Newer to magic. I just recently put together a version of your budget b/w deck. Loving it so far. Can't wait to put together of version of this next! Thanks for the videos! Super informative!
So glad you are doing Vampires, Been wanting to play it, Looks super sweet. I am going to start getting the cards now. So maybe I will have all the new ones for the Stream tonight. Thanks for the Deck Tech as always.
SadaParkour walk the plank. It destorys non merfolk creature which is almost anything. Most people will still be stuck on energy or red rush, making your WTP incredible
Btw, the links sometimes throw a warning prior to taking you to tcgplayer. You may want to look at using a different link so as not to dissuade potential clicks. Also, you have the best mtg content on the planet and it's not even close. Happy Patreon, still waiting on some signed cards tho.
Dev, love the Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest music for the opening! On a fun note, I used the melody of this tune for a song I wrote a few years ago, so every time I hear it now, it has my lyrics to it haha.
Gave a version of the deck a whirl yesterday on MTGO, although instead of Martyrs I had Metallic Mimics. I liked it like that but haven't faced sweepers yet. I really liked the interaction between Mavren and Forerunner.
Well, they do ok. If you swing with the team and opponent Settles, you can sac them to Yahenni to give Elenda the counters (if you don't want the lands from Settle).
i had a fun time pumping up the duskborne skymarcher (never used her ability, it sucks but SHE has flying.) with, either LL or Anointed deacon or Voracious vampire and then getting in for some flying damage with a tiny one drop. Especially when i had Elenda on the table which meant my opponents would often shirk blocking even if they could for at least one or two turns to avoid that counter on Elenda (probably hoping to draw removal). pre-release weekend was a blast
Your comments on Nintendo got the subscription. I mean I've watched your prerelease videos for the past two sets, and these deck tech videos look cool too. Keep on your grind man, you'll get big views if you keep finding content to put out!
But dusk legion zealot is the reason why vampires improved so much. He gives you card draw, just what we need since we keep dropping creatures, plus he benefits from lords and is a chump blocker
Forerunner of the legion IMO is the best constructed forerunner, not only is it more flexible than the others, it is the most likely to trigger each turn or multiple times a turn. With mavren fein out you get to pump an attacker any time you have a good attack, and with flipped legions landing you get an on board combat trick each turn, which conveniently looks the same as holding up settle the wreckage.
My build.. which is alot different then this.. plays only 20 lands.. creature base is similar... although i feel there are much better options. My build is very consistant and very fast playing.. with just enough life gain to keep you playing strong if you happen to head to the mid to long game. Great build though Dev.. although for the firat time ever i believe my build is stronger.. and believe me.. I'm slightly cringing as I say However i will say that my deck is very consistant... even though it will never find its way onto meta.. Great vid man.. thanks for all that you do for the MTG community.
Dusk legion zealot is amazing! On MTGGoldfish, there are some tier lists that are playing dusk legion zealot mainboard, and this is the perfect shell for it
I really like elenda. I like her in situations where you're staring down a board wipe with yahenni and a large board of creatures. Sacrificing everything but elenda to yahenni then letting elenda die to produce a board with at least the same number of creatures seams great.
Instead of Forsaken Sanctuary, would Evolving Wilds be a good idea? If the land is going to enter tapped anyways, I figure might as well have a revolt trigger for Fatal Push anyways. Just a thought. Keep up the awesome decks dude!
Really looks like a cool deck, especially the toolbox idea. I think this deck could really benefit from maindeck carddraw. Looks to me it starts topdecking very often as early as turn 4-5. I would definetly play the Zealots maindeck and maybe even considering Vanquisher´s Banner (although it is a frigging 5 mana).
Not sure how well this will work, but I'm considering Bishop of Rebirth along with a lot of the new vampires. On turn 5 you can play it and have a Forerunner and Mavren Fein out on the board and a Legion Lieutenant along with some other vamps in the graveyard. Attack with the bishop, bring back the Lt. to give it +1/+1 while making a 1/1 token with Mavren, which will trigger the Forerunner's ability twice allowing you to give the Bishop or other vamps 2 more +1/+1's, which can boost the bishop from a 3/4 into an attacking 6/7 with vigilance (all of this happens before blocks). You can repeat this process depending on how many vampires your opponent decided to kill earlier and how long it takes before they kill the bishop.
