Women don't need nor want "texting relationships". We want live relationships. Think about it: if I have to work for 8 hrs a day, shop for food and other things I need, eat, pay my bills, keep my house clean, work out and get ready to look hot for a date with you - I need to do everything efficiently and that takes concentration. I don't have time to click out my entire life story to you by text or read everything that happened to you during the day. I'd rather talk and listen to you in person. Flirting via text is fun, but only in the pre-dating phase, then I need to see you and kiss you, not fall asleep hugging my phone. Hope this helps :)
The thing is I find a number of women want to text you everyday after the 1st date or even before once you have set it up and they want you to call, no sense of save conversation for the date or give me time to miss them
Listen to him. My ex broke up with me about 6 weeks ago after being together for 6 months. The last week we were together as a couple her exact words were "we never have anything to talk about and something feels off". A week later we were done. In the beginning she was always texting and calling me. I would always respond immediately even if I was busy at work. I gave in so much to the point where there was no more mystery left. I was too available. I immediately went no contact. I learned my lesson. The phone is for setting dates only. If she does text you often, respond later. Ugh never again.
Not everyone has that problem. Just be yourself. And there are guys like me, there must be that, that can talk endlessly with their gf. Or at parties with people.
Did you ever hear from her again? Same thing just happened with me and my ex gf. We were together about 6 months and it went down similar. I have been in no contact for 8 weeks and haven’t heard anything from her..
I've read the books three times so far. One thing I've realised very quickly is when your about to text her just wait. Every time I've waited within 30 minutes she's messaged me. We're both battling the urge to message and I feel empowered when I wait it out. The person who speaks first is in the other persons frame.
i'm 36 years old and what Corey teaches has been eye opening for me. I live in NYC as well. Been dating here for 16 years. Corey's advice is spot on. Its only after you have years of experience and countless disappointments with women do you start to realize what you have been doing wrong all this time. Modern media and the gynocentric societal world view has done modern men no favors.
Listen to what this guy says in his videos and writes in his book. It works, I promise! I kept getting shot down by women over and over and OVER, doing the same stupid thing every time. Finally, I decided to look into what Coach Corey had to say, and after applying what he teaches to how I interacted with women, I'm proud to say I've got my very first date this weekend with a girl that is way out of my league, and it's all thanks to him!
I'm on my third read of the book, and I just have to say that Corey has given me an entirely new outlook on life! Corey's material made me realize that my trying to find a woman to "complete" me was the ass backwards way to approach things, and I have since realized that I need to be "complete" BEFORE a relationship can happen. Corey has taken me out of a state of depression, and slingshot me into a perpetual free-fall of feeling absolutely fantastic! I can't express my gratitude enough. I am happy with my life now, and for that I am extremely grateful. There is some really great, profound knowledge in all of this material that doesn't even pertain to dating and relationships!
I'll sum it up to this, All Coach is saying is "Do You". For those of you who dont know what that means. Live your life the way you want to live it, follow your dreams, trust your gut, become that successful person you always imagined, learn that language you've been putting off, get in shape, explore the world, or just simply sit home and read your favorite book. Do not get hung up over a girl. This advice is true when you're a teenager, and its still just as true if not MORE important as an adult. No time for games, life is short. If you do meet that special someone, dont stop "doing you". Just include her into your life. Like coach says, eventually you just start becoming a part of each others lives.
So basically, you can't have any success with women, unless you achieve success in life. Bitches only care about success, whether it is money, fame, influence, or good looks.
Deep Purple um would you want someone with no future and tbh there are a lot of girl especially bitches that will fuck you if your not you could be a couch potato living with your mom all you gotta do is be that man
Im constantly reading the book during daily bus travels, I feel like more of my own man now, more in control of my life you could say. Thanks for the help, Coatch!
The height of my first relationship was a direct result of following your advice, and it’s helping me patch up my current relationship after taking some time to consider what I wanted. I have your audiobook and I listen to it to and from my commute for work, I cannot recommend your book enough to those who are struggling with dating. It’s been a complete 180 from my previous mindset and dynamic of my relationship.
*Small, thoughtful messages go further than long texts. Keep it light, playful, and occasionally toss in an open-ended question that invites her to share more. It’s all about creating an engaging flow without feeling forced.*
Man I didn't really care for mastering yourself that much It has some gems in it but it's more of his autobiography and he goes on a lot of tangents that really don't have anything to do with personal development For a 17 hour audiobook there's a lot of fluff to sort through to get the good stuff I think his first book and video content is far superior
The second guy, all due respect both hasn't had enough experience with women & quality, busy women; and isn't really busy himself. Most days, I'm so busy that I sometimes forget to text women back. Even when I do have a moment; I'm usually getting back to doing something, anyway. Far easier to set dates & establish this pattern from the start. Otherwise, you train yourself to be an on-call pinpal & when you legitimately can't text back; good luck for you! Even non-busy women will respond to your busy frame if it's established properly from the start. Our friend needs to start fresh, apply the material & stop being so full of himself.
everything this guy says is completely accurate, and I'm not saying this as a success story but as somebody who did all this because I legitimately wasnt interested and thought them texting me was fucking annoying, but now I'm actually trying and im doing everything wrong. time to become who I used to be
I fucking love that you're not flowering shit up to people. You are calling us noobs on our shit. Bravo. It's refreshing and for this authentic reason I'm going to look up all your stuff. Keep up the good work.
