How to Hear His Voice! | It's Supernatural with Sid Roth | Gary Whetstone

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • This week on It's Supernatural with Sid Roth, In Jerusalem, Gary Whetstone had a vision of all of history. In it people didn't hear God or refused to follow His instructions. Their good works were then burned with fire. But God showed Gary how to hear clearly and fulfill his destiny!
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  • @L4JRapture
    @L4JRapture 11 років тому +12

    Yessssssssss, THE KING IS COMING VERY, VERY SOON!!! Hallelujah!

  • @KaylaChandler
    @KaylaChandler 11 років тому +6

    One of the best messages I've heard in a looooong time... it's nice to hear a preacher speaking the Truth... More Christians NEED to hear this! Because we're all guilty of leaning toward reasoning and logic at time when God's calling doesn't seem possible... Thank you Lord for directing me to watch this video.

  • @jomormont
    @jomormont 8 років тому +32

    I hear God's voice alright, and He is telling me to stop getting ripped off. Hearing God's voice can be done for free, all you have to do is ask God for wisdom, for insight, for a close relationship with Him, and to be able to discern His still small voice.
    It takes time and practice but the word and having a relationship with God is all you need.

    • @hischild3759
      @hischild3759 2 роки тому

      Some people have tried to hear his voice for years and they need this.

  • @WREXguy777
    @WREXguy777 11 років тому +8

    Sid Roth! You are a God send (whatever that means exactly). It is a true blessing to be able to watch and learn from your videos. Take care, God bless!

  • @maaniang84
    @maaniang84 10 років тому +30

    I really do believe in God .god bless you people thank you

    • @Animelover5555
      @Animelover5555 5 років тому +2

      Yeah me too. I believe in God more than anything.

    • @modupealigasim645
      @modupealigasim645 4 роки тому +1

      Yeah me too, I love HIM so much, HE is been so good to me

  • @kathyschultz9940
    @kathyschultz9940 10 років тому +10

    I really love the way Abba & Yeshua works! They are Blessings to humanity!

    • @5winder
      @5winder 10 років тому

      And Jesus?

    • @Victoria7878
      @Victoria7878 10 років тому

      5winder Know him, Yeshua- Jesus. Abba Father-Yahweh/God! Know Hosea 4;6-10 less ye perish!

  • @ortegafamily1810
    @ortegafamily1810 10 років тому +11

    Yes! Yes! I want to hear Gods voice super naturally clear! Amen!

    • @fmartin3051
      @fmartin3051 6 років тому +1

      God's voice is often still and small, and it welcomes your effort to test the spirits, inviting you to examine the fruit of its counsel. You could hear it now.

  • @XxYukaaXD
    @XxYukaaXD 8 років тому +11

    I felt a manifestation after praying along with Gary!!... Glory be to God, & God bless him. please also pray for me people I need to know who my future husband is, love

  • @yafahdebunk5801
    @yafahdebunk5801 10 років тому +16

    A man who truly gives out the voice of God will give it free. That is truly the voice of God. This man needs to analyse his vision and hear God voice again. This is Gods voice listen,........ Mt 10: 8 "heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those afflicted with tzara’at, expel demons. You have received without paying, so give without asking payment".

    • @goldenleaf8670
      @goldenleaf8670 5 років тому +1

      let God be the judge of that...healing is for free..

    • @dmulugeta
      @dmulugeta 4 роки тому

      For a generous donation of only $79

    • @TheJCMlove
      @TheJCMlove Рік тому

      Did anyone of you pay for viewing the program... and how much did the minister charge for 22:35 onward

  • @27oslec
    @27oslec 11 років тому +2

    blessed. This man is really a man of God. His teaching is right. Hear the voice of God not the voice of reasoning or logic or other voices. Many of us, even believers listen to the voice of logic, even me. That's why after watching this, i confessed and prayed to God to listen only to His voice.

  • @luningninglarosa1359
    @luningninglarosa1359 2 роки тому

    Yes, Sir Sid Roth, you were indeed one of the greatest blessing to humanity leading us all to our dear Lord Jesus Christ!!!

  • @katrinaterry902
    @katrinaterry902 Рік тому +1


  • @memorymosessyamujaye
    @memorymosessyamujaye 5 років тому +1

    I have prayed and I know that I will hear God's voice telling me what to do.
    Thank you so much Lord Jesus

  • @JanelleA026
    @JanelleA026 4 роки тому +2

    Principles of Hearing God’s voice:
    1. God does not answer worry or fear and is not concerned (everything and anything you’re concerned about get it off you it is not God!)
    2 God is not directing you by anyone else, he leads you by His Spirit. (Anyone you’re following, anything you’re following, anywhere you think you’re going because of someone else’s leadership, listening to, release it, because if God’s Spirit is not presence moving don’t be in it!)
    3. Everything that seem to obstruct or withstand that nature of God comes down.

