As a Russian, I know I wouldn't be able to learn Russian were I a foreigner - Russian is too confusing, too complicated, at times too archaic, at times too illogical. Every foreigner who managed to learn Russian is a hero. 🏆
I don't agree, Russian is a very clear and logical language, I see no difference in vocabulary acquisition in English, Russian or French, the point is grammar, but it was based on Latin (6 grammatical cases), if you know a little bit of history, you will know that Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and Romanian are derived from vulgar Latin, this happened as a natural assimilation process, the grammar of Latin is difficult enough, well, English also went through this process of adaptation (Anglo-Saxon, Normandy, Scandinavians) so these languages are easier to assimilate, Russian is not, you have the declension, movement verbs, prefixes, negative sentence changes, flexible sentences, memorizing this is difficult, but Russian is very rich, for example :прочитать, дочитать, перечитать, прочесть!! Я читаю Я прочитал /читал /прочёл На английском I read (present) I read, i had read and so on 😁 So English is simplified, the text is not clear, for example and for that reason, it has 12 tense
Even Russian is difficult for European people(except Slavic speaker) and native English speaker, it's extremely hard for me whom is Asian. So i gave up learning Russian... And now I'm learning English 😂 Русский - это самый сложный язык в мире!
Amazing! 7 languages - it’s impressive! My mother language is Bulgarian, I have a very good level of English, mid level of Castellano and during the quarantine I started studying Catalan. Currently at home we’re using all 4 languages - my BF speaks to his daughter in Catalan, I speak to my daughter in Bulgarian (or in English if it concerns also my BF), he speaks to my daughter in English, I speak to his daughter in Castellano. Bf and I usually speak in English unless we’re with other people and switch accordingly. It’s so funny and a bit challenging to make a couple of sentences without “borrowing” a word by another language. Anyway, thanks for the great job that you do! And your charm adds a lot to the videos :)
thanks for your messagte, it really touched me 😊 Whenever I have kids I also want to give them the gift of being bilingual (or multilingual). I think it is better than any material gift possible 😄
that moment when she switches to Catalan and this is when you notice you watched the previous languages without subtitles but understood them all- not noticing they were different languages. i can't describe this feeling it just feels soooooo damn good
This feeling is amazing 😍, I feel this whenever I listen to people talking or writting in languages I do not know, but which are similar enough for me to understand to a certain degree (like Portuguese, Slovenian...)
¡Qué impresionante! 😍 I love your channel. Subscribed! ☺️ Code switching is one of my favorite things to do. Due mesi e parli così bene! Bravissima. 😊 А как красиво говоришь по-русски! Здорово...
This was very impressive! I speak English and Spanish and started this year learning Catalan which you have helped me tremendously. I’m currently listening to your Spotify on Catalan on a daily basis. Moltes moltes gracias 🥳 que passeu un bon dia!
Come madrelingua italiano, ti faccio tanti complimenti per il tuo italiano, soprattutto considerando che lo studi da solo 2 mesi. In bocca al lupo con tutte le lingue, soprattutto con l’italiano :)
Couch Polyglot io invece grazie ai tuoi video sto imparando una mica de català 😅 è una lingua fantastica! Secondo me entro un anno parlerai italiano senza problemi :) buono studio!
@@francescogiommoni6079 secondo me anche entro due mesi, l'italiano essendo la sua quarta lingua neolatina :-) (Da madrelingua tedesca ho messo otto mesi a raggiungere il livello B1 nella mia terza lingua romanza..)
Amazing, especially the parts where you speak Russian (Russian friend agrees) and Italian! This video should serve as an inspiration for any language learner! Also, totally relate to forgetting words in your mother tongue and accent changes 😁 When you or maybe other Spanish friends speak Italian, I understand almost everything but when Italians or Pep Guardiola speak it, I'm often lost.
Wow you are amazing! My mother tongue is English but I learned Spanish from living in a Spanish speaking country for a few years, and I have always wanted to learn French but struggled for many reasons… but I would love to be comfortable in four languages. You are very inspiring! I get really nervous speaking in other languages because I feel like I must speak fluently. But that isn’t even the point, the point is to learn and communicate in a polite manner. Thank you 😊
I learned Spanish first. When i learned German i had no problem switching, but it was when i learned Portuguese that's when it really became difficult for me not to mix in spanish. This video honetly inspires me a lot that you can switch between italian catalan and espanol
Thanks a lot!! That is actuall why I am "afraid" of adding Portuguese. I really like how it sounds and can understand most of it, but I am afraid I will lose my Italian, which I only started roughly a year ago. Looking forward to our collaboration, maybe then I start with Portuguese :P
Ti ammiro molto! Soltanto due mesi imparando l'italiano e riuscivi già a capire quasi tutto, io l'ho studiato per circa due anni e non credo che il mio livello sia ancora così alto ma non fa niente hahahaha hai una grande capacità di cambiare lingue, io ne parlo 4 ad un livello ''buono'' diciamo, e ho bisogno ancora di sviluppare quell'abilità perché faccio troppa fatica a cambiare lingue. Vabbè, ti saluto da Giappone, bel video!
Ciao, grazie tante!! Cambiare lingue non è sempre facile, spesso se sono stanca faccio anche io fatica, è normale :) Mi piace molto Giappone, hai imparato il giapponese? Mi piacerebbe un giorno ma mi fa anche un po' "paura" hehe :D
@@CouchPolyglot Ciao! Prima di tutto grazie mille per rispondere al mio commento haha e sì, lo sto imparando adesso (da un anno più o meno) e a dire la verità sento ancora di aver un livello molto di base, ma non dovresti averne paura, se ti piace Giappone è ormai un motivo abbastanza buono per cominciare ad imparare questa bella lingua. Sebbene imparare il giapponese sia una vera sfida io mi sento molto gasato ogni giorno per continuare ad impararlo
It is very impressive that you were able to speak in seven different languages without using notes. Your Russian sounds very good. I can understand you better than a native Russian speaker because they tend to speak very fast.
I speak a very low level of Spanish but it was very fun to hear you speak Spanish along with Catalan and Italian. It brought me back to when I first started Spanish and could only pick a work or two out of a sentence but still understand what you were trying to say. Habla español muy buena y tú acento está muy bonita con pronunciación excelente!
This was awesome. I'm learning Italian probably( B2 level right now), and am very familiar with French (B2-C1) but want to improve both as much as possible. I also want to pick up learning Spanish but was nervous about taking on too much at once and making mistakes, especially since they're all romance languages. This definitely gave me some inspiration and if you have any more tips I would love to know ! =)
Thanks a lot, I know how you are feeling 😆, I am also still hesitant on whether to learn Portuguese or not, I fear it might mess up with my Italian, but at the same time I really want to learn it 😅
Nice video. Always good to see emerging polyglots on UA-cam:) I mix Spanish and Portuguese or Dutch and German. I am focusing on Russian now, and I thought that since the sound is different from Romance languages I wouldn't mix it with Spanish for example. But strangely enough I do mix them. I need some time to adapt (a few minutes) and then it goes smoothly:)
Hi there, yeah, it is crazy how sometimes the brain mixes things which are not related. I sometimes want to say "rabotat" in Italian, or I used to say "mais" when I was starting out with German 😅. It gets better with time and practice though! 😁 I am going to check your videos, you seem to speak lots of languages! 😄
Hello, good afternoon. My name is Otávio and I love the polyglot world. I have learned English, Spanish, French and Portuguese my native language. Salut, je suis Brésilien et j’adore la langue française parce qu’elle est très belle. Je pense que j’apprends beaucoup avec mes erreurs. La lengua española es muy interesante para mí porque ella es una lengua familiar. Me encanta mucho el mundo de los políglotas. Gracias por compartir ese video.
Laura, ets espectacular! 🤗 Sono italiana e la mia lingua preferita di sempre è il catalano. Complimenti davvero per la tua capacità di cambiare da una lingua all'altra in modo così naturale. In bocca al lupo con il tuo italiano!
Ciao Laura, sono Brasiliano e mi piace i tuoi video, adesso sto imparando italiano da 6 mesi e non posso parlare bene come te, ma riesco a capire quasi tutto. Congratulazioni per tuo livello in italiano.
És increible escoltar-te parlar 7 llengües diverses. De les que sé (català, castellà, anglès i italià), crec que ho has fet excel·lent, de debò. Merci pel video, salutacions!
Your capacity of switching from one language to another is amazing. I haven't got as far as you in the number of languages at such a high level but I am, of course, familiar with what's it like to live in another place than your home country. El hecho de estar viviendo en España hace que en el día a día estoy tán acostumbrado a hablar castellano que no me doy ni cuenta conscientemente que idioma estoy hablando. De hecho, me ha pasado que le he enviado mensajes a mi madre en Alemania hablándole en una lengua que no entendía, pues el castellano. Com ara estic aprenent el holandés , sí, en pot passar que no arribe a trobar les paraules. Vuig dir que en el meu poble tinc amics amb qui parle valenciá però conec a una dona holandesa amb qui parle holandés. Me he trobat en la situació de no estar mentalitzat i me eixíen les paraules en valenciá en volta de néerlandés. C'est tout un procès de preparation mentale. Quand je m'encontre avec un ami français, on parle principalement français - un mélange entre français et allemand parce qu'il sait un peu d'allemand aussi. Peut-être j'ai besoin d'un peu de temps pour me trouver à l'aise, mais en pratiquant on arrive á parler de plus en plus couramment. En génerale, j'ai l'impression que c'est plus une question d'être familier et a l'aise avec langue que une question de confondre les mots et expressions. Es ist immer sinnvoll, die verschiedenen Sprachen fließend genug zu beherrschen. Ich glaube, dass man dann auch nicht mehr durcheinander kommt.
