How do we stop it though? Humans never stopped an active volcano before... folks are talking about CO2 but how can we inject it into the volcano? Does CO2 stop volcanos? Scary stuff and no one is talking about real solutions.
Majority of people live near the coasts and our economy depends on marine transportation. A 3m rise in sea level would render most of our coastal infrastructure useless. Which means even if you live on himalayas you'll be affected by it.
Hurricane Katrina rendered coastal infrastructure useless from New Orleans to Pensacola Fl. As soon as this happened we all waived the white towels and gave up our homes and businesses. No one lives in those cities today. We lost. It’s over.
I live in Miami and for my entire life we've been drilled on climate change and how it would effect the world and us, I'd lose my home and everything I've ever loved about my city, along with millions of other people who would also lose their homes from the same problem, I'm just becoming an adult and honestly have no idea how to really make a difference beyond reducing my own emissions, feels so helpless..
I’m so sorry you have to feel so helpless. It’s a terrible way to feel. But take heart-we (the scientists) still know so little about these things, they get it wrong all the time. Remember that Nobel Prize winner, Al Gore, his predictions have proven to be COMPLETELY WRONG. His mistake was making predictions that weren’t centuries away, so he was proven wrong before his Nobel prize even needed dusting.
Remember when everyone was inside for like 2 weeks and how much air pollution went down? Remember the people of India could see Himalayan mountains for the first time in like 25 years? What happened to that? I would like a habitable world for my grand children and yours.
Cameron's Videos Oh, hilariously dimwitted people thinking humans will live Mars in a couple of generations. People will not live in Mars in centuries if lucky. Probably never. Focus in surving in this planet for the next ten generations.
The harsh reality is that for any significant change to occur, it depends on the combined efforts of the developed countries and major companies which is much easier said than done.
@@arnvpanda8042 oceanology is rarely ever used (and I just say rarely to give space for doubt), and scientists in that field of study are typically referred to as oceanographers, not oceanologists.
@@limbu13 I mean there's the problems with the Adani coal mine that the government needs to solve quickly yeah, but not enough people know that basically there are quite a few renewable energy projects happening or have already started in the country. The state I live in, NSW, already had a zero emissions target for 2050, so it's not like Australia is not doing anything, we just need to do more and quickly
@@rafirahman3856 yes that may be true but major strides are being taken to change that check out the clean energy counsel Australia it tells you the good and the bad
Or that property 2 miles inland becomes the new beachfront prime. According to 'scientists' in the 1960s major cities should have sunk by 2000. The past 2 years should have everyone asking 'What else have they lied about? How else do politicians change my behaviour without me knowing?'
@@Noallegiance right, because all scientists are a hivemind and agree on everything, and must all be liars because some of them are wrong sometimes. also they're the same thing as politicians for some reason. I think you're confused man
Watch the beginning of the video. It shows basically "half" of Antartica and says it contains enough ice to raise the ocean 3 meters. Then it says the glacier (which is just a very small part of that half) is in trouble. Oceans aren't going to rise 3 meters. They want to scare you. You want to be scared. Stop being so dramatic.
Pretty sure evidence has overwealmingly shown the sea isn’t rising at all, and I’m pretty sure there’s more glacier now than there was 5-10-20 years ago according to nasa. Also that ozone hole got smaller..... that’s why we stopped hearing about it. Global warming turned out to be a mad overreaction hence why Greta thunberg became a full blown anarchist the moment Antifa started throwing bricks at black businesses.
aaronison First off Earth is warming due to human activity. The debate is over. Now the debate is trying to fix it. Also let me ask you these questions. Yes Earth climate has changed in the past but tell me this: 1. What caused those changes? 2. How fast were they? 3. What were the impacts of that change? Just because Earths climate has always changed doesn’t mean the current warming is a threat to worry about. During the last interglacial period in the Emian 125,000 years ago. Earths temperature was 1-2°C warmer than today (today=1950 levels in PaloClimatology Earth was warmed 1°C so far since 1950 due human activity) and sea levels were 6m (18ft) higher than today. Now this didn’t immediately happen took thousands of years. But that’s one example on why past climate changes mean bad news for the current rapid global warming.
Well, they said that to become a Type 1 civilization, we must be able to see all of our planet's energy. That's what humans are doing without thinking about the consequences.
Mars isn't realy feasible in the long run. We might be able to send humans to Mars but at the expense of those people getting cancer. The atmosphere of Mars isn't the same as Earth so all of the solar radiation will hit humans way quicker than they would on earth. This *can* be mediaited by using lead but that becomes highly unfeasible knowing how thick the walls, roof, etc would have to be.
C02 is 0.04 % of the atmosphere and one of the least volatile greenhouse gases, accounting for an estimated 0.001% of warming. The mediaeval warm period was hotter than today. The rate at which it is getting warmer is also not unprecedented. The phenomenon we are seeing is typical and predictable by understanding solar cycles in particular. Air pollution is a major problem such as when we were dumping cfcs in the ozone layer. According to NASA, the greatest side effect of dumping mass amounts of c02 in the air has been a greening of our planet through photosynthesis. Humans have a lot to be blamed for, global warming is not one of them.
@randomguy8196 its not about living on mars. Its just that when we will see few humans traveling at a speed of thousands of miles per second for 6 months covering 100+ million km , landing on it for the first time and seeing two moons and blue sunset. These are the things that gives me goosebumps
I think they left with that optimistic music as a hope. I mean you can't just keep giving bad news one after the other. We need music to heal too! Btw What is the name of outro music?
The biggest problem about sea level rise is nobody knows when it’s actually going to happen as “scientists” have been claiming it’s gonna happen for decades but all the same beaches and coastlines are still here and unchanged.
Same can be said about the Amazon Rainforest. Claudio Villas Boas quoted a study claiming that the Amazon Rainforest would be decimated by the year 2000. Fortunately, he was wrong.
I imagine history books in a couple hundred years being like, “humans took way too long to recognize, admit, and fix climate change, and now because of it, this city that used to be called Miami no longer exists.”
we are progressing erosion & evolution faster then nature does in a span of thousands of year instead all that could be consequential in just a hundred years or less. Point is we are changing mother earths landscape at a rapid pace with this burning gases into our atmosphere
It makes me sad that this realization has been around since the middle of the 20th century. There is a critical mass of people on the planet that are either incapable of understanding, unwilling to understand, or understand but don't care. I am afraid the solution to climate change is humanity's extinction. Was nice knowing everyone.
*Let's be real.* There's more than enough landmass left for people even if all of Antarctica melts; climate change ain't gonna be extincting anything that has to do with people.
@Toughen Up, Fluffy Biodiversity is the biological variety and variability of life on Earth. Biodiversity is a measure of variation at the genetic, species, and ecosystem level. Terrestrial biodiversity is usually greater near the equator, which is the result of the warm climate and high primary productivity. Biodiversity is not distributed evenly on Earth, and is richer in the tropics. These tropical forest ecosystems cover less than ten percent of earth's surface, and contain about ninety percent of the world's species. Marine biodiversity is usually higher along coasts in the Western Pacific, where sea surface temperature is highest, and in the mid-latitudinal band in all oceans. There are latitudinal gradients in species diversity. Biodiversity generally tends to cluster in hotspots, and has been increasing through time, but will be likely to slow in the future as a primary result of deforestation. It encompasses the evolutionary, ecological, and cultural processes that sustain life.Wikipedia
aaronison while that is true do note during the ice age there wasn’t many humans and they did have major cities everywhere. We are warming Earth so fast we may not be able to adapt to it. But that’s centuries away. Until the meantime we’ll just see more extreme weather
Eh, most likely not. But people seem to get some weird kind of solace from thinking humans are evil and doomed. If you want to become an adult, read books like Apocalypse Never.
aaronison YES Earth has been warmer in the past. But that doesn’t mean the current global warming isn’t something to worry about. IT IS! Global Temperatures and CO2 levels are the highest in the at least the last million years. Also what caused Earth to be warmer in the past? The answer isn’t hard
Even with all our technology and the inventions that make modern life so much easier than it once was, it takes just one big natural disaster to wipe all that away and remind us that, here on Earth, we're still at the mercy of nature.
