11:00 You mention that Christian’s (Germans and Americans) purchased land in order to build institutions and support the second coming of Jesus (the messiah). This is one of the primal issues of the conflict today. Christian Zionists in the United States are the biggest supporters of JS and are responsible all the death and destruction. 11:40 All the empires you mentioned fell because they opposed The Triple Entente during WW1. The British, French, and American (there were others too) empires were still in full gear. The reason there were national movements was because there were power vacuums and partitioning of land as these empires fell. Ever heard of the Sykes-Picot Agreement? The Palestinian National Movement was the national movement for Palestinians, “it is as simple as that.” 11:32 Yes, lots of people moved. You are forgetting to mention that millions of people moved because of people transfers for these newly created states. One example is the population exchange between Greece and Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman empire. You are also forgetting all the people who were displaced since there were refugees of WW1. The majority of these millions of people didn’t simply buy new summer homes and decided to stay there permanently. Their living arrangements were changed from events that they could not control. 11:57 You contradict yourself here. You claim that Jews never used violence to take land from 7th century to 1947, but that implies that after 1947 Jews are stealing land from Arabs with the use of violence. 12:40 13:55 Twain visited in 1867 which was nearing the fall of the Ottoman empire. The Ottoman state was in decline for quite some time and would declare bankruptcy in 1875. At the time of Twain’s visit, the land would have been controlled by the Ottomans. I’m not a historian, but I recall this time in Ottoman history being littered with invasions, changes in government, rebellions, and uprisings. It shouldn’t come to a surprise that Arabs would assist the British in overthrowing the Ottoman empire in exchange for their independence. After the war, the British didn’t quite follow through, split up the land, but Palestinians never got their own state even though their neighbors did. I suppose that would be a perfect time to form a Palestinian National Movement. Once again, “it is as simple as that.” 16:08 I suppose it is because we are mixing actions, perspective, and timeframes. The Egyptians who moved and settled into Palestine assimilated into Arab-Palestinian culture, and are now, more than likely, suffering the same fate as Palestinians. The “white colonialists” (not my words) you’re referring to are probably viewed that way because they are currently bombing, breaking, destroying, and colonizing. Aren’t Israeli’s responsible for killing 50,000+ people in the last year in Gaza, The West Bank, and Lebanon? 18:22 One of the common issues I hear about from the current partition of land is that rain water that lands in Palestinian territories actually drains into Israeli territory. It sounds like those swamps are an advantage. 18:36 I think you are missing a fundamental issue by expanding the scope of land distribution to include Jordan which again just tells a wiser audience that the distribution was not evenly allocated between the Jews and the Palestinians. In reference to your original argument, Jordan is mostly desert and is one of the most resource poor countries with having nearly no oil or natural gas reserves and additionally suffers from water scarcity. In the context of your argument, it sounds like the wetlands are OP. I will also throw in that Jordan is nearly landlocked and has access to one seaway in Aqaba. 18:50 I suppose that would be the perfect place to have western goods delivered into Israel. You know, a city by the water? Also, can you name the invented fruits? 19:08 Which parts? The land that olive and date trees that have been growing for centuries? In the current year, 2024, all water is controlled by Israel. It is Illegal to catch rainwater. If the water is contaminated, then who would be at fault? 19:14 You say that Palestinians had years to form a Palestinian state while under Jordanian and Egyptian rule. Isn’t this a contradiction? Jordan brought military forces into the West Bank in order to annex it. Does that sound like self-determination? 19:20 A moment ago you were wondering why Palestinians weren’t ruling themselves, yet you are mad that they form a group to rule themselves. 19:32 You are now ignoring the Nakba. Palestinians were inhabiting the land, cities, villages, etc., that became under Israeli control. The occupation of the land already began. You specified at 4:20 when explaining the Palestinian narrative that Palestinians were kicked from their homes. Up to this point in the video, this part of the narrative is never refuted. You acknowledge, them immediately set it aside to assert the Israeli narrative as the “correct” one. 19:50 Israel wants a state that replaces Palestine, Jordan, Egyptian Sinai, and Lebanon. I started writing 10 minutes into the video. I stopped around the 20 minute mark. The only number I can find regarding aid to Palestinians is 16.5 billion between 1994 and 2017. Didn’t the 1st Trump administration approve that much over 10 years?
@St4rOfD4vid actually to the Victor go the spoils. For millenia the winning side has rewritten history. We Jews have our own history in which you can see no one idolized our heros
@St4rOfD4vid I'm totally agree with you, since I was a child, at the church, at the school they teach us Jesus history and is so clear, true and well known that Jewish always lived in Israel since thousands of years, when didn't even exist the idea of Muslims. Try to change the history is a crime, is ridiculous and very infamous. I know inside me that a fake religion, people that based thir entire life on lies and evilness can't go far, this will end one day and they, Muslims and those idiots of propalwill have to hide for the shame. What I can't understand is how so many people for so many years follow a cult and some bad values that ruins their and our lives... The only answer that comes to my mi d is that the evil can take infinite forms and I think it took a form of a religion and is trying to bring evil on this world. I pray that God will be always on the side of who act for the goodness, that Jewish will stand up always strong and will bring the peace in middle east, that the west get rid of evil people who wants it's death, and that one day Muslims will understand and get free of that mad religion of evil. 🙏❤️🇮🇱♥️🇮🇹
@@anusmile3747The truth is that the real population of America is not the current population, the American Indians who are the indigenous people whose lands were exterminated and appropriated. This is what makes us know that America does not have an actual history like Israel, which is trying to erase identity, plunder the land, and falsify history
As an Arab your point of view makes sense thank you for explaining the Israeli perspective, I wish one day we live all in peace and treat each other with respect.
@@JacobVindman I am to answer your question. Pay close attention. Gaza is a Hewbrew word meaning fortress. Palestine is from the Pelasgi of the Sea People who had come from the BaLKans, which, explained via s(C)LAvenoBuLGarian, means BRiGht. Israel is the homeland of the Jews and Jerusalem is their sacred city. The Arabs are invaders in Israel/ Palestine. The Arabs have invaded territories hundreds of times bigger than Israel. The Arabs have expelled the Jews from the territories they have invaded. The Great Powers, who partitioned the Osmanlee Empire, offered to divide the land in two for Jews and Arabs, which the Jews accepted but the Arabs (Arabianized) refused. This lack of understanding and generocity of the Arabs (Arabianized) and fighting against the Jews led to the future and current disasters.......
"If your car runs out of gas, go get into a car that still has gas in it"? "If Earth is heading towards catastrophic biosphere collapse, move to Mars"? Yeesh. What's wrong with these people? If something is broken, work to fix it. But... yeah...
@fugue137 that's the problem. These people don't want to "fix" the problem, they want others to turn into the problem. Why, no clue. It seems to me that the ones who put down our country are the ones who turn down the opportunity to see the other side of the fence. They're misinformation or not adequately informed. They hear one side cry, "WE'RE OPPRESSED" and they run with it. While I feel bad for people involved in that mess, I'm more worried about things here at home.
@@fugue137yeah .. thats how settlers Zionism think.. if the rule the world and this planet about to die they would go to other planet where there aliens living peacefully over milion of years and they will claim we are god chosen people and this is oour promised planet 😂😂
Did your father explain to you how the Jews connected with the land 1300 BCE but Islam only appeared in the 7th century CE? Or did he miss that bit out - just guessing
@@puneet90 I did read and did comprehend My question stands: did the history-loving father of @lisabelle7553 communicate and explain the correct historical lineage of the land? My guess is not
I`m a german with jewish heritage but not a jew myself. I think everything you said about this ongoing conflict is. I long had the opion that israel is the victim of muslim aggression and now I heard these words from a israelien. i`m so sorry for what is currently happening in the western world and in Germany especially. It´s a shame for germany that the hatred for jew is now on the rise again These are the times, now and in our history I fell ashamed to a german. may germany and israel be friends forerver and may israel finally find peace. God bless Israel.
A small historical chronology related to Jews over the last thousand years: 1080 Expulsion from France. 1098 Expulsion from the Czech Republic. 1113 - Expulsion from Kievan Rus (Vladimir Monomakh). 1113 - massacre of Jews in Kiev. 1147 - Expulsion from France. 1171 Expulsion from Italy. 1188 Expulsion from England. 1198 Expulsion from England. 1290 Expulsion from England. 1298 Expulsion from Switzerland (100 Jews executed by hanging) 1306 Expulsion from France (3,000 burned alive) 1360 Expulsion from Hungary. 1391 Expulsion from Spain (30,000 executed, 5,000 burned alive) 1394 Expulsion from France. 1407 Expulsion from Poland. 1492 - Expulsion from Spain (the law on the eternal prohibition of Jews from entering the country). 1492 Expulsion from Sicily. 1495 - Expulsion from Lithuania and Kiev. 1496 Expulsion from Portugal. 1510 Expulsion from England. 1516 Expulsion from Portugal. 1516 - Law in Sicily allowing Jews to live only in ghettos. 1541 Expulsion from Austria. 1555 Expulsion from Portugal. 1555 - Law in Rome allowing Jews to live only in ghettos. 1567 Expulsion from Italy. 1570 - Expulsion from Germany (Brandenburg) 1580 - exile from Novgorod (Ivan the Terrible). 1592 Expulsion from France. 1616 Expulsion from Switzerland. 1629 Expulsion from Spain and Portugal (Philip IV) 1634 Expulsion from Switzerland. 1655 Expulsion from Switzerland. 1660 - Expulsion from Kiev. 1701 - Exile from Switzerland (by decree of Philip V) 1806 - The ultimatum of Napoleon. Badarga. 1828 - Expulsion from Kiev. 1933 Expulsion from Germany and genocide. On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was established in the Palestinian territories.
The same reason they haven't made a video on what's happening in the south east Asian countries like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. You can check long history. What has happened in these countries the exact same is happening in Israel. Muslim people destroyed one of the most holy temple in India. History is just repeating itself. Now today as we speak Muslim people are forcefully converting people from other religion. If not they're being killed or r-ed. Check what's happening in Bangladesh and Pakistan. But the media is silent on this. Thousands of people are dying including kids. But one person dies in Palestine and media and celebrities start fighting. I'm not saying one is okay. No one should die. But the fact that these news and celebrities only cover one part and make them look good even though they're the ones to blame shows that someone is giving them some sort of rewards to influence.
@@Nucleartub it was partially sarcasm and partially truth. If you can't understand a simple sentence and the context there's nothing I can elaborate on to make it more obvious. I suggest questioning everything you think you know. Religion and even the pope.
Oh come on. Don’t start on the Brits. we are being invaded by thousands of muslim men daily right now. Please just pray for us. We are a small island with a terrible government who are allowing this and it is very worrying indeed.
@@victoriacharlesworth7099 are you for real complaining about Britain currently? I am genuinely puzzled as Ukrainian/Jewish citizen of Ruzzia. I wouldn't even beep about how hellishly soul-draining living in a police state where you can get your butt graped for showing anti-war stance is, never been able even to vote an MP in my life, when talking in the comments about situation about both sides of my family experiencing. And you are b`1tching in the first world!
@@zer0homer London has become one of the most violent cities with some of the highest violent crime rates in Europe as a result of what they are saying. So you are just doing what you are accusing them of doing by speaking with ignorance on topics you have no knowledge of. They are now arresting people in the UK for silently praying *in their minds* . So clearly everyone is dealing with evil people who are making life wicked wherever you are on earth today.
@@zer0homer : I keep wondering why most Russians won't speak up against the invasion of the Ukraine. The silence makes it looks like they support what Putin is doing. So is it because they CAN'T, speak out?
Listen, we all like to be critic while looking on the past from today stand point...Imagine youreself in that time, with that education and world view. We all take moral high ground against colonism etc. with mind formed after all history that we saw...
As an Indonesian, 2007 we suffered as Christian minority in our own country, and it was Moslem who started the chaos again and again. They just couldn't live peacefully with others.
@@dsm761 Good for you. Gereja saya dipaksa ditutup pada tahun 2007 karena alasan tidak adanya izin. Kami dikepung massa saat sedang beribadah dan mereka sebagian membawa pentung. Now you know what I am talking about?
@@dsm761 mungkin karena anda muslim makanya anda tidak merasakan hal yang beginian. Pasti anda tidak begini juga kepada umat agama lain. Tapi ini adalah realita kita yang beragama selain muslim yang tinggal di Indonesia. Bukan anda tapi orang lain dengan alasan muslim melakukan hal itu.
@@dsm761 one such example is the penan tribe they are pretty much forgotten and excluded from society in both malaysia and indonesia because they are majority christian and because of this they are excluded. Malaysia isn't even new to this they also did that but on a hindu ancient site tho they have no plans to show it as a unesco heritage because its hindu and not muslim
@@TakeBeerandChill saya tinggal di jakarta barat. banyak gereja di sini. ga ada masalah. karena adanya di area yg mayoritas kristen. gereja kamu ada dimana kah?
Wow. I’m actually impressed I didn’t expect something actually objective. And I love your style because you don’t have resentment or negativity in you when you explain these things. It makes it so much easier to actually learn instead of feeling inundated like some others. Thank you!
I will repeat the comment someone left above. People can be very convincing when calmly explaining things in a way that seems convincing, but you should do a little research into this chain of events either on Google or Wikipedia if you want a less biased understanding of the history of the Israel-Palestine conflict: WWI -> Covenant of the League of Nations (specifically Article 22) -> British Mandated Palestine -> Balfour Declaration -> 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine - > Peel Commission -> Arab general strike and armed insurrection, April-October 1936 -> Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine -> UN Mandate for Palestine -> Arab-Israeli War -> Nakba -> Establishment of the State of Israel -> Existence of Modern Conflict. The parts he glossed over were extremely important to forming the context of why Hamas acts in the way it does today. Pretending that Jews have never done violence or stolen land is just a lie that any person who knows the history of the region wouldn't parrot around. I don't care if you believe me, just be very critical of everything you see on social media. I'm critical of my pro-palestinian views, that's why I'm here to see what the other side is saying.
Jews didn't steal land but Zionists do because they are not Jews. Zionists are lucifarians.The Zionist Conference, convened by Theodore Hertzl, chose the six pointed star as the insignia of their movement in 1897. They call it the Star of David because the are liars. It's not factual to call Jesus a Jew. The word 'Jew' originates with the kingdom of Judah. Jews are the descendants of Judah from where the term “Jew” originated. “Yahudeen”. The term “Jew” in the bible is first mentioned in 2 Kings 16:6 after the kingdom of Israel was divided into two kingdoms: the Kingdom of Israel (the Northern Kingdom) which consisted of the ten tribes of original Israel. The Jews were from the Kingdom of Judah (the Southern Kingdom) which consisted of the two tribes, Judah and Benjamin. (read Jeremiah 31:31-34). Abram was not a Jew either. He was a Hebrew because he came from the lineage of Heber (or Eber), (Joshua 24:2). If you think Zionists care about Judaism you need to read the Theodore Hertzl Diary. Here's an excerpt “It is essential that the sufferings of Jews became worse. This will assist in the realization of our plans. I have an excellent idea. I shall induce anti-semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. The anti-semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-semites shall be our best friends”
@@Anon-y4w I know the history very well, I have studied this situation intensively. I don't know if we agree, but try me. I would be interested to hear more, so could you explain to me what you exactly disagree about? You sum up a couple of historical events that I recognize and know about, but what is your point? Where was the man in the video nót right in your opinion, and why exactly? I myself thought he was remarkably accurate, but it's always possible I missed something.
@@MJKJ70 again, the man in the video is correct with the facts. The problem is he doesn’t present all the necessary facts to paint a full picture/context of the events, only the ones that suit his narrative. That’s called cherry picking and it’s highly manipulative. Also I really didn’t agree with his take “Israelis didn’t steal any land from local people” this is simply not true, settlers are stealing lands, houses and properties from Palestinians in the West Bank right now as we speak.
Just a small perspective, it probably means very little but, when I was 11-14 years old we lived in the middle east, my dad was a pilot back then flying for a local airline that was in the midst of a huge expansion. We moved there and for young white kids we faced alot of racism and discrimination based on our religion but I personally met and befriended quite a few Arabs that were great people. One thing always stuck with me though, coming from the west and moving to the middle east, I knew that mosques existed in western countries and Muslim immigrants were overall welcomes into most communities without any real resistance. So I asked my closest Arabic friend once (bear in mind we were both 12 or 13 at the time) I don't see any churches here anywhere (my family wasn't hugely religious but many of my expat friends had families that were heavily catholic, protestant etc). I went on to ask, do you think some churches will be built? (Again I was 13, thought that's how it worked, swapping of cultures, both societies opening their doors to each other completely). Before I could even finish my sentence he hushed me and said "don't ever even say the word church so people can hear". He said "Christians are absolutely hated all over this land, if someone tries to build a church, they will be killed". It was that moment that the differences between us became instantly clear to me and I sensed the same for my friend, I also senses in that moment that he seemed very apologetic, almost as if he felt bad for the way things were. We never spoke of it again, but remained friends for a few years even after we left the middle east when my dad's contract was over. I have reflected alot on that conversation and it still fills me with sadness that I wasn't even allowed to mention a thing about Christianity in the open and that there are obviously Muslims that feel bad about that too. The Muslims I met in my time there were good people but their religion forces them to be intolerant of others as a whole and that's a big problem. They're allowed to build mosques here, but we aren't allowed to build churches there under threat of death?! I will add, I don't know how it is in the middle east now, it's been over a decade since I've been back there, perhaps it's more tolerant now? Idk. But I will say, that warning I was given was chiseled into my memory and every terrorist act I've seen since then done in the name of Allah and Islam has reminded me of easily a person can become a target of extremists that have no tolerance of other cultures and religions. I realize situations in the middle east are alot more complex than my little story but I hope someone out there can read what I've written and learn from my direct experience being in that culture. It's too bad really, how many more of us from both cultures could be friends with each other if all sides just dropped their intolerant hatred?!
It is a crime to be of any other religion in a Muslim majority country but it is not a crime to be of any other religion in a Christian majority country.
Not a small perspective at all but an important one. I recently stopped by a muslim stand to have a chat with the guys. This is in a major Scandinavian city, and they had chosen to put slogans like "Jesus is muslim" on the sides of it. I wanted a chat with the guys to ask them why they had chosen such slogans that would offend people. One of them was very friendly but he couldn't understand why that would offend anyone. Zero understanding. The other guy was rude and disrespectful. After 10 minutes of discussion the nicer one still couldn't understand how insensitive it was and explained that Islam has to conquer other religions since it's the only correct one. The depressing thing is that they were rather young, around 25, possibly born in my country, but held very fundamentalist views. I have many muslim friends by the way, from many countries.
@MrSvante88 Wow, that's really sad to read, especially the whole "beat all other religions" part. If that isn't a call for religious fueled violence, idk what is. I had heard that things were very tense in Scandinavian countries because they wanted to take in as many refugees from the Middle East as they could help. Sad when a countries self-sacrifice trying to do the right thing backfires on its own citizens. Although, to be fair, I'm sure there are many thankful and kind refugees that made their way over there, too. What are your thoughts? Is what I heard and read accurate?
In my country, in Asian, which is a muslim majority country, muslims often persecuted christians for wanting to build a church. Moreover, the government made it so difficult to build one, as christians are required many administrations to build one. The worse was that, when the christians are praying from their own home, the muslim locals would come to their home and forcefully demand them to stop praying, even worse there was this one incident where the muslims stabbed them because they were praying from their own fcking home. Despite this crazy behavior, few places in my country, the muslims are tolerant and live peacefully with other religions. But, if later the extremists successfully influence this tolerant muslims, we would be completely doomed .
@@bravulo WRONG! I have made many posts with facts, but this guy from Israel never, ever responds to them. And I'm not the only one who posts real facts as opposed to his half trues and lies. He never reacts.
@@vulc1 I am learning a lot about this conflict and I do agree with the fact that this guy has a biased presentation of the history, even though I haven't really found any lies. What facts do you have that would counter his points, or where does he say anything deceiving in your opinion?
@@arnedeckers6343Almost the whole western world has gone mad at supporting the terrorist group Hamas and young people chanting lines that advocated to kill all Jews where in most cases they have no idea of the meaning behind the lines, and you are here saying “this guy has a biased presentation of the history”??
@@orlandohinojosa6673 He talks about things that are not true and changes history and events in order to get views by making people oppose him and attack him in the comments so that the video spreads more. He trades on the lives of innocent people and delivers false information.
@@thetruepatriot7733 Oh, thank you for a clear example of propaganda. The truth is: Russia began its aggression in 2014 and has been killing Ukrainians for a 10 years now. Russia opposes NATO expansion, particularly for countries that gained independence after the Soviet Union's collapse, as it seeks to regain control over these nations. In 2008, when Putin threatened the world because Ukraine and Georgia were invited to join NATO, the global response halted the process. A few months later, Russia invaded Georgia. Then, a few years later, following the Revolution of Dignity, which led to the removal of puppet president, Russia launched a war against Ukraine and escalated to a full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022. NATO is another myth, the primary factors driving the conflict are Russia’s territorial ambitions and its desire to exert influence over former Soviet states, rather than direct provocations or actions by NATO.
@@thetruepatriot7733yeah how dare ukraine try to join nato, russia is such a great neighbor and would never break its agreements to honor ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity particularly in donbass and crimea. But really, nato wouldve never accepted ukraine and time and time again they are refused entry because 1) nato doesnt want to upset russia 2) there are clauses that dont allow entrance of nations with territorial disputes (crimea)
I was born and raised in Turkey, a Muslim country. They drove us out because we are Greek Christians and now I live in Australia. The leader of the opposition party here recently remarked that we need to stop allowing refugees from Gaza into Australia because Muslim extremists have committed most of the terrorist attacks in the country over the last years. This is a statistical fact. Yet the liberal media here has labelled him a racist and he’s been forced to apologise. Although I abhor the man’s politics I agree with him on this point. Yet many Australians want the government to keep bringing Muslims from the Middle East into the country. Those of us who escaped Muslim persecutions in our own countries know they’re inviting trouble.
@@abdullahiabdisalan1170 the population exchanges happened in the 1920s. I was born more than four decades later. Most Greeks left Turkey during the population exchanges. Some were allowed to remain because, although Greek, they were Turkish citizens. But nationalist politics and religious extremism ultimately drove out the rest. Now there’s a small number of elderly left.
As someone who lives in Europe, I’m deeply saddened that people here will call you racist if you say that Muslims did and still do atrocities in Africa and Middle East, because they think we should love each other and somehow, they don’t understand that some people don’t want to
An Egyptian told me straight to my face he would throw rocks if he saw a homosexual on the streets of his city. Yeah that sums up the creepiest parts of the Middle East
@@GabHeart-rk6qm the Egyptian guy I’ve talked to told me that everything related to gays is sh!t and that he doesn’t want them to come near him, not even if they want to be friends… so sad
what we see is that jews have no love or affective or humanistic kind of thing , yes some muslims are extremist but the whole world who witness this can not be wrong
So many lies have been told to people that it is scary how many people are every day losing their minds over this; chanting things that they don’t even know the meaning of. Thank you for being a voice of truth in these crazy times.