I love such messages in several languages! It is a great pleasure to be able to read them without almost any effort :) I really get what you are saying, it happens to me with German sometimes!! :D
Esplendido Video ...!... Me da muchísimo gusto oirte hablar en tantos idiomas. Y practicamente entiendo todos los idiomas en los que hablas ... excepto en ruso ..!.. Muchos saludos ..!...
You are so incredible 😘😘😘 has been two years since that i'm learning English, but i'm not fluent yet, and now i started learning Italian, it's such a beautiful language, as a Brazilian i really hope i learn Italian like you. I'm so happy because i know i can learn Italian because it's very similar with portuguese! Hugs From Brazil! Hahaha portuguese it's not an easy language but if one person can speak russian, this person can speak even the language of dolphins 🤣🤣.
Thanks a lot Gerson, I might be studying Portuguese in the future, but right now it is too much with Italian and some Swedish 😂 (I have to laugh because it is really not much!). Hugs from Germany 😄
Primera vez que veo un video de tu canal. Hablas muy bien alemán, francés e inglés pero me he dado cuenta enseguida que eras española. No me preguntes porqué, quizás la uve que no era labiodental. Enhorabuena, es increible tu nivel en esos 3 idiomas. Saludos cordiales!
@@CouchPolyglot Yo hablo también varios a nivel B2 o C de haber trabajado fuera en multinacionales fuertes hablando varios idiomas constantemente. La experiencia me dice que conozco pocax personas como tú con un dominio a nivel C de tantos idiomas. Así que "chapeau"! Y lo de la uve es habitual pero todo es posible, cuesta un poco al principio.
Super impressive!! I'm fluent in English, have probably a C1 level in Spanish, B1 level or so in Russian, and am starting to learn Japanese as we have just relocated to Japan. I'm sure that if I tried to learn French, Catalán, Italian, or even German, it would be fairly easy for me. But my foreign languages aren't closely related to each other!
¡Muy impresionante, de verdad! Solo puedo repetirlo que tu alemán es casi perfecto. Bueno, como he averiguado hace poco llevas viviendo mucho tiempo en Alemania. Se nota. Pero no me lo doy por sentado, o cómo se diga, ya que hay mucha gente que vive décadas en otro país sin dominar la lengua. Entonces, enhorabuena! Cuál era tu nivel de alemán cuando te mudaste a Alemania?
Vielen Dank, lleguá a Alemania con un nivel "oficial" B2, eso me ayudó un montón a integrarme rápidamente. A pesar de tener un B2, me quedaba mucho por aprender todavía. Pero llegar con una base es genial, se lo recomendaría a todo el mundo que pueda :)
Don't give up, sometimes it takes time, specially if your mother tongue is very different. I have a playlist with some Spanish videos for beginners, maybe they help? 😄
Moltes gràcies Laura. Em passa constantment, visc a Suècia, i abans he viscut a Dinamarca, i quan parlo suec sempre barrejo coses en danès (i a vegades m'arriba que no sé si la paraula que estic dient és en suec o danés ...).
Hola Laura, estic mirant el teu vídeo i m'encanta com ho has fet, quan tenia 16 o 17 anys, em vaig adonar que m'encanten les llengües i vaig començar amb el francès i també l'italià, ara m'estic rient perquè moltes vegades barrejava paraules en portuguès, castellà, francès i l'italià. Deia: prou! No pots fer això! (Ho sé que és part del aprenentatge de llengües) però estava convençut que devia millorar les meves competències de les llengües que ja sabia parlar. Ara que veig el teu vídeo, t'admiro molt i ara m'estàs recordant que hauria de ser més disciplinat com abans, ara parlo 6 llengües. T'envio una forta abraçada (i perdona si he fet alguns errors xD)
Moi, je me suis rendu compte qu'on ne mélange plus les langues quand on est arrivé a maitriser la langue a un niveau internediaire, mais , oui, ce que peut passer est manquer des mots les plus basiques parfois. Comme on n'arrive pas á pratiquer et améliorer toutes les langues a même temps, on oublie facilement des mots, mais ça n'affecte pas tellement la façon générale de s'exprimer dans la langue.
Incredibile, il catalano sembra un dialetto italiano, ho capito quasi tutto 🥺😮😮😮😮 Sei sulla buona strada per imparare l'italiano, ho il tuo stesso problema con lo spagnolo. Italiano, spagnolo e catalano si assomigliano tantissimo
grazie mille, io amo la lingua italiana e sono contenta di potere parlare un po 😄. Capire è faccile, ma parlare bene è una sfida, io ho paura di parlare "itañolo" 😅
you’re perfect🤩 i’m learning russian in these days and while you were talking russian i almost understood everything. I want to learn spanish as my fourth language but i don’t know where i’m going to start..
thanks a lot 😍. Regarding learning Spanish, I have some videos to learn this language if you wish. Also you can start with Duolingo, it is great to get the first basics. Another option is getting a tutor. Or you just can combine them all 😊
I wish I had a job where I could switch between languages as you do. Thank you for this video. Me gusta mucho. Это мотивирует меня дальше учить языки! Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns bald in München ❤️
Hola, pues sí, es una suerte, lo que pasa que, por ejemplo, el francés ya no lo uso tanto como antes en el trabajo. Ja, hoffentlich sehen wir uns, ich weiß noch nicht, wann ich in den Urlaub fahre! Hoffentlich klappt es :D
Ja, es ist schon toll, wenn man einen Beruf hat, in dem man regelmäßig mehrere Sprachen anwenden kann. Je me rappelle d'un boulot que j'ai fait pendant un an, où je devais parler et écrire en anglais, français et allemand tout le temps. But while using all these languages was very cool, the job itself sucked. That's why I'm now back in a German-only environment.
Moltes gràcies 😊, no sóc directament de Barcelona, però sí, sóc catalana. On has après a parlar català? Ja he vist que parles moltíssimes llengües, és impressionant 😲
@@CouchPolyglot Moltes gràcies . Lo teu si que és impressionant :), M'agrada aprendre llengues , he crecut a Catalunya , visc aqui a Barcelona. El català el parlo tots els dies 😊.
7 languages is a great achievement and it's amazing how you can deal with some of them at the same time! I loved that I understood some of your Russian and all of your Italian; it inspires me to keep learning both. My native tongue is also Spanish but from Mexico and I see UA-camrs from Spain and borrow some of their words too. I'm also thinking about learning Portuguese because I started teaching online and I have plenty of students who speak Portuguese. However, I do try to trace a line with how many languages I should learn because it can get addicting (love languages, if I could I'd learn them all) and I rather focus on the languages I started with. Have you experienced this? Do you plan on learning more languages? Thank you for the video and for your time! I wish you the best.
Hi Anita, I know exactly what you mean... I would love to learn new languages, but as of now due to lack of time I will stick to the 7 :). Adding a new one would be too stressfull, but I might do it in the future :D. Good luck!
I agree, it can be quite addictive, especially with so many UA-cam languages to dip into. The trouble is, you can make very rapid progress at the start of learning a language, which gives you that first endorphin rush, while I find it hard to maintain enthusiasm once you've reached a plateau in your language learning after you've been studying one for a quite a while. You suddenly feel you're not making quite the same progress as you were at the beginning, despite your best efforts.
HI , so happy to see this video . you are excellent . is very difficult to keep them all in mind im abale to speak some of them but really difficult to not confuse them sometime . frech , arabic , english , espagnol . simplified chinese just for communication . and just start catalan curso .. please your advice and your help ......
Non ne ho visti tanti, guardo soprattutto video su UA-cam. Ma mi piace molto "la vita è bella", poi raccomandarmi qualche film che ti sia piaciuto in particolare?
@@CouchPolyglot mi piace questo film intitolato 'La grande bellezza' (The Great Beauty) realizzato nel 2014. Penso che tu possa vederlo su UA-cam o Amazon. Guarderò la tua raccomandazione questo fine settimana.
@@CouchPolyglot 'Pranzo di Ferragosto' è 'Dogman'. hai visto questi film? una commedia è un dramma. anche a me piace questo film, ma è in francese 'La faute a Fidel' je l'adore!
you inspired me to continue learning. I am learning my 3ed and 4th language at the same time, but it has been hard for me to balance things up, so some weeks I will do Spanish and I will stop my German, when I do make some hours for German, I study less Spanish. I want to make a balance without giving up on one of them.. how to do that?
This is indeed very hard, if you feel like studying too makes you stuck, start with one until you feel comfortable, and then add the other, mucha suerte / viel Glück! 😄
Tuo italiano e molto buono, per una che lo sta studiando da 3 mesi direi che e perfetto. Io ho cominciato studiare lo spagnolo da 6 mesi, posso dire che capisco molte parole, ma non parlo nada. Non mi esche nulla dalla bocca. Vorrei tanto capire come fai tu, il tuo metodo. Complimenti per tutto quello che fai.