You'd be amazed at how patient and great women are if you understand them. Spot on coach! I memorized the book, the principles, got my ex back and currently dating 3 other very sexy women. The thing that I like most is about focusing on your life purpose and everything else comes into place but you gotta practice and understand the principles. Repetition is the mother of skill! Kudos Corey!
I will say I have lost a couple dates over not communicating until the date a week later. I keep hearing my family and friends to stop listening to that guy and reading that book. What they don't understand is that there are so many women out there and I am finding and shaping the women to who I want them to be, so they do not go crazy when they don't hear from me. And if they decide to cancel because no communication until the date, then it is their loss because I'm a great catch.
nexson did you not see the video where he corrected the guy when he was saying he's trying to get the girl to act the way he wants and do what he wants her to do. Corey directly corrects it and says that's not what it's about. You shouldn't have to try to change them. You want to be able to find the girl that's already perfect for you and you can do that by listening to his stuff. But he clearly states you shouldn't have to do that and that's not what it's about.
This post is Old. But listen to what Corey says. The man knows what he’s talking about. If it weren’t for Corey, I wouldn’t have had any success with women in the last few years. Generally you should not text between dates. Why should you have too? If she messages you, then of course message back. But why do you need to have a text conversation if you already have plans for a date? It doesn’t make sense. Personally, I usually message the girl a few hours before the date or the night before just to confirm, something like; “Hey, looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! See you at 5pm!” (I don’t want to waste my time if she isn’t going to show up) Corey always recommends against this, but I haven’t had any negatives effects from it (Not yet anyway) Just don’t come across as needy.
@tillallareoneluv sounds like she's already reaching out, so why change that? Let her reach out and when she does, make a date. That's it. Simple. If you start reaching out right after dates, you'll end up being the female in the scenario and she'll be gone before you know it.
The coach is right! No cherry picking! Real long term success will only come through adopting the mindset! Read the book, watch the videos, live and breath this information until it becomes pure instinct. Know what you want, take what you want, be a man! Idk about you but I want to hangout, have fun and hook up!
Jesus christ I've slept with 3 woman in the last 2 weeks corey helps so much and I have so much respect for this man hes helped me out a lot since my ex left me in which she has only just broke nc and we've seen each other twice just this week thankyou corey you really are an inspiration
Bro had a great date took charge grabed the hand went for kiss. Dropped off she kept thanking me for a nice time. She brought up future events. Keep you posted.
Corey is right about this, I can confirm. Personally, I hate conversational texting and would much prefer spending time with a man and having a conversation then. That is not to say you can't send a nice text from time to time though :)
32:30 Hell yes. I was with a few such girls before and always struggled at work. I would take calls in the middle of the work day because they would either “miss me too much” or “worry about me”. They all turned out to be quite controlling in the end. I am now with a girl with whom I barely text, and if we do talk, then a quick call in the end of the day. We set plans and we meet. She works two jobs now due to financial difficulties, but she is working her way up. Centred, purpose-seeking and mission-driven. As both the man and woman should be. This is how it should be and Corey is absolutely 100% right. Currently reading the book for the 4th time here.
An intelligent girl shouldn't get bored with a few hours of conversation with a guy. If you have depth it should take hundreds of hours for a girl to get to know you.
since I have the audiobook, when he started to say "it's a scientific fact..." I already heard the rest in my head, I heard that so many times I laugh at it now. But it is true and this thing you are teaching works for sure, I am still learning but I am getting better
Thank you. You have helped me make my life better. I'm healthier and I work harder and my gf is amazing. Thank you for your words of wisdom and your experience.
Hey coach, I have a question for you. Snapchat has been growing for quite a bit for a few years now, and my personal take on it is that the streak just isn't healthy for a romantic relationship. I feel that it's a system that actually enforces constant contact back and forth, removing the mystery and value from communication and sort of forcing the guy to act predictably/chase. For this reason, I have always stayed away from it and try to avoid it. I would like to get your take on it: how should snapchat fit in to today's dating scene? (Or should it not at all? :)) Thanks so much for your time, and look forward to hearing from you soon.
I know its late, but leave it to a long video snap (30 seconds is fine) if she snaps you and is worried about the streak. Keep it fun/set a date, or if you have a date already tease her and tell her how excited you are to see her. Only respond if she snaps first, and respond when you have time… good luck!
She did Cory ! Three months she asked for ring ! She wants let everybody know that she’s taken ! I was just flabbergasted so happy one of the most memorable days of my life !
Man hahah it's unreal how everything in your book works. It's such a great way of living man. Thank you for your work. It's simply amazing to idle stand by and witness the stuff you mention about women chasing etc happening right in front of your eyes if you apply the principles you teach. Crazy.
Awesome video Corey. Your response to that second email was priceless as is the advice I've gotten from your book and videos. Thank you! Strangely enough as I was watching this, the girl I just started seeing sent me a text about getting together this weekend.