Ues this video is a very good step for understanding the truth : In the beginning of 19 century there were Jewish communities in all "Palestinian authority cities" : in Hebron in Damascus, in Neblus. ALL But we the israelis don't demand the right of return ! Nachba ! The Palestinians stole entire cities from Jewish inhabitants. Stole hundreds of thousands dunams of land. Stolen by the Palestinian Arabs from innocent Jewish people who have been living (even in gaza) since 3000 years ago... In fact as part of the peace agreement there was Jewish land to return ... but the Palestinian authority denies it. The second the Jewish people left their lands in gaza. The Palestinian terrorists started shooting on israel... using that land for terror. And later on october 7th... Palestinians are nothing but bullies who create terror and lie. That's the truth
I’m a convert Jew and I’m from the Dominican Republic. My country of origin is going through something similar with Haiti, and many of your points, in this and other of your videos, can be perfectly applied to the DR-Haiti situation. Being part of both communities (Jewish and Dominican), I can only imagine what you feel when trying to explain this to people at a large scale; it is extremely frustrating when lies have been spread so far and deep that most people are not even willing to listen to the truth.
@@ParteraQuisqueyana are you now an ancient Israelite with ancestral connections to Israel? You should move there because it’s your ancestral homeland.
@@blah329I actually am, and moving to Israel is every Jew’s wish. I can rightfully live in the DR, the US or Israel; either country is/have been good for me. I don’t have to stay in one single place permanently.
@@ParteraQuisqueyana lol, no one has to stay anywhere permanently, but if you move to Israel you will become another illegal settler. Living on stolen land because all of a sudden you have the “right to return” to your ancestral homeland LMFAO. Don’t you see? How are you all of a sudden connected to the land by your ancestors?
@@blah329 people of the world even if they are of different religions can live side by side and in peace and harmony with each other. But when it comes to the people of islam, the question would be like this: Can the people of islam live in peace and harmony along with all the people of different religions? People of islam usually call people of other religions as having islamophobia and apartheid. But people of islam are the ones who are like this.
Thank You for simply stating Facts. I am a Christian born in Australia with Jewish friends who have children and grandchildren living in Tel Aviv. I had paid for a holiday (booked through my Pentacostal Church) in early November 2023. This was sadly cancelled when Hamas bombed the Concert on 7th October. I have been seeking unbiased news about the situation in Israel ever since. All I can say is Thank You Thank You THANK YOU and God Bless You and all you do 🙏😊
As a muslim and as a fellow member of the human race, this video is very enlightening and I'd extend my humblest gratitude to you brother. Indeed as sons of Abraham we have much in common than our differences. And eventhough I don't endorse some of the arguments, many of the things you have shared have made me self-contemplate and realize the truth ..the truth that was always clear and right infront of our eyes, we just didn't want to accept it. I envision a world where Israelis and Arabs of all religions and walks of life can live in peace and Middle East ushers in an era of prosperity and greatness as it always was at the forefront of civilization in human history.
Jews, muslim arabs, christian arabs, druza, and many more ethnic groups are already living in peace in Israel. One of my best friend is druze, and a very good friend of my mother's is arab muslim. We live next to each other, we go to the same army, and ultimately have the same goal - living in peace. There is a small minority calling themselves "Palestinians" who don't want peace, don't want coexistence and just want to kill. And there is also a small minority of Jews who don't want coexistence and just want to kill (All the followers of Baruch Goldstein and such) We need to make it clear that no terror and hatred is allowed here and kick anyone who promotes such acts, we just want to live peacefully in the same country.
It will never happen. Sorry. You might want peace, your brothers and sisters in Islam don't. Your religion and its teachings call for the murder of all Jews and to convert all Christians or murder them. Well, we will never convert. Try reading our bible and you will find out why. We can not coexist together in peace. Sorry. Not because of us, but because of your religion and what it calls for. Islam is not the religion of peace. That is total bull crap. It can only be the religion of peace when all other religions are wiped out and we all believe as you do. But we will never convert. Jesus is the only true King, the Son of God Most High. And He is coming. But before He comes it will get really bad here on this earth. And billions will die. I would want you to know who Jesus truly is. But that is your choice. I would never harm you for what you believe. Muslims can't say the same. And if you know you so-called holy book, then you know I'm telling the truth. And if you don't, then you are not really a Muslim anyway. You were just bone into it. And yes, there are many Christians and Jews who were just born into it too. But they have no real idea what it means to be either.
"nothing makes a place more holy than a competition with another religion" - you have just provided the best line that was ever said about this conflict.
@@WorldifySanity yeah, Islam says that the muslims will fight and kill ALL jews (not just in Israel) to the point that trees and stones will snitch on the jews to the muslims during the end times
11:00 You mention that Christian’s (Germans and Americans) purchased land in order to build institutions and support the second coming of Jesus (the messiah). This is one of the primal issues of the conflict today. Christian Zionists in the United States are the biggest supporters of JS and are responsible all the death and destruction. 11:40 All the empires you mentioned fell because they opposed The Triple Entente during WW1. The British, French, and American (there were others too) empires were still in full gear. The reason there were national movements was because there were power vacuums and partitioning of land as these empires fell. Ever heard of the Sykes-Picot Agreement? The Palestinian National Movement was the national movement for Palestinians, “it is as simple as that.” 11:32 Yes, lots of people moved. You are forgetting to mention that millions of people moved because of people transfers for these newly created states. One example is the population exchange between Greece and Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman empire. You are also forgetting all the people who were displaced since there were refugees of WW1. The majority of these millions of people didn’t simply buy new summer homes and decided to stay there permanently. Their living arrangements were changed from events that they could not control. 11:57 You contradict yourself here. You claim that Jews never used violence to take land from 7th century to 1947, but that implies that after 1947 Jews are stealing land from Arabs with the use of violence. 12:40 13:55 Twain visited in 1867 which was nearing the fall of the Ottoman empire. The Ottoman state was in decline for quite some time and would declare bankruptcy in 1875. At the time of Twain’s visit, the land would have been controlled by the Ottomans. I’m not a historian, but I recall this time in Ottoman history being littered with invasions, changes in government, rebellions, and uprisings. It shouldn’t come to a surprise that Arabs would assist the British in overthrowing the Ottoman empire in exchange for their independence. After the war, the British didn’t quite follow through, split up the land, but Palestinians never got their own state even though their neighbors did. I suppose that would be a perfect time to form a Palestinian National Movement. Once again, “it is as simple as that.” 16:08 I suppose it is because we are mixing actions, perspective, and timeframes. The Egyptians who moved and settled into Palestine assimilated into Arab-Palestinian culture, and are now, more than likely, suffering the same fate as Palestinians. The “white colonialists” (not my words) you’re referring to are probably viewed that way because they are currently bombing, breaking, destroying, and colonizing. Aren’t Israeli’s responsible for killing 50,000+ people in the last year in Gaza, The West Bank, and Lebanon? 18:22 One of the common issues I hear about from the current partition of land is that rain water that lands in Palestinian territories actually drains into Israeli territory. It sounds like those swamps are an advantage. 18:36 I think you are missing a fundamental issue by expanding the scope of land distribution to include Jordan which again just tells a wiser audience that the distribution was not evenly allocated between the Jews and the Palestinians. In reference to your original argument, Jordan is mostly desert and is one of the most resource poor countries with having nearly no oil or natural gas reserves and additionally suffers from water scarcity. In the context of your argument, it sounds like the wetlands are OP. I will also throw in that Jordan is nearly landlocked and has access to one seaway in Aqaba. 18:50 I suppose that would be the perfect place to have western goods delivered into Israel. You know, a city by the water? Also, can you name the invented fruits? 19:08 Which parts? The land that olive and date trees that have been growing for centuries? In the current year, 2024, all water is controlled by Israel. It is Illegal to catch rainwater. If the water is contaminated, then who would be at fault? 19:14 You say that Palestinians had years to form a Palestinian state while under Jordanian and Egyptian rule. Isn’t this a contradiction? Jordan brought military forces into the West Bank in order to annex it. Does that sound like self-determination? 19:20 A moment ago you were wondering why Palestinians weren’t ruling themselves, yet you are mad that they form a group to rule themselves. 19:32 You are now ignoring the Nakba. Palestinians were inhabiting the land, cities, villages, etc., that became under Israeli control. The occupation of the land already began. You specified at 4:20 when explaining the Palestinian narrative that Palestinians were kicked from their homes. Up to this point in the video, this part of the narrative is never refuted. You acknowledge, them immediately set it aside to assert the Israeli narrative as the “correct” one. 19:50 Israel wants a state that replaces Palestine, Jordan, Egyptian Sinai, and Lebanon. I started writing 10 minutes into the video. I stopped around the 20 minute mark. The only number I can find regarding aid to Palestinians is 16.5 billion between 1994 and 2017. Didn’t the 1st Trump administration approve that much over 10 years?
@@michaelk2130 there is a clear mention in their book about killing non muslims , that no other religion teaches , so u have a right to be islamophobic .
From Vancouver Canada, I have to be honest, I’m new and learning. Thank you very much for your time and knowledge. Bless you. Bless Israel. Blessed be the name of the Lord
The guy has a lot of great points but I would still take these claims with a grain of salt. He sometimes has a tendency to present just one side of the argument. I consider myself to be very much a pro-Israeli person but that doesn't stop me from acknowledging that Israel has done some pretty awful things (and still does to this day). It's not wise to blindly support one side and ignore all its flaws. That's how people radicalise themselves. You have to bear in mind that this guy has his biases and doesn't present every possible point of view (he in fact often fails to present information that would weaken his argument), which isn't uncommon because most people do that. When looking at the conflict, try to think about if that particular information is biased or if you're predominantly using information that fuels your own biases. Do that and you will eventually know more than most because others will refuse to accept information that doesn't fit into their beliefs
@@nicnsugar You state an opinion and do not support it with a single fact. Pick a single point, just one, and refute it with contradictory evidence. Anything.
@@TheGreenHeartofItaly-fl3wv An opinion isn't an argument so one does not usually provide evidence... This isn't an argument. What do you want me to do? Prove that the guy has his biases? Everyone has some.
Im Australian in the 90s when i was a young teenager i came from a very multicultural part of Sydney, my friends were greek, Vietnamese, italian, tongan , Philippino and the list goes on, before i even knew what islam was i was playing football in the street and for absolutely no reason i was bashed almost to death, i had my teeth knocked out with a brick by muslim boys, had no idea why, it was a level of un provoked violence i had no idea existed, they were imigrants with instilled hate. That was my first introduction to Islam.
@@Йцц-т1э A severely disproportionate amount of Muslims are violent/extremist compared to other people. Obviously a lot of Muslims aren't like this, some of my best friends are Muslim despite me being Jewish, but the generalisation does have some rational basis.
You have to add to that your privilege of being white, your elite invest in conflict and arms to keep them ignorant and violent. They are not using that "help" for education and peace. Australians can travel and migrate every where, to Australia British can migrate, Irish can migrate, Swiss can migrate, Germans can migrate.... now let's talk about Sudamericans, You put a very expensive visa and hard visa to get for tourism purposes for us when you can visit our countries for free, we are not Muslims, we are not the ones consuming drugs, in fact Australian are the drug consumers, oh wait we aren't white enough coincidence I don't think so....
@akankshajha7250 My country South Africa also protected Omar Al Bashir who the ICC indicted for his role in the genocide of between 200 000 to 400 000 people that were killed. South Africa also threatened to leave the ICC if they pursued Al Bashir arrest.
@@shannonnaicker4040 damn. I really don't understand how muslims made themselves look like victims when they're literally controlling most countries right now.
@@NoahArk-xy2nbdo you think students really want to pay attention in class? I am 100% sure that I nor my classmates have learned about this stuff. As to the reason why? Well it’s fairly obvious seeing what is transpiring in the world right now. Though, that does not mean that schools should omit the facts.
I'm watching this at 4am and honestly the comment section restored my faith in humanity. this is the only place on the internet where I see a civilized discussion from all sides with no ignorant hate speech.
People can be very convincing when calmly explaining things in a way that seems convincing, but you should do a little research into this chain of events either on Google or Wikipedia if you want a less biased understanding of the history of the Israel-Palestine conflict: WWI -> Balfour Declaration -> Covenant of the League of Nations (specifically Article 22) -> British Mandated Palestine -> Arab general strike and armed insurrection, April-October 1936 -> Peel Commission -> 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine -> Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine -> United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine -> 1948 Arab-Israeli War -> Nakba -> Israeli Declaration of Independence -> Existence of Modern Conflict. The parts he glossed over were extremely important to forming the context of why Hamas acts in the way it does today. Pretending that Jews have never done violence or stolen land is just a lie that any person who knows the history of the region wouldn't parrot around. 🙄
@@Mojo_Radioyou conveniently overlooked the 1929 pogroms which teach us that the arabs were violent and hated jews on this land way before there was even a Jewish state of Israel. That messes up with your timeline. So how about you do your homework and provide evidence to support your claims.
@@YesItsTaya You mean the 1929 pogroms that only came after the Balfour Declaration and where 133 Jews and 116 Arabs died? The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs keeps a tally of civilian deaths and injuries since 2008 in the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel. The numbers are as follows: Palestinian Fatalities/Injuries = 6407/152,560 | Israeli Fatalities/Injuries = 308/6307 The IDF's civilian kill-count and injury-count far exceeds Hamas.
@@Mojo_Radio UN REPORTS "Hamas, an Islamist militant group and the de facto governing authority of the Gaza Strip, has been using HUMAN SHIELDS in conflicts with Israel since 2007." Same things today. And then comes whinings like IDF shoot school. Yes, but full of terrorists. And you "count" terrorists as civilian victims
This is gold thank you man every single one of those kids out on college campus’s protesting needs to see this 10/10 video keep doing what your doing dude.
@@thealbanianmonke218 only fools is the one who fools for this propaganda. Do me a favour and watch "Zionism and the falsification of history" by historyun, they can actually cure sources.
@@redacted3740 college kids support hamas and hesbolla which are terrorist organizations more than half of the prostesters don't even know what they're protesting for. what are you talking about man???!!?!
i never really knew about this conflict. i just heard “free palestine” everywhere. this video popped up in my feed so i decided to watch it and hopefully learn about the situation. thanks for this video it’s very informative. also when i was watching this video i was fact checking most of what you said and you’re 100% right so i just want to say i appreciate your devotion to facts and not narratives.
@@hadiknaish9817 like i said, i was fact checking this dude and coming to my own conclusions as i watched this video. it took me like 3 hours to get through the whole video because of this. I agree with what he was saying based on what I found. i’m not basing my opinion solely off what he said, i just happen to agree with him based my research. i do not form opinions strictly based on what someone else has told me like you’re suggesting. i take everything people say with a grain of salt which is why it took me 3 hours to get through the video. you have every right to think i’m wrong, as i have the right to think you’re wrong. all you’re pointing out is that bias exists which i already know and accounted for. it doesn’t invalidate my opinion.
@@Lii-w4p it's simply impossible for people born from tribal close ancestors to get into a national organization as we hope. hams is their government system. it can change name but they will always whant something "islam embedded" and it's catastropyc everywhere. they just whant to obey god rules. they need to be under a stone. In russia it's not that different, it's their matrix
I cannot even believe people need to be taught this, I feel sorry they never had a goood history teacher in life. Now I feel grateful for my history teachers.
@@HabeelZain it's about what he said, but not where he's from. What he was saying was fact based tho, while I do codemn the atrocities IDF is currently conducting, understand the problem is how we can find an answer.
Indeed God calls all humans to work together in charity and in kindness and in peacemaking in seeking the approval of God. Quran 4:114 Koran 4:114 There is no good in most of their (the people’s) private conversation except in the person who calls for charity, kindness and peace making between humans, he (the person) who does this (charity, kindness and peace making between humans) and seeks the approval of God, We (God) shall give them a great reward (in Paradise Jannah in the Hereafter).
I am from Nigeria and from the northern part where all these religious atrocities happen. My brother just watched your video and called me to say..."It's like this guy just picked every single word out of your mouth." Your view is my exact view. Great analysis.
I grew up with Armenian friends which is mostly a Christian culture. A country surround by Islamic cultures. Some of their grand parents escaped the Armenian massacre. They described growing up fearing to leave their borders. The stories they told of their experiences! There is also the Palestinian uprising in Jordan in which they were expelled and Lebanon civil war.
@@TheJTcreateunless people understand that this war is spiritual most won't understand at all. satan's kingdom is fighting back God's kingdom and God's word. As humanity is being used to fight for or against God. satan is the enemy of mankind. He comes to kill, steal and destroy.
I can also affirm this point... I grew up in Northern Nigeria and indeed whole Christian communities were driven away using violence in places like Kaduna, Kano, Bauchi and Niger... Kaduna city used to a well mixed and diverse city but many of the Christians have been driven to the south of the city/state & till this day southern Kaduna communities keep getting attacked by gunmen that claim to be Muslims
Exactly, like weaponizing one event to unleash more bombs than WW2 into a group of people you’re already oppressing, displacing 85% of their population, burning even their libraries, robbing their houses and using women’s lingeries as trophies, killing 15.000 of their children, and then playing the victim anyway. You’re absolutely right, it’s so hard for people to own up to their war crimes (mistakes is a bit light)
@@Gaming_Channelorsomething yeah actually you know about berbers, ottoman empire ? That's colonisation. 1 english and 1 french made something to get Jérusalem. That's politic and government...
@@dasistdiewahrheit9585but it’s not religious whatsoever. He’s not asking you to help his religion grow he’s asking for peace and you clearly jumbled his message.
11:00 You mention that Christian’s (Germans and Americans) purchased land in order to build institutions and support the second coming of Jesus (the messiah). This is one of the primal issues of the conflict today. Christian Zionists in the United States are the biggest supporters of JS and are responsible all the death and destruction. 11:40 All the empires you mentioned fell because they opposed The Triple Entente during WW1. The British, French, and American (there were others too) empires were still in full gear. The reason there were national movements was because there were power vacuums and partitioning of land as these empires fell. Ever heard of the Sykes-Picot Agreement? The Palestinian National Movement was the national movement for Palestinians, “it is as simple as that.” 11:32 Yes, lots of people moved. You are forgetting to mention that millions of people moved because of people transfers for these newly created states. One example is the population exchange between Greece and Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman empire. You are also forgetting all the people who were displaced since there were refugees of WW1. The majority of these millions of people didn’t simply buy new summer homes and decided to stay there permanently. Their living arrangements were changed from events that they could not control. 11:57 You contradict yourself here. You claim that Jews never used violence to take land from 7th century to 1947, but that implies that after 1947 Jews are stealing land from Arabs with the use of violence. 12:40 13:55 Twain visited in 1867 which was nearing the fall of the Ottoman empire. The Ottoman state was in decline for quite some time and would declare bankruptcy in 1875. At the time of Twain’s visit, the land would have been controlled by the Ottomans. I’m not a historian, but I recall this time in Ottoman history being littered with invasions, changes in government, rebellions, and uprisings. It shouldn’t come to a surprise that Arabs would assist the British in overthrowing the Ottoman empire in exchange for their independence. After the war, the British didn’t quite follow through, split up the land, but Palestinians never got their own state even though their neighbors did. I suppose that would be a perfect time to form a Palestinian National Movement. Once again, “it is as simple as that.” 16:08 I suppose it is because we are mixing actions, perspective, and timeframes. The Egyptians who moved and settled into Palestine assimilated into Arab-Palestinian culture, and are now, more than likely, suffering the same fate as Palestinians. The “white colonialists” (not my words) you’re referring to are probably viewed that way because they are currently bombing, breaking, destroying, and colonizing. Aren’t Israeli’s responsible for killing 50,000+ people in the last year in Gaza, The West Bank, and Lebanon? 18:22 One of the common issues I hear about from the current partition of land is that rain water that lands in Palestinian territories actually drains into Israeli territory. It sounds like those swamps are an advantage. 18:36 I think you are missing a fundamental issue by expanding the scope of land distribution to include Jordan which again just tells a wiser audience that the distribution was not evenly allocated between the Jews and the Palestinians. In reference to your original argument, Jordan is mostly desert and is one of the most resource poor countries with having nearly no oil or natural gas reserves and additionally suffers from water scarcity. In the context of your argument, it sounds like the wetlands are OP. I will also throw in that Jordan is nearly landlocked and has access to one seaway in Aqaba. 18:50 I suppose that would be the perfect place to have western goods delivered into Israel. You know, a city by the water? Also, can you name the invented fruits? 19:08 Which parts? The land that olive and date trees that have been growing for centuries? In the current year, 2024, all water is controlled by Israel. It is Illegal to catch rainwater. If the water is contaminated, then who would be at fault? 19:14 You say that Palestinians had years to form a Palestinian state while under Jordanian and Egyptian rule. Isn’t this a contradiction? Jordan brought military forces into the West Bank in order to annex it. Does that sound like self-determination? 19:20 A moment ago you were wondering why Palestinians weren’t ruling themselves, yet you are mad that they form a group to rule themselves. 19:32 You are now ignoring the Nakba. Palestinians were inhabiting the land, cities, villages, etc., that became under Israeli control. The occupation of the land already began. You specified at 4:20 when explaining the Palestinian narrative that Palestinians were kicked from their homes. Up to this point in the video, this part of the narrative is never refuted. You acknowledge, them immediately set it aside to assert the Israeli narrative as the “correct” one. 19:50 Israel wants a state that replaces Palestine, Jordan, Egyptian Sinai, and Lebanon. I started writing 10 minutes into the video. I stopped around the 20 minute mark. The only number I can find regarding aid to Palestinians is 16.5 billion between 1994 and 2017. Didn’t the 1st Trump administration approve that much over 10 years?
"The most dangerous group of all: Israeli Mothers" that was a good one. I admire your straight forward delivery and your invitation to be proven wrong, with facts not feeling.
This is why history is very important. It helps us to know how the past shaped the features and how to right the wrong. It’s so sad that many people don’t know their history, they just follow the trend without any proof. Thanks for that history.
Educators are so busy pushing transgender, equity and CRT, they don't have time or the information to teach history properly! So, these supporters are working in ignorance of historical facts! 😮
Don't worry, once 2024 comes around, they'll forget this Palestine thing and move onto the next fad thing to protest about!!! lol 2019 ME2, 2020 Covid, 2021 BLM, 2022 Ukraine, 2023 Palestine - 2024 ??? But these woketards have brains of goldfish and memories of Swiss cheese! The interesting thing that I could add to what this man here was saying about Wokies blaming Colonialism is true. Think of Colonialism as a tree, Colonialism died out and from the dead ashes of that tree rose Nazism. That tree is not fully dead, it still grows with far right movements and Wokeism is a branch on that slightly living tree - Woke movement claim that unwoke people and colonialism are like Nazism - when they literally are not and Wokeness IS literally part of the Nazism tree!!! I wish more people understood these facts too.......The truly scary thing is how the media, governments and social media platforms are stifling real facts and coddling these Wokies crazy agendas! It was literally what gave rise to that failed Austrian art student who went on to cause the death of millions of Jews and started a second world war...Learn from history or repeat it! Wokies love to delete history and invent their own History as if it were fact...scary times indeed!
Not for muslims. They even tried to claim that all Jewish prophets from Adam, Ibrahim, Moses, Isa and the least their prophet Mohammad SAW, who are believe & pray to God/Allah, are all muslims. 😂😂😂 Judaism & Christianity all are wrong because it's religion made by human, while Islam is religion made by Allah.
It is often overlooked, that Jordania entered the war against Israel on behalf of the palestinians, but then instead conquered a big part of the land meant for the palestinians for their own benefit.
The way I see it, Jordan _is_ "the second state": Jews got Israel, and Levant Arabs got Jordan; and the difference between Jordanians and Palestinians is not ethnic, but attitudinal (towards Israel's right to exist).
Thanks for pointing that out, I remember learning about that in my modern history class and no one seems to talk about it and in current day Hamas is launching rockets from the Jordan border
Not nearly as overlooked by the fact that Israel is and always has been a brutal, murderous, apartheid, White Colonial project that has waged a slow burn campaign of terror against the native Brown people they stole the land from.