If we really are that afraid of particular enchantments or cards (Like approach) then "Lost Legacy" (While a bit Niche) is always a option to snipe something you REALLY don't wanna see before your opponent can get to it (This was my answer to "Rouge Refiner" and/or "Long Tusk Cub". Then again I'm playing the long run Anointed Procession strategy that's teching in Oketra.
vampires is all over the place!! I like your version though i will say friend of mine found a crazy combo with famished paladin you can give a try. enchantment in rivals gives him +2/+2 and lifelink. every time he hits he untaps:) at least if me and my friend are paling right
Are you going to be doing an updated explore deck? Jadelight Ranger is too expensive to make it budget but I'd still love to get your take on an updated deck list.
What do people think about Voracious Vampire - 2/2 for 3 ....has menace but when enters BF gives +1/1 untl end of turn and gives target creature menace....I am thinking giving evasion turn it comes out and then gaining evasion itself next turn eseciallu with an LL or a Mimic out might be decent ?
I played white black vampires at prerelease but I ended up having to splashing a third color so I when with green so that I could play the new huatli planeswalker. I am going to try to build this vampires deck I think that I all ready have most of the cards.
Dev, think about this: Oketra vampires. If I played standard(wasn't a broke college student), I would try to make this. With vamp hawk and vamp tutor, plus some others, could be good. Plus the fact that soldiers is already a relevant type for vamps you could name vamps or soldiers with radiant blessing.
I hope you don't mind the questions as I am a newbie. Is there a reason why cards like Vampire Champion, Champion of Dusk, vicious Conquistador, Voracious Vampire, or Inspiring Cleric are not in your deck?
Hey dev love the deck tech... you might want to look at rb pirates it looks like a real nice aggro deck. Would like to see your input... keep up the good work
Do a blue black -1 -1 counter deck tech please or a grixis -1 -1 counter deck tech :D I've had wonderful results with the decklist I've been using but want to see how you would do it
You need lost legacy in the sideboard imo against control decks, especially approach decks. Also works against god pharaoh's gift and blue black control with scarab god.
Twilight Prophet is insane. It looks weak at first since Ascend isn't going to happen early, but midgame this card is a wrecking ball. Considering how many removal it dodges, most decks are going to have a real hard time with it. I would almost try to find a slot for a 3rd copy, but the Forerunner makes up for it. I initially thought Elenda would be a good 4-drop, but this is superior in many ways.
This can be easily made into budget if you just replace the fatal pushes with something like walk the plank or another removal spell and replace twilight prophet with maybe another seeker and another vampire of your choice. Obviously it wouldn’t run as well but that is taking a lot of value off for a few amount of cards
I get what some people are saying with preference toward Gifted Aetherborn, but I think in this build it gets a little hard to drop on turn 2 because of the double black. I guess it doesn't quite mesh with the great white 1 drops.
Speaking of tribes, any idea on where Pirates and especially Dinosaurs are going to land? Three colors is never going to work, so for Dino I think Green/Red is the only option. The new rampant growth could help that deck quite a bit, but based on early tests I've done it's still ungodly sloooow.
No Vona in the board to blow up permanents? Seems good against planeswalkers and enchantments, while also bringing in more attack power with lifelink when you need it (especially when Adanto can suck a lot of blood).
Energy still has a lot of power as far as being able to burn Vona out. Anytime I ever played her she only acted as a 5 mana remove a card from target opponent's hand.
If you are itching to get to that Ascend faster than your opponent, perhaps Call To The Feast could find it's way into this deck. Though, figuring out what kind of threat to remove for the sake of 3 1/1 Vamp tokens with lifelink might be hard to nail. Especially considering how well thought out this particular deck is. Not to mention if you wanted to transform Legion's Landing super fast with low risk. Or wanting card advantage when L.L comes into play. Now you got essentially 3 2/2 Vamps with lifelink for the cost of 2WB. What do you think, Dev?