  • @TheSattieg
    @TheSattieg 8 років тому +7

    This man speaks truth

  • @sonyablade9804
    @sonyablade9804 9 років тому +12

    Hotzpacho I've been a Christian for 5 yrs now. And its a process for the rest if your living life. Its a personal relationship u have to establish with Jesus. Its helped me with anger, anxiety, and other unnecessary fleshly ways. The first thing u have to understand it the renewing of your mind. U have to get to a point where u can look at yourself and admit your negative fleshly ways. Than u have to be willing to want to become a better person for the love of Christ. Its a process. But reading a few pages of your bible each each day and taking notes in a notebook helps a lot. Now I work with people all day and the I love thy neighbor part for me is hard because I use to believe an eye for an eye or I use to think revenge if some one did me wrong. But we have to let God handle that stuff. If u have faith him, serious faith He does take care of u. And they're are some things I question God about and cry about. Animal abuse, child abuse, starvation, floods, bombings etc..And the thing I've learned is you can't have an answer for everything. And its OK to be mad at God. But don't turn away from Him ever! Just keep reading your Bible everyday. Tell God your worries and problems. Strive in being better person. And remember we're just passing through. Id like to recommend Charles Stanley Life's Principles Bible. He breaks down some passages for. Like I started with Matthew. I took a few pages at a time and let them marinate in my head. Than I took like Ezekiel which was hard for me to understand and I had to Google the meaning of that book. So than I went on to Thessalonians and so forth. Shalom out.

