You know when you learn to ride a bike, or swim, or play a musical instrument, or learn to juggle, how at first its seems so difficult? But then eventually you break through to another level where you relax and stop forcing the effort. You become completely engrossed in the activity and it comes to you with ease- a sense of not being "blocked" by your own effort. That is how I would describe Zen.
We recommend Three Pillars of Zen by Philip Kapleau - as a must-have book. 5 Rings is a great book but primarily about Strategy. The translator, Bill Wilson is a close friend of ours. The Alan Watts lectures are very enoyable to listen to. Thanks for watching - emptymind films
Exactly! Yet another fake path. No Money? Go away! We want your Money Or You cannot have access the path of "enlightenment" !!!!!!! You must pay for entry to pair of dice Casino ANOTHER SCAM another day
I purchased a Empty Minds martial arts dvd years ago and I still enjoy it. I think they create some cool vids. That jus me tho. Peace. I would also note that probably all of us reading this just watch this video for free. That's something.
Hi everyone. I rarely comment, but this discussion needs a finger pointing to the moon. My films cover very difficult topics such as zen but the film and even this discussion are just a finger pointing. Nothing more. Any words, even from a zen master are just words - they are not the moon. I will leave you for the next 10 weeks - we are filming in China - another difficult topic - Qi. Look for the clips in 2008. EmptyMind Films
Well, the 'who' is not too important. This line is a reference to not forcing a natural activity like seeing or hearing - non interference. To not get in your own way. This is from the Tao and known as 'Wu Wei' which literally means 'Not Doing'. Can also mean that nothing is accomplished by going beyond or forcing a natural activity. It is a principle of the middle way and may sound odd when taken out of a large context, such as this whole film clip. Thanks for watching. EmptyMind Films.
The interesting thing about what you're describing is that explaining it to people that have never experienced it is like trying to describe how water tastes to someone who's never tasted or seen it. How awesome it would be to be able to directly share experience between people. Imagine seeing the sunset through the eyes of your best friend or even some random person standing by you, ..even better, through the eyes of a whole crowd of people at once. Unfortunately, for now all we have is words.
Beautiful video. Zen changed my life, it taught me to stop resisting, but to accept and just be. It helped me live a better and more sufficient way with my illness, and it is about teaching your mind discipline in a way.
"Oh yes, I love zen, the idea that an idea itself is its own liberation and that ultimately its all emptiness, the same feeling planets must have which makes them float, we become like planet, universe, floating on nothing... yes zen is healing, its the experience of the universe..." - my Japanese friend, Radewa talking about zen
The book is "Zen Flesh, Zen Bones", actually. I wore out my first copy I got over 20 years ago and recently had to replace it. A good read for an introductory "feel" to Zen :)
Actually, we are saying that you are the leaf, not the stream. It is a comment to 'wu-wei' of not opposing change or not forcing something. In life, as in the stream, change is inevitable, and this can carry you along just as well, even if it seems there is nothing at work, or no set path. We used the leaf and the stream to show similarity between Zen and popular Taoist thought.
Every living being on this planet is right now experiencing the most intense joy and health that's ever been felt in this universe Every Being Living or who has ever lived in this universe is now also experiencing this same joy and health - Africa
I have only reasently began learning Zen on my own so I hav no formal instruction. That in mind I would like to share what I hope will help all Zen/non Zen practioners to find peace with their lives. I reacently read that the true nature of the mind is to be at peace, and it is filled by feelings of non-peace by our own doing. The distractions of every day life keep us from achiving this peace. So I belive the way to achieve this is to let your mind free.
Loving Kindness, may the buddha in my lawn attract good fortune not just to me but to the whole community, I am so glad to have a stone Buddha in my lawn that everyone can see, I've meditated intensely for 10 years, loving kindness, its a fruit of the practice. Meditation is such a gift, may my house be a little Buddha shrine
Emptying your mind is not the final stage. There's at least one more stage of returning to the world and taking comfort in being alive and part of the world, without worries or cravings.
"When I am weak, then I am strong" Even Paul, a judeo-neo-christian could see a twofold pattern in the world. Try to minimize your ego, and you will see how Gandhi reached the freedom of India without guns, just being" weak". Don´t refuse to be yourself, just be yourself and let be.
Whenever I hear words like "There is nothing more than this" I wonder why such a thing would be said. I do not assume he knows more than I, nor I than he, but as beautiful as the words sound I hear eyes closing. Without love there is no loss, but neither is there passion. There is a price to living and one does not have to pay if one does not wish to live.
If you want to study the origins of Zen? and how hinduism gave rise to buddhism mixed with Taoism gave rise to chinese Zen and finally Japanese Zen. READ "The Way of ZEN". By Alan Watts.
So, if no effort is needed, ,why all this Zazen sitting, why becoming a monk, why the need of temples? Just flowing with the stream is enough, wherever you are, whatever clothes you wear, in whatever posture you are.
If you have realized then there's no need for effort but if not then you need effort. The effort is like a slap in your face to make you realize you have never lost your face.
Well first of all it meshed with some things I already believed and wasn't based on faith. Its teachings were logical. It did help me better understand the ego, it taught me detachment also (Ego falls under that category). I really hadn't thought of that at all before I read about Buddhism. It helped encourage me to be a better person (I could do that anyway, but it did give me more motivation and helped me define my morality.)
