Problem solved here. You have to use 10 uf capacitors on the R and L output. Otherwise, DC is leaking in the output. See here :
I Thought about that but many audio amplifiers use the same supply for BT modules. Maybe they run thought DC-DC isolators. also couldn't have been PSU noise as my PSU in an old school linear supply. Maybe switching noise from the class D amp?
I have exactly the same problem with exact same device. Even when it's battery powered.
Problem solved here. You have to use 10 uf capacitors on the R and L output. Otherwise, DC is leaking in the output. See here :
How can I choose the mono output from this module?
Anyway, thanks for your sharing. :)
Accident always happen in electronics field. We could understand.
the problem is because you use same power supply my friend. try charger mobile for bluetooth module for example and noise will reduce much
I Thought about that but many audio amplifiers use the same supply for BT modules. Maybe they run thought DC-DC isolators. also couldn't have been PSU noise as my PSU in an old school linear supply. Maybe switching noise from the class D amp?