I'm glad the title is misleading! I was one of those guys, obsessed with the right thing to text girls and PUA crap until I met CW's work. Thank you for saving me for being obsessed with CHASING PUSSY and now being a man that's focused on his mission and get quality girls doing almost nothing! I'm a poor 3rd country med student now, but someday I'll be a great doctor, I won't forget you and give you a good donation!
I arrogantly tossed coach’s book away without reading it properly only to get burned by a woman. Now I’m back in order not to mess my new relationship up like I did the old one😅
16:50 Before I get into this lemme just say I've got the book on audible and am about to start my first read-through so maybe my question is answered there... HOWEVER, there seems to be a difference in attitude from not being in a relationship to then being in a relationship. What I mean by this is when Corey says "You're always together 24/7" that sounds very suffocating to me. "“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh I wouldn't feel free with my girlfriend wanting to spend every waking moment of every day with me. In the dating phase before becoming exclusive it's recommended by Corey to go no-contact between dates to create tension, mystery and intrigue for the girl so that she doesn't become bored of you, which I totally understand and it works, but when things become exclusive it's almost as if that goes out the window and now you can spend every second of every day together. My point being, even though the girl reaches out all the time to meet up doesn't mean that you should see her all the time. We know that girls want guys to pursue them but then they become bored of the guy who texts/calls all the time. Meeting 3/4 times a week sounds ideal to me, not every day. It's not acting like a robot, I just feel like being together 24/7 would mean that she'd get bored of me, the spark would disappear and I can't do my own thing.
The most real and authentic advice you'll receive for men, improving not just your relationships, but also your life. Corey has an unmatched ability to communicate the complexity of relationships and break it down to a level that's decisive and easy to understand. However, understanding his message and actually living it, are two completely different things. If you incorporate and commit yourself to the 3 % man's way of living, then as a result, your life will change drastically for the better and so will all of your relationships.
I’m talking to an absolute dime now and everything has went great so far. One of the first things she told me was that the last dude she talked to turned her off bc he would double text if she hadn’t replied in a while
Hey Coach, great channel, have been a subscriber for a few months now. Your content really helped me during my breakup, I've become much stronger and after the initial heartache things have really improved. My ex and I (we were together 6 years) have been seeing each other again, but she has a very narcissistic personality and I feel as tho that will never change. She's very independent and basically just works all the time, goes to gym, goes home for dinner, sleeps, repeats. I want her to engage more in us, and show more interest in me and planning a future with me. Admittedly I have not read your book yet, but any advice on this situation would be fantastic. I have picked apart the advice from numerous other videos of yours already, and feel it may be time to just read your book times over. Thanks again for the fantastic channel.
1. Sounds like you been failing her tests of your strength and caving. As well as not making her feel cared for enough that texting is a non issue. Or 2. She’s just a really insecure woman
Non stop texting destroys a relationship, even if you’re in a long term relationship. My ex and I were together for 10 years, we lived together for the majority of our relationship. Towards the end of all day texting and talking about our day, by the time we got home finished doing all the family stuff, and when we finally had a few moments to us, we had nothing to talk about. There are women out there that you can practice those bad habits on while you’re focusing on higher quality women. Gain your circle, maintain your lifestyle. If you throw the idea of a date and she flinches, or says Maybe you back off immediately.
Texting 101! Most people are lazy about communicating properly in the 2000's! Texting should not be used for conversations. Before the introduction to smartphones, people were happier with traditional communication we were born with - writing letters, talking on a Mountain Bell home telephone and cordless phones too. Texting is still very new and a lot of people suck at this way of communicating. The world could operate just fine without it as it once did.
That's funny. We used to run into guys who were self proclaimed Kung Fu experts in my martial art style, once in a while. They usually spent a lot of time flat on their backs--looking up at the ceiling. Unbelievable.
I think texting is good for when you are not dating. Just make simple conversation, occasionally call, and then when the time is right. MAKE A DATE! and if she says no, idk, let me look at my schedule. She is not interested. Just remain friends and move on. Trust me she will miss you
HI CORY... just started dating again after divorce. I Have followed your blog and read your book as instructed. I have set dates with girls a week out telling them I will not call to confirm as instructed. so far I have set 3 solid dates, great connections, but have been stood up all 3 times!!!! when I called them they all told me the same thing.. you should have called to confirm.. all 3 said they forgot.. not too happy with inicial results.
MrPly1620 caveat, I’m not the coach here, but I do like to confirm a first date, people are flaky and I don’t want to go out and be waiting around for someone who is not going to show up
What if she messages on social media, striking up a conversation? Surely you can't just ignore it? She can see that you're online, actively ignoring what she's saying. When girls message me, it's not just a simple "hello, how're you?"
Your last comments on the cell phone so True , Humanity is disconnected from Nature , to busy on the Hampster wheel of the Dept based society. ....Creature from Jekyll Island , JPM
This is the video I needed weeks ago, I just muddied the water of a budding relationship by being too needy and present on Snapchat, I fell for the streak thing! She kept going distant and I kept freaking out, symptoms of drug withdrawal. Doing a full social media detox now, and no contact until I’m clean, things were very good before I was too available, hopefully can still salvage.
Always be counter-intutive at first. When you have the urge to send a text - DONT. Its the ca-dance she expects you to but if you dont then she starts thinking and you fire your flame of mystery. All this at the first stages....ease up on this once you meet her a couple of times.