I love how people try so hard to achieve a state they are already inhabiting, I will sum the entire philosophy up so you don't even need to watch this.....just be.
zen mind simply and beautifully explained! the core of enlightenment can be found here: in present moment awareness!!! to see and to hear clearly, to perceive everything as it is, without attachment or illusion, to be awakened, to live in the here and now!!! that's all you need in order to be free to live, to love and to be happy!
@impermanentoo "Ill have the last laugh with wisdom when i die" A true and honest establishment of ego, and a well-defined concept of self, and a selfish expression at that. Bravo friend! I knew you had it in you! Thank you for proving my point. The self, no matter how much you lie, cannot be denied.
@impermanentoo Each of us should ask ourselves, why do we practice? What do we hope to understand? What methods will help us meet our goals? These are personal and intimate questions that no can answer for you. Printed words or spoken words are symbols that our minds understand to represent things and ideas. The 5 senses take in information and our minds produce thoughts. The mind uses these symbols to categorized what we experience in reality.
Regarding the copyright notice: I am the filmmaker. I shot the film, paid for travel, crew, music... on and on. I wrote the script and edited for six months. The total time spent creating this one hour movie was nine months. I think I deserve to copyright and safeguard my own work, don't you? Do you work for free? I do not think so. So please ask yourself this with not just me, but any artist, musician or filmmaker who risks everything to bring this work to you.
@LEVRAIVRAIZEN Thank you for your response. We can go on endlessly stirring up the water and making it more murky. I choose to let it settle and become clear. I practice to understand what the Buddha taught and have a direct experience. Everyone must make the journey alone by themselves. This is the nature of the Zen method. Believing in something is very different than having faith. Come and realize for yourself. Experience establishes trust that you are on a good path. May your life go well
Zen is pure common sense. Many arenät in tune with how things are. They apply their own view on how things should be. And it seldom works. We can only have our way if the flow, others, can have their way as well. Mutual benefit as they call it.
I have become interested in Zen due to reading some books by Dennis Schmidt when I was a boy. Many years, and many things have passed. I forsook the christian teachings of my childhood, and am now empty in my praise of science and atheism. I need to explore the emptiness that fills me, and see if a foundation can be built on Nothing. Thank you for this video. It is not the Path, but as much a way to the path as any other.
So croscream, I am sorry to say that so far, you have proven to be the antithesis of my beloved true Christian friend (Aunt B) as I referred to her. She took us to a Baptist church every Sunday in order to teach us about Jesus and the Gospel. A great debt I owe her for introducing me to such a wonderful person such as Christ. May she be with Him in His Glory for as long as it is ordained.
ekydami, thank you for your kindness. It is always for people such as you that I spend my time and energy to reply to such agitated and non-sensical folks like CROSCREAM. In reality, he is an unwitting helper and validator of the spotless Dharma. Without his agitated mind, this exchange would have never occured & many folks would have lost the chance to be exposed to the Dharma. And so, we should both thank CROSCREAM sincerely for bringing us here to illustrate the principles of the Dharma.
This is a good documentary that touches some of the basis of zen, and shows a lot of different japanese temples and teachers. Good for an introduction to the way of zen buddhism!
Gary Snyder is an ordained Zen monk and learned in the poetry and religious literature of India, China, and Japan. I will always remember the night Jack Kerouac appeared uninvited at my home, sat down with a jug of cheap port wine beside him on the floor, announced that he was a Zen Buddhist, and discovered that everybody in the room read at least one Oriental language.
gratitude FOR THE peaceful times gratitude for the quiet places thank you for that gratitude for the poems, gratitude for the leaves of fall many illnesses can sway us a Japanese remedy book says a warm cup of tea can heal them all gratitude for the soul power in simple persistence, zen makes them all beautiful; each breath is a new and different, thank you, very much! - dearb (nothing to add) ______ A baker woman shows her grains, the sun answers in light and butter, I have sun butter, I have seen the cows run today, oh, yet they've only been walking is the clock of my mind fast or is the circle of the sun slow she is waiting now, to be with every moment the days are long, yet light is fast the candle of this life burns slower, with poetic words as its wick not wax, they never burn away... your love is a cake I am eating and not lessening my pen is drunk with divine love when shin poets words are large, towers are small yet you can see all the world from wherever you stand, hidden places of lovers excluded! - dearb
not only the "negative" emotions and feelings are in fact unreal, the "positive" ones as well. Through Selfforgiveness both can be deleted, nothing left. Thus emptying the ego, the personality, one may come to the realisation of Self as the Lifeessence in all and everything. One will not rest untill all realise this and all will be one and equal as Life.
People never change coz the are indepedent but the think the are depedent so only their viewpoint of each part of them changes being good can be at a large degree but in troubled times u see good at a smaller degree but in reality it's magnitude has not changed only ur perception has changed its an illusion but a wise man may still see each part of him at the same degree and accepting it even in troubled times this to me is a true wise man
@LEVRAIVRAIZEN Thank you for your response. We are all Buddha. Some awake. Some asleep. From a Buddhist perspective, we gain freedom from desire when we realize what the original teacher, Shakyamuni realized himself. Zen is a practice, not a scholastic study. Using a method to train the mind, it is possible to awake to the fact he enlightened, there is no separate self. Self and other are one. This can be understood through logic, but it does not have the intimacy of direct experience.