@@Scratchcoast well that's not true, Jordan nowadays is kinda allied with Israel and Egypt in military alliance, rockets don't fly from there, they fly from Gaza mostly, sometimes from the North, border with Lebanon - but it's not hamas, its hesbollah, another group (with the same goals) So while Jordan and Israel were enemies, right now they have pretty normal relations and have common projects in the region
@nyeo It's great to hear other muslims agree, I have struggled a lot as a convert in the community because if they see me as not agreeing with their line of thinking then I'm a fake Muslim.
@@orbitusmaximus943maybe you are in the wrong community. Yeshua loves you, you are welcome with all who follow Him. Blessed are all who take refuge in Him
Thanks for coming forward with all of this information. There is a lot useful information that is good to know about the conflict over there and some of the history that comes with it.
Right if any real journalist wanted to reference any of his talking points point and spread these facts and note the endorsement from South Africans, Nigeria, and other groups have made them that will clear up most confusion and focus on the root of the problem.
This video is pure ignorance. I have disputed every single claim from him in the first 5 minutes and i gave up listening to the rest of it as he clearly have no clue himself and speaks with prejudice...Looking at the amount of likes you received in a day on a video which is month old i can clearly say you are an NPC. 1. "Muslim Countries who perpetrated ethnic cleansing on the Jews." What do you mean by ethnic cleansing? According to the wikipedia: The Jewish exodus from the Muslim world was the migration, departure, flight and expulsion of around 900,000 Jews from Muslim-majority countries in West Asia, North Africa and, to a lesser extent, Central Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia in the 20th century. Predominantly in response to the creation of Israel, the exodus mainly transpired from 1948 to the early 1970s, with one final exodus from Iran in 1979-80 following the Iranian Revolution. An estimated 650,000 of the departees settled in Israel. If you read a bit further some were killed, but it's only a few compared to the ones who migrated safely. Saying that all minorities were wiped out by the middle east is also incorrect. Those minorities are there still. There was some genocide in a history, but by some individual countries, not all like you are mentioning. They don’t want to talk about it because it never happened. 2. Nigeria. You like to see what you want to see. According to Wikipedia there is still tensions between Christians and Muslims, but these tensions are not exactly what you tell us. There are deaths on both sides. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_violence_in_Nigeria 3. 2 million Christians fleeing Iraq is a well-known story. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_in_Iraq . But everything started in 2003 after the intervention. We all know the reasons why the tensions raised between Christians and Muslims in Iraq. You twist facts here as well. This is much deeper conflict than you think. Funny how the Wikipedia starts about Christianity in Iraq: “The Christians of Iraq are considered to be one of the oldest continuous Christian communities in the world.” Case closed here. 4. You said that Jerusalem was never mentioned in Quran? I have asked this ChatGPT and here is the answer: Yes, Jerusalem is mentioned in the Quran, the holy book of Islam. The Quran mentions Jerusalem in several verses, and it is often referred to as "Al-Quds" in Arabic. The most notable mention of Jerusalem is in the following verse: "Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing." (Quran, Surah Al-Isra, 17:1) This verse is often interpreted as referring to the miraculous night journey of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension to the heavens. It establishes the significance of Jerusalem in Islamic tradition as a place of great importance. Al-Masjid al-Aqsa (the Farthest Mosque) is believed by Muslims to refer to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Jerusalem, or Al-Quds, holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims as one of the three holiest cities in Islam, along with Mecca and Medina. The significance of Jerusalem is not limited to the Quran but is also deeply rooted in Islamic tradition and history. Good lie out here from you. 5. You also said that nothing mentioned in Quran regarding Mohamed ascension to heaven from the exact same spot as Jesus? Is anything mentioned about this in Quran? Asked ChatGPT again. In Islamic tradition, the Prophet Muhammad's ascension to the heavens, known as the Isra and Mi'raj, is believed to have occurred from the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. This is distinct from the traditional Christian belief that Jesus ascended to heaven from the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. While both events are associated with Jerusalem, they are typically regarded as separate occurrences in their respective religious traditions. The Isra and Mi'raj are not mentioned in the Quran in great detail, but they are described in various hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad). According to Islamic tradition, during the Isra, the Prophet Muhammad was taken from the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca to the Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem by a supernatural means. From there, he embarked on the Mi'raj, the ascension to the heavens, where he met with various prophets and received guidance from Allah. The exact spot within the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound from which this journey began is not specified in the Quran or in the primary Islamic sources but is part of the broader Islamic tradition. Check hadiths basically.
Because learning history from a tour guide who sells you tickets to israel is definitely not going to be full of biased lies. This guy is a tour guide not a historian. He is trying to sell you a ticket to israel, you think he is going to tell you the history accurately?
everyone thinks canada was a cool spot... look up what they let the christ people do to the brown people after ww2....priests and nuns raped kids for decades. hell the world didn't even accept "native peoples" till around the 70's. Even then they still had forced english only for natives...I don't even know my history because it was being erased...the western world isn't all just white power....since my people survived after all that. (sure scared and people my age are racist to white people or even black people.)
@@El-qe5kqso point out his mistakes and please don't start with your own history Cuz I cross checked. Atleast what he's telling has more facts behind what Palestinian propagandists tell 😂😂
you want refutation ? let us start: 1. you said there was no Palestine in the 1800's, maybe by name, but the land and the people in it existed.. but there was also no Israel. 2. the stats you mentioned in the population of the jews, cannot be fact checked, so it is BS. 3. Ethnic cleansing doesn't only mean only killing, it means deportation as well, so cleaning the region from an ethnic group is also ethnic cleansing. 4. based on your complexion, you are not native to this region, and you cannot be linked to any indigenous group who lived here. remember the 12 are native to this region and were not Europeans. 5. the narrative that you mentioned, thousands of jews came to this land and never met a Palestinian? who was living in that land? who was there when Ibrahim moved to Hebron and it was a city? was it jews existed before they existed? 6. if you want to go by name of the country, there is not a single book, coin or any reference to Israel as a country, you want to call it Judea now? the Palestinians were Canaanites before, they stayed in the land, the became Christians, they became Muslims, and they never left their land. if you a proof that suggests otherwise present a time when Jews who were invaders before, ever came to Palestine and it was an empty land with no people? We can go all day, and I can keep refuting you, but the good thing about Zionists in general, they can keep fabricating history and facts to support their narrative while it is not true. And as Israeli's invaded Palestine again, they will be kicked out again... we know that, you know that.... these media bullshit to keep getting support won't make you last forever... people are already aware of your BS..
@@ZynzeNycraileis it native you? Weather they are jews from west, east or north its their land and you are thieves for wanting to wipe them off. Typical of islam, always spill blood
@@mike_GMGgod you people (""activists"") just do the most bare minimum useless thing so that you can feel good about yourself via virtue signals lol. Like your comment obviously isn't going to change anyone's mind and given the video we're on, it's not like you're "raising awareness" of something that we don't all already know about, so what is it supposed to.... do? Coulda tried to dismantle some of what he said (ie. something actually useful for your "cause"), assuming you have any rebuttals to his points, but nah, just gonna copy n paste the thing we've all seen a million times these past few months to score ez mindless "good person" points. Niiiiice.
This is exactly how we as society need to discuss. Not just the amount of information but the way it is presented. We all feel like information is trying to be force upon us but with you it felt like it was handed to us to choose . Thank you for your voice 🙏🏽
he also lied saying that Al-Aqsa is not in the Quran. but here is a reference: Glory be to the One Who took His servant ˹Muḥammad˺ by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose surroundings We have blessed, so that We may show him some of Our signs. Indeed, He alone is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
@@tombeh that’s because perhaps his grandpa or great grandpa was settled in a home where the oven was still lit with some Arab’s food still cooking…there is enough evidence in what Churchill said about Palestine…no one needs to show this Zionist dude any letter or any orhe documents
As an American I see random support for Palestine here and there. almost like it's a trend. Like BLM. Or youre actually Arab. But not much open support for Isreal... not that the Jewish community doesn't have our support.. but probably because it's just a given that we support Isreal. But the genuine reason we don't seem to care that much... not my monkey, not my circus..
As being multi ethnic, including middle eastern, I have been an avid history buff most my life and the indepth research & objective studies I've conducted over the several decades. I must say, this man speaking HISTORIC FACTS IS 💯 % on point (speaking OBJECTIVE TRUTH)
There is no peace in this World only when the whole world turn Good and no Evil will there be peace.Genisis say now that man know Good and evil . See God of the bible Only follow Good . Jesus said seek first the kingdom of God kingdom of good .
@@mychanel5182 I am so sorry for you, that you have been indoctrinated by such a violent ideology like the islam. You are talking about a genocide of people in Gaza.I n reality, you just copy&pasted terrorist propaganda. You have free access to the internet, do you? Start with the list of attacks on Israel first. Don't only look up the information in your own bubble. Trying to refute your own position is the easiest way to arrive at something like objectivity. I know both narratives, and I know more people who are supporting palestine than otherwise. This is due to the fact, that there are only very few jews around, but plenty of arabs (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine...). What those arabs have in common, is their lack of education. Most of them believe in the Protocols of the elders of Zion. Don't fall for the same shit. You have every right to feel empathy for civilians been bombed to death. But try to not fall to terrorist propaganda.
I saw the introduction until 2:30 ,As a Muslim,I said OK, this Men looks serious he will talk facts as he claims....ok, than the first claim he threw Was a Complete Bulshit: He said The Arabs countries did an Ethnic Cleansing to the Jews....😅😅😅 The Jews lived between Arab Muslims for approximately 500 years in North Africa and more than a 1000 years in the middle east . If the Muslims did any ethnic cleansing to the Jews, 😂😂😂 why there were still Jews in those countries??!! Israel after it creation called the sepharadic Jews with the promesse of Jobs Good lands Money education....etc. They ( The Ashkenazi Jews) taught that they are not in sufficient numbers so they invited those Sephardic Jews . The Ashkenazi Jews taught that they are superior to the Sephardic Jews, they put them in the borders with the Arab countries as human shield if a future war do happen. I didn't continue watching the whole video because the author started by a very bad easy to debunk "fact ".
@@unkind6070 yes indeed, nowadays a lot of Muslims use the term Jews as a pejorative term but you know why? Because,the Muslims have the feeling of being stabbed in the back 🤢🤢 The Muslims respected ,protected the Jews for more than a thousand years and how the Jews ( the Zionist one of cause)recompensed us, they colonized us in the most vicious brutal ways.. But,My Friend, this is not the subject. The subject is the first claim made by the author of the video. I responded to him, what do you think about this very first claim and my response?
I was just yesterday watching and sharing your videos from a few years ago, and your beautiful Home documentary too! THANK YOU for producing a new video. Jews like me in the diaspora are sending our love and strength to you all in Israel. Stay strong, stay safe, and defeat evil.
THE ZIONIST ARE NOW LOSING THIS WAR - JUST TO BE CLEAR NO ONE IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA THAT IS NOT A ZIONIST IS IN SUPORT OF ISRAEL - OTHER COUNTRIES -PLEASE, IF YOU ARE WATCHING - UNDERSTAND THAT NOT ALL AMERICANS ARE HORRIBLE SUPPORTERS OF ISRAEL - I USE MY FREEDOM OF SPEACH EVERY SINGLE DAY TO PROTEST THE ZIONIST POLICE STATE OF ISRAEL AND TO EDUCATE PEOPLE ON THE TRUTH - PALESTINE IS A BEAUTIFUL NATION OF PEOPLE THAT LOVE GOD - GOD BLESS YOU PALESTINE - MY GOD/ALAH PROTECT YOU FROM THE CHILD MOLESTING WHITE EUROPEAN ZIONISTS IN ISRAEL - FREE PALESTINE HOW TO SPOT A FAKE ZIONIST JEW: They always have BIG EARS and SMALL EYES -- They have white European genetics, often red hair because many come from Ireland - many come from eastern Europe - and many many come from Russia. Every single famous person in the media is a Zionist Fake Jew -- The Tanakh (Jewish Law) all men are created in the image of God. To shed a mans blood in the act of retaliation is blasphemy - God is not Racist -God has no chosen people - as all men are created in the image of God! WAKE THE FUCK UP! THE ZIONIST = EVIL. REMOVE ZIONIST = WORLD PEACE
11:00 You mention that Christian’s (Germans and Americans) purchased land in order to build institutions and support the second coming of Jesus (the messiah). This is one of the primal issues of the conflict today. Christian Zionists in the United States are the biggest supporters of JS and are responsible all the death and destruction. 11:40 All the empires you mentioned fell because they opposed The Triple Entente during WW1. The British, French, and American (there were others too) empires were still in full gear. The reason there were national movements was because there were power vacuums and partitioning of land as these empires fell. Ever heard of the Sykes-Picot Agreement? The Palestinian National Movement was the national movement for Palestinians, “it is as simple as that.” 11:32 Yes, lots of people moved. You are forgetting to mention that millions of people moved because of people transfers for these newly created states. One example is the population exchange between Greece and Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman empire. You are also forgetting all the people who were displaced since there were refugees of WW1. The majority of these millions of people didn’t simply buy new summer homes and decided to stay there permanently. Their living arrangements were changed from events that they could not control. 11:57 You contradict yourself here. You claim that Jews never used violence to take land from 7th century to 1947, but that implies that after 1947 Jews are stealing land from Arabs with the use of violence. 12:40 13:55 Twain visited in 1867 which was nearing the fall of the Ottoman empire. The Ottoman state was in decline for quite some time and would declare bankruptcy in 1875. At the time of Twain’s visit, the land would have been controlled by the Ottomans. I’m not a historian, but I recall this time in Ottoman history being littered with invasions, changes in government, rebellions, and uprisings. It shouldn’t come to a surprise that Arabs would assist the British in overthrowing the Ottoman empire in exchange for their independence. After the war, the British didn’t quite follow through, split up the land, but Palestinians never got their own state even though their neighbors did. I suppose that would be a perfect time to form a Palestinian National Movement. Once again, “it is as simple as that.” 16:08 I suppose it is because we are mixing actions, perspective, and timeframes. The Egyptians who moved and settled into Palestine assimilated into Arab-Palestinian culture, and are now, more than likely, suffering the same fate as Palestinians. The “white colonialists” (not my words) you’re referring to are probably viewed that way because they are currently bombing, breaking, destroying, and colonizing. Aren’t Israeli’s responsible for killing 50,000+ people in the last year in Gaza, The West Bank, and Lebanon? 18:22 One of the common issues I hear about from the current partition of land is that rain water that lands in Palestinian territories actually drains into Israeli territory. It sounds like those swamps are an advantage. 18:36 I think you are missing a fundamental issue by expanding the scope of land distribution to include Jordan which again just tells a wiser audience that the distribution was not evenly allocated between the Jews and the Palestinians. In reference to your original argument, Jordan is mostly desert and is one of the most resource poor countries with having nearly no oil or natural gas reserves and additionally suffers from water scarcity. In the context of your argument, it sounds like the wetlands are OP. I will also throw in that Jordan is nearly landlocked and has access to one seaway in Aqaba. 18:50 I suppose that would be the perfect place to have western goods delivered into Israel. You know, a city by the water? Also, can you name the invented fruits? 19:08 Which parts? The land that olive and date trees that have been growing for centuries? In the current year, 2024, all water is controlled by Israel. It is Illegal to catch rainwater. If the water is contaminated, then who would be at fault? 19:14 You say that Palestinians had years to form a Palestinian state while under Jordanian and Egyptian rule. Isn’t this a contradiction? Jordan brought military forces into the West Bank in order to annex it. Does that sound like self-determination? 19:20 A moment ago you were wondering why Palestinians weren’t ruling themselves, yet you are mad that they form a group to rule themselves. 19:32 You are now ignoring the Nakba. Palestinians were inhabiting the land, cities, villages, etc., that became under Israeli control. The occupation of the land already began. You specified at 4:20 when explaining the Palestinian narrative that Palestinians were kicked from their homes. Up to this point in the video, this part of the narrative is never refuted. You acknowledge, them immediately set it aside to assert the Israeli narrative as the “correct” one. 19:50 Israel wants a state that replaces Palestine, Jordan, Egyptian Sinai, and Lebanon. I started writing 10 minutes into the video. I stopped around the 20 minute mark. The only number I can find regarding aid to Palestinians is 16.5 billion between 1994 and 2017. Didn’t the 1st Trump administration approve that much over 10 years?
Thank you! My wife and I landed in Tel Aviv the Saturday night of the start of the bombing, for a Christian tour of the Holy Land. We spent 4 days in a hotel trying to get a flight back to the US, the whole time hearing missiles, air raid sirens and running to safe rooms or lying down on a highway until it was clear. Following our experience, we have become interested in understanding it and this is an excellent explanation of the history of the conflict. God bless you and stay safe. Please keep up the good work.
Facts yous didn’t even fight for the land Britain did then they gave it to you Jews while Palestinian people had there homes taken off them and basically put in the garden shed
As an Israeli I want to express my apologies that you had to go through this, I feel sorry that you had to go back home so quick just because of these troublemakers. Hoping to see you again after all the mess ends :)
My family are Syrian and Lebanese Christian refugees. We immigrated to America about 70 years ago. I am blessed to be here because I have first and second cousins that would literally give their lives for the privileges I was born with. Wake up people!
I'm 2nd generation vietnamese myself. My pa grew up w the war literally at his doorstep. He moved here saw the apathy, rights being taken for granted, and just overall messed up priorities of a 1st world country. So I have a unique perspective myself. It's very sad that some 'Americans" take their rights for granted just because they're white and happened to be born in USA. I'm sure they'd all be singing different tune if they had been born in a very poor war torn country. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks about these things. It makes me sad.
Do you have Christian relatives in the Middle East? It saddens me to see the U.S. granting 'asylum' to millions of Latin Americans, even though they don't face any persecution in their countries. At the same time, it seems like we don't pay enough attention to the many Christians or Jews who are experiencing persecution in the Middle East. These individuals truly qualify for asylum.
@@nihilismistheonlyway4680 These USA kids see the world thru a very unique lens, "the lens of racial disparities" But believe me, the older generation knows the truth(s) but failed in making the newer generations aware of the true facts, wars, and horrors of Socialism/communism. I blame Boomer-Gen X generation leftist teachers for pushing their crazed hippie, moral high ground, politically correct nonsense and ruining the present generation.
@@nihilismistheonlyway4680 I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure that your words apply to most Americans, regardless of their skin color, who have lived in this country for several generations.
Much love to you and your family. The ethnic cleansing of the Christians of Lebanon is so sad and no one ever talks about it. I'm not even familiar with the Christian history of Syria. I'm going to look into it now so I may help share the truth of your people's struggle. 💙
I'm amazed. Not only was this a great video, dome rationally and w/o hysterics, but the comment section here is pretty civil. I guess that's b/c your fans and subscribers are thoughtful and kind people! Kol Hakavod!
I must admit if more people took this approach to debating we would have better chances of getting thou to one another. Much respect and may you and your family remain safe!
quote2️⃣: O Arab and non-Arab Muslim leaders, I, Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi (Arabic,the guided one)Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, give you a ruling with the truth that you have the right to cooperate with non-Muslim humanitarian leaders who are in pain from what is happening of the greatest crimes in the history of humanity in honorable Gaza, in Palestine, which are the massacres of children, women, the elderly, and the helpless before the eyes of the worlds. Here the world will be able to distinguish between leaders of mercy and human rights who hate man's transgression against the rights of his fellow man such as the president of Colombia, and Chile, and their likes among the Muslim and non-Muslim leaders and nations, or from the People of the Book Know that whoever wholeheartedly denounces what is happening in Honourable Gaza, Palestine, among the leaders of the world, is among people of humanitarian mercy, and all the Muslim leaders ought to cooperate with the humanitarian non-Muslim leaders to prevent corruption in the Earth. Allah did not forbid you from being allies with the peaceful People of the Book who do not want superiority or corruption. Except for the unjust extreme ones among them, they ally with each other, but be allies with other than them from humanitarians around the world to prevent corruption in the land, and bloodshed in injustice and aggression. In line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted : عَسَى اللَّهُ أَن يَجْعَلَ بَيْنَكُمْ وَبَيْنَ الَّذِينَ عَادَيْتُم مِّنْهُم مَّوَدَّةً ۚ وَاللَّهُ قَدِيرٌ ۚ وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ (7) لَّا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللَّهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يُقَاتِلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَلَمْ يُخْرِجُوكُم مِّن دِيَارِكُمْ أَن تَبَرُّوهُمْ وَتُقْسِطُوا إِلَيْهِمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطِينَ (8) إِنَّمَا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللَّهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ قَاتَلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَأَخْرَجُوكُم مِّن دِيَارِكُمْ وَظَاهَرُوا عَلَىٰ إِخْرَاجِكُمْ أَن تَوَلَّوْهُمْ ۚ وَمَن يَتَوَلَّهُمْ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ (9) صدق الله العظيم Qur'an - Surah: al-Mumtahanah- Verses: 7-9 And know with knowledge of certainty that Allaah has made me His caliph on the whole world, it's land and sea. And I do not call you to wars, bloodshed, and hatred between man and his fellow man, for there is no aggression against none but the unjust ones. And know that the killing of one single soul in the Qur’an, equals the killing of all mankind, regardless this soul was of a believer or a disbeliever, because according to Allaah it is the same sin. In line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted : {مِنْ أَجْلِ ذَٰلِكَ كَتَبْنَا عَلَىٰ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ أَنَّهُ مَن قَتَلَ نَفْسًا بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ أَوْ فَسَادٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَتَلَ النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا وَمَنْ أَحْيَاهَا فَكَأَنَّمَا أَحْيَا النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا ۚ وَلَقَدْ جَاءَتْهُمْ رُسُلُنَا بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ ثُمَّ إِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِّنْهُم بَعْدَ ذَٰلِكَ فِي الْأَرْضِ لَمُسْرِفُونَ (32) إِنَّمَا جَزَاءُ الَّذِينَ يُحَارِبُونَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَيَسْعَوْنَ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَسَادًا أَن يُقَتَّلُوا أَوْ يُصَلَّبُوا أَوْ تُقَطَّعَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَأَرْجُلُهُم مِّنْ خِلَافٍ أَوْ يُنفَوْا مِنَ الْأَرْضِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ لَهُمْ خِزْيٌ فِي الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَلَهُمْ فِي الْآخِرَةِ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ (33) إِلَّا الَّذِينَ تَابُوا مِن قَبْلِ أَن تَقْدِرُوا عَلَيْهِمْ ۖ فَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ (34) يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَابْتَغُوا إِلَيْهِ الْوَسِيلَةَ وَجَاهِدُوا فِي سَبِيلِهِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ (35) إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لَوْ أَنَّ لَهُم مَّا فِي الْأَرْضِ جَمِيعًا وَمِثْلَهُ مَعَهُ لِيَفْتَدُوا بِهِ مِنْ عَذَابِ يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ مَا تُقُبِّلَ مِنْهُمْ ۖ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ (36) } صدق الله العظيم [سورةالمائدة] Qur'an - Surah: al-Ma'idah- Verses: 32-36 Allaah does not like those who violate human rights regardless of their religion, each has their own religion and they will return to Allah to call them to account. Allah did not command you to compel people to become believers, so whoever desires let them believe and whoever desires let them disbelieve, we only have the duty of delivering the message and it is Allaah who will call them to account . As for human rights between mankind, Allaah made them inviolable and preserved them in the Great Qur’an and has ordered mankind to help each other in righteousness and piety and not help each other in sin and aggression. In line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted : {وَتَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْبِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَىٰ وَلَا تَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْإِثْمِ وَالْعُدْوَانِ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ } صدق الله العظيم [سورة المائدة:٢] . Qur'an - Surah: al-Ma’idah- Verse: 2 __________ A statement By The Awaited Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani Titled: Gaza, the Miracle, is the Graveyard of its Invaders 18- Rabi’ II- 1445 AH 02- November - 2023 AD 07:09 AM (According to the official time of Mecca Mother of Towns) ________ Full statment:👇 www.nasser-alyamani.org/showthread.php?p=433076
All the jews from all over the world were called back to Palestine after the Palestinians agreed to let them have some place as British requested and made arrangements for them , the Israelis were given free tickets promise of jobs homes and every other facilities needed as they were very less in numbers in Palestine then
Thank you, one of the best explanations I have ever heard. I’m American and uneducated in this arena and I have been trying to understand this situation.