Adanto Vanguard is in my opinion one of the best early game creatures. One beautifully cheap combo that makes him a beast is Skullduggery, where you have early creatures 1/1 2/1 and even 3/1 popping off skullduggery can bury them and give Adanto a +1 +1 that might be enough to protect him in an exchange without having to spend the 4 life to make him indestructible, but even if you have to chances are good you can still take out the attacker clearing out 2 while keeping him on the board. Old boy definitely has some good staying power, he just SUCKS against Trample.'
I just won my local fnm with a winning record of 6-0-1. My deck list is a Homebrew that wins consistently on Turn 4, let it be known, I never won the dice roll any of my games.
Dude I love the minibosses. Haven’t thought about them in years, they have a ten minute mega man 2 tribute that’s amazing. Check out Powerglove if you want a band like them
Nice build. I would put gifted aetherborn instead of martyr of dusk as the 2 drop. i like it vs aggro better than the sweep recovery u get with martyr but it’s a close call. also the deathtouch is better against a large creature dino deck you could face in this meta.
BLACK GREEN SNAKE PLEASE!!!!!! And without walking ballista I’ve won plenty fnm with it and didn’t think about walking ballista once. Would REALLY like to see a build
How would you go about mono Black Vamps? I Think white has a lot more footing for a Vamp deck, but using Gifted Aetherborn and Arterial Flow sounds pretty sick.
I think gruesome fate is also a good black card for vampires, especially token decks. It's basically bishop of the bloodstain's effect for only 2B. Won a lot of games I would've otherwise lost just with draining my opponent's life.
Here is another engine that compliments this deck. It is winning me a lot of games. Have you considered Gifted Aetherborn, Sadistic Skymarcher, Argiel's Blood Fast and Adanto Vanguard? I will not list the whole deck, I am quite sure you can figure it out from here.
They are playing at the moment value decks with a lot of 2x1 and removal effects Martyr of dusk is just prrobably double blocking a siphoner or something like that, it doesn't trade with anything. Dusk legion zealot is probably better and you can run less lands because you cycles through your deck with dusk legion, or may be playing both.
Professor Prime Time thanks, i think i got it figured, take ramunap red, take out any creatures that dont hace the key word triggers, and put it the boros costed dino, snd path to mettle
Can someone elucidate me, please. He did put 2 mavren fein and 3 legion's landing at his deck, they are both legendary creature/land. Isnt legendary cards supposed to be alone at the deck? I mean, I did think that there were a rule that forbid you of having 2 legendary creatures or whatever with the same name at the board, did he put more than 1 so he can have a greater chance of draw? Did I misunderstand the rule that talks about legendary cards? Ty for your help in advance
704.5j If a player controls two or more legendary permanents with the same name, that player chooses one of them, and the rest are put into their owners’ graveyards. This is called the “legend rule.” He put more than one copy in so you have a greater chance of drawing it.
WELP. I guess I'm buying vampires now. I was content with just buying a few singles for EDH... but nah this looks sick as hell. Also, nice N64 gear. Dev always fresh as shit.
it would be a nice improvement to your subsequent videos if you could put the deck stats at the end together with the power ranking, eg. show the mana curve, recommended creatures to non-creature ratio
Newer to magic. I just recently put together a version of your budget b/w deck. Loving it so far. Can't wait to put together of version of this next! Thanks for the videos! Super informative!
So glad you are doing Vampires, Been wanting to play it, Looks super sweet. I am going to start getting the cards now. So maybe I will have all the new ones for the Stream tonight. Thanks for the Deck Tech as always.
That was fun... and very competitive even got a mirror match in...oh i have nothing bad to say about forerunner now...that card is bonkers
Hey guys ! If i can't afford the 4 copies of fatal push, which card should replace it please ?
SadaParkour momment of craving maybe... it is almost like abrade... just not a great sub
SadaParkour Walk the Plank. It's sorcery speed and costs BB but it kills anything non merfolk or pirate indiscriminately
SadaParkour walk the plank. It destorys non merfolk creature which is almost anything. Most people will still be stuck on energy or red rush, making your WTP incredible
Great video! I reckon you could chop at least one land, don't forget a lot of times you're going to flip Legion's Landing which will make up for it.