Loving kindness for my (and other's) appearance, may it be enjoyable and cute, loving kindness, may I (and others) be able to bring out the original beauty in others (and myself) as well, that of the totally innocent, unconditioned mind. Loving kindness because it is the miracle of the mind, our own inner attitude about ourselves is the most important factor in whether we are beautiful. Everyone has beauty within, and a true artist knows this. When we carefully find the seed of it and cultivate it with mindfulness not submission to fashion trends then there is no limit to anyone's beauty. Loving kindness it is true.
Thank you Justin for your appreciations about my english abilities!!! However it seems that you got the point. By ceasing to focus too much on our conscious selves we can receive a greater general ( but also impersonal ) awareness about what's happening around us. In deep shikantaza meditation I can experience depersonalization. It was scary at first. I felt like my "self" was empty. But I accepted it and I realized that it is not an alteration of the perception but it is our true mind.
It's in the description box, but you'll have to buy it... Good luck! If you want to see a good movie see Master of Zen, or Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring. This are good Buddhist movies...
In zen we become one with ourselves; independent of others. And in so doing we realize the beauty of the other; by seeing that the other and ourselves not different. Why do we feel the fear of another? why do we share their joy? We share these things as the cloud waters the blue mountain and the mountain holds the white cloud. To learn the joy of another one must first learn the joy in themself. But to learn the joy in oneself one must share in laughter with others. "May all beings have happiness and the cause of happiness May they be free of suffering and the cause of suffering May they never in any life be disassociated from the supreme happiness which is without suffering in the shelter of the tripple gem. And May they dwell in boundless equanimity free from hate and hunger Though the souls be numberless I vow to free them Though the fears be more vast than time and space I vow to remove them Though the way be full of enemys I vow to live in love. The Budda way is unsurpassable, I vow to embody it someday. Out of the night that covers me and Black as the pit from pole to pole I thank what ever Gods may be For my unconcerable soul In the fell clutch of circumstance I may have winced and cried alloud but beneath the bludgeonings of chance My head is bloody but unbowed Beyond this place of wrath and tears looms yet the horror of the shade and yet the menace of the years finds and shall find me unaffraid Why did bodhidharma come from the west To see if Buddha was still living Gasho With Love Alexander M. Hall May i Quickly attain the state of Fugen Boatsu And may he come to my aid to strengthen me
@Benjy3634 If you're going to be excited about something, than "Be" excited. Zen is the "Being" which is not indifference, but more in touch with how you feel and what you are doing...or not doing.
If you go around telling people you're enlightened, you're not enlightened. You're ego is lying to you. In fact it can be seen as a form of spiritual narcissism.
It's interesting to juxtapose modern efforts in psychology with the study of Zen. Zen explained the concepts of Maslow, Gestalt and the rest long ago, but the lack of a scientific basis kept it from recognition. In a world ever obsessed with health, it is interesting that mental and emotional health is neglected as it is. We look to food as our cure, medicine and preventions, when it is truly the purity of our minds that brings our greater health.
0:33 Wait, Tozan, like in the shakuhachi - the flute in the background - player Nakao Tozan, who found the Tozan ryu, or a different Tozan? I couldn't find any further information by googling, on which 'Tozan' they're referring to. I'm biased as I play shakuhachi. Maybe Tozan just is/was a common Japanese name?
a beautiful "empty" film, i see it today second time, landed here again by accident surfing thru other empty channels :-))) best greetings from berlin - t...OM
If you are interested in Zen and are new to it and want a good book to read try "The Miracle of Mindfulness" by Thich Nhat Hahn, also "Being Zen, bringing meditation to life" these books are what beginners or even those that have practiced for 35 years can learn from easily. Also "What the Buddha Taught" while not Zen is good for general Buddhist understanding. I own all three of these books, and "The Miracle of Mindfulness" is my favorite.
Yes, tohoho. zen is mastered by practice. Conversely, no-zen just won't sit still long enough to be grasped. But, your zen is very admirable. You should be quite proud.
Bodhidharma, the founder of Chán-Buddhism which later became Zen, is described as a Central Asian Buddhist monk in the first Chinese references to him (Yan Xuan-Zhi, 547 CE), although later Chinese traditions describe him as coming from South India.
i am stoned and practicing zazen, a million branches of merit stem from each breath as the buddha aura of compassion surrounds me, with each puff, i enlightened monks hiding in the leaves, to catch a glimpse of these undisturbable dharmas, herb body and mind are one, the monks are merely the self gazing into the self trying not to disturb its processes, marijuana has no ill effect on our lungs or minds say the scientists, indeed once plant and mind seemed seperate, now we are one; and then none, formless, disintegrated on the winds of truth... in truth there is no herb nor is there mind, only the flickering of the chakras, creating this rainbow of energy the immortal forest, to which life and death is one, our cities are its leaves, in zazen I perceive this acting as the sun bringing light, uniting the city dwellers and the forest, under the dharma eye, their process is one! we are enlightened our culture like leaves, seen in microscopes, we the amoebas, how free, how beautiful this dream the world, empty yet profound, in meditation it is heaven- Ryu the sage
The difficulty in understanding a "stillness of the mind" vs "active daily thought" is a product of our language lacking terms that have traditionally been used in buddhism. Far from having "no" mind, Buddhism describes the subtle characters of different mindsets. I highly recommend "Sleeping, dreaming, and dying" with credit to the Dalai Lama as well as "The Art of Happiness". Both seek to meld our language and ideas with that of the eastern language and ideas.