Grazie tante, ho usato il metodo naturale, con tanto input. Se non sei in grado di parlare, magari prova a parlare da sola, a prendere lezioni di conversazione o a frequentare un corso. Penso che la cosa migliore sia ascoltare ogni giorno input comprensibili e a un certo punto "fa click" nel tuo cervello e riesci a comunicare meglio. Ci vuole tempo, però! Inoltre, l'italiano è stata la mia settima lingua :)
@@CouchPolyglot anche io faccio uguale ma quel "click" non è ancora arrivato. Potresti raccontare di più di questo? Porfa. Magari fai un episodio su questo tema 😉
Muchas gracias por tu vídeo Laura. Muy impresionante 😃 ¿a que te dedicas? Quería tener un trabajo en lo que necesito interactuar con clientes hispanohablantes pero a pesar de eso lo tuyo me suena similar que lo mío. Castellano se ha vuelto parte parte de mi vida ahora a través de la lectura y UA-cam i ahara estic atenent català amb el teu vídeos i LingQ. Molts gràcies otre vegada 😃
Muchas gracias, pues trabajo en una empresa internacional en el departamento de "operaciones", así que estoy en contacto con "partners" y clientes de diferentes países a diario. También con bancos, p.e. La verdad es que lo que más me gusta es poder hablar tantos idiomas a diario (alemán, inglés, español y francés casi todos los días). Que guai que aprenguis el català ;)
@@CouchPolyglot 🇨🇵🇧🇷🇬🇷🇦🇩🇮🇹🇪🇸i ara jo estudio anglès però tinc dificultats, per a mi són més fàcils les llengües llatines. El castellà considero com la meva segona llengua. Jo sóc brasiler.
Ual parabéns 👏👏👏💎, perfeitas pronúncias, você é excelente!! I loved your pronunciation! Quer aprender Portugues do Brasil 😁? E você me ensina seu inglês,🙏👏👏😊 P
Whenever I read Portuguese, I want to learn this beautiful language 😄. I might be starting in 2021, right now I want to focus on Italian and Russian though. A good tip for your English is to watch series or videos on UA-cam, this has helped me a lot with all the languages I speak 😊
@@CouchPolyglot Muitíssimo obrigado!!👏👏👏, Your tip will be very important !!! If I need to ask for more help and tips .... Okay, 😊? But I was very delighted with your excellent pronunciation !!! 👏👏👏. .. When you want to learn Portuguese, I am available, I really like to practice speaking with natives !! Ualll is amazing !! The most beautiful word in Portuguese "saudade" 😊 = Nostalgia in italiano ... Vivo in Brasile, ma sono un discendente italiano 😊😊, abbraccio forte, possiamo parlare se vuoi ... 😁😊 Ciao
@@CouchPolyglot Beautiful language too também, as well as panholSpanish 😊 jajajaja. It will be a fantastic experience to be part of your channel 👏👏🙏 Your pronunciation is very clear 👏👏👏
Parles molt bé, Laura. Jo també parlo català, castellà, anglès, alemany i francès i t'he de dir que tens un domini sorprenent. Li passaré els teus videos a la meva parella (alemanya) que vol aprendre català.
Pas mal du tout! Tu sembles avoir atteint un très bon niveau dans la majorité de tes langues, ce qui te permet de changer de langue facilement! Tu as la chance d'avoir un travail qui te permet de maintenir tes langues au quotidien! Personnellement je n'utilise que l'anglais et le néerlandais au travail (je suis professeur). Le reste de mes langues, je les pratique également au quotidien par la lecture et UA-cam (ce qui me prend un minimum de 2h en plus). Avec ton profile, tu pourrais rejoindre l'HYPIA (, c'est une très chouette communauté de polyglottes et on discute des langues. On fait parfois aussi des sessions Zoom où on utilise autant de langues que possible, c'est vraiment chouette! Et ce serait chouette de te voir y participer, car plusieurs membres parlent catalan! :) Gostaria muito de ouvir você falar português também! ^^
Al meu entorn sempre parlava català, però el vaig aprendre a través de l'escola i continguts àudiovisuals. En el meu cas d'amant de llengües, ho considero una sort haver-lo après ja de manera natural de petita :)
In 2 mesi e mezzo ha imparato quello che in 2 anni ho imparato io😂. Bravissima Anch'io capisco tutto il 90% pero il problema è il parlare con altre persone che parlano benissimo l'italiano perché ti viene la paura di dire qualcosa sbagliata.
Doncs, tu italià és de veritat molt bo i m'agrada com ho parles. La teva pronunciaciò de algunes frases és ja com la de un parlant natiu, aixì que et felicito! I també quero que sàpigas que tens la sort de parlar dos de les llengues més bellas del mon... el català (que m'agrada massa) i el castellà, que va ser la primera llengua que vaig començar a aprendre en qualitat d'autodidacte (l'inglés amb els professors al institut) quand tenia només 12 anys. Si necessites ajuda amb l'italià, diguem-ho!
Hola Andrea, quin missatge tan maco, moltes gràcies 😍. Tu veig que ja parles força bé el català, et felicito 👍👍👍. Espero que et serveixin els meus vídeos per seguir aprenent aquesta llengua (tot i que potser per a tu són massa fàcils, no ho sé). Gràcies per oferir-me ajuda amb l'italià, ho tindré en compte! Ara mateix tinc molta feina i molt poc temps, però potser més endavant 😊
Aunque solo hables un idioma aveces olvidas palabras, lo peor es que sabes como se dice en otro idioma pero no lo puedes comunicar asi. Toca buscar sinónimos.
How many times did you need to learn Russian language and German 😊?? , looking forward for your answer because I've just started to learn the languages 😁
Hi Yohana, thanks for your message 😊 I learned German for four years during university, had a couple of short stays in Germany, and then moved there. I have now been living in Germany for 8 years, but I would say it took me 5-6 years to get to the level I am at now (I have been using it now for 12 years, but really the "learning" happened mostly during the years at school + the first two years in Germany, from then on I have been "maintaining" my level I would say). Regarding Russian, I have been learning it for 5-6 years. I would say for the last three years I have been maintaining the level and only "slightly" improving. I want to focus more on this language and bring it to a higher level, but let's see. I hope you find it useful and I wish you lots of luck on your language learning journey, enjoy it 😄
@@CouchPolyglot Thank you !! hehehe now I know that it would take a long time to learn any languages , but what you did is really motivated me , I will try my best and I hope I never give up on this 😅
Complimenti Laura. Call me, if you want to practice your Italian. Podemos hacer intercambio y también hablar español o tu em pots ensenyar una mica de català. Por último, mas não menos importante, podemos aprender português juntos. Parabéns! 🙂
you are so amazing. I "speak" four languages: Arabic, English, Spanish and Somali. But not the way you do. My Spanish is not very good because it is the last language I am now learning.
Wow congratulations, you speak them all really well! I also really like your channel, great ideas! I've a few language videos up aswell if you get a chance to check them out :)
@@CouchPolyglot I wish you good luck with suffixes already, it is good to add the end of a word. You can even make a new word that somebody never ever said it before and and it will be completely unheard and at the same time correct grammar wise.