Would you say 3% man is your best book so far? I just got it off amazon. Tnx for the audio version. I hate reading and do too much of it already, so if I can get this while driving, bonus!
Hi Wayne, I really love your videos and I wish you can also do videos for women's as well. I would like to know if your 3% men also works for women's .
Are you telling men that after having sex with a woman for the first time, to wait a week before reaching out again? Or to wait for her to initiate? Maybe with a woman with an overblown ego that could work. I do have a healthy respect for myself, and I disagree with that advice. Even if a man just says, “I hope you had a nice day,” once or twice until he tries to make plans again, that’s enough, but radio silence after sex would make me wonder if it was just another Saturday night for him and if I’m thinking that, I’m probably already on my way out the door. However most everything else I’ve heard from you is spot on and I love watching your videos. It’s helpful to get insight into why some men do what they do since so many men seem to play games. Personally, I prefer to not chase a man so I tend to be turned off when a man is not comfortable just going for it. Maybe I am one of the outliers, but I am happy to know where I stand with a man and how he feels about me. If I have to wonder, my interest in a more serious relationship is low and I’m still actively on the lookout for a man that is comfortable enough with himself to be vulnerable and risk sharing his feelings for me. I appreciate open and honest communication. The thing is, if a guy already has a healthy relationship with himself, then what he does and says naturally will be perfect, nearly every single time, but always when it really matters because his instinctive responses will be healthy. Guys ... don’t skip the part where you live your life for you, are grateful for what you have, whether it’s a shack of a house and strong character or a house for each season. Be living each and every moment with full focus and gratitude for that moment. If you admire yourself (with humility, of course), that’s when the only advice you need is, “just be yourself.” No, I haven’t read your book, but I can’t wait to read it. I am wondering if what I’ve written is in essence what your book teaches, because I can understand how learning it is possible after 1 or 2 reads, but living it will take 10, 20, maybe even 30 reads. You’re super fun to watch.
Women don't need nor want "texting relationships". We want live relationships. Think about it: if I have to work for 8 hrs a day, shop for food and other things I need, eat, pay my bills, keep my house clean, work out and get ready to look hot for a date with you - I need to do everything efficiently and that takes concentration. I don't have time to click out my entire life story to you by text or read everything that happened to you during the day. I'd rather talk and listen to you in person. Flirting via text is fun, but only in the pre-dating phase, then I need to see you and kiss you, not fall asleep hugging my phone. Hope this helps :)
Anna Finch 💏
Fuck you bitch
Anna Finch
Yes it helps
The thing is I find a number of women want to text you everyday after the 1st date or even before once you have set it up and they want you to call, no sense of save conversation for the date or give me time to miss them
Thank you
Listen to him. My ex broke up with me about 6 weeks ago after being together for 6 months. The last week we were together as a couple her exact words were "we never have anything to talk about and something feels off". A week later we were done. In the beginning she was always texting and calling me. I would always respond immediately even if I was busy at work. I gave in so much to the point where there was no more mystery left. I was too available. I immediately went no contact. I learned my lesson. The phone is for setting dates only. If she does text you often, respond later. Ugh never again.
Yeah, you didn't give her any boundaries
Same here bro did it a couple weeks ago lol it happens bro lol
Not everyone has that problem. Just be yourself. And there are guys like me, there must be that, that can talk endlessly with their gf. Or at parties with people.
Did you ever hear from her again? Same thing just happened with me and my ex gf. We were together about 6 months and it went down similar. I have been in no contact for 8 weeks and haven’t heard anything from her..
@@hurt1704 Never heard from her again. Walk away and never look back man.
I forgot who said this but this reminded me of the quote,
~The words "why have I not seen you" are sweeter to my ears than "why are you here again"
48 laws of power
I've read the books three times so far. One thing I've realised very quickly is when your about to text her just wait. Every time I've waited within 30 minutes she's messaged me. We're both battling the urge to message and I feel empowered when I wait it out. The person who speaks first is in the other persons frame.
i'm 36 years old and what Corey teaches has been eye opening for me. I live in NYC as well. Been dating here for 16 years. Corey's advice is spot on. Its only after you have years of experience and countless disappointments with women do you start to realize what you have been doing wrong all this time. Modern media and the gynocentric societal world view has done modern men no favors.
OR read this book 10-15 times and you won’t have to experience as many mistakes.
Or don’t get involved with female Aliens 👽
Listen to what this guy says in his videos and writes in his book. It works, I promise! I kept getting shot down by women over and over and OVER, doing the same stupid thing every time. Finally, I decided to look into what Coach Corey had to say, and after applying what he teaches to how I interacted with women, I'm proud to say I've got my very first date this weekend with a girl that is way out of my league, and it's all thanks to him!
dude how did it go , i want to know!
Nikola Grudev she left him
he's looking at more CW videos to know how to reattract her... ;) #trustory
urbano83 you ain't shit bro I'm dead 😂😂😂😂😂
I loved your response towards the second guy. You stayed completely centered and reinforced your teachings.
