I'm a recovering burn survivor. I can relate. I wasn't supposed to live. While they were prepping me for surgery I went into cardiac arrest. That was when I was above myself watching and listening to everything going on around me. My left breast had suffered 4th degree burns and they were afraid to use that machine that gets your heart beating so one of the surgeons started CPR Manually saying you are not going to die if I have anything to do with this. He was a Christian. I heard him muttering s prayer and then next thing I know I saw the Lord standing beside me and He placed his hands on the surgeon's hand and whispered to me " It is not your time I need you to live" I remember saying but Lord look at me how can I serve you like this ? Why Lord?? He just said trust me I will never leave you. You are one of my children and I need you here. Then the next thing I remember 6 weeks later I was in intensive care burn unit. So my first conversation was with that surgeon and he said to me " you have to fight to stay alive God has a plan for you," He said a prayer for me because I could barely talk. My throat was really sore from the tube they had in me for several weeks. I don't know what God's plan is except to share with them God's love, his grace and his mercy and his forgiveness. It's been quite a journey. I never got angry I found true love and forgiveness. I was given the opportunity to speak to my attacker and he came to know the Lord because I was able to forgive Him. I am a survivor of a hate crime. By God's grace and mercy I still wake up each new day dawning thanking God for still being here. So each day I pray that I become the woman God created me to be. I ask him to create in me a clean heart and if needs my assistance use me. 52% of my body suffered 3rd, 4th and one 5th degree burn. It was my Left butt cheek and my left SI JOINT was burnt to the bone. God and I have fun in prayer because he smiles and tells me yes you are my pain in the ass yet you belong to me and I will never leave you. That was 27 years ago. I'm still here and God has taken care of me. I've always had a safe roof over my head. I have never gone hungry. Except for my injuries I am as healthy as can be. God is amazing and he keeps his promises.
What a beautiful story. Remember it's the pilot not the plane.I have to remember that each time I have a negative thought because my body Is not pretty anymore. We will eventually change planes but as long as God is the real pilot and he is in charge All will be well.Thank you for sharing your experience Your amazing. I love this vodeo.
I was in a car wreck in 1989. I was in my 1st trimester. A drunk driver hit us traveling over 70. We were doing 15 to 20. I hemmoraghed and was trapped for over an hour. God saw fit to see that my child was born healthy 1 16 1990. Glory to God. And He saved alot more than that. God is so good.
Wow .am so glad u do,pls accept Jesus into ur LIFE ask him to be ur Lord and saviour and find a small Bible teaching Christian Church where u will be well fed about God and his love
I used to be agnostic and scientifically sceptical, but then God visited me back in August. Now, I'm not so interested in how the illusion is held together.
@zealoftheLord Is it OK to follow Krisna, or do you only believe in Christ ? Im still trying to figure out why we need to follow an avatar to ensure our path to God. Why can't we meet with God directly ? Why do we need a middle man ?
I had a similar experience. I was so excited to tell my friends and family, many of them religious. They didn't believe me and called it blasphemy. All I felt was energy and love on the other side and wanted to share it. I was so disheartened that the so called Christians treated me so badly. I am so glad she shared her story, you can feel the light flowing from her.
Religion is a lie period! And yes I believe in God most people tend to believe God has anything to do with religion, cmon guys religion is man-made God wants a relationship with humanity
I am sorry people didn't believe you. It doesn't matter. God loves us all whether they want to experience Him or not. Pray for them to open their heart to Him.
i am not here to spread any religion and thats the least of my intention but if you need answers to such things , you should read about hinduism. What ever is said in the video is clearly detailed in the hindusim religious texts thousands of years ago.
I'm grateful that God used my testimony to help you grow in your walk with the lord. Thank you for your kind words. May an unexpected blessing be yours this day
I’ve studied NDE’s for 12+ years now, having watched/read/listened to literally hundreds of accounts, and this was one of the most logical, touching accounts I’ve come across. I watched it three times and will likely watch it again.
When my son was very young around 3 years old or so....he told me he remembered being in heaven and he was shown a bunch of people and he was told to pick his parents and that he chose me... and what a blessing he has been and still is to my life.
In the late 80s I started reading books about NDE, one of the first I read was a woman. She said we with God & we know what's ahead. I was skeptical because it was new to me. She described watching this take place many times over. Now that's a confirmation worth waiting 30+ years. BTW. You, nurse, so authentic. Thank you!
I lost my mother in January and all these NDE stories really helps me cope with the loss. She still exists somewhere and is perfectly fine, back home as they say.
she exists everywhere, and is totally alive, just not in our vision here. my mom sends me birds, a specific kind, as a reminder of her.... I've had 2 NDE and have no doubt there is a whole lot more to life than we know here.
I lost my older brother recently, he was only 54 years old, and shortly after that, my mother passed away, this lady's story tells me that they both are doing fine.
@@evelyneleku9097 not really, I have nothing against Christ but what about people who came before Christ was even born? How were they saved? Like 10000 years ago, what about those people? I think your story has holes in it, I would definitely go with Christ if I was convinced
@fzee4857 Here is an answer for your question 1 Peter 4:1-6, 8 KJV [1] Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; [2] that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. [3] For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: [4] wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: [5] who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. [6] For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit. [8] And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. bible.com/bible/1/1pe.4.1-8.KJV 1 Peter 3:18-22 KJV [18] For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: [19] by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; [20] which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. [21] The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: [22] who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him. bible.com/bible/1/1pe.3.18-22.KJV
@@fzee4857 hi! I posted yesterday an answer for you but it was deleted. I will give you the verses this time and not the text so that you can look by yourself and have the answer for your question what happened with the souls befor Jesus. You can read in the letter of the Bible 1 Peter chapter 3 from verses 18 and 1 Peter chapter 4.
About the energy of the thought - that’s why we need to pray for each other. For your family, friends and even enemies. So we attach only goodness to them, the good energy. We all need to pray for each other. May God bless you all that read this message! Spread the Love ❤️❤️❤️
Amazing testimony !The biggest thing I came away with is that I need to forgive and I cannot allow myself to have negative thoughts about another. That right there is a life changer. Second thing I learned is I cannot be sedentary. I need to get busy helping humanity in which ever way I can. Thank you God for sending her back to deliver your messages !
God said, "I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food." Genesis 1:29 GO PLANTED BASED, EVERYONE!
@@Sean-me4fv- I have forgiven Norma Ann Wells numerous times ! I've turned the other check numerous times, only to be back-stabbed each and every time I've forgiven her ! I can NOT forgive that demon anymore !!!!!! I hate Norma Ann Wells with all my heart and soul !😮
Let me just say that 2 years after this video was posted, I’m seeing it for the first time and it is precisely what I needed to see. I praise and thank God for this and thank you for sharing this.
I am a Christian from Iraq, I fled during the rise of IS. They causes the worse carnage you could imagine. In fact I still have friends from my community that have not been found. Women who have most likely kidnapped and forced into sex slavery, hundreds. Masscared hundreds of children, mothers and fathers, and not quick, many were dragged or burned to death. Despite all this, God still asks us to forgive. And therefor, I forgive them, for they know not what they do, I can only pray and forgive as Yeshua the Christo did on the Cross before breathing his last breath, forgiving the Roman Centurions who brutally tortured him and the crucified him. “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34. It takes strength to forgive those who persecute you, for me that stregth has only from the Faith I have in my Lord and Savior. Without him, I would be vengeful, hateful, and have a alot of anger in my heart. But through the Holy Spirit and Gods grace. I have peace. And I have faith that the Lord will hear my prayers that those who destroyed my community and home will one day be saved by the grace of our Lord. God will always forgive those who ask for it. Always. Therefore I must forgive others no matter what, and know that God will serve justice, judgement and punishment, not me.
I just want to let you know that I'm crying right now. Your testimony just changed my life. I wanted you to know that. This is confirmation that I have been begging for. I stumbled across this video randomly this morning. I just woke up 5 minutes ago. From the bottom of my heart thank you...
@@alexapproach I'm going through a lot spiritual stuff right now. It's actually been very scary. I grew up in the church but I ended up getting addicted to drugs really bad. I'm actually in a work release center finishing a 6 year prison sentence. I almost feel like my third eye is starting to open and I've been praying a lot. I'm scared. I'll give the book a try...
@@georgemgomez1386Read Rudolf Steiner's - "Knowledge of the higher worlds and how to attain it". It's an old book, but the methods and truth contained within are a sure way to safely open up to higher realities.
This sounds like a near-death intervention to me directly from the big guy upstairs! God bless you and God bless anybody who's reading this comment. Love, kindness and forgiveness is the most important in life. I know it's hard. I have never had an NDE but I am so sure God exists. I see him in my son I see him in my husband I see him in the kind things that people do for one another when nobody's watching. God knows our hearts and souls.
@firstnamerequiredlastnameo3473 Such a kind and wonderful comment. And yes we must remember that we do have ANGELS here with us that love us and are here for us always
You will have to go to the full interview. It was not Shaman Oaks who did it. The full interview link is put at the end of this video, and in a link in the description below the video.
@Colleen D You will have to go to the full interview. It was not Shaman Oaks who did it. The full interview link is put at the end of this video, and in a link in the description below the video. :)
God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush: "I AM THE I AM" Jesus said: I AM the way, I AM the life, I AM the truth, I AM the door, I AM the bread of life, I AM the true vine, I AM the light of the world, I AM the good shepherd, I AM the ressurection, before the crucifiction of Jesus the roman governor asked Jesus if he is truly the son of the most high god and Jesus only replied: "I AM"
It’s crazy how this just pop up on my feed and it’s weird how in sync it is with this I’m going through right now... I broke out in tears because I needed to here this simultaneously I think God placed me at this exact moment to hear this so I know what I need to do.. thank you for sharing your experience
It's funny because I was just thinking the same thing you were but you said it better than I could have. Thank you and I will say a little prayer for both of us.
Same here, I needed this, to hear that I am attaching those negative thoughts to people only damages them and I am a direct cause of why they continue to be the way they are. That hit me hard, now I know what I need to do to release those negative thoughts and forgive.
Loved how she described meeting God, "there was a rumbling and you knew something powerful was about to happen" and HE said, "I AM" and in her humanness she responds "Yeah, you are!" ❤💜🙏😊
She is 100% spot on with how GOD enters your mind space. I have experienced it twice. I was praying for my son after he attempted to take his own life. We had spent days in the hospital. I was praying a few days later for GOD to protect my son… the very air vibrated everything vibrated and he thundered. “I DID,” my son had no signs or any trace of all the medication he had taken, no kidney or liver damage. GOD has shown me his presence and power, beyond a doubt.
I cannot express how much this has helped to comfort me. My only sister and I were both diagnosed with cancer at the same time. We started our journey together but she didn’t make it. She wanted to stay, I didn’t. But she didn’t know that. For me, losing my younger sibling has been harder than losing our parents- you don’t think about possibly losing a sibling. My best friend. There was no celebrating the fact that I made it bc she didn’t. So I listen to these for comfort about where she’s at, but this has helped me every aspect that she mentioned- especially in regards to religious people, . But- this made me realize I need to fix my thoughts about them and stop isolating (2yrs now) … the anger, thoughts- everything I still wonder what I’m here for Thank you for sharing
I too have been hot up side the head with this. I have 1 sister left, we lost Crystal to an accidental overdose. My sister and I need hope for our relationship. I need to correct my thoughts. I need to forgive. I need to.... I'm so overwhelmed.
I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you as losing my sister would be devastating beyond belief - she is my best friend and I can't imagine my life without her. You are in my prayers and may the embraces of Jesus hold you fast and give you strength.
Go to "The Book of the True Life" and "The Third Testament", and listen to the videos to help understand why we are here and what the purpose of our life is. GOD BLESS!
Christians are saving God for when they die or are sick. They don't realise he's a living active loving father who wants to be part of our lives. God bless you for sharing your story, absolutely wonderful ❤
@@alexandracosta2471 I watched up to 16.34 minutes and can't take any more. The entire beginning point was simply her in a dream state. That's it. There was nothing spectacular about it. I ended up angry at the part where her son said he was going to be a good dad because his dad failed them. Only a sick twisted being would allow children to be emotionally abused for years just so that they would say they were going to be good parents. It sure would have been better if she had married a good person or if the kids had just been good people without being abused. It's literally insane to believe "god" would allow such things and then worship him. There are far less traumatic ways for kids to learn to be good parents. Hopefully she won't tell her kids that crazy story because it makes light of what they went through. I'm sorry, you seem like a nice person. I've just seen the light and realize there are no gods. There is absolutely no evidence of the supernatural. Stories like this are just personal experiences that have a natural explanation, but were spun in a spiritual way. If people are to be believed just because they felt something, then everyone should be believed because they felt something, no matter the religion.
This morning I was reading in John’s Gospel where he said I am many times. I am the truth, I am the way I am the life I am the bread I am the water. Exodus chapter 3 I believe is where we first read about the I am.
My daughter was born with a syndrome. She actually the only one in my maternal family that was born this way. She loves everyone and is loved by many. Now I can say why she's here.
My neice has Downs, she is the highest spiritually evolved human being I know...pure LOVE , FORGIVING, GREATFUL, INTUITIVE, GENTLE & KIND SOUL. I am so blessed to have her in my life. Praise be to God.
My granddaughter was born with a syndrome too. We were devastated when she was born but it didn't take long to find out how lucky we actually are. She's a bundle of love and joy. Nearly fourteen years of being in the presence of a love that you can see affects others around her. We are privelidged to have her. I'm never sad when i hear a couple gave birth to a special needs baby. My heart expands to the magnificent gift they are given. God Bless you all 🙏
I have been asking my partner of 8 yrs to take me to the local gym, I don't drive. I gained 20 pnds and I have been thinking in my head I can just stay.home one more day. Nobody treats me right, etc....This has been good for me to see bc I used to be out there helping others and loving it and them....I have almost given up recently but I keep thinking....I'll just WALK to the gym since he doesn't take me. (It is my responsibility to get there, anyway.) I will get there tomorrow. Ty for this video. Oh, and an ad for the gym came on DURING this video.
Time is like Space. Your brother is with you, Here and Now. You and your brother are one with the Eternal. You are inseparable. You can rearrange. You can never separate.
I met Jesus. In a dream and it wasn't just a dream. I floated above an endless field of golden wheat, the feeling of the most comfortable summer day. I came to a humongous hill. I climbed up the hill and there was one huge tree that shaded the top. A man walked to me...I began to feel small, childlike the closer he got. I don't remember his face. He had on a robe, laced with gold. He never said a word. He put his arms around me and embraced me. I began to cry. His embrace sent through me the message of unconditional love and forgiveness. I woke up and was crying uncontrollably. I sat up in bed and couldn't stop crying for a couple minutes. It was real. Believe it.
I had a dream and I was in the garden with Jesus. He handed me a book and I opened it. The pictures in the book came alive with beautiful trees, plants, flowers, small ones and big giant trees. I wanted so much to have this book so I came up with a plan to get this book. I asked him if I could have it and he just smile but I know it means no. Then my second plan came up, I ask him if I could borrow it. He just smiled but I know it means no. He then looks at me intensely and he said in a saddest voice, “my child, I created all of this and my children never acknowledge it or give me thanks.” I collapsed into the ground and cried so much and I woke up with tears all over my face.
God said, "I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food." Genesis 1:29 GO PLANTED BASED, EVERYONE!