vielen Dank, so gut kann ich es aber nicht, ich mache schon oft Fehler, da die Gramatik so krass kompliziert ist, mir sind aber Fehler nicht peinlich oder so, ich spreche einfach weiter 😊. Ich habe noch nie in Russland gelebt, aber in meinem Umfeld sind viele Russisch-Sprachige und ich habe sehr oft Gelegenheit zu üben. Außerdem habe ich eine Stunde Unterricht pro Woche, wo wir fast nur sprechen. Das hilft natürlich enorm 😁
Aloha! ------- 💛❤💛❤💛❤💛❤💛 Com va tot? M'acaba de sortir aquest vídeo com a sugerència i m'ha cridat molt l'atenció, en honor a aquest vídeo, aniré fent salts lingüístics segons la llengua de la que parli. He començat amb el català perquè és la meva llengua materna, la que faig servir més en els meus cercles actuals i demés, des de que vaig néixer a la ciutat de Barcelona el novembre de 1994. ------------------- 🇪🇦 Luego, obviamente hablo español/castellano (mi variante dialectal), aunque soy capaz de mantener una conversación en catalán y castellano a la vez, algunas veces, cuando hace mucho tiempo que no uso la lengua (la cual chapurreaba desde bién pequeña y se puede decir que hablo desde los 3 años), me lío y se me dispara el acento catalán a tope, especialmente cuando hablo con alguien o digo algo en general, que normalmente hablo y digo en catalán, entonces soy incapaz de hablarlo. Ya de por sí, soy una de esas personas que tiene un fuerte acento catalán pues en esos casos empeora. ---------- 🇬🇧🇺🇸 Now, regarding English, this language has been always around, when I was 1 year old I already knew the alphabet, the numbers up until ten, some colors (US)/colours (UK), and some animals. But it wasn't until I was 15-16 when I had my first Speaking Class that I realised how much I needed to learn still, so I started speaking in English at luch time with my father and watching shows and movies: first with Spanish subtitles, then English subtitles, then without subtitles but watching stuff that I'd watched a lot before until I was able to watch new stuff. Nowadays, I even understand the Scottish Accent in Outlander (awesome show!🙌🏽). My English is a mixture between both American and British English, 'cause I studied the Oxford English at school, but I've watched lots and lots of shows and movies from the US. (I know that there's other countries like Australia, but I'm using the flag of the accents/dialects that I use). ‐------------------------------- 🇮🇹 Dopo, sono stata due mesi in Roma in 2016, di tirocinio (ERASMUS+), lavoravo nel Centro Diurno per Anziani Fragili La Casetta. Fui li senza sapere quasi niete di italiano, perchè il corso della lingua era online durante la stata. Cominciai a parlare la lingua con fluidesa dopo del' primo mese, ma lo parlavo come te (in questo video), con accento spagnolo. Una volta fui tornata, studai un pò di più, e adesso lo parlo così bene, meglio almeno. --------‐--------------- 🇵🇹 Finalmente, a última lingua que eu aprendi foi o português. Eu não sei se você ja o fala ou não, porqué faz um ano da publicação deste video, mas, eu acho que você pode perceber igualmente porqué a primeira coisa que o meu professor disse-me é que se eu queria aprender o português só para perceber e fazer-me perceber pelos outros, não precisava de estudar a lingua, porque o português e muito perto ao espanhol e as veces ao catalão. Então, eu fiz um estagio (ERASMUS+ outra vez) de dois meses em Lisboa no ano 2018 onde trabalhava pela Rede de Bibliotecas da Cámera Municipal, mais um mes numa escola de linguas em Barcelona antes. Empecei a falar a lingua fluidamente em duas semanas. Mas, uma coisa que ocurreu foi que não podia falar italiano, cada vez que tentava falá-lo acabava por dizer uma palavra em português, foi horrível, pensei que não poderia voltar a falar italiano. Mas isso era porqué estava apreder o portugués e tinha toda a atenção nesa lingua. Ao voltar para casa pude voltar a falar italiano sem dificultade. Actualmente posso falar as duas linguas ao mesmo tempo, mas posso fazer alguns erros e um pouco de mistura entre as duas as veces. Eu posso mudar de lingua mais facilmente com o catalão, o espanhol e o inglês. ---------------------------- 💛❤💛❤💛❤💛❤💛 I bé, per donar-li una mica de simetria a la cosa acabaré en català. Sóc fan de les llengües, i, exceptuant l'anglès, M'agradaria continuar aprenent primer les llengües romàniques, ja que, sí, pot generar-se certa dificultat a l'hora de diferenciar-les i acabar fent una barreja, però també són aquelles que acabes aprenent més ràpid, perquè ja les pots arribar a comprendre ja d'entrada i el fet de què tinguin vocabulari molt semblant també ajuda, per exemple quan estava aprenent l'italià, m'era més útil el català que no pas el castellà, amb paraules com aquestes per exemple: "manca, mai, finesta, asciugare, tagliare, trobare, porta, portare..." La següent llengua que tinc a la llista és el francès. Seguida del romanès, llavors, faria una pausa amb els llengües romàniques i faria servir el romanès com a una mica de pont entre llengües romàniques i llengües eslaves, que són les que m'agradaria aprendre després. Per cert! Com entenia i parlava quatre de les llengües d'aquest vídeo, m'hauries de veure activant i desactivant els subtítols constantment😅. Bé doncs, ho sento per la llargada del comentari😕. Espero que hagis arribat al final. Bon vídeo! Records des del Maresme!
@@richardaerts2735 Muito obrigada! Faz já tres anos que aprendí a lingua, e também que não a estudo, e por isso que faço alguns erros, porquê me esqueço 😅.
Hola Judith! Moltes gràcies pel comentari! :) Jo abans tenia un accent molt català quan parlava castellà, però amb el temps se m'ha "neutralitzat", ahora creo que no tengo un acento tan fuerte. Scottish accent is super difficult, I actually have a hard time understanding it. Quando ho iniziato a imparare l'italiano, parlavo davvero Itañol haha, ci vuole un po' per migliorare :). Non parlo portoghese ma lo capisco abbastanza bene Aprendre primer el romanès per llavors passar a llengües eslaves té molt de sentit perquè aquesta llengua té molta influència eslava. A mi personalment el rus m'encanta, però es tarda més temps que amb llengües romàniques Molta sort, suposo que ens anirem veient pel canal :)
I wanna become polyglot. How can I understand every single sentence from an English film? Americans "eating" words. Voglio diventare poliglotta. Come posso capire ogni singola parola di inglese? Gli americani si mangiano le parole ahahaha
Hi there, a great way to practice that is watching the films with English subtitles. Over time, you get used to it. Still, occasionally there are words I do not understand, so this "will always happen". Good luck 😄
@@CouchPolyglot Ok, I almost practise this method. It is a great way to learn new words, expressions and the "sounds" of sentences and single word. I start read comics to learn new words, fìgreat methods!!
Un video fantastico cara Laura! =)
che emozione avere un commento da te, grazie tante, Luca! 😄 Sono felice che ti piaccia il video 🥰
As a Russian, I know I wouldn't be able to learn Russian were I a foreigner - Russian is too confusing, too complicated, at times too archaic, at times too illogical. Every foreigner who managed to learn Russian is a hero. 🏆
That’s very nice
Thanks, that is indeed very nice 😄
Pls, change your "o" In "a". Why пока you read "paka" but not "poka" 😅🤯
I don't agree, Russian is a very clear and logical language, I see no difference in vocabulary acquisition in English, Russian or French, the point is grammar, but it was based on Latin (6 grammatical cases), if you know a little bit of history, you will know that Portuguese, Spanish, French, Italian and Romanian are derived from vulgar Latin, this happened as a natural assimilation process, the grammar of Latin is difficult enough, well, English also went through this process of adaptation (Anglo-Saxon, Normandy, Scandinavians) so these languages are easier to assimilate, Russian is not, you have the declension, movement verbs, prefixes, negative sentence changes, flexible sentences, memorizing this is difficult, but Russian is very rich, for example :прочитать, дочитать, перечитать, прочесть!!
Я читаю
Я прочитал /читал /прочёл
На английском
I read (present)
I read, i had read and so on 😁
So English is simplified, the text is not clear, for example and for that reason, it has 12 tense
Even Russian is difficult for European people(except Slavic speaker) and native English speaker, it's extremely hard for me whom is Asian. So i gave up learning Russian... And now I'm learning English 😂 Русский - это самый сложный язык в мире!
You are one of the very few polyglots that impress me. You go girl!
Hi Petra, that is very nice, thanks a lot 😄
Amazing! 7 languages - it’s impressive! My mother language is Bulgarian, I have a very good level of English, mid level of Castellano and during the quarantine I started studying Catalan.
Currently at home we’re using all 4 languages - my BF speaks to his daughter in Catalan, I speak to my daughter in Bulgarian (or in English if it concerns also my BF), he speaks to my daughter in English, I speak to his daughter in Castellano. Bf and I usually speak in English unless we’re with other people and switch accordingly. It’s so funny and a bit challenging to make a couple of sentences without “borrowing” a word by another language.
Anyway, thanks for the great job that you do! And your charm adds a lot to the videos :)
thanks for your messagte, it really touched me 😊
Whenever I have kids I also want to give them the gift of being bilingual (or multilingual). I think it is better than any material gift possible 😄
Fantastic! I found your channel from the French days n'Swedish channel. Your channel is a great find. Thank you!
Thanks a lot, glad you like it :)
that moment when she switches to Catalan and this is when you notice you watched the previous languages without subtitles but understood them all- not noticing they were different languages. i can't describe this feeling it just feels soooooo damn good
This feeling is amazing 😍, I feel this whenever I listen to people talking or writting in languages I do not know, but which are similar enough for me to understand to a certain degree (like Portuguese, Slovenian...)
¡Qué impresionante! 😍 I love your channel. Subscribed! ☺️ Code switching is one of my favorite things to do.
Due mesi e parli così bene! Bravissima. 😊
А как красиво говоришь по-русски! Здорово...
muchas gracias 😁, mi piace anche cambiare spesso di lingua, ты говоришь тоже по русский?😲
@@CouchPolyglot Ах да! Всегда, когда я слушаю русский язык, я так рад 😍
И думаю, что это мой любимый язык...
(Post linguam Latīnam, certē! Hahae)
This was very impressive! I speak English and Spanish and started this year learning Catalan which you have helped me tremendously. I’m currently listening to your Spotify on Catalan on a daily basis. Moltes moltes gracias 🥳 que passeu un bon dia!
Thanks a lot, moltes gràcies :)
Come madrelingua italiano, ti faccio tanti complimenti per il tuo italiano, soprattutto considerando che lo studi da solo 2 mesi. In bocca al lupo con tutte le lingue, soprattutto con l’italiano :)
wow grazie mille, il italiano mi piacce tantissimo, io ascolto l'italiano ogni giorno 😍
Couch Polyglot io invece grazie ai tuoi video sto imparando una mica de català 😅 è una lingua fantastica! Secondo me entro un anno parlerai italiano senza problemi :) buono studio!
@@francescogiommoni6079 secondo me anche entro due mesi, l'italiano essendo la sua quarta lingua neolatina :-) (Da madrelingua tedesca ho messo otto mesi a raggiungere il livello B1 nella mia terza lingua romanza..)