we need to be able to see rituals as just rituals, though it can be fun to enter into it, its also nessecary to be able to work with things as they truly are. climbing a labyrinths walls can be a deep insight into leaving a situation. the problem with people these days is not that we are physically bound, but we have trouble getting beyond the conceptual train tracks with control our lives, not that they are useless but we should be able to realize we are not trains, we are just walking along
The new syncretic form of Buddhism expanded fully into Eastern Asia soon after these events. The Kushan monk Lokaksema visited the Han Chinese court at Loyang in 178 CE, and worked there for ten years to make the first known translations of Mahayana texts into Chinese. The new faith later spread into Korea and Japan, and was itself at the origin of Zen
Those who know don't talk, and those who talk don't know. Which makes you wonder why we're talking about it in the first place, unless we really don't know what we're talking about. Who are "you" and who are "we"? Just points of consciousness receiving and reacting to stimuli? Where do the stimuli come from? From without or within? What reacts to what, and why. Are we seeking pleasure and avoiding pain? Is that the problem? Should we just accept everything without attachment? I dunno.
When we are present globally, here and now, at our immediate environment with our senses and sensitivity, automatically,we have less tought and we calm down emotion. Then we can reproduce naturally this attitude in all activities: resolving mathematical problems, walking in the forest.for people who have difficulties, i suggest that to be aware of the breathing process may help.I think that the future of Zen is to open dialogue with other disciplines :chinese qi cong, western psychology.
There is some freedom in Groundlessness. We panic when there is no solid surface under our feet, or branch to hold onto for dear life. We become like milkweed pods in a cyclone. The only thing left to do is see where the wind will take us. It's a scary ride, but also has the potential to strenghten our inner core. We could see exactly what we're made of in the face of adversity. Let it ALL happen, for better or worse.
@MrTamimisa From this Quote i can see,that neither you have understood what the Satipatthanasutta invites you,nor have you ever practiced it,otherwise you would understand that you DO no things(like eliminating ideas and stuff) but be highly mindful of every sensorical input without jumping to gun with interpretations.
@KeniLeeBurgess Judging people as wise or foolish, bright or dim is to separate from the Buddha Dharma. It is the ordinary world of Samsara. When you practice Zen, you die on the cushion. This separate self (ego) no longer exists apart from the ten thousand things in the world. You are free from your personal desires and able to fulfill your vows to save all sentient beings. May your life go well.
@LEVRAIVRAIZEN The confusion comes in when we use words. Self and other are the same, but at the same time self and other are not the same. Physically we are two different people. When we interact together, the information I take in is actually an illusion created by my mind. It is not the real thing itself. This is where most people get confused. All their ideas, opinions, perspective are added on. We act based on these discriminated views. This does not take into account the big picture
Each one of our emotions (hate, jealousy, fear, love, etc) evolved over many millions of years to protect us from a hostile environment, science is only just catching up to this realization, the vast majority of things in the world are either harmful or not useful, when we experience the emotion of ''like'' we are learning to identify the tiny fraction of things in the environment which are beneficial to us. If the entire world practiced Zen i think we would be a far superior species.
You know when you learn to ride a bike, or swim, or play a musical instrument, or learn to juggle, how at first its seems so difficult? But then eventually you break through to another level where you relax and stop forcing the effort. You become completely engrossed in the activity and it comes to you with ease- a sense of not being "blocked" by your own effort. That is how I would describe Zen.
I believe that Zen is finding true yourself, understanding eternity, and peace in this finite world.
I can juggle and I am learning piano.. yes I agree.. without conscious effort don't think about doing it right👍🎹
Focus and no thinking
Obviously it goes far beyond.
Otherwise people would just practice something like these activities and get ...
We recommend Three Pillars of Zen by Philip Kapleau - as a must-have book. 5 Rings is a great book but primarily about Strategy. The translator, Bill Wilson is a close friend of ours. The Alan Watts lectures are very enoyable to listen to. Thanks for watching - emptymind films
Buddhism saved my life.
And then Slave Leia took it away
nobody lives forever.
@@nathanpiazza9644 ;")
. . . Buddhism saved me from being ....mundane....
2:42 "Do not differentiate yourself as apart from others."
3:21 "Copying is illegal and subject to prosecution."
Exactly! Yet another fake path.
No Money?
Go away!
We want your Money
You cannot have access the path of "enlightenment" !!!!!!!
You must pay for entry to pair of dice
another day
Find the middle way between the paradox
I purchased a Empty Minds martial arts dvd years ago and I still enjoy it. I think they create some cool vids. That jus me tho. Peace.
I would also note that probably all of us reading this just watch this video for free. That's something.
Hi everyone. I rarely comment, but this discussion needs a finger pointing to the moon. My films cover very difficult topics such as zen but the film and even this discussion are just a finger pointing. Nothing more. Any words, even from a zen master are just words - they are not the moon.
I will leave you for the next 10 weeks - we are filming in China - another difficult topic - Qi. Look for the clips in 2008.
EmptyMind Films
Well, the 'who' is not too important. This line is a reference to not forcing a natural activity like seeing or hearing - non interference. To not get in your own way. This is from the Tao and known as 'Wu Wei' which literally means 'Not Doing'. Can also mean that nothing is accomplished by going beyond or forcing a natural activity. It is a principle of the middle way and may sound odd when taken out of a large context, such as this whole film clip. Thanks for watching. EmptyMind Films.