And also if you knew that before we come to earth Stork 👶🏻we.., each of us yes 👈you👉..you👆 and you and myself we choose who we want us to be our parents...? 😌 And on top of that...put attention....every single person that crosses in our lives sisters, brother, friends, even the bank teller, your teacher, you knew them way before, just they play a different role in this life as you play in theirs 🤫🤨🤷🏻♀️ Thats why sometimes we see people and we swear like we saw the or knew them from somewhere but we just can't just remember 😉 Or you meet someone and it seems like you both knew one another for long time, and even in some cases we know their favorite movie, colour, football team etc..but nobody told you that and viceversa
I am always surprised by Christian people when I don't feel the genuine energy I expect. I think, Oh!, they haven't found Him yet. In my life,God is constantly soothing me and guiding me. Protecting me . I sincerely pray everyone finds this sense of peace
I am sorry to hear that. Even God give us peace, happiness and makes us feel complete, sometimes we christians also feel sad and sometimes we don't seek God like we should do. We are not perfect, but that does not invalidate the gospel and the fact Christ sacrificed himself to pay our death debt and give us salvation because of His mercy, not because we deserved. In His love He saved us, He is the true love. He commanded us to love ourselves but we are all in our improving process and not all christians are in a high stage with God. We know that He is the good in us. We are not perfect but Jesus is. The church is not a place with perfect people, but people who know that are not perfect, it is more like a hospital for the soul to improve ourselves. And not because a person goes to church that this person is saved or transformed, only God knows our hearts, but it is not because there are bad examples of christian that does not exist christians who are truly transformed by God and truly love the others and are genuine. Generalization is just a good way to think about a group of people.
Read books written by Anthony Borgia written in the 50s. Beautiful picture of the afterlife "spirit lands". An actual physical reality but of a higher vibration and more etheric. Incredibly comforting even exciting read. Book 1 is " Life In The World Unseen".
You don’t need a NDE. In the moment we born, we know many things, the truth about what we are, energy, part of the universe. Unfortunately, our brain is being washed with many stupidity, tv, cartoons, publicity, religion, Santa Claus, tooth fairies, etc, we lost the sense of what we really are, energy. Are we alone in this universe? Of course not, there are millions of galaxies with more life, not aliens, other beings more wiser and maybe more ignorant than humans too. I went to a Catholic school, I just went to hell, a lot of dishonesty, bad people who blame children from kindergarten, who punish them for their sins they didn’t commit, etc, terrible, unhealthy. Children need to learn more about physics, to learn to use both hands to develop both part of the brain, languages, to heal themselves, telepathy, to be strong and control bad energies, etc
@@stitchesstories2587 your commentaries are New age. Read the Bible that is the word of God, He is alive and he speak to us through the Holy Spirit and we have body, soul and spirit.
I had a very short but amazing meeting with God. The feeling of unimaginable, euphoric joy and love was so beautiful. Nobody should ever fear death. Its just how you go back to our beautiful home.
@@johnnyringo0506 me too .. even though mine was in a dream the joy I felt is indescribable .. I also have dreams where I am talking telepathicaly like she mentioned
I couldn't stop crying either, I had no idea that our negative thoughts could effect others. I never want to hurt anyone in my life and now I'm beginning to understand how it has. I've had a lot of trauma in my life but I'm trying so hard to put those bad feeling behind me once and for good. Thank you for sharing your story with us sister. Very moving and powerful, I can imagine anybody that listens to this story would feel the same. Bless you and your family 🙏
That’s why people wanted to hide in the basement most of the time smoking weed It’s too much negativities out there people just wanna be safe away from others nasty thoughts and actions. But God disapproves such thing. We must face this personal battle no matter what like it’s a game
god bless you jesus admit your a sinner and find your sins and a huge step jesus wants us to do is to discover our sins and says dint worry child just spread to the world a obout me andmy fathers kingdom and sin no more the more your obediant to god the more the holy spirit strengthens you and gives you happines and peace repent and s
As a Christian I feel so so blessed by this and more love and peace. I always freaked out about meeting God. Hopefully I can feel better now. Thank you so much for sharing this and sorry for how others have reacted. You're very lovely, I think those who visited the other side come back with this extra beauty, and it really helps the rest of us, thank you for coming back xxx
when I was very young, before I could speak, I could understand before making words, but I used to have this 'memory' that I chose my parents. Thank you, lady, this has given me some peace, and guidance.
Because you actually did choose your parents. You would enjoy the last book written by author Dr. Wayne W. Dyer before his death, entitled "Memories of Heaven: Childrens’ Astounding Recollections of the Time Before They Came to Earth."
@@Pamsmith59 People thought I was crazy for some things I remember, but my brother also had a terrible terror over a calendar that had teddy bear picnic on it for a picture, and dreamed he was killed by a grizzly around that same age, and my daughter once told me that she was so glad she found us as new parents. She said her mommy left her in her crib, and went out, and she cried and cried and cried until she finally went to sleep, and her old mommy never came back, then her new mommy found her, as well as I. She remembered something for sure, she was just starting to talk. Thank you for your words, and I will look for that book you suggested. I know we go on, and sometimes have to come back to finish learning, or continue learning, it just feels so. Thank God for that, and Thank God for our lives and experiences.
I told my mom and pedo step monster that the earth was just an experiment -Gods own snow globe that he was gonna shake up one day - I’m mk programmed (well he tried-but I was not programmable) you are a star seed
Don't let myself just sit back in the recliner. That's the part that reached out to me. After the conflicts of 2020, I withdrew from human discourse and took to my recliner. The joy dissipated until I simply longed for the end. Now I see I cannot live in the eternity I have designed. Thank you for sharing this experience. It spoke clearly to me about returning to the fold, forgiving, loving, sharing talents, and letting God shine out of my eyelashes!
Yours is a good lesson for us all. Even i have struggled with staying connected when my urge is to pull away. It's something I battle frequently. Thank you for reminding me of what God taught me. Hugs. Penny
This lovely and enlightening account describes the part of us they tried to kill with masks, lockdowns and jabbery. We need to return to the trust and love of God, He is waiting for us, let us not be led astray by the wolves who abide everywhere telling us what to think and do.
God said, "I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food." Genesis 1:29 GO PLANT BASED, EVERYONE!
Despite my spiritual beliefs, I have had so many paralyzing fears of death for so long. I have wasted so much time and energy on those fears. The message this woman was given to share has taken so much of that weight from my soul that I've carried for so long. This is the single most powerful message I have ever received. Thank you from the bottom of my heart❤️
Oh that is so sad that you have that fear. I had this as a child, I would become paralysed with fear and anxiety it was horrible. I grew out of it thank goodness. As I’ve gotten older my spiritual abilities have grown and I am also a nurse who has seen a lot of death. Through these experiences of being with those who pass as well as an ability to communicate with the others side, I can tell you that you have nothing to fear, it’s like steeping into another room. Your soul never dies. Those who have passed are just next door. I have seen births and deaths and I can say that death is just another rebirth. Being present with those passing has been a privilege, I have seen and felt so many unexplainable things, all totally positive. Have no fear dear, enjoy your time here on earth being alive in a physical body, experiencing those lessons you are meant to revive, soak up the beauty all around you and take each day as it comes. The is no beginning or end. Xx. Hugs
I used to watch Christian channel showing people going to hell and all sorts of tortures and indescribable pains and agonies. This apply to media and daily news. Fear is what this planet is all about
That is good that is women's words have helped you. When I was little I started a mantra when I would get really scared: "The worst thing that could happen is I could die, but then everything would be alright (again)" this helped me with my debilitating fears of death, and I would find solace knowing that the pain of death is temporary in this vast eternity. Also, I would go into the fear and curl up with that meditation of sorts, and soon the feat couldn't hurt me at all, and I could smile and even laugh for a moment that I overcame it! I practiced this a lot back then and now I am quickly able to manage fears and release them, knowing well what it means to go down that path but now being free from the anxiety of it..
Please don't worry. I learned something from A Course In Miracles.... Death is not the opposite of Life. Death is the opposite of birth. We are spirit before life and also after death. Our passing will be loving and joyful. Please don't worry about it.
@keep humble ' I believe that we have a cord attached to us & source energy/ God .... When a person has an NDE ' they don't go " Through" The universal light/ God.... They go to or near " The light" a beautiful, warm unconditional " intelligent light of masculine energy. If a person does go through the light " there cord is severed" & the Transmission of human energies & earthly illusions take time to lose , so a " soul" needs time to adjust , just like when we are born , it's a " Transition back to home".
@keep humble I just....I find it hard to believe that a demon or Satan could have any ability to radiate pure love and pure understanding and pure knowledge. On top of that, the people that return from an NDE suddenly comprehend the meaning and importance of love and loving each other and doing good for other people and how that impacts the world. Why would Satan or a demon want us to love each other and want us to live a life kind of like Jesus: not worried about material possessions, forgiving of everyone, wanting to help others, and having unconditional understanding for one another. Why would Satan want us to live like Jesus? In addition to that, the Holy Bible itself talks of the silver cord that connects our soul to our bodies just as this woman described. Ecclesiastes 12:6-14 6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. 7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
@keep humble God IS love, every single person that has had a Near Death Experience states EXACTLY what you just said. God is LOVE. Why would Satan want us to know that God is Love? You also just ignored scripture when it was presented to you as proof. This is what Jesus talked about, you would have been one of the Pharisee's that denied Jesus because He ignored the Sabbath and did what was GOOD, not what the law and tradition told Him to do.
This was a good story. My mom just passed away. She wasn’t such a good mother to any of us. However, all of us committed to being amazing parents to our own children. All of our children are amazing. I think it’s helpful to help me hear that story about your son.
I thought my dad had a lot of short comings as a father until I realized he had a tough childhood. I forgave him recently for any hurt he caused me because I know he was hurting to.
I have trouble forgiving people and hold grudges against them for years! This is exactly what I needed to hear cuz I seem to run into the same kind of people who treat me badly over and over again. It's because I've never learned to forgive others so the same lessons kept coming until i learned how to forgive.
I know how you feel. But my prayer has become more of this way of thinking. Whether it means something to you or not is up to you. My prayer is God I refuse to bring this baggage to heaven with me. When I leave this earth my baggage will be left behind. I don't want to waste one moment of my eternity pointing fingers, seeking either revenge, pay back, or retribution. My desire is to enjoy heaven, having family reunions with people who passed before me, listening to the millions of soul praising God, listening to the music of heaven, making new friends, meeting Biblical figures I enjoyed reading about in life. When I say God I forgive all, don't let Satan oppress my life with the things of my past. Allow me to walk in your peace, love, and acceptance. Lord you said FATHER FORGIVE THEM FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO. if you can forgive from the cross Then I can forgive too. It's hard to do and forgetting is even harder but I refuse to allow Satan to trigger me by making me relive the past that is gone and I chose to move forward. My prayer is that you can tell Satan he has no power and he can't oppress you any longer.
Nearly every point she makes I have known since I was very young. I remember being in heaven before coming to Earth. I remember the feelings of utter joy and unequivocal love. I brought those two feelings with me when I was born. I have always known we are all here on this Earth to learn, to teach, to grow spiritually and above all, we are here to love ❤️ 😍 💖 😀
@@shuttzi9878 I think it's the same reason that very few people remember their past lives and yet others do. In my opinion it's because there's some type of lesson for that person to gain from it. I don't think it's random
@@shuttzi9878 Memory is so weird. My father and brother have horrible memories, while I remember everything. I just can only bring it up when a similar present event triggers my memories. Very vividly the first 5 years of my life were crystal clear for me. My dad has Alzheimer's so bad that he only repeats one story over and over. I sometimes believe memory is a spiritual connection to a exterior source. I'm so fascinated with memory. I like your observation. It's a good question.
I’ve listened to many NDE stories and this one resonates with me the most. Without going into a long story about where I am in life, what she shared is what I needed to hear, more than one knows. There are no accidents and my listening to this now, proves it true for me. God or the Source had me listen to this story because He knew that I needed it at this time in my life. For this, I am very thankful:)
Her conversations with God were so real. And normal sounding. Like you, I've heard many NDE stories. This one brought home for me what I needed to hear.
It's the first one I watched after being referred here, and I feel the same. Also, it's so exasperating hearing how "religious" people think they have all the answers?!! Every person's experience in this life is unique and there's no "rules" about OUR EXPERIENCES. Penny's experience and her telling of it is simply beautiful and REAL.
Just about the same here. I thank Jesus for bringing this to me just when I needed it. Any earlier, and I might have brushed it off. I just hope I can figure out how to implement good works into my life.
The last couple, three years has been tremendously difficult. I lost my brother, and 49 days later I lost my mother. About 11 - 12 months later I lost my uncle, who I loved like my dad. I’ve not been the same since, nothing seems important to me anymore. I’m not angry at God, I don’t think. Im old enough to accept that we all die...I’m just having a difficult time seeing the point of anything, or the importance of things. So, I’m gonna save this video and rewatch when I’m feeling not so fine. Hopefully, my mind will begin to change... thank you for sharing your sweet, sweet story!
I'm with you. When the sun came up I used to leap out of bed. There weren't enough hours in the day to do all the things I'd to do. Now I can't waken before the afternoon and then just sit in the recliner. Satan was winning but no more.
Oh my goodness that’s how I feel too. I’m sorry your dealing with the same feelings. It’s like I’ve lost my zest for life, like my light has just burnt out of me & it’s hard. All I can say is I truly try to keep myself around happy people, things or just things that make me laugh or smile bcuz I don’t know what else to do with myself if I don’t. I really hope you find happiness again bcuz I know our loved ones wouldn’t want us to feel this down & out as hard as it is. ❤
I too have been through a lot of grief and for years it consumed me. But then my good friend had a heart to heart with me and said... they're watching over you you know? Do you think they'd want to see you like this? That they want you to suffer? I knew the answer was no. They loved me dearly, and would want the best for me. She said to try and cherish the memories I DID get to experience, all the years I DID have (not everyone gets to have that). And to try and honour their love for me by being a representation of that love to others ❤ to honour the fact I am here and should be living my life to the fullest 🙌 Well that conversation changed my life. I started to view things differently - I came out of myself. What also helped was doing volunteer work in spare time, being busy helping others - it simply gets you out of your head and your own thoughts. I wouldn't have been able to do this in the early days of course, it takes time. My prayers and my faith helped immensely. Best regards. All the best, God bless 🙌 ❤
@@MightyMouse350 thank you so much for taking the time to remind me... of course my loved ones wouldn’t want to see me so down. And the part about volunteering... you’re absolutely right! I need to get outta my own head, slow my thinking down. Again, thank you! I hope your Christmas is a merry one and your New Year full of wonderful surprises!
I feel like the fact that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, kind of proves that we come from something bigger and will return there once this life is over.
No. You will not "return there" upon passing.. you will continue living life in your higher-dimensional physical-body called the spirit-body maintaining all the truth and falsehood and emotions and memories you have right now.
This is the best NDE I’ve ever listened to. Thank you for sharing this. I feel closer to God through listening to this than any church could have ever made me feel. God bless you ❤️
Honestly the church denominations to me are not very trust worthy i feel you really I do and I just want to tell you that even tho I'm not into church denominations I do chose to believe in Jesus Christ that loved me so much that he did die for me it honestly hurts noone to believe in him who died for us because we are so very loved and that his blood paid for our entire lifes transgressions knowing this one thing has gotten me through the tough times I wanted to kill myself before I felt as tho I was already dead that feeling is so scary nightmarish and cold and haunting it felt like I was a dammed and unnloved walking dead ghost for years This life won't give you all the happiness you strive for but when you know you are THAT LOVED that Jesus whispered your name before he died it gives you a new found STRENGTH TO GO ON Read the book of John to see what he had to do to pay for all of our wrong lifes doings in FULL HE did this so we would be able to ask for forgiveness for anything that weighs on our consciousnce and KNOW IT IS CLEANSED and healed no longer having the dark burden upon your shoulders For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that WHOSOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM will have everlasting LIFE For he did not make such a sacrifice to condemn the world but to save it and bring light to it It is a gift of God not of ourselves and not of anything you could do for yourself Not of works Lest any man should boast John3:16 1st Corinthians 15: 1-4 Ephesians 2:8-9 And because I know this i live a happier LIFE no longer do I feel that cold dead ghostlike feeling as tho I was already dead even tho I'm very sickly these past years I never felt so ALIVE and LOVED NOW physical pain doesn't even take away the joy down in my heart ❤
I know same here. She gave me a lot of hope for our future. And life after here. Every story like this has so much in common. Even people in other countries have said very similar things a hundred years ago about NDE. I have no doubt all of it is real.