Wow! I would love to do what you just made… I’m learning with you. Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot, glad you liked it! Feel free to share it, this helps me a lot :)
Impressive, remarkable, and beautiful! I am looking forward to listening to you speak Portuguese 😊
obrigada, um dia... :)
@@CouchPolyglot um dia com certeza, não tenho nenhuma dúvida!
Wow ! Laura, CONGRATULATIONS. Parles molt bé ! 🤗
Amazing, especially the parts where you speak Russian (Russian friend agrees) and Italian! This video should serve as an inspiration for any language learner! Also, totally relate to forgetting words in your mother tongue and accent changes 😁 When you or maybe other Spanish friends speak Italian, I understand almost everything but when Italians or Pep Guardiola speak it, I'm often lost.
Thanks for your kind words, glad you liked it 😊
Subscribed to your channel. Adelante!
Thanks a lot, muchas gracias :)
Wow you are amazing! My mother tongue is English but I learned Spanish from living in a Spanish speaking country for a few years, and I have always wanted to learn French but struggled for many reasons… but I would love to be comfortable in four languages. You are very inspiring! I get really nervous speaking in other languages because I feel like I must speak fluently. But that isn’t even the point, the point is to learn and communicate in a polite manner. Thank you 😊
hi Maddy, exactly, step by step, communicating is the most important thing 😊
This is unbelievably impressive lovely Laura 👌👏😮😲👍🏅. You are a language genius! The ease with which you change languages is super impressive!
Hola Ben, moltes gràcies 😊. I do make lots of mistakes, but it is important not to be afraid and just give it a try 😄
I learned Spanish first. When i learned German i had no problem switching, but it was when i learned Portuguese that's when it really became difficult for me not to mix in spanish. This video honetly inspires me a lot that you can switch between italian catalan and espanol
Thanks a lot!! That is actuall why I am "afraid" of adding Portuguese. I really like how it sounds and can understand most of it, but I am afraid I will lose my Italian, which I only started roughly a year ago. Looking forward to our collaboration, maybe then I start with Portuguese :P
Ti ammiro molto! Soltanto due mesi imparando l'italiano e riuscivi già a capire quasi tutto, io l'ho studiato per circa due anni e non credo che il mio livello sia ancora così alto ma non fa niente hahahaha hai una grande capacità di cambiare lingue, io ne parlo 4 ad un livello ''buono'' diciamo, e ho bisogno ancora di sviluppare quell'abilità perché faccio troppa fatica a cambiare lingue. Vabbè, ti saluto da Giappone, bel video!
Ciao, grazie tante!! Cambiare lingue non è sempre facile, spesso se sono stanca faccio anche io fatica, è normale :)
Mi piace molto Giappone, hai imparato il giapponese? Mi piacerebbe un giorno ma mi fa anche un po' "paura" hehe :D
@@CouchPolyglot Ciao! Prima di tutto grazie mille per rispondere al mio commento haha e sì, lo sto imparando adesso (da un anno più o meno) e a dire la verità sento ancora di aver un livello molto di base, ma non dovresti averne paura, se ti piace Giappone è ormai un motivo abbastanza buono per cominciare ad imparare questa bella lingua. Sebbene imparare il giapponese sia una vera sfida io mi sento molto gasato ogni giorno per continuare ad impararlo
It is very impressive that you were able to speak in seven different languages without using notes. Your Russian sounds very good. I can understand you better than a native Russian speaker because they tend to speak very fast.
thanks, glad you liked it 😊
I speak a very low level of Spanish but it was very fun to hear you speak Spanish along with Catalan and Italian. It brought me back to when I first started Spanish and could only pick a work or two out of a sentence but still understand what you were trying to say.
Habla español muy buena y tú acento está muy bonita con pronunciación excelente!
Great, glad you liked it 😄
This was awesome. I'm learning Italian probably( B2 level right now), and am very familiar with French (B2-C1) but want to improve both as much as possible. I also want to pick up learning Spanish but was nervous about taking on too much at once and making mistakes, especially since they're all romance languages. This definitely gave me some inspiration and if you have any more tips I would love to know ! =)
Thanks a lot, I know how you are feeling 😆, I am also still hesitant on whether to learn Portuguese or not, I fear it might mess up with my Italian, but at the same time I really want to learn it 😅
so impressive and inspiring 🤩
Thanks :)
I'm currently learning 5 languages through Memrise and Drops.
- French
- German
- Italian
- Spanish
- Portuguese
Sounds like fun :)
Nice video. Always good to see emerging polyglots on UA-cam:)
I mix Spanish and Portuguese or Dutch and German. I am focusing on Russian now, and I thought that since the sound is different from Romance languages I wouldn't mix it with Spanish for example. But strangely enough I do mix them. I need some time to adapt (a few minutes) and then it goes smoothly:)
Hi there, yeah, it is crazy how sometimes the brain mixes things which are not related. I sometimes want to say "rabotat" in Italian, or I used to say "mais" when I was starting out with German 😅. It gets better with time and practice though! 😁
I am going to check your videos, you seem to speak lots of languages! 😄
@@CouchPolyglot Would you be interested in making a video together? No pressure, only if you want:)
Maybe at some point in 2021? You can write me a mail if you have a cool idea to collaborate :)
@@CouchPolyglot Perfect. I'll keep that in mind. Take care and Merry Christmas:)
Wow, Dein Deutsch ist hervorragend! Viele Grüße aus Österreich.😊
Vielen Dank, das ist echt lieb von dir :)
Im from Brazil and Id love to see you learning Portuguese 🥰
One day I hope so! I understand quite a lot and I would love to learn it :)
Bravo ,Laura! Exelente!👏👏👏
Muchas gracias 😁
Well done!
Thanks :)
Wow that’s a lot! Impressive
thanks a lot 😄
Hello, good afternoon. My name is Otávio and I love the polyglot world. I have learned English, Spanish, French and Portuguese my native language.
Salut, je suis Brésilien et j’adore la langue française parce qu’elle est très belle. Je pense que j’apprends beaucoup avec mes erreurs.
La lengua española es muy interesante para mí porque ella es una lengua familiar. Me encanta mucho el mundo de los políglotas. Gracias por compartir ese video.
Hi Otávio, that is really cool, thanks for sharing. Obrigada, muchas gracias, merci :)
Ostres, estes molt be amb llengues 👏🏾
Moltes gràcies! :)
Awesome work! True polyglot 💯👏
thanks a lot 😀
Обалдеть! Лаура, ты такая умничка!!!😍
Привет, Ольга, большое спасибо! Happy you like it 😄. Я многому научился у тебя русскому!
Where are you now? Still teaching Russian? Or Spanish? 😘
Hallo, ich komme aus Deutschland und lerne gerade Spanisch und Englisch. Deine Videos helfen mir dabei sehr, danke😊
Das ist echt toll, das freut mich sehr 😄
A vrai dire vous êtes une génie.Je t'aime très fort !
Merci :)
J'ai fait une nouvelle vérsion dans 8 langues, vous l'avez vu ?
Laura, ets espectacular! 🤗 Sono italiana e la mia lingua preferita di sempre è il catalano. Complimenti davvero per la tua capacità di cambiare da una lingua all'altra in modo così naturale. In bocca al lupo con il tuo italiano!
Grazie tante, il tuo commento mi rende molto felice, continuerò con l'italiano :)
Love it!!! I'm learning my 5th and I'm so scared of mixing french, spanish and italian :((( Hope I can make it work!
Poco a poco :)
Not getting stressed is the best way to go, we are all human and make mistakes, it is part of the process :D
Ciao Laura, sono Brasiliano e mi piace i tuoi video, adesso sto imparando italiano da 6 mesi e non posso parlare bene come te, ma riesco a capire quasi tutto. Congratulazioni per tuo livello in italiano.
Grazie tante, obrigada :D
Ты молодец!!! Отлично говоришь!
большое спасибо за комплимент 😄
És increible escoltar-te parlar 7 llengües diverses. De les que sé (català, castellà, anglès i italià), crec que ho has fet excel·lent, de debò. Merci pel video, salutacions!
Moltes gràcies! :D
Bravissima, bellissima, fuori e dentro. Un abbraccio.
oh, grazie mille!! :)
Your capacity of switching from one language to another is amazing. I haven't got as far as you in the number of languages at such a high level but I am, of course, familiar with what's it like to live in another place than your home country.
El hecho de estar viviendo en España hace que en el día a día estoy tán acostumbrado a hablar castellano que no me doy ni cuenta conscientemente que idioma estoy hablando. De hecho, me ha pasado que le he enviado mensajes a mi madre en Alemania hablándole en una lengua que no entendía, pues el castellano.
Com ara estic aprenent el holandés , sí, en pot passar que no arribe a trobar les paraules. Vuig dir que en el meu poble tinc amics amb qui parle valenciá però conec a una dona holandesa amb qui parle holandés. Me he trobat en la situació de no estar mentalitzat i me eixíen les paraules en valenciá en volta de néerlandés.
C'est tout un procès de preparation mentale. Quand je m'encontre avec un ami français, on parle principalement français - un mélange entre français et allemand parce qu'il sait un peu d'allemand aussi. Peut-être j'ai besoin d'un peu de temps pour me trouver à l'aise, mais en pratiquant on arrive á parler de plus en plus couramment. En génerale, j'ai l'impression que c'est plus une question d'être familier et a l'aise avec langue que une question de confondre les mots et expressions.