The interesting thing about what you're describing is that explaining it to people that have never experienced it is like trying to describe how water tastes to someone who's never tasted or seen it. How awesome it would be to be able to directly share experience between people. Imagine seeing the sunset through the eyes of your best friend or even some random person standing by you, ..even better, through the eyes of a whole crowd of people at once. Unfortunately, for now all we have is words.
Of course - this is a trailer and can even be downloaded and used anywhere. We have trailers for download on our site.
dependent, yet independent - I love it.
Its interesting to see how comments vary from video to video, this peaceful video reflect peaceful comments
Beautiful video. Zen changed my life, it taught me to stop resisting, but to accept and just be. It helped me live a better and more sufficient way with my illness, and it is about teaching your mind discipline in a way.
"Oh yes, I love zen, the idea that an idea itself is its own liberation and that ultimately its all emptiness, the same feeling planets must have which makes them float, we become like planet, universe, floating on nothing... yes zen is healing, its the experience of the universe..." - my Japanese friend, Radewa talking about zen
The book is "Zen Flesh, Zen Bones", actually.
I wore out my first copy I got over 20 years ago and recently had to replace it. A good read for an introductory "feel" to Zen :)
Actually, we are saying that you are the leaf, not the stream. It is a comment to 'wu-wei' of not opposing change or not forcing something. In life, as in the stream, change is inevitable, and this can carry you along just as well, even if it seems there is nothing at work, or no set path. We used the leaf and the stream to show similarity between Zen and popular Taoist thought.
"The mind should be nowhere, in particular." -Zen Buddhist saying.
Every living being on this planet is right now experiencing the most intense joy and health that's ever been felt in this universe
Every Being Living or who has ever lived in this universe is now also experiencing this same joy and health - Africa
I like the metaphor of the leaf and the river ^^
Absolutely agree with previous post: Suzuki's book is definitely a must. Simple yet deep. "Everything" in just one book..
I have only reasently began learning Zen on my own so I hav no formal instruction. That in mind I would like to share what I hope will help all Zen/non Zen practioners to find peace with their lives. I reacently read that the true nature of the mind is to be at peace, and it is filled by feelings of non-peace by our own doing. The distractions of every day life keep us from achiving this peace. So I belive the way to achieve this is to let your mind free.
"There is no spoon." - The Matrix
@Muhammad Hamzah Ali I hope he's doing okay
You are the spoon and seeing is what makes it so.
@@bobobake1232 .
Loving Kindness, may the buddha in my lawn attract good fortune not just to me but to the whole community, I am so glad to have a stone Buddha in my lawn that everyone can see, I've meditated intensely for 10 years, loving kindness, its a fruit of the practice. Meditation is such a gift, may my house be a little Buddha shrine
If I went with the flow of advertising today, I would be broke today!
Emptying your mind is not the final stage. There's at least one more stage of returning to the world and taking comfort in being alive and part of the world, without worries or cravings.
"When I am weak, then I am strong"
Even Paul, a judeo-neo-christian could see a twofold pattern in the world.
Try to minimize your ego, and you will see how Gandhi reached the freedom of India without guns, just being" weak".
Don´t refuse to be yourself, just be yourself and let be.
Whenever I hear words like "There is nothing more than this" I wonder why such a thing would be said. I do not assume he knows more than I, nor I than he, but as beautiful as the words sound I hear eyes closing.
Without love there is no loss, but neither is there passion. There is a price to living and one does not have to pay if one does not wish to live.
If you want to study the origins of Zen?
and how hinduism gave rise to buddhism mixed with Taoism gave rise to chinese Zen and finally Japanese Zen.
READ "The Way of ZEN". By Alan Watts.
Thanks Bob I always thought they were linked, how about western mysticism? what Is your take?
Thank you
most concise explanation I've heard on it
So, if no effort is needed, ,why all this Zazen sitting, why becoming a monk, why the need of temples? Just flowing with the stream
is enough, wherever you are, whatever clothes you wear, in whatever posture you are.
To reach maximum nothingness, one must train
If you have realized then there's no need for effort but if not then you need effort.
The effort is like a slap in your face to make you realize you have never lost your face.
Well first of all it meshed with some things I already believed and wasn't based on faith. Its teachings were logical. It did help me better understand the ego, it taught me detachment also (Ego falls under that category). I really hadn't thought of that at all before I read about Buddhism. It helped encourage me to be a better person (I could do that anyway, but it did give me more motivation and helped me define my morality.)
I love how people try so hard to achieve a state they are already inhabiting, I will sum the entire philosophy up so you don't even need to watch this.....just be.
thank you
+Yann Pilgrim easy said then done
fnatist I don't know we are both doing it right now so it cant be that hard.
Who is it that is being ?
Short and beautiful. Thank you.
"A witty saying proves nothing."
-- Voltaire
Nice 👌
Too much negativity is never needed
It's not a competition
zen mind simply and beautifully explained! the core of enlightenment can be found here: in present moment awareness!!! to see and to hear clearly, to perceive everything as it is, without attachment or illusion, to be awakened, to live in the here and now!!! that's all you need in order to be free to live, to love and to be happy!