I can relate so much to cutting yourself off and isolating. I have been stuck in that stage for years after a humiliating breakup. Thank you so much for this, it encourages me to know I’m supposed to go back out there and live life no matter how many mistakes I’ve made.
My mom did the same thing after my dad came out as transgender. She was so embarrassed and ashamed that she cut the entire family out after the divorce. I grew up not really knowing my own relatives. I was also abused out of resentment, without even knowing why until years later. My mom never remarried and then later died of cancer.
Same. I needed this so much, and HAD to hear this. I have felt so bad about myself, from years of so many mean, nasty and negative people in my life, especially growing up. And, there was no acceptance anywhere. I have known God a long time, but still needed to hear this, because the negative got worse the past couple years. God sees me different than I see myself, and I need to pray about this more, and need Gods help to be able to do what this lady is saying. It's vitally important.
@@dede4004 Fucking UA-cam won't let me post my comment. I was trying to elaborate on my story but UA-cam doesn't tolerate anything negative being said about certain groups, regardless of how true it is. Anyway, my point was that I wish I could go back in time to talk to my mom after her "husband problems" (UA-cam will delete the comment again if I use the accurate descriptive terms) and save us both from a lot of suffering and losing the house.
I am at work and cashing up at EOD whilst watching this video in the background and listening to the content when I burst crying twice in certain phases of her interview. The power of some of her experiences relates to me so much that it triggered a feeling that I had to immediately address. I suddenly understood my father's abuse of my childhood more, and now, minutes later, as I write this, I think that I am ready to forgive. Also, by writing this here or wherever it also leaves a footprint and acts as a reflective therapy... thank you for this 🙏
I too have been there. Not in a hospital bed, but in a bunk in my barracks while in boot camp at the age of 18. My story is quite different, but much of it was quite similar. The reason for the difference is because God treats us as individuals and has no desire to follow a cookie cutter protocol because of that reason. After all, no two people live the exact same life, so he approaches each of us accordingly. Having not yet developed a relationship with him, he dealt with me much differently, but not in a way that was of condemnation by any means, but that of solemness and gently guiding me into understanding who he was without having to directly reveal his identity. As time passed, I began to read the Bible, and I discovered that I had an experience with a story from the Old Testament that shook me to my core. Someone else had been approached in almost the exact same way I was in my experience. And during my time there I stood before the throne, and was shown the new Earth, which I hadn't yet even known about, and I was shown Hell, and all that were spending eternity having to endure it, which I had no comprehension of its actual existence. Before then, I believed that it was a figurative, mythological existence. I will not elaborate much more on the experience here, but I will say that since that chapter of my life, I have come to appreciate life as most people never will, and in the 40+ years since then, I have lived more, and experienced more than most people could in two or three lifetimes. He let me know that I have a purpose, and that is to serve him even before I was able to fully comprehend exactly who he is, and what my role would be. Now as a dad of 8 children and my 7th grandchild is soon to be born, I am waiting for the word from him that it is time for me to take on the role he assigned to me all those years ago. Sometimes I feel so insignificant and unworthy, but if he believes I've got it handled, who am I to question?
Thank you for sharing this. I absolutely believe in what you have said. Do you understand the times we are living in? We are so close to the end of THIS race. :)
@@hurstjames6199 I don't think any of us are really safe here on Earth sweetheart. Unless you believe in Jesus and then you are saved. Not feeling too great lately. Times are tough, getting harder by the day.
Sitting here at work trying not to cry.......life and the afterlife is beautiful....we must learn to forgive and love each other. God Bless you all ❤️💯🙏🏽
I love that she says God says he is inside of everyone, and you're not getting Him out! Amazing experience and many lessons learned and Aha moments for me...
@@Mark-yb1sp EXACTLY. You HAVE to RECEIVE him as Lord and Savior in order for the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of you. We are born into Sin and MUST be reborn again.
@@gotmesom You guys forget yes God gives the Holy Spirit when you accept him but that is the manifestation of God to seal you for salvation. But the Life Force that he first blew into Adam is in all living creatures and that is what I believe she was referring to when God said he is in all of us. Read John chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 read the story of Lazarus and the book of Acts when the Holy Spirit came upon them. We may not all be children of God be we are all creatures of God.
I think we are made in his image bc he breathed his breath into Adam & Eve. But Scripture says you must accept Jesus as your redeemer & his Spirit will come to indwell you, giving your spirit enlightenment. You must be born of the Spirit bc he can change you, give you power to live a Christ-like, overcoming life.
My sister literally went through this. Sadly she did pass just recently. I didn't understand but I knew she was telling the truth. I wondered why she didn't go to heaven right away or hell to be honest praying for heaven but she didn't believe in God. But she described a thing between me and her that no one knew about while she was on life support. Anyway after hearing this it helped me understand so much more. I think God sent this to me. Thank you for sharing. I really needed this.
As I'm watching this, I'm recovering from cervical fusion, still in pain. I quit my job, and really my career in nursing homes after 20 plus years. I suffer with depression on top of being full of arthritis. I'm in pain physically and mentally just sitting here on the couch and I feel "Stuck." I will need to find another job and I'm scared and tired at the same time, not knowing what to do. I heard her say that if you are just sitting there doing nothing, that's a bad thing there. I started crying. I have had this feeling that I need to go back and visit the residents and just use that as a starting point. How blessed I feel to know that even though we are here where bad things happen, that He is still sending us messages and telling us when it's time to move forward.
Your is the system. You can beat the system because the system was made to keep you in it circles. Work . Eat . Sleep and repeat again and again. That’s depressing
You sound like your health is very off track. Get the book Fit for Life and start eating only fruit until noon. I think you will see a huge difference in your energy and how you feel.
What God said about energy makes sense, putting negative energy into anything can have negative effects, crystals, plant life, people and such. I often release negative energy into music and poetry and leave it there as a positive outlet. No matter how negative or hurt we feel we can change that energy into something more positive and less damaging. Best wishes to everyone.
@keep humble Where does it say what? The Moon landing wasn't in the Bible but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. The Bible has some things in it that do seem to mention things that are happening in presant day but it doesn't say everything.
I’m overwhelmed by this story. I believe her without hesitation. So beautiful and really gave me perspective on how I need to keep pushing forward. I chose this life and it’s time to make an impact!
Thank you, I so needed to hear your words today. I lost my husband last year to cancer and I have been struggling in faith. When you made that statement regarding souls who take on illnesses like cancer, it clicked. I had always said he was my angel and saved, but this was a high understating. Thank you.. 🙏🏽
This story really moved me. It confirms a lot of what I already intuited. I died several times in my late teens and early 20s due to drug overdoses, but I never remember anything EXCEPT a strange feeling that I had just been having a conversation with someone important about one of the most important things in my life. I think that like she says, we agree to be born into the lives we are living in order to gain spiritual enlightenment. We are all God and God is all of us. Remember that everyone you look at is you in a different form. I can't pretend to know it all - except that belief is only valuable if it is coupled with tolerance and open-minded, open-hearted love.
Yeah I used to get strung out for days and I'm not sure if I had audio-hallucinations or real communication but I Always had music on very low and sometimes the mix would automatically change into something that sounded like God was telling me He loved me but that I needed to change(singing to me in either a male or female voice). I would actually get scared but I never could stop until I lost my job and apt., then I started going to church and my life got a Lot better. I have noticed that you can substitute one addiction for another(sex,drinking,over-eating,even Coffee or Work)so Hakuna Matata!🙂
This happened to me too. I woke after an overdose and had a memory of a conversation where someone had explained to me that I couldn't die because I hadn't finished my mission yet.
@@TheOceanLoader I have my good days and bad days, largely because of covid. Most of the time I'm pretty happy. But I was so excited to read your comment. You're the first person I've met in 25 years who had a similar experience. It's like an NDE with most of the details removed. I was near death too. The hospital really didn't expect me to survive. But I knew I would because I had to finish my mission.
@@kayedramallama It's reassuring to hear that you shared something similar. I think when we know that death is not bad, we don't enjoy this life as much? I think this is why our minds are wiped because some people (and God knows who) would simply kill themselves or lead lives that caused their premature deaths. I hope you keep well. The world seems like it is getting back to normal. So long as we're not going to see any apocalypse soon, we'll be fine. It's nearly summer so rejoice in the new life! Enjoy the sunshine
I just wanted to say that I'm literally in tears as I'm talking this into my phone, to message this lady and say that she described her experience so well, that I've never heard anything like it. And I will always take numerous things that she said with me throughout my life and so many more things make sense now To me. I recently had a near-death experience in a car crash and throughout my lifetime I've been touched by Spirits three times, held by whatever energy was there with me at that moment, protecting me, assuring me that everything is going to be okay. I've never felt anything like that since in my lifetime, my body was undulating as the invisible surrounding forces held me, and in my wreck I was held by 4 sets of hands and thrown back into our realm instead of dying and lemme tell you it's an experience that you cant really describe to a non believer or believer. Its magical and beautiful and I'm so grateful that God let you tell your story because you are one of the greatest story tellers on earth and you really broke it down to make total sense. Thank you so much. ❤✌💫
Jeff Mara NDE has excellent experiences and he’s recently gone live on weekends ,so people can really share their experiences.,regardless of how different they are or vary . Beautiful.
@@freespiritwithnature4384 Yeah, I used to watch Jeff until he started having too many fakes and weirdos on. Then I unsubbed. Try “Thanatos TV EN” “After Life Experience “ “NDE with Lee Witting”
I cried out this morning to God for help and this video showed up! To know that we choose to volunteer for the journey, and that God is truly with us, is really comforting. Energy cannot be destroyed so I reject the burning, hellfire, and eternal death doctrine for a God that is compassionate, loving, and is with us, now and beyond! The God she describes is what I envision for all of mankind. Her testimony is so powerful and immediately provided my healing!! 💫💕
I think God does have a justice system. even if you volunteer and then do terrible things, i think there are severe consequences for that. We essentially agreed to the risks and potentials. Her bad deeds were skipped over because she was covered IMO. Vouched by a person that lived a completely perfect life (which is only possible by perfection itself manifesting as a human. It wasn't even part of the life's review process in her experience. She escaped judgement of he bad deeds, and was judged solely on her good deeds. Our deeds on earth matter so much, but we would all face harsh consequences without a covering by someone much better. There is a war going on in the heavens and we can give ourselves over to seducing spirits or give ourselves to our creator. After the exclusive geographically limited covenant that brought the Messiah and his covering death was complete, the covenant was expanded to all on the earth if they are willing to accept it. If there is no punishment for bad deeds, then how is there justice? If we have a strong sense of justice, God must have a much stronger sense of it too.
@@litpath3633 Only a limited mind like ours would think in terms of eye for an eye. Punishment is life review and you experiencing all the pain you inflicted on others directly. Earth type existence is known to be full of traps and its disconnected from divine. We are all perfect souls and we can never be sent to hell to burn forever makes no sense. We have free will. We have freedom to forgive ourselves and others. We dont have to experience karma unless we want to. Why would a perfect soul created by God then sent down to this physical plane with amnesia, born into difficult life circuimstances be punished by God? Again makes no sense not to mention the concept of hell punishment and karma has been thought to us by ancient books written by faulty humans. Its obviosly means of control. If I am eternal indestructible soul and you are too and then you do something bad to me in this life, why would I not forgive you on the other side? Is it that hard to understand the concept of uncoditional love? Of perfection? This world is unperfect and its meant to be thag way. Anything that happens here stays here. It cannot effect divine. Its just a passing illusiory experience.
The part about thoughts and energy along with the part about us not coming here to just resign really struck me. I have lived with ocd and anxiety my entire life and part of that are the constant unwanted negative thoughts. God spoke to me through this video. I can now begin to thinking about how to deal with unwanted negative thoughts. Thank you! ❤😊
God said, "I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food." Genesis 1:29 GO PLANTED BASED, EVERYONE!
Hi I hope you are doing well! I have lived with OCD and anxiety my whole life too, it is really hard, I have empathy for you. I used to be so scared to live and interact with people. Now at this point in my life my anxiety is so much lower and my unwanted thought syndrome is gone. I have met so many people in the past year and I am doing what I want to do with my life. I wish the same for you friend. Hope you are doing well.
These 3 Verses are a Game-Changer for thoughts! :) 2 Corinthians 10:5 2 Timothy 1:7 Philippians 4:8 When the hint of a nasty thought comes, I physically put my hand up to my forehead and symbolically Snatch that thought & fling it away from myself. It’s happening less & less & I ask Jesus to replace those thoughts with His own. ♥️I love King Jesus!👑
I opened you tube to go look up nde's for an answer and when I opened the app, this was there as the first video in my feed even before searching for it! I let out a rare loud laugh
@@dontcallanimalspetstheyare7871 "I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you walk worthy of the calling with which you were called with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all." -Ephesians 4:1-6 "The kingdom of Heaven is spread out upon the Earth but men do not see it. If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in heaven,' then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. But the kingdom is inside of you. And it is outside of you. "When you become acquainted with yourselves, then you will be recognized. And you will understand that it is you who are children of the living Father. But if you do not become acquainted with yourselves, then you are in poverty, and it is you who are the poverty." -Gospel of Thomas "What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" -1 Corinthians 6:19 “The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes the sons of men; his eyes examine them.” -Psalms 11:4 He did not blaspheme or claim to be a god. We should be wary when we judge, for that is not our jurisdiction, that is reserved for our Lord, God in Heaven. Love and be loved my friend!
I had a NDE when I was 2 and half years old and to this day whenever I reflect on that moment I can feel it deep within my core that it had changed my life. I would not be who I am now if not for that experience and I am 44 years old.
Howcw9nderful that you can remember it. The fact that none of the people that have NDEs forget a second of everything they saw, felt and learned is proof that it's real.
I’ve just lost my mother, who, as I say was my 1st best friend! We never fell out of love with each other, and I’m 73 years old. She died fairly peacefully at 94, having lived a good life. These last few years of Covid saw her lonely and un-hugged. Her other sons bought into the social distancing rubric, misguided imho, but out of love. I myself have been in Singapore and hasn’t seen her for 3 years. Luckily she learned to use an iPhone and we FaceTimed every week. Now because of travel restrictions for the unvaxxed, I’ll be missing her funeral. This little video was so sweet abs hopeful, and genuine to boot, that I know all is well!
Hugs to you..... you and mom will see each other again..... my daughter and I have the same relationship and I dread being apart, she is one of my dearest soul mates and we are so blessed to have been pushed together during lockdown as we have been living far away from each other. the cruelty of forcing no contact is appalling and the sadness is true. much love to you
She speaks truth. Energy and emotions in this. Yes, all begins with a thought. John 1:1 In the beginning was the "Word". The "Word" began with a thought. Thank you for sharing.
This is the most incredible NDE account I have ever heard! To be so frank with God and tell him, “ I’ve been angry with you” is so honest, yet so shocking, but I absolutely loved the dialogue between this woman and God about the good that came from her struggles with being a single parent. Wonderful!
@@reg8297 we where sent here to grow, and make our own decisions away from Gods presence. If every time we prayed and God showed up and freed us from the terrible travesties of life, non of us would need faith, we would know of his surety and this life experience would be in vain. I promise God will make everything right. No injustice won’t be fixed, but he can’t ruin the plan. The plan we all knew before this life. I am sorry if this specific question has been something you have been dealt in this life brother. I hope peace comes uour way. If anything, remember you once again will return to God, who is perfect love. And he will make it all right.
@@Zahid_deeds proof ??? i would like to think there is a after life but there is no proof. i could be deceptive and lie to help shore up what i would like to think by calling evidence proof or even by calling bad evidence good. best for me to just be honest and say may or may not be the case but we have no proof
@@YARDRACERSThat's the reason life is a test. You have to believe in Religious books. When God himself says i have sent many messengers and have revealed holy books to then and their main motive was to intruduce God and why he created us. He clearly says those who does good deeds will go to Jannah otherwise will go to hell. Both are eternal. Why can't we believe in God. Even if we haven't seen heaven or hell and what is the situation after death. Because we are alive yet. LUCKILY Even if someone doesn't believe in it. My question is *What if it all happens to be real after he dies?*
Your presentation was so beautiful… I had a NDE giving birth to my 1st born son…. God is SOOOOO good. Many blessings to you sweet survivor…. You are a Warrior for Christ ❤
God said, "I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food." Genesis 1:29 GO PLANTED BASED, EVERYONE!