Es ist immer sinnvoll, die verschiedenen Sprachen fließend genug zu beherrschen. Ich glaube, dass man dann auch nicht mehr durcheinander kommt.
I love such messages in several languages! It is a great pleasure to be able to read them without almost any effort :)
I really get what you are saying, it happens to me with German sometimes!! :D
Amazing 😍🙀❤️
thanks a lot 😊
Esplendido Video ...!... Me da muchísimo gusto oirte hablar en tantos idiomas. Y practicamente entiendo todos los idiomas en los que hablas ... excepto en ruso ..!.. Muchos saludos ..!...
Qué bien, muchas gracias 😊
You are so incredible 😘😘😘 has been two years since that i'm learning English, but i'm not fluent yet, and now i started learning Italian, it's such a beautiful language, as a Brazilian i really hope i learn Italian like you. I'm so happy because i know i can learn Italian because it's very similar with portuguese! Hugs From Brazil!
Hahaha portuguese it's not an easy language but if one person can speak russian, this person can speak even the language of dolphins 🤣🤣.
Thanks a lot Gerson, I might be studying Portuguese in the future, but right now it is too much with Italian and some Swedish 😂 (I have to laugh because it is really not much!). Hugs from Germany 😄
Primera vez que veo un video de tu canal. Hablas muy bien alemán, francés e inglés pero me he dado cuenta enseguida que eras española. No me preguntes porqué, quizás la uve que no era labiodental. Enhorabuena, es increible tu nivel en esos 3 idiomas. Saludos cordiales!
Sí, pues será eso, hay partes del acento que es imposible borrarlas :). Gracias por tu comentario, me alegro de que te guste :D
@@CouchPolyglot Yo hablo también varios a nivel B2 o C de haber trabajado fuera en multinacionales fuertes hablando varios idiomas constantemente. La experiencia me dice que conozco pocax personas como tú con un dominio a nivel C de tantos idiomas. Así que "chapeau"! Y lo de la uve es habitual pero todo es posible, cuesta un poco al principio.
Super impressive!!
I'm fluent in English, have probably a C1 level in Spanish, B1 level or so in Russian, and am starting to learn Japanese as we have just relocated to Japan.
I'm sure that if I tried to learn French, Catalán, Italian, or even German, it would be fairly easy for me. But my foreign languages aren't closely related to each other!
Thanks a lot, one day I want to try Japanese too. Right now I feel like it would be "too much", but one day maybe :D
¡Muy impresionante, de verdad! Solo puedo repetirlo que tu alemán es casi perfecto. Bueno, como he averiguado hace poco llevas viviendo mucho tiempo en Alemania. Se nota. Pero no me lo doy por sentado, o cómo se diga, ya que hay mucha gente que vive décadas en otro país sin dominar la lengua. Entonces, enhorabuena! Cuál era tu nivel de alemán cuando te mudaste a Alemania?
Vielen Dank, lleguá a Alemania con un nivel "oficial" B2, eso me ayudó un montón a integrarme rápidamente. A pesar de tener un B2, me quedaba mucho por aprender todavía. Pero llegar con una base es genial, se lo recomendaría a todo el mundo que pueda :)
He pensado lo mismo. Muy buen alemán!!
FUA! Espaterrant!!! He flipat!
Moltes gràcies 😄
You're so Amazing!!! I'm Thai and learning Spanish for almost a year but I can speak Spanish just like a baby LOL 😂
Don't give up, sometimes it takes time, specially if your mother tongue is very different.
I have a playlist with some Spanish videos for beginners, maybe they help? 😄
@@CouchPolyglot Of course, your playlists help me a lot and thank you for your kind reply. I'll never give up!
Moltes gràcies Laura. Em passa constantment, visc a Suècia, i abans he viscut a Dinamarca, i quan parlo suec sempre barrejo coses en danès (i a vegades m'arriba que no sé si la paraula que estic dient és en suec o danés ...).
és normal, sí :)
super impresionante.Vc e optima para caramba.Bellisima❤️❤️ usted es la razon en la cual yo estoy tomando clases en Catalan.Molt Be❤️❤️❤️❤️
Ставлю лайк, так как услышала отличную фразу: "я этот язык так люблю"!! Молодец!!
большое спасибо 😄
Hola Laura, estic mirant el teu vídeo i m'encanta com ho has fet, quan tenia 16 o 17 anys, em vaig adonar que m'encanten les llengües i vaig començar amb el francès i també l'italià, ara m'estic rient perquè moltes vegades barrejava paraules en portuguès, castellà, francès i l'italià. Deia: prou! No pots fer això! (Ho sé que és part del aprenentatge de llengües) però estava convençut que devia millorar les meves competències de les llengües que ja sabia parlar. Ara que veig el teu vídeo, t'admiro molt i ara m'estàs recordant que hauria de ser més disciplinat com abans, ara parlo 6 llengües. T'envio una forta abraçada (i perdona si he fet alguns errors xD)
Moltes gràcies per compartir la teva experiència. Barrejar llengües és molt normal, em passa molt sovint també :D
Moi, je me suis rendu compte qu'on ne mélange plus les langues quand on est arrivé a maitriser la langue a un niveau internediaire, mais , oui, ce que peut passer est manquer des mots les plus basiques parfois. Comme on n'arrive pas á pratiquer et améliorer toutes les langues a même temps, on oublie facilement des mots, mais ça n'affecte pas tellement la façon générale de s'exprimer dans la langue.
C'est vrai !
Madre mia increible
Muchas gracias 😄
Incredibile, il catalano sembra un dialetto italiano, ho capito quasi tutto 🥺😮😮😮😮 Sei sulla buona strada per imparare l'italiano, ho il tuo stesso problema con lo spagnolo. Italiano, spagnolo e catalano si assomigliano tantissimo
grazie mille, io amo la lingua italiana e sono contenta di potere parlare un po 😄. Capire è faccile, ma parlare bene è una sfida, io ho paura di parlare "itañolo" 😅
@@CouchPolyglot ti capisco, continuiamo a studiare queste lingue con passione. Una piccola correzione "facile" ;)
you’re perfect🤩 i’m learning russian in these days and while you were talking russian i almost understood everything. I want to learn spanish as my fourth language but i don’t know where i’m going to start..
thanks a lot 😍. Regarding learning Spanish, I have some videos to learn this language if you wish. Also you can start with Duolingo, it is great to get the first basics. Another option is getting a tutor. Or you just can combine them all 😊
I wish I had a job where I could switch between languages as you do. Thank you for this video. Me gusta mucho. Это мотивирует меня дальше учить языки! Ich hoffe, wir sehen uns bald in München ❤️
Hola, pues sí, es una suerte, lo que pasa que, por ejemplo, el francés ya no lo uso tanto como antes en el trabajo. Ja, hoffentlich sehen wir uns, ich weiß noch nicht, wann ich in den Urlaub fahre! Hoffentlich klappt es :D
Ja, es ist schon toll, wenn man einen Beruf hat, in dem man regelmäßig mehrere Sprachen anwenden kann. Je me rappelle d'un boulot que j'ai fait pendant un an, où je devais parler et écrire en anglais, français et allemand tout le temps. But while using all these languages was very cool, the job itself sucked. That's why I'm now back in a German-only environment.
Amazing you are fluent in all 7 languages . Congratulations keep it up! Parles molt bè! No sabía que eras catalana, ets de Barcelona ?
Moltes gràcies 😊, no sóc directament de Barcelona, però sí, sóc catalana. On has après a parlar català? Ja he vist que parles moltíssimes llengües, és impressionant 😲
@@CouchPolyglot Moltes gràcies . Lo teu si que és impressionant :), M'agrada aprendre llengues , he crecut a Catalunya , visc aqui a Barcelona. El català el parlo tots els dies 😊.
Невероятно... Да вы молодец. Зер гут :))
Thank you :)
Sounds fantastic to me when you speak Russian 🤯 you are so good in speaking, it blows my mind. You sound very natural. (It’s my native language)
Wow, thanks a lot! :)
7 languages is a great achievement and it's amazing how you can deal with some of them at the same time! I loved that I understood some of your Russian and all of your Italian; it inspires me to keep learning both. My native tongue is also Spanish but from Mexico and I see UA-camrs from Spain and borrow some of their words too. I'm also thinking about learning Portuguese because I started teaching online and I have plenty of students who speak Portuguese. However, I do try to trace a line with how many languages I should learn because it can get addicting (love languages, if I could I'd learn them all) and I rather focus on the languages I started with. Have you experienced this? Do you plan on learning more languages? Thank you for the video and for your time! I wish you the best.
Hi Anita, I know exactly what you mean... I would love to learn new languages, but as of now due to lack of time I will stick to the 7 :). Adding a new one would be too stressfull, but I might do it in the future :D. Good luck!
I agree, it can be quite addictive, especially with so many UA-cam languages to dip into. The trouble is, you can make very rapid progress at the start of learning a language, which gives you that first endorphin rush, while I find it hard to maintain enthusiasm once you've reached a plateau in your language learning after you've been studying one for a quite a while. You suddenly feel you're not making quite the same progress as you were at the beginning, despite your best efforts.