    • @thesweetgrapes75
      @thesweetgrapes75 9 років тому +1

      Sonya Blade You must realize that you cannot partake of the tree of Life so long as you are still eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, in the garden of your heart. The problem with the knowledge of good is that it is just as impure as the knowledge evil, because it comes from the same source!
      If the root be holy then the lump sum is also holy! Clean waters and polluted waters do not come from the same well. In other words; God does NOT want your morality! He does not like your good works. Because the carnal mind is always trying to hide itself while the Lord is trying to crucify it. When the light of Christ shines into the darkest recesses of the soul, the the carnal mind attempts to hide itself in a cloak of righteousness! --In an attempt to save itself from the judgement of God which is the reproof of the holy spirit.
      Not in all the thousands of years of religious constraint and moral dogma has the righteousness of Christ even be revealed. No! Not even in the laws of Moses! Laws for righteousness! Whether they are the laws of Babylon or the Ten Commandments given by Moses himself! They can never produce the righteousness of God --Because they are written against our very nature! Moreover, the blood of beasts cannot takes away sins, or cleanse the guilty conscience! And to top it all off, the old covenant was never consecrated by the blood of the testator --Which should've been Moses --If that were God's plan. It was in fact consecrated by the blood of beasts making it the covenant of the Beast. Yes! The same dreaded beast in the prophesies of the book of Revelations. How so?
      Apart from the simple fact that the knowledge of good and evil comes from the same law and covenant --The same source! Jesus did not come to consecrate the old covenant but to establish a new covenant --A new and better way! He fulfilled the law of Moses to free us from the law of Moses! But his covenant was first made with Abraham, not as one of bargaining with God, or making a deal with him. But it is the covenant of PROMISE wherein, God promised that Abraham and his wife Sarah, would have a son --Isaac! You know the story... And what if anything, was Abraham and his wife supposed to do to help God fulfill his promise? Sarah, was barren and unable to conceive! They'd been trying for years, but to no avail. So then what did God really expect them to do? The answer is NOTHING! Absolutely nothing. But as time passed and the years went by slowly year after year, they grew impatient with God, and the carnal mind got the best of them as human reasoning took over. Sarah compelled her husband to lay with her slave girl Hagar --And the result was NOT Isaac! Isaac, meaning "She laughed" was not yet born and no one was laughing because the promise of God had not yet been fulfilled. So you see, that in their efforts to help God along --as if he needed their help in the first place! --All their struggles and attempts to do so, only complicated matters and made it even more painful for them than it ever had to be! All they ever needed to do was trust the word of the Lord and be patient. But aside from that, they were to do nothing. It was to be a miracle for them! Nothing less than an absolute miracle. This is the true nature of the new covenant. But it started so long ago! How can this be the new covenant? Because it never gets old --It is everlasting and new! The newness of it is just as the newness of life in Christ is new, and it never fades in it's glory! The novelty of it never wears off the way it does with so many things in the world. His is the everlasting covenant of promise!
      Is it any different when it comes to the matter of righteousness for us? Did he promise us something as believers in him? Oh yes! He cannot lie! Every word of God is a promise. But what did he promise us, and how does it relate to the matter of righteousness? He promised us a new nature! --His nature!! To as many as believed in him, he gave the POWER TO BECOME sons of God. POWER?? Yes! But what is that power which converts us from sons of flesh and blood --and sons of sin --into sons of God? From mortals to immortals!? What is the power that he gave us? And what is it that we MUST exercise in order to become sons of God? To answer this question, re-examine the example of Abraham and his wife Sarah. What was the only thing they could've exercised towards the fulfillment of God's word? Did they believe in him and his word? Sure they did. But then what? Faith? Not quite! You see they had faith and they always believed God, but what went wrong? They didn't exercise patience! This is why it is called hoping against hope. To the carnal mind it was impossible! No matter what God said, it couldn't be without them doing something to make it happen. The carnal mind is the natural mind and it cannot believe in anything but itself. Oh yeah, it knows of God and fears him and his judgments, but it doesn't trust God. It doesn't trust the Lord as much as it trusts itself. It is always doubtful and fickle, and unable to just surrender itself into the hands of God. It doesn't believe in Jesus! But it loves to make believe! And to pretend... The gospel is not a fairy tale! It is the supernatural reality of God's boundless love towards of us --And the extremes to which he will go, and has already gone to insure that not even one of us is ever plucked from his hand.
      Salvation is free to us! But it was the most expensive thing in the entirety of creation that he had to pay for! --And he paid the price! For if sin entered the world by one man, then also by one man sin is taken out of the world. Jesus took the power of sin, which was the law and nailed it to his cross when he was nailed to the cross. By doing so he exposed the conspiracy of the dragon and his angels to destroy us before we could receive the promise of redemption. Moses never saw the face of God. The law was given to him by angels but not the angel of the Lord. You see it was the ministration of shadows, as in darkness! Because it was but the shadow of things to come and but a mere pattern of, but not the truth itself. Jesus is truth! Again I say, The law and covenant of Moses was the ministry of death and darkness to the world. It could condemn the sinner with their sins but it could never empower the sinner not to sin which was against his nature. Satan and his angels are always trying to destroy God's people! And what better way was there for them to do this, than to make a covenant with men for righteousness all the while posing as God, and hiding in darkness, so that Moses never even saw who it was that was giving him the law? And when Moses inquired about it? The voice said "You cannot see my face; No man can see the face of God and live!" But on the contrary! Jacob did, and he lived. Abraham and his whole family knew the Lord, and they were friends with God. When God took human form, and met with Abraham for the first time, it was in the personage of Melchizedek, the King of Righteousness, and the King of Peace! Make no mistake about it, this was the fullness of the Godhead bodily. And it was he who gave tithes, to Abraham --and not the other way around, as many carnally minded scholars suppose. But the mind of Christ which is the same mind in this Melchizedek, reasons like this; That it is the mighty who blesses the weakest, and it is the richer who blesses the poorer! And it was the good nature of our lord, to come down and visit his friends and his people. They were not at all estranged from him. So, it is no wonder that Jacob wrestled with the Lord himself all night long one night, because he knew in his heart that if he just hung in there, that God would bless him. He was right! God did in fact bless Jacob and that's when the lord smote him on the knee, to signify that he need only lean on the Lord; as he did not smite both of his knees which would've kept him forever on his knees begging and pleading with the Lord, but that he should stand in God's presence, but also lean on him and let the Lord support him and his cause! The Lord loves a people who do not fear him! And are never too afraid to take hold of him! To never let him go until he has fulfilled his promise! What tenacity! What courage of heart! This is what God loves to see in his people. Jacob did see God's face and live! And the Lord blessed him and changed his name to Israel.
      So what is the promise of God to us now? Is it not a new nature?! YES! That's it. He promised a new nature! A nature unlike any other nature known to man! The kind of nature wherein, that it just comes natural to both will and do the things that please God. A nature wherein, that it is easier to please God than ourselves, and is far easier to do what is right in the sight of God than it is to sin! Wherein it has become impossible to sin! That kind of nature, with power from above working miracles as easily and as freely as it is to breathe! --And how are we to obtain this new nature? It is a miracle! It is not by anything we are able to do ourselves. We must abstain from the works of the flesh --Bad and good, because of the true nature and source of those deeds. It is not by our own merits that we receive it. No amount of good deeds will ever contribute to the work of our transformation. But instead they will only frustrate the grace of God, and make it much more painful and time consuming than it ever needed to be. We must simply take him at his word --He promised it to us! He made himself as it were our debtor by his word. He will do it. He and he alone will accomplish this amazing feet. He will shine the light of his reproof in us, and expose the man of sin who is always hiding in the temple of God which is made without hands. He sits enthroned there as if he were God always making demands and pointing the finger but never willing to look at himself even in the light of Christ. There is the only true Antichrist, SIN in the only true temple of God, defiling it with his presence! This is that abomination which causes desolation! What desolation you may ask? But the unfruitfulness of the carnal mind. It can never please God. Because it is sin! It must abdicate the throne of your life and surrender unconditionally to Christ. As it is only Christ who will make you perfect in the sight of God. He will strip away your old nature and give you a new one. But for now he needs you to simply be your natural self, and stop trying to imitate him --Because even the best and most sincere imitation is still just a counterfeit. He want's you to quit struggling and enter into his rest. The rest that is in the confidence that he will keep his promise and make you perfect as your father in heaven is perfect! He will do it --But only if you stop trying to do it. He wants you to believe in his miracle working power and prove that you believe in it by refusing to do anything that you are not naturally inclined to do --And above all else be patient and exercise that patience. If you do not, then how shall you ever know that your nature is changing or has changed, when you are not your natural self? Be your natural self and watch that nature change, just like the weather changes! He will change it for you, but only if you let him.