This is not a natural disaster. This is a disaster we are making, in full awareness of the torture we're inflicting on ourselves (well, mostly on poor people who did the least to create the crisis) and our descendants.
It's not a natural disaster, it's caused by humans, global warming, eco-collapse and glacier retreats, if we had regulated our output, non of this would have gone this bad, we had done half way to the tipping point but we had slowed a bit down recently, but not fast enough, coal plants is being built and fossil fuel is still getting burnt
If you fill a glass with ice and water and the ice melts, does it overflow? If the ice is floating on the water, is it not displacing the same amount of water?
If glaciers were already *in* the ocean, that ignorant denialist lie would work. But glaciers are on land, melting and sliding towards the coast. Get it? Try this accurate analogy: if you fill a glass with water and then drop an ice cube into it, it displaces water and its level goes up.
I'm not sure we can stop it. Most scientists believe we are past the point of no return. Even if all humans get exterminated the globe will continue to get hotter. Which means Antarctica will still melt and the oceans will still rise. Best we can do is slow it down and hope our future generations can cool the weather.
Why should we? Antarctica was a jungle long after dinosaurs went extinct and BEFORE humans. Cores drilled through Antarctic ice have proven this with NO doubt.
@@absurdandy4122 of course we can't stop it, it's happening naturally, as it has been for centuries, without any input from human activity. Man made global warming is a scam and a lie. It's been pushed by the same lunatics that 30 years ago they were pushing global cooling. Man made global warming is based on junk science. Period.
The ice-burg split due to seismic activity, not the cause of climate change, the Ice-burg cracked cause Antartica has a lot of seismic activity and In the passed weeks the whole world has been shaking deep below, have a plan in case of an earthquake we are overdue for an earthquake. The glacier is a sign of a possible earthquake don’t quote me on that
Majority of people are worried about Antartica, but as someone who studied glaciers, Greenland actually contributes more to sea level rise than the entire Antartica. If Greenland completely melts, which won't take much time, the Maldives will be completely underwater.
@@Dubdsy That is a problem, some islands and areas near water, for example florida, would lose billions of homes and buildings, and the reason for this is because the climate is warming up, which eventually will get to the point where earth is unlivable in certain areas.
@@0w3nn The thing about manufacturing capacity is it will be built. If you think the only reason anyone will miss you is some material capacity you have a problem, be that as a person or as a country. I'd miss China for a lot of reasons except cheap electronics though x) not the CCP though... I wouldn't mind the CCP being gone one bit (unless of course it was replaced by something worse).
@Leeber Gruber Yr vier kinda 1 sided, electric vehicle is big n normal in china. They are the biggest user of green technology, n their progress research is at par with western. Hech, biggest manufacturer of EV batteries is frm china.
Yeah like those, but more cites will be submerged like Seattle, SF, L.A., San Diego, Houston, Rest of Florida, New York, Washington D.C, Philadelphia, and Boston *all gone.*
the amount of times i've heard "the way to slow/stop *insert catastrophic disaster* is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions" is absurd for literally no serious action to be taken
The richest, oil owners and the big landowners and mining companies that destroy carbon stocks, they're in the politicians. That's because we vote for the wrong politicians
@@theoguimaraes3148 yep and also biodiesel doesnt exist yet, nor is cheap yet, and its again just cheaper to use oil or coal instead of funding money into solar, current or nuclear power. It´s a world run on money and no country would voluntarily sacrifice their wealth for benefits theyd only see in 30 years, ridiculous but the way the world works
You know what I say?? Are you willing to sell your car amd start walking or running to work or biking to work? Are you willing to stop burning oil or coal to warm your home? Are you willing to take your home off the power grid? If you answer no to any or all these questions you're part of the problem like me. Thanks enjoy life
Cause the people who pollute the environment with those big factories and oil fields they are blinded with money and self concerned. They just wanna live their life better even if it damages the environment. They don't care about the future generations.
AHAH The sea rise in Wellington, NZ, is +2.72mm/year and there is no speed increase. The trend is the same since maregraphes have been introduced in New Zeland in 1940
@@slavamurygin4849 it’s not the ice melting beneath water that is the problem. It’s the cavity that it leaves behind for larger chunk further in land to melt that is the issue. This is also the point the video tried to make
considering the sheer size of the oceans, it's mind boggling just how much water is currently stored on top of Antarctica, that a glacier like this can raise the water levels that much.
I still can’t help but think about the selfish people in this world who litter and don’t even take the advice to help stop climate change. If ur one of them, plz start making a change because the more energy efficient we are, the longer our civilization is going to live. ***I didn’t mean to sound rude sorry lol***
I'm from the Netherlands, so yeah i can share your concerns. More than half of our country including the 3 biggest cities including our capital would disappear..
@@ytancorbel1898 well to be fair the netherlands has planned for a sea level rise of a meter in 2040-2050 Even a 5m sea level rise would be doable, tho its cheaper to start cutting on emmisions ;)
That’s funny because it’s estimated that there’s a large supply of natural resources underneath Antarctica because it used to be connected to Africa and a few other continents
I've been to New York. Truth be told, it's the first time I've ever heard someone tell someone else in a public train to: "f-off and mind your own f-in' business"--outloud, in public, for everyone else in the train to hear. Extreme rudeness and lack of human compassion is a just reward for being covered by water. I'm sure New Yorkers will be okay, they're used to being tough; I wouldn't worry about them...or people in Miami. But we should definitely help those less fortunate people in Bangladesh and The Netherlands. ✓
What kind of comment is this…your basically disregarding everyone’s life in these cities and saying you wouldn’t mind seeing them suffer. That makes you equally as bad as that guy in the train
While it is a great idea to keep earth as clean as possible and take care of it, the reason for doing that is not climate change. Until we advance to a type 1 civilisation we will have no control over this. Please stop blindly believing the media.
Very much so. It's sad and worrying that the generations before us have exploited earth so ruthlessly, and we are the ones that need to work so very much to heal the effects of it all. But i think there is hope as long as everyone thinks so and does their part in all this. There is hope!
The UN itself can't force countries to do anything, it can write an angry letter but it doesn't have jurisdiction to force governments to do anything about climate change.
When I think about how close we are to the point of no return, I poop myself a little. Not even exaggerating that much. If things don't change quickly, the future will be terrifying.
if the world gets warmer, doesnt that mean places like northern canada would be habitable. and if ppl really wanted it to get colder, cant u just send off a bunch of nukes to make it colder
It's clear we're impacting the climate, and may tip systems into cycles of change we can't predict, but the volume of ice and the suggested sea level rise in this video seem disproportionate.
Well, then, there are some scientific papers about that. Go read them, and all the maths behind. Or just watch the video from the people that actually read those.
It's because of the controversial nature of the subject, people in the know are realizing they can't tell the masses about what they find. If they sound the alarm and a politician disagrees with them it would destroy their careers, so you have to do research on a large scale in order to find the truth in this world today. The numbers don't add up because the Earth is doing all the heavy lifting right now and when it stops meaning when the ice breaks or melts off of the land it will increase the ocean mass . That's what is causing the calculations to be erroneous, it's going to be like throwing a softball in a five gallon bucket.
@@mismis3153I've read a lot. Which is why I think the math is off. We need to take climate change seriously, whatever its cause, but immutable facts are what's needed not vagueries.
@kyle Reinhold no, 20% of the oxygen in the world does not come from the Amazon. The Amazon is actually pretty balanced, it consumes more or less the same amount of oxygen that it produces, what it does do is regulate the climate. Also I never said it was useless, just that it's not the only place in the world with trees. I actually come from Brazil and clearly know more about it than you
How can you say that when just 30 years ago they said “in 30 years there will be no more snow” but yet snow records around the world have been broken for the last few years???
Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell ~ 'they took all the trees and put 'em in a tree museum - and they charged the people a dollar an' a half just to see 'em'...
@@humpbacksquarepants5580 the ones that currently do, won't. And the co2 dissolving in the water would make it too acidic to swim in 50 years down the line (at the current rate of co2 emissions)
Where can i find the music you use for your videos? I really like the music on this one! Anyways thanks VOX for keep us up to date with the important news!
I'm not an engineer or a scientist is any shape or form, but a question - in addition to slowing and stopping its collapse through addressing climate change, are there other man made interventions that we could do to extremely slow the collapse?
Kids no longer care about investing in future generations, only consuming during their lifetime. If curiosity gets spread on platforms like Tik Tok there could be a movement but nature does not wait we have made grave mistakes and now we must take the consequences. Let's keep love high
Become extinct. That's a good start😂, but really I was just thinking about how so so many places on Earth have no water. How the people there desperately need water. On different levels of urgency of course. Is there a way we could take the increasing amount of water and bring it to the places that need it? Because in many places the lack of water means no food, which then in turn means starvation and death. Someone in a high place must've thought of this! The reason why none of it has happened is because all the governments are cheap and don't want to lose money. They'd rather their grandchildren and great grandchildren suffer!
If my understanding is correct, There’s more to worry about than just sea level rise, but also the salinity of the oceans will be affected as well as the oceans currents which will affect sea life and earths climate...
I'm 15 and have only been aware of climate change for a few years and am trying to do everything I can to help stop it. By then I see adults who have known about it for decades but still don't seem to care about it. I just don't see how an entire planet covered by water in a century or so isn't scary
Because its happened before hundreds of times throughout the entirety life has been on earth for billions of years. This is just another climate change, stop trying to fight it.
@@jackguppy253 Stop spreading misinformation. We are already seeing the effects of our CO2 emissions. Stronger hurricanes and melting ice sheets are just the start of it.
@@M0rmagil They aren't supposed to have been underwater already. No scientists ever claimed that. You need to stop getting your climate science from Fox News.
Remember: it would take decades even centuries for extreme sea level rise. Doesn’t mean would shouldn’t stop Global Warming, but it’s not just something to stress about, my we still need to act, or future generations will risk extinction.
APC 219 yea true, but we’re expecting a warming of 4°C by 2100 and possibly 10°C by 2200 which has not been seen on earth for millions of years. So life would definitely get harder
@@Milk-ew4pf think big! The sun! Underground volcanoes... Lava spills! Blaming people is absurd!!!! Wormwood! Cosmic billiards!!!! Earth's magnetic field waxes and wanes!!!! Allowing gamma rays in!!!! Trump build a wall????? To do what???? Honduras is a land bridge! It will be under water!!!!
Try this at home, in a glass cup put water halfway then add a few cubes of ice, mark the level of the water now, then wait till ice melts and see if the level went up or stayed the same. My hypothesis is that it will stay the same unless we mark the water level before the ice was added. Similar example to that being shown here but at small scale.
How much of your ice is above the water at start. Imagine filling glass 1/4 with water then top off with ice. Pretty sure the water level is going to rise.😉
Forget politicians. Stop supporting the meat industry, it's the single biggest thing you can do to prevent deforestation and farming. Your demand matters, think about how much meat one person eats in a year. You control demand with what you put on your plates. Then go about reducing flights where possible, reducing waste etc.
People shoud take composting seriously. Like every household and condominiums should have composting system in their areas. So landfills would not fill up too fast. Thus gas emissions would decrease dramatically. Imagine if all of us are doing it.
For all of humanity we have been eating me I agree cleaning up the industry would help but we can’t just stop eating meat where omnivores not herbivores
@@senna503 Yeah but being omnivores means we can be completely healthy just eating plants. Do you have netflix? Check out the Game Changers. It's about athletes and regular people going plant based because it's providing them with faster muscle recovery and endurance. Secondly, you don't have to cut meat out entirely if you want to transition. If you are 95% plat based, that already makes a huuuuge impact. Happy to chat more if you like
@@jessw391 you have to understand not everyone has the luxury to be educated on these topics. Poor families tend to have the biggest families due to a number of socioenviromental reasons that we must address. We need to change the way we produce our products, telling people to change their way of life isn't going to work, its just not practical.
The biggest worry I have about covid is that its making people forget about climate change. Felt like we were starting to gain momentum then bam, virus and BLM protests. Don't get me wrong, two extremely important issues but also climate change means death and displacement for WAAY more
@@wipmegrandma8780 You can still keep advocating for action on climate change, also even though a lot of the world really didn't respond effectively to the virus if we put as much action into stopping the effects of climate change we wouldn't be in this situation which gets me even angrier.
Don't forget: they were scaring you with a new global ice age just 30 years ago. All you have to do is live your life responsibly, today. Who knows what's going to come in another 30 years
@@MrJohannson It is true that things get exaggerated but I feel like there's a lot to do with environmentalism that is just too irrefutable to deny like the decline in forest coverage. Either way, encouraging others to look after the planet can't ever be a bad thing
Covid isnt a real problem honestly, I mean it obviusly is and you should protect yourself and others but humans will survive whit a *relatively* small price to pay and it can also be recovered. Climate change on the other hand...
I live in Connecticut on the Long Island Sound. My neighbor from Taiwan, just the other day, had a friend who lives by a river in China, that is normally of a yellow color this means it's full of nutrients causing the crops to grow bountiful. Of late the River's water has become clear and the crops are not growing so well. I told her maybe the river is now getting enormous melt off from a glacier upstream. She also mentioned the sea water was not as salty.
Born and raised in Miami in 1947. Fishing and boating are all I like to do, so I’m more than a little familiar with the coastline around Miami and the upper keys. I have seen ZERO signs of rising water. If you don’t want to believe me take a vacation to the keys and talk to the commercial fishermen. Then go home a start following the money.
Everyone’s talking about how “they didn’t think 2020 could get any worse” as if this isn’t a problem that’s been going on for years.
Most of the issues everyone's complaining about in 2020 aren't new, they're just forced to be aware of them all at once.
Conrado Arce Jr what?
amentrison Yeah true
I think 2020 is the begning of getting worst
@@amentrison2794 2020 wasnt even 1% of what needs to be done, to make people aware of everything, late game is starting
Sadly, politicians are only focused on their relection & short-term goals.
@Emberlynnz "Focused on money"
Thats what they are after
How do we stop it though? Humans never stopped an active volcano before... folks are talking about CO2 but how can we inject it into the volcano? Does CO2 stop volcanos? Scary stuff and no one is talking about real solutions.
@gdpm It's not natural at the rate at which it's happening. Read. Listen. Think.
@gdpm its not natural how fast the world is heating up and we need to prevent it because it would devastate the world
Humans are known for procrastinating. If they aren’t effected in particular they don’t care. That’s just how it is.
Can we all just appreciate that 3d glacier diagram?
Why not ? 😁
you got the like
Majority of people live near the coasts and our economy depends on marine transportation. A 3m rise in sea level would render most of our coastal infrastructure useless. Which means even if you live on himalayas you'll be affected by it.
It's okay, Ben Shapiro says we can just sell our coastal infrastructure.
Hurricane Katrina rendered coastal infrastructure useless from New Orleans to Pensacola Fl. As soon as this happened we all waived the white towels and gave up our homes and businesses. No one lives in those cities today. We lost. It’s over.
All their predictions are lies. don't worry
I agree..and I live here.
@@rockeyracoon3716 Yes the cities of New Orleans and Pensacola are no more. What a shame. Smdh
"Thwaites could be the most dangerous glacier in the world."
That's why people are working really hard to destroy it.
Dangerous because it's melting, not because it exists.
@@biomutarist6832 That was meant to be a joke
@@biomutarist6832 he knows. its a joke ever heard of the concept.