He is basically saying that Israelis have the right to occupy, genocide, and displace innocent people living all around the whole occupied land just because he believes Jewish people used to live their long time ago and his religion says so, isn’t that what religious motivated terror is about, why didn’t he mention that Jews weren’t even allowed by the Christians to inter Jerusalem since the Roman revolution until the crusaders were out of it, that’s a large period of history and yet he has ignored it, Muslims are the reason Jews were able to live in Jerusalem in the first place since Saladin’s, even after they were allowed Jews didn’t come significantly until the first Zionist movement from Europe and other parts. I’m not even gonna respond to what he said regarding “Jerusalem isn’t in the Quran” because it’s as ridiculous as it can be to all Muslims he’s just counting on non Muslims ignorance of the Quran. And what’s more ridiculous is that he makes it an excuse to ethnic cleanse the Palestinians and do all crimes against international law. About the statistics you showed, didn’t you yourself said Jews left Arab countries and gone to Israel which is actually correct. If you care about statistics so much why didn’t you show the one that shows casualties between Palestinians and Israelis in the last decade. And Yes Ethnic Cleansing, I don’t even need to mention things like Sabra and Shteela massacre and all the other stuff that has been happening for the last 75 years, but actually what is happening now at Gaza civilians trapped in an area, cut off food water electricity and gasoline and being targeted with white phosphorous, I don’t even know what’s the point of International law any more, this didn’t happen in history before. But worry not, in the recent future inshaallah people will have difficulty differentiating between zionist and naz.. will the other word.
@@mychanel5182it's crazy. About 90 years after the holocaust a large number of the descendants of survivors of that holocaust will commit genocide on their fellow humans.
He keeps saying jew when it was the 12 tribes of isreal and before isreal people lived in the land they claimed for them self but the world doesnt believe or have the same faith of them ,the point is that isreal is a illegal state and as for jews populations in muslim country decreasing is becuase the state of isreal was created ,their are iareali tribes that are mualims today and know their history and know this man is a liar and a jewish zionist
@@mychanel5182watch it again he doesn't say anything you just said. If anything he just showed you the history so you understand israel isn't doing genocide or war crimes, and that there is consequence for losing a war you started. He also showes israel have the right to exist. Not any less than the palestine state.And like he said if you have information to add or you think he's wrong, prove it, put a time stamp and tell us. The values and religion part is also very true. The small detail you said about the Quran and Jerusalem isn't important anyway, everyone knows Muslims have just as much right to pray and stay in Jerusalem. On the other hand their values is what holding them back. If they choose democracy instead of dictators, and peace instead of violence they will achieve so much more. Btw Sabra and Shateela is exactly that. Arab on Arab violence while israel watching shocked from the side. As for the last decades, he showed how unproductive the palestinians were compare to israel. And it's 100% true. Take gaza for example, they relay on donations, didn't build power plants or water sources. They relay on israel so much, yet they still attack it and expect israel to provide everything no matter what? I think the settlements is the only thing israel is doing wrong, and the guy also said it at the beginning. But when you look at the big picture it's such a small factor and it's clearly isn't the reason for the beginning of this conflict. Plus israel already showed they are willing to withdraw settlements to achieve peace.
All of the information he mentions here is factual. If you say it is biased or crap, please provide facts and evidence to support your claims. Otherwise, you are just not comfortable with the truth, and as he said, you do not have the right to rewrite history.
The many small nuances and details stated in this wonderful video, brings a lot of things into context. Thank you for this! Greetings from Munich, Germany!
Your videos are amazing! So informative! So well-documented! So interesting and well-done!!! As a retired American woman, elementary/middle school teacher who homeschooled our own 6 children, worked several years with the Red Cross, and traveled with my family and military dad abroad while growing up, your focus is illuminating!!! Thank you for creating such well-crafted videos that are so informative, so interesting, and so well-written!!!
I am a muslim and must say I found your video thought provoking. I don't trust anyone who thinks in terms of we are the good guys and they are bad including Muslims who I see alot of that from. Thanks for sharing.
It is too bad to see ghat too many Arabic nations and their population just fall for propaganda and bias. I am German the country that did the holocaust. We were responsible for ww2 while our conditions were not easy after ww1. But we started it. Today in 2023 I feel many Islamic nations are falling backwards into attitudes we had during the Middle Ages. How is it that today Islamic countries which were more advanced today are so backwards. It is hard for me to understand. In the end it doesn’t matter what religion we are following - we are still all just humans meaning the same honestly
yeah of course palestinians are not angels. but you shouldn’t need to be pious and good to be allowed to rightfully inherit your grandad’s house or to live in the house that you and your cousin built with your own hands. You shouldn’t need moral argumentation in order to claim your right to travel to see your dying aunt who raised you and now you can’t see her because the checkpoint does not recognize your laissez passer seemingly arbitrarily; and your aunt lives only 12km away. Like, you can be an asshole of a Palestinian with some shitty opinions, but you still deserve to live in the house that you yourself built on the land that your own dad has the deeds for; instead there is a family from California living there now, and you are called antisemitic if you just call them jews. His video is really fundamentally silly because he is arguing that first Palestinians and Arabs have to be pious and THEN demand human rights. that’s just silly.
As a Christian Jew I have always had respect for Muslims who hold to their beliefs. There are Alot of Muslims who practice what they preach. Actual islam encourages people of the book to live in peace with each other. I seen Alot of you guys get put off by obscenity and immortality the same way I do. I just want to live in a morally clean society just like you do.
I've been so confused on this topic because it seems that, as your average ignorant American, I've always been led to believe that the Jews have consistently been the victims in all this. After a week or so of reading and watching videos, it seems like the one fact that everyone can absolutely agree on is that its the Jews that have been systematically taking over Palestinian land for the last 60+ years. All of which is to say that I think I could see why you'd see more Muslims talking about good/bad guys considering they're the people who have been losing this battle...both in the home-front and in the press this entire time. Also had no idea that the majority of people in Israel consider Palestinians to be beneath them...that they're considered second-class citizens who are often considered undeserving of the same rights entitled to Jewish people just by virtue of being Palestinian. So of course with Jewish people in power, these people's right to their land isn't really a consideration....except insofar as how to go about getting them off of it. At least from what I've come to understand.
For an Indian who has superficial knowledge of the area and history, this is a very good video. With facts, you have presented very convincingly very well.
What a mess of misinformation, inaccuracies and distortion. It's pretty telling that not a SINGLE critical comment can' be traced. Clearly working overtime to delete and sanitize comments. 1. "No such thing as a Palestinian in the 18th century:" Wrong. Just because the ethnonym of "Palestinian" didn't exist before the 19th century doesn't mean the people themselves did not exist. *Names are prone to change, but what is true regardless is that since the Arab conquest in the 7th century, most of the area adopted Arab language and culture. Arabs were the majority population in the territory that is now Israel from the end of the 12th century all the way up until 1950, after the state and borders of Israel were crafted out of thin air. Jews on the other hand, existed only as a minority in the current day territory of Israel from the 5th century all the way up until 1950. That's a period of almost ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (1,500) YEARS for which Jews were a minority in Palestine/Israel. This is information corroborated by academic sources.* 2. "Until 1947 not a single square foot was stolen by the Jews" Wrong. *In May 1946, before the Civil War and the spontaneous creation of the state of Israel, a Jewish paramilitary organization (Haganah) torched and blew up economic infrastructures, the property of Palestinian politicians and military commanders, and Palestinian villages, neighborhoods, houses and farms.* *More violence perpetrated by Jews against Palestinian, all before 1948:* 1) • The Jerusalem Massacre - 1/10/1937 Irgun Zionist organisation detonated a bomb in the vegetable market near the Damascus (Nablus) Gate in Jerusalem killing dozens of Palestinian civilians and wounding many others. 2) • The Haifa Massacre - 6/3/1937 Paramilitaries from the Irgun and Lehi Zionist groups bombed a market in Haifa killing 18 Palestinian civilians and wounding 38. 3) • The Haifa Massacre - 6/7/1938 Zionist Paramilitaries from the Irgun placed two car bombs in a Haifa market killing 21 Palestinian civilians and wounding 52. 4) • The Jerusalem Massacre - 13/7/1938 10 Palestinian killed and 31 wounded in a massive explosion in the Arab vegetable market in the Old City of Jerusalem. 5)• The Jerusalem Massacre - 15/7/1938 A member of the Irgun Zionist paramilitaries threw a hand grenade in front of a mosque in Jerusalem as worshippers were walking out. 10 were killed and 30 were wounded. 6) • The Haifa Massacre - 25/7/1938 A car bomb was planted by the Irgun paramilitaries in an Arab market in Haifa which killed 35 Palestinian civilians and wounded 70. 7) • The Haifa Massacre - 26/7/1938 A member of Irgun threw a hand grenade in a Haifa market killing 47 Palestinian civilians. 8) • The Jerusalem Massacre - 26/8/1938 A car bomb placed by the Irgun Zionist paramilitaries exploded in a Jerusalem Arab market killing 34 civilians and wounding 35. 9) • The Haifa Massacre - 27/3/1939 The Irgun paramilitaries detonated two bombs in Haifa killing 27 Palestinians and wounding 39. 10) • The Balad Al-Shaykh Massacre - 12/6/1939 The Haganah paramilitaries raided the city of Balad Al-Shaykh capturing 5 residents who they then killed. The city of Balad Al-Shaykh is a Palestinian city located east of Haifa. 11) • The Haifa Massacre - 19/6/1939 Zionist paramilitaries threw a hand grenade in a Haifa market killing 9 Palestinians and wounding 12) • August 1947 - Jewish paramilitaries blew up the house of a family of Palestinian orange growers. Twelve were killed including a woman and six children. The dynamiting of Palestinian houses became a key component of these Jewish paramilitary retaliatory strikes. 13) • Al Abbasiyah Massacre - Dec 1947: Jewish paramilitary organization Orgun attacked the Palestinian village of Al Abbasiyah and opened fire on its residents sitting outside a village cafe. They bombed houses and planted grenades. 14) • Balad Al-Shaykh Massacre - Dec 1947: The Palmach battalion and a brigade led by Haim Avinoam attacked the Palestinian Balad Al-Shaykh village killing 60 civilians, according to Zionist sources. Those killed included children, women and the elderly, and dozens of homes were destroyed. 15) • Al-Sheikh Break Massacre - Dec 1947: Zionist paramilitaries groups raided the Palestinian village of Al-Sheikh Break, killing 40 Palestinians. 16) • The Al-Kiasas Massacre - Dec 1947: Zionists from the “Maayan Baruch” kibbutz attacked and shot 5 Palestinian workers on their way to work. During the attack, one of the Zionists was stabbed and killed prompting the commander of the Palmach third battalion to order a retaliatory operation to burn the homes and kill the men in Al-Khasas. The Zionist commander’s report notes that 12 were killed, all of whom were women and children. 3. *The Arabs rejected the UN Partition plan because 62% of the land was to be awarded to the Jews, in spite of Jews making up only 32% of the population, while Arabs made up 68%, by far the majority.* This is only scratching the surface of the numerous inaccuracies word-vomited in this video. What an embarrassment to try to pass off something so distorted as fact. But as we already know, Zionists love their revisionist history.
@@Lumix861accurately same. Hindu population from islamic countries reduced to rubble. And muslims are growing in India. And still they say that they are oppressed here.
You know how OpenAI discloses "ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts." ? This guy needs to have the same disclaimer. Here is I will copy-paste my main comment on the video: Based on this grave mistake you made 2 minutes into the video, I will consider the rest of your video shit. Here is the process behind my decision: You claimed "In Morocco, the Jewish population went from 265,000 in 1948 to 2,150 in 2018 due to ethnic cleansing." Let's not argue on whether or not you said "due to ethnic cleansing." In fact, you used a devious discussion method commonly called "insinuation." You used it in saying "If you want to use the words ethnic cleansing, you can use it to describe what happened to the Jews in Arab countries", and then proceeding to cite the decrease of the Jewish population in Arab countries. You insinuated that Arab countries ethnically cleanse Jews. Aside from this claim being diametrically opposed to Muslim religion directives and beliefs, if the listener misses this insinuation, they cannot see what is wrong with your argument, and thus take it as fact. I take it this is exactly what happened to you. Here is the fact to counter your claim: During 1961-1964, 80,000 Jewish Moroccans were sent to Israel by agreement between the Moroccan government and the Israeli government. That is ~30% of Jewish Moroccans supported in their travels to Israel over a 3-year period in the 60s, when travel was more expensive than now. If you bother to check the timeline of when the Israeli population increased, and when it decreased in other Arab countries, and by which means, you will discover that many Muslim Arab countries facilitated your travel to the land; but definitely did not support the blatant murder your state has been ordering on Palestinian communities. The flaw in your argument is that you are biting the hand that helped your Israeli peers get established in the land. To be more exact, you are shitting in the hand that helped you. Whether you accept or not that you are biased, you are persuaded by many perspectives, which introduces confirmation bias. You fail to correctly interpret some facts here and there, which eventually builds up to make a view that is fully flawed. Source of the 1961-1964 data: your own goddamn government. Google "The Aliyah of Moroccan Jewry (1954-1955) gov.il". I hope this will trigger you to re-analyze many of your arguments, and revise your view. It will take many people analyzing your thought processes and pointing the fallacies therein, for you to even consider initiating a change. Best of luck. Edit: I have looked at the rest of your video. I can confirm it is shit. Just like I proved one of your "facts" wrong, I can do it for most points you raised. You claim you like facts, get your facts goddamned straight.
Very detailed and informative. Sometimes this social media sheep blindly show a hot topic without proper research and equality. Your research was to the point and true.
Yes! My family have done our own research about this subject. You have confirmed everything we have found. The information is out there if people are just willing to search for it. Thank you and Shalom! :)
The Israel spat on Christian pilgrims. Just a few weeks ago Benjamin Netanyahu told the US congress and Biden to out of their politics. The fact is US congress that receive donations from Israel should be registered as foreign agents. Be on the side of Christ.
@@bluedog101cWhat is being spat on in comparison to being raped, kidnapped or institutionally relegated to second class by imposing dhimmi tax for not being a Muslim?
None of these claims are arguments on why Israel should exist and Palestine not. - What happened there 2000 years ago doesn't matter at all - whats written in which religious book also doesn't matter to anyone who is not a member of that religion - who is treating the land better or who is more advanced culturally, morally, technologically or in any other sense also doesn't matter - where anyone turns to while praying also irrelevant - if some Muslims before 1920 were animals and were killing jews also doesn't matter - who funded Jerusalem 2000 years also a non argument The whole video is a non argument for why Jews should be governing that land on a state level and Palestinians get nothing. It's a very long video that has no real substance.
@@yoooyoyooo One argument - Musliams has 57 states , Christain has 60+ , Budistist has 10+ ,Hindus has 2 So at least they should be given one Country .
Excellent video! Mainstream media resorts to one extreme or the other, but the way you are able to see things in the middle, restating history to know where things start, and ability to find some common ground is what we are missing in this world.
Okay watch this video by al da7ee7 with sources of the info mentioned in you will then find out how certain places in Israel are literally built upon Palestinean corpses just like the jewish holocaust but this time it is Arab holocaust by the jews ua-cam.com/video/f0oy-NicIgE/v-deo.htmlsi=dRixCRZ3zGUgS_lN
"You dont have the right to reinvent history" that has to be one of the most true things i have ever heard in my life.Thank you very much..
11:00 You mention that Christian’s (Germans and Americans) purchased land in order to build institutions and support the second coming of Jesus (the messiah). This is one of the primal issues of the conflict today. Christian Zionists in the United States are the biggest supporters of JS and are responsible all the death and destruction.
11:40 All the empires you mentioned fell because they opposed The Triple Entente during WW1. The British, French, and American (there were others too) empires were still in full gear. The reason there were national movements was because there were power vacuums and partitioning of land as these empires fell. Ever heard of the Sykes-Picot Agreement? The Palestinian National Movement was the national movement for Palestinians, “it is as simple as that.”
11:32 Yes, lots of people moved. You are forgetting to mention that millions of people moved because of people transfers for these newly created states. One example is the population exchange between Greece and Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman empire. You are also forgetting all the people who were displaced since there were refugees of WW1. The majority of these millions of people didn’t simply buy new summer homes and decided to stay there permanently. Their living arrangements were changed from events that they could not control.
11:57 You contradict yourself here. You claim that Jews never used violence to take land from 7th century to 1947, but that implies that after 1947 Jews are stealing land from Arabs with the use of violence.
13:55 Twain visited in 1867 which was nearing the fall of the Ottoman empire. The Ottoman state was in decline for quite some time and would declare bankruptcy in 1875. At the time of Twain’s visit, the land would have been controlled by the Ottomans. I’m not a historian, but I recall this time in Ottoman history being littered with invasions, changes in government, rebellions, and uprisings.
It shouldn’t come to a surprise that Arabs would assist the British in overthrowing the Ottoman empire in exchange for their independence. After the war, the British didn’t quite follow through, split up the land, but Palestinians never got their own state even though their neighbors did. I suppose that would be a perfect time to form a Palestinian National Movement. Once again, “it is as simple as that.”
16:08 I suppose it is because we are mixing actions, perspective, and timeframes. The Egyptians who moved and settled into Palestine assimilated into Arab-Palestinian culture, and are now, more than likely, suffering the same fate as Palestinians. The “white colonialists” (not my words) you’re referring to are probably viewed that way because they are currently bombing, breaking, destroying, and colonizing. Aren’t Israeli’s responsible for killing 50,000+ people in the last year in Gaza, The West Bank, and Lebanon?
18:22 One of the common issues I hear about from the current partition of land is that rain water that lands in Palestinian territories actually drains into Israeli territory. It sounds like those swamps are an advantage.
18:36 I think you are missing a fundamental issue by expanding the scope of land distribution to include Jordan which again just tells a wiser audience that the distribution was not evenly allocated between the Jews and the Palestinians. In reference to your original argument, Jordan is mostly desert and is one of the most resource poor countries with having nearly no oil or natural gas reserves and additionally suffers from water scarcity. In the context of your argument, it sounds like the wetlands are OP. I will also throw in that Jordan is nearly landlocked and has access to one seaway in Aqaba.
18:50 I suppose that would be the perfect place to have western goods delivered into Israel. You know, a city by the water? Also, can you name the invented fruits?
19:08 Which parts? The land that olive and date trees that have been growing for centuries? In the current year, 2024, all water is controlled by Israel. It is Illegal to catch rainwater. If the water is contaminated, then who would be at fault?
19:14 You say that Palestinians had years to form a Palestinian state while under Jordanian and Egyptian rule. Isn’t this a contradiction? Jordan brought military forces into the West Bank in order to annex it. Does that sound like self-determination?
19:20 A moment ago you were wondering why Palestinians weren’t ruling themselves, yet you are mad that they form a group to rule themselves.
19:32 You are now ignoring the Nakba. Palestinians were inhabiting the land, cities, villages, etc., that became under Israeli control. The occupation of the land already began. You specified at 4:20 when explaining the Palestinian narrative that Palestinians were kicked from their homes. Up to this point in the video, this part of the narrative is never refuted. You acknowledge, them immediately set it aside to assert the Israeli narrative as the “correct” one.
19:50 Israel wants a state that replaces Palestine, Jordan, Egyptian Sinai, and Lebanon.
I started writing 10 minutes into the video. I stopped around the 20 minute mark. The only number I can find regarding aid to Palestinians is 16.5 billion between 1994 and 2017. Didn’t the 1st Trump administration approve that much over 10 years?
@St4rOfD4vid actually to the Victor go the spoils. For millenia the winning side has rewritten history. We Jews have our own history in which you can see no one idolized our heros
It's been public record for centuries
@St4rOfD4vid I'm totally agree with you, since I was a child, at the church, at the school they teach us Jesus history and is so clear, true and well known that Jewish always lived in Israel since thousands of years, when didn't even exist the idea of Muslims. Try to change the history is a crime, is ridiculous and very infamous. I know inside me that a fake religion, people that based thir entire life on lies and evilness can't go far, this will end one day and they, Muslims and those idiots of propalwill have to hide for the shame. What I can't understand is how so many people for so many years follow a cult and some bad values that ruins their and our lives... The only answer that comes to my mi d is that the evil can take infinite forms and I think it took a form of a religion and is trying to bring evil on this world. I pray that God will be always on the side of who act for the goodness, that Jewish will stand up always strong and will bring the peace in middle east, that the west get rid of evil people who wants it's death, and that one day Muslims will understand and get free of that mad religion of evil. 🙏❤️🇮🇱♥️🇮🇹
”you have the right to identify yourself however you like but you don’t have the right to reinvent history” SPOT ON!👏🏾
Read the book From Time Immoral
That's true. So please research the actual history or at least read the comments I posted and tell me again who tries to reinvent history.
@@RabbiTuviaBoltonany one can write a book and put in there own word on his own favor but at the same time both sides has there own stories
Yeap like Columbus discovered America. But that was believed wasn’t it. History is so reliable, isn’t it?
@@anusmile3747The truth is that the real population of America is not the current population, the American Indians who are the indigenous people whose lands were exterminated and appropriated. This is what makes us know that America does not have an actual history like Israel, which is trying to erase identity, plunder the land, and falsify history
As an Arab your point of view makes sense thank you for explaining the Israeli perspective, I wish one day we live all in peace and treat each other with respect.
Yah sure zionist bot 🤣
@@charlesK12960how do you figure that’s what he said you’re just another hate monger so sad
@@charlesK12960 you didn’t answer my question
@@JacobVindman I am to answer your question. Pay close attention. Gaza is a Hewbrew word meaning fortress. Palestine is from the Pelasgi of the Sea People who had come from the BaLKans, which, explained via s(C)LAvenoBuLGarian, means BRiGht. Israel is the homeland of the Jews and Jerusalem is their sacred city. The Arabs are invaders in Israel/ Palestine. The Arabs have invaded territories hundreds of times bigger than Israel. The Arabs have expelled the Jews from the territories they have invaded. The Great Powers, who partitioned the Osmanlee Empire, offered to divide the land in two for Jews and Arabs, which the Jews accepted but the Arabs (Arabianized) refused. This lack of understanding and generocity of the Arabs (Arabianized) and fighting against the Jews led to the future and current disasters.......
"If you can't support the country you live in, go live in the country you do support"......holds true no matter where you are.
"If your car runs out of gas, go get into a car that still has gas in it"? "If Earth is heading towards catastrophic biosphere collapse, move to Mars"? Yeesh. What's wrong with these people? If something is broken, work to fix it. But... yeah...
@fugue137 that's the problem. These people don't want to "fix" the problem, they want others to turn into the problem. Why, no clue. It seems to me that the ones who put down our country are the ones who turn down the opportunity to see the other side of the fence. They're misinformation or not adequately informed. They hear one side cry, "WE'RE OPPRESSED" and they run with it. While I feel bad for people involved in that mess, I'm more worried about things here at home.