@@sindibadage it has not been a one time off type of change so I’m still in process. It’s really hard to change some of the core beliefs or practices we’ve had since childhood but mainly it was to learn how to talk to myself in a more loving way as God would. If he sees me through the lease of unconditional love then what gives me the right to not see myself the same way. So it’s been a progressing change of not condemning myself and constantly grading everything I’m doing. I still struggle with it but it’s still getting better.
What a delightful, intelligent and ‘down to earth’ woman. This is such a wonderful and compelling NDE story. It motivates me to ‘get out there’ and have a positive impact on others.
This was life changing for me. You’ll never know what you’ve done for me. I am going to start moving forward. Thank you God for using Penny to spread your message. 🙏🏼 I love you ❤️ and I love you too, Penny.
Amazing. Life-changing. I cried during and after listening. I'm just starting to understand that God is within me. I also realized after watching this that every 'good' that I do *counts*. The enemy has tried all my life to convince me that I don't matter, and that by default, none of the meager 'good' I manage to do matters. After watching this, I *SEE*. I matter. The tiniest scrap of good that I can manage is infinite in *God's hands*. I know that the negative thoughts of others has harmed me, but I never thought about my negative thoughts hurting others. This is Life-changing. Thank you. THANK YOU. GOD BLESS YOU 🙏 for sharing this.
I hope you remember this for the rest of your life. Christ asked, “where were you when I needed food?” People get so caught up in themselves. We are part of One Body
That is a profound level of depth of understanding. The tiniest scrap of good is limitless in God's hands. You've stated it beautifully and thank you for taking time to listen to my story.
I speak to God every day. I talk to him like I talk to anyone else. He's very nurturing, loving, brilliant and informative. If I have a scientific question, he answers.
I have very similar near death experience to her. I was admitted to ER with blast crisis AML, secondary TB infection, pneumonia and sepsis. I watched myself being resuscitated and pronounced dead after 3 epinephrine shots. then I was in this space where velvet black from every direction, going forward in every direction from what seems an eternity and finally, I looked on my chest where there is a small light, then it pops out and grew into a light shape of a bird. that bird guided me to where god is, where I was shown all my past action and the effects of those actions. god shown what must be done when I return back and an affirmation form him of those action that i will be making. but, I can choose to not return and go home or go back to my body live again. in the end I choose to return back to live again. as an ex-atheist I did not believe in god until after my near death experience. there is a piece of god inside all of us and freewill is his gift for everyone.
That fascinating Allan. So you spoke to the almighty God 😮 wished you had asked it a scientific question 😀 So...does holy ground feel any different? Do you feel "the presence of God" there? Did you meet loved ones? Did you have a conversation as such with the lord God? What did you say, what did it say? I say it because of course God is not biological in nature...would you say it had both femine and masculine qualities like the nurse said?
I saw this "by chance" and was absolutely riveted. I raced to comments, mentally composing my high praise and gratitude for your powerful share, only to find that everyone feels the same way and expressed it well. Thank you for speaking to my Soul. Please keep telling your story and write that book! 😘
So very well said. I'm kind of just shaking at the synchronicity of it and this video seems to have affected so many others the same way. Now, we will be kinder and forgive others, etc...The ripple effect in action!
My soul ? Don't you think it's time to realize that YOU are the soul in the body and it looks that there is also God present with us.We are not this body.Than the conclusion is that we are all the same kind of beings, just in different bodies.My best wishes to you, dear soulmate :)
I'm glad you helped the lady at the grocery store. The NDE I had 10 years ago, God showed me when my sister asked me for help, and I said I really don't have it right now, when I woke up in the hospital room I wept for 45 minutes, hoping that no nurse or anybody would walk in and see me like that. I wouldn't have known what to have told them. But you better believe I made it up to my little sister, and I told her what God put on my heart. That's the only ugly thing that God showed me about myself.
I strongly believe that I needed to hear this. I woke up ar 3 a.m. and I checked my phone n this came across my feed. This is a life changing revelation. To know that forgiving others is not just for our own sake, but also to help others.
I am historically a skeptic when it comes to all near death experiences, BUT wow, this retelling was phenomenal, deeply personal, enlightening. Made me cry. I’m religious, a Muslim. I believe. I believe. Thank you for sharing.
Receive the lord Jesus Christ before it is to late...time is short...deception is coming...false messiah will arrive...but he is not the real MESSIAH ..JESUS IS...HE DIED FOR US...HE WILL BE COMING SOON TOO...BUT EVERY KNEE WILL BEND EVERY HEAD WILL BOW NO ONE CAN DENY HIS PRESENCE...BUT IT WILL BE TO LATE IF YOU TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST ...ONLY THROUGH JESUS WILL WE GO TO HEAVEN. 🙏
@@mickeyminnie1792 I'm wondering if this video is deception. Seems like the same new age stuff I've heard for years. This is not what I was looking for. I wanted answers. Like explaining ghosts, etc. the bridge between the earthly realm and heaven and hell. Religion, spirituality and science combined. Not more of the same new age crap. This has answered none of my questions. I also wanted to know if the road is as narrow as Christians like to say and if every little thing that brings joy is a sin as those rigid, radical Christians like to say. I thought maybe this would be a combination of nicholas Tesla and God but it wasn't. Just rambling. Very disappointing.
@@sammyandoliver7522 You might think it's New Age, but it could be that the old time Christians weren't really awakened to who God truly is. We get so caught up in literalness and religious practices that it's hard to believe anything outside of that. If you think it's deception, you can choose to not believe it and go about your life. But a lot of what religious people say is "deception" or "the lies of the devil" are just things they don't understand. What I got from Mickey's comment were scare tactics perpetuated to me as a child. It might be the truth, and we'll never know until we die or if Jesus comes, but I feel like we shouldn't live in fear of eternal damnation (even if hell is real). Not everyone has the same NDEs so they're not going to have the answers to everything. Some people would interpret her being in her daughter's car as being a ghost. The void she was in could be seen as the bridge between earth and the afterlife. Like she said, scientists classified her experience as chemical delusions in the brain, so science knows certain things exist, but they try to come up with "rational" explanations with the limited and secular knowledge they have. One person is not going to have all the answers from one experience, but I hope the road isn't as narrow as some christians say it is, and that the apparently gracious God this woman saw gives everyone a chance to see the truth before moving on. I think some christians are very radical because people who made up certain rules wanted to use it as a form of control, and people who believed it just were blinded by what another human was saying, and got caught up in the emotions of what extreme religious practices create. There are probably other videos that give you more clarity about science than this one, but not everyone is going to have the answers you're looking for. You could probably find answers for some things in here, but I guess not the ones you were looking for (or wanted to hear).
@13:40 where she’s talking about negative energy you are feeling for others , attaches to them and you. And by forgiving your are setting them free as well as yourself. WOW. This is a life changing information!!! Thank you so much Penny ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
yep, rings a bell with me. I'm guilty. I've been hating the biggest part of the population for the longest time now - seeing them as sheeple and morons and wicked for allowing, condoning, submitting to this covid destruction of our society. I need to rethink. sure they're doing all those things but they're doing it not because they are bad and evil - but because they can't think of any better to do. they need my understanding and help and sympathy I guess. Not my scorn and denigration, contempt. No wonder I"ve been feeling bad recent times. Filling myself with a big ball of black. Yuck. :)
@@abrogard142 Amen! This is how I've been feeling lately too. I'm vaxxed, but feel that there is an ulterior motive from people higher up the chain in regards to covid, which are eroding our freedoms and democratic rights. I sit here dwelling on this; why are people such sheep? Can't they see what is happening? This is exactly what happened in Nazi Germany in the 30s, etc etc. All it has done is created a ball of black, negative energy inside me. I need to forgive all these people and just let go.
It is only for those who have eyes to see with their heart, to know the deep mysteries of God and speaking to him beyond the veil through the Spirit. I believe she had revelation from God but she hasn't gone to the cross and is certainly not born again.
I was able to forgive a grudge I have been carrying for months. While deserved, I don’t want to attach that negativity to myself or him. Thanks for sharing this important message we instinctively know, but often forget.
I'm a recovering burn survivor.
I can relate.
I wasn't supposed to live.
While they were prepping me for surgery I went into cardiac arrest.
That was when I was above myself watching and listening to everything going on around me.
My left breast had suffered 4th degree burns and they were afraid to use that machine that gets your heart beating so one of the surgeons started CPR Manually saying you are not going to die if I have anything to do with this.
He was a Christian. I heard him muttering s prayer and then next thing I know I saw the Lord standing beside me and He placed his hands on the surgeon's hand and whispered to me
" It is not your time I need you to live"
I remember saying but Lord look at me how can I serve you like this ? Why Lord??
He just said trust me I will never leave you. You are one of my children and I need you here.
Then the next thing I remember 6 weeks later I was in intensive care burn unit.
So my first conversation was with that surgeon and he said to me " you have to fight to stay alive God has a plan for you," He said a prayer for me because I could barely talk. My throat was really sore from the tube they had in me for several weeks.
I don't know what God's plan is except to share with them God's love, his grace and his mercy and his forgiveness.
It's been quite a journey.
I never got angry I found true love and forgiveness.
I was given the opportunity to speak to my attacker and he came to know the Lord because I was able to forgive Him.
I am a survivor of a hate crime.
By God's grace and mercy I still wake up each new day dawning thanking God for still being here.
So each day I pray that I become the woman God created me to be. I ask him to create in me a clean heart and if needs my assistance use me.
52% of my body suffered
3rd, 4th and one 5th degree burn. It was my Left butt cheek and my left SI JOINT was burnt to the bone. God and I have fun in prayer because he smiles and tells me yes you are my pain in the ass yet you belong to me and I will never leave you.
That was 27 years ago.
I'm still here and God has taken care of me.
I've always had a safe roof over my head. I have never gone hungry. Except for my injuries I am as healthy as can be.
God is amazing and he keeps his promises.
What a beautiful story. Remember it's the pilot not the plane.I have to remember that each time I have a negative thought because my body
Is not pretty anymore. We will eventually change planes but as long as God is the real pilot and he is in charge All will be well.Thank you for sharing your experience Your amazing. I love this vodeo.
Powerful testimony 🙏🏼🤗🕊🇬🇧
Thank you for telling your story. ❤
Amen. God is so good.
I was in a car wreck in 1989. I was in my 1st trimester. A drunk driver hit us traveling over 70. We were doing 15 to 20. I hemmoraghed and was trapped for over an hour. God saw fit to see that my child was born healthy 1 16 1990. Glory to God. And He saved alot more than that. God is so good.
I've been an atheist for 20 years. After watching dozens on NDEs, I believe in God now. No question we are spiritual beings.
Wow .am so glad u do,pls accept Jesus into ur LIFE ask him to be ur Lord and saviour and find a small Bible teaching Christian Church where u will be well fed about God and his love
Although I can see where the atheistic mindset comes from, I understand it, the closest I ever got was agnostic. Those were dark times.
I used to be agnostic and scientifically sceptical, but then God visited me back in August.
Now, I'm not so interested in how the illusion is held together.
@zealoftheLord Is it OK to follow Krisna, or do you only believe in Christ ? Im still trying to figure out why we need to follow an avatar to ensure our path to God.
Why can't we meet with God directly ? Why do we need a middle man ?
@@FreshGreenMoss Ishwar Puri on utube can throughly explain why you need a middle man ❤
I had a similar experience. I was so excited to tell my friends and family, many of them religious. They didn't believe me and called it blasphemy. All I felt was energy and love on the other side and wanted to share it. I was so disheartened that the so called Christians treated me so badly. I am so glad she shared her story, you can feel the light flowing from her.
Many people prefer to live in a box and if anything ever so slightly deviates from any belief they hold in said box, they can not handle
Religion is a lie period! And yes I believe in God most people tend to believe God has anything to do with religion, cmon guys religion is man-made God wants a relationship with humanity
@@alexaonther0x The church hates alternative thought theories by calling it evil.
I am sorry people didn't believe you. It doesn't matter. God loves us all whether they want to experience Him or not. Pray for them to open their heart to Him.
i am not here to spread any religion and thats the least of my intention but if you need answers to such things , you should read about hinduism. What ever is said in the video is clearly detailed in the hindusim religious texts thousands of years ago.
God used you to send me a message today, and that is “watch out your thoughts and learn to forgive the people who hurt you”. Thank you for sharing🙏🏽
I def need to watch because I've been working towards forgiving my family for abusing me.
@@rickimcfarland2269also forgive yourself for being abused. It works both ways. 💟
I'm grateful that God used my testimony to help you grow in your walk with the lord.
Thank you for your kind words.
May an unexpected blessing be yours this day
I’ve studied NDE’s for 12+ years now, having watched/read/listened to literally hundreds of accounts, and this was one of the most logical, touching accounts I’ve come across. I watched it three times and will likely watch it again.
Funny you mentioned "logical", that struck a cord with me as well!
Interesting, that struck a chord with me.
hi limitless, i would like to have an opportunity to chat further, would that be possible? about NDE..
@@magicalchemicaldaddy3919 thanks I've got a few pdf's I'll aim to read them soon.
@@gabrielleangelica1977 påpppppppp
When my son was very young around 3 years old or so....he told me he remembered being in heaven and he was shown a bunch of people and he was told to pick his parents and that he chose me... and what a blessing he has been and still is to my life.
Wow! That is amazing 😊
My own son said the same. He said he was called to the front of the line but he said no it's too early. He was premature by one month.
@@joebaird5874 my son was 6 1/2 weeks early also.
Wow that's amazing xx
In the late 80s I started reading books about NDE, one of the first I read was a woman. She said we with God & we know what's ahead. I was skeptical because it was new to me. She described watching this take place many times over. Now that's a confirmation worth waiting 30+ years. BTW. You, nurse, so authentic. Thank you!
I lost my mother in January and all these NDE stories really helps me cope with the loss. She still exists somewhere and is perfectly fine, back home as they say.
100%and she will always be with you ❤️
she exists everywhere, and is totally alive, just not in our vision here. my mom sends me birds, a specific kind, as a reminder of her.... I've had 2 NDE and have no doubt there is a whole lot more to life than we know here.
Hey you can connect with her and talk to her by using a medium it will help you feel better
I also lost my mom in apr
@@srivirao I hope you have had contact with her
I lost my older brother recently, he was only 54 years old, and shortly after that, my mother passed away, this lady's story tells me that they both are doing fine.
We believe so.Have you confessed Christ as your Lord and Saviour?We decide now
@@evelyneleku9097 not really, I have nothing against Christ but what about people who came before Christ was even born? How were they saved? Like 10000 years ago, what about those people? I think your story has holes in it, I would definitely go with Christ if I was convinced
Here is an answer for your question
1 Peter 4:1-6, 8 KJV
[1] Forasmuch then as Christ hath suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves likewise with the same mind: for he that hath suffered in the flesh hath ceased from sin; [2] that he no longer should live the rest of his time in the flesh to the lusts of men, but to the will of God. [3] For the time past of our life may suffice us to have wrought the will of the Gentiles, when we walked in lasciviousness, lusts, excess of wine, revellings, banquetings, and abominable idolatries: [4] wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you: [5] who shall give account to him that is ready to judge the quick and the dead. [6] For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
[8] And above all things have fervent charity among yourselves: for charity shall cover the multitude of sins.
1 Peter 3:18-22 KJV
[18] For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit: [19] by which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; [20] which sometime were disobedient, when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water. [21] The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection of Jesus Christ: [22] who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God; angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.
@@fzee4857 hi! I posted yesterday an answer for you but it was deleted. I will give you the verses this time and not the text so that you can look by yourself and have the answer for your question what happened with the souls befor Jesus.
You can read in the letter of the Bible 1 Peter chapter 3 from verses 18 and 1 Peter chapter 4.
I hope you are doing well. Sorry for your loss.
