Fine Tune CB Shop 955 - Stryker Radio SR 955 v2, Full Video The "How To" And What You Need To Know.

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Fine Tune CB Radio Shop - NOBODY Wants A HILLBILLY SPLATTERBOX - Stryker SR 955 v2 FULL VIDEO OF "How To" And Everything Else That You Need To Know About The Stryker Radio SR 955 Version 2.
    Watch to the end .. OH YEAH!
    Separate videos in Playlist: Stryker Radio SR 955 Version 2: • Fine Tune CB Shop 955 ...
    Original Stryker 955 Version 1: • Fine Tune CB Shop - St...
    If they don't have calibrated test equipment .. find someone who's competent.
    More Range, Compliments And Reliability With Peace Of Mind .. Get FineTuned not "peaked and ruined".
    All Mods & Updates Including Matched Pair Palomar ERF2030 MOSFETS, MAX MOD For Additional Clarity, Cooling, Stability, Reliability and Far Superior to any other regulator available.
    *Note: Curve Tracer is used for Precisely Matching Transistor Unity and not only just hfe. Unity is King and the integral function of the rf chain. One At A Time .. no "tire kickers".
    If you don't hear them talking either locally or in DX Land (AM/FM And SSB) on a Identical Radio as they promote, find someone who's not a sham, is honest, competent and not just another "con-artist snake oil salesmen" from the Official Stryker Radio Club SRC.
    Those that know it show it, those that don't or do so in A Misleading Way Are ABUSING YOUR TRUST, INSULTING YOUR INTELLIGENCE AND RIPPING YOU OFF!! Cleaner And Meaner not noise, gimmicks or toys. Subscribe, click notifications bell and Stay Tuned.
    Tired of BS yet? If they don't show you or do so in a deceiving way, you've been misled. Learn to identify "Golden Screwdriver Jockey Con Artists - Schemers and Scammers". *Note: There'll always be hate and drama regarding my disgruntled Romper Room CB Radio Repair Shop Competitors and their "Fake News - Internet Troll Network". When "ready" to purchase, pm me on Facebook including your phone number. Contact information below, don't be in a hurry!
    Meter swinging over-modulated radios with a noisy receiver and miscalibrated S Meter have been Peaked & Tuned, comp-tuned or so-called Hi-Fi mods performed and misaligned by a Golden Screwdriver Magician .. not technician.
    Internet, Facebook, and truck stop competition tunes are useless in the Real World. Not only do they produce a noisy receiver, but they'll also bleed your wallet and all over neighbors too! Years ago, while still accepting walk-ins, this was about 90% of all radio-related issues and complaints from customers nationwide and Still Is!
    How To Recognize
    They'll want you to Look At Meter or some other test equipment and claim that an NIST Certified Spectrum Analyzer, and an Analog Oscope isn't necessary. RUN!
    They'll poise their meter farm at you while making strange vocal sounds, whistling or injecting some unknown tone into the mic socket while trying to convince you that distortion is considered RMS, average or Bird watts and usable power. NOT!
    Most don't have a clue what each unit of measurement even represents! Their "tunes" produce Far Less Real-World Usable Power. Many have fallen for their tricks .. don't be a "trick".
    Software Jockeys claiming to be "engineer" (Mark19960 - Mark Rutherford) don't do or show you anything useful at all. Copy paste (Plagiarism) trying to baffle you with BS while hiding behind a pseudonym. This type has no integrity or Real-World Experience. Ever hear them on the radio? Right!
    Real-World Performance
    Due diligence! Demand the testing and tuning of your equipment on a minimum 100 MHz Analog Oscilloscope, Bird 4314c meter or equivalent and 1 GHz spectrum analyzer W/ NIST Traceable Certification of Calibration. It's the only accurate way of measuring spurious emissions, harmonics and true power @ the fundamental frequency replicating Real World Performance.
    All test equipment and gear under test including meter, scope, spectrum analyzer, sampler, radio, and amp if applicable must be in plain sight at all times while the gear is under test, fully modulated. Inducing distortion though meter using un-calibrated test equipment is misrepresentation and an illusion playing on your ignorance while insulting your intelligence!
    If they can't display everything all at the same time while under test, explain ac volts, pep, pk, cw, rms , capacitance, inductance and the basic principles of a phase shift then how do you expect them to accurately test, tune or align your system? Ever wonder why they attempt to replicate or imitate everything that I do and say but yet fail miserably in a deceiving way?
    Find a tech who's competent, not Facebook CB related, a pseudonym on a forum, has a NIST Traceable Certification of Calibration, not just "flea bay" equipment stacked up the wall trying to baffle you with BS. Never settle for less or that's what you'll get, card tricks, ghost watts, S9 out of calibration and a noisy receiver!