@@fugue137yeah .. thats how settlers Zionism think.. if the rule the world and this planet about to die they would go to other planet where there aliens living peacefully over milion of years and they will claim we are god chosen people and this is oour promised planet 😂😂
As a Chinese,I can’t agree more.In my country so many support the US,open the border let them in.😂
they can't leave their country... they want to
As the child of Muslim parents, my dad was almost an historian. I knew this history from my dad. This should be required viewing.
Bless your father for not spreading lies and hate.
Did your father explain to you how the Jews connected with the land 1300 BCE but Islam only appeared in the 7th century CE? Or did he miss that bit out - just guessing
@@HamishBanishdon't hate him, read what he said.
@@HamishBanish relax buddy. She said she learned this history even being a Muslim. No need to drive home a point that she doesn't even seem to deny.
@@puneet90 I did read and did comprehend
My question stands: did the history-loving father of @lisabelle7553 communicate and explain the correct historical lineage of the land?
My guess is not
And the scariest thing is that people will prefer to overlook everything on this video
That’s because they are ignorant
Yes, because everything he says does not justify a Genocide on the Palestinian people.
@@Razzy_D9111 Correct
No one's doing genocide, it only started after October 7th@@Razzy_D9111
I`m a german with jewish heritage but not a jew myself. I think everything you said about this ongoing conflict is. I long had the opion that israel is the victim of muslim aggression and now I heard these words from a israelien. i`m so sorry for what is currently happening in the western world and in Germany especially. It´s a shame for germany that the hatred for jew is now on the rise again
These are the times, now and in our history I fell ashamed to a german. may germany and israel be friends forerver and may israel finally find peace.
God bless Israel.
You need more black people in Israel 🇮🇱 you are racist because Israel needs us ❤️❤️
Thank you so much ❤
There are quite a few.
Falasha (Ethiopian Jews).
Why don't the "mainstream" media outlets interview this guy? Excellent, spot on. If I ever make it to Israel, I'm traveling with your company.
A small historical chronology related to Jews over the last thousand years:
1080 Expulsion from France.
1098 Expulsion from the Czech Republic.
1113 - Expulsion from Kievan Rus (Vladimir Monomakh).
1113 - massacre of Jews in Kiev.
1147 - Expulsion from France.
1171 Expulsion from Italy.
1188 Expulsion from England.
1198 Expulsion from England.
1290 Expulsion from England.
1298 Expulsion from Switzerland (100 Jews executed by hanging)
1306 Expulsion from France (3,000 burned alive)
1360 Expulsion from Hungary.
1391 Expulsion from Spain (30,000 executed, 5,000 burned alive)
1394 Expulsion from France.
1407 Expulsion from Poland.
1492 - Expulsion from Spain (the law on the eternal prohibition of Jews from entering the country).
1492 Expulsion from Sicily.
1495 - Expulsion from Lithuania and Kiev.
1496 Expulsion from Portugal.
1510 Expulsion from England.
1516 Expulsion from Portugal.
1516 - Law in Sicily allowing Jews to live only in ghettos.
1541 Expulsion from Austria.
1555 Expulsion from Portugal.
1555 - Law in Rome allowing Jews to live only in ghettos.
1567 Expulsion from Italy.
1570 - Expulsion from Germany (Brandenburg)
1580 - exile from Novgorod (Ivan the Terrible).
1592 Expulsion from France.
1616 Expulsion from Switzerland.
1629 Expulsion from Spain and Portugal (Philip IV)
1634 Expulsion from Switzerland.
1655 Expulsion from Switzerland.
1660 - Expulsion from Kiev.
1701 - Exile from Switzerland (by decree of Philip V)
1806 - The ultimatum of Napoleon. Badarga.
1828 - Expulsion from Kiev.
1933 Expulsion from Germany and genocide.
On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was established in the Palestinian territories.
Ooooh, you know exactly why they don't/won't.
Cause the Israeli government are killing citizens for the actions of terrorists.
The same reason they haven't made a video on what's happening in the south east Asian countries like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. You can check long history. What has happened in these countries the exact same is happening in Israel. Muslim people destroyed one of the most holy temple in India. History is just repeating itself. Now today as we speak Muslim people are forcefully converting people from other religion. If not they're being killed or r-ed. Check what's happening in Bangladesh and Pakistan. But the media is silent on this. Thousands of people are dying including kids. But one person dies in Palestine and media and celebrities start fighting. I'm not saying one is okay. No one should die. But the fact that these news and celebrities only cover one part and make them look good even though they're the ones to blame shows that someone is giving them some sort of rewards to influence.
because the brain will melt through the ears of those who are not open minded enough to hear it.
Thank you so much for making this video. I will continue to pass it along to friends, who like me in the past, are clueless in America.
Yes herd the sheep lol
@@BeKind1Lovei cant tell what your point here was
@@Nucleartub it was partially sarcasm and partially truth. If you can't understand a simple sentence and the context there's nothing I can elaborate on to make it more obvious. I suggest questioning everything you think you know. Religion and even the pope.
@@BeKind1Love people still give two shits about the pope? Anyways calm down like I was just confuzzled no need to attack me on it.
@@BeKind1Love I meant to say that I couldnt tell what youmeant by it
The best line. "The British were pro-British" which is so true.
Oh come on. Don’t start on the Brits. we are being invaded by thousands of muslim men daily right now. Please just pray for us. We are a small island with a terrible government who are allowing this and it is very worrying indeed.
@@victoriacharlesworth7099 are you for real complaining about Britain currently? I am genuinely puzzled as Ukrainian/Jewish citizen of Ruzzia. I wouldn't even beep about how hellishly soul-draining living in a police state where you can get your butt graped for showing anti-war stance is, never been able even to vote an MP in my life, when talking in the comments about situation about both sides of my family experiencing. And you are b`1tching in the first world!
@@zer0homer London has become one of the most violent cities with some of the highest violent crime rates in Europe as a result of what they are saying. So you are just doing what you are accusing them of doing by speaking with ignorance on topics you have no knowledge of. They are now arresting people in the UK for silently praying *in their minds* . So clearly everyone is dealing with evil people who are making life wicked wherever you are on earth today.
@@zer0homer : I keep wondering why most Russians won't speak up against the invasion of the Ukraine. The silence makes it looks like they support what Putin is doing. So is it because they CAN'T, speak out?
Listen, we all like to be critic while looking on the past from today stand point...Imagine youreself in that time, with that education and world view. We all take moral high ground against colonism etc. with mind formed after all history that we saw...
As an Indonesian, 2007 we suffered as Christian minority in our own country, and it was Moslem who started the chaos again and again. They just couldn't live peacefully with others.
i am indonesian moslem and dont know what you are talking about
@@dsm761 Good for you. Gereja saya dipaksa ditutup pada tahun 2007 karena alasan tidak adanya izin. Kami dikepung massa saat sedang beribadah dan mereka sebagian membawa pentung. Now you know what I am talking about?
@@dsm761 mungkin karena anda muslim makanya anda tidak merasakan hal yang beginian. Pasti anda tidak begini juga kepada umat agama lain. Tapi ini adalah realita kita yang beragama selain muslim yang tinggal di Indonesia. Bukan anda tapi orang lain dengan alasan muslim melakukan hal itu.
@@dsm761 one such example is the penan tribe they are pretty much forgotten and excluded from society in both malaysia and indonesia because they are majority christian and because of this they are excluded. Malaysia isn't even new to this they also did that but on a hindu ancient site tho they have no plans to show it as a unesco heritage because its hindu and not muslim
saya tinggal di jakarta barat. banyak gereja di sini. ga ada masalah. karena adanya di area yg mayoritas kristen. gereja kamu ada dimana kah?
Wow. I’m actually impressed I didn’t expect something actually objective. And I love your style because you don’t have resentment or negativity in you when you explain these things. It makes it so much easier to actually learn instead of feeling inundated like some others. Thank you!
Wow, thank you!
I will repeat the comment someone left above.
People can be very convincing when calmly explaining things in a way that seems convincing, but you should do a little research into this chain of events either on Google or Wikipedia if you want a less biased understanding of the history of the Israel-Palestine conflict: WWI -> Covenant of the League of Nations (specifically Article 22) -> British Mandated Palestine -> Balfour Declaration -> 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine - > Peel Commission -> Arab general strike and armed insurrection, April-October 1936 -> Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine -> UN Mandate for Palestine -> Arab-Israeli War -> Nakba -> Establishment of the State of Israel -> Existence of Modern Conflict. The parts he glossed over were extremely important to forming the context of why Hamas acts in the way it does today. Pretending that Jews have never done violence or stolen land is just a lie that any person who knows the history of the region wouldn't parrot around.
I don't care if you believe me, just be very critical of everything you see on social media.
I'm critical of my pro-palestinian views, that's why I'm here to see what the other side is saying.
Jews didn't steal land but Zionists do because they are not Jews. Zionists are lucifarians.The Zionist Conference, convened by Theodore Hertzl, chose the six pointed star as the insignia of their movement in 1897. They call it the Star of David because the are liars. It's not factual to call Jesus a Jew. The word 'Jew' originates with the kingdom of Judah. Jews are the descendants of Judah from where the term “Jew” originated. “Yahudeen”.
The term “Jew” in the bible is first mentioned in 2 Kings 16:6 after the kingdom of Israel was divided into two kingdoms: the Kingdom of Israel (the Northern Kingdom) which consisted of the ten tribes of original Israel. The Jews were from the Kingdom of Judah (the Southern Kingdom) which consisted of the two tribes, Judah and Benjamin. (read Jeremiah 31:31-34). Abram was not a Jew either. He was a Hebrew because he came from the lineage of Heber (or Eber), (Joshua 24:2).
If you think Zionists care about Judaism you need to read the Theodore Hertzl Diary. Here's an excerpt “It is essential that the sufferings of Jews became worse. This will assist in the realization of our plans. I have an excellent idea. I shall induce anti-semites to liquidate Jewish wealth. The anti-semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of Jews. The anti-semites shall be our best friends”
@@Anon-y4w I know the history very well, I have studied this situation intensively. I don't know if we agree, but try me. I would be interested to hear more, so could you explain to me what you exactly disagree about? You sum up a couple of historical events that I recognize and know about, but what is your point? Where was the man in the video nót right in your opinion, and why exactly? I myself thought he was remarkably accurate, but it's always possible I missed something.
@@MJKJ70 again, the man in the video is correct with the facts. The problem is he doesn’t present all the necessary facts to paint a full picture/context of the events, only the ones that suit his narrative.
That’s called cherry picking and it’s highly manipulative.
Also I really didn’t agree with his take “Israelis didn’t steal any land from local people” this is simply not true, settlers are stealing lands, houses and properties from Palestinians in the West Bank right now as we speak.
Just a small perspective, it probably means very little but, when I was 11-14 years old we lived in the middle east, my dad was a pilot back then flying for a local airline that was in the midst of a huge expansion. We moved there and for young white kids we faced alot of racism and discrimination based on our religion but I personally met and befriended quite a few Arabs that were great people. One thing always stuck with me though, coming from the west and moving to the middle east, I knew that mosques existed in western countries and Muslim immigrants were overall welcomes into most communities without any real resistance. So I asked my closest Arabic friend once (bear in mind we were both 12 or 13 at the time) I don't see any churches here anywhere (my family wasn't hugely religious but many of my expat friends had families that were heavily catholic, protestant etc). I went on to ask, do you think some churches will be built? (Again I was 13, thought that's how it worked, swapping of cultures, both societies opening their doors to each other completely). Before I could even finish my sentence he hushed me and said "don't ever even say the word church so people can hear". He said "Christians are absolutely hated all over this land, if someone tries to build a church, they will be killed". It was that moment that the differences between us became instantly clear to me and I sensed the same for my friend, I also senses in that moment that he seemed very apologetic, almost as if he felt bad for the way things were. We never spoke of it again, but remained friends for a few years even after we left the middle east when my dad's contract was over. I have reflected alot on that conversation and it still fills me with sadness that I wasn't even allowed to mention a thing about Christianity in the open and that there are obviously Muslims that feel bad about that too. The Muslims I met in my time there were good people but their religion forces them to be intolerant of others as a whole and that's a big problem. They're allowed to build mosques here, but we aren't allowed to build churches there under threat of death?!
I will add, I don't know how it is in the middle east now, it's been over a decade since I've been back there, perhaps it's more tolerant now? Idk. But I will say, that warning I was given was chiseled into my memory and every terrorist act I've seen since then done in the name of Allah and Islam has reminded me of easily a person can become a target of extremists that have no tolerance of other cultures and religions.
I realize situations in the middle east are alot more complex than my little story but I hope someone out there can read what I've written and learn from my direct experience being in that culture. It's too bad really, how many more of us from both cultures could be friends with each other if all sides just dropped their intolerant hatred?!
It is a crime to be of any other religion in a Muslim majority country but it is not a crime to be of any other religion in a Christian majority country.
Thanks for the story.
Yes, in all Muslim countries, there is no such thing as freedom of religion, nor freedom of speech, etc.
Not a small perspective at all but an important one. I recently stopped by a muslim stand to have a chat with the guys. This is in a major Scandinavian city, and they had chosen to put slogans like "Jesus is muslim" on the sides of it. I wanted a chat with the guys to ask them why they had chosen such slogans that would offend people.
One of them was very friendly but he couldn't understand why that would offend anyone. Zero understanding. The other guy was rude and disrespectful. After 10 minutes of discussion the nicer one still couldn't understand how insensitive it was and explained that Islam has to conquer other religions since it's the only correct one. The depressing thing is that they were rather young, around 25, possibly born in my country, but held very fundamentalist views. I have many muslim friends by the way, from many countries.
@MrSvante88 Wow, that's really sad to read, especially the whole "beat all other religions" part. If that isn't a call for religious fueled violence, idk what is. I had heard that things were very tense in Scandinavian countries because they wanted to take in as many refugees from the Middle East as they could help. Sad when a countries self-sacrifice trying to do the right thing backfires on its own citizens. Although, to be fair, I'm sure there are many thankful and kind refugees that made their way over there, too. What are your thoughts? Is what I heard and read accurate?
In my country, in Asian, which is a muslim majority country, muslims often persecuted christians for wanting to build a church. Moreover, the government made it so difficult to build one, as christians are required many administrations to build one. The worse was that, when the christians are praying from their own home, the muslim locals would come to their home and forcefully demand them to stop praying, even worse there was this one incident where the muslims stabbed them because they were praying from their own fcking home. Despite this crazy behavior, few places in my country, the muslims are tolerant and live peacefully with other religions. But, if later the extremists successfully influence this tolerant muslims, we would be completely doomed .
You are not only a man of facts, you are also a good teacher, you speak very clearly.
No, he is not a man of facts. He is a man of half trues and straight up lies.
@@vulc1 Surely YOU are NOT a person of facts. If you disagree, just contradict him with FACTS
@@bravulo WRONG! I have made many posts with facts, but this guy from Israel never, ever responds to them. And I'm not the only one who posts real facts as opposed to his half trues and lies. He never reacts.
@@vulc1 I am learning a lot about this conflict and I do agree with the fact that this guy has a biased presentation of the history, even though I haven't really found any lies. What facts do you have that would counter his points, or where does he say anything deceiving in your opinion?
@@arnedeckers6343Almost the whole western world has gone mad at supporting the terrorist group Hamas and young people chanting lines that advocated to kill all Jews where in most cases they have no idea of the meaning behind the lines, and you are here saying “this guy has a biased presentation of the history”??
This dude is spitting nothing but 100% facts!!! No bias whatsoever.😳 god bless you brother!❤️
Plenty of bias, please read my comment
@ahmadabboud1535 nobody cares
He even says he doesn’t like his current government.. how much more unbiased can u be?
@@SleepyDaisy-ub9wt read my comment
@@SleepyDaisy-ub9wt looool
”you have the right to identify yourself however you like but you don’t have the right to reinvent history”
What ru talking about?
@@orlandohinojosa6673 He talks about things that are not true and changes history and events in order to get views by making people oppose him and attack him in the comments so that the video spreads more. He trades on the lives of innocent people and delivers false information.
@@ViitesVIS I'll check it out
Then prove what he said wasnt true @@ViitesVIS
@@ViitesVIS I don't think that Israel being a country before Palestine is false though
As a Ukrainian i am grateful for this video and feel your pain: we also need to fight against so much propaganda and misinformation.
Ukraine started the war by trying to join NATO. Ukraine made an agreement not to do that and they broke that agreement....
Oh, thank you for a clear example of propaganda. The truth is: Russia began its aggression in 2014 and has been killing Ukrainians for a 10 years now. Russia opposes NATO expansion, particularly for countries that gained independence after the Soviet Union's collapse, as it seeks to regain control over these nations. In 2008, when Putin threatened the world because Ukraine and Georgia were invited to join NATO, the global response halted the process. A few months later, Russia invaded Georgia. Then, a few years later, following the Revolution of Dignity, which led to the removal of puppet president, Russia launched a war against Ukraine and escalated to a full-scale invasion on February 24, 2022. NATO is another myth, the primary factors driving the conflict are Russia’s territorial ambitions and its desire to exert influence over former Soviet states, rather than direct provocations or actions by NATO.
В Украине обязательно будет мир. Привет из России!❤
@@thetruepatriot7733yeah how dare ukraine try to join nato, russia is such a great neighbor and would never break its agreements to honor ukrainian sovereignty and territorial integrity particularly in donbass and crimea.
But really, nato wouldve never accepted ukraine and time and time again they are refused entry because
1) nato doesnt want to upset russia
2) there are clauses that dont allow entrance of nations with territorial disputes (crimea)
I was born and raised in Turkey, a Muslim country. They drove us out because we are Greek Christians and now I live in Australia. The leader of the opposition party here recently remarked that we need to stop allowing refugees from Gaza into Australia because Muslim extremists have committed most of the terrorist attacks in the country over the last years. This is a statistical fact. Yet the liberal media here has labelled him a racist and he’s been forced to apologise. Although I abhor the man’s politics I agree with him on this point. Yet many Australians want the government to keep bringing Muslims from the Middle East into the country. Those of us who escaped Muslim persecutions in our own countries know they’re inviting trouble.
Population exchange stop lying
@@abdullahiabdisalan1170what preceded the population exchange? Turks are from Mongolia
I can't believe this is happening in Australia this is unbelievable!
@@abdullahiabdisalan1170 the population exchanges happened in the 1920s. I was born more than four decades later. Most Greeks left Turkey during the population exchanges. Some were allowed to remain because, although Greek, they were Turkish citizens. But nationalist politics and religious extremism ultimately drove out the rest. Now there’s a small number of elderly left.
@@abdullahiabdisalan1170spotted the muslim extremist
Thank you! This helps me so much! I live in a muslim country trying to shine the light of truth
Watch your head my friend. Dangerous endeavor. But, don’t stop. 👍
Thanks for your clarity. Hands across the waters. From Australia to Israel. ❤
As someone who lives in Europe, I’m deeply saddened that people here will call you racist if you say that Muslims did and still do atrocities in Africa and Middle East, because they think we should love each other and somehow, they don’t understand that some people don’t want to
An Egyptian told me straight to my face he would throw rocks if he saw a homosexual on the streets of his city. Yeah that sums up the creepiest parts of the Middle East
@@GabHeart-rk6qm the Egyptian guy I’ve talked to told me that everything related to gays is sh!t and that he doesn’t want them to come near him, not even if they want to be friends… so sad
what we see is that jews have no love or affective or humanistic kind of thing , yes some muslims are extremist but the whole world who witness this can not be wrong
@@GabHeart-rk6qmEgypt is in Africa 🥸
@@Marocchino_italiano well, a *bit* of it is in Asia...
So many lies have been told to people that it is scary how many people are every day losing their minds over this; chanting things that they don’t even know the meaning of. Thank you for being a voice of truth in these crazy times.
And the way the free palestine kids are overlooking over the vid
@@ICherishStrawberries overlooking because they dont like the murder of kids
Exactly! "Free Palestine" is yelled from the rooftops without taking into account the geopolitical implications now and into the future.
The fact there are pictures and videos of people chanting gays for Palestine is already enough for me.
@@ICherishStrawberries I mean this video gets a lot wrong really
Thank you and God bless the Land of Israel. Praying for peace to be restored in the Middle East soon 🇮🇱🕊️🇵🇸🙏🏻
Ues this video is a very good step for understanding the truth :
In the beginning of 19 century there were Jewish communities in all "Palestinian authority cities" :
in Hebron in Damascus, in Neblus.
But we the israelis don't demand the right of return ! Nachba !
The Palestinians stole entire cities from Jewish inhabitants.
Stole hundreds of thousands dunams of land.
Stolen by the Palestinian Arabs from innocent Jewish people who have been living (even in gaza) since 3000 years ago...
In fact as part of the peace agreement there was Jewish land to return ... but the Palestinian authority denies it.
The second the Jewish people left their lands in gaza. The Palestinian terrorists started shooting on israel... using that land for terror.
And later on october 7th...
Palestinians are nothing but bullies who create terror and lie.
That's the truth
Do you know who called it palistina ? 👉🏽🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
@ The Romans? 🇮🇱
@@nigelgillespie4718 correct ✅. So I haven’t a clue what the Arabs are on about??
@@section5760 Me neither 🤔
I’m a convert Jew and I’m from the Dominican Republic. My country of origin is going through something similar with Haiti, and many of your points, in this and other of your videos, can be perfectly applied to the DR-Haiti situation. Being part of both communities (Jewish and Dominican), I can only imagine what you feel when trying to explain this to people at a large scale; it is extremely frustrating when lies have been spread so far and deep that most people are not even willing to listen to the truth.
@@ParteraQuisqueyana are you now an ancient Israelite with ancestral connections to Israel? You should move there because it’s your ancestral homeland.
@@blah329I actually am, and moving to Israel is every Jew’s wish. I can rightfully live in the DR, the US or Israel; either country is/have been good for me. I don’t have to stay in one single place permanently.
@@ParteraQuisqueyana lol, no one has to stay anywhere permanently, but if you move to Israel you will become another illegal settler. Living on stolen land because all of a sudden you have the “right to return” to your ancestral homeland LMFAO. Don’t you see? How are you all of a sudden connected to the land by your ancestors?
Islam without LIES dies.
@@blah329 people of the world even if they are of different religions can live side by side and in peace and harmony with each other. But when it comes to the people of islam, the question would be like this:
Can the people of islam live in peace and harmony along with all the people of different religions?
People of islam usually call people of other religions as having islamophobia and apartheid.
But people of islam are the ones who are like this.
This was a very well constructed argument. Thank you for being brave enough to share this.
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
im not religious, so hoping :)
yes, israel should go back to its 1940 borders.
and both for Isarel and Palestine, within the justice!!
@@viscourtroy half of this sentence is justified.
@@viscourtroy half of this sentence is justified
Thank You for simply stating Facts. I am a Christian born in Australia with Jewish friends who have children and grandchildren living in Tel Aviv. I had paid for a holiday (booked through my Pentacostal Church) in early November 2023. This was sadly cancelled when Hamas bombed the Concert on 7th October.
I have been seeking unbiased news about the situation in Israel ever since.
All I can say is Thank You Thank You THANK YOU and God Bless You and all you do 🙏😊
My favorite line from this whole video is EVERYONE should be able to enjoy human rights. ❤
You have a new subscriber.
But I guess not the Palestinians, right
Palestinians are Human too
@@SamRammo because they supported gaza and now they're suffering
As a muslim and as a fellow member of the human race, this video is very enlightening and I'd extend my humblest gratitude to you brother. Indeed as sons of Abraham we have much in common than our differences.