    • @sonyablade9804
      @sonyablade9804 9 років тому +1

      JESUS is LORD Mr. Sweetgrapes! Get on your knees and recognize. Your response went past my head and was over kill. I did not get the point. Please excuse my ignorance. I love u cause Jesus loves me.

  • @jennehquoi6705
    @jennehquoi6705 7 років тому +1

    thank u very much for teaching how to pray,like fear,doubt and worry.Amen

  • @hephzibahmakhetha4371
    @hephzibahmakhetha4371 5 років тому +1

    I love this teaching. Thank you very much. It is a dear gift, being able to hear God and fellowship with Him.

  • @yeshuaourlivingmanna5393
    @yeshuaourlivingmanna5393 6 років тому +23

    About 20 yrs ago I dreamt being in a room with 2 arch shape windows with Yeshua standing in front of it, then 8 months after that, I got an invitation to visit Israel, after a month staying in Tel Aviv, I stayed in Jerusalem with the same description of the room that was in my dream of these arch shape windows. Then outside was also a stairs leading to a main Street that was also part of that dream.
    Anyway, my length of stay went over a month and I was at a pay phone one day when an immigration police that regularly checks on people at scheduled time stopped at me and blew their horn and I think, one of them got out of the car. I turned my head and began reciting Psalm 23:4 - to" Yea, though I walk in the valley of shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me; thy rod and staff they comfort me." Then, I look again towards the police and they vanished in an instant, I looked both ways of the street and was so amazed how fast they dissapeared, just like a bubble. That's the power of God's word!
    Oh, dear I missed Israel and Jerusalem!

  • @jfloresmac
    @jfloresmac 7 років тому +1

    Wonderful! Allelujah! Powerful and real! I am a witness of God and have similar testimonies. When you know that you know that you know, you know! Blessings Brother Sid! Keep on shining! In the Name of Yeshua, Amen!

  • @LovesGod247
    @LovesGod247 11 років тому +4

    But trust me When God The Father Presence comes over you, You will Feel Immence power, it's Almost overwhelming. God Bless

  • @AlaskanAndie
    @AlaskanAndie 11 років тому +2

    Thank you Sid!!! We love you and your show!!! Very enlightening and helps us understand God/Jesus much better!!! God Bless You! !!

  • @observenotify8604
    @observenotify8604 3 роки тому

    This is like an incredible sermon, whatever he speaks is sounds like truth and reality, Is it a real gateway to me our creator God?.

  • @seekmefindtruth
    @seekmefindtruth 10 років тому +1

    Praise the Lord for His revelation.

  • @NamelessWarden_1
    @NamelessWarden_1 11 років тому +1

    i find this video very inspiring i may beavery young christian but i ve also experienced feeling GOD's true don't know how overwhelming the feeling of love is... Love you POP

  • @lovethelord2501
    @lovethelord2501 5 років тому

    I love your ministry Sid Roth. I believe the Heavenly Father speaks to all us through the word in the Bible. I often pray about something and the Lord will give me a scripture or I will turn to a scripture. The still quiet voice of the Holy Spirit is real. I believe it would be detrimental to our life to seek audible voices.