@@philiphawron I knew, but was stating it for those who might miss it ;) couldn't help it.
@@biomutarist6832 sure
The glacier is called Thwaites, but that doesn't mean we should wait until it completely melts off.
Would like but it's at 69 likes
@SunOnShine ıts going to mix with salty water and will be ruined
Time to build vault shelter. For real.
269 likes lol
“rising sea levels means losing land”
UK: *Cries*
At least the Native Americans will get their revenge and finally be able to rest in peace.
Bruh I cry I'm from the netherlands
@Ahsan H china doesnt care cause they can create their own artificial islands
@@machielluchtmeijer7796 Europe will go back to the ice age. it will be soo cold no humans can live there.
Canada will probably lose the equivalent of multiple UKs worth of territory.
Meh. We got plenty.
I live in Miami and for my entire life we've been drilled on climate change and how it would effect the world and us, I'd lose my home and everything I've ever loved about my city, along with millions of other people who would also lose their homes from the same problem, I'm just becoming an adult and honestly have no idea how to really make a difference beyond reducing my own emissions, feels so helpless..
Well lucky you I live in the Bahamas on a island I’m F U C K E D can’t go to another city cause im on a island
We will send a boat for you ! Your welcome .
@@dgsrks102030 I’ll be dead ash
We will send a very fast boat !
I’m so sorry you have to feel so helpless. It’s a terrible way to feel. But take heart-we (the scientists) still know so little about these things, they get it wrong all the time. Remember that Nobel Prize winner, Al Gore, his predictions have proven to be COMPLETELY WRONG. His mistake was making predictions that weren’t centuries away, so he was proven wrong before his Nobel prize even needed dusting.
Could make it some kind of global PSA: “We can no longer Thwaite.”
Amazing 😂
good one really lol
get this man a nobel prize
Matthew Leos sadly I don't get it
Remember when everyone was inside for like 2 weeks and how much air pollution went down? Remember the people of India could see Himalayan mountains for the first time in like 25 years? What happened to that?
I would like a habitable world for my grand children and yours.
well were going to mars (probably) so your grandchildren will get to see that
himalayas r located in India, what r u talking about
Ah yes quarantine forever great idea
There's no way I'm having kids with all things considered. Having kids actually feels kind of selfish to me.
Cameron's Videos
Oh, hilariously dimwitted people thinking humans will live Mars in a couple of generations.
People will not live in Mars in centuries if lucky. Probably never.
Focus in surving in this planet for the next ten generations.
The harsh reality is that for any significant change to occur, it depends on the combined efforts of the developed countries and major companies which is much easier said than done.
So like does the climate not change on it's own also?
citizen engagement and responsible consumption
na. f*** it. too hard
Humans are known for procrastinating. If they aren’t effected in particular they don’t care. That’s just how it is.
@Anonymous who started the problem?
One country is leading in pollution by a lot. Maybe we should talk to them....
And most of humanity responded "Yeah, whatever."
And so did all the animals, plants, fungi and other biological kingdoms.
I just saw my Agriculture University becoming a Oceanology University.
We have to prevent this from happening .
good luck
I watched as farmland in Iowa became lakes last year. There’s no stopping what’s coming.
@@Wodjfjr both are synonyms 😊..
@@arnvpanda8042 oceanology is rarely ever used (and I just say rarely to give space for doubt), and scientists in that field of study are typically referred to as oceanographers, not oceanologists.
Everybody gangsta until their city is under water.
200IQ take water freeze it but it back in Antarctica and stop polluting
half of the netherlands is already under sea level, we gottw throw the whole country away if it rises
3 meters? Centuries?
Australia: Imma pretend I didn't see that
Tbf Australia is tryna do it's bit with renewable energy
@@rafirahman3856 you mean renewal coal???
@@limbu13 I mean there's the problems with the Adani coal mine that the government needs to solve quickly yeah, but not enough people know that basically there are quite a few renewable energy projects happening or have already started in the country. The state I live in, NSW, already had a zero emissions target for 2050, so it's not like Australia is not doing anything, we just need to do more and quickly
@@rafirahman3856Australians have the largest carbon footprint on average
@@rafirahman3856 yes that may be true but major strides are being taken to change that check out the clean energy counsel Australia it tells you the good and the bad
Most of Spain's echonomy (As well as many other countries') depends mostly on tourism. A 3m sea reservado would mean many economies would be bust
Especialy to Portugal
Or that property 2 miles inland becomes the new beachfront prime.
According to 'scientists' in the 1960s major cities should have sunk by 2000.
The past 2 years should have everyone asking 'What else have they lied about? How else do politicians change my behaviour without me knowing?'
@@Noallegiance ?
@@Noallegiance right, because all scientists are a hivemind and agree on everything, and must all be liars because some of them are wrong sometimes. also they're the same thing as politicians for some reason. I think you're confused man
Watch the beginning of the video. It shows basically "half" of Antartica and says it contains enough ice to raise the ocean 3 meters. Then it says the glacier (which is just a very small part of that half) is in trouble. Oceans aren't going to rise 3 meters. They want to scare you. You want to be scared. Stop being so dramatic.
People: Save the earth!
Earth: Nah I'm good. Imma survive but you guys are going to drown.
If humans extinct earth will survive
Pretty sure evidence has overwealmingly shown the sea isn’t rising at all, and I’m pretty sure there’s more glacier now than there was 5-10-20 years ago according to nasa. Also that ozone hole got smaller..... that’s why we stopped hearing about it. Global warming turned out to be a mad overreaction hence why Greta thunberg became a full blown anarchist the moment Antifa started throwing bricks at black businesses.
@@dylanzrim1011 I'm sure you don't have average IQ to understand this video.
Dylan Zrim people like you are the reason why the graduation rate isn’t 100%
@@dylanzrim1011 bRuH
And still, we debate whether climate change is a reality or not!🤦♂️
I think most people agree it has always changed. :)
Bryan Hann while yes Earth has always warmed and cooled. Never this fast.
First off Earth is warming due to human activity. The debate is over. Now the debate is trying to fix it.
Also let me ask you these questions. Yes Earth climate has changed in the past but tell me this:
1. What caused those changes?
2. How fast were they?
3. What were the impacts of that change?
Just because Earths climate has always changed doesn’t mean the current warming is a threat to worry about.
During the last interglacial period in the Emian 125,000 years ago. Earths temperature was 1-2°C warmer than today (today=1950 levels in PaloClimatology Earth was warmed 1°C so far since 1950 due human activity) and sea levels were 6m (18ft) higher than today. Now this didn’t immediately happen took thousands of years. But that’s one example on why past climate changes mean bad news for the current rapid global warming.
@@HerewardWake No one asked for your opinion either
@@zapazap Not if you live in the U.S.
1:06 very valuable diagram. We hear "ice sheet" and "ice shelf" quite frequently and I don't think it's common knowledge what the distinction is.
You wouldn't believe some of the terminology used by glaciologists. But I'm glad that this video was valuable to you.
@@tguy0720 I'm not the least bit glad how pretentious you are
@@mushmush4980 I'm sorry, I was only trying to espouse the richness of glaciology as a science. I'll try to be better.
@@tguy0720 No I'm sorry, I was having a rough day. Knowing things doesn't automatically make you pretentious
A masterpiece to tell something about an unkown factor.
On one hand I feel lucky to live in this age as i can see humans landing on mars but on the other hand humans digging there own grave
Well, they said that to become a Type 1 civilization, we must be able to see all of our planet's energy. That's what humans are doing without thinking about the consequences.
Mars isn't realy feasible in the long run.
We might be able to send humans to Mars but at the expense of those people getting cancer. The atmosphere of Mars isn't the same as Earth so all of the solar radiation will hit humans way quicker than they would on earth.
This *can* be mediaited by using lead but that becomes highly unfeasible knowing how thick the walls, roof, etc would have to be.