This makes we want to be a better person and be kinder to people. Thanks for sharing this.
Thank you, me too.
Be kinder to people but not because of this bullshit.. do you people really believe this insanity
Makes me think that being kinder to people is all that really matters
@@mohamedatefasal1 Are you saying that you believe she's lying and intentionally trying to deceive people with her account?
About the energy of the thought - that’s why we need to pray for each other. For your family, friends and even enemies. So we attach only goodness to them, the good energy. We all need to pray for each other. May God bless you all that read this message! Spread the Love ❤️❤️❤️
Yes! 💚
Amen 🙏🏼 💯
Everyone in your head is you. How you treat them and hold them in your mind is you, and therefore it affects you directly.
Exactly 💓💕✝️🦋🌱
Yes, so true! Amen! 🙏💖
Amazing testimony !The biggest thing I came away with is that I need to forgive and I cannot allow myself to have negative thoughts about another. That right there is a life changer. Second thing I learned is I cannot be sedentary. I need to get busy helping humanity in which ever way I can. Thank you God for sending her back to deliver your messages !
Yes & agree. Those were the two biggy’s for me! Our thoughts. And forgiveness. ❤
God said, "I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food."
And we KNOW that doing those things that God wants us to do is RIGHT because he makes us feel good when we do them.
The biggest forgiveness people forget is to forgive themselves for past mistakes. Make sure you are doing that.
@@Sean-me4fv- I have forgiven Norma Ann Wells numerous times ! I've turned the other check numerous times, only to be back-stabbed each and every time I've forgiven her ! I can NOT forgive that demon anymore !!!!!!
I hate Norma Ann Wells with all my heart and soul !😮
Let me just say that 2 years after this video was posted, I’m seeing it for the first time and it is precisely what I needed to see. I praise and thank God for this and thank you for sharing this.
One month later, and I’ve been on a spiritual journey since January 2024… and this is also for me!
I’m seeing it today because I really think I needed some reassurance. Shared it with two special people. 😊
Me too. God bless you.🙏
God's timing is perfect
He always gives us what we need when we are ready to receive.
Although I’m not the type of person that’s hard to forgive others, forgiveness makes so much more sense now. This video has changed my life forever.
I am a Christian from Iraq, I fled during the rise of IS. They causes the worse carnage you could imagine. In fact I still have friends from my community that have not been found. Women who have most likely kidnapped and forced into sex slavery, hundreds. Masscared hundreds of children, mothers and fathers, and not quick, many were dragged or burned to death. Despite all this, God still asks us to forgive. And therefor, I forgive them, for they know not what they do, I can only pray and forgive as Yeshua the Christo did on the Cross before breathing his last breath, forgiving the Roman Centurions who brutally tortured him and the crucified him. “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.” Luke 23:34. It takes strength to forgive those who persecute you, for me that stregth has only from the Faith I have in my Lord and Savior. Without him, I would be vengeful, hateful, and have a alot of anger in my heart. But through the Holy Spirit and Gods grace. I have peace. And I have faith that the Lord will hear my prayers that those who destroyed my community and home will one day be saved by the grace of our Lord. God will always forgive those who ask for it. Always. Therefore I must forgive others no matter what, and know that God will serve justice, judgement and punishment, not me.
Totally agree 👍
can we forgive and choose not to deal with them ever again..
@@techtiger8 in my heart I believe so. Forgiveness has nothing to do with allowing people who hurt you deliberately to have access to you.
I just want to let you know that I'm crying right now. Your testimony just changed my life. I wanted you to know that. This is confirmation that I have been begging for. I stumbled across this video randomly this morning. I just woke up 5 minutes ago. From the bottom of my heart thank you...
Have you read "Conversations with God" by Neale Donald Walsh? You might get a lot out of it.
@@alexapproach I'm going through a lot spiritual stuff right now. It's actually been very scary. I grew up in the church but I ended up getting addicted to drugs really bad. I'm actually in a work release center finishing a 6 year prison sentence. I almost feel like my third eye is starting to open and I've been praying a lot. I'm scared. I'll give the book a try...
@@georgemgomez1386Read Rudolf Steiner's - "Knowledge of the higher worlds and how to attain it". It's an old book, but the methods and truth contained within are a sure way to safely open up to higher realities.
@@georgemgomez1386 That's an incredible story! I hope you're doing okay!
@@georgemgomez1386 Like she says: inside of us there is a piece of God. Meditation helps to reach that bit of God. All is truly one.
This woman is a master at communication. It was like I could feel everything she was saying. This was awesome. God bless you.
I thought the same thing. She’s so articulate.
Question is....
Is she a master at BS???
I was thinking the same thing
She's lying
@@marcs3982 the answer is yes
This sounds like a near-death intervention to me directly from the big guy upstairs! God bless you and God bless anybody who's reading this comment. Love, kindness and forgiveness is the most important in life. I know it's hard. I have never had an NDE but I am so sure God exists. I see him in my son I see him in my husband I see him in the kind things that people do for one another when nobody's watching. God knows our hearts and souls.
You sound like you are progressing spiritually vary well. Remember, too, to cooperate with the Guardian Angel assigned to assist you while on Earth.
@@firstnamerequiredlastnameo3473 how do you find out if it’s your guardian Angel and not the “devil” playing tricks?
@firstnamerequiredlastnameo3473 Such a kind and wonderful comment. And yes we must remember that we do have ANGELS here with us that love us and are here for us always
This lovely lady’s NDE story has helped me more than any other I’ve listened to. Please thank her for me. You have no idea… 🙏🏼
You will have to go to the full interview. It was not Shaman Oaks who did it. The full interview link is put at the end of this video, and in a link in the description below the video.
@Colleen D You will have to go to the full interview. It was not Shaman Oaks who did it. The full interview link is put at the end of this video, and in a link in the description below the video. :)
Amazing..so happy for you
Same 100%
This is one of the best NDE's testimonies I heard
God: "I AM."
Penny: "Yeah you are." I laughed until my stomach hurt, then played it again!
Nothing funny about it...
@@loredana425 The way she said it, yes there is. Get a sense of humor and remember you don't have to reply to comments just because you don't agree.
Its not HaHa funny. Its funny tho. It definitely made me smile. I think when your are in the power of Gods presence thats all he would have to say.
God spoke to Moses out of the burning bush: "I AM THE I AM"
Jesus said:
I AM the way,
I AM the life,
I AM the truth,
I AM the door,
I AM the bread of life,
I AM the true vine,
I AM the light of the world,
I AM the good shepherd,
I AM the ressurection,
before the crucifiction of Jesus the roman governor asked Jesus if he is truly the son of the most high god and Jesus only replied: "I AM"
Nice Cinderella story
It’s crazy how this just pop up on my feed and it’s weird how in sync it is with this I’m going through right now... I broke out in tears because I needed to here this simultaneously I think God placed me at this exact moment to hear this so I know what I need to do.. thank you for sharing your experience
It's funny because I was just thinking the same thing you were but you said it better than I could have. Thank you and I will say a little prayer for both of us.
Same, espec the forgiveness part
Same here, I needed this, to hear that I am attaching those negative thoughts to people only damages them and I am a direct cause of why they continue to be the way they are. That hit me hard, now I know what I need to do to release those negative thoughts and forgive.
@@lelac9764 You've said that PERFECTLY!! It was exactly what I as going through! I get it now!
There is no such thing as luck...no such thing as coincidence ❤👍
Loved how she described meeting God, "there was a rumbling and you knew something powerful was about to happen" and HE said, "I AM" and in her humanness she responds "Yeah, you are!" ❤💜🙏😊
you know I love that name I AM, think how we all introduce ourselves; I am -so and so... we literally have our Father's sur name,
She is 100% spot on with how GOD enters your mind space. I have experienced it twice. I was praying for my son after he attempted to take his own life. We had spent days in the hospital. I was praying a few days later for GOD to protect my son… the very air vibrated everything vibrated and he thundered. “I DID,” my son had no signs or any trace of all the medication he had taken, no kidney or liver damage. GOD has shown me his presence and power, beyond a doubt.
I cannot express how much this has helped to comfort me. My only sister and I were both diagnosed with cancer at the same time. We started our journey together but she didn’t make it. She wanted to stay, I didn’t. But she didn’t know that. For me, losing my younger sibling has been harder than losing our parents- you don’t think about possibly losing a sibling. My best friend. There was no celebrating the fact that I made it bc she didn’t.
So I listen to these for comfort about where she’s at, but this has helped me every aspect that she mentioned- especially in regards to religious people, . But- this made me realize I need to fix my thoughts about them and stop isolating (2yrs now) … the anger, thoughts- everything
I still wonder what I’m here for
Thank you for sharing
I understand I only have one sister as well.
I too have been hot up side the head with this. I have 1 sister left, we lost Crystal to an accidental overdose. My sister and I need hope for our relationship. I need to correct my thoughts. I need to forgive. I need to.... I'm so overwhelmed.
I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you as losing my sister would be devastating beyond belief - she is my best friend and I can't imagine my life without her. You are in my prayers and may the embraces of Jesus hold you fast and give you strength.
Go to "The Book of the True Life" and "The Third Testament", and listen to the videos to help understand why we are here and what the purpose of our life is. GOD BLESS!
I'm very sorry. Xo
Christians are saving God for when they die or are sick. They don't realise he's a living active loving father who wants to be part of our lives. God bless you for sharing your story, absolutely wonderful ❤
The same god that allows babies to be r@ped?? Where's their choice in the matter??
Violet Joy please listen to her story again. she explains it well
@@alexandracosta2471 Are you referring to the video? I didn't watch it as I'm not interested. I just read this comment.
Violet Joy try to watch it. It will explain what you said. Give it a try.
@@alexandracosta2471 I watched up to 16.34 minutes and can't take any more. The entire beginning point was simply her in a dream state. That's it. There was nothing spectacular about it.
I ended up angry at the part where her son said he was going to be a good dad because his dad failed them. Only a sick twisted being would allow children to be emotionally abused for years just so that they would say they were going to be good parents. It sure would have been better if she had married a good person or if the kids had just been good people without being abused. It's literally insane to believe "god" would allow such things and then worship him. There are far less traumatic ways for kids to learn to be good parents. Hopefully she won't tell her kids that crazy story because it makes light of what they went through.
I'm sorry, you seem like a nice person. I've just seen the light and realize there are no gods. There is absolutely no evidence of the supernatural. Stories like this are just personal experiences that have a natural explanation, but were spun in a spiritual way. If people are to be believed just because they felt something, then everyone should be believed because they felt something, no matter the religion.
When you hear something so true; your own soul feels it.
“When you have a negative thought about a person it goes out there, & attaches itself to that person.”
Thoughts, words, & actions all have “energy”!
I love how God just says “I am.” I adore her response as well! How beautiful is this?
same here ! Amen 🙏🏻 In The Name Of Jesus Christ
God is indeed God. He is.
This morning I was reading in John’s Gospel where he said I am many times. I am the truth, I am the way I am the life I am the bread I am the water. Exodus chapter 3 I believe is where we first read about the I am.
@@jeanboshears6689 It means the self-existing one.
@@jeanboshears6689 nice!
My daughter was born with a syndrome. She actually the only one in my maternal family that was born this way. She loves everyone and is loved by many. Now I can say why she's here.
she a brave highly developed soul who incarnated here to show us all the true meaning of LOVE...your lucky to have her...she a diamond!
Many times when i see an abnormal child or adult i see the most beautiful soul in them it makes ne feel so inferior
Born with or given by a poisoning vax ?
My neice has Downs, she is the highest spiritually evolved human being I know...pure LOVE , FORGIVING, GREATFUL, INTUITIVE, GENTLE & KIND SOUL. I am so blessed to have her in my life. Praise be to God.
My granddaughter was born with a syndrome too. We were devastated when she was born but it didn't take long to find out how lucky we actually are. She's a bundle of love and joy. Nearly fourteen years of being in the presence of a love that you can see affects others around her. We are privelidged to have her. I'm never sad when i hear a couple gave birth to a special needs baby. My heart expands to the magnificent gift they are given.
God Bless you all 🙏
11 minutes in - "The ripple effect of kindness" - this part brings tears to my eyes, it's so beautiful. Thank you.
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
You are holy.
Thats why you...
Why we... weep
I was crying a river.
Such a true statement!!
It makes you wonder what little acts of genuine kindness will be highlighted in our life review.
I have been asking my partner of 8 yrs to take me to the local gym, I don't drive. I gained 20 pnds and I have been thinking in my head I can just stay.home one more day. Nobody treats me right, etc....This has been good for me to see bc I used to be out there helping others and loving it and them....I have almost given up recently but I keep thinking....I'll just WALK to the gym since he doesn't take me. (It is my responsibility to get there, anyway.) I will get there tomorrow. Ty for this video. Oh, and an ad for the gym came on DURING this video.
No coincidences. Be brave. 💕
Great stuff. There's also video exercises if you don't make it to the gym. Btw. Consider learning to drive. ❤
@@manichairdo9265There may be a reason she doesn't drive.
@brendaortiz-vh4fu That's true. Maybe she can't drive.
Thank you for this. My brother committed suicide 9 months ago. I needed to hear this story. I am speechless and touched beyond measure. Thank you ❤️
Sending you peace and love ❤️
He is in heaven
Time is like Space. Your brother is with you, Here and Now. You and your brother are one with the Eternal. You are inseparable. You can rearrange. You can never separate.
Sending prayers
Yuma, I am so sorry for your loss and I hope you stay strong 💞
I met Jesus. In a dream and it wasn't just a dream. I floated above an endless field of golden wheat, the feeling of the most comfortable summer day. I came to a humongous hill. I climbed up the hill and there was one huge tree that shaded the top. A man walked to me...I began to feel small, childlike the closer he got. I don't remember his face. He had on a robe, laced with gold. He never said a word. He put his arms around me and embraced me. I began to cry. His embrace sent through me the message of unconditional love and forgiveness. I woke up and was crying uncontrollably. I sat up in bed and couldn't stop crying for a couple minutes. It was real. Believe it.
I had a dream and I was in the garden with Jesus. He handed me a book and I opened it. The pictures in the book came alive with beautiful trees, plants, flowers, small ones and big giant trees. I wanted so much to have this book so I came up with a plan to get this book. I asked him if I could have it and he just smile but I know it means no. Then my second plan came up, I ask him if I could borrow it. He just smiled but I know it means no. He then looks at me intensely and he said in a saddest voice, “my child, I created all of this and my children never acknowledge it or give me thanks.” I collapsed into the ground and cried so much and I woke up with tears all over my face.
God said, "I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food."
So so beautiful 😥
Yes thats Him believe it, believe it!
And also if you knew that before we come to earth Stork 👶🏻we.., each of us yes 👈you👉..you👆 and you and myself we choose who we want us to be our parents...? 😌
And on top of that...put attention....every single person that crosses in our lives sisters, brother, friends, even the bank teller, your teacher, you knew them way before, just they play a different role in this life as you play in theirs 🤫🤨🤷🏻♀️
Thats why sometimes we see people and we swear like we saw the or knew them from somewhere but we just can't just remember 😉
Or you meet someone and it seems like you both knew one another for long time, and even in some cases we know their favorite movie, colour, football team etc..but nobody told you that and viceversa
"I Am" is God's name💜 Thank you for sharing your beautiful experience .
No it’s not
It's actually Ian. Ian Yahweh is his full name.
@@adelaidemarie your all very misinformed.
@@DarthDickhed either that or it is you. Keep following your heart Regardless of what others say……….Many Others are Missed in-form.
I am always surprised by Christian people when I don't feel the genuine energy I expect. I think, Oh!, they haven't found Him yet. In my life,God is constantly soothing me and guiding me. Protecting me . I sincerely pray everyone finds this sense of peace
@@joanvoss7512 Actually, Christians go to church because we know we are not perfect. Far from it!