And eventhough I don't endorse some of the arguments, many of the things you have shared have made me self-contemplate and realize the truth ..the truth that was always clear and right infront of our eyes, we just didn't want to accept it.
I envision a world where Israelis and Arabs of all religions and walks of life can live in peace and Middle East ushers in an era of prosperity and greatness as it always was at the forefront of civilization in human history.
Jews, muslim arabs, christian arabs, druza, and many more ethnic groups are already living in peace in Israel. One of my best friend is druze, and a very good friend of my mother's is arab muslim.
We live next to each other, we go to the same army, and ultimately have the same goal - living in peace.
There is a small minority calling themselves "Palestinians" who don't want peace, don't want coexistence and just want to kill.
And there is also a small minority of Jews who don't want coexistence and just want to kill (All the followers of Baruch Goldstein and such)
We need to make it clear that no terror and hatred is allowed here and kick anyone who promotes such acts, we just want to live peacefully in the same country.
you are nothing Muslim you might have a Muslim name but so many Queers and gays and Traitors and spies also have Muslim name
Lol you are not afraid because you are Jewish (the guy who made the video) go live in Gaza as a Palestinian then come back and form an argument
It will never happen. Sorry. You might want peace, your brothers and sisters in Islam don't. Your religion and its teachings call for the murder of all Jews and to convert all Christians or murder them. Well, we will never convert. Try reading our bible and you will find out why. We can not coexist together in peace. Sorry. Not because of us, but because of your religion and what it calls for. Islam is not the religion of peace. That is total bull crap. It can only be the religion of peace when all other religions are wiped out and we all believe as you do. But we will never convert. Jesus is the only true King, the Son of God Most High. And He is coming. But before He comes it will get really bad here on this earth. And billions will die. I would want you to know who Jesus truly is. But that is your choice. I would never harm you for what you believe. Muslims can't say the same. And if you know you so-called holy book, then you know I'm telling the truth. And if you don't, then you are not really a Muslim anyway. You were just bone into it. And yes, there are many Christians and Jews who were just born into it too. But they have no real idea what it means to be either.
@@A-GoldenBarthe only peace will be in the new world god has prepared for us
"nothing makes a place more holy than a competition with another religion" - you have just provided the best line that was ever said about this conflict.
It’s a religious war from the Palestinian side.
Except it was never even about the land. It was about the Jews being not supposed to win, ever, no matter what.
@@WorldifySanity The Zionist project has always been about land.
@@WorldifySanity yeah, Islam says that the muslims will fight and kill ALL jews (not just in Israel) to the point that trees and stones will snitch on the jews to the muslims during the end times
That sounds a lot like Baltic in the past.
I'm Italian and I know truth is so clear and I'm really shame of how is behaving Europe and Christians. I stand by you side 100%
11:00 You mention that Christian’s (Germans and Americans) purchased land in order to build institutions and support the second coming of Jesus (the messiah). This is one of the primal issues of the conflict today. Christian Zionists in the United States are the biggest supporters of JS and are responsible all the death and destruction.
11:40 All the empires you mentioned fell because they opposed The Triple Entente during WW1. The British, French, and American (there were others too) empires were still in full gear. The reason there were national movements was because there were power vacuums and partitioning of land as these empires fell. Ever heard of the Sykes-Picot Agreement? The Palestinian National Movement was the national movement for Palestinians, “it is as simple as that.”
11:32 Yes, lots of people moved. You are forgetting to mention that millions of people moved because of people transfers for these newly created states. One example is the population exchange between Greece and Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman empire. You are also forgetting all the people who were displaced since there were refugees of WW1. The majority of these millions of people didn’t simply buy new summer homes and decided to stay there permanently. Their living arrangements were changed from events that they could not control.
11:57 You contradict yourself here. You claim that Jews never used violence to take land from 7th century to 1947, but that implies that after 1947 Jews are stealing land from Arabs with the use of violence.
13:55 Twain visited in 1867 which was nearing the fall of the Ottoman empire. The Ottoman state was in decline for quite some time and would declare bankruptcy in 1875. At the time of Twain’s visit, the land would have been controlled by the Ottomans. I’m not a historian, but I recall this time in Ottoman history being littered with invasions, changes in government, rebellions, and uprisings.
It shouldn’t come to a surprise that Arabs would assist the British in overthrowing the Ottoman empire in exchange for their independence. After the war, the British didn’t quite follow through, split up the land, but Palestinians never got their own state even though their neighbors did. I suppose that would be a perfect time to form a Palestinian National Movement. Once again, “it is as simple as that.”
16:08 I suppose it is because we are mixing actions, perspective, and timeframes. The Egyptians who moved and settled into Palestine assimilated into Arab-Palestinian culture, and are now, more than likely, suffering the same fate as Palestinians. The “white colonialists” (not my words) you’re referring to are probably viewed that way because they are currently bombing, breaking, destroying, and colonizing. Aren’t Israeli’s responsible for killing 50,000+ people in the last year in Gaza, The West Bank, and Lebanon?
18:22 One of the common issues I hear about from the current partition of land is that rain water that lands in Palestinian territories actually drains into Israeli territory. It sounds like those swamps are an advantage.
18:36 I think you are missing a fundamental issue by expanding the scope of land distribution to include Jordan which again just tells a wiser audience that the distribution was not evenly allocated between the Jews and the Palestinians. In reference to your original argument, Jordan is mostly desert and is one of the most resource poor countries with having nearly no oil or natural gas reserves and additionally suffers from water scarcity. In the context of your argument, it sounds like the wetlands are OP. I will also throw in that Jordan is nearly landlocked and has access to one seaway in Aqaba.
18:50 I suppose that would be the perfect place to have western goods delivered into Israel. You know, a city by the water? Also, can you name the invented fruits?
19:08 Which parts? The land that olive and date trees that have been growing for centuries? In the current year, 2024, all water is controlled by Israel. It is Illegal to catch rainwater. If the water is contaminated, then who would be at fault?
19:14 You say that Palestinians had years to form a Palestinian state while under Jordanian and Egyptian rule. Isn’t this a contradiction? Jordan brought military forces into the West Bank in order to annex it. Does that sound like self-determination?
19:20 A moment ago you were wondering why Palestinians weren’t ruling themselves, yet you are mad that they form a group to rule themselves.
19:32 You are now ignoring the Nakba. Palestinians were inhabiting the land, cities, villages, etc., that became under Israeli control. The occupation of the land already began. You specified at 4:20 when explaining the Palestinian narrative that Palestinians were kicked from their homes. Up to this point in the video, this part of the narrative is never refuted. You acknowledge, them immediately set it aside to assert the Israeli narrative as the “correct” one.
19:50 Israel wants a state that replaces Palestine, Jordan, Egyptian Sinai, and Lebanon.
I started writing 10 minutes into the video. I stopped around the 20 minute mark. The only number I can find regarding aid to Palestinians is 16.5 billion between 1994 and 2017. Didn’t the 1st Trump administration approve that much over 10 years?
Don't call it islamophobia, call it common sense
People don't have buddist phobia, Hindu phobia, Christian phobia.
But people have Islam phobia.
Muslims must think Why?
Aren’t you afraid that somebody will say the same thing about antisemitism?
dont call it antisemitism...
pretty much the same thing lmao
@@michaelk2130 there is a clear mention in their book about killing non muslims , that no other religion teaches , so u have a right to be islamophobic .
From Vancouver Canada, I have to be honest, I’m new and learning. Thank you very much for your time and knowledge. Bless you. Bless Israel. Blessed be the name of the Lord
The guy has a lot of great points but I would still take these claims with a grain of salt. He sometimes has a tendency to present just one side of the argument. I consider myself to be very much a pro-Israeli person but that doesn't stop me from acknowledging that Israel has done some pretty awful things (and still does to this day). It's not wise to blindly support one side and ignore all its flaws. That's how people radicalise themselves. You have to bear in mind that this guy has his biases and doesn't present every possible point of view (he in fact often fails to present information that would weaken his argument), which isn't uncommon because most people do that. When looking at the conflict, try to think about if that particular information is biased or if you're predominantly using information that fuels your own biases. Do that and you will eventually know more than most because others will refuse to accept information that doesn't fit into their beliefs
@@nicnsugar I couldn’t agree more. Thank you for your insight. For we all have sinned, and only the Grace of God can save us. Peace
@@nicnsugar You state an opinion and do not support it with a single fact. Pick a single point, just one, and refute it with contradictory evidence. Anything.
@@TheGreenHeartofItaly-fl3wv An opinion isn't an argument so one does not usually provide evidence... This isn't an argument. What do you want me to do? Prove that the guy has his biases? Everyone has some.
Congrats Oren, nearly 6 million views in 10 months. Well deserved. Stay strong.
Im Australian in the 90s when i was a young teenager i came from a very multicultural part of Sydney, my friends were greek, Vietnamese, italian, tongan , Philippino and the list goes on, before i even knew what islam was i was playing football in the street and for absolutely no reason i was bashed almost to death, i had my teeth knocked out with a brick by muslim boys, had no idea why, it was a level of un provoked violence i had no idea existed, they were imigrants with instilled hate. That was my first introduction to Islam.
Now you think that all Muslims in the world are bad?
@@Йцц-т1э A severely disproportionate amount of Muslims are violent/extremist compared to other people. Obviously a lot of Muslims aren't like this, some of my best friends are Muslim despite me being Jewish, but the generalisation does have some rational basis.
@@numbersstationsarchive194Very well put. Though, statistics should not define the entire thought of a religion.
You have to add to that your privilege of being white, your elite invest in conflict and arms to keep them ignorant and violent. They are not using that "help" for education and peace. Australians can travel and migrate every where, to Australia British can migrate, Irish can migrate, Swiss can migrate, Germans can migrate.... now let's talk about Sudamericans, You put a very expensive visa and hard visa to get for tourism purposes for us when you can visit our countries for free, we are not Muslims, we are not the ones consuming drugs, in fact Australian are the drug consumers, oh wait we aren't white enough coincidence I don't think so....
“I had a boy hit me when I was young, so I now advocate for the extermination of their people” is not the good look you think it is
Thank you from South Africa. Keep spreading the truth
Your country filed a case against them in ICJ😢
@akankshajha7250 My country South Africa also protected Omar Al Bashir who the ICC indicted for his role in the genocide of between 200 000 to 400 000 people that were killed. South Africa also threatened to leave the ICC if they pursued Al Bashir arrest.
If Israel was a Muslim country South Africa would have protected them like they do with Hamas.
@@shannonnaicker4040 damn. I really don't understand how muslims made themselves look like victims when they're literally controlling most countries right now.
Many in South Africa do not agree with what the government does.
In just a few minutes, i learned more about middle eastern history than i ever did in school. Thank you!
This is so true, especially for Americans, whose schools have become very basic and swamped with misunderstanding and political agendas.
Why is it the school's fault that you didn't want to pay attention?
@@NoahArk-xy2nbdo you think students really want to pay attention in class? I am 100% sure that I nor my classmates have learned about this stuff. As to the reason why? Well it’s fairly obvious seeing what is transpiring in the world right now. Though, that does not mean that schools should omit the facts.
don't listen to him, check the facts for yourself, he is feeding lies the entire video, wow!
@@farouqstray1411 whats somthing he got wrong?
Im 100% WITH YOU!
i found my voice!🎉
"although i know some people will do their best to misunderstanding me" what a damn line. Love it
As usual, I will alway repeat ,you are unique. Thank you,and congratulations for posting this video ,with the purest information.
I'm watching this at 4am and honestly the comment section restored my faith in humanity. this is the only place on the internet where I see a civilized discussion from all sides with no ignorant hate speech.
People can be very convincing when calmly explaining things in a way that seems convincing, but you should do a little research into this chain of events either on Google or Wikipedia if you want a less biased understanding of the history of the Israel-Palestine conflict: WWI -> Balfour Declaration -> Covenant of the League of Nations (specifically Article 22) -> British Mandated Palestine -> Arab general strike and armed insurrection, April-October 1936 -> Peel Commission -> 1936-1939 Arab revolt in Palestine -> Jewish insurgency in Mandatory Palestine -> United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine -> 1948 Arab-Israeli War -> Nakba -> Israeli Declaration of Independence -> Existence of Modern Conflict. The parts he glossed over were extremely important to forming the context of why Hamas acts in the way it does today. Pretending that Jews have never done violence or stolen land is just a lie that any person who knows the history of the region wouldn't parrot around. 🙄
@@Mojo_Radioyou conveniently overlooked the 1929 pogroms which teach us that the arabs were violent and hated jews on this land way before there was even a Jewish state of Israel. That messes up with your timeline. So how about you do your homework and provide evidence to support your claims.
@@Mojo_RadioJews have been massacred for 2000 years everywhere they went. Thank God for the state of Israel and USA standing firmly behind
@@YesItsTaya You mean the 1929 pogroms that only came after the Balfour Declaration and where 133 Jews and 116 Arabs died?
The United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs keeps a tally of civilian deaths and injuries since 2008 in the occupied Palestinian territory and Israel.
The numbers are as follows: Palestinian Fatalities/Injuries = 6407/152,560 | Israeli Fatalities/Injuries = 308/6307
The IDF's civilian kill-count and injury-count far exceeds Hamas.
"Hamas, an Islamist militant group and the de facto governing authority of the Gaza Strip, has been using HUMAN SHIELDS in conflicts with Israel since 2007."
Same things today.
And then comes whinings like IDF shoot school.
Yes, but full of terrorists.
And you "count" terrorists as civilian victims
This is a breath of fresh air, seriously
This is the most down to Earth man I have seen on UA-cam in a long time. Keep spreading the facts man, God bless.
He's awesome! But go check out Sam Harris. He's got lots of facts on the issue as well
This is gold thank you man every single one of those kids out on college campus’s protesting needs to see this 10/10 video keep doing what your doing dude.
College kids are smart enough to not fool for this bs
@@redacted3740 well you got only one thing right in that, the college kids must be fools then
@@thealbanianmonke218 only fools is the one who fools for this propaganda. Do me a favour and watch "Zionism and the falsification of history" by historyun, they can actually cure sources.
@@redacted3740 college kids support hamas and hesbolla which are terrorist organizations more than half of the prostesters don't even know what they're protesting for. what are you talking about man???!!?!
@@thealbanianmonke218 not foolish to oppose a genocide
i never really knew about this conflict. i just heard “free palestine” everywhere. this video popped up in my feed so i decided to watch it and hopefully learn about the situation. thanks for this video it’s very informative. also when i was watching this video i was fact checking most of what you said and you’re 100% right so i just want to say i appreciate your devotion to facts and not narratives.
it is not a narrative european jews colonized palestine and are actively committing genocide against palestinians
Palestinians need to be free from Hamas for them to live a free and peaceful life.
You do understand that facts can be displayed to suggest something that isn't true, right? That's exactly what happened.
@@hadiknaish9817 like i said, i was fact checking this dude and coming to my own conclusions as i watched this video. it took me like 3 hours to get through the whole video because of this. I agree with what he was saying based on what I found. i’m not basing my opinion solely off what he said, i just happen to agree with him based my research. i do not form opinions strictly based on what someone else has told me like you’re suggesting. i take everything people say with a grain of salt which is why it took me 3 hours to get through the video. you have every right to think i’m wrong, as i have the right to think you’re wrong. all you’re pointing out is that bias exists which i already know and accounted for. it doesn’t invalidate my opinion.
@@Lii-w4p it's simply impossible for people born from tribal close ancestors to get into a national organization as we hope. hams is their government system. it can change name but they will always whant something "islam embedded" and it's catastropyc everywhere. they just whant to obey god rules. they need to be under a stone. In russia it's not that different, it's their matrix
I cannot even believe people need to be taught this, I feel sorry they never had a goood history teacher in life. Now I feel grateful for my history teachers.
Excellent work. Exemplary, unbiased, emotionally stoic and gradual spill of facts. Keep up your pace. Thank you.
unbiased?? hes israeli 🤦♂
@@HabeelZain it's about what he said, but not where he's from. What he was saying was fact based tho, while I do codemn the atrocities IDF is currently conducting, understand the problem is how we can find an answer.
@@HabeelZainSo what? What does that have to do with the truth or the quality of his work?
@@HabeelZainso if a Palestinian tries to explain, his he also biased
Wrong, but it's going to take me a while to debunk all this man's lies.
"Nothing makes a place more holy than competition with another religion." Damn.
As a muslim i respect you i myself hate violence I want everyone live in peace
I agree. I don't understand why our countries employ such brutal laws that contradict the Quran itself.
W Person 🙌🏻✌🏻
Indeed God calls all humans to work together in charity and in kindness and in peacemaking in seeking the approval of God.
Quran 4:114 Koran 4:114 There is no good in most of their (the people’s) private conversation except in the person who calls for charity, kindness and peace making between humans, he (the person) who does this (charity, kindness and peace making between humans) and seeks the approval of God, We (God) shall give them a great reward (in Paradise Jannah in the Hereafter).
Why can’t we have more people that think like you 🙈, this is literally the kinda shiz religion is for
@@JoeMama-hj1zk what do you mean?
Brilliant presentation. I hope to be able to use this video to show the truth and exposed the myths and lies.
I am from Nigeria and from the northern part where all these religious atrocities happen. My brother just watched your video and called me to say..."It's like this guy just picked every single word out of your mouth." Your view is my exact view. Great analysis.
I grew up with Armenian friends which is mostly a Christian culture. A country surround by Islamic cultures. Some of their grand parents escaped the Armenian massacre. They described growing up fearing to leave their borders. The stories they told of their experiences! There is also the Palestinian uprising in Jordan in which they were expelled and Lebanon civil war.
That's called bias confirmation, you fool
Stop. Just stop. Who cares who is right and wrong. Stop killing innocent kids and women. Battle that shii out. I don't care.
@@TheJTcreateunless people understand that this war is spiritual most won't understand at all.
satan's kingdom is fighting back God's kingdom and God's word. As humanity is being used to fight for or against God.
satan is the enemy of mankind. He comes to kill, steal and destroy.
I can also affirm this point... I grew up in Northern Nigeria and indeed whole Christian communities were driven away using violence in places like Kaduna, Kano, Bauchi and Niger... Kaduna city used to a well mixed and diverse city but many of the Christians have been driven to the south of the city/state & till this day southern Kaduna communities keep getting attacked by gunmen that claim to be Muslims
you're saying the truth and that is very hard for people to hear nowadays because playing victim is easier than owning up to your mistakes
so real
When you play war, don't be upset to lost 😂
Exactly, like weaponizing one event to unleash more bombs than WW2 into a group of people you’re already oppressing, displacing 85% of their population, burning even their libraries, robbing their houses and using women’s lingeries as trophies, killing 15.000 of their children, and then playing the victim anyway.
You’re absolutely right, it’s so hard for people to own up to their war crimes (mistakes is a bit light)
@@spartoiss488 you should say that to the arabs in all the previous wars 💀
@@Gaming_Channelorsomething yeah actually you know about berbers, ottoman empire ? That's colonisation.
1 english and 1 french made something to get Jérusalem. That's politic and government...
You are spot on my friend! It’s refreshing to hear some accuracy amongst all the noise.
For me this sounds like every other religios noise.
which part is accurate ?
@@southcarts972the whole thing
@@dasistdiewahrheit9585but it’s not religious whatsoever. He’s not asking you to help his religion grow he’s asking for peace and you clearly jumbled his message.
Man,that was phenomenal speech.Wish you and Israel state all the best❤
11:00 You mention that Christian’s (Germans and Americans) purchased land in order to build institutions and support the second coming of Jesus (the messiah). This is one of the primal issues of the conflict today. Christian Zionists in the United States are the biggest supporters of JS and are responsible all the death and destruction.
11:40 All the empires you mentioned fell because they opposed The Triple Entente during WW1. The British, French, and American (there were others too) empires were still in full gear. The reason there were national movements was because there were power vacuums and partitioning of land as these empires fell. Ever heard of the Sykes-Picot Agreement? The Palestinian National Movement was the national movement for Palestinians, “it is as simple as that.”
11:32 Yes, lots of people moved. You are forgetting to mention that millions of people moved because of people transfers for these newly created states. One example is the population exchange between Greece and Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman empire. You are also forgetting all the people who were displaced since there were refugees of WW1. The majority of these millions of people didn’t simply buy new summer homes and decided to stay there permanently. Their living arrangements were changed from events that they could not control.
11:57 You contradict yourself here. You claim that Jews never used violence to take land from 7th century to 1947, but that implies that after 1947 Jews are stealing land from Arabs with the use of violence.
13:55 Twain visited in 1867 which was nearing the fall of the Ottoman empire. The Ottoman state was in decline for quite some time and would declare bankruptcy in 1875. At the time of Twain’s visit, the land would have been controlled by the Ottomans. I’m not a historian, but I recall this time in Ottoman history being littered with invasions, changes in government, rebellions, and uprisings.
It shouldn’t come to a surprise that Arabs would assist the British in overthrowing the Ottoman empire in exchange for their independence. After the war, the British didn’t quite follow through, split up the land, but Palestinians never got their own state even though their neighbors did. I suppose that would be a perfect time to form a Palestinian National Movement. Once again, “it is as simple as that.”
16:08 I suppose it is because we are mixing actions, perspective, and timeframes. The Egyptians who moved and settled into Palestine assimilated into Arab-Palestinian culture, and are now, more than likely, suffering the same fate as Palestinians. The “white colonialists” (not my words) you’re referring to are probably viewed that way because they are currently bombing, breaking, destroying, and colonizing. Aren’t Israeli’s responsible for killing 50,000+ people in the last year in Gaza, The West Bank, and Lebanon?
18:22 One of the common issues I hear about from the current partition of land is that rain water that lands in Palestinian territories actually drains into Israeli territory. It sounds like those swamps are an advantage.
18:36 I think you are missing a fundamental issue by expanding the scope of land distribution to include Jordan which again just tells a wiser audience that the distribution was not evenly allocated between the Jews and the Palestinians. In reference to your original argument, Jordan is mostly desert and is one of the most resource poor countries with having nearly no oil or natural gas reserves and additionally suffers from water scarcity. In the context of your argument, it sounds like the wetlands are OP. I will also throw in that Jordan is nearly landlocked and has access to one seaway in Aqaba.
18:50 I suppose that would be the perfect place to have western goods delivered into Israel. You know, a city by the water? Also, can you name the invented fruits?
19:08 Which parts? The land that olive and date trees that have been growing for centuries? In the current year, 2024, all water is controlled by Israel. It is Illegal to catch rainwater. If the water is contaminated, then who would be at fault?
19:14 You say that Palestinians had years to form a Palestinian state while under Jordanian and Egyptian rule. Isn’t this a contradiction? Jordan brought military forces into the West Bank in order to annex it. Does that sound like self-determination?
19:20 A moment ago you were wondering why Palestinians weren’t ruling themselves, yet you are mad that they form a group to rule themselves.
19:32 You are now ignoring the Nakba. Palestinians were inhabiting the land, cities, villages, etc., that became under Israeli control. The occupation of the land already began. You specified at 4:20 when explaining the Palestinian narrative that Palestinians were kicked from their homes. Up to this point in the video, this part of the narrative is never refuted. You acknowledge, them immediately set it aside to assert the Israeli narrative as the “correct” one.
19:50 Israel wants a state that replaces Palestine, Jordan, Egyptian Sinai, and Lebanon.
I started writing 10 minutes into the video. I stopped around the 20 minute mark. The only number I can find regarding aid to Palestinians is 16.5 billion between 1994 and 2017. Didn’t the 1st Trump administration approve that much over 10 years?
