами наверно верить начинают, когда смотрят😂😂😂😂😂
А если 2 упорных впереди и сзади - ......прощай атомная энергетика ...
наивные вы , мощность зависит от количества шаров в подшипнике , но ни как не от рядности , а от рядности зависит частота тока , вплоть до 5 Ггц .
the whole secret is hidden in a white box to which everything is connected. Made neatly and beautifully. I laughed for a long time. 😅😅You made my day!!! the music is cool. Thank you!❤😅😅
you most welcome
Music is shit
i love how u can eyeball things for zero point energy. however, it gave me an idea. thank you for that.
Thank you so much💘💘💘
Dentro da caixa que estão as tomadas estão as baterias que alimentam o circuito.
Es que la rotacion del planeta a unos 10.000 km/h hace que el nitrogeno liquido genere carga electrorulemanica y esta genera un campo de 25 hectareas lo cual genera el ambiente propicio para la tentación de risa 😂😂😂😂
Фокусы для тех, кто не ходил в школу и не изучал явление электромагнитной индукции...и не знает закона сохранения энергии!
Thanks for your good idea😊God bless!
you are most welcome❤❤❤
핸드드릴은 부하가 아닙니다. 대부분이 착각을 합니다. 필라멘트 전구를 연결해 보십시요 이것은 확실한 부하로 작용을 하며 그 장치는 서서히 정지를 할것 입니다.
Thank you so much
@@cloudrar For what?
Just a simple question to this inventor.. What power supply do you use for your house?
Mohon di jelaskan m, mengapa input dari lilitan menuju trafo saling bersentuhan....
Itu tidak masuk akal..
É para economizar fita isolante 😂
can't sleep after seeing this video😂
😂😂😂😂🤣🤣 this guy is very funny
भाई! 1 एम्पेयर के स्टेपडाउन ट्रांसफार्मर से 600 watt का बल्ब - मोटर कैसे चलेगा! कोई सिद्धांत नहीं है! हां... प्रैक्टिकल जरूर कीजिए, लेकिन अगली बार... फैरिटकोर वाली स्टेपडॉउन ट्रांसफार्मर का उपयोग कीजिए, परिणाम अच्छा आएगा!...
Can you advise me where to get these parts in Canada?
Hi, just wanted to check if you got an answer in any other way? Because it seems that he didn't answer..?
من مهندس برق هستم ، امروز گرفتار یک پروژه بسیار خستهکننده بودم،، این ویدئو را دیدم و خیلی خندیدم 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 سپاسگزارم
Adoro esses vídeos que mexem com nossa imaginação...mas infelizmente a realidade é outra e as leis da física também, parabéns pelo vídeo, bom entretenimento.
Да ты прав физику не обмануть не гогда но что не зделать ради лайков и просмотра вот в чем судь и сколько таких видео людей заблуждаются???
Просмотрела Эльмира из Москвы - Россия🌞🤝
Thank you
Se fosse tão simples assim ninguem tinha problemas com energia
Trimakasih ilmun ya,👍 aku mau mencoba kebetulan saya punya peralatan untuk itu....dan kl ada waktu aku mau bikin ..Mudah" an ini suatu kesungguhan. Dan ada hasil nya.👍
bahan2 nya apa saja bang....tlng sebutkan namanya...terimakasih ilmunya smg manfaat...
Please tell us the motor name and transformers name please
Это двигатель от стиральной машины
A jaki to transformator? Dziekuje
Que transformador é este por favor? Obrigado
eso se llama perdida de tiempo y una pelotude mas estos que estan Reverenda mente alpedo
Осталось догадаться, что же вы насыпали и налили в баночку, чтоб ламночка зажглась?
Great tip, thanks for your effort .How much is the capacity of the transformer, or can you give me more details about the second transformer, how much is it capable of?
Thanks again
Can you answer my question ❓
Lom bisa bicara x y.
I'll answer the question go see a psychiatrist 😂
Э́то сказки,вы все верите?
Imprescindible el cable verde de transferencia, se obtienen😂 varios gigawatts de mas la iluminacion verde ultraviolada tambien aumenta la respuesta y la correcta orientacion con la latitud nocturna del lugar.
Sir transformer konsa use Kiya hai
غير صادق رفعت اللوحة قبل التشغيل ليتضح عدم وجود اسلاح كهرباء لكن لماذا لم ترفعها اثناء التجريب مستحيل الكهرباء من دون طاقة مستهلكة
Thank you so much
put one wattmeter after the generator output, amonte by the triple outlet to show us the effective activ power in watt, after you can have my like, subscription and one beer. 🤣
Nice experiment and also you have to mention the equipement details also it will help us and show the how much voltage it is producing
ok,Thank you so much
the top rated music explains it all😂
Adoro esses maquinários de energia infinita. Cada um mais criativo que outro.