I'm on my third read of the book, and I just have to say that Corey has given me an entirely new outlook on life! Corey's material made me realize that my trying to find a woman to "complete" me was the ass backwards way to approach things, and I have since realized that I need to be "complete" BEFORE a relationship can happen. Corey has taken me out of a state of depression, and slingshot me into a perpetual free-fall of feeling absolutely fantastic! I can't express my gratitude enough. I am happy with my life now, and for that I am extremely grateful. There is some really great, profound knowledge in all of this material that doesn't even pertain to dating and relationships!
Hell yea. “Most important relationship is w yourself”
-Courtney Ryan
Keep truckin on homie, good vibes. that post has lifted me.
I'll sum it up to this, All Coach is saying is "Do You".
For those of you who dont know what that means.
Live your life the way you want to live it, follow your dreams, trust your gut, become that successful person you always imagined, learn that language you've been putting off, get in shape, explore the world, or just simply sit home and read your favorite book.
Do not get hung up over a girl. This advice is true when you're a teenager, and its still just as true if not MORE important as an adult. No time for games, life is short.
If you do meet that special someone, dont stop "doing you". Just include her into your life.
Like coach says, eventually you just start becoming a part of each others lives.
João Faria thanks for your wise words man.
So basically, you can't have any success with women, unless you achieve success in life. Bitches only care about success, whether it is money, fame, influence, or good looks.
Deep Purple um would you want someone with no future and tbh there are a lot of girl especially bitches that will fuck you if your not you could be a couch potato living with your mom all you gotta do is be that man
@deeppurple6925 it's not about material success lol. I've had girlfriends while practically homeless
Im constantly reading the book during daily bus travels, I feel like more of my own man now, more in control of my life you could say. Thanks for the help, Coatch!
The height of my first relationship was a direct result of following your advice, and it’s helping me patch up my current relationship after taking some time to consider what I wanted. I have your audiobook and I listen to it to and from my commute for work, I cannot recommend your book enough to those who are struggling with dating. It’s been a complete 180 from my previous mindset and dynamic of my relationship.
*Small, thoughtful messages go further than long texts. Keep it light, playful, and occasionally toss in an open-ended question that invites her to share more. It’s all about creating an engaging flow without feeling forced.*
where has this guy been? He spits some real knowledge.
layzy24 i recommend his book mastering yourself if you haven’t read it yet
Man I didn't really care for mastering yourself that much
It has some gems in it but it's more of his autobiography and he goes on a lot of tangents that really don't have anything to do with personal development
For a 17 hour audiobook there's a lot of fluff to sort through to get the good stuff
I think his first book and video content is far superior
Facts bro it works he’s a legend!
He is from garden eden
hes been in a girls bedroom
The second guy, all due respect both hasn't had enough experience with women & quality, busy women; and isn't really busy himself. Most days, I'm so busy that I sometimes forget to text women back. Even when I do have a moment; I'm usually getting back to doing something, anyway. Far easier to set dates & establish this pattern from the start. Otherwise, you train yourself to be an on-call pinpal & when you legitimately can't text back; good luck for you! Even non-busy women will respond to your busy frame if it's established properly from the start. Our friend needs to start fresh, apply the material & stop being so full of himself.
Hmmm...communication helps but if my guy won't just share 10 seconds for every two
days, then he is gone! My magic word is NEXT!!!
everything this guy says is completely accurate, and I'm not saying this as a success story but as somebody who did all this because I legitimately wasnt interested and thought them texting me was fucking annoying, but now I'm actually trying and im doing everything wrong. time to become who I used to be
I fucking love that you're not flowering shit up to people. You are calling us noobs on our shit. Bravo. It's refreshing and for this authentic reason I'm going to look up all your stuff. Keep up the good work.
You'd be amazed at how patient and great women are if you understand them. Spot on coach! I memorized the book, the principles, got my ex back and currently dating 3 other very sexy women. The thing that I like most is about focusing on your life purpose and everything else comes into place but you gotta practice and understand the principles.
Repetition is the mother of skill! Kudos Corey!
so you're proud of dating 4 girls at the same time!
You really want to not text as much as you can in person is where the magic happens great vid
she said it's my fault i didn't ask for a relationship... and also said she's too "shy" to ask for one. on my second read now.
I will say I have lost a couple dates over not communicating until the date a week later. I keep hearing my family and friends to stop listening to that guy and reading that book.
What they don't understand is that there are so many women out there and I am finding and shaping the women to who I want them to be, so they do not go crazy when they don't hear from me. And if they decide to cancel because no communication until the date, then it is their loss because I'm a great catch.
nexson did you not see the video where he corrected the guy when he was saying he's trying to get the girl to act the way he wants and do what he wants her to do. Corey directly corrects it and says that's not what it's about. You shouldn't have to try to change them. You want to be able to find the girl that's already perfect for you and you can do that by listening to his stuff. But he clearly states you shouldn't have to do that and that's not what it's about.
This post is Old. But listen to what Corey says. The man knows what he’s talking about. If it weren’t for Corey, I wouldn’t have had any success with women in the last few years.
Generally you should not text between dates. Why should you have too? If she messages you, then of course message back. But why do you need to have a text conversation if you already have plans for a date? It doesn’t make sense.