  • @FineTuneCBShop
    @FineTuneCBShop  2 роки тому +44

    To date, nothing touches a FineTuned 955 v1. If there was, they'd be able to prove it. So far, that hasn't happened. Won't be long and that'll be the same for the V2.
    It's a shady kind of thing when they lead you, the consumer, into believing that it's something that it's not by twisting words around. Even worse is when some poor sap sucker makes a reply into the subject and those who know don't divulge the truth. We've seen plenty of that!
    _If they can't show you they're snowing you! Find someone who's honest and competent._
    Making it clean "and" out performing those hacked up splatterboxes
    requires Skill and Calibrated Test Equipment. If they claim otherwise,
    they're either a con artist or incompetent. Take your pick!
    Blame it on the materials, math and Mother Nature!
    Elements, Constants and Cycles.
    They can work for you or against you.
    Safety First!
    Cleaner And Meaner, there'll never be a substitute .. like it or not.
    It's all about Procedure .. No Exceptions.
    One At A Time .. Don't Be In A Hurry!
    You make them ring and I'll make them sing.
    No longer accepting mail-ins .. Fine Tune CB Shop services radios for
    the original owner that has purchased brand new radios from Fine Tune CB
    ONLY. This way, like the Maytag repairman, I only see one or two radios
    out of 500-600 per year that may have developed an issue. I'd rather
    spend my time doing better things .. maybe you should too??
    Cleaner And Meaner .. Only the serious need apply. No "tire kickers" or
    undesirables that I know for a fact disrespects the airwaves and
    especially Channel 19. Haters are always going to hate because it's all
    that they know how to do and what they do best. Don't be so miserable!
    If you can't handle the heat .. get out of the kitchen.
    If they can't show you .. in a video .. they're snowing you. Get The
    Here's what it actually takes to cut through the noise, be loud and
    crystal clear with a better receiver too: A) Tuned Bench: True, it's more
    complicated and time consuming to accomplish these consistent and
    accurate results. Below is a partial procedure and list of calibrated
    equipment used to achieve this level of performance . Read on ..
    Radio Evaluation Rules:
    Fine Tune CB Radio Shop strictly adheres to ( NIST
    Traceable Calibrations and other industry standards to maintain
    accuracy and consistency for providing Real World Performance Tuning of
    Citizens Band and 10 Meter export mobile radios with integrity.