  • @tohorateamaau7531
    @tohorateamaau7531 11 років тому +1

    thank you Sid and Gary from the Pacific Islands.Bless you always!!!

  • @ottoueckermann9406
    @ottoueckermann9406 8 років тому +11

    The $79 ad spoils everything for me. Thanks for the message Gary Whetstone.

  • @LovesGod247
    @LovesGod247 11 років тому +3

    Brothers/Sisters, You dont have to Buy anything, Silence your mind, After a few min, Call to the Lord out loud or in your Head, ask for his Presence to come upon you, & just Talk with Him, it May take time to Make out actual words from the Father & not just your thoughts, so practice.

  • @antaveissmith
    @antaveissmith 11 років тому +1

    The path they were suppose to finish as one. For the people that already remarried I believe that if they really repented and recommited themselves to listening to God over their own emotions I'm positive God gave them mercy and grace and they don't have to divorse again or live in condemnation. God knows everything we will do and already has a resolution to our decisions since the day He finished creating everything and said "IT IS GOOD"

  • @demetriusmurch
    @demetriusmurch 11 років тому +1

    I really needed to hear this... God is so good.

  • @cindytaber7476
    @cindytaber7476 4 роки тому

    I enjoy. Your. Show. I thank God for you Listen to. Him sharing with. US

  • @amayasonotario5415
    @amayasonotario5415 8 років тому +12

    I love to hear God voice

  • @farealwitit7947
    @farealwitit7947 9 місяців тому

    strong prayer!!!!! ty!!!! god bless you both!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @helengodskingdom9088
    @helengodskingdom9088 11 років тому

    Logic and philosophy is trying to replace the supernatural; God is supernatural and we cannot place him in a box according to our belief system. HE is greater than us, and cannot be boxed. Sid is always bringing man of God to his shows that prove this belief system of this world. Thank you Sid, and may you continue to be blessed even greater day by day!!

  • @murialbrits5385
    @murialbrits5385 4 роки тому

    Pls God, let me hear your voice......I wanna draw closer to you and wanna know what is it that my calling is....amen

  • @tohorateamaau7531
    @tohorateamaau7531 11 років тому +2

    Just doing the same thing as you: watching free video and typing out few words ,thank you sir

  • @Oraciones.Center
    @Oraciones.Center 11 років тому +2

    Hear & Obey... thanks for sharing this teaching with us.

  • @clementokrakutettey2701
    @clementokrakutettey2701 4 роки тому

    God is great

  • @Xidcat
    @Xidcat 11 років тому +2

    Psalm 119:105 Your word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path.
    Deuteronomy 30:14 But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may observe it.
    Read the Bible, trust and obey.

  • @murialbrits5385
    @murialbrits5385 4 роки тому

    Guide me lord.....let me know what it's your will for my life and my calling....let the right people come into my life

  • @Godswrathishere1
    @Godswrathishere1 11 років тому +7

    I love this show!

  • @WREXguy777
    @WREXguy777 11 років тому

    Praise Jesus! The King of Kings and Lord of Lords!

  • @hephzibahmakhetha4371
    @hephzibahmakhetha4371 5 років тому +1

    This is literally one of my favourite episodes of ISN!

  • @fourteen34
    @fourteen34 9 років тому

    Good advice, the world really tends to clutter up our lives and we must remember we become that which we feed upon.

  • @yacob2482
    @yacob2482 5 років тому

    The Body of Christ is in you. The church is from with in you.
    Now the Holy Spirit dwells in you and Leads you in the right Ways of Life., His Ways, Amein.
    Long live the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords, Yeshua HaMashiach, Amein.
    Thank you for sharing.
    Your brother

  • @L4JRapture
    @L4JRapture 11 років тому +1

    Praise God!!! That's so awesome, bless you!

  • @tubester4567
    @tubester4567 10 років тому +17

    wow 6 DVDs normally $240? I can buy a big budget Hollywood movie for $10 at the supermarket. How do they justify these prices?. Its always amusing when these guys say they have earth shattering news from god that will change peoples lives and the course of history......but you need to send me some money to see it. I don't know but if I had a message from god that would help the world, I would post it all over the internet immediately so everyone could see it, even the people in Africa.

    • @yeshua9323
      @yeshua9323 10 років тому +2

      it ruins Christianity, i know ministries need money for recording costs and stuff but they should just jam it up on you tube

    • @gabrielr.7423
      @gabrielr.7423 9 років тому +6

      Yes sure, but as you buy your college textbook, you can buy Bible textbooks to study the Bible.
      And...If God gives you prosperity and abundance you finance His Kingom with joy, right?
      After all, the money the sons of God make is reinvested in God's Kingdom and it serves to feed their family and buy stuff, and travel, and buy knowledge, and create experiences,etc.