Btw, the links sometimes throw a warning prior to taking you to tcgplayer. You may want to look at using a different link so as not to dissuade potential clicks.
Also, you have the best mtg content on the planet and it's not even close. Happy Patreon, still waiting on some signed cards tho.
Dev, love the Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest music for the opening! On a fun note, I used the melody of this tune for a song I wrote a few years ago, so every time I hear it now, it has my lyrics to it haha.
Love your channel Dev! I've had a lot of success with your tech, just wanted to say thank you!
First time playing the deck, went 4-1, made top 8 then split top 4. Deck is SOOOOOO nasty! Good shit Dev!!
Gave a version of the deck a whirl yesterday on MTGO, although instead of Martyrs I had Metallic Mimics. I liked it like that but haven't faced sweepers yet. I really liked the interaction between Mavren and Forerunner.
Coming back here 6 years later to rebuild this deck. Cheers!
Nice deck dev. Might be worth mentioning Elenda combos really well with yahenni against fumigate and even settle the wreckage to an extent.
Lol scratch the settle the wreckage part.
Well, they do ok. If you swing with the team and opponent Settles, you can sac them to Yahenni to give Elenda the counters (if you don't want the lands from Settle).
i had a fun time pumping up the duskborne skymarcher (never used her ability, it sucks but SHE has flying.) with, either LL or Anointed deacon or Voracious vampire and then getting in for some flying damage with a tiny one drop. Especially when i had Elenda on the table which meant my opponents would often shirk blocking even if they could for at least one or two turns to avoid that counter on Elenda (probably hoping to draw removal). pre-release weekend was a blast
YAAASSS!!! Highlight of my day. 25mins of Dev!
Your comments on Nintendo got the subscription. I mean I've watched your prerelease videos for the past two sets, and these deck tech videos look cool too. Keep on your grind man, you'll get big views if you keep finding content to put out!
But dusk legion zealot is the reason why vampires improved so much. He gives you card draw, just what we need since we keep dropping creatures, plus he benefits from lords and is a chump blocker
Forerunner of the legion IMO is the best constructed forerunner, not only is it more flexible than the others, it is the most likely to trigger each turn or multiple times a turn. With mavren fein out you get to pump an attacker any time you have a good attack, and with flipped legions landing you get an on board combat trick each turn, which conveniently looks the same as holding up settle the wreckage.
My build.. which is alot different then this.. plays only 20 lands.. creature base is similar... although i feel there are much better options. My build is very consistant and very fast playing.. with just enough life gain to keep you playing strong if you happen to head to the mid to long game.
Great build though Dev.. although for the firat time ever i believe my build is stronger.. and believe me.. I'm slightly cringing as I say
However i will say that my deck is very consistant... even though it will never find its way onto meta..
Great vid man.. thanks for all that you do for the MTG community.
Dusk legion zealot is amazing! On MTGGoldfish, there are some tier lists that are playing dusk legion zealot mainboard, and this is the perfect shell for it
I really like elenda. I like her in situations where you're staring down a board wipe with yahenni and a large board of creatures. Sacrificing everything but elenda to yahenni then letting elenda die to produce a board with at least the same number of creatures seams great.
Instead of Forsaken Sanctuary, would Evolving Wilds be a good idea? If the land is going to enter tapped anyways, I figure might as well have a revolt trigger for Fatal Push anyways. Just a thought. Keep up the awesome decks dude!
Really looks like a cool deck, especially the toolbox idea. I think this deck could really benefit from maindeck carddraw. Looks to me it starts topdecking very often as early as turn 4-5. I would definetly play the Zealots maindeck and maybe even considering Vanquisher´s Banner (although it is a frigging 5 mana).
Im super interested in a new Winding Constrictor deck. You've mentioned it a few times, it seems SWEEEET!!
Dev where did you find that bloody tears remix for the intro man , love the vamps tech
Not sure how well this will work, but I'm considering Bishop of Rebirth along with a lot of the new vampires. On turn 5 you can play it and have a Forerunner and Mavren Fein out on the board and a Legion Lieutenant along with some other vamps in the graveyard. Attack with the bishop, bring back the Lt. to give it +1/+1 while making a 1/1 token with Mavren, which will trigger the Forerunner's ability twice allowing you to give the Bishop or other vamps 2 more +1/+1's, which can boost the bishop from a 3/4 into an attacking 6/7 with vigilance (all of this happens before blocks). You can repeat this process depending on how many vampires your opponent decided to kill earlier and how long it takes before they kill the bishop.