HI , so happy to see this video . you are excellent .
is very difficult to keep them all in mind
im abale to speak some of them but really difficult to not confuse them sometime .
frech , arabic , english , espagnol . simplified chinese just for communication .
and just start catalan curso .. please your advice and your help ......
Hi there, glad you like it! If you want to learn Catalan, check out this playlist:
En cap cap cap el que cap en el teu cap. 👏👏👏
Impressionante como al solito, Laura. Quale film hai visto in Italiano? Ha recomendaciones?
Non ne ho visti tanti, guardo soprattutto video su UA-cam. Ma mi piace molto "la vita è bella", poi raccomandarmi qualche film che ti sia piaciuto in particolare?
@@CouchPolyglot mi piace questo film intitolato 'La grande bellezza' (The Great Beauty) realizzato nel 2014. Penso che tu possa vederlo su UA-cam o Amazon. Guarderò la tua raccomandazione questo fine settimana.
@@auxvainqueurs lo ho visto, un film molto buono, mi è piaciuto tanto. Se hai altre raccomandazioni, fammi sapere :)
@@CouchPolyglot 'Pranzo di Ferragosto' è 'Dogman'. hai visto questi film? una commedia è un dramma. anche a me piace questo film, ma è in francese 'La faute a Fidel' je l'adore!
you inspired me to continue learning. I am learning my 3ed and 4th language at the same time, but it has been hard for me to balance things up, so some weeks I will do Spanish and I will stop my German, when I do make some hours for German, I study less Spanish. I want to make a balance without giving up on one of them.. how to do that?
This is indeed very hard, if you feel like studying too makes you stuck, start with one until you feel comfortable, and then add the other, mucha suerte / viel Glück! 😄
Thanks :)
mixing languages è normal eu faz isso todo tiempo quando hablo espanol.
i speak spanglish, portunol, itaspanglish, portuliano, protuglish. =)
hehe sí, me pasa the same chose ;)
In Polygot Conference page, there are many female polygot. There is one. female who masters 40 languages
From Vietnamese love🥰🥰
That is crazy!! 😊 For me, 7 is enough for now 😅
U should carry on learning languages, at least 20, which is my desire🥰🥰
@@rubyvampiredean. hehe let's see, time will tell :)
What do you do for a living? Amazing video
I work for an international company in the order management department, what I like the most is that I get to work in different languages every day :)
Tuo italiano e molto buono, per una che lo sta studiando da 3 mesi direi che e perfetto. Io ho cominciato studiare lo spagnolo da 6 mesi, posso dire che capisco molte parole, ma non parlo nada. Non mi esche nulla dalla bocca. Vorrei tanto capire come fai tu, il tuo metodo. Complimenti per tutto quello che fai.
Grazie tante, ho usato il metodo naturale, con tanto input. Se non sei in grado di parlare, magari prova a parlare da sola, a prendere lezioni di conversazione o a frequentare un corso. Penso che la cosa migliore sia ascoltare ogni giorno input comprensibili e a un certo punto "fa click" nel tuo cervello e riesci a comunicare meglio. Ci vuole tempo, però! Inoltre, l'italiano è stata la mia settima lingua :)
@@CouchPolyglot anche io faccio uguale ma quel "click" non è ancora arrivato. Potresti raccontare di più di questo? Porfa. Magari fai un episodio su questo tema 😉
Muchas gracias por tu vídeo Laura. Muy impresionante 😃 ¿a que te dedicas? Quería tener un trabajo en lo que necesito interactuar con clientes hispanohablantes pero a pesar de eso lo tuyo me suena similar que lo mío. Castellano se ha vuelto parte parte de mi vida ahora a través de la lectura y UA-cam i ahara estic atenent català amb el teu vídeos i LingQ. Molts gràcies otre vegada 😃
Muchas gracias, pues trabajo en una empresa internacional en el departamento de "operaciones", así que estoy en contacto con "partners" y clientes de diferentes países a diario. También con bancos, p.e. La verdad es que lo que más me gusta es poder hablar tantos idiomas a diario (alemán, inglés, español y francés casi todos los días).
Que guai que aprenguis el català ;)
Je parle 7 langues comme toi.
Jo parlo 7 llengües com a tu. Gràcies!
Hola Eliseu, que bé, quines llengües parles? 😊👏
@@CouchPolyglot 🇨🇵🇧🇷🇬🇷🇦🇩🇮🇹🇪🇸i ara jo estudio anglès però tinc dificultats, per a mi són més fàcils les llengües llatines. El castellà considero com la meva segona llengua. Jo sóc brasiler.
Ual parabéns 👏👏👏💎, perfeitas pronúncias, você é excelente!! I loved your pronunciation! Quer aprender Portugues do Brasil 😁?
E você me ensina seu inglês,🙏👏👏😊
Whenever I read Portuguese, I want to learn this beautiful language 😄. I might be starting in 2021, right now I want to focus on Italian and Russian though. A good tip for your English is to watch series or videos on UA-cam, this has helped me a lot with all the languages I speak 😊
@@CouchPolyglot Muitíssimo obrigado!!👏👏👏, Your tip will be very important !!! If I need to ask for more help and tips .... Okay, 😊? But I was very delighted with your excellent pronunciation !!! 👏👏👏. .. When you want to learn Portuguese, I am available, I really like to practice speaking with natives !! Ualll is amazing !!
The most beautiful word in Portuguese "saudade" 😊 = Nostalgia in italiano ... Vivo in Brasile, ma sono un discendente italiano 😊😊, abbraccio forte, possiamo parlare se vuoi ... 😁😊 Ciao
@@CmdRobisonCristiano thanks a lot, that is really nice!!! 😊 Love Italian too!
@@CouchPolyglot Beautiful language too também, as well as panholSpanish 😊 jajajaja.
It will be a fantastic experience to be part of your channel 👏👏🙏
Your pronunciation is very clear 👏👏👏
Parles molt bé, Laura. Jo també parlo català, castellà, anglès, alemany i francès i t'he de dir que tens un domini sorprenent. Li passaré els teus videos a la meva parella (alemanya) que vol aprendre català.
Ah, doncs moltes gràcies! :)
Pas mal du tout! Tu sembles avoir atteint un très bon niveau dans la majorité de tes langues, ce qui te permet de changer de langue facilement! Tu as la chance d'avoir un travail qui te permet de maintenir tes langues au quotidien! Personnellement je n'utilise que l'anglais et le néerlandais au travail (je suis professeur). Le reste de mes langues, je les pratique également au quotidien par la lecture et UA-cam (ce qui me prend un minimum de 2h en plus).
Avec ton profile, tu pourrais rejoindre l'HYPIA (, c'est une très chouette communauté de polyglottes et on discute des langues. On fait parfois aussi des sessions Zoom où on utilise autant de langues que possible, c'est vraiment chouette! Et ce serait chouette de te voir y participer, car plusieurs membres parlent catalan! :)
Gostaria muito de ouvir você falar português também! ^^
Merci beaucoup pour tes mots et pour ta recommandation, en fait je ne connaisais pas ce site, merci, hi faré un cop d'ull ;)
Gracias :)
Having a French girlfriend and a British family was a bit of a pain. Switching that often and that quickly. Not something I'm good at.
Yeah, at the beginning it can be pretty crazy :D
Castellà llengua materna o imposada?
Apresa a l’scola
Al meu entorn sempre parlava català, però el vaig aprendre a través de l'escola i continguts àudiovisuals. En el meu cas d'amant de llengües, ho considero una sort haver-lo après ja de manera natural de petita :)
In 2 mesi e mezzo ha imparato quello che in 2 anni ho imparato io😂. Bravissima
Anch'io capisco tutto il 90% pero il problema è il parlare con altre persone che parlano benissimo l'italiano perché ti viene la paura di dire qualcosa sbagliata.
Grazie tante 😁
Enhorabuena por tu italiano. Yo soy italiano :)
muchas gracias :)
Doncs, tu italià és de veritat molt bo i m'agrada com ho parles. La teva pronunciaciò de algunes frases és ja com la de un parlant natiu, aixì que et felicito! I també quero que sàpigas que tens la sort de parlar dos de les llengues més bellas del mon... el català (que m'agrada massa) i el castellà, que va ser la primera llengua que vaig començar a aprendre en qualitat d'autodidacte (l'inglés amb els professors al institut) quand tenia només 12 anys. Si necessites ajuda amb l'italià, diguem-ho!
Hola Andrea, quin missatge tan maco, moltes gràcies 😍. Tu veig que ja parles força bé el català, et felicito 👍👍👍. Espero que et serveixin els meus vídeos per seguir aprenent aquesta llengua (tot i que potser per a tu són massa fàcils, no ho sé). Gràcies per oferir-me ajuda amb l'italià, ho tindré en compte! Ara mateix tinc molta feina i molt poc temps, però potser més endavant 😊
Felicitats per l'Italià amb només 2 mesos d'estudi.
Moltes gràcies, grazie tante :)
Aunque solo hables un idioma aveces olvidas palabras, lo peor es que sabes como se dice en otro idioma pero no lo puedes comunicar asi. Toca buscar sinónimos.
jejeje sí, creo que nos pasa a todos, es normal :)
Falo português e adorei ouvir o catalão ( catalã).
muito obrigada :)
Sem querer, falei palavras russas com 1 polaco. O parentesco dos idiomas ...