    • @premiercconstruction
      @premiercconstruction 4 роки тому +1

      Everyone is ok with throwing $1,000 out to go watch a baseball game but they complain and judge over supporting the work of God and investing into themselves. $260 for something you can use over and over and over...

    • @codyantrim8700
      @codyantrim8700 4 роки тому

      @@gabrielr.7423 amen

  • @michaeldavidson6991
    @michaeldavidson6991 8 років тому +8

    How can you not love the Jewish people and Gods eternal city.

  • @samuelalexander700
    @samuelalexander700 10 років тому +4

    Thankyou so much!

  • @mariebroderick8096
    @mariebroderick8096 10 років тому +1

    think you are wonderful sid

  • @lottaloveJJ
    @lottaloveJJ 11 років тому

    This was just what I needed to hear!! Thank you Jesus, beginning my media fast this week.

  • @Rajgudhekar
    @Rajgudhekar 3 місяці тому

    I am waiting for God voice to call my out my name 🙌✝️🇮🇳

  • @marzenaonline
    @marzenaonline 10 років тому +1

    We all can hear God's voice through different channels depending on what level of consciousness we are. You can have "gut feeling", intuition, hear God's voice in the heart, hear first thought. The message will often surprise you and if your not sure of it, ask a question within yourself - Who has just said it? and you will hear the answer. It is easy to mistake God's voice with mind or intelligence speaking, so it is always good to check.

    • @5winder
      @5winder 10 років тому +1

      Very nice... discernment! The Lord bless you.

  • @jcisveritas5717
    @jcisveritas5717 11 років тому +5

    Just once I wish Roth would have a guest on who isn't trying to sell something.

  • @ashasaji9052
    @ashasaji9052 5 років тому +7

    i realy want to hear god. but i dont know how to. help me lord.

  • @theweirdosdts
    @theweirdosdts 11 років тому +2

    wow! that is awesome. I know that I need to go on a fast to hear from Him as well.

  • @StevenFeria777
    @StevenFeria777 11 років тому +1

    Glory to God!!!!

  • @adefisayootunaiya4286
    @adefisayootunaiya4286 4 роки тому

    Very enlightening. God bless you Sirs

  • @OrangeTreeChannel
    @OrangeTreeChannel 11 років тому +2

    Wow! This gives a real fear of God!

  • @Bilhakoi
    @Bilhakoi 11 років тому +2

    wow..this is great. God bless you

  • @needtoknow204
    @needtoknow204 10 років тому +7

    Mark 8:34-35
    Jesus then told the crowd and the disciples to come closer, and he said: If any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross and follow me. If you want to save your life, you will destroy it. But if you give up your life for me and for the good news, you will save it.

    • @zivzzivz5396
      @zivzzivz5396 9 років тому

      Im 12 years old how do i surrender my life i always pray i accept jesus as my god i go to church im trying to avoid all sins and if i know i commit a sin i always pray jesus please for give me for what i have done im here begging for forgiveness please forgive me amen and i dont want any money i dont want fame but how do i hear god voice

    • @needtoknow204
      @needtoknow204 9 років тому

      Troy Ino
      Sin is not a free will choice before salvation. It is a preexisting condition. It IS the nature of man. If sin were avoidable through free will then Christ died in vain.
      Saint Paul: "This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief." 1 Timothy 1:15
      After being born again the sin nature is still a preexisting condition but now one has a new nature from above co existing with the dead sin nature. Thus sin remains a condition of the human nature only overcome through the true life of The Spirit within. We have a choice. That life from above unfolds by fillings of God over the lifetime of the saved one.

    • @vishyswavichy2655
      @vishyswavichy2655 9 років тому +1

      Troy Ino
      God bless you Troy. You do well to avoid sins and to pray for forgiveness when you do sin. Don't be anxious, but have peace in the assurance that God loves you and He is faithful to forgive you when you ask. The best way to hear his voice is to get to know who He is by reading the Bible regularly, especially the New Testament. Then you will recognize his voice when He speaks to your spirit through the Holy Spirit. It is not a voice you hear with your ears, but with your heart.

  • @davidruler3441
    @davidruler3441 11 років тому

    Praying, God Bless you

  • @scottdouglas935
    @scottdouglas935 6 років тому +1

    love this guy!