Knew I was in the right place the second I heard Bloody Tears from Castlevania in the intro 👌🏼
If we really are that afraid of particular enchantments or cards (Like approach) then "Lost Legacy" (While a bit Niche) is always a option to snipe something you REALLY don't wanna see before your opponent can get to it (This was my answer to "Rouge Refiner" and/or "Long Tusk Cub". Then again I'm playing the long run Anointed Procession strategy that's teching in Oketra.
vampires is all over the place!! I like your version though i will say friend of mine found a crazy combo with famished paladin you can give a try. enchantment in rivals gives him +2/+2 and lifelink. every time he hits he untaps:) at least if me and my friend are paling right
I really think labo is a great way to spend some time with the kids making their brains work. Keep up the good work :)
Nice castlevania music intro for a vampire deck. Tip of the hat for you.
I'm new to magic and your videos are a big help, but i'm still a little overwhelmed lol
Are you going to be doing an updated explore deck? Jadelight Ranger is too expensive to make it budget but I'd still love to get your take on an updated deck list.
Stoked for pirates and dinos! Hardest working man in show biz right here.
what do u think about a bloodcrazed palidan as a 2 drop
What do people think about Voracious Vampire - 2/2 for 3 ....has menace but when enters BF gives +1/1 untl end of turn and gives target creature menace....I am thinking giving evasion turn it comes out and then gaining evasion itself next turn eseciallu with an LL or a Mimic out might be decent ?
I just realized you can see the dusk charger in the back of legions landing
would love to see you play the deck techs on mtgo
I played white black vampires at prerelease but I ended up having to splashing a third color so I when with green so that I could play the new huatli planeswalker. I am going to try to build this vampires deck I think that I all ready have most of the cards.
Twilight prophet is actually insane! Direct damage, card draw, 2/4 flyer for 4 mana is crazy
Dev, think about this: Oketra vampires. If I played standard(wasn't a broke college student), I would try to make this. With vamp hawk and vamp tutor, plus some others, could be good. Plus the fact that soldiers is already a relevant type for vamps you could name vamps or soldiers with radiant blessing.
I feel like it might be possible to make a janky Sultai deck with somehow top decking copies of Ghalta with Twilight Prophet ascended :)
Squires devotion + adanto vanguard, most insane combo in vamps
I hope you don't mind the questions as I am a newbie. Is there a reason why cards like Vampire Champion, Champion of Dusk, vicious Conquistador, Voracious Vampire, or Inspiring Cleric are not in your deck?
Hey Dev, any chance of getting an updated M19 Vampires deck tech?
Hey dev love the deck tech... you might want to look at rb pirates it looks like a real nice aggro deck. Would like to see your input... keep up the good work
Do a blue black -1 -1 counter deck tech please or a grixis -1 -1 counter deck tech :D I've had wonderful results with the decklist I've been using but want to see how you would do it
You need lost legacy in the sideboard imo against control decks, especially approach decks. Also works against god pharaoh's gift and blue black control with scarab god.
Twilight Prophet is insane. It looks weak at first since Ascend isn't going to happen early, but midgame this card is a wrecking ball. Considering how many removal it dodges, most decks are going to have a real hard time with it. I would almost try to find a slot for a 3rd copy, but the Forerunner makes up for it. I initially thought Elenda would be a good 4-drop, but this is superior in many ways.
This can be easily made into budget if you just replace the fatal pushes with something like walk the plank or another removal spell and replace twilight prophet with maybe another seeker and another vampire of your choice. Obviously it wouldn’t run as well but that is taking a lot of value off for a few amount of cards
Hi Dev, I’ve been playing this deck at FNM and love it. Just wondering what cards you would remove when you sideboard? Thanks!
I have an 8 yr old and 5 yr old. Labo looks awesome for me and them.