I am sorry to hear that. Even God give us peace, happiness and makes us feel complete, sometimes we christians also feel sad and sometimes we don't seek God like we should do. We are not perfect, but that does not invalidate the gospel and the fact Christ sacrificed himself to pay our death debt and give us salvation because of His mercy, not because we deserved. In His love He saved us, He is the true love. He commanded us to love ourselves but we are all in our improving process and not all christians are in a high stage with God. We know that He is the good in us. We are not perfect but Jesus is. The church is not a place with perfect people, but people who know that are not perfect, it is more like a hospital for the soul to improve ourselves. And not because a person goes to church that this person is saved or transformed, only God knows our hearts, but it is not because there are bad examples of christian that does not exist christians who are truly transformed by God and truly love the others and are genuine. Generalization is just a good way to think about a group of people.
@@joanvoss7512 Some feel the need to do that. But not all of us ❤
Read books written by Anthony Borgia written in the 50s. Beautiful picture of the afterlife "spirit lands". An actual physical reality but of a higher vibration and more etheric. Incredibly comforting even exciting read. Book 1 is " Life In The World Unseen".
You must be to them what Christ is to you. A loving friend .pay attention and do not always go by your feelings
One of the most , if not thee best NDE story ive heard. Shes so real, so beautiful.. her soul speaks volumes. Thank you for your story. ❤
Yes from this i coult trully learn👍
You don’t need a NDE. In the moment we born, we know many things, the truth about what we are, energy, part of the universe. Unfortunately, our brain is being washed with many stupidity, tv, cartoons, publicity, religion, Santa Claus, tooth fairies, etc, we lost the sense of what we really are, energy. Are we alone in this universe? Of course not, there are millions of galaxies with more life, not aliens, other beings more wiser and maybe more ignorant than humans too. I went to a Catholic school, I just went to hell, a lot of dishonesty, bad people who blame children from kindergarten, who punish them for their sins they didn’t commit, etc, terrible, unhealthy. Children need to learn more about physics, to learn to use both hands to develop both part of the brain, languages, to heal themselves, telepathy, to be strong and control bad energies, etc
I totally agree
For fucks sake there is no soul sheesh
@@stitchesstories2587 your commentaries are New age. Read the Bible that is the word of God, He is alive and he speak to us through the Holy Spirit and we have body, soul and spirit.
I had a very short but amazing meeting with God. The feeling of unimaginable, euphoric joy and love was so beautiful. Nobody should ever fear death. Its just how you go back to our beautiful home.
Me too.
@@johnnyringo0506 me too ..
even though mine was in a dream the joy I felt is indescribable .. I also have dreams where I am talking telepathicaly like she mentioned
No one can see God.
@@lele35md Many people have. He's with all of us all the time too.
I couldn't stop crying either, I had no idea that our negative thoughts could effect others. I never want to hurt anyone in my life and now I'm beginning to understand how it has. I've had a lot of trauma in my life but I'm trying so hard to put those bad feeling behind me once and for good. Thank you for sharing your story with us sister. Very moving and powerful, I can imagine anybody that listens to this story would feel the same. Bless you and your family 🙏
That’s why people wanted to hide in the basement most of the time smoking weed It’s too much negativities out there people just wanna be safe away from others nasty thoughts and actions. But God disapproves such thing. We must face this personal battle no matter what like it’s a game
As you believe...so it will be.
god bless you jesus admit your a sinner and find your sins and a huge step jesus wants us to do is to discover our sins and says dint worry child just spread to the world a obout me andmy fathers kingdom and sin no more the more your obediant to god the more the holy spirit strengthens you and gives you happines and peace repent and s
As above so below 💫🙏
Stop worrying. Your negative thoughts can't affect others.
As a Christian I feel so so blessed by this and more love and peace. I always freaked out about meeting God. Hopefully I can feel better now. Thank you so much for sharing this and sorry for how others have reacted. You're very lovely, I think those who visited the other side come back with this extra beauty, and it really helps the rest of us, thank you for coming back xxx
when I was very young, before I could speak, I could understand before making words, but I used to have this 'memory' that I chose my parents. Thank you, lady, this has given me some peace, and guidance.
Because you actually did choose your parents. You would enjoy the last book written by author Dr. Wayne W. Dyer before his death, entitled "Memories of Heaven: Childrens’ Astounding Recollections of the Time Before They Came to Earth."
@@Pamsmith59 People thought I was crazy for some things I remember, but my brother also had a terrible terror over a calendar that had teddy bear picnic on it for a picture, and dreamed he was killed by a grizzly around that same age, and my daughter once told me that she was so glad she found us as new parents. She said her mommy left her in her crib, and went out, and she cried and cried and cried until she finally went to sleep, and her old mommy never came back, then her new mommy found her, as well as I. She remembered something for sure, she was just starting to talk. Thank you for your words, and I will look for that book you suggested. I know we go on, and sometimes have to come back to finish learning, or continue learning, it just feels so. Thank God for that, and Thank God for our lives and experiences.
Dr. Michael Newton talks about that topic in his testimonials.
I told my mom and pedo step monster that the earth was just an experiment -Gods own snow globe that he was gonna shake up one day - I’m mk programmed (well he tried-but I was not programmable) you are a star seed
Greg that's probably the coolest thing I've heard yet. Thank you for sharing!
Penny Wittbrodt
Don't let myself just sit back in the recliner. That's the part that reached out to me. After the conflicts of 2020, I withdrew from human discourse and took to my recliner. The joy dissipated until I simply longed for the end. Now I see I cannot live in the eternity I have designed. Thank you for sharing this experience. It spoke clearly to me about returning to the fold, forgiving, loving, sharing talents, and letting God shine out of my eyelashes!
Yes. Same with me. 2020 made me build a wall. Her experience has opened my eyes.
Yours is a good lesson for us all. Even i have struggled with staying connected when my urge is to pull away. It's something I battle frequently. Thank you for reminding me of what God taught me.
This lovely and enlightening account describes the part of us they tried to kill with masks, lockdowns and jabbery. We need to return to the trust and love of God, He is waiting for us, let us not be led astray by the wolves who abide everywhere telling us what to think and do.
God said, "I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food."
Me too. I am stuck in my recliner too often.
Despite my spiritual beliefs, I have had so many paralyzing fears of death for so long. I have wasted so much time and energy on those fears. The message this woman was given to share has taken so much of that weight from my soul that I've carried for so long. This is the single most powerful message I have ever received. Thank you from the bottom of my heart❤️
Oh that is so sad that you have that fear. I had this as a child, I would become paralysed with fear and anxiety it was horrible. I grew out of it thank goodness. As I’ve gotten older my spiritual abilities have grown and I am also a nurse who has seen a lot of death. Through these experiences of being with those who pass as well as an ability to communicate with the others side, I can tell you that you have nothing to fear, it’s like steeping into another room. Your soul never dies. Those who have passed are just next door. I have seen births and deaths and I can say that death is just another rebirth. Being present with those passing has been a privilege, I have seen and felt so many unexplainable things, all totally positive. Have no fear dear, enjoy your time here on earth being alive in a physical body, experiencing those lessons you are meant to revive, soak up the beauty all around you and take each day as it comes. The is no beginning or end. Xx. Hugs
@@KiwikimNZ Namaste my friend ♥️💕
I used to watch Christian channel showing people going to hell and all sorts of tortures and indescribable pains and agonies. This apply to media and daily news. Fear is what this planet is all about
That is good that is women's words have helped you. When I was little I started a mantra when I would get really scared: "The worst thing that could happen is I could die, but then everything would be alright (again)" this helped me with my debilitating fears of death, and I would find solace knowing that the pain of death is temporary in this vast eternity. Also, I would go into the fear and curl up with that meditation of sorts, and soon the feat couldn't hurt me at all, and I could smile and even laugh for a moment that I overcame it! I practiced this a lot back then and now I am quickly able to manage fears and release them, knowing well what it means to go down that path but now being free from the anxiety of it..
Please don't worry. I learned something from A Course In Miracles.... Death is not the opposite of Life. Death is the opposite of birth. We are spirit before life and also after death. Our passing will be loving and joyful. Please don't worry about it.
NDEs are my medicine. I've listened to hundreds. I love them all. But... this one. God Bless! Told and experienced so powerfully and perfectly
@keep humble umm...surree
they are my medecine too ;-)
@keep humble ' I believe that we have a cord attached to us & source energy/ God .... When a person has an NDE ' they don't go " Through" The universal light/ God.... They go to or near " The light" a beautiful, warm unconditional " intelligent light of masculine energy. If a person does go through the light " there cord is severed" & the Transmission of human energies & earthly illusions take time to lose , so a " soul" needs time to adjust , just like when we are born , it's a " Transition back to home".
@keep humble I just....I find it hard to believe that a demon or Satan could have any ability to radiate pure love and pure understanding and pure knowledge. On top of that, the people that return from an NDE suddenly comprehend the meaning and importance of love and loving each other and doing good for other people and how that impacts the world. Why would Satan or a demon want us to love each other and want us to live a life kind of like Jesus: not worried about material possessions, forgiving of everyone, wanting to help others, and having unconditional understanding for one another. Why would Satan want us to live like Jesus?
In addition to that, the Holy Bible itself talks of the silver cord that connects our soul to our bodies just as this woman described.
Ecclesiastes 12:6-14
6 Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern.
7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
@keep humble God IS love, every single person that has had a Near Death Experience states EXACTLY what you just said. God is LOVE. Why would Satan want us to know that God is Love?
You also just ignored scripture when it was presented to you as proof. This is what Jesus talked about, you would have been one of the Pharisee's that denied Jesus because He ignored the Sabbath and did what was GOOD, not what the law and tradition told Him to do.
This was a good story. My mom just passed away. She wasn’t such a good mother to any of us. However, all of us committed to being amazing parents to our own children. All of our children are amazing. I think it’s helpful to help me hear that story about your son.
my prayers are with you and your family 🙏🙏
@@beautilfuldoveonearth5447 - You misunderstood. The daughter turned out good not because of her mother, but in spite of her.
I thought my dad had a lot of short comings as a father until I realized he had a tough childhood. I forgave him recently for any hurt he caused me because I know he was hurting to.
@@stevenleslie8557 same here. His childhood must have been horrendous 😢
God is our Father. He taught His Son, Jesus, the Lord’s Prayer. “Out Father who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name,,,,,,,”
I have trouble forgiving people and hold grudges against them for years! This is exactly what I needed to hear cuz I seem to run into the same kind of people who treat me badly over and over again. It's because I've never learned to forgive others so the same lessons kept coming until i learned how to forgive.
I know how you feel. But my prayer has become more of this way of thinking. Whether it means something to you or not is up to you.
My prayer is God I refuse to bring this baggage to heaven with me. When I leave this earth my baggage will be left behind. I don't want to waste one moment of my eternity pointing fingers, seeking either revenge, pay back, or retribution. My desire is to enjoy heaven, having family reunions with people who passed before me, listening to the millions of soul praising God, listening to the music of heaven, making new friends, meeting Biblical figures I enjoyed reading about in life. When I say God I forgive all, don't let Satan oppress my life with the things of my past. Allow me to walk in your peace, love, and acceptance. Lord you said
if you can forgive from the cross Then I can forgive too.
It's hard to do and forgetting is even harder but I refuse to allow Satan to trigger me by making me relive the past that is gone and I chose to move forward. My prayer is that you can tell Satan he has no power and he can't oppress you any longer.
@@dianneadair1132 Looney Tuney.
@@nehpetsrellek2750 you must be atheist I'm assuming
God is Love!
Nearly every point she makes I have known since I was very young. I remember being in heaven before coming to Earth. I remember the feelings of utter joy and unequivocal love. I brought those two feelings with me when I was born. I have always known we are all here on this Earth to learn, to teach, to grow spiritually and above all, we are here to love ❤️ 😍 💖 😀
Great. Why is it only the 1% that actually remembers it tho : |
@@shuttzi9878 I think it's the same reason that very few people remember their past lives and yet others do. In my opinion it's because there's some type of lesson for that person to gain from it. I don't think it's random
@@shuttzi9878 Remembering your past life and what heaven is like before you are born is a gift. Not everyone has it.
@@shuttzi9878 Memory is so weird. My father and brother have horrible memories, while I remember everything. I just can only bring it up when a similar present event triggers my memories. Very vividly the first 5 years of my life were crystal clear for me. My dad has Alzheimer's so bad that he only repeats one story over and over. I sometimes believe memory is a spiritual connection to a exterior source. I'm so fascinated with memory. I like your observation. It's a good question.
Interesting that you were able to hold on to your pre-conception memories of your spiritual existence in the other realm. Amazing.
I’ve listened to many NDE stories and this one resonates with me the most. Without going into a long story about where I am in life, what she shared is what I needed to hear, more than one knows. There are no accidents and my listening to this now, proves it true for me. God or the Source had me listen to this story because He knew that I needed it at this time in my life. For this, I am very thankful:)
Her conversations with God were so real. And normal sounding. Like you, I've heard many NDE stories. This one brought home for me what I needed to hear.
I agree! There are no accidents and no coincedences!
It was God and nothing else. There are no coincidence that you found this testimony and that it resonated with you. God bless you.
It's the first one I watched after being referred here, and I feel the same. Also, it's so exasperating hearing how "religious" people think they have all the answers?!! Every person's experience in this life is unique and there's no "rules" about OUR EXPERIENCES. Penny's experience and her telling of it is simply beautiful and REAL.
Just about the same here. I thank Jesus for bringing this to me just when I needed it. Any earlier, and I might have brushed it off. I just hope I can figure out how to implement good works into my life.
The last couple, three years has been tremendously difficult. I lost my brother, and 49 days later I lost my mother. About 11 - 12 months later I lost my uncle, who I loved like my dad. I’ve not been the same since, nothing seems important to me anymore. I’m not angry at God, I don’t think. Im old enough to accept that we all die...I’m just having a difficult time seeing the point of anything, or the importance of things. So, I’m gonna save this video and rewatch when I’m feeling not so fine. Hopefully, my mind will begin to change... thank you for sharing your sweet, sweet story!
I'm with you. When the sun came up I used to leap out of bed. There weren't enough hours in the day to do all the things I'd to do. Now I can't waken before the afternoon and then just sit in the recliner. Satan was winning but no more.
Oh my goodness that’s how I feel too. I’m sorry your dealing with the same feelings. It’s like I’ve lost my zest for life, like my light has just burnt out of me & it’s hard. All I can say is I truly try to keep myself around happy people, things or just things that make me laugh or smile bcuz I don’t know what else to do with myself if I don’t. I really hope you find happiness again bcuz I know our loved ones wouldn’t want us to feel this down & out as hard as it is. ❤
I understand😢
I too have been through a lot of grief and for years it consumed me. But then my good friend had a heart to heart with me and said... they're watching over you you know? Do you think they'd want to see you like this? That they want you to suffer? I knew the answer was no. They loved me dearly, and would want the best for me. She said to try and cherish the memories I DID get to experience, all the years I DID have (not everyone gets to have that).
And to try and honour their love for me by being a representation of that love to others ❤ to honour the fact I am here and should be living my life to the fullest 🙌
Well that conversation changed my life. I started to view things differently - I came out of myself. What also helped was doing volunteer work in spare time, being busy helping others - it simply gets you out of your head and your own thoughts. I wouldn't have been able to do this in the early days of course, it takes time. My prayers and my faith helped immensely. Best regards. All the best, God bless 🙌 ❤
@@MightyMouse350 thank you so much for taking the time to remind me... of course my loved ones wouldn’t want to see me so down. And the part about volunteering... you’re absolutely right! I need to get outta my own head, slow my thinking down. Again, thank you! I hope your Christmas is a merry one and your New Year full of wonderful surprises!
I feel like the fact that energy cannot be created nor destroyed, kind of proves that we come from something bigger and will return there once this life is over.
No. You will not "return there" upon passing.. you will continue living life in your higher-dimensional physical-body called the spirit-body maintaining all the truth and falsehood and emotions and memories you have right now.
This is the best NDE I’ve ever listened to. Thank you for sharing this. I feel closer to God through listening to this than any church could have ever made me feel. God bless you ❤️
Have you ever seen " A Glimpse of Eternity" ua-cam.com/video/6MW2F83ADO0/v-deo.html
Truly powerful and soul touching. I'm thankful you shared your story.