  • @madziaks34b14
    @madziaks34b14 7 років тому +11

    Everything in every episode is so beautiful but... then You can hear $79 or in another $45 You don't have to pay anything to hear God!!!! He is everywere !!! In the name of Jesus we love You with all our hearts we don't need to pay for your love becouse it's pure and real. Love You God, Love You Jesus. Amen!!!!!

    • @jemimabalderson2768
      @jemimabalderson2768 7 років тому +2

      Marcinie B God bless you

    • @shenequakimbro5146
      @shenequakimbro5146 5 років тому

      So you don't have the money?

    • @shenequakimbro5146
      @shenequakimbro5146 5 років тому

      When you sow into ministries like this, God work miracles. I wasn't trying to be rude and funny. I guarantee you that a miracle will happen.

    • @lizsharp382
      @lizsharp382 5 років тому +1

      Shenequa Kimbro , that's ridiculous !! Nowhere in the word does it say we need to buy anything or read and study anything outside of the bible......if u need a miracle ask GOD for one...

  • @Ancientknowledge
    @Ancientknowledge 11 років тому +1

    wow thank you. thats what i need. do your thing i knew it was possible.

  • @applesjea620
    @applesjea620 11 років тому +3

    if you can help heal , restore family and etc, minister to others for free brother, greater is your reward in heaven

  • @salemasfaw6264
    @salemasfaw6264 7 років тому +1

    Amen amen amen!

  • @ishechad5960
    @ishechad5960 6 років тому

    Wonderful... Wrank you Lord

  • @pksunar00
    @pksunar00 5 років тому

    Amen God bless Lord Jesus love you

  • @dennismovingcompany2195
    @dennismovingcompany2195 8 років тому

    God. bless all of u

  • @silasraphael1868
    @silasraphael1868 7 років тому +12

    I have desired and prayed to hear the audible voice of the holy spirit. How do I go about it?

    • @jemimabalderson2768
      @jemimabalderson2768 7 років тому +1

      Silas Ebenyi God bless you

    • @goldenleaf8670
      @goldenleaf8670 5 років тому +1

      just open your heart to God ..youll hear him

    • @lizsharp382
      @lizsharp382 5 років тому +3

      Silas Ebenyi , from my understanding u don't hear the audible voice of The Holy Spirit, u get a knowing inside yourself or He'll speak thru ur mind and say things in ur would be GOD or JESUS CHRIST....that's my understanding of hearing spiritually....GBY...

  • @kristabrewer9363
    @kristabrewer9363 5 років тому +5

    Fasting is fasting. You give up whatever is most important to you for a period of time to get closer to God. What's an information Fast?

    • @lizsharp382
      @lizsharp382 5 років тому

      Krista Brewer -well I think basically was saying by what they showed in the vid was all outside distractions that take u away from the presence of GOD , like tv, internet, gaming, music unless it fills u wth His presence...and then stay in the presence of GOD....believe me, u will hear His voice when in His presence...GBY....

  • @thewayoftruth-candyjoylynn7163
    @thewayoftruth-candyjoylynn7163 8 років тому +9

    Fast Pray Obey Read and Abide in the Word of God, Righteousness Holiness Godliness Love and Fruits of the Spirit which is Righteousness. Amen. But if you still dont understand then yed buy his book. God Bless.

  • @AldridgeFarmstead
    @AldridgeFarmstead 4 роки тому

    A close friend of mine had a near death experience, she died (not sure how long but not for an extend period of time.) but she said, she was in this white light and she felt this unbelievably amazing, presence of extreme LOVE. She was incredibly moved by it.... she isn’t particularly religious so she claimed she thought it was her grandfather’s presence..... i need to tell her, honey that was god’s presence that was Jesus. He saved you from death, it wasn’t your time, she experienced this profound love god has for her, she is a prostitute and isn’t particularly religious yet, god knows she has a good heart, god saved her, god loves her so much! I need to tell her this was god. God loves us all! It’s about what is in your heart! Praise the lord Jesus we love you, we thank you for your un-judgmental, caring, kind, patient care you give all your children! Praise the lord jesus we love you

  • @ShadowDrift76
    @ShadowDrift76 11 років тому

    Best comedy show ive ever seen. He should get a time slot on comedy central right after Anthony Jeselnik

  • @Parture
    @Parture 11 років тому +1

    I wasn't talking about obsessive compulsive disorder, but the need for your intuitive spirit to be regenerated when you freely receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior. Jesus never operates by prompting you as we are given the free choice. When God communicates He does so by that still small voice which you reject. May you one day receive Christ into your life so your spirit is quickened then you will hear that still small voice of the Spirit instead of Satanic outward supernatural promptings

  • @abbychinyimba7428
    @abbychinyimba7428 5 років тому +1

    Beautiful stuff👌 i have been blessed!!