C02 is 0.04 % of the atmosphere and one of the least volatile greenhouse gases, accounting for an estimated 0.001% of warming. The mediaeval warm period was hotter than today. The rate at which it is getting warmer is also not unprecedented. The phenomenon we are seeing is typical and predictable by understanding solar cycles in particular. Air pollution is a major problem such as when we were dumping cfcs in the ozone layer. According to NASA, the greatest side effect of dumping mass amounts of c02 in the air has been a greening of our planet through photosynthesis. Humans have a lot to be blamed for, global warming is not one of them.
@randomguy8196 its not about living on mars. Its just that when we will see few humans traveling at a speed of thousands of miles per second for 6 months covering 100+ million km , landing on it for the first time and seeing two moons and blue sunset. These are the things that gives me goosebumps
3:25 Ah yes, Manhattan. The global unit of measurement. Ty vox
It's all about giving a sense of scale people can instantly relate to.
well yeah, but I would like a measurement as well, as a brit I have zero idea how big Manhattan is.
@@mcgarnacle21 What about people who haven't gone there irl and haven't seen it
@@mcgarnacle21 implying people know more about a single building dimensions than the metric system.
The music at the end was way to optimistic and happy for such a very important problem.
"Sunshine, lollipops and -- rainbows everywhere" 😊
I think they left with that optimistic music as a hope. I mean you can't just keep giving bad news one after the other. We need music to heal too! Btw What is the name of outro music?
Akshul Goyal I agree.
Akshul Goyal anyone know the name of this track or the other music used in the video?
The biggest problem about sea level rise is nobody knows when it’s actually going to happen as “scientists” have been claiming it’s gonna happen for decades but all the same beaches and coastlines are still here and unchanged.
Same can be said about the Amazon Rainforest. Claudio Villas Boas quoted a study claiming that the Amazon Rainforest would be decimated by the year 2000. Fortunately, he was wrong.
See levels have already shown slight rises it’s not massive yet because the ice hasn’t melted yet
I imagine history books in a couple hundred years being like, “humans took way too long to recognize, admit, and fix climate change, and now because of it, this city that used to be called Miami no longer exists.”
when you say humans you realy meant trump, right???
😔🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭Definitely gonna miss
You make it sound like losing parts of Florida would be a problem 😂 that would probably be the only positive outcome of this global disaster...
If we make it that long
@@chris_b44 Florida has become the epicenter of the coronavirus, and Disney world just recently reopened
Oil companies be like: “Don’t look at me it’s their fault”
imo it’s not oil companies fault. It depends on the buyer to stop global warming, not the seller. Oil companies can’t do anything about it.
@@potatobutroasted4308 they could *stop producing oil*......
Chase Hawkes so voluntarily go bankrupt? ok...
I think it's really time we should look for a better alternative for oil, which is too overused anyway
@@potatobutroasted4308 To save the rest of the world? Yes?
well, i guess 2020 is going to have some competition somewhere in the future
Mansi Chandra why would we have more pandemics like this? Black Death was in the 1300s
we are progressing erosion & evolution faster then nature does in a span of thousands of year instead all that could be consequential in just a hundred years or less. Point is we are changing mother earths landscape at a rapid pace with this burning gases into our atmosphere
TheMolonana nothing to do with pandemics
@@cookiecakeeater6340 shhh dont jinx it
Farming animal at industry level always run the risk of creating a breeding ground for virus to to mutate if it is not sanitary.
It makes me sad that this realization has been around since the middle of the 20th century. There is a critical mass of people on the planet that are either incapable of understanding, unwilling to understand, or understand but don't care. I am afraid the solution to climate change is humanity's extinction. Was nice knowing everyone.
*Let's be real.* There's more than enough landmass left for people even if all of Antarctica melts; climate change ain't gonna be extincting anything that has to do with people.
@Toughen Up, Fluffy Biodiversity is the biological variety and variability of life on Earth. Biodiversity is a measure of variation at the genetic, species, and ecosystem level. Terrestrial biodiversity is usually greater near the equator, which is the result of the warm climate and high primary productivity. Biodiversity is not distributed evenly on Earth, and is richer in the tropics. These tropical forest ecosystems cover less than ten percent of earth's surface, and contain about ninety percent of the world's species. Marine biodiversity is usually higher along coasts in the Western Pacific, where sea surface temperature is highest, and in the mid-latitudinal band in all oceans. There are latitudinal gradients in species diversity. Biodiversity generally tends to cluster in hotspots, and has been increasing through time, but will be likely to slow in the future as a primary result of deforestation. It encompasses the evolutionary, ecological, and cultural processes that sustain life.Wikipedia
Climate change is a myth
Evolution is a myth. Humans need to turn back to God our creator.
So is false covid 19 omicron alpha omega, million are dying etc etc. bahhhhhhhhh
I can’t believe I’ll be able to witness the eventual downfall of the human species in my lifetime simply because of our hubris.
"Our"? Don't presume to speak for me bucko. :)
aaronison while that is true do note during the ice age there wasn’t many humans and they did have major cities everywhere. We are warming Earth so fast we may not be able to adapt to it. But that’s centuries away. Until the meantime we’ll just see more extreme weather
Yeah!!!!! BOYYYY!!!!!!!
Eh, most likely not. But people seem to get some weird kind of solace from thinking humans are evil and doomed. If you want to become an adult, read books like Apocalypse Never.
aaronison YES Earth has been warmer in the past. But that doesn’t mean the current global warming isn’t something to worry about. IT IS! Global Temperatures and CO2 levels are the highest in the at least the last million years.
Also what caused Earth to be warmer in the past? The answer isn’t hard
Even with all our technology and the inventions that make modern life so much easier than it once was, it takes just one big natural disaster to wipe all that away and remind us that, here on Earth, we're still at the mercy of nature.
This is not a natural disaster. This is a disaster we are making, in full awareness of the torture we're inflicting on ourselves (well, mostly on poor people who did the least to create the crisis) and our descendants.
@@michaelccozens it’s a natural disaster because it’s Mother Earth trying to bring itself into a natural estate by getting rid of us
It's not a natural disaster, it's caused by humans, global warming, eco-collapse and glacier retreats, if we had regulated our output, non of this would have gone this bad, we had done half way to the tipping point but we had slowed a bit down recently, but not fast enough, coal plants is being built and fossil fuel is still getting burnt
@@michaelccozens hnam
But you can still control the mother nature tho. Bend over and use pro jelly lubricants
I guess you could say the Thwaites Glacier isn’t going to “Thwait”. Ok I’ll let myself out.
Once you think about it tropical paradise can wait, what about northern snowy spots they won’t be here all the time and are more rare which is sad
OMG I love u 😂
Mike Tyson approves this joke
Haha nice, I'll drink a liter of chlorophyll now if you don't mind.
If you fill a glass with ice and water and the ice melts, does it overflow? If the ice is floating on the water, is it not displacing the same amount of water?
My exact thoughts
You would be right if the thing being talked about in the video was an iceberg, but it's not it's a glacier. Know the difference
If glaciers were already *in* the ocean, that ignorant denialist lie would work. But glaciers are on land, melting and sliding towards the coast. Get it?
Try this accurate analogy: if you fill a glass with water and then drop an ice cube into it, it displaces water and its level goes up.
The ice protruding above the water ...once it melts...will increase the water level.
Best part is that we’ve known about this and have been able to stop this for decades now...
Worst part...
So how do you stop, 'it'?
I'm not sure we can stop it. Most scientists believe we are past the point of no return. Even if all humans get exterminated the globe will continue to get hotter. Which means Antarctica will still melt and the oceans will still rise. Best we can do is slow it down and hope our future generations can cool the weather.
Why should we? Antarctica was a jungle long after dinosaurs went extinct and BEFORE humans. Cores drilled through Antarctic ice have proven this with NO doubt.
@@absurdandy4122 of course we can't stop it, it's happening naturally, as it has been for centuries, without any input from human activity. Man made global warming is a scam and a lie. It's been pushed by the same lunatics that 30 years ago they were pushing global cooling.