How many times did you need to learn Russian language and German 😊?? , looking forward for your answer because I've just started to learn the languages 😁
Hi Yohana, thanks for your message 😊
I learned German for four years during university, had a couple of short stays in Germany, and then moved there. I have now been living in Germany for 8 years, but I would say it took me 5-6 years to get to the level I am at now (I have been using it now for 12 years, but really the "learning" happened mostly during the years at school + the first two years in Germany, from then on I have been "maintaining" my level I would say).
Regarding Russian, I have been learning it for 5-6 years. I would say for the last three years I have been maintaining the level and only "slightly" improving. I want to focus more on this language and bring it to a higher level, but let's see.
I hope you find it useful and I wish you lots of luck on your language learning journey, enjoy it 😄
@@CouchPolyglot Thank you !! hehehe now I know that it would take a long time to learn any languages , but what you did is really motivated me , I will try my best and I hope I never give up on this 😅
Complimenti Laura. Call me, if you want to practice your Italian. Podemos hacer intercambio y también hablar español o tu em pots ensenyar una mica de català. Por último, mas não menos importante, podemos aprender português juntos. Parabéns! 🙂
Grazie tante, muchas gracias, obrigada :)
you are so amazing. I "speak" four languages: Arabic, English, Spanish and Somali. But not the way you do. My Spanish is not very good because it is the last language I am now learning.
Muy bien, poco a poco ;)
Wow congratulations, you speak them all really well! I also really like your channel, great ideas! I've a few language videos up aswell if you get a chance to check them out :)
Thanks a lot for your kind words, I will check out your channel 😊
Would you want to learn a language from another family for example Turkish, go for it please, it will be fun 🤩
That would definetly be fun :D
@@CouchPolyglot I wish you good luck with suffixes already, it is good to add the end of a word. You can even make a new word that somebody never ever said it before and and it will be completely unheard and at the same time correct grammar wise.
Your German is excellent.
thanks a lot! 😊
i love mein haus.... mein bruder lives here
hehehe sometimes it is sehr schwer not to mezclar :D
У вас очень хорошо получается говорить на русском языке! Вы меня вдохновили усерднее учить иностранный язык!
Спасибо большое 😌
Heilige Schande, so gut würd ich gern Russisch können...hast Du in Russland gelebt?
vielen Dank, so gut kann ich es aber nicht, ich mache schon oft Fehler, da die Gramatik so krass kompliziert ist, mir sind aber Fehler nicht peinlich oder so, ich spreche einfach weiter 😊.
Ich habe noch nie in Russland gelebt, aber in meinem Umfeld sind viele Russisch-Sprachige und ich habe sehr oft Gelegenheit zu üben. Außerdem habe ich eine Stunde Unterricht pro Woche, wo wir fast nur sprechen. Das hilft natürlich enorm 😁
Sono contento che non sono l'unico che parla e l' itañolo hahaha😂
Jejeje al cabo de un año mejoré, pero obviamente todavía cometo errores 😂
do you think? hehe thanks 😊
Com va tot? M'acaba de sortir aquest vídeo com a sugerència i m'ha cridat molt l'atenció, en honor a aquest vídeo, aniré fent salts lingüístics segons la llengua de la que parli. He començat amb el català perquè és la meva llengua materna, la que faig servir més en els meus cercles actuals i demés, des de que vaig néixer a la ciutat de Barcelona el novembre de 1994.
🇪🇦 Luego, obviamente hablo español/castellano (mi variante dialectal), aunque soy capaz de mantener una conversación en catalán y castellano a la vez, algunas veces, cuando hace mucho tiempo que no uso la lengua (la cual chapurreaba desde bién pequeña y se puede decir que hablo desde los 3 años), me lío y se me dispara el acento catalán a tope, especialmente cuando hablo con alguien o digo algo en general, que normalmente hablo y digo en catalán, entonces soy incapaz de hablarlo. Ya de por sí, soy una de esas personas que tiene un fuerte acento catalán pues en esos casos empeora.
🇬🇧🇺🇸 Now, regarding English, this language has been always around, when I was 1 year old I already knew the alphabet, the numbers up until ten, some colors (US)/colours (UK), and some animals. But it wasn't until I was 15-16 when I had my first Speaking Class that I realised how much I needed to learn still, so I started speaking in English at luch time with my father and watching shows and movies: first with Spanish subtitles, then English subtitles, then without subtitles but watching stuff that I'd watched a lot before until I was able to watch new stuff. Nowadays, I even understand the Scottish Accent in Outlander (awesome show!🙌🏽).
My English is a mixture between both American and British English, 'cause I studied the Oxford English at school, but I've watched lots and lots of shows and movies from the US. (I know that there's other countries like Australia, but I'm using the flag of the accents/dialects that I use).
🇮🇹 Dopo, sono stata due mesi in Roma in 2016, di tirocinio (ERASMUS+), lavoravo nel Centro Diurno per Anziani Fragili La Casetta. Fui li senza sapere quasi niete di italiano, perchè il corso della lingua era online durante la stata. Cominciai a parlare la lingua con fluidesa dopo del' primo mese, ma lo parlavo come te (in questo video), con accento spagnolo. Una volta fui tornata, studai un pò di più, e adesso lo parlo così bene, meglio almeno.
🇵🇹 Finalmente, a última lingua que eu aprendi foi o português. Eu não sei se você ja o fala ou não, porqué faz um ano da publicação deste video, mas, eu acho que você pode perceber igualmente porqué a primeira coisa que o meu professor disse-me é que se eu queria aprender o português só para perceber e fazer-me perceber pelos outros, não precisava de estudar a lingua, porque o português e muito perto ao espanhol e as veces ao catalão.
Então, eu fiz um estagio (ERASMUS+ outra vez) de dois meses em Lisboa no ano 2018 onde trabalhava pela Rede de Bibliotecas da Cámera Municipal, mais um mes numa escola de linguas em Barcelona antes.
Empecei a falar a lingua fluidamente em duas semanas. Mas, uma coisa que ocurreu foi que não podia falar italiano, cada vez que tentava falá-lo acabava por dizer uma palavra em português, foi horrível, pensei que não poderia voltar a falar italiano. Mas isso era porqué estava apreder o portugués e tinha toda a atenção nesa lingua. Ao voltar para casa pude voltar a falar italiano sem dificultade. Actualmente posso falar as duas linguas ao mesmo tempo, mas posso fazer alguns erros e um pouco de mistura entre as duas as veces. Eu posso mudar de lingua mais facilmente com o catalão, o espanhol e o inglês.
I bé, per donar-li una mica de simetria a la cosa acabaré en català.
Sóc fan de les llengües, i, exceptuant l'anglès, M'agradaria continuar aprenent primer les llengües romàniques, ja que, sí, pot generar-se certa dificultat a l'hora de diferenciar-les i acabar fent una barreja, però també són aquelles que acabes aprenent més ràpid, perquè ja les pots arribar a comprendre ja d'entrada i el fet de què tinguin vocabulari molt semblant també ajuda, per exemple quan estava aprenent l'italià, m'era més útil el català que no pas el castellà, amb paraules com aquestes per exemple: "manca, mai, finesta, asciugare, tagliare, trobare, porta, portare..."
La següent llengua que tinc a la llista és el francès. Seguida del romanès, llavors, faria una pausa amb els llengües romàniques i faria servir el romanès com a una mica de pont entre llengües romàniques i llengües eslaves, que són les que m'agradaria aprendre després.
Per cert! Com entenia i parlava quatre de les llengües d'aquest vídeo, m'hauries de veure activant i desactivant els subtítols constantment😅.
Bé doncs, ho sento per la llargada del comentari😕.
Espero que hagis arribat al final.
Bon vídeo! Records des del Maresme!
@@richardaerts2735 Muito obrigada! Faz já tres anos que aprendí a lingua, e também que não a estudo, e por isso que faço alguns erros, porquê me esqueço 😅.
Hola Judith!
Moltes gràcies pel comentari! :)
Jo abans tenia un accent molt català quan parlava castellà, però amb el temps se m'ha "neutralitzat", ahora creo que no tengo un acento tan fuerte.
Scottish accent is super difficult, I actually have a hard time understanding it.
Quando ho iniziato a imparare l'italiano, parlavo davvero Itañol haha, ci vuole un po' per migliorare :). Non parlo portoghese ma lo capisco abbastanza bene
Aprendre primer el romanès per llavors passar a llengües eslaves té molt de sentit perquè aquesta llengua té molta influència eslava.
A mi personalment el rus m'encanta, però es tarda més temps que amb llengües romàniques
Molta sort, suposo que ens anirem veient pel canal :)
@@CouchPolyglot Guai, merci, ens veiem!😊👌🏽
I wanna become polyglot. How can I understand every single sentence from an English film? Americans "eating" words. Voglio diventare poliglotta. Come posso capire ogni singola parola di inglese? Gli americani si mangiano le parole ahahaha
Hi there, a great way to practice that is watching the films with English subtitles. Over time, you get used to it. Still, occasionally there are words I do not understand, so this "will always happen". Good luck 😄
@@CouchPolyglot Ok, I almost practise this method. It is a great way to learn new words, expressions and the "sounds" of sentences and single word. I start read comics to learn new words, fìgreat methods!!