Personally, I usually message the girl a few hours before the date or the night before just to confirm, something like; “Hey, looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! See you at 5pm!” (I don’t want to waste my time if she isn’t going to show up) Corey always recommends against this, but I haven’t had any negatives effects from it (Not yet anyway) Just don’t come across as needy.
@tillallareoneluv sounds like she's already reaching out, so why change that? Let her reach out and when she does, make a date. That's it. Simple. If you start reaching out right after dates, you'll end up being the female in the scenario and she'll be gone before you know it.
Your videos and book have greatly transformed my love life brother
Still got fourteen more reads and 1k vids to watch lol 👌
The coach is right! No cherry picking! Real long term success will only come through adopting the mindset! Read the book, watch the videos, live and breath this information until it becomes pure instinct. Know what you want, take what you want, be a man! Idk about you but I want to hangout, have fun and hook up!
Jesus christ I've slept with 3 woman in the last 2 weeks corey helps so much and I have so much respect for this man hes helped me out a lot since my ex left me in which she has only just broke nc and we've seen each other twice just this week thankyou corey you really are an inspiration
Bro had a great date took charge grabed the hand went for kiss. Dropped off she kept thanking me for a nice time. She brought up future events. Keep you posted.
24 years old.love all your video try to learn woman and be Alpha through your work.God bless me for the good woman!
Corey is right about this, I can confirm. Personally, I hate conversational texting and would much prefer spending time with a man and having a conversation then. That is not to say you can't send a nice text from time to time though :)
occupynewparadigm Haha! What more could you want?!
Texting was cool when I was a teen now it's very boring.
This man has helped me to pursue women confidently. It's deeper then that he brought out the confidence in all aspects of life.
You're one of the chillest guys alive; very knowledgeable in all things dating too, obviously.
I’ve had the book for five days. Read it four times. I’m going for 15 times by the end of the month.
It's my birthday and this is just the gift that I need! Thanks Corey!👍
Just bought the book I can't wait to read it 10 to 15 times
32:30 Hell yes. I was with a few such girls before and always struggled at work. I would take calls in the middle of the work day because they would either “miss me too much” or “worry about me”. They all turned out to be quite controlling in the end. I am now with a girl with whom I barely text, and if we do talk, then a quick call in the end of the day. We set plans and we meet. She works two jobs now due to financial difficulties, but she is working her way up. Centred, purpose-seeking and mission-driven. As both the man and woman should be. This is how it should be and Corey is absolutely 100% right. Currently reading the book for the 4th time here.
An intelligent girl shouldn't get bored with a few hours of conversation with a guy. If you have depth it should take hundreds of hours for a girl to get to know you.
since I have the audiobook, when he started to say "it's a scientific fact..." I already heard the rest in my head, I heard that so many times I laugh at it now. But it is true and this thing you are teaching works for sure, I am still learning but I am getting better
This guys has no idea, he is preaching to the wrong crowd.... Coach Corey knows his shit...
coach you give my life meaning and purpose
keep up this great work coach you are changing the lives of men everywhere
Did your life changed?
Go experiment
he can improve the quality and quantity of your dates. But the only meaning we have is from Christ.
@@rogersmith5802 this is true
Thank you. You have helped me make my life better. I'm healthier and I work harder and my gf is amazing. Thank you for your words of wisdom and your experience.
Hey coach, I have a question for you. Snapchat has been growing for quite a bit for a few years now, and my personal take on it is that the streak just isn't healthy for a romantic relationship. I feel that it's a system that actually enforces constant contact back and forth, removing the mystery and value from communication and sort of forcing the guy to act predictably/chase. For this reason, I have always stayed away from it and try to avoid it.
I would like to get your take on it: how should snapchat fit in to today's dating scene?
(Or should it not at all? :)) Thanks so much for your time, and look forward to hearing from you soon.
Fuck that streak shit. You won't be a mystery if you keep sending her snaps every day
I know its late, but leave it to a long video snap (30 seconds is fine) if she snaps you and is worried about the streak. Keep it fun/set a date, or if you have a date already tease her and tell her how excited you are to see her. Only respond if she snaps first, and respond when you have time… good luck!
She did Cory !
Three months she asked for ring !
She wants let everybody know that she’s taken !
I was just flabbergasted so happy one of the most memorable days of my life !
She trapped u..
Don’t do it. Way too fast.
juan Carrera don’t do it!! That’s far too quick! You don’t even know her!
...did you stay together?
He’s gone guys …..RIP
Man hahah it's unreal how everything in your book works. It's such a great way of living man. Thank you for your work. It's simply amazing to idle stand by and witness the stuff you mention about women chasing etc happening right in front of your eyes if you apply the principles you teach. Crazy.
I love how Corey just cooks these dudes. The goat
Awesome video Corey. Your response to that second email was priceless as is the advice I've gotten from your book and videos. Thank you! Strangely enough as I was watching this, the girl I just started seeing sent me a text about getting together this weekend.
+Sinister Smile Funny how that works
what a qwinky dink
This video should be titled "Coach Wayne dissing the haters / people with different views and challenging them to write their own book"
I'm glad the title is misleading! I was one of those guys, obsessed with
the right thing to text girls and PUA crap until I met CW's work. Thank
you for saving me for being obsessed with CHASING PUSSY and now being a
man that's focused on his mission and get quality girls doing almost
I'm a poor 3rd country med student now, but someday I'll be a great doctor, I won't forget you and give you a good donation!