    "Basic Textbook AM/FM/SSB Transceiver Tune, Alignment and Calibration"
    1) Pll adjustments
    2) Transmitter alignment
    DRIVER BIAS, FINAL BIAS, SSB (or gate voltages for mosfet versions)
    3) Receiver alignment
    SENSITIVITY, SSB S-METER, AM/FM S-METER (100uV unmodulated -67dbm for
    �S-9� meter reading!), AM/FM SQUELCH RANGE, SSB SQUELCH RANGE, and NOISE
    BLANKER/AUTOMATIC NOISE LIMITER (Real World dBm to volts (uV) tables
    That's just a typical run of the mill textbook tune up and alignment (if
    you're lucky). There's more to it than frequency alignment, modulation
    adjustment, meter calibration and a tune up report displaying
    exaggerated rms Bird peak watts!
    "Test Bench includes"
    Bird 4314C Meter
    Part 1)
    Part 2)
    Bird 4314C Accuracy Test:
    Bird Stipulates 1/2 wavelengths
    And Genuine Bird Elements from 1K down.
    Bird 4373 Sampler
    HP8924c with options
    HP8920a with options
    Three analog scopes, one digital 200 Mhz
    Fluke 27fm
    Power supplies
    6 Cosel PBA1500f12 (750 amps) variable and configurable.
    Corcom 20VB1 F7130 EMI Filter 50-60Hz 250V
    Times Microwave Coax jumpers and test leads
    Amphenol RF Connectors
    More range, compliments, reliability and a quieter, clearer but more
    sensitive receiver, Get Fine Tuned .. not peaked and ruined.
    It's what I recommend, use, service and sell ... to you ... not
    something non practical or deceiving in a misleading way. I'm not just
    the tech and owner of Fine Tune CB Radio Shop, I'm a customer too! When
    finished, You'll be giving radio checks, not asking for them .
    dBm To Watts and Volts
    Tables below displays relationship between Power in [dBm] or [Watts] and
    Voltage in RMS, peak, peak-to-peak for sinusoidal signals in 50-Ohm
    systems for accurately measuring and tuning am/fm/ssb receiver
    sensitivity, agc, squelch and "S9" Meter calibration. Real World!
    Mike @ Mikes Radio Repair (Romper Room), Mark Rutherford aka Mark 19960,
    CB Kidd, Martian and all of your other fake accounts pay attention to the
    tables below, stop misaligning radios, spreading false information and
    promoting propaganda! Window Lickers ...
    [dBm] [Watts] [Volts]rms [Volts]p [Volts]pp
    -140 0.100E-16 22.361 nV 31.618 nV 63.236 nV
    -139 0.126E-16 25.089 nV 35.476 nV 70.952 nV
    -138 0.158E-16 28.150 nV 39.805 nV 79.609 nV
    -137 0.200E-16 31.585 nV 44.662 nV 89.323 nV
    -136 0.251E-16 35.439 nV 50.111 nV 100.222 nV
    -135 0.316E-16 39.764 nV 56.226 nV 112.451 nV
    -134 0.398E-16 44.615 nV 63.086 nV 126.172 nV
    -133 0.501E-16 50.059 nV 70.784 nV 141.568 nV