Honestly the church denominations to me are not very trust worthy i feel you really I do
and I just want to tell you that even tho I'm not into church denominations I do chose to believe in Jesus Christ that loved me so much that he did die for me
it honestly hurts noone to believe in him who died for us because we are so very loved and that his blood paid for our entire lifes transgressions knowing this one thing has gotten me through the tough times I wanted to kill myself before I felt as tho I was already dead that feeling is so scary nightmarish and cold and haunting it felt like I was a dammed and unnloved walking dead ghost for years
This life won't give you all the happiness you strive for but when you know you are THAT LOVED that Jesus whispered your name before he died it gives you a new found STRENGTH TO GO ON
Read the book of John to see what he had to do to pay for all of our wrong lifes doings in FULL
HE did this so we would be able to ask for forgiveness for anything that weighs on our consciousnce and KNOW IT IS CLEANSED and healed no longer having the dark burden upon your shoulders
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that WHOSOEVER BELIEVES IN HIM will have everlasting LIFE
For he did not make such a sacrifice to condemn the world but to save it and bring light to it
It is a gift of God not of ourselves and not of anything you could do for yourself
Not of works
Lest any man should boast
John3:16 1st Corinthians 15: 1-4 Ephesians 2:8-9
And because I know this i live a happier LIFE no longer do I feel that cold dead ghostlike feeling as tho I was already dead even tho I'm very sickly these past years I never felt so ALIVE and LOVED NOW physical pain doesn't even take away the joy down in my heart ❤
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
😭 oh dear Lord I needed this this morning. I’m overwhelmed with hope in this moment which I haven’t felt in a long time. Thank you Jesus
I know same here. She gave me a lot of hope for our future. And life after here. Every story like this has so much in common. Even people in other countries have said very similar things a hundred years ago about NDE. I have no doubt all of it is real.
@@davec4276 go away troll....don’t like it, keep moving
I'll send prayers for u.❤️🙏
@@davec4276 If u haven't yet please please just give god a try.❤️
I can relate so much to cutting yourself off and isolating. I have been stuck in that stage for years after a humiliating breakup. Thank you so much for this, it encourages me to know I’m supposed to go back out there and live life no matter how many mistakes I’ve made.
My mom did the same thing after my dad came out as transgender. She was so embarrassed and ashamed that she cut the entire family out after the divorce. I grew up not really knowing my own relatives. I was also abused out of resentment, without even knowing why until years later. My mom never remarried and then later died of cancer.
Same. I needed this so much, and HAD to hear this. I have felt so bad about myself, from years of so many mean, nasty and negative people in my life, especially growing up. And, there was no acceptance anywhere. I have known God a long time, but still needed to hear this, because the negative got worse the past couple years. God sees me different than I see myself, and I need to pray about this more, and need Gods help to be able to do what this lady is saying. It's vitally important.
@@dede4004 Fucking UA-cam won't let me post my comment. I was trying to elaborate on my story but UA-cam doesn't tolerate anything negative being said about certain groups, regardless of how true it is. Anyway, my point was that I wish I could go back in time to talk to my mom after her "husband problems" (UA-cam will delete the comment again if I use the accurate descriptive terms) and save us both from a lot of suffering and losing the house.
It's not your fault!
Me too!💜☮️💜
I am at work and cashing up at EOD whilst watching this video in the background and listening to the content when I burst crying twice in certain phases of her interview. The power of some of her experiences relates to me so much that it triggered a feeling that I had to immediately address. I suddenly understood my father's abuse of my childhood more, and now, minutes later, as I write this, I think that I am ready to forgive. Also, by writing this here or wherever it also leaves a footprint and acts as a reflective therapy... thank you for this 🙏
I too have been there. Not in a hospital bed, but in a bunk in my barracks while in boot camp at the age of 18. My story is quite different, but much of it was quite similar. The reason for the difference is because God treats us as individuals and has no desire to follow a cookie cutter protocol because of that reason. After all, no two people live the exact same life, so he approaches each of us accordingly.
Having not yet developed a relationship with him, he dealt with me much differently, but not in a way that was of condemnation by any means, but that of solemness and gently guiding me into understanding who he was without having to directly reveal his identity.
As time passed, I began to read the Bible, and I discovered that I had an experience with a story from the Old Testament that shook me to my core. Someone else had been approached in almost the exact same way I was in my experience.
And during my time there I stood before the throne, and was shown the new Earth, which I hadn't yet even known about, and I was shown Hell, and all that were spending eternity having to endure it, which I had no comprehension of its actual existence. Before then, I believed that it was a figurative, mythological existence.
I will not elaborate much more on the experience here, but I will say that since that chapter of my life, I have come to appreciate life as most people never will, and in the 40+ years since then, I have lived more, and experienced more than most people could in two or three lifetimes.
He let me know that I have a purpose, and that is to serve him even before I was able to fully comprehend exactly who he is, and what my role would be.
Now as a dad of 8 children and my 7th grandchild is soon to be born, I am waiting for the word from him that it is time for me to take on the role he assigned to me all those years ago.
Sometimes I feel so insignificant and unworthy, but if he believes I've got it handled, who am I to question?
amazing testimony 🙏🙏❤️
Plus contact Kevin Zadai 🙏. He also had to keep it a secret for 30+
Thank you for sharing
Thank you for sharing this. I absolutely believe in what you have said. Do you understand the times we are living in? We are so close to the end of THIS race. :)
Yes I do! This world is quickly becoming unraveled right before our eyes.
Energy never dies, it just change's form. So true. You had a remarkable experience with our father. You are very fortunate. God bless soul sister.
Hello how're you doing hope you and your family are safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
@@hurstjames6199 I don't think any of us are really safe here on Earth sweetheart. Unless you believe in Jesus and then you are saved. Not feeling too great lately. Times are tough, getting harder by the day.
@@archangelrevelations9532 Yes I totally agreed with you
Where are you from if I may ask?
@@hurstjames6199 I live in Port Charlotte FL USA but I am from Boston MA.
@@archangelrevelations9532 Okay I live in Austin texas and it's a pleasure meeting you here
I believe everything she’s saying. We are infinite beings. When someone says the answers inside you this is what they are speaking about
Sitting here at work trying not to cry.......life and the afterlife is beautiful....we must learn to forgive and love each other. God Bless you all ❤️💯🙏🏽
I love that she says God says he is inside of everyone, and you're not getting Him out! Amazing experience and many lessons learned and Aha moments for me...
But that is NOT what the Bible teaches.
@@Mark-yb1sp EXACTLY. You HAVE to RECEIVE him as Lord and Savior in order for the Holy Spirit to dwell inside of you. We are born into Sin and MUST be reborn again.
@@gotmesom You guys forget yes God gives the Holy Spirit when you accept him but that is the manifestation of God to seal you for salvation. But the Life Force that he first blew into Adam is in all living creatures and that is what I believe she was referring to when God said he is in all of us. Read John chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1 read the story of Lazarus and the book of Acts when the Holy Spirit came upon them. We may not all be children of God be we are all creatures of God.
I think we are made in his image bc he breathed his breath into Adam & Eve. But Scripture says you must accept Jesus as your redeemer & his Spirit will come to indwell you, giving your spirit enlightenment. You must be born of the Spirit bc he can change you, give you power to live a Christ-like, overcoming life.
@@s-l4260 Yes. Exactly. I just posted this above. It doesn't say tho that God breathed in the animals.
My sister literally went through this. Sadly she did pass just recently. I didn't understand but I knew she was telling the truth. I wondered why she didn't go to heaven right away or hell to be honest praying for heaven but she didn't believe in God. But she described a thing between me and her that no one knew about while she was on life support. Anyway after hearing this it helped me understand so much more. I think God sent this to me. Thank you for sharing. I really needed this.
It doesn't matter whether she believed in God or not. It's so peaceful...I never felt anything like it. Death doesn't hurt.
@@sarah4264 thank you. She said it doesn't hurt to die. I just want her to be in heaven.
@@beckyyoung3293 our God is of unconditional love
As she began to speak of the rumbling that happened before she speaks of God you can see that she begins to glow brighter!! ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE!!
As I'm watching this, I'm recovering from cervical fusion, still in pain. I quit my job, and really my career in nursing homes after 20 plus years. I suffer with depression on top of being full of arthritis. I'm in pain physically and mentally just sitting here on the couch and I feel "Stuck." I will need to find another job and I'm scared and tired at the same time, not knowing what to do. I heard her say that if you are just sitting there doing nothing, that's a bad thing there. I started crying. I have had this feeling that I need to go back and visit the residents and just use that as a starting point. How blessed I feel to know that even though we are here where bad things happen, that He is still sending us messages and telling us when it's time to move forward.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...I had a similar situation pray and let God do the rest.🙏
Be happy and forgive others. You are not alone. God bless you.
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
Your is the system. You can beat the system because the system was made to keep you in it circles. Work . Eat . Sleep and repeat again and again. That’s depressing
You sound like your health is very off track. Get the book Fit for Life and start eating only fruit until noon. I think you will see a huge difference in your energy and how you feel.
What God said about energy makes sense, putting negative energy into anything can have negative effects, crystals, plant life, people and such. I often release negative energy into music and poetry and leave it there as a positive outlet. No matter how negative or hurt we feel we can change that energy into something more positive and less damaging. Best wishes to everyone.
@keep humble Where does it say what? The Moon landing wasn't in the Bible but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. The Bible has some things in it that do seem to mention things that are happening in presant day but it doesn't say everything.
Well, thank you and may the Lord bless you too!
I’m overwhelmed by this story. I believe her without hesitation. So beautiful and really gave me perspective on how I need to keep pushing forward. I chose this life and it’s time to make an impact!
@@jabster58 😂😂😂
Thank you, I so needed to hear your words today. I lost my husband last year to cancer and I have been struggling in faith. When you made that statement regarding souls who take on illnesses like cancer, it clicked. I had always said he was my angel and saved, but this was a high understating. Thank you.. 🙏🏽
This story really moved me. It confirms a lot of what I already intuited. I died several times in my late teens and early 20s due to drug overdoses, but I never remember anything EXCEPT a strange feeling that I had just been having a conversation with someone important about one of the most important things in my life. I think that like she says, we agree to be born into the lives we are living in order to gain spiritual enlightenment. We are all God and God is all of us. Remember that everyone you look at is you in a different form. I can't pretend to know it all - except that belief is only valuable if it is coupled with tolerance and open-minded, open-hearted love.
Yeah I used to get strung out for days and I'm not sure if I had audio-hallucinations or real communication but I Always had music on very low and sometimes the mix would automatically change into something that sounded like God was telling me He loved me but that I needed to change(singing to me in either a male or female voice). I would actually get scared but I never could stop until I lost my job and apt., then I started going to church and my life got a Lot better. I have noticed that you can substitute one addiction for another(sex,drinking,over-eating,even Coffee or Work)so Hakuna Matata!🙂
This happened to me too. I woke after an overdose and had a memory of a conversation where someone had explained to me that I couldn't die because I hadn't finished my mission yet.
@@kayedramallama hope you are OK now? I still struggle
@@TheOceanLoader I have my good days and bad days, largely because of covid. Most of the time I'm pretty happy. But I was so excited to read your comment. You're the first person I've met in 25 years who had a similar experience. It's like an NDE with most of the details removed. I was near death too. The hospital really didn't expect me to survive. But I knew I would because I had to finish my mission.
@@kayedramallama It's reassuring to hear that you shared something similar. I think when we know that death is not bad, we don't enjoy this life as much? I think this is why our minds are wiped because some people (and God knows who) would simply kill themselves or lead lives that caused their premature deaths.
I hope you keep well. The world seems like it is getting back to normal. So long as we're not going to see any apocalypse soon, we'll be fine. It's nearly summer so rejoice in the new life! Enjoy the sunshine
I just wanted to say that I'm literally in tears as I'm talking this into my phone, to message this lady and say that she described her experience so well, that I've never heard anything like it. And I will always take numerous things that she said with me throughout my life and so many more things make sense now To me. I recently had a near-death experience in a car crash and throughout my lifetime I've been touched by Spirits three times, held by whatever energy was there with me at that moment, protecting me, assuring me that everything is going to be okay. I've never felt anything like that since in my lifetime, my body was undulating as the invisible surrounding forces held me, and in my wreck I was held by 4 sets of hands and thrown back into our realm instead of dying and lemme tell you it's an experience that you cant really describe to a non believer or believer. Its magical and beautiful and I'm so grateful that God let you tell your story because you are one of the greatest story tellers on earth and you really broke it down to make total sense. Thank you so much. ❤✌💫
❤️ YOU are loved ❤️
Wow ! And your experience sounds totally amazing too…thanks to all you guys for sharing …it’s really so reassuring….Thankyou most sincerely.
Pfffft this lady has an internal hatred for males, it’s so obvious.
Jeff Mara NDE has excellent experiences and he’s recently gone live on weekends ,so people can really share their experiences.,regardless of how different they are or vary . Beautiful.
@@freespiritwithnature4384 Yeah, I used to watch Jeff until he started having too many fakes and weirdos on. Then I unsubbed. Try “Thanatos TV EN” “After Life Experience “ “NDE with Lee Witting”
I cried out this morning to God for help and this video showed up! To know that we choose to volunteer for the journey, and that God is truly with us, is really comforting. Energy cannot be destroyed so I reject the burning, hellfire, and eternal death doctrine for a God that is compassionate, loving, and is with us, now and beyond! The God she describes is what I envision for all of mankind. Her testimony is so powerful and immediately provided my healing!! 💫💕
I think God does have a justice system. even if you volunteer and then do terrible things, i think there are severe consequences for that. We essentially agreed to the risks and potentials. Her bad deeds were skipped over because she was covered IMO. Vouched by a person that lived a completely perfect life (which is only possible by perfection itself manifesting as a human. It wasn't even part of the life's review process in her experience. She escaped judgement of he bad deeds, and was judged solely on her good deeds.
Our deeds on earth matter so much, but we would all face harsh consequences without a covering by someone much better. There is a war going on in the heavens and we can give ourselves over to seducing spirits or give ourselves to our creator.
After the exclusive geographically limited covenant that brought the Messiah and his covering death was complete, the covenant was expanded to all on the earth if they are willing to accept it.
If there is no punishment for bad deeds, then how is there justice? If we have a strong sense of justice, God must have a much stronger sense of it too.
Same! I just talked about the GOD that I acknowledge with a friend and BOOM! Her testimony confirmed it.
The internet really does spy on us.
You should read Journey of the Souls by Michael Newton.
@@litpath3633 Only a limited mind like ours would think in terms of eye for an eye. Punishment is life review and you experiencing all the pain you inflicted on others directly. Earth type existence is known to be full of traps and its disconnected from divine. We are all perfect souls and we can never be sent to hell to burn forever makes no sense. We have free will. We have freedom to forgive ourselves and others. We dont have to experience karma unless we want to. Why would a perfect soul created by God then sent down to this physical plane with amnesia, born into difficult life circuimstances be punished by God? Again makes no sense not to mention the concept of hell punishment and karma has been thought to us by ancient books written by faulty humans. Its obviosly means of control. If I am eternal indestructible soul and you are too and then you do something bad to me in this life, why would I not forgive you on the other side? Is it that hard to understand the concept of uncoditional love? Of perfection? This world is unperfect and its meant to be thag way. Anything that happens here stays here. It cannot effect divine. Its just a passing illusiory experience.
This was a message to me from God. Im going through a horrible time. I was meant to see this
Bawled my eyes out. Beautiful. He’s within all of us.
Right,. God is in your imagination.
The part about thoughts and energy along with the part about us not coming here to just resign really struck me. I have lived with ocd and anxiety my entire life and part of that are the constant unwanted negative thoughts. God spoke to me through this video. I can now begin to thinking about how to deal with unwanted negative thoughts. Thank you! ❤😊
God said, "I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food."