@impermanentoo "Ill have the last laugh with wisdom when i die" A true and honest establishment of ego, and a well-defined concept of self, and a selfish expression at that. Bravo friend! I knew you had it in you! Thank you for proving my point. The self, no matter how much you lie, cannot be denied.
This is a healthy practice, meditation, day by day, the mind sheds and blossoms, like the seasons, at the core; stillness.. Buddha-nature is here
@impermanentoo Each of us should ask ourselves, why do we practice? What do we hope to understand? What methods will help us meet our goals? These are personal and intimate questions that no can answer for you. Printed words or spoken words are symbols that our minds understand to represent things and ideas. The 5 senses take in information and our minds produce thoughts. The mind uses these symbols to categorized what we experience in reality.
Regarding the copyright notice: I am the filmmaker. I shot the film, paid for travel, crew, music... on and on. I wrote the script and edited for six months. The total time spent creating this one hour movie was nine months. I think I deserve to copyright and safeguard my own work, don't you? Do you work for free? I do not think so. So please ask yourself this with not just me, but any artist, musician or filmmaker who risks everything to bring this work to you.
@LEVRAIVRAIZEN Thank you for your response. We can go on endlessly stirring up the water and making it more murky. I choose to let it settle and become clear. I practice to understand what the Buddha taught and have a direct experience. Everyone must make the journey alone by themselves. This is the nature of the Zen method. Believing in something is very different than having faith. Come and realize for yourself. Experience establishes trust that you are on a good path. May your life go well
Zen is pure common sense. Many arenät in tune with how things are. They apply their own view on how things should be. And it seldom works. We can only have our way if the flow, others, can have their way as well. Mutual benefit as they call it.
There is no greater teaching than this
peaceful calming stuff
I have become interested in Zen due to reading some books by Dennis Schmidt when I was a boy. Many years, and many things have passed. I forsook the christian teachings of my childhood, and am now empty in my praise of science and atheism. I need to explore the emptiness that fills me, and see if a foundation can be built on Nothing. Thank you for this video. It is not the Path, but as much a way to the path as any other.
As Angels sit in meditation in the ethereal the practice of meditation is "on earth as it is in heaven"!!! Beautiful in the sight of God and angels!!
So croscream, I am sorry to say that so far, you have proven to be the antithesis of my beloved true Christian friend (Aunt B) as I referred to her. She took us to a Baptist church every Sunday in order to teach us about Jesus and the Gospel. A great debt I owe her for introducing me to such a wonderful person such as Christ. May she be with Him in His Glory for as long as it is ordained.
thank you for making this information readilly available to those who seek inner peace and well being
This is a great video. I hope people will take the time to learn more about Zen practice. This dharma is so powerful. GASSHO!
Thanks for letting me a little understand on your answering to proton1. I have been interesting in the basic on Zen for beginner.
ekydami, thank you for your kindness.
It is always for people such as you that I spend my time and energy to reply to such agitated and non-sensical folks like CROSCREAM.
In reality, he is an unwitting helper and validator of the spotless Dharma. Without his agitated mind, this exchange would have never occured & many folks would have lost the chance to be exposed to the Dharma.
And so, we should both thank CROSCREAM sincerely for bringing us here to illustrate the principles of the Dharma.
This is a good documentary that touches some of the basis of zen, and shows a lot of different japanese temples and teachers. Good for an introduction to the way of zen buddhism!
Very Zen way of life. It resonate in my " mountain girl" spirit.
On my blog my own way of being in Zen.
Gary Snyder is an ordained Zen monk and learned in the poetry and religious literature of India, China, and Japan. I will always remember the night Jack Kerouac appeared uninvited at my home, sat down with a jug of cheap port wine beside him on the floor, announced that he was a Zen Buddhist, and discovered that everybody in the room read at least one Oriental language.
Thanks for sharing, it is a great movie! 🙏
gratitude FOR THE peaceful times
gratitude for the quiet places
thank you for that
gratitude for the poems,
gratitude for the leaves of fall
many illnesses can sway us
a Japanese remedy book says
a warm cup of tea
can heal them all
gratitude for the soul power
in simple persistence,
zen makes them all beautiful;
each breath is a new and different,
thank you, very much! - dearb (nothing to add)
A baker woman shows her grains,
the sun answers in light and butter,
I have sun butter, I have seen the cows
run today,
oh, yet they've only been walking
is the clock of my mind fast
or is the circle of the sun slow
she is waiting now, to be with every moment
the days are long, yet light is fast
the candle of this life burns slower, with poetic words as its wick
not wax,
they never burn away...
your love is a cake I am eating
and not lessening
my pen is drunk with divine love
when shin poets words are large, towers are small
yet you can see all the world from
wherever you stand, hidden places of lovers excluded!
- dearb
respect for the earth
Simplicity Rising in all our lives - zen poem by Terena Lake
beautiful time before sunset, practicing zazen, feeling happiness, orange pink clouds, this is the liberation of all consciousness OM
not only the "negative" emotions and feelings are in fact unreal, the "positive" ones as well. Through Selfforgiveness both can be deleted, nothing left. Thus emptying the ego, the personality, one may come to the realisation of Self as the Lifeessence in all and everything. One will not rest untill all realise this and all will be one and equal as Life.