    -132 0.631E-16 56.167 nV 79.421 nV 158.842 nV
    -131 0.794E-16 63.021 nV 89.112 nV 178.223 nV
    -130 0.100E-15 70.711 nV 99.985 nV 199.970 nV
    -129 0.126E-15 79.339 nV 112.185 nV 224.370 nV
    -128 0.158E-15 89.019 nV 125.874 nV 251.747 nV
    -127 0.200E-15 99.882 nV 141.232 nV 282.465 nV
    -126 0.251E-15 112.069 nV 158.465 nV 316.931 nV
    -125 0.316E-15 125.743 nV 177.801 nV 355.602 nV
    -124 0.398E-15 141.086 nV 199.496 nV 398.992 nV
    -123 0.501E-15 158.301 nV 223.838 nV 447.677 nV
    -122 0.631E-15 177.617 nV 251.151 nV 502.302 nV
    -121 0.794E-15 199.290 nV 281.796 nV 563.591 nV
    -120 0.100E-14 223.607 nV 316.180 nV 632.360 nV
    -119 0.126E-14 250.891 nV 354.760 nV 709.519 nV
    -118 0.158E-14 281.504 nV 398.047 nV 796.094 nV
    -117 0.200E-14 315.853 nV 446.616 nV 893.232 nV
    -116 0.251E-14 0.354 �V 0.501 �V 1.002 �V
    -115 0.316E-14 0.398 �V 0.562 �V 1.125 �V
    -114 0.398E-14 0.446 �V 0.631 �V 1.262 �V
    -113 0.501E-14 0.501 �V 0.708 �V 1.416 �V
    -112 0.631E-14 0.562 �V 0.794 �V 1.588 �V
    -111 0.794E-14 0.630 �V 0.891 �V 1.782 �V
    -110 0.100E-13 0.707 �V 1.000 �V 2.000 �V
    -109 0.126E-13 0.793 �V 1.122 �V 2.244 �V
    -108 0.158E-13 0.890 �V 1.259 �V 2.517 �V
    -107 0.200E-13 0.999 �V 1.412 �V 2.825 �V
    -106 0.251E-13 1.121 �V 1.585 �V 3.169 �V
    -105 0.316E-13 1.257 �V 1.778 �V 3.556 �V
    -104 0.398E-13 1.411 �V 1.995 �V 3.990 �V
    -103 0.501E-13 1.583 �V 2.238 �V 4.477 �V
    -102 0.631E-13 1.776 �V 2.512 �V 5.023 �V
    -101 0.794E-13 1.993 �V 2.818 �V 5.636 �V
    -100 0.100E-12 2.236 �V 3.162 �V 6.324 �V
    -99 0.126E-12 2.509 �V 3.548 �V 7.095 �V
    -98 0.158E-12 2.815 �V 3.980 �V 7.961 �V
    -97 0.200E-12 3.159 �V 4.466 �V 8.932 �V
    -96 0.251E-12 3.544 �V 5.011 �V 10.022 �V
    -95 0.316E-12 3.976 �V 5.623 �V 11.245 �V
    -94 0.398E-12 4.462 �V 6.309 �V 12.617 �V
    -93 0.501E-12 5.006 �V 7.078 �V 14.157 �V
    -92 0.631E-12 5.617 �V 7.942 �V 15.884 �V
    -91 0.794E-12 6.302 �V 8.911 �V 17.822 �V
    -90 0.100E-11 7.071 �V 9.998 �V 19.997 �V
    -89 0.126E-11 7.934 �V 11.218 �V 22.437 �V
    -88 0.158E-11 8.902 �V 12.587 �V 25.175 �V
    -87 0.200E-11 9.988 �V 14.123 �V 28.246 �V
    -86 0.251E-11 11.207 �V 15.847 �V 31.693 �V
    -85 0.316E-11 12.574 �V 17.780 �V 35.560 �V
    -84 0.398E-11 14.109 �V 19.950 �V 39.899 �V
    -83 0.501E-11 15.830 �V 22.384 �V 44.768 �V
    -82 0.631E-11 17.762 �V 25.115 �V 50.230 �V
    -81 0.794E-11 19.929 �V 28.180 �V 56.359 �V
    -80 0.100E-10 22.361 �V 31.618 �V 63.236 �V
    -79 0.126E-10 25.089 �V 35.476 �V 70.952 �V
    Don't Be A Mud Duck!
    Contact: ONLY when Ready.
    Tire kickers GET THE BOOT.