I get what some people are saying with preference toward Gifted Aetherborn, but I think in this build it gets a little hard to drop on turn 2 because of the double black. I guess it doesn't quite mesh with the great white 1 drops.
Speaking of tribes, any idea on where Pirates and especially Dinosaurs are going to land? Three colors is never going to work, so for Dino I think Green/Red is the only option. The new rampant growth could help that deck quite a bit, but based on early tests I've done it's still ungodly sloooow.
Hey Dev! Long time lurker and subscriber, but I have to ask you, is there an Aristocrats deck in the format? Would love to see your take on the idea!
Also, really looking forward to updated GB explore after you cover all the tribes =)
No Vona in the board to blow up permanents? Seems good against planeswalkers and enchantments, while also bringing in more attack power with lifelink when you need it (especially when Adanto can suck a lot of blood).
Energy still has a lot of power as far as being able to burn Vona out. Anytime I ever played her she only acted as a 5 mana remove a card from target opponent's hand.
I wanna see Grixis pirates with Lightning-Rig Crew and a bunch of cheap Pirates to untap it.
Soooo freaking pumped for this deck tech.
Would luv to find a way to add Gifted Aetherborn & Sadistic Skymarcher into this deck
If you are itching to get to that Ascend faster than your opponent, perhaps Call To The Feast could find it's way into this deck. Though, figuring out what kind of threat to remove for the sake of 3 1/1 Vamp tokens with lifelink might be hard to nail. Especially considering how well thought out this particular deck is.
Not to mention if you wanted to transform Legion's Landing super fast with low risk. Or wanting card advantage when L.L comes into play. Now you got essentially 3 2/2 Vamps with lifelink for the cost of 2WB.
What do you think, Dev?
Adanto Vanguard is in my opinion one of the best early game creatures. One beautifully cheap combo that makes him a beast is Skullduggery, where you have early creatures 1/1 2/1 and even 3/1 popping off skullduggery can bury them and give Adanto a +1 +1 that might be enough to protect him in an exchange without having to spend the 4 life to make him indestructible, but even if you have to chances are good you can still take out the attacker clearing out 2 while keeping him on the board. Old boy definitely has some good staying power, he just SUCKS against Trample.'
What about a rb pirates aggro? I was thinking with a couple copies of hazoret's monument to get rid of unwanted lands etc...
Castlevania intro. Love it.
I just won my local fnm with a winning record of 6-0-1. My deck list is a Homebrew that wins consistently on Turn 4, let it be known, I never won the dice roll any of my games.
Also.... I am also using orzhov vampires, but my deck list varies so much compared to yours
Any chance you could put a decklist in here or could I convince you to shoot me an email with it?
What is your list
Kyle Seekford what's your list?
No gifted aetherborn or bloodcrazed paladin?
Jose Castro double black makes it a bit inconsistent
Jose Castro paladin is ok post combat if stuff died but aetherborn could be sided against big dino decks
Jade Smith true thats a good point but dev talks alot about sweepers witch is a great deal right so I think paladin would be a great in the deck
Jose Castro side in 4 duress and 2 or 3 lost legacy for control matchups. Exiling approach gives you a bit more time to deal with gearhulks.
Jose Castro same for lost legacy on a refurbish against God pharoah gift
Would like to see oketra's monument in a deck like this. Would help for ascend!!
Have you ever listened to a band called the Minibosses? They do good heavy metal covers of Castlevania themes.
Really like your channel, and the cats.
Dude I love the minibosses. Haven’t thought about them in years, they have a ten minute mega man 2 tribute that’s amazing. Check out Powerglove if you want a band like them
You should really do the pirate deck tech next, I'm getting ready to buy mass commons, and I want to know what I should buy for pirates.
Nice build. I would put gifted aetherborn instead of martyr of dusk as the 2 drop. i like it vs aggro better than the sweep recovery u get with martyr but it’s a close call. also the deathtouch is better against a large creature dino deck you could face in this meta.
Life gain vamps! With Crested Sunmare as the top end!!
Whats your opinion on mono white monument with a splash of black for lieutenant and for sideboard cards?