Marcelo Silva how is your life now 3 Years later
@@timburton2853 He got caught up chasing too much pussy and croaked.
are you a doc now?
Marcelo silva are you in the philippines?
@@introman1016 By the name I'll assume he's in Latin America, but could very well be the Philippines to be honest.
Just finished your book for the first time. Really opened my eyes and taught me a lot. Cheers.
What is the name of the book
@@eliehaddad4244 how to be 3% man
@@mike_o7874 thanks for the info
I arrogantly tossed coach’s book away without reading it properly only to get burned by a woman. Now I’m back in order not to mess my new relationship up like I did the old one😅
thank you helping me out with self esteem, and intelligence!........ Happy season greetings!.
Iv just bought your book, now it's time for me to be 3% man
Before I get into this lemme just say I've got the book on audible and am about to start my first read-through so maybe my question is answered there...
HOWEVER, there seems to be a difference in attitude from not being in a relationship to then being in a relationship. What I mean by this is when Corey says "You're always together 24/7" that sounds very suffocating to me.
"“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.” ― Thich Nhat Hanh
I wouldn't feel free with my girlfriend wanting to spend every waking moment of every day with me. In the dating phase before becoming exclusive it's recommended by Corey to go no-contact between dates to create tension, mystery and intrigue for the girl so that she doesn't become bored of you, which I totally understand and it works, but when things become exclusive it's almost as if that goes out the window and now you can spend every second of every day together.
My point being, even though the girl reaches out all the time to meet up doesn't mean that you should see her all the time. We know that girls want guys to pursue them but then they become bored of the guy who texts/calls all the time. Meeting 3/4 times a week sounds ideal to me, not every day. It's not acting like a robot, I just feel like being together 24/7 would mean that she'd get bored of me, the spark would disappear and I can't do my own thing.
I for one, appreciate the value of what you teach us coach!!! your the belichick of the dating game!
man...I'm embarrassed for Mr. Casanova. holy shiiiit. he should look into confuscious.
like the way you handled the passive aggressive attack of the second email. good stuff!
The most real and authentic advice you'll receive for men, improving not just your relationships, but also your life. Corey has an unmatched ability to communicate the complexity of relationships and break it down to a level that's decisive and easy to understand. However, understanding his message and actually living it, are two completely different things. If you incorporate and commit yourself to the 3 % man's way of living, then as a result, your life will change drastically for the better and so will all of your relationships.
Thank you, after reading the book I m transformed! Mind blown!
I’m talking to an absolute dime now and everything has went great so far. One of the first things she told me was that the last dude she talked to turned her off bc he would double text if she hadn’t replied in a while
Im dating 4 girls now and it really works
I feel like I’d forget which girl said what
Guess I already do that when it comes to my exes tho
Corey, you are the man and I just got your book and am ready for change
Hey Coach, great channel, have been a subscriber for a few months now. Your content really helped me during my breakup, I've become much stronger and after the initial heartache things have really improved. My ex and I (we were together 6 years) have been seeing each other again, but she has a very narcissistic personality and I feel as tho that will never change. She's very independent and basically just works all the time, goes to gym, goes home for dinner, sleeps, repeats. I want her to engage more in us, and show more interest in me and planning a future with me. Admittedly I have not read your book yet, but any advice on this situation would be fantastic. I have picked apart the advice from numerous other videos of yours already, and feel it may be time to just read your book times over. Thanks again for the fantastic channel.
Wow 110k subs now, I remember back when it was 7k lol. The growth of the following has been huge over the last couple years.
Holy crap Corey is redpilled af
You god damn right, "That is the way it is!"
Great, the best way to break up with someone fast is to keep texting like crazy. Got it! If i get fed up with someone, I'l just keep texting non stop
I refuse to have a texting conversation I'm intentionally vague when texting.... It doesn't work, I just get bitched at for not caring.
1. Sounds like you been failing her tests of your strength and caving. As well as not making her feel cared for enough that texting is a non issue. Or 2. She’s just a really insecure woman
The best coach in UA-cam by far
Dear Corey. The person who thinks they know it all has a lot to learn.
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance. ~ Confucious
Non stop texting destroys a relationship, even if you’re in a long term relationship. My ex and I were together for 10 years, we lived together for the majority of our relationship. Towards the end of all day texting and talking about our day, by the time we got home finished doing all the family stuff, and when we finally had a few moments to us, we had nothing to talk about. There are women out there that you can practice those bad habits on while you’re focusing on higher quality women. Gain your circle, maintain your lifestyle. If you throw the idea of a date and she flinches, or says Maybe you back off immediately.
Both guys had me cracking up especially the second one.
Keep up the good work Mr. Wayne. You have changed lives including my own. Incredible insight.
Texting 101! Most people are lazy about communicating properly in the 2000's! Texting should not be used for conversations. Before the introduction to smartphones, people were happier with traditional communication we were born with - writing letters, talking on a Mountain Bell home telephone and cordless phones too. Texting is still very new and a lot of people suck at this way of communicating. The world could operate just fine without it as it once did.