Hi I hope you are doing well! I have lived with OCD and anxiety my whole life too, it is really hard, I have empathy for you. I used to be so scared to live and interact with people. Now at this point in my life my anxiety is so much lower and my unwanted thought syndrome is gone. I have met so many people in the past year and I am doing what I want to do with my life. I wish the same for you friend. Hope you are doing well.
These 3 Verses are a Game-Changer for thoughts! :)
2 Corinthians 10:5
2 Timothy 1:7
Philippians 4:8
When the hint of a nasty thought comes, I physically put my hand up to my forehead and symbolically Snatch that thought & fling it away from myself.
It’s happening less & less & I ask Jesus to replace those thoughts with His own. ♥️I love King Jesus!👑
Thanx for your share ❤i will do this i , @@lynel6268
@@lynel6268thank you ! Amen ❤
The God within me... guided me hear to hear this. I was lost, and so needed to hear this. Thank you x
Your not a god please go to Jesus Christ
I opened you tube to go look up nde's for an answer and when I opened the app, this was there as the first video in my feed even before searching for it! I let out a rare loud laugh
@@dontcallanimalspetstheyare7871 "I therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you walk worthy of the calling with which you were called with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in all." -Ephesians 4:1-6
"The kingdom of Heaven is spread out upon the Earth but men do not see it. If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in heaven,' then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. But the kingdom is inside of you. And it is outside of you. "When you become acquainted with yourselves, then you will be recognized. And you will understand that it is you who are children of the living Father. But if you do not become acquainted with yourselves, then you are in poverty, and it is you who are the poverty." -Gospel of Thomas
"What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" -1 Corinthians 6:19
“The Lord is in his holy temple; the Lord is on his heavenly throne. He observes the sons of men; his eyes examine them.” -Psalms 11:4
He did not blaspheme or claim to be a god. We should be wary when we judge, for that is not our jurisdiction, that is reserved for our Lord, God in Heaven. Love and be loved my friend!
@@dontcallanimalspetstheyare7871 you're misguided.
@@seekingtruth8074 Matthew 7:1
This one brought me to tears. Beautiful experience and message 🤍✨🙏
I had a NDE when I was 2 and half years old and to this day whenever I reflect on that moment I can feel it deep within my core that it had changed my life. I would not be who I am now if not for that experience and I am 44 years old.
What was your experience Troy?
🌿 🐦 🌸 🌿 🐦 🌸 🌿 🐦 🌸 🌿
Howcw9nderful that you can remember it. The fact that none of the people that have NDEs forget a second of everything they saw, felt and learned is proof that it's real.
I’ve just lost my mother, who, as I say was my 1st best friend! We never fell out of love with each other, and I’m 73 years old. She died fairly peacefully at 94, having lived a good life. These last few years of Covid saw her lonely and un-hugged. Her other sons bought into the social distancing rubric, misguided imho, but out of love. I myself have been in Singapore and hasn’t seen her for 3 years. Luckily she learned to use an iPhone and we FaceTimed every week. Now because of travel restrictions for the unvaxxed, I’ll be missing her funeral. This little video was so sweet abs hopeful, and genuine to boot, that I know all is well!
Sending loving thoughts to you and your family for your loss 💗
Hugs to you..... you and mom will see each other again..... my daughter and I have the same relationship and I dread being apart, she is one of my dearest soul mates and we are so blessed to have been pushed together during lockdown as we have been living far away from each other. the cruelty of forcing no contact is appalling and the sadness is true. much love to you
I'm sorry for your loss
She speaks truth. Energy and emotions in this. Yes, all begins with a thought. John 1:1 In the beginning was the "Word". The "Word" began with a thought. Thank you for sharing.
This is the most incredible NDE account I have ever heard! To be so frank with God and tell him, “ I’ve been angry with you” is so honest, yet so shocking, but I absolutely loved the dialogue between this woman and God about the good that came from her struggles with being a single parent. Wonderful!
I love this story. I believe in God and believe God is in us.
Yes, I agree. We are God. There is nothing external to appease.
Was GOD in Hitler? Abortionists? Gangbangers? Dope dealers? Rapists and child molester?
@@ThomasCorfield Really? You can't be more wrong!
@@hairyape3935 Oh, come on. I'm sure you're not that bad.
@@ThomasCorfield we are god? Scariest thing I ever heard of!
God is always with us even when we are in good or worst situations he never leaves us
Why does he leave people to suffer the unbearable effects of child abuse from one's parent
@@reg8297 we where sent here to grow, and make our own decisions away from Gods presence. If every time we prayed and God showed up and freed us from the terrible travesties of life, non of us would need faith, we would know of his surety and this life experience would be in vain.
I promise God will make everything right. No injustice won’t be fixed, but he can’t ruin the plan. The plan we all knew before this life.
I am sorry if this specific question has been something you have been dealt in this life brother. I hope peace comes uour way. If anything, remember you once again will return to God, who is perfect love. And he will make it all right.
@@reg8297 Just Test. Proof that there is life after death. The ultimate justice.
@@Zahid_deeds proof ??? i would like to think there is a after life but there is no proof. i could be deceptive and lie to help shore up what i would like to think by calling evidence proof or even by calling bad evidence good. best for me to just be honest and say may or may not be the case but we have no proof
@@YARDRACERSThat's the reason life is a test. You have to believe in Religious books. When God himself says i have sent many messengers and have revealed holy books to then and their main motive was to intruduce God and why he created us.
He clearly says those who does good deeds will go to Jannah otherwise will go to hell. Both are eternal.
Why can't we believe in God. Even if we haven't seen heaven or hell and what is the situation after death. Because we are alive yet. LUCKILY
Even if someone doesn't believe in it.
My question is *What if it all happens to be real after he dies?*
"What you think about is what you talk about is what you end up doing." Very powerful 🙏
Truth i can testify that
Your presentation was so beautiful… I had a NDE giving birth to my 1st born son…. God is SOOOOO good. Many blessings to you sweet survivor…. You are a Warrior for Christ ❤
God spoke to me through this!!! And one of the most important and impactful things I’ve ever heard/felt Him say to me. This just changed my life!!!
I feel the same 🙌🏼 so much love ❤
How your life changed since you commented?
same here. Thank you
God said, "I have given you every plant with seeds on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds. This will be your food."
@@sindibadage it has not been a one time off type of change so I’m still in process. It’s really hard to change some of the core beliefs or practices we’ve had since childhood but mainly it was to learn how to talk to myself in a more loving way as God would. If he sees me through the lease of unconditional love then what gives me the right to not see myself the same way. So it’s been a progressing change of not condemning myself and constantly grading everything I’m doing. I still struggle with it but it’s still getting better.
You’ve made me cry , tears that I’ve been holding back for 7 years
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
What a delightful, intelligent and ‘down to earth’ woman. This is such a wonderful and compelling NDE story. It motivates me to ‘get out there’ and have a positive impact on others.
She's so articulate and really made so much sense about her understanding of NDE at the end... amazing!
This was life changing for me. You’ll never know what you’ve done for me. I am going to start moving forward. Thank you God for using Penny to spread your message. 🙏🏼 I love you ❤️ and I love you too, Penny.
Amazing. Life-changing. I cried during and after listening. I'm just starting to understand that God is within me. I also realized after watching this that every 'good' that I do *counts*. The enemy has tried all my life to convince me that I don't matter, and that by default, none of the meager 'good' I manage to do matters. After watching this, I *SEE*. I matter. The tiniest scrap of good that I can manage is infinite in *God's hands*. I know that the negative thoughts of others has harmed me, but I never thought about my negative thoughts hurting others. This is Life-changing. Thank you. THANK YOU. GOD BLESS YOU 🙏 for sharing this.
I hope you remember this for the rest of your life. Christ asked, “where were you when I needed food?” People get so caught up in themselves. We are part of One Body
That is a profound level of depth of understanding. The tiniest scrap of good is limitless in God's hands. You've stated it beautifully and thank you for taking time to listen to my story.
Such a lovely story. She’s so sweet. Btw I’m going to not think negative about people as much especially the ones I don’t agree with.
I speak to God every day. I talk to him like I talk to anyone else. He's very nurturing, loving, brilliant and informative. If I have a scientific question, he answers.
So gods a human being eh? He’s in a human concept box 📦 f religion? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
@@TerfBashingMFer8021He does speak to us. He wants us to know Him. You, too. ❤
I have very similar near death experience to her. I was admitted to ER with blast crisis AML, secondary TB infection, pneumonia and sepsis. I watched myself being resuscitated and pronounced dead after 3 epinephrine shots. then I was in this space where velvet black from every direction, going forward in every direction from what seems an eternity and finally, I looked on my chest where there is a small light, then it pops out and grew into a light shape of a bird. that bird guided me to where god is, where I was shown all my past action and the effects of those actions. god shown what must be done when I return back and an affirmation form him of those action that i will be making. but, I can choose to not return and go home or go back to my body live again. in the end I choose to return back to live again.
as an ex-atheist I did not believe in god until after my near death experience. there is a piece of god inside all of us and freewill is his gift for everyone.
We are Gods a part of source.
That fascinating Allan. So you spoke to the almighty God 😮 wished you had asked it a scientific question 😀
So...does holy ground feel any different? Do you feel "the presence of God" there?
Did you meet loved ones?
Did you have a conversation as such with the lord God? What did you say, what did it say?
I say it because of course God is not biological in nature...would you say it had both femine and masculine qualities like the nurse said?
Thank you for sharing that
This made me cry.
Thanks for sharing
I saw this "by chance" and was absolutely riveted. I raced to comments, mentally composing my high praise and gratitude for your powerful share, only to find that everyone feels the same way and expressed it well. Thank you for speaking to my Soul. Please keep telling your story and write that book! 😘
So very well said. I'm kind of just shaking at the synchronicity of it and this video seems to have affected so many others the same way. Now, we will be kinder and forgive others, etc...The ripple effect in action!
Hello how're you doing hope you're safe due to the covid 19 pandemic?
My soul ? Don't you think it's time to realize that YOU are the soul in the body and it looks that there is also God present with us.We are not this body.Than the conclusion is that we are all the same kind of beings, just in different bodies.My best wishes to you, dear soulmate :)
I like this lady! She's got the guts to stand up to God! And then reasonable enough to hear his response. I need 50 more friends like this!
I'm glad you helped the lady at the grocery store. The NDE I had 10 years ago, God showed me when my sister asked me for help, and I said I really don't have it right now, when I woke up in the hospital room I wept for 45 minutes, hoping that no nurse or anybody would walk in and see me like that. I wouldn't have known what to have told them. But you better believe I made it up to my little sister, and I told her what God put on my heart. That's the only ugly thing that God showed me about myself.
I strongly believe that I needed to hear this. I woke up ar 3 a.m. and I checked my phone n this came across my feed. This is a life changing revelation. To know that forgiving others is not just for our own sake, but also to help others.
3 am here also, this popped up, I guess great minds think alike.
I am historically a skeptic when it comes to all near death experiences, BUT wow, this retelling was phenomenal, deeply personal, enlightening.
Made me cry. I’m religious, a Muslim. I believe. I believe. Thank you for sharing.
Receive the lord Jesus Christ before it is to late...time is short...deception is coming...false messiah will arrive...but he is not the real MESSIAH ..JESUS IS...HE DIED FOR US...HE WILL BE COMING SOON TOO...BUT EVERY KNEE WILL BEND EVERY HEAD WILL BOW NO ONE CAN DENY HIS PRESENCE...BUT IT WILL BE TO LATE IF YOU TAKE THE MARK OF THE BEAST ...ONLY THROUGH JESUS WILL WE GO TO HEAVEN. 🙏
NDE's are real.
I have had 2.
I have seen Fathers kingdom in 2003.
@@mickeyminnie1792 I'm wondering if this video is deception. Seems like the same new age stuff I've heard for years. This is not what I was looking for. I wanted answers. Like explaining ghosts, etc. the bridge between the earthly realm and heaven and hell. Religion, spirituality and science combined. Not more of the same new age crap. This has answered none of my questions. I also wanted to know if the road is as narrow as Christians like to say and if every little thing that brings joy is a sin as those rigid, radical Christians like to say. I thought maybe this would be a combination of nicholas Tesla and God but it wasn't. Just rambling. Very disappointing.
@@sammyandoliver7522 You might think it's New Age, but it could be that the old time Christians weren't really awakened to who God truly is. We get so caught up in literalness and religious practices that it's hard to believe anything outside of that. If you think it's deception, you can choose to not believe it and go about your life. But a lot of what religious people say is "deception" or "the lies of the devil" are just things they don't understand. What I got from Mickey's comment were scare tactics perpetuated to me as a child. It might be the truth, and we'll never know until we die or if Jesus comes, but I feel like we shouldn't live in fear of eternal damnation (even if hell is real). Not everyone has the same NDEs so they're not going to have the answers to everything. Some people would interpret her being in her daughter's car as being a ghost. The void she was in could be seen as the bridge between earth and the afterlife. Like she said, scientists classified her experience as chemical delusions in the brain, so science knows certain things exist, but they try to come up with "rational" explanations with the limited and secular knowledge they have. One person is not going to have all the answers from one experience, but I hope the road isn't as narrow as some christians say it is, and that the apparently gracious God this woman saw gives everyone a chance to see the truth before moving on. I think some christians are very radical because people who made up certain rules wanted to use it as a form of control, and people who believed it just were blinded by what another human was saying, and got caught up in the emotions of what extreme religious practices create. There are probably other videos that give you more clarity about science than this one, but not everyone is going to have the answers you're looking for. You could probably find answers for some things in here, but I guess not the ones you were looking for (or wanted to hear).
I'm Muslim. I believe too.
@13:40 where she’s talking about negative energy you are feeling for others , attaches to them and you. And by forgiving your are setting them free as well as yourself. WOW. This is a life changing information!!! Thank you so much Penny ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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yep, rings a bell with me. I'm guilty. I've been hating the biggest part of the population for the longest time now - seeing them as sheeple and morons and wicked for allowing, condoning, submitting to this covid destruction of our society. I need to rethink. sure they're doing all those things but they're doing it not because they are bad and evil - but because they can't think of any better to do. they need my understanding and help and sympathy I guess. Not my scorn and denigration, contempt. No wonder I"ve been feeling bad recent times. Filling myself with a big ball of black. Yuck.
Right?? So profound, this is the type of thing no one ever thinks of but I bet it could be life changing. I will take it with me from here on out.
Yes, thank you for pointing it out💕💕💕
@@abrogard142 Amen! This is how I've been feeling lately too. I'm vaxxed, but feel that there is an ulterior motive from people higher up the chain in regards to covid, which are eroding our freedoms and democratic rights.
I sit here dwelling on this; why are people such sheep? Can't they see what is happening? This is exactly what happened in Nazi Germany in the 30s, etc etc.
All it has done is created a ball of black, negative energy inside me.
I need to forgive all these people and just let go.
Really touching. And James Allen's As a Man thinketh... Was and is right! Thank you for sharing, you just reminded me of what life is about.
God meets us in the "Secret Place" - I'm a Christain, and I believe her.
Yes because the church follows the scripture and scripture doesn’t teach this stuff..
It is only for those who have eyes to see with their heart, to know the deep mysteries of God and speaking to him beyond the veil through the Spirit. I believe she had revelation from God but she hasn't gone to the cross and is certainly not born again.
I believe her too🙏🙏
What a beautiful testimony ❤ When her son said he is going to be the dad he deserved 😢God healed her and her children 😢❤
Tell that to all the kids that are sexually or physically abused for a decade how it's in their best interest
I will pray for those kids you are bringing awareness for.
I was able to forgive a grudge I have been carrying for months. While deserved, I don’t want to attach that negativity to myself or him. Thanks for sharing this important message we instinctively know, but often forget.
At a time when people are fearful and hurt..we need this knowledge and belief. Grateful this message found me in this moment 🙏🏼
“Good” is ((forward motion)) no matter how awful it feels. Your spirit is here to grow, keep showing up for ALL of it. ❤❤❤❤
New age alert new age alert!! This life is a prison and earth is a prison planet your seeing archons who use us for food
@@TerfBashingMFer8021 what bestie
It's Dantean. One of the more interesting parts about this.