  • @RobertSmith-pi3lx
    @RobertSmith-pi3lx 8 місяців тому +24

    A legend in his own man

  • @bigmackstruckstop9213
    @bigmackstruckstop9213 Рік тому +35

    Wooow,you'd make a great teacher,I like learning radio stuff.

  • @xenomorphsmotovlogs3348
    @xenomorphsmotovlogs3348 2 місяці тому +1

    Omg I finally found you been listening to you from Missouri and loved you arguing with them splatter boxes

  • @edpugh2997
    @edpugh2997 Рік тому +4

    I’m as happy as a child at Christmas. I’ll be purchasing mine in a week from Thursday 🎉😂. Hard drive had a gift for sure.

  • @georgehiggins4461
    @georgehiggins4461 2 роки тому +29

    This is incredible! Amount of time and knowledge that you put into these! The more videos I watch of you doing this I realize you know your stuff! Impressive sir!

  • @thereforego2277
    @thereforego2277 8 місяців тому +2

    I hear you on the CB all the time, you crack me up.

  • @udx-294tn5
    @udx-294tn5 2 роки тому +37

    Hard Drive, you’re THE man.

  • @user-vw8gd8ce2m
    @user-vw8gd8ce2m 9 місяців тому +40

    If you want to splatter, go and see D

  • @johnadams-fn4nd
    @johnadams-fn4nd 7 місяців тому +1

    I sho wished 163 still did his thing to the Ranger 29 series rigs! Thanks for all the info you do choose to share Mr Mark. All y'all take care now, and keep on working them 11 Meter Divisions! Catch ya down the log!
    73/GdDX, 2DT214 John in South Carolina

  • @GinaNNP72
    @GinaNNP72 2 роки тому +24

    Love it. Can’t wait for mine! You rock hard drive.

  • @rickb.6068
    @rickb.6068 2 роки тому +3

    Thanks for the time into the video. I have a 5555n that I'm slowly learning how to tune so these help a bit, been out of the loop for a few years.

  • @kevinforbes2841
    @kevinforbes2841 10 місяців тому +1

    Just talked with you about where to find your info- really appreciate it

  • @BrbCb-hj9qp
    @BrbCb-hj9qp 9 місяців тому +1

    Your the man I want working on My stuff most people get in a hurry and mess stuff up and your not

  • @Crystal_Ball
    @Crystal_Ball Рік тому +5

    I.... yes... I... have one of your frankenstonian 955 in my urban assault vehicle. Far better than my 95T.... and as I was slumbering... guess who's hairy nostrils breaks the silence on the highways and byways... you!... I immediately was amused. I wonder if the receive side is specially tuned to receive hairy nostril transmissions. Today is the first day of my patriation. We will update in the future of my misappropriation of laughter and reduction of crime scene clean up from all of that hi humidity splatter.

  • @emmanuelmontelongo9911
    @emmanuelmontelongo9911 Рік тому +3

    CCR 👏👏

  • @thinairtoo8985
    @thinairtoo8985 2 роки тому +6

    Good idea putting all together in one video.
    Hope MOE and You have a good weekend !
    AZ-329, I hear you once in a while with right conditions but have too many mtns. between us to make contact at only 250 miles or less. !! Thanks as always HD

  • @imken2392
    @imken2392 2 роки тому +4

    Lol, When I first saw your RigExpert I was like ...what...Infinite VSWR, Phase all wrong..R/L way down all the numbers way off. I thought , what the heck...then you made a better connection at the coax slip on plug...Whew, that's the bench I recognize now. I just built a direct fed with choke, 2 element Yagi out of a wrecked moonraker 4 and old huge wrecked 4 element 20 meter yagi. Used the boom from the moonraker and 1" elements from the yagi. I put an azimuth rotor on the boom to rotate it from horizontal to vertical. On the flat side I got that son of a gun matched perfectly @ 1.0:1 swr, 50 ohms impedance and zero reactance with a tuned 1/2 wave coax cut to zero reactance. When vertical its 1.08:1, 48.5 Impedance and +1.25 Reactance. Got a bit of parasitic interference happening from the metal mast. That sucker works great, better than my neighbors 3 element yagi 2 miles away...Couldn't have done it without my AA-600.

  • @fredsiegfried1707
    @fredsiegfried1707 Рік тому +2

    Just picked 1 up today, thougjt get rid of old General Grant. into the new

  • @mariogonzales9752
    @mariogonzales9752 10 місяців тому +1

    Later my friend keep on /I will make contact soon I been really busy( GOD bless you

  • @Ricks2Cents
    @Ricks2Cents 5 місяців тому

    *Can a Stryker SR-955h be Modified just a Stryker SR-655 can?*
    *Is there a Advantage one Vs the Other?!?*

  • @thereforego2277
    @thereforego2277 8 місяців тому +1

    Safety first

  • @Joe_Goofball
    @Joe_Goofball 6 місяців тому +1

    Some Stryker SR-955 HP radios have a knob marked NB+ NB while mine reads ANL NB? What is the difference?