People never change coz the are indepedent but the think the are depedent so only their viewpoint of each part of them changes being good can be at a large degree but in troubled times u see good at a smaller degree but in reality it's magnitude has not changed only ur perception has changed its an illusion but a wise man may still see each part of him at the same degree and accepting it even in troubled times this to me is a true wise man
@LEVRAIVRAIZEN Thank you for your response. We are all Buddha. Some awake. Some asleep. From a Buddhist perspective, we gain freedom from desire when we realize what the original teacher, Shakyamuni realized himself. Zen is a practice, not a scholastic study. Using a method to train the mind, it is possible to awake to the fact he enlightened, there is no separate self. Self and other are one. This can be understood through logic, but it does not have the intimacy of direct experience.
as a catholic, i have immense interest in zen, i hope to one day delve into the teachings of zen, i have no wish to convert, but to better understand.
TIME FOR SOME PUPPY VIDEOS!!!! All this heavy talk has gotten me in the mood for some light cute puppies running around! whooohooooo!!!
Loving kindness for my (and other's) appearance, may it be enjoyable and cute, loving kindness, may I (and others) be able to bring out the original beauty in others (and myself) as well, that of the totally innocent, unconditioned mind.
Loving kindness because it is the miracle of the mind, our own inner attitude about ourselves is the most important factor in whether we are beautiful. Everyone has beauty within, and a true artist knows this. When we carefully find the seed of it and cultivate it with mindfulness not submission to fashion trends then there is no limit to anyone's beauty. Loving kindness it is true.
Thank you Justin for your appreciations about my english abilities!!! However it seems that you got the point. By ceasing to focus too much on our conscious selves we can receive a greater general ( but also impersonal ) awareness about what's happening around us. In deep shikantaza meditation I can experience depersonalization. It was scary at first. I felt like my "self" was empty. But I accepted it and I realized that it is not an alteration of the perception but it is our true mind.
that was great .....checking out your other videos..... but first i want to listen to this one again & again
"Cutting off all thinking, forgetting all conditions while sitting here with nothing to do -- Yet spring comes, and grass grows all by itself."
prayers for the moral and environmentally friendly conduct of all those who meditate in the zazen posture
It's in the description box, but you'll have to buy it... Good luck! If you want to see a good movie see Master of Zen, or Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring. This are good Buddhist movies...
In zen we become one with ourselves; independent of others. And in so doing we realize the beauty of the other; by seeing that the other and ourselves not different.
Why do we feel the fear of another? why do we share their joy? We share these things as the cloud waters the blue mountain and the mountain holds the white cloud.
To learn the joy of another one must first learn the joy in themself. But to learn the joy in oneself one must share in laughter with others.
"May all beings have happiness and the cause of happiness
May they be free of suffering and the cause of suffering
May they never in any life be disassociated from the supreme happiness which is without suffering in the shelter of the tripple gem.
And May they dwell in boundless equanimity free from hate and hunger
Though the souls be numberless I vow to free them
Though the fears be more vast than time and space I vow to remove them
Though the way be full of enemys I vow to live in love.
The Budda way is unsurpassable, I vow to embody it someday.
Out of the night that covers me
and Black as the pit from pole to pole
I thank what ever Gods may be
For my unconcerable soul
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I may have winced and cried alloud
but beneath the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody but unbowed
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
looms yet the horror of the shade
and yet the menace of the years
and shall find
me unaffraid
Why did bodhidharma come from the west
To see if Buddha was still living
With Love
Alexander M. Hall
May i Quickly attain the state of Fugen Boatsu
And may he come to my aid to strengthen me
@Benjy3634 If you're going to be excited about something, than "Be" excited. Zen is the "Being" which is not indifference, but more in touch with how you feel and what you are doing...or not doing.
I am enlightened ~ gratitude to the dream teacher that is zen, gratitude to the wisdom of nature, gratitude to the poetry!
You enlightened ?
If you go around telling people you're enlightened, you're not enlightened. You're ego is lying to you. In fact it can be seen as a form of spiritual narcissism.
wisdom.. it teaches smth new every time one becomes aware and practices it.
It's interesting to juxtapose modern efforts in psychology with the study of Zen. Zen explained the concepts of Maslow, Gestalt and the rest long ago, but the lack of a scientific basis kept it from recognition.
In a world ever obsessed with health, it is interesting that mental and emotional health is neglected as it is. We look to food as our cure, medicine and preventions, when it is truly the purity of our minds that brings our greater health.
Wait, Tozan, like in the shakuhachi - the flute in the background - player Nakao Tozan, who found the Tozan ryu, or a different Tozan?
I couldn't find any further information by googling, on which 'Tozan' they're referring to.
I'm biased as I play shakuhachi.
Maybe Tozan just is/was a common Japanese name?
very nice. Ive been looking into Tao and all that lately I find it a lot more peacful and calmer then anything else ive studyed.
a beautiful "empty" film, i see it today second time, landed here again by accident surfing thru other empty channels :-))) best greetings from berlin - t...OM
Awesome music, fantastic pictures and the wisdom of Zen. I sholud live a similar place, I know.
If you are interested in Zen and are new to it and want a good book to read try "The Miracle of Mindfulness" by Thich Nhat Hahn, also "Being Zen, bringing meditation to life" these books are what beginners or even those that have practiced for 35 years can learn from easily. Also "What the Buddha Taught" while not Zen is good for general Buddhist understanding. I own all three of these books, and "The Miracle of Mindfulness" is my favorite.
Yes, tohoho. zen is mastered by practice.