Good to hear from you!!! My husband and I were so concerned about you and your family. Stay safe!!
"The most dangerous group of all: Israeli Mothers" that was a good one. I admire your straight forward delivery and your invitation to be proven wrong, with facts not feeling.
As a person from Israel lol that true
This is why history is very important. It helps us to know how the past shaped the features and how to right the wrong.
It’s so sad that many people don’t know their history, they just follow the trend without any proof.
Thanks for that history.
Educators are so busy pushing transgender, equity and CRT, they don't have time or the information to teach history properly! So, these supporters are working in ignorance of historical facts! 😮
@@dks592 Some parts of Texas are very nice, my friend!
Don't worry, once 2024 comes around, they'll forget this Palestine thing and move onto the next fad thing to protest about!!! lol 2019 ME2, 2020 Covid, 2021 BLM, 2022 Ukraine, 2023 Palestine - 2024 ??? But these woketards have brains of goldfish and memories of Swiss cheese! The interesting thing that I could add to what this man here was saying about Wokies blaming Colonialism is true. Think of Colonialism as a tree, Colonialism died out and from the dead ashes of that tree rose Nazism. That tree is not fully dead, it still grows with far right movements and Wokeism is a branch on that slightly living tree - Woke movement claim that unwoke people and colonialism are like Nazism - when they literally are not and Wokeness IS literally part of the Nazism tree!!! I wish more people understood these facts too.......The truly scary thing is how the media, governments and social media platforms are stifling real facts and coddling these Wokies crazy agendas! It was literally what gave rise to that failed Austrian art student who went on to cause the death of millions of Jews and started a second world war...Learn from history or repeat it! Wokies love to delete history and invent their own History as if it were fact...scary times indeed!
That’s why the left try to rewrite it
Not for muslims. They even tried to claim that all Jewish prophets from Adam, Ibrahim, Moses, Isa and the least their prophet Mohammad SAW, who are believe & pray to God/Allah, are all muslims. 😂😂😂 Judaism & Christianity all are wrong because it's religion made by human, while Islam is religion made by Allah.
Enjoyed this very much. Great and comprehensive, thanks! ❤
It is often overlooked, that Jordania entered the war against Israel on behalf of the palestinians, but then instead conquered a big part of the land meant for the palestinians for their own benefit.
The way I see it, Jordan _is_ "the second state": Jews got Israel, and Levant Arabs got Jordan; and the difference between Jordanians and Palestinians is not ethnic, but attitudinal (towards Israel's right to exist).
And the Jordanians mass murdered their beloved Palestinian brothers and sisters that they care about so much.
Thanks for pointing that out, I remember learning about that in my modern history class and no one seems to talk about it and in current day Hamas is launching rockets from the Jordan border
Not nearly as overlooked by the fact that Israel is and always has been a brutal, murderous, apartheid, White Colonial project that has waged a slow burn campaign of terror against the native Brown people they stole the land from.
@@Scratchcoast well that's not true, Jordan nowadays is kinda allied with Israel and Egypt in military alliance, rockets don't fly from there, they fly from Gaza mostly, sometimes from the North, border with Lebanon - but it's not hamas, its hesbollah, another group (with the same goals)
So while Jordan and Israel were enemies, right now they have pretty normal relations and have common projects in the region
Well spoken brother. As a Muslim it helped me understand the conflict and I hope we can coexist. We have more in common than differences.
Jewish and Muslims are living in coexistence, everyday in Israel. those are the Palestinians that have problem with that.
@nyeo It's great to hear other muslims agree, I have struggled a lot as a convert in the community because if they see me as not agreeing with their line of thinking then I'm a fake Muslim.
@@orbitusmaximus943maybe you are in the wrong community. Yeshua loves you, you are welcome with all who follow Him. Blessed are all who take refuge in Him
Fake muslim 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@Knufia by coexisting do you mean the bombardment of gaza and the raids on al aqsa mosque.
Thanks for coming forward with all of this information. There is a lot useful information that is good to know about the conflict over there and some of the history that comes with it.
Right if any real journalist wanted to reference any of his talking points point and spread these facts and note the endorsement from South Africans, Nigeria, and other groups have made them that will clear up most confusion and focus on the root of the problem.
I agree 100% ❤ Greetings from Germany ❤
Well said! I hope you and your family stay SAFE!
There should be more videos like this. Most people in the world are living in ignorance. This video should be shared everywhere.
This video is pure ignorance. I have disputed every single claim from him in the first 5 minutes and i gave up listening to the rest of it as he clearly have no clue himself and speaks with prejudice...Looking at the amount of likes you received in a day on a video which is month old i can clearly say you are an NPC.
1. "Muslim Countries who perpetrated ethnic cleansing on the Jews." What do you mean by ethnic cleansing? According to the wikipedia: The Jewish exodus from the Muslim world was the migration, departure, flight and expulsion of around 900,000 Jews from Muslim-majority countries in West Asia, North Africa and, to a lesser extent, Central Asia, South Asia and Southeast Asia in the 20th century. Predominantly in response to the creation of Israel, the exodus mainly transpired from 1948 to the early 1970s, with one final exodus from Iran in 1979-80 following the Iranian Revolution. An estimated 650,000 of the departees settled in Israel. If you read a bit further some were killed, but it's only a few compared to the ones who migrated safely. Saying that all minorities were wiped out by the middle east is also incorrect. Those minorities are there still. There was some genocide in a history, but by some individual countries, not all like you are mentioning. They don’t want to talk about it because it never happened.
2. Nigeria. You like to see what you want to see. According to Wikipedia there is still tensions between Christians and Muslims, but these tensions are not exactly what you tell us. There are deaths on both sides. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_violence_in_Nigeria
3. 2 million Christians fleeing Iraq is a well-known story. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christianity_in_Iraq . But everything started in 2003 after the intervention. We all know the reasons why the tensions raised between Christians and Muslims in Iraq. You twist facts here as well. This is much deeper conflict than you think. Funny how the Wikipedia starts about Christianity in Iraq: “The Christians of Iraq are considered to be one of the oldest continuous Christian communities in the world.” Case closed here.
4. You said that Jerusalem was never mentioned in Quran? I have asked this ChatGPT and here is the answer: Yes, Jerusalem is mentioned in the Quran, the holy book of Islam. The Quran mentions Jerusalem in several verses, and it is often referred to as "Al-Quds" in Arabic. The most notable mention of Jerusalem is in the following verse:
"Exalted is He who took His Servant by night from al-Masjid al-Haram to al-Masjid al-Aqsa, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him of Our signs. Indeed, He is the Hearing, the Seeing." (Quran, Surah Al-Isra, 17:1)
This verse is often interpreted as referring to the miraculous night journey of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Jerusalem and his ascension to the heavens. It establishes the significance of Jerusalem in Islamic tradition as a place of great importance. Al-Masjid al-Aqsa (the Farthest Mosque) is believed by Muslims to refer to the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem, or Al-Quds, holds a special place in the hearts of Muslims as one of the three holiest cities in Islam, along with Mecca and Medina. The significance of Jerusalem is not limited to the Quran but is also deeply rooted in Islamic tradition and history. Good lie out here from you.
5. You also said that nothing mentioned in Quran regarding Mohamed ascension to heaven from the exact same spot as Jesus? Is anything mentioned about this in Quran? Asked ChatGPT again. In Islamic tradition, the Prophet Muhammad's ascension to the heavens, known as the Isra and Mi'raj, is believed to have occurred from the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. This is distinct from the traditional Christian belief that Jesus ascended to heaven from the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. While both events are associated with Jerusalem, they are typically regarded as separate occurrences in their respective religious traditions.
The Isra and Mi'raj are not mentioned in the Quran in great detail, but they are described in various hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad). According to Islamic tradition, during the Isra, the Prophet Muhammad was taken from the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca to the Masjid al-Aqsa in Jerusalem by a supernatural means. From there, he embarked on the Mi'raj, the ascension to the heavens, where he met with various prophets and received guidance from Allah. The exact spot within the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound from which this journey began is not specified in the Quran or in the primary Islamic sources but is part of the broader Islamic tradition. Check hadiths basically.
Because learning history from a tour guide who sells you tickets to israel is definitely not going to be full of biased lies. This guy is a tour guide not a historian. He is trying to sell you a ticket to israel, you think he is going to tell you the history accurately?
everyone thinks canada was a cool spot... look up what they let the christ people do to the brown people after ww2....priests and nuns raped kids for decades. hell the world didn't even accept "native peoples" till around the 70's. Even then they still had forced english only for natives...I don't even know my history because it was being erased...the western world isn't all just white power....since my people survived after all that. (sure scared and people my age are racist to white people or even black people.)
@@El-qe5kqso point out his mistakes and please don't start with your own history
Cuz I cross checked.
Atleast what he's telling has more facts behind what Palestinian propagandists tell 😂😂
@@Eren_Yaeger21 well he's a typical pro Palestine who always deny
Bravo. Many people have forgotten the history. Thank you for bringing it back to life.
History jews from west not native to the place
you want refutation ? let us start:
1. you said there was no Palestine in the 1800's, maybe by name, but the land and the people in it existed.. but there was also no Israel.
2. the stats you mentioned in the population of the jews, cannot be fact checked, so it is BS.
3. Ethnic cleansing doesn't only mean only killing, it means deportation as well, so cleaning the region from an ethnic group is also ethnic cleansing.
4. based on your complexion, you are not native to this region, and you cannot be linked to any indigenous group who lived here. remember the 12 are native to this region and were not Europeans.
5. the narrative that you mentioned, thousands of jews came to this land and never met a Palestinian? who was living in that land? who was there when Ibrahim moved to Hebron and it was a city? was it jews existed before they existed?
6. if you want to go by name of the country, there is not a single book, coin or any reference to Israel as a country, you want to call it Judea now? the Palestinians were Canaanites before, they stayed in the land, the became Christians, they became Muslims, and they never left their land. if you a proof that suggests otherwise present a time when Jews who were invaders before, ever came to Palestine and it was an empty land with no people?
We can go all day, and I can keep refuting you, but the good thing about Zionists in general, they can keep fabricating history and facts to support their narrative while it is not true. And as Israeli's invaded Palestine again, they will be kicked out again... we know that, you know that.... these media bullshit to keep getting support won't make you last forever... people are already aware of your BS..
@@ZynzeNycraile exactly... but we have here "woke" Jew propaganda
@@ZynzeNycraileis it native you? Weather they are jews from west, east or north its their land and you are thieves for wanting to wipe them off. Typical of islam, always spill blood
Ignorance is the enemy
Nobody is bothering to learn history
Thank you for opening my eyes again
And every thing you said is true👍🏻🙏🏼
It's all based on lies to attack Israel!! They need to be educated to the truth!!
Share the video so more people can Learn the truth
Free 🇵🇸
@@mike_GMGgod you people (""activists"") just do the most bare minimum useless thing so that you can feel good about yourself via virtue signals lol. Like your comment obviously isn't going to change anyone's mind and given the video we're on, it's not like you're "raising awareness" of something that we don't all already know about, so what is it supposed to.... do? Coulda tried to dismantle some of what he said (ie. something actually useful for your "cause"), assuming you have any rebuttals to his points, but nah, just gonna copy n paste the thing we've all seen a million times these past few months to score ez mindless "good person" points. Niiiiice.
@@mike_GMG FR???? ps5 or ps4, I prefer ps5
This is exactly how we as society need to discuss.
Not just the amount of information but the way it is presented. We all feel like information is trying to be force upon us but with you it felt like it was handed to us to choose .
Thank you for your voice 🙏🏽
he also lied saying that Al-Aqsa is not in the Quran. but here is a reference:
Glory be to the One Who took His servant ˹Muḥammad˺ by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque whose surroundings We have blessed, so that We may show him some of Our signs. Indeed, He alone is the All-Hearing, All-Seeing.
You stated "reference"...so WHERE DOES it state IT?@@shadowstorm5261
@@shadowstorm5261 He didn't lie. It does not mention Jerusalem by name. The Bible does, many, many times.
@@shadowstorm5261wouldn't matter Islam came way after Judaism and Christianity
You've collected all the evidence I've seen over the years. Thanks for laying this out so well
He keeps calling his opinions "facts" and many of them simply ARENT TRUE!
@@tombeh that’s because perhaps his grandpa or great grandpa was settled in a home where the oven was still lit with some Arab’s food still cooking…there is enough evidence in what Churchill said about Palestine…no one needs to show this Zionist dude any letter or any orhe documents
@@tombehwheres your prove
As an American I see random support for Palestine here and there. almost like it's a trend. Like BLM. Or youre actually Arab. But not much open support for Isreal... not that the Jewish community doesn't have our support.. but probably because it's just a given that we support Isreal. But the genuine reason we don't seem to care that much... not my monkey, not my circus..
WOW! What a super clear video! Thank you so much for making it. I hope that as many as possible people will see this.
they are nazi's
As being multi ethnic, including middle eastern, I have been an avid history buff most my life and the indepth research & objective studies I've conducted over the several decades. I must say, this man speaking HISTORIC FACTS IS 💯 % on point (speaking OBJECTIVE TRUTH)
There is no peace in this World only when the whole world turn Good and no Evil will there be peace.Genisis say now that man know Good and evil . See God of the bible Only follow Good . Jesus said seek first the kingdom of God kingdom of good .
You’d definitely not multi ethnic then and your research is definitely completely biased.
cherry picking in favor of a narrative is not being objective, its called propaganda
@@mychanel5182 I am so sorry for you, that you have been indoctrinated by such a violent ideology like the islam. You are talking about a genocide of people in Gaza.I n reality, you just copy&pasted terrorist propaganda. You have free access to the internet, do you? Start with the list of attacks on Israel first. Don't only look up the information in your own bubble. Trying to refute your own position is the easiest way to arrive at something like objectivity.
I know both narratives, and I know more people who are supporting palestine than otherwise. This is due to the fact, that there are only very few jews around, but plenty of arabs (Syria, Lebanon, Palestine...). What those arabs have in common, is their lack of education. Most of them believe in the Protocols of the elders of Zion. Don't fall for the same shit. You have every right to feel empathy for civilians been bombed to death. But try to not fall to terrorist propaganda.
@@mychanel5182What about muslim genocid over the years, not only on other religions, but also on other muslims?
Awesome and articulate. This needs to be heard far and wide. Thank you for posting it, I learned a lot. ❤
Thanks for your clarity. תודה על הבהירות, הסדר, ההצמדות לעובדות. אעביר זאת הלאה
Thank you for making this video, I have been trying to understand the history before 1948. As a Christian man I pray for your people.
better detailed unbiased history: ua-cam.com/video/iRYZjOuUnlU/v-deo.htmlsi=YFrP3xzwvZ79RH7B
I saw the introduction until 2:30 ,As a Muslim,I said OK, this Men looks serious he will talk facts as he claims....ok, than the first claim he threw Was a Complete Bulshit:
He said The Arabs countries did an Ethnic Cleansing to the Jews....😅😅😅
The Jews lived between Arab Muslims for approximately 500 years in North Africa and more than a 1000 years in the middle east .
If the Muslims did any ethnic cleansing to the Jews, 😂😂😂 why there were still Jews in those countries??!!
Israel after it creation called the sepharadic Jews with the promesse of Jobs Good lands Money education....etc.
They ( The Ashkenazi Jews) taught that they are not in sufficient numbers so they invited those Sephardic Jews .
The Ashkenazi Jews taught that they are superior to the Sephardic Jews, they put them in the borders with the Arab countries as human shield if a future war do happen.
I didn't continue watching the whole video because the author started by a very bad easy to debunk "fact ".
@@bahloulmounder8724he said nothing but facts
@@unkind6070 yes indeed, nowadays a lot of Muslims use the term Jews as a pejorative term but you know why?
Because,the Muslims have the feeling of being stabbed in the back 🤢🤢
The Muslims respected ,protected the Jews for more than a thousand years and how the Jews ( the Zionist one of cause)recompensed us, they colonized us in the most vicious brutal ways..
But,My Friend, this is not the subject.
The subject is the first claim made by the author of the video.
I responded to him, what do you think about this very first claim and my response?
I was just yesterday watching and sharing your videos from a few years ago, and your beautiful Home documentary too! THANK YOU for producing a new video. Jews like me in the diaspora are sending our love and strength to you all in Israel. Stay strong, stay safe, and defeat evil.
HOW TO SPOT A FAKE ZIONIST JEW: They always have BIG EARS and SMALL EYES -- They have white European genetics, often red hair because many come from Ireland - many come from eastern Europe - and many many come from Russia. Every single famous person in the media is a Zionist Fake Jew -- The Tanakh (Jewish Law) all men are created in the image of God. To shed a mans blood in the act of retaliation is blasphemy - God is not Racist -God has no chosen people - as all men are created in the image of God! WAKE THE FUCK UP!
11:00 You mention that Christian’s (Germans and Americans) purchased land in order to build institutions and support the second coming of Jesus (the messiah). This is one of the primal issues of the conflict today. Christian Zionists in the United States are the biggest supporters of JS and are responsible all the death and destruction.
11:40 All the empires you mentioned fell because they opposed The Triple Entente during WW1. The British, French, and American (there were others too) empires were still in full gear. The reason there were national movements was because there were power vacuums and partitioning of land as these empires fell. Ever heard of the Sykes-Picot Agreement? The Palestinian National Movement was the national movement for Palestinians, “it is as simple as that.”
11:32 Yes, lots of people moved. You are forgetting to mention that millions of people moved because of people transfers for these newly created states. One example is the population exchange between Greece and Turkey after the fall of the Ottoman empire. You are also forgetting all the people who were displaced since there were refugees of WW1. The majority of these millions of people didn’t simply buy new summer homes and decided to stay there permanently. Their living arrangements were changed from events that they could not control.
11:57 You contradict yourself here. You claim that Jews never used violence to take land from 7th century to 1947, but that implies that after 1947 Jews are stealing land from Arabs with the use of violence.
13:55 Twain visited in 1867 which was nearing the fall of the Ottoman empire. The Ottoman state was in decline for quite some time and would declare bankruptcy in 1875. At the time of Twain’s visit, the land would have been controlled by the Ottomans. I’m not a historian, but I recall this time in Ottoman history being littered with invasions, changes in government, rebellions, and uprisings.
It shouldn’t come to a surprise that Arabs would assist the British in overthrowing the Ottoman empire in exchange for their independence. After the war, the British didn’t quite follow through, split up the land, but Palestinians never got their own state even though their neighbors did. I suppose that would be a perfect time to form a Palestinian National Movement. Once again, “it is as simple as that.”
16:08 I suppose it is because we are mixing actions, perspective, and timeframes. The Egyptians who moved and settled into Palestine assimilated into Arab-Palestinian culture, and are now, more than likely, suffering the same fate as Palestinians. The “white colonialists” (not my words) you’re referring to are probably viewed that way because they are currently bombing, breaking, destroying, and colonizing. Aren’t Israeli’s responsible for killing 50,000+ people in the last year in Gaza, The West Bank, and Lebanon?
18:22 One of the common issues I hear about from the current partition of land is that rain water that lands in Palestinian territories actually drains into Israeli territory. It sounds like those swamps are an advantage.
18:36 I think you are missing a fundamental issue by expanding the scope of land distribution to include Jordan which again just tells a wiser audience that the distribution was not evenly allocated between the Jews and the Palestinians. In reference to your original argument, Jordan is mostly desert and is one of the most resource poor countries with having nearly no oil or natural gas reserves and additionally suffers from water scarcity. In the context of your argument, it sounds like the wetlands are OP. I will also throw in that Jordan is nearly landlocked and has access to one seaway in Aqaba.
18:50 I suppose that would be the perfect place to have western goods delivered into Israel. You know, a city by the water? Also, can you name the invented fruits?
19:08 Which parts? The land that olive and date trees that have been growing for centuries? In the current year, 2024, all water is controlled by Israel. It is Illegal to catch rainwater. If the water is contaminated, then who would be at fault?
19:14 You say that Palestinians had years to form a Palestinian state while under Jordanian and Egyptian rule. Isn’t this a contradiction? Jordan brought military forces into the West Bank in order to annex it. Does that sound like self-determination?
19:20 A moment ago you were wondering why Palestinians weren’t ruling themselves, yet you are mad that they form a group to rule themselves.
19:32 You are now ignoring the Nakba. Palestinians were inhabiting the land, cities, villages, etc., that became under Israeli control. The occupation of the land already began. You specified at 4:20 when explaining the Palestinian narrative that Palestinians were kicked from their homes. Up to this point in the video, this part of the narrative is never refuted. You acknowledge, them immediately set it aside to assert the Israeli narrative as the “correct” one.
19:50 Israel wants a state that replaces Palestine, Jordan, Egyptian Sinai, and Lebanon.
I started writing 10 minutes into the video. I stopped around the 20 minute mark. The only number I can find regarding aid to Palestinians is 16.5 billion between 1994 and 2017. Didn’t the 1st Trump administration approve that much over 10 years?
Thank you! My wife and I landed in Tel Aviv the Saturday night of the start of the bombing, for a Christian tour of the Holy Land. We spent 4 days in a hotel trying to get a flight back to the US, the whole time hearing missiles, air raid sirens and running to safe rooms or lying down on a highway until it was clear. Following our experience, we have become interested in understanding it and this is an excellent explanation of the history of the conflict. God bless you and stay safe. Please keep up the good work.
What a pity you had to go through this instead of enjoying your tour, I hope you'll be able to come back when things calm down here
Stay safe, brother.
Lucky escape, glad you guys were safe.
Facts yous didn’t even fight for the land Britain did then they gave it to you Jews while Palestinian people had there homes taken off them and basically put in the garden shed
As an Israeli I want to express my apologies that you had to go through this, I feel sorry that you had to go back home so quick just because of these troublemakers.
Hoping to see you again after all the mess ends :)
You simply explain the issue like no one else, concise and simple. Thank you my friend. Ralph New Jersey
My family are Syrian and Lebanese Christian refugees. We immigrated to America about 70 years ago. I am blessed to be here because I have first and second cousins that would literally give their lives for the privileges I was born with. Wake up people!
I'm 2nd generation vietnamese myself. My pa grew up w the war literally at his doorstep. He moved here saw the apathy, rights being taken for granted, and just overall messed up priorities of a 1st world country. So I have a unique perspective myself. It's very sad that some 'Americans" take their rights for granted just because they're white and happened to be born in USA. I'm sure they'd all be singing different tune if they had been born in a very poor war torn country.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks about these things. It makes me sad.
Do you have Christian relatives in the Middle East?
It saddens me to see the U.S. granting 'asylum' to millions of Latin Americans, even though they don't face any persecution in their countries. At the same time, it seems like we don't pay enough attention to the many Christians or Jews who are experiencing persecution in the Middle East. These individuals truly qualify for asylum.
@@nihilismistheonlyway4680 These USA kids see the world thru a very unique lens, "the lens of racial disparities" But believe me, the older generation knows the truth(s) but failed in making the newer generations aware of the true facts, wars, and horrors of Socialism/communism. I blame Boomer-Gen X generation leftist teachers for pushing their crazed hippie, moral high ground, politically correct nonsense and ruining the present generation.
@@nihilismistheonlyway4680 I'm sorry but I'm pretty sure that your words apply to most Americans, regardless of their skin color, who have lived in this country for several generations.
Much love to you and your family. The ethnic cleansing of the Christians of Lebanon is so sad and no one ever talks about it. I'm not even familiar with the Christian history of Syria. I'm going to look into it now so I may help share the truth of your people's struggle. 💙
I'm amazed. Not only was this a great video, dome rationally and w/o hysterics, but the comment section here is pretty civil. I guess that's b/c your fans and subscribers are thoughtful and kind people! Kol Hakavod!