  • @thereforego2277
    @thereforego2277 8 місяців тому +1

    So I have a Uniden bearcat😅 980SS I'm assuming that's a spider box😅

    • @FineTuneCBShop
      @FineTuneCBShop  8 місяців тому +2

      Keep away from all those junk amplifiers and those who are on the BlackList:

  • @Chill0465
    @Chill0465 5 місяців тому

    Hello, how do I purchase a fine-tune radio from you? My name is Cory Hill

  • @robertgarland1921
    @robertgarland1921 2 роки тому +1

    How do I purchase one from you? I’ve been researching these radios and really want one that has been modified and converted for awhile now

    • @FineTuneCBShop
      @FineTuneCBShop  Рік тому +1

      Because some people have abused my kindness and time, this is a blanket reply and covers all.
      Did you watch this video and read entire description?
      It's All About Procedure .. New radio sales only at this time. Read description and watch before contacting. When you contact me in a PM about the purchase you're ready to make (no "tire kickers"), keep it 15 words or less including your phone number.
      Contact via Facebook ONLY in your real personal legal name and phone number. NO EXCEPTIONS! There are to many con-artist and thieves out there that like to steal parts and knowledge out of radios because they can't make it on their own. I don't have any kind of "free" time for that type of "nonsense". It's partially the reason I no longer have a "buy now button". There is no way on this earth that I'd be able to keep up with the high demand and it also helps to eliminate the schemers and scammers. The serious only need apply.
      No longer accepting mail-ins .. Fine Tune CB Shop services radios for the original owner that has purchased brand new radios from Fine Tune CB ONLY. This way, like the Maytag repairman, I only see one or two radios out of 500-600 per year that may have developed an issue. I'd rather spend my time doing better things .. maybe you should too??
      163 Hard Dr.
      Radio Evaluation Rules:
      Have a Great Day and Safety First .. It Could Save A Life!
      The Bench >>

  • @quaildogusa
    @quaildogusa Рік тому

    I'm confused. I've seen two videos that say show adding a wire to do the 11 meter conversion on the version 2. And I've seen videos like yours that removes the wire. Are there two different version 2's?

    • @FineTuneCBShop
      @FineTuneCBShop  Рік тому +4

      Yes .. There's FineTuned .. and then the rest.

  • @georgehiggins4461
    @georgehiggins4461 2 роки тому +1

    Love it! Butt kicking truck radio! Lol

  • @georgebrummer3481
    @georgebrummer3481 Рік тому +2

    where are you located

    • @FineTuneCBShop
      @FineTuneCBShop  Рік тому

      Because some people have abused my kindness and time, this is a blanket reply and covers all.
      Did you watch this video and read the entire description?
      It's All About Procedure .. New radio sales only at this time. Read the description and watch before contacting. When you contact me in a PM about the purchase "you're ready to make" (no "tire kickers"), keep it 15 words or less including your phone number.
      Contact via Facebook ONLY in your real personal legal name and phone number. NO EXCEPTIONS! There are too many con-artist and thieves out there that like to steal parts and knowledge out of radios because they can't make it on their own. I don't have any kind of "free" time for that type of "nonsense". It's partially the reason I no longer have a "buy now button". There is no way on this earth that I'd be able to keep up with the high demand and it also helps to eliminate schemers and scammers. The serious only need apply.
      No longer accepting mail-ins .. Fine Tune CB Shop services radios for the original owner that has purchased brand new radios from Fine Tune CB ONLY. This way, like the Maytag repairman, I only see one or two radios out of 500-600 per year that may have developed an issue. I'd rather spend my time doing better things .. maybe you should too??
      Contact 163 Hard Dr:
      Have a Great Day and Safety First .. It Could Save A Life!
      One At A Time .. Don't Be In A Hurry.
      Back To The Bench >>

  • @kevinsmith-np4xy
    @kevinsmith-np4xy 8 місяців тому +1

    Just wanted to say first of all I think you are awesome listen to your UA-cam channel and I hear you on my radio my handle is big pepper I would love to get my radio tune by you