Already spec’ed into a lot of copies of oketra’s monument
BLACK GREEN SNAKE PLEASE!!!!!! And without walking ballista I’ve won plenty fnm with it and didn’t think about walking ballista once. Would REALLY like to see a build
How would you go about mono Black Vamps? I Think white has a lot more footing for a Vamp deck, but using Gifted Aetherborn and Arterial Flow sounds pretty sick.
I think gruesome fate is also a good black card for vampires, especially token decks. It's basically bishop of the bloodstain's effect for only 2B. Won a lot of games I would've otherwise lost just with draining my opponent's life.
You need to do a new Dino deck that would be amazing
Right? I'm asking for a redo of Mono Red Dinos in Standard. I love that deck!
bdrakePBDA that would be cool but I personally prefer nyan or nya or what ever it is (white green red)
Logan Michael Naya Dinosaurs
How bout that green white big butts?
Turok duels ah yes that
Hey, would you recomend running Drana's Emissary??
Please may you do a RW Path of Mettle deck? Have been testing with it and it feels sweet.
Here is another engine that compliments this deck. It is winning me a lot of games. Have you considered Gifted Aetherborn, Sadistic Skymarcher, Argiel's Blood Fast and Adanto Vanguard? I will not list the whole deck, I am quite sure you can figure it out from here.
They are playing at the moment value decks with a lot of 2x1 and removal effects Martyr of dusk is just prrobably double blocking a siphoner or something like that, it doesn't trade with anything. Dusk legion zealot is probably better and you can run less lands because you cycles through your deck with dusk legion, or may be playing both.
Thank you! xD been waiting for this!
that looks brilliant. More ideas for my life gain commander deck.
In the $5 red improvise deck could u sub 1-2 mountains for 1-2 renegade maps?
If so how many?
How come you left out vicious comquistador? But Matyr Dusk is a great card.
Do Grixis Pirates next, the deck is sooo sweet and got a bunch of new stuff from RIX. Can send you my list if interested.
Yeah baby, starting this party off right with some Castlevania tunage!
What about the 4 drop tutor that let's you grab a card from outside the game,your sideboard?
Thanx for a super deck Dev!
If forerunner, why not 1x value 2 drops? 1/1 draw, 2/2 play from gy if you gained life, etc.
Can we get a path to mettle deck, i need to know what i need to add to my ramunap red deck
Niv Mizzet oof
If you heard Dev gush about that card during the preview season, it's a safe bet that he is going to make that deck tech.
Professor Prime Time thanks, i think i got it figured, take ramunap red, take out any creatures that dont hace the key word triggers, and put it the boros costed dino, snd path to mettle
Would you be able to record some matches with all these decks you create
Can someone elucidate me, please. He did put 2 mavren fein and 3 legion's landing at his deck, they are both legendary creature/land. Isnt legendary cards supposed to be alone at the deck? I mean, I did think that there were a rule that forbid you of having 2 legendary creatures or whatever with the same name at the board, did he put more than 1 so he can have a greater chance of draw? Did I misunderstand the rule that talks about legendary cards? Ty for your help in advance
704.5j If a player controls two or more legendary permanents with the same name, that player chooses one of them, and the rest are put into their owners’ graveyards. This is called the “legend rule.” He put more than one copy in so you have a greater chance of drawing it.
The time for grixis pirates will come. I think the new cards in rix are speaking for themself
WELP. I guess I'm buying vampires now. I was content with just buying a few singles for EDH... but nah this looks sick as hell. Also, nice N64 gear. Dev always fresh as shit.
Is this deck now better than the mono-Black aggro deck that you covered a little bit ago?
just a question, can you go back to raps? they were pretty cool.
white, blue Gideon/jace time walk deck (could also put in glorious end for red) That's what i want to see.
it would be a nice improvement to your subsequent videos if you could put the deck stats at the end together with the power ranking, eg. show the mana curve, recommended creatures to non-creature ratio
Legions landing can be really hard to flip but overall it's pretty good
I like Gifted Aetherborn, Vona, and Cast Out in the main. And I dont think you need 25 lands. Otherwise great deck!
Can you make a dinosaur deck
I am trying out a black/white and my main problem cards are the trample dinosaurs. Help?
Would The Black one drop vampire from Ixalan be better than Adanto?