I must admit if more people took this approach to debating we would have better chances of getting thou to one another. Much respect and may you and your family remain safe!
O Arab and non-Arab Muslim leaders, I, Allaah's caliph al-Mahdi (Arabic,the guided one)Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani, give you a ruling with the truth that you have the right to cooperate with non-Muslim humanitarian leaders who are in pain from what is happening of the greatest crimes in the history of humanity in honorable Gaza, in Palestine, which are the massacres of children, women, the elderly, and the helpless before the eyes of the worlds. Here the world will be able to distinguish between leaders of mercy and human rights who hate man's transgression against the rights of his fellow man such as the president of Colombia, and Chile, and their likes among the Muslim and non-Muslim leaders and nations, or from the People of the Book
Know that whoever wholeheartedly denounces what is happening in Honourable Gaza, Palestine, among the leaders of the world, is among people of humanitarian mercy, and all the Muslim leaders ought to cooperate with the humanitarian non-Muslim leaders to prevent corruption in the Earth. Allah did not forbid you from being allies with the peaceful People of the Book who do not want superiority or corruption. Except for the unjust extreme ones among them, they ally with each other, but be allies with other than them from humanitarians around the world to prevent corruption in the land, and bloodshed in injustice and aggression. In line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted
عَسَى اللَّهُ أَن يَجْعَلَ بَيْنَكُمْ وَبَيْنَ الَّذِينَ عَادَيْتُم مِّنْهُم مَّوَدَّةً ۚ وَاللَّهُ قَدِيرٌ ۚ وَاللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ (7) لَّا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللَّهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ لَمْ يُقَاتِلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَلَمْ يُخْرِجُوكُم مِّن دِيَارِكُمْ أَن تَبَرُّوهُمْ وَتُقْسِطُوا إِلَيْهِمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ يُحِبُّ الْمُقْسِطِينَ (8) إِنَّمَا يَنْهَاكُمُ اللَّهُ عَنِ الَّذِينَ قَاتَلُوكُمْ فِي الدِّينِ وَأَخْرَجُوكُم مِّن دِيَارِكُمْ وَظَاهَرُوا عَلَىٰ إِخْرَاجِكُمْ أَن تَوَلَّوْهُمْ ۚ وَمَن يَتَوَلَّهُمْ فَأُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الظَّالِمُونَ (9)
صدق الله العظيم
Qur'an - Surah: al-Mumtahanah- Verses: 7-9
And know with knowledge of certainty that Allaah has made me His caliph on the whole world, it's land and sea. And I do not call you to wars, bloodshed, and hatred between man and his fellow man, for there is no aggression against none but the unjust ones. And know that the killing of one single soul in the Qur’an, equals the killing of all mankind, regardless this soul was of a believer or a disbeliever, because according to Allaah it is the same sin. In line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted
{مِنْ أَجْلِ ذَٰلِكَ كَتَبْنَا عَلَىٰ بَنِي إِسْرَائِيلَ أَنَّهُ مَن قَتَلَ نَفْسًا بِغَيْرِ نَفْسٍ أَوْ فَسَادٍ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَكَأَنَّمَا قَتَلَ النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا وَمَنْ أَحْيَاهَا فَكَأَنَّمَا أَحْيَا النَّاسَ جَمِيعًا ۚ وَلَقَدْ جَاءَتْهُمْ رُسُلُنَا بِالْبَيِّنَاتِ ثُمَّ إِنَّ كَثِيرًا مِّنْهُم بَعْدَ ذَٰلِكَ فِي الْأَرْضِ لَمُسْرِفُونَ (32) إِنَّمَا جَزَاءُ الَّذِينَ يُحَارِبُونَ اللَّهَ وَرَسُولَهُ وَيَسْعَوْنَ فِي الْأَرْضِ فَسَادًا أَن يُقَتَّلُوا أَوْ يُصَلَّبُوا أَوْ تُقَطَّعَ أَيْدِيهِمْ وَأَرْجُلُهُم مِّنْ خِلَافٍ أَوْ يُنفَوْا مِنَ الْأَرْضِ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ لَهُمْ خِزْيٌ فِي الدُّنْيَا ۖ وَلَهُمْ فِي الْآخِرَةِ عَذَابٌ عَظِيمٌ (33) إِلَّا الَّذِينَ تَابُوا مِن قَبْلِ أَن تَقْدِرُوا عَلَيْهِمْ ۖ فَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ (34) يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَابْتَغُوا إِلَيْهِ الْوَسِيلَةَ وَجَاهِدُوا فِي سَبِيلِهِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ (35) إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا لَوْ أَنَّ لَهُم مَّا فِي الْأَرْضِ جَمِيعًا وَمِثْلَهُ مَعَهُ لِيَفْتَدُوا بِهِ مِنْ عَذَابِ يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ مَا تُقُبِّلَ مِنْهُمْ ۖ وَلَهُمْ عَذَابٌ أَلِيمٌ (36) } صدق الله العظيم [سورةالمائدة]
Qur'an - Surah: al-Ma'idah- Verses: 32-36
Allaah does not like those who violate human rights regardless of their religion, each has their own religion and they will return to Allah to call them to account. Allah did not command you to compel people to become believers, so whoever desires let them believe and whoever desires let them disbelieve, we only have the duty of delivering the message and it is Allaah who will call them to account
As for human rights between mankind, Allaah made them inviolable and preserved them in the Great Qur’an and has ordered mankind to help each other in righteousness and piety and not help each other in sin and aggression. In line with the Word of Allaah the Exalted
{وَتَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْبِرِّ وَالتَّقْوَىٰ وَلَا تَعَاوَنُوا عَلَى الْإِثْمِ وَالْعُدْوَانِ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنَّ اللَّهَ شَدِيدُ الْعِقَابِ } صدق الله العظيم [سورة المائدة:٢] .
Qur'an - Surah: al-Ma’idah- Verse: 2
A statement By The Awaited Imam Mahdi Nasser Mohammed al-Yamani
Gaza, the Miracle, is the Graveyard of its Invaders
18- Rabi’ II- 1445 AH
02- November - 2023 AD
07:09 AM
(According to the official time of Mecca Mother of Towns)
Full statment:👇
Good Nakba
All the jews from all over the world were called back to Palestine after the Palestinians agreed to let them have some place as British requested and made arrangements for them , the Israelis were given free tickets promise of jobs homes and every other facilities needed as they were very less in numbers in Palestine then
Inside job by israel,
Thank you, one of the best explanations I have ever heard. I’m American and uneducated in this arena and I have been trying to understand this situation.
This is probably the most informative video on UA-cam about the Israel - Palestine conflict. Thank you
He is basically saying that Israelis have the right to occupy, genocide, and displace innocent people living all around the whole occupied land just because he believes Jewish people used to live their long time ago and his religion says so, isn’t that what religious motivated terror is about, why didn’t he mention that Jews weren’t even allowed by the Christians to inter Jerusalem since the Roman revolution until the crusaders were out of it, that’s a large period of history and yet he has ignored it, Muslims are the reason Jews were able to live in Jerusalem in the first place since Saladin’s, even after they were allowed Jews didn’t come significantly until the first Zionist movement from Europe and other parts.
I’m not even gonna respond to what he said regarding “Jerusalem isn’t in the Quran” because it’s as ridiculous as it can be to all Muslims he’s just counting on non Muslims ignorance of the Quran. And what’s more ridiculous is that he makes it an excuse to ethnic cleanse the Palestinians and do all crimes against international law. About the statistics you showed, didn’t you yourself said Jews left Arab countries and gone to Israel which is actually correct. If you care about statistics so much why didn’t you show the one that shows casualties between Palestinians and Israelis in the last decade.
And Yes Ethnic Cleansing, I don’t even need to mention things like Sabra and Shteela massacre and all the other stuff that has been happening for the last 75 years, but actually what is happening now at Gaza civilians trapped in an area, cut off food water electricity and gasoline and being targeted with white phosphorous, I don’t even know what’s the point of International law any more, this didn’t happen in history before.
But worry not, in the recent future inshaallah people will have difficulty differentiating between zionist and naz.. will the other word.
@@mychanel5182it's crazy. About 90 years after the holocaust a large number of the descendants of survivors of that holocaust will commit genocide on their fellow humans.
I'm glad you think so, Please share it
He keeps saying jew when it was the 12 tribes of isreal and before isreal people lived in the land they claimed for them self but the world doesnt believe or have the same faith of them ,the point is that isreal is a illegal state and as for jews populations in muslim country decreasing is becuase the state of isreal was created ,their are iareali tribes that are mualims today and know their history and know this man is a liar and a jewish zionist
@@mychanel5182watch it again he doesn't say anything you just said. If anything he just showed you the history so you understand israel isn't doing genocide or war crimes, and that there is consequence for losing a war you started. He also showes israel have the right to exist. Not any less than the palestine state.And like he said if you have information to add or you think he's wrong, prove it, put a time stamp and tell us.
The values and religion part is also very true. The small detail you said about the Quran and Jerusalem isn't important anyway, everyone knows Muslims have just as much right to pray and stay in Jerusalem. On the other hand their values is what holding them back. If they choose democracy instead of dictators, and peace instead of violence they will achieve so much more. Btw Sabra and Shateela is exactly that. Arab on Arab violence while israel watching shocked from the side.
As for the last decades, he showed how unproductive the palestinians were compare to israel. And it's 100% true. Take gaza for example, they relay on donations, didn't build power plants or water sources. They relay on israel so much, yet they still attack it and expect israel to provide everything no matter what?
I think the settlements is the only thing israel is doing wrong, and the guy also said it at the beginning. But when you look at the big picture it's such a small factor and it's clearly isn't the reason for the beginning of this conflict. Plus israel already showed they are willing to withdraw settlements to achieve peace.
As a Canadian I was surprised to see , how little I know about the situation. Thanks for improving my knowledge ☺️
Maybe don’t get ur information from an extremely biased source
Yeah Israelis talk some crap bout there history.
All of the information he mentions here is factual. If you say it is biased or crap, please provide facts and evidence to support your claims. Otherwise, you are just not comfortable with the truth, and as he said, you do not have the right to rewrite history.
Which "crap" ?
@@tokyo.pekinghe means isreal dont have even history and its right
The many small nuances and details stated in this wonderful video, brings a lot of things into context. Thank you for this! Greetings from Munich, Germany!
Your videos are amazing! So informative! So well-documented! So interesting and well-done!!! As a retired American woman, elementary/middle school teacher who homeschooled our own 6 children, worked several years with the Red Cross, and traveled with my family and military dad abroad while growing up, your focus is illuminating!!! Thank you for creating such well-crafted videos that are so informative, so interesting, and so well-written!!!
I am a muslim and must say I found your video thought provoking. I don't trust anyone who thinks in terms of we are the good guys and they are bad including Muslims who I see alot of that from. Thanks for sharing.
It is too bad to see ghat too many Arabic nations and their population just fall for propaganda and bias.
I am German the country that did the holocaust. We were responsible for ww2 while our conditions were not easy after ww1. But we started it.
Today in 2023 I feel many Islamic nations are falling backwards into attitudes we had during the Middle Ages.
How is it that today Islamic countries which were more advanced today are so backwards.
It is hard for me to understand.
In the end it doesn’t matter what religion we are following - we are still all just humans meaning the same honestly
yeah of course palestinians are not angels. but you shouldn’t need to be pious and good to be allowed to rightfully inherit your grandad’s house or to live in the house that you and your cousin built with your own hands. You shouldn’t need moral argumentation in order to claim your right to travel to see your dying aunt who raised you and now you can’t see her because the checkpoint does not recognize your laissez passer seemingly arbitrarily; and your aunt lives only 12km away. Like, you can be an asshole of a Palestinian with some shitty opinions, but you still deserve to live in the house that you yourself built on the land that your own dad has the deeds for; instead there is a family from California living there now, and you are called antisemitic if you just call them jews.
His video is really fundamentally silly because he is arguing that first Palestinians and Arabs have to be pious and THEN demand human rights. that’s just silly.
As a Christian Jew I have always had respect for Muslims who hold to their beliefs. There are Alot of Muslims who practice what they preach. Actual islam encourages people of the book to live in peace with each other. I seen Alot of you guys get put off by obscenity and immortality the same way I do. I just want to live in a morally clean society just like you do.
I've been so confused on this topic because it seems that, as your average ignorant American, I've always been led to believe that the Jews have consistently been the victims in all this. After a week or so of reading and watching videos, it seems like the one fact that everyone can absolutely agree on is that its the Jews that have been systematically taking over Palestinian land for the last 60+ years. All of which is to say that I think I could see why you'd see more Muslims talking about good/bad guys considering they're the people who have been losing this battle...both in the home-front and in the press this entire time.
Also had no idea that the majority of people in Israel consider Palestinians to be beneath them...that they're considered second-class citizens who are often considered undeserving of the same rights entitled to Jewish people just by virtue of being Palestinian. So of course with Jewish people in power, these people's right to their land isn't really a consideration....except insofar as how to go about getting them off of it. At least from what I've come to understand.
Much love to my Muslim brother from an Agnostic.
For an Indian who has superficial knowledge of the area and history, this is a very good video. With facts, you have presented very convincingly very well.
What a mess of misinformation, inaccuracies and distortion. It's pretty telling that not a SINGLE critical comment can' be traced. Clearly working overtime to delete and sanitize comments.
1. "No such thing as a Palestinian in the 18th century:" Wrong. Just because the ethnonym of "Palestinian" didn't exist before the 19th century doesn't mean the people themselves did not exist. *Names are prone to change, but what is true regardless is that since the Arab conquest in the 7th century, most of the area adopted Arab language and culture. Arabs were the majority population in the territory that is now Israel from the end of the 12th century all the way up until 1950, after the state and borders of Israel were crafted out of thin air. Jews on the other hand, existed only as a minority in the current day territory of Israel from the 5th century all the way up until 1950. That's a period of almost ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED (1,500) YEARS for which Jews were a minority in Palestine/Israel. This is information corroborated by academic sources.*
2. "Until 1947 not a single square foot was stolen by the Jews" Wrong. *In May 1946, before the Civil War and the spontaneous creation of the state of Israel, a Jewish paramilitary organization (Haganah) torched and blew up economic infrastructures, the property of Palestinian politicians and military commanders, and Palestinian villages, neighborhoods, houses and farms.*
*More violence perpetrated by Jews against Palestinian, all before 1948:*
1) • The Jerusalem Massacre - 1/10/1937
Irgun Zionist organisation detonated a bomb in the vegetable market near the Damascus (Nablus) Gate in Jerusalem killing dozens of Palestinian civilians and wounding many others.
2) • The Haifa Massacre - 6/3/1937
Paramilitaries from the Irgun and Lehi Zionist groups bombed a market in Haifa killing 18 Palestinian civilians and wounding 38.
3) • The Haifa Massacre - 6/7/1938
Zionist Paramilitaries from the Irgun placed two car bombs in a Haifa market killing 21 Palestinian civilians and wounding 52.
4) • The Jerusalem Massacre - 13/7/1938
10 Palestinian killed and 31 wounded in a massive explosion in the Arab vegetable market in the Old City of Jerusalem.
5)• The Jerusalem Massacre - 15/7/1938
A member of the Irgun Zionist paramilitaries threw a hand grenade in front of a mosque in Jerusalem as worshippers were walking out. 10 were killed and 30 were wounded.
6) • The Haifa Massacre - 25/7/1938
A car bomb was planted by the Irgun paramilitaries in an Arab market in Haifa which killed 35 Palestinian civilians and wounded 70.
7) • The Haifa Massacre - 26/7/1938
A member of Irgun threw a hand grenade in a Haifa market killing 47 Palestinian civilians.
8) • The Jerusalem Massacre - 26/8/1938
A car bomb placed by the Irgun Zionist paramilitaries exploded in a Jerusalem Arab market killing 34 civilians and wounding 35.
9) • The Haifa Massacre - 27/3/1939
The Irgun paramilitaries detonated two bombs in Haifa killing 27 Palestinians and wounding 39.
10) • The Balad Al-Shaykh Massacre - 12/6/1939
The Haganah paramilitaries raided the city of Balad Al-Shaykh capturing 5 residents who they then killed. The city of Balad Al-Shaykh is a Palestinian city located east of Haifa.
11) • The Haifa Massacre - 19/6/1939
Zionist paramilitaries threw a hand grenade in a Haifa market killing 9 Palestinians and wounding 12) • August 1947 - Jewish paramilitaries blew up the house of a family of Palestinian orange growers. Twelve were killed including a woman and six children. The dynamiting of Palestinian houses became a key component of these Jewish paramilitary retaliatory strikes.
13) • Al Abbasiyah Massacre - Dec 1947: Jewish paramilitary organization Orgun attacked the Palestinian village of Al Abbasiyah and opened fire on its residents sitting outside a village cafe. They bombed houses and planted grenades.
14) • Balad Al-Shaykh Massacre - Dec 1947: The Palmach battalion and a brigade led by Haim Avinoam attacked the Palestinian Balad Al-Shaykh village killing 60 civilians, according to Zionist sources. Those killed included children, women and the elderly, and dozens of homes were destroyed.
15) • Al-Sheikh Break Massacre - Dec 1947: Zionist paramilitaries groups raided the Palestinian village of Al-Sheikh Break, killing 40 Palestinians.
16) • The Al-Kiasas Massacre - Dec 1947: Zionists from the “Maayan Baruch” kibbutz attacked and shot 5 Palestinian workers on their way to work. During the attack, one of the Zionists was stabbed and killed prompting the commander of the Palmach third battalion to order a retaliatory operation to burn the homes and kill the men in Al-Khasas. The Zionist commander’s report notes that 12 were killed, all of whom were women and children.
3. *The Arabs rejected the UN Partition plan because 62% of the land was to be awarded to the Jews, in spite of Jews making up only 32% of the population, while Arabs made up 68%, by far the majority.*
This is only scratching the surface of the numerous inaccuracies word-vomited in this video. What an embarrassment to try to pass off something so distorted as fact. But as we already know, Zionists love their revisionist history.
Another brainwashed post hindutva indian.... There was a reasin why ur country supported palestine untill very recent history....
Very similar to what happen in India ? no ?
@@Lumix861accurately same. Hindu population from islamic countries reduced to rubble. And muslims are growing in India. And still they say that they are oppressed here.
You know how OpenAI discloses "ChatGPT may produce inaccurate information about people, places, or facts." ? This guy needs to have the same disclaimer. Here is I will copy-paste my main comment on the video:
Based on this grave mistake you made 2 minutes into the video, I will consider the rest of your video shit. Here is the process behind my decision:
You claimed "In Morocco, the Jewish population went from 265,000 in 1948 to 2,150 in 2018 due to ethnic cleansing." Let's not argue on whether or not you said "due to ethnic cleansing." In fact, you used a devious discussion method commonly called "insinuation." You used it in saying "If you want to use the words ethnic cleansing, you can use it to describe what happened to the Jews in Arab countries", and then proceeding to cite the decrease of the Jewish population in Arab countries. You insinuated that Arab countries ethnically cleanse Jews. Aside from this claim being diametrically opposed to Muslim religion directives and beliefs, if the listener misses this insinuation, they cannot see what is wrong with your argument, and thus take it as fact. I take it this is exactly what happened to you.
Here is the fact to counter your claim:
During 1961-1964, 80,000 Jewish Moroccans were sent to Israel by agreement between the Moroccan government and the Israeli government. That is ~30% of Jewish Moroccans supported in their travels to Israel over a 3-year period in the 60s, when travel was more expensive than now. If you bother to check the timeline of when the Israeli population increased, and when it decreased in other Arab countries, and by which means, you will discover that many Muslim Arab countries facilitated your travel to the land; but definitely did not support the blatant murder your state has been ordering on Palestinian communities.
The flaw in your argument is that you are biting the hand that helped your Israeli peers get established in the land. To be more exact, you are shitting in the hand that helped you. Whether you accept or not that you are biased, you are persuaded by many perspectives, which introduces confirmation bias. You fail to correctly interpret some facts here and there, which eventually builds up to make a view that is fully flawed.
Source of the 1961-1964 data: your own goddamn government. Google "The Aliyah of Moroccan Jewry (1954-1955) gov.il".
I hope this will trigger you to re-analyze many of your arguments, and revise your view. It will take many people analyzing your thought processes and pointing the fallacies therein, for you to even consider initiating a change. Best of luck.
Edit: I have looked at the rest of your video. I can confirm it is shit. Just like I proved one of your "facts" wrong, I can do it for most points you raised. You claim you like facts, get your facts goddamned straight.
Thank you ,dont stop talking with you clarity and true historical perspective
Thank you for making this video. GOD bless you. ❤
Very detailed and informative. Sometimes this social media sheep blindly show a hot topic without proper research and equality. Your research was to the point and true.
Thank you very much for your lucid explanation. It is clear, informative and easy to understand.
I love your attitude❤
Moreso, because what you share is historical facts.
Keep it up👍
Oren, I totally agree with you. Unfortunately now people study history in TikTok))
Yes! My family have done our own research about this subject. You have confirmed everything we have found. The information is out there if people are just willing to search for it. Thank you and Shalom! :)
I agree totally@osamabinladenssecondgirlfr4241
@osamabinladenssecondgirlfr4241 I wouldn't trust anyone with your username....
Thank you for mentioning the previous populations of Christians in the region. We've somehow forgotten the ethic cleansing that was waged against us.
The Armenian genocide by the Turkish (who are part of the U.N. btw) wasn't even that long ago.
Christianity is not an ethnicity.
The Israel spat on Christian pilgrims. Just a few weeks ago Benjamin Netanyahu told the US congress and Biden to out of their politics.
The fact is US congress that receive donations from Israel should be registered as foreign agents.
Be on the side of Christ.
@@bluedog101c rather spit than a jihad. The enemy of my enemy is a friend
@@bluedog101cWhat is being spat on in comparison to being raped, kidnapped or institutionally relegated to second class by imposing dhimmi tax for not being a Muslim?
Brilliant! Should be mandatory watching for all students who have an "opinion" about the Israeli/Palestinian conflict!
None of these claims are arguments on why Israel should exist and Palestine not.
- What happened there 2000 years ago doesn't matter at all
- whats written in which religious book also doesn't matter to anyone who is not a member of that religion
- who is treating the land better or who is more advanced culturally, morally, technologically or in any other sense also doesn't matter
- where anyone turns to while praying also irrelevant
- if some Muslims before 1920 were animals and were killing jews also doesn't matter
- who funded Jerusalem 2000 years also a non argument
The whole video is a non argument for why Jews should be governing that land on a state level and Palestinians get nothing. It's a very long video that has no real substance.
@@yoooyoyooo One argument - Musliams has 57 states , Christain has 60+ , Budistist has 10+ ,Hindus has 2 So at least they should be given one Country .
@@yoooyoyooo Amazed to see your arguments . So what is your argument for Palestinian claim ? At least Jews has these many arguments .You have none.
“very long video that has no real substance” I’ve heard every minute expecting something of it but that’s exactly how you put it
@@juliopulse3513 so what are you proposing Jews should leave Israel?
Excellent video! Mainstream media resorts to one extreme or the other, but the way you are able to see things in the middle, restating history to know where things start, and ability to find some common ground is what we are missing in this world.
Okay watch this video by al da7ee7 with sources of the info mentioned in you will then find out how certain places in Israel are literally built upon Palestinean corpses just like the jewish holocaust but this time it is Arab holocaust by the jews ua-cam.com/video/f0oy-NicIgE/v-deo.htmlsi=dRixCRZ3zGUgS_lN