@luizcarlosfernandes1945, Si a la creatividad la podemos entender como la mas inútil, aceptaremos submarino como animal acuático
I wonder if they work
Bei diesen Montagedemonstrationen sollte der Monteur bitte einmal die Geräte zeigen, die er schon in Betrieb hat, um seine Heißklebepistole mit Strom zu versorgen
did you patent it already?
Who says it is joke,it is simply a science,just as computer ,mobile and other things,good effort bro
वायर को कितनी बार लपेटना है आठ बार 12 बार या 16 बार
I want to buy 1 generator, I pay much more than it costs. I contacted 20 such inventors and sent them offers to make good money, so if this costs them 1,000 euros, I offer to buy it for 10,000 euros, and if it costs them 5,000 euros, I offer 50,000 euros.
still u need?
Hi Vincent. That I still want and want to buy your device. Just tell the price, I offer a big reward fikret.laser
@ormrinnI'm sure there are plenty of scammers that will send him some junk
تسلم بارك الله فيك ممكن سوال الطرفين المحول الطرنز الابتدائي موصل في فيشة الكهربا ولة الثانوي هو موصل في الفيشة الكهربا
👍👍👍👍 такое хорошо в цирке показывать! Когда новогодние каникулы!
Два дебила - это СИЛА. Один крутит - второй смотрит ...
It is very interesting
Thank you
Der Ansatz mit Magneten und Wicklungen/Spulen ist ganz bestimmt der richtige Beginn, jedoch nicht in der gezeigten Anordnung. Würden Dauermagneten auf ein Rad montiert in einem zweiten Rad mit Spulen und Gleichrichtern in Umdrehung gebracht werden, dann könnte der Selbstantriebseffekt evtl. erfolgen indem sich durch die induzierten Spulen eine Spannung und Strom aufbaut, der durch eine Regelschaltung auf andere Spulen übertragen wird, welche dann wieder den Elektromagneteffekt auslösen und das sich drehende Rad abstoßen bzw. anziehen. Das wäre das schon lange gesuchte Perpetuum-Mobile!
Thank you
Sangat berguna sekali mas. Tpi kalo bisa, tlng sebutkn satu persatu nama alat yg di gunakan, biar lebih mudah lagi.🙏🙏 Makasih
Ini mustahil kawan
कोपर ताराचे किती राऊंड झाले तार किती एम एम हाय २४० व्होल्टेज च्या साठी किती राऊंड घ्याव लागतील
Hi, just wanted to check if you got an answer in any other way? Because it seems that he didn't answer..
Çevirme ile birlikte kuru icindeki roleye 12 volt gitmesiyle sistem devreye giriyor. Sonrasını kutu içindeki düzenek halledoyor. Böyle bir şey olmali. Ne kadar yük baglarsa bağlasın düzenek yavaşlamıyor. Bu saçma.
Этому даже паяльник не купили для сьемок. Обошлись клеевым)
Дополнительный источник электрического тока спрятан в коробке с розетками.
E un bel moto continuo che sì
auto alimenta
Ma quanti watt riesce a sviluppare ?
Più quanti metri di cavo di rame hai utilizzato e con che diamentro
Perché poi noto che hai usato un motore di un ventilatore a 45w più meno
This design could be improved by the insertion of a phased subduction module in series with the vector control. This would make the device more compatible with non-reactive LED circuits.
Thank you so much for the information
What? Please specify! It really is easier to find this motor, but it greatly reduces the durability of the system.
I like it, call someone a clown without them knowing it.
Thank you@@michaelmeenaghan8559
@@vitormesh6178. Indeed so, one of the problem of advanced inferometer tech such as this
diese Leitungsdicken sind bei der Belastung schnell durch😂
Very good...idia..
Thank you
What size copper coin
المحول المستعمل جد ضعيف مستحيل يشغل كل اللمبات ثم المثقاب
Thank you
قوله تعالى : إن الله وملائكته يصلون على النبي يا أيها الذين آمنوا صلوا عليه وسلموا تسليما ) اللهم صل وسلم وبارك على سيدنا ونبينا وحبيبنا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين
What is the base board of the experiment made out of? I want to make sure I don't start a fire :)
How long is the coil of wire taken?
You should redo your work, but:
1- open the socket box, or use a transparent one.
2- connect the light bulbs in the socket before starting the generator manually.
This would debunk most the genuine criticism in the comments.
Вечный двигатель отдыхает. Следующая часть будет про термоядерный реактор в гараже!
Gira devagar o conjunto sobre a mesa para não quebrar o fio que está por baixo 😁
😂😂😂😂 sure
Thanks for this. Hopefully, i can try this out.
Такая хрень вообще ничего не выработает. 😂😂😂😂
Это видео, 100% разводилово для дурачков! )
Energy cannot create nor destroy.