Conversely, no-zen just won't sit still long enough to be grasped.
But, your zen is very admirable. You should be quite proud.
Bodhidharma, the founder of Chán-Buddhism which later became Zen, is described as a Central Asian Buddhist monk in the first Chinese references to him (Yan Xuan-Zhi, 547 CE), although later Chinese traditions describe him as coming from South India.
He who knows others is wise he who knows himself is enlightened
Gosh Ryan that's really generous of you... can't imagine OcultOprah taking you up on it, but still you're a kind soul.
Aiki all the way. Excellent work. Where can I buy the full doc?
i am stoned and practicing zazen, a million branches of merit stem from each breath as the buddha aura of compassion surrounds me, with each puff, i enlightened monks hiding in the leaves, to catch a glimpse of these undisturbable dharmas, herb body and mind are one, the monks are merely the self gazing into the self trying not to disturb its processes, marijuana has no ill effect on our lungs or minds say the scientists, indeed once plant and mind seemed seperate, now we are one; and then none, formless, disintegrated on the winds of truth... in truth there is no herb nor is there mind, only the flickering of the chakras, creating this rainbow of energy the immortal forest, to which life and death is one, our cities are its leaves, in zazen I perceive this acting as the sun bringing light, uniting the city dwellers and the forest, under the dharma eye, their process is one! we are enlightened our culture like leaves, seen in microscopes, we the amoebas, how free, how beautiful this dream the world, empty yet profound, in meditation it is heaven- Ryu the sage
crazy how this video was uploaded one month before i was born
The difficulty in understanding a "stillness of the mind" vs "active daily thought" is a product of our language lacking terms that have traditionally been used in buddhism.
Far from having "no" mind, Buddhism describes the subtle characters of different mindsets.
I highly recommend "Sleeping, dreaming, and dying" with credit to the Dalai Lama as well as "The Art of Happiness". Both seek to meld our language and ideas with that of the eastern language and ideas.
True. The truth is what you believe in and your understanding what you preceive it to be. They are all truths.
we need to be able to see rituals as just rituals, though it can be fun to enter into it, its also nessecary to be able to work with things as they truly are. climbing a labyrinths walls can be a deep insight into leaving a situation. the problem with people these days is not that we are physically bound, but we have trouble getting beyond the conceptual train tracks with control our lives, not that they are useless but we should be able to realize we are not trains, we are just walking along
Beautiful images and I liked the narration.
5 stars!
The new syncretic form of Buddhism expanded fully into Eastern Asia soon after these events. The Kushan monk Lokaksema visited the Han Chinese court at Loyang in 178 CE, and worked there for ten years to make the first known translations of Mahayana texts into Chinese. The new faith later spread into Korea and Japan, and was itself at the origin of Zen
The narrator's voice is beautiful.
Those who know don't talk, and those who talk don't know. Which makes you wonder why we're talking about it in the first place, unless we really don't know what we're talking about. Who are "you" and who are "we"? Just points of consciousness receiving and reacting to stimuli? Where do the stimuli come from? From without or within? What reacts to what, and why. Are we seeking pleasure and avoiding pain? Is that the problem? Should we just accept everything without attachment? I dunno.
When we are present globally, here and now, at our immediate environment with our senses and sensitivity, automatically,we have less tought and we calm down emotion. Then we can reproduce naturally this attitude in all activities: resolving mathematical problems, walking in the forest.for people who have difficulties, i suggest that to be aware of the breathing process may help.I think that the future of Zen is to open dialogue with other disciplines :chinese qi cong, western psychology.
There is some freedom in Groundlessness. We panic when there is no solid surface under our feet, or branch to hold onto for dear life. We become like milkweed pods in a cyclone. The only thing left to do is see where the wind will take us. It's a scary ride, but also has the potential to strenghten our inner core. We could see exactly what we're made of in the face of adversity. Let it ALL happen, for better or worse.
Thank you! Just what I needed this morning, a new perspective.
I needed this growing up.
@MrTamimisa From this Quote i can see,that neither you have understood what the Satipatthanasutta invites you,nor have you ever practiced it,otherwise you would understand that you DO no things(like eliminating ideas and stuff) but be highly mindful of every sensorical input without jumping to gun with interpretations.
@KeniLeeBurgess Judging people as wise or foolish, bright or dim is to separate from the Buddha Dharma. It is the ordinary world of Samsara. When you practice Zen, you die on the cushion. This separate self (ego) no longer exists apart from the ten thousand things in the world. You are free from your personal desires and able to fulfill your vows to save all sentient beings. May your life go well.
@LEVRAIVRAIZEN The confusion comes in when we use words. Self and other are the same, but at the same time self and other are not the same. Physically we are two different people. When we interact together, the information I take in is actually an illusion created by my mind. It is not the real thing itself. This is where most people get confused. All their ideas, opinions, perspective are added on. We act based on these discriminated views. This does not take into account the big picture
Appreciate what you said, do you know or not where to see this documentary? simple question, if not I will keep looking,,
Each one of our emotions (hate, jealousy, fear, love, etc) evolved over many millions of years to protect us from a hostile environment, science is only just catching up to this realization, the vast majority of things in the world are either harmful or not useful, when we experience the emotion of ''like'' we are learning to identify the tiny fraction of things in the environment which are beneficial to us. If the entire world practiced Zen i think we would be a far superior species.