Man made global warming is based on junk science. Period.
And now Iceberge just split off brunt ice shelf...
Like the first scene in the day after tomorrow
@@Ravishrex1 exactly! :-(
The ice-burg split due to seismic activity, not the cause of climate change, the Ice-burg cracked cause Antartica has a lot of seismic activity and In the passed weeks the whole world has been shaking deep below, have a plan in case of an earthquake we are overdue for an earthquake. The glacier is a sign of a possible earthquake don’t quote me on that
@@user.256z I'm from India and the seismic activities here has been phenomenal....something big is waiting to happen..!
@@arijeet6357 which part? I am at Bangalore and no seismic activity is seen in years
Watching this while living in southern Bangladesh terrifies me....
Make an effort to move.
😥 Developed counties never listened much about our crying
Watching this while living in Brooklyn, New York City terrifies me.
Watching this while living in The Netherlands.. Also terrified.
Watching this in California, very scary
Majority of people are worried about Antartica, but as someone who studied glaciers, Greenland actually contributes more to sea level rise than the entire Antartica. If Greenland completely melts, which won't take much time, the Maldives will be completely underwater.
When Altanta becomes Atlantis
Saw that on Futurama 😂
We can only wish....
*Ah, another existential crisis reminder.*
_thanks for reminding me again_
UA-cam: iT's ReWiNd TiMe
I love vox because of their mini documentaries but they also caused me anxiety.
Earth: is dying
Schools: mitochondria is the power house of the cell
Earth isn't dying, it's just that the glaciers are melting. It means higher sea level.
Evan not HD hence, the earth is dying as we don’t do anything about it
@@Dubdsy That is a problem, some islands and areas near water, for example florida, would lose billions of homes and buildings, and the reason for this is because the climate is warming up, which eventually will get to the point where earth is unlivable in certain areas.
Boyinaband reference? yesir
sccfornow [CLOSED] yesssiiiiirrr
Okay the music for this video is amazing on its own, but also perfect for this video
Meanwhile in South China Sea....
Thats lump of sand is mine, nope its mine.....
Leeber Gruber ley them have it, it is what they get for inventing viruses
@@Dantick09 My god the ignorance
How is this rasict? No one implied your less deserving of human rights because yjur chinese, only YOUR government does this.
@@0w3nn The thing about manufacturing capacity is it will be built. If you think the only reason anyone will miss you is some material capacity you have a problem, be that as a person or as a country. I'd miss China for a lot of reasons except cheap electronics though x) not the CCP though... I wouldn't mind the CCP being gone one bit (unless of course it was replaced by something worse).
@Leeber Gruber
Yr vier kinda 1 sided, electric vehicle is big n normal in china. They are the biggest user of green technology, n their progress research is at par with western. Hech, biggest manufacturer of EV batteries is frm china.
Cant wait when the sea which is 20 miles away becomes next to my house! It'll really bump up the real estate value
assuming it would somehow stop exactly there.
@@Vinkie it would stop there for like 20 years
The sea is across the street from me.. I wonder if its going to go right up to my house and make my real estate go up!
what about , we can swim inside most of the 🏠 !!
not only scientists, everyone should be worried.
why? we probably wont be alive to see it and i dont want to have kids so i dont care.
@@user-xe3qh3zj5y You night not care, but lots of peoples are.
@Smaran Narayan who cares we're not going to be around to see it. thats their problem
Onky weak people should worried about mon non existant threata
Jowey De La Nota And you should be worried about your intelligence.
It's sad how saltwater is rising but freshwater is becoming scarce. People should invest heavily in saltwater filters.
Melting ice! The only time Bangladesh, Netherlands and New York are mentioned together!
LOL😂🤣. But seriously this is very concerning.
Don't forget The Maldives and many more tiny island nations
GG neither will you
Yeah like those, but more cites will be submerged like Seattle, SF, L.A., San Diego, Houston, Rest of Florida, New York, Washington D.C, Philadelphia, and Boston *all gone.*
@GG No Bangladesh, no garments for west bud.
the amount of times i've heard "the way to slow/stop *insert catastrophic disaster* is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions" is absurd for literally no serious action to be taken
I havent done that in weeks and I just keep not doing it!
The richest, oil owners and the big landowners and mining companies that destroy carbon stocks, they're in the politicians. That's because we vote for the wrong politicians
@@theoguimaraes3148 yep and also biodiesel doesnt exist yet, nor is cheap yet, and its again just cheaper to use oil or coal instead of funding money into solar, current or nuclear power. It´s a world run on money and no country would voluntarily sacrifice their wealth for benefits theyd only see in 30 years, ridiculous but the way the world works
You know what I say?? Are you willing to sell your car amd start walking or running to work or biking to work? Are you willing to stop burning oil or coal to warm your home? Are you willing to take your home off the power grid? If you answer no to any or all these questions you're part of the problem like me. Thanks enjoy life
Kids: “Why are we not doing anything?”
Boomers: “Not enough damage yet.”
They've stocked up on flex tape
Cant like its at 69
Cause the people who pollute the environment with those big factories and oil fields they are blinded with money and self concerned. They just wanna live their life better even if it damages the environment.
They don't care about the future generations.
Millennials: Write edgy comments on youtube but do not much else.
@@seyyedhafiz so I take it you never use any fossil fuels?
I love learning about this so much I wish I could do this in geography
Bro i live on a freaking island, scared with be an understatement
Broooo, take care, keep a close eye on the news
Take care buddy, ik it's tough in such difficult times, but you've to stay strong! Don't give up that easily!
move to Nepal
dominique george F
Where tho
East Antarctica: “I have the high ground”
Underrated comment
You underrestimate my Power!
_Don't do it!_
You underestimate my POWER
This is scary.
They have been talking about this in Dutch schools, the possibilities of Zeeland going underwater.
@justdutch nl From Netherlands to the Wetterlands
The sea rise in Wellington, NZ, is +2.72mm/year and there is no speed increase. The trend is the same since maregraphes have been introduced in New Zeland in 1940
JeanJean We were talking about "Old Zealand" lol
@@ddoumeche nobody cares about new zealand
So is a Maunder Minimum repeated. 6-7 billion people will starve.
While we are drinking our precious coffee this glaciers are slowly killing us
It is amazing to think that such a small area (relatively speaking on a global scale) could raise the entirety of earths oceans so much.
It’s not what we see, it’s what we do not see underneath the water surface that devastates.
@@tylerng2004 Ice, melting in water, won't rise the water level. That is known for more than 2300 years
@@tylerng2004 True. Im just impressed so much can pile up in such a relatively small space.
@@slavamurygin4849 it’s not the ice melting beneath water that is the problem. It’s the cavity that it leaves behind for larger chunk further in land to melt that is the issue. This is also the point the video tried to make
@@tylerng2004 is it supposed to uncover the ground? After global warming happens, can we plant apple trees there?
considering the sheer size of the oceans, it's mind boggling just how much water is currently stored on top of Antarctica, that a glacier like this can raise the water levels that much.
I don't know if I consider it mind blowing that the water raises up a few meters. I'm not even worried if it goes up hundreds of feet
@@donaldjunior2901 dude imagine coastal cities
You only know what the powers to be let you know,,,,,,,evil ones are lying to us
@W S Florida and Texas
The last sentence, "once it collapse it won't stop" . I felt that.
I just wanna know the music name at the end though
What did it feel like?
@@larvieraindough2395 sorry bro can't re-watch the video
@@gim6976 Why not?
I still can’t help but think about the selfish people in this world who litter and don’t even take the advice to help stop climate change. If ur one of them, plz start making a change because the more energy efficient we are, the longer our civilization is going to live. ***I didn’t mean to sound rude sorry lol***
But you also do that on your day to day life
I'm from Bangladesh & it seems we're in big trouble if this melting continues. 😟
I'm from the Netherlands, so yeah i can share your concerns. More than half of our country including the 3 biggest cities including our capital would disappear..