LOLOLOLOL...LOVED your response!!!!!!!!!!!That 2nd guys was SOO FULL OF HIMSELF!!!!!!!!!
Corey love your coaching. Many thanks. Love your humour.
That's funny. We used to run into guys who were self proclaimed Kung Fu experts in my martial art style, once in a while. They usually spent a lot of time flat on their backs--looking up at the ceiling. Unbelievable.
I think texting is good for when you are not dating. Just make simple conversation, occasionally call, and then when the time is right. MAKE A DATE! and if she says no, idk, let me look at my schedule. She is not interested. Just remain friends and move on. Trust me she will miss you
That streak girl needed a Brock Lesnar in her life...
Tell him straight Corey :-) love it
Hey Corey, I like the job Will Smith did playing you in the movie Hitch. 😀
His wife still cheated on himmmmmm😂😭
Thankyou for the long distance examples included :)
I love the commentary on the NYC Senior Sidewalk Superintendent know it all. That's hilarious.
never write a letter,never throw one away
HI CORY... just started dating again after divorce. I Have followed your blog and read your book as instructed. I have set dates with girls a week out telling them I will not call to confirm as instructed. so far I have set 3 solid dates, great connections, but have been stood up all 3 times!!!! when I called them they all told me the same thing.. you should have called to confirm.. all 3 said they forgot.. not too happy with inicial results.
MrPly1620 caveat, I’m not the coach here, but I do like to confirm a first date, people are flaky and I don’t want to go out and be waiting around for someone who is not going to show up
What if she messages on social media, striking up a conversation? Surely you can't just ignore it? She can see that you're online, actively ignoring what she's saying. When girls message me, it's not just a simple "hello, how're you?"
Your last comments on the cell phone so True , Humanity is disconnected from Nature , to busy on the
Hampster wheel of the Dept based society. ....Creature from Jekyll Island , JPM
Great responses Corey. Especially to the second email
I enjoy listening.
the last girl i was dating gave me minutes to respond before pushing me for a reply! im no longer dating her.
This is the video I needed weeks ago, I just muddied the water of a budding relationship by being too needy and present on Snapchat, I fell for the streak thing! She kept going distant and I kept freaking out, symptoms of drug withdrawal. Doing a full social media detox now, and no contact until I’m clean, things were very good before I was too available, hopefully can still salvage.
Always be counter-intutive at first. When you have the urge to send a text - DONT. Its the ca-dance she expects you to but if you dont then she starts thinking and you fire your flame of mystery. All this at the first stages....ease up on this once you meet her a couple of times.
Just bought the book coach!
Let go of that which you fear to lose, and it will return to you
Would you say 3% man is your best book so far? I just got it off amazon. Tnx for the audio version. I hate reading and do too much of it already, so if I can get this while driving, bonus!
"I know you're pretty high on yourself cuz you dated two different women in the past 8 months"
Damn, Corey throwing shade
Love your videos corey💯
Wait he wrote a book?
The Beasty Budnix yeah if you download Audible you get one free download and that's what I chose as my free download. Hope this helps
good meme
How do you get the book itself I don’t want to read it on my phone
you need to read it 10 times
@@youmadbro997 you can purchase it online I think it is on Amazon, titled How to be a 3% man.
Hi Wayne, I really love your videos and I wish you can also do videos for women's as well. I would like to know if your 3% men also works for women's .
Are you telling men that after having sex with a woman for the first time, to wait a week before reaching out again? Or to wait for her to initiate? Maybe with a woman with an overblown ego that could work. I do have a healthy respect for myself, and I disagree with that advice.
Even if a man just says, “I hope you had a nice day,” once or twice until he tries to make plans again, that’s enough, but radio silence after sex would make me wonder if it was just another Saturday night for him and if I’m thinking that, I’m probably already on my way out the door.
However most everything else I’ve heard from you is spot on and I love watching your videos. It’s helpful to get insight into why some men do what they do since so many men seem to play games. Personally, I prefer to not chase a man so I tend to be turned off when a man is not comfortable just going for it. Maybe I am one of the outliers, but I am happy to know where I stand with a man and how he feels about me. If I have to wonder, my interest in a more serious relationship is low and I’m still actively on the lookout for a man that is comfortable enough with himself to be vulnerable and risk sharing his feelings for me. I appreciate open and honest communication.
The thing is, if a guy already has a healthy relationship with himself, then what he does and says naturally will be perfect, nearly every single time, but always when it really matters because his instinctive responses will be healthy.
Guys ... don’t skip the part where you live your life for you, are grateful for what you have, whether it’s a shack of a house and strong character or a house for each season. Be living each and every moment with full focus and gratitude for that moment. If you admire yourself (with humility, of course), that’s when the only advice you need is, “just be yourself.”
No, I haven’t read your book, but I can’t wait to read it. I am wondering if what I’ve written is in essence what your book teaches, because I can understand how learning it is possible after 1 or 2 reads, but living it will take 10, 20, maybe even 30 reads. You’re super fun to watch.
This vid is a 1.5x playback speed
Corey just absolutely roasting and destroying that second guy lol
I read comments while listening
lol no way that second dude read the book 10 times. sounds like he read it once or twice.
These videos are pure gold 💛