  • @mattmakinheat
    @mattmakinheat 3 роки тому

    I felt like I was being taken up🔥🔥

  • @Dshieldsmusic
    @Dshieldsmusic 11 років тому +2

    Awesome !!

  • @thesweetgrapes75
    @thesweetgrapes75 9 років тому +1

    Betty Sue Thompson, That's where you are wrong about hearing God's true voice! You see even the rocks can hear his voice! And when he created the worlds to whom did he say "LET"? But that it can be heard by even things that have no ears! The ear that he wants us to hear him with is the innermost ear of the heart! -- And it can be heard as a suggestion in the mind which doesn't originate from you but unlike all the other voices in your mind it always has the tone of our Lord's conversation with us as being comforting and reassuring and he always speaks to us as we need him to, the most! --And this he does with the anointing of God, which is the empowerment of the word, to make it alive in us, and to become us --even as we are transformed by it.

  • @Animelover5555
    @Animelover5555 5 років тому

    How is getting ready to have a job and present things stopping me from hearing God's voice? I've asked God to reveal himself to me, and I won't stop asking God to reveal himself to me until he does.

  • @Mary-je1vj
    @Mary-je1vj 9 місяців тому

    Amen ❤

  • @jefflutes
    @jefflutes 11 років тому

    Essential teaching.

  • @Ursin101
    @Ursin101 5 років тому

    Thank you for teaching me.

  • @seekingwisdom7992
    @seekingwisdom7992 10 років тому

    I needed to HEAR this. I'm so thankful this video was posted. :-)

  • @jennehquoi6705
    @jennehquoi6705 7 років тому +3

    i really want to hear God voice too

  • @deborahalcock2629
    @deborahalcock2629 4 роки тому

    Mr. Roth could you please have prayer done for me as I have crazy pains all around and in my right ear and jaw. I don't grind my teeth at all. There's no teeth on the right side to grind. Yet they say I have a severe case of TMJ. THATS REDICULOUS. !!! I NEED HELP. I can't afford sergery. And I'm on lower income with med=di-cal. And they're saying mad-di-cal doesn't pay for a TMJ doctor or sergery. OWWWWWWWW !!!!!!! IM IN STRANGE SEVERE PAIN CONSTANTLY. !!!! 😥

  • @propheticrevelation
    @propheticrevelation 11 років тому +1

    WOW...... Amazing

  • @christsminstrel
    @christsminstrel 11 років тому

    Based on what was said here, unless a person really hears God clearly, the best "default" condition is to do no good works at all because most of those will be burned up anyway.

  • @pdvdwesth
    @pdvdwesth 11 років тому +1

    His fruit is money? Money is needed to keep him on air, the fruit is all these people who are receiving revelations, healing, and that are building their relationship with Christ. Brother watch out who you judge, if we judge wrongly God will judge us accordingly.

  • @kyannav5928
    @kyannav5928 11 років тому

    Yeah it seems they want to scare me. I had a sleep paralysis someone entered my room, I didn't see his face but I felt him and I knew it was something evil. We spoke in mind, I wasn't afraid and I kept on arguing to him telling about Jesus. I also dreamed of Jesus 3 years ago. He told me to pray and now I know why He said that to me. I learned how powerful prayer is. Sorry for my English coz its not my primary language. :)

    • @toastypancakes1113
      @toastypancakes1113 5 років тому +1

      Hi KithKatheana! how powerful is prayer?
      Can you explain it to someone who is still new?
      What is your experience?

  • @davidruler3441
    @davidruler3441 11 років тому


  • @2W2203
    @2W2203 11 років тому +1

    Jesus is King

  • @devonbrowne6022
    @devonbrowne6022 11 років тому

    i will fervently pray for you.

  • @Soothe2SleepStoriesStewardess
    @Soothe2SleepStoriesStewardess 4 роки тому


  • @tohorateamaau7531
    @tohorateamaau7531 11 років тому

    I enjoyed THE SUBJECT ;thank you for your concern anyhow.

  • @tohorateamaau7531
    @tohorateamaau7531 11 років тому

    ...just enjoying it and not costing me a dime, peace

  • @PortsmouthParanormal
    @PortsmouthParanormal 6 років тому +2

    Distraction leads to destruction

  • @C0nc3r3d
    @C0nc3r3d 11 років тому +3

    I agree with imnluvwHim, Mr. Whetstone talked about knowing how the marketing etc.. worked and that God does not want this, then I see you are trying to sell your DVD's to teach the word. Jesus didn't have to sell anything to get God's word out.