Its not like i want to terrify u guys but lets just clarify that it is going to happen. See what u can do about it
Let us talk about the warming of the Earth after that... Extinction... Penguins!
@@ytancorbel1898 well to be fair the netherlands has planned for a sea level rise of a meter in 2040-2050
Even a 5m sea level rise would be doable, tho its cheaper to start cutting on emmisions ;)
It’s only problem if you build your house on the beach or next to volcano
Every time an American says “an-ar-tica” the glaciers melt faster
Any human not just american
I agree, it was pretty irritating
'Murica showing up in Antarctica like "Ya'll Penguins got any oil?"
xD good one 👍
That’s funny because it’s estimated that there’s a large supply of natural resources underneath Antarctica because it used to be connected to Africa and a few other continents
Nope, we are asking the Polar
Bears in the Arctic.
I've been to New York. Truth be told, it's the first time I've ever heard someone tell someone else in a public train to: "f-off and mind your own f-in' business"--outloud, in public, for everyone else in the train to hear. Extreme rudeness and lack of human compassion is a just reward for being covered by water. I'm sure New Yorkers will be okay, they're used to being tough; I wouldn't worry about them...or people in Miami.
But we should definitely help those less fortunate people in Bangladesh and The Netherlands. ✓
What kind of comment is this…your basically disregarding everyone’s life in these cities and saying you wouldn’t mind seeing them suffer. That makes you equally as bad as that guy in the train
Earth: *losing its most of its glaciers*
Oil company: haha earth goes *drowning noises*
Kyle Remember that your next fill up
@@ronnieboucherthecrystalcraftsm really?
@@ronnieboucherthecrystalcraftsm i say we cause nuclear winter after 1000 years or so earth would heal itself and new life will rise
While it is a great idea to keep earth as clean as possible and take care of it, the reason for doing that is not climate change. Until we advance to a type 1 civilisation we will have no control over this. Please stop blindly believing the media.
Remember few years ago we were just reading the speculations and here facing the real consequences in 2020!
We reap what we sow!
Man, these old geezers really threw all of their problems on to us and said, "Tough luck, not our problem anymore."
Isn’t that kinda of what we are doing
Very much so. It's sad and worrying that the generations before us have exploited earth so ruthlessly, and we are the ones that need to work so very much to heal the effects of it all. But i think there is hope as long as everyone thinks so and does their part in all this. There is hope!
@@Jokke13th Things always change. Get the chips off your shoulders, grow up, cheer up and do what's needed.
@Drew Harris Sicko.
@Drew Harris Ha ha, true. - I might delete my comment, I was just playing devil's advocate.
It isn't a matter of if it breaks free it's a matter of when. It will break free. The oceans are warmer and they are still rising.
Sadly, I just can’t see any government around the world or the UN doing anything about global warming ;(
The UN itself can't force countries to do anything, it can write an angry letter but it doesn't have jurisdiction to force governments to do anything about climate change.
Imran Khan
Bhutan is Carbon negative
Because you can't. The Earth goes through cycles of heating and cooling
Do more research and you will find the truth!
Thank you for automatically renewing my subscription to anxiety.
You have anxiety for dangerous things right?
why is your pfp having puberty 😮😮😮😮😮😮 mine is done
Just you wait
Last time I was this early, we were still in 2019
So before the world collapsed?
Pole shifts happen much more frequently than previously thought. The north pole is moving faster and faster off its axis every year
"Oceans rise, Empires fall" - King George III; HAMILTON
Sir saw it coming 😔😔
We have seen each other through it all
"Once it start to collapse it won't stop"
It is really sad when you know that the future of earth and us will be catastrophe
but can not do anything
It's as if humans haven't had to adapt to extreme conditions before.
@@jackarnold6755 yeah ay the cost of millions of lives
in a few billion years, our Sun will collapse in on itself, likely destroying all life in our galaxy
@@looksnormal the sun is 4.6 billion years old
I doubt humans will survive another Thousand years
@@looksnormal 7 billion *
When I think about how close we are to the point of no return, I poop myself a little. Not even exaggerating that much. If things don't change quickly, the future will be terrifying.
I would like if we would delay that extinction as much as possible
TrashKing yes but it would be terrible for the future
That very thing has been said for many decades. Something as minor as COVID is the least of our worries in the upcoming few years
if the world gets warmer, doesnt that mean places like northern canada would be habitable. and if ppl really wanted it to get colder, cant u just send off a bunch of nukes to make it colder
@acs197 got some poop inducing news for you. We passed the point of no return years ago
It's clear we're impacting the climate, and may tip systems into cycles of change we can't predict, but the volume of ice and the suggested sea level rise in this video seem disproportionate.
I commend your skepticism
Well, then, there are some scientific papers about that. Go read them, and all the maths behind. Or just watch the video from the people that actually read those.
@@mismis3153 chill
It's because of the controversial nature of the subject, people in the know are realizing they can't tell the masses about what they find.
If they sound the alarm and a politician disagrees with them it would destroy their careers, so you have to do research on a large scale in order to find the truth in this world today.
The numbers don't add up because the Earth is doing all the heavy lifting right now and when it stops meaning when the ice breaks or melts off of the land it will increase the ocean mass .
That's what is causing the calculations to be erroneous, it's going to be like throwing a softball in a five gallon bucket.
@@mismis3153I've read a lot. Which is why I think the math is off. We need to take climate change seriously, whatever its cause, but immutable facts are what's needed not vagueries.
Vox at the start: *sea level rises from the bottom up*
me: that's how gravity works hmmmmmmm
And shows Africa going underwater
Who cares about the laws of thermodynamics, or physics in general, when there's a good scare to monger?
@@iwillsalt2020 it's to illustrate a point 🤷
In 30 years there will be a museum for the *_"last Tree on Earth."_*
Nah there are still a lot of trees, maybe the tropical forest will disappear but Siberia still exists
Like that movie lol
@kyle Reinhold no, 20% of the oxygen in the world does not come from the Amazon. The Amazon is actually pretty balanced, it consumes more or less the same amount of oxygen that it produces, what it does do is regulate the climate. Also I never said it was useless, just that it's not the only place in the world with trees. I actually come from Brazil and clearly know more about it than you
How can you say that when just 30 years ago they said “in 30 years there will be no more snow” but yet snow records around the world have been broken for the last few years???
Big Yellow Taxi by Joni Mitchell ~ 'they took all the trees and put 'em in a tree museum - and they charged the people a dollar an' a half just to see 'em'...
*Showing kids photos of my childhood*
"What's that thing dad?"
"That's a beach"😢
Oh...I get it :(
Well thats deep, i see how the world change
Beaches will still exist.
@@humpbacksquarepants5580 the ones that currently do, won't. And the co2 dissolving in the water would make it too acidic to swim in 50 years down the line (at the current rate of co2 emissions)
Victor Ā just purify water and then make artificial beaches like pools, and some pools have sand
Where can i find the music you use for your videos? I really like the music on this one!
Anyways thanks VOX for keep us up to date with the important news!
"Learn to swim, learn to swim, learn to swim"
Mom, please flush it all away
@@phonyjamarto8765 Tool baby
@Artour Babiev I'll see you all down in Arizona Bay
I'm not an engineer or a scientist is any shape or form, but a question - in addition to slowing and stopping its collapse through addressing climate change, are there other man made interventions that we could do to extremely slow the collapse?
Kids no longer care about investing in future generations, only consuming during their lifetime. If curiosity gets spread on platforms like Tik Tok there could be a movement but nature does not wait we have made grave mistakes and now we must take the consequences. Let's keep love high
Become extinct. That's a good start😂, but really I was just thinking about how so so many places on Earth have no water. How the people there desperately need water. On different levels of urgency of course. Is there a way we could take the increasing amount of water and bring it to the places that need it? Because in many places the lack of water means no food, which then in turn means starvation and death. Someone in a high place must've thought of this! The reason why none of it has happened is because all the governments are cheap and don't want to lose money. They'd rather their grandchildren and great grandchildren suffer!