    • @FineTuneCBShop
      @FineTuneCBShop  7 місяців тому

      Send phone number in a PM on Facebook when you're "Ready To Purchase" a new FineTuned Stryker SR 955 v2 and we'll go from there.
      Not accepting mail-ins .. New Radio Sales ONLY at this time.
      Have a great day and Safety First! Save this link to your favorites NOW for future reference.
      Back to The Bench >>

  • @vanpiper
    @vanpiper Рік тому

    I just got a Stryker 955 and nothing comes in at all no noise I must be doing something wrong or just over my head

  • @keithheller7775
    @keithheller7775 2 роки тому +3

    Them window lickers are are working on radios in the back seat of the short bus with their hokus pokus abracadabra golden screwdriver. Toaster oven PHD

    • @Crystal_Ball
      @Crystal_Ball Рік тому +1

      .... it's a Harry Potter wand

    • @FineTuneCBShop
      @FineTuneCBShop  Рік тому +1

      Window lickers, screwballs, toaster oven mechanics, and more!

  • @JasonM-zf1do
    @JasonM-zf1do 9 місяців тому

    I have a general hp radio , I think it’s the boss man’s , but it bleeds over to my stereo speakers and will actually completely cut off all sound from the stereo and sometimes will bleed over with the stereo power off! What is your opinion on the first course of action?

    • @FineTuneCBShop
      @FineTuneCBShop  9 місяців тому +1

      Send phone number in PM on Facebook when you're "Ready To Purchase" a new FineTuned Stryker SR 955 v2 and we'll go from there.
      Since I developed the rock-solid platform with the ALPS encoder/channel selector with the custom knob, Palomar ERF 2030 Plus Finals, and MAX MOD with the FineTune, they are now the BulletProof Front Door Radios Of Professional Drivers Nationwide.
      Get FineTuned .. not "peaked and ruined".
      One At A Time .. Don't Be In A Hurry.
      Have A Great Day And SAFETY FIRST!
      All About The 955 V2: Save link NOW for future reference. >>> PAY ATTENTION!
      Back to The Bench >>

  • @user-ud6kq1lb5p
    @user-ud6kq1lb5p 9 місяців тому

    Do u only fix Stryker 955 radios

    • @FineTuneCBShop
      @FineTuneCBShop  9 місяців тому +1

      Yes, only what has been sold new. As you can guess, FineTuned don't fail.

  • @brianfrost7376
    @brianfrost7376 Рік тому +1

    I always thought they were either stupid…or liars

  • @Davie272
    @Davie272 2 роки тому +1

    Do you have a website where I can buy a radio from you and do a tune up?

    • @FineTuneCBShop
      @FineTuneCBShop  Рік тому

      Because some people have abused my kindness and time, this is a blanket reply and covers all.
      Did you watch this video and read the entire description?
      It's All About Procedure .. New radio sales only at this time. Read the description and watch before contacting. When you contact me in a PM about the purchase "you're ready to make" (no "tire kickers"), keep it 15 words or less including your phone number.
      Contact via Facebook ONLY in your real personal legal name and phone number. NO EXCEPTIONS! There are too many con-artist and thieves out there that like to steal parts and knowledge out of radios because they can't make it on their own. I don't have any kind of "free" time for that type of "nonsense". It's partially the reason I no longer have a "buy now button". There is no way on this earth that I'd be able to keep up with the high demand and it also helps to eliminate schemers and scammers. The serious only need apply.
      No longer accepting mail-ins .. Fine Tune CB Shop services radios for the original owner that has purchased brand new radios from Fine Tune CB ONLY. This way, like the Maytag repairman, I only see one or two radios out of 500-600 per year that may have developed an issue. I'd rather spend my time doing better things .. maybe you should too??
      Contact 163 Hard Dr:
      Have a Great Day and Safety First .. It Could Save A Life!
      One At A Time .. Don't Be In A Hurry.
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