@@lastcaress1314 youre basically asking for desalination tech, its getting developed but who knows how long till the people who need it can get it
Yes there are
Scientists made a machine that they will place in antartica and it will freze the water idk if it will work tho
If my understanding is correct, There’s more to worry about than just sea level rise, but also the salinity of the oceans will be affected as well as the oceans currents which will affect sea life and earths climate...
I'm 15 and have only been aware of climate change for a few years and am trying to do everything I can to help stop it. By then I see adults who have known about it for decades but still don't seem to care about it. I just don't see how an entire planet covered by water in a century or so isn't scary
Because its happened before hundreds of times throughout the entirety life has been on earth for billions of years. This is just another climate change, stop trying to fight it.
@@jackguppy253 what do you mean?
@@jackguppy253 Stop spreading misinformation.
We are already seeing the effects of our CO2 emissions.
Stronger hurricanes and melting ice sheets are just the start of it.
You know it's weird when a house next to the sea is more expensive?
For now. Once it is accurately known when various properties will be going underwater then those properties will lose their value real fast.
Yah why would banks approve 30 year loans for oceanfront properties?
@@ninjafruitchilled odd how all those properties that have supposed to have been underwater already are instead having construction booms instead. 🤔🤣
@@M0rmagil They aren't supposed to have been underwater already. No scientists ever claimed that. You need to stop getting your climate science from Fox News.
These questions are what really needs answers
Sea level rise, just another thing that makes being alive right now just simply marvellous
Remember: it would take decades even centuries for extreme sea level rise. Doesn’t mean would shouldn’t stop Global Warming, but it’s not just something to stress about, my we still need to act, or future generations will risk extinction.
Being underwater will be preferable to frying. THAT is what's coming!
@@superstormthunder3 Extintion is an exaggeration, but it's way smarter (and cheaper) to prevent this problems or to solve them as soon as possible
18,000 years of sea level rise and counting.
APC 219 yea true, but we’re expecting a warming of 4°C by 2100 and possibly 10°C by 2200 which has not been seen on earth for millions of years. So life would definitely get harder
iF 2020 CoUlD'nT bE aNy WoRsE
*When this has been a problem YEARS AGO*
This has been a problem since humans started making large amounts of Co2
we started making cow farms
@@Milk-ew4pf think big! The sun! Underground volcanoes... Lava spills! Blaming people is absurd!!!! Wormwood! Cosmic billiards!!!! Earth's magnetic field waxes and wanes!!!! Allowing gamma rays in!!!! Trump build a wall????? To do what???? Honduras is a land bridge! It will be under water!!!!
So why did banks loan Obama money to buy a mansion ON THE COAST if the sea is gonna rise?
Nah. It's not a problem. It's all a lie
Try this at home, in a glass cup put water halfway then add a few cubes of ice, mark the level of the water now, then wait till ice melts and see if the level went up or stayed the same. My hypothesis is that it will stay the same unless we mark the water level before the ice was added. Similar example to that being shown here but at small scale.
A glass is too small of a sample size because only so much can float above the surface
How much of your ice is above the water at start. Imagine filling glass 1/4 with water then top off with ice. Pretty sure the water level is going to rise.😉
Forget politicians. Stop supporting the meat industry, it's the single biggest thing you can do to prevent deforestation and farming. Your demand matters, think about how much meat one person eats in a year. You control demand with what you put on your plates. Then go about reducing flights where possible, reducing waste etc.
Its getting worse with the fast increase of the population. It amazes me to see families bringing up 4+ children. Selfish if you ask me
People shoud take composting seriously. Like every household and condominiums should have composting system in their areas. So landfills would not fill up too fast. Thus gas emissions would decrease dramatically. Imagine if all of us are doing it.
For all of humanity we have been eating me I agree cleaning up the industry would help but we can’t just stop eating meat where omnivores not herbivores
@@senna503 Yeah but being omnivores means we can be completely healthy just eating plants. Do you have netflix? Check out the Game Changers. It's about athletes and regular people going plant based because it's providing them with faster muscle recovery and endurance. Secondly, you don't have to cut meat out entirely if you want to transition. If you are 95% plat based, that already makes a huuuuge impact. Happy to chat more if you like
@@jessw391 you have to understand not everyone has the luxury to be educated on these topics. Poor families tend to have the biggest families due to a number of socioenviromental reasons that we must address. We need to change the way we produce our products, telling people to change their way of life isn't going to work, its just not practical.
Thwaites Glacier started to melt
2020: There is another....
I mean it’s not like this problem just started last night lol, Global Warming or Climate Change has been going on for as long as I can remember!!
2030: it's my time to shine
I'm just hyped to see a documentary on abandoned underwater cities.
bruh same HAHAHAHA
This was short and simple. That means it’s much more a threat than they could reveal at the end of the presentation.
It's a video like these that make me pause my anxiety over Covid and remember that this is coming for us in the long run
The biggest worry I have about covid is that its making people forget about climate change. Felt like we were starting to gain momentum then bam, virus and BLM protests. Don't get me wrong, two extremely important issues but also climate change means death and displacement for WAAY more
@@wipmegrandma8780 You can still keep advocating for action on climate change, also even though a lot of the world really didn't respond effectively to the virus if we put as much action into stopping the effects of climate change we wouldn't be in this situation which gets me even angrier.
Don't forget: they were scaring you with a new global ice age just 30 years ago. All you have to do is live your life responsibly, today. Who knows what's going to come in another 30 years
@@MrJohannson It is true that things get exaggerated but I feel like there's a lot to do with environmentalism that is just too irrefutable to deny like the decline in forest coverage. Either way, encouraging others to look after the planet can't ever be a bad thing
Covid isnt a real problem honestly, I mean it obviusly is and you should protect yourself and others but humans will survive whit a *relatively* small price to pay and it can also be recovered.
Climate change on the other hand...
I live in Connecticut on the Long Island Sound. My neighbor from Taiwan, just the other day, had a friend who lives by a river in China, that is normally of a yellow color this means it's full of nutrients causing the crops to grow bountiful. Of late the River's water has become clear and the crops are not growing so well. I told her maybe the river is now getting enormous melt off from a glacier upstream. She also mentioned the sea water was not as salty.
Or maybe the horrible pollution in China is making the river toxic?
@@e-curb Or maybe that river has been naturally yellow?
That might be why the river is called the *Yellow* River
*sea level might increase 3 meters*
landlocked countries: I see this as an absolute win!
*Laughs is Uzbek* (and Liechtenstein)
Oh ya. The global refugee crisis will be so fun for those landlocked countries.
Saharan Desert: where the heck did these people come from?
Maybe they will not be landlocked anymore after the 3 meters rise in sea level.
By only imagining this situation, it gives me chills😭
There is bacteria in that ice that has been dormant for billions of years.. "hello man kind, you are dead."
No wonder it's also known as the "Doomsday Glacier" in the Wikipedia... We're really doomed..
In 300 years we will be worried about a rogue AI declaring independence or a Martian dictator, not about 3-meter sea level rise.
Mic_Glow Bold of you to assume that life will still be present in 300 years
well for all we know (not in our life time) but they could of started life on another earth like planet
"once it starts to collapse it wont stop" said my marriage
Born and raised in Miami in 1947. Fishing and boating are all I like to do, so I’m more than a little familiar with the coastline around Miami and the upper keys. I have seen ZERO signs of rising water. If you don’t want to believe me take a vacation to the keys and talk to the commercial fishermen. Then go home a start following the money.
World: Reducing carbon emissions?? Well, guess we'll have to do without Miami
It's very important to take care of Mother Nature.
Everyone: Antarctica
Voiceover guy : Anarctica
You're giving him credit for a C he isn't saying...
Whos here after the ice shelf as big as new york state broke off Antarctica???
Me hahaha