NEW SERIES - Welcome to the Universe

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • Part 1 of the series • Video


  • @redshift40
    @redshift40 15 років тому

    The shock wave on the Sun at 2:06 was great! Everyone should look at our star with a good H-alpha scope at least once in a lifetime. It's the only star you will see in great detail, upclose, and best of all live!

  • @Yunginspirit
    @Yunginspirit 14 років тому

    1Busted: "Sagan, however, denied that he was an atheist: He said, "An atheist has to know a lot more than I know." In reply to a question in 1996 re his religious beliefs, Sagan answered, "I'm agnostic." Sagan maintained that the idea of a creator of the universe was difficult to prove OR DISPROVE & that the only conceivable scientific discovery that could challenge it would be an infinitely old universe." And we do know that there are infinately 'old' Universes out there-Worlds without end.

  • @Yunginspirit
    @Yunginspirit 14 років тому

    @ 1BustedMyth:
    Karl Sagan, (Scientist, Author & Sceptic) wrote around 1980: Cosmos: A personal Voyage: Episode 8: Journeys in Space and Time:
    "Those worlds in space are as countless as all the grains of sand on all the beaches of the earth. Each of those worlds is as real as ours and every one of them is a succession of incidents, events, occurrences which influence its future. Countless worlds, numberless moments, an immensity of space and time."

  • @StillOnTrack
    @StillOnTrack 14 років тому

    I'm sure this has been said before, but I'm not going to dig through all those huge chunks of exchanges but here's my thought: To fully understand science and still believe in a creator makes that creator infinitely more powerful and impressive to think that "he" designed or set in motion with purpose the infinite intricacies of the systems and laws of nature and evolution on levels at, above and below our mental grasp.

  • @Yunginspirit
    @Yunginspirit 14 років тому

    Busted: I'm sorry to hear of your broken family...I do hope that there is healing for you all in the future.
    : )

  • @beachcomber2008
    @beachcomber2008 15 років тому

    Feynman makes a good electric starter.

  • @Yunginspirit
    @Yunginspirit 14 років тому

    33 And worlds without number have I created; and I also created them for mine own purpose; and by the Son I created them, which is mine Only Begotten.
    Moses 1: 8, 33

  • @Yunginspirit
    @Yunginspirit 14 років тому

    Cont: I meant His heavenly works! View the videos on YT of how the Cosmos' stretches way out and beyond, in every direction, as far as Hubble can detect the billions of other other Galaxies similar to ours. It's neverending.

  • @teivik
    @teivik 13 років тому

    @DetoxMansion The problem is that common sense and human instinct developed for a very good reason and they have served us well, but that reason was not to become masters of science. No science was made for millions of years while "gut" was of great importance. The scientific method is non-intuitive in our current phase of development. It is supposed to "not feel right" and we are able to tell why.

  • @StillOnTrack
    @StillOnTrack 14 років тому

    @jursle I never said that belief in a god was truth, nor did I state that I believed in one. This shouldn't be about somebody telling someone else what they should or shouldn't believe. Also to say that there's no need for that belief is a little shortsighted. I think the fact that just about every culture around the world has come up with one on their own shows a very inherent human need to believe in something, just as necessary as a scientists need to make absolute sense of things.

  • @1BustedMyth
    @1BustedMyth 14 років тому

    @Yunginspirit ,
    I get a lot of really personal attacks for speaking my mind, many from thiests, so I pretty much speak my mind. All my life I have been very patient and quiet about religion, My mother was very religious, my sister a minister and I have friends who are Christians and Muslims, I am even Godfather to my friends son.
    The last few months my health has been failing and as I feel my time here is limited I speak as i feel on here, this is my release, my alter ego, I'm usually shy.

  • @jursle
    @jursle 14 років тому

    @JohnnySoprano87 I didn't say that there was never a need for those things, religion used to be a very useful tool to make sense of the world and explain things, but we have come to an age where we should realize that it doesn't add anything. If you can't stand not knowing where the Big Bang came from, and put God behind it, where did God come from? Its purpose of explaining is now gone. I do admit that it also bonds people together and comforts them, but this can turn into fanaticism easily.

  • @JTS11d6
    @JTS11d6 15 років тому

    Sill an 8 minute delay of the light to reach here.

  • @Yunginspirit
    @Yunginspirit 14 років тому

    Busted: When I say that 'there is always one planet or star above the other/or that there is always one greater, consider the Mandelbrot Set or.Maths. This system can be applied to or compared to God's works as being...numberless, endless/ without beginning or end and eternity. There is a very interesting link or two on my channel.

  • @raifsevrence
    @raifsevrence 14 років тому

    @JohnnySoprano87 How do you know that they came up with one [religion] on their own ?
    Humans are and always have been interconnected.
    Who's to say that everybody didn't just copy everybody else ? The similarity between world religions points towards this possibility quite strongly.
    One could infer that it is because they all were visited by the same deity. One could also infer that they had contact with other cultures at some point and thus adapted their own versions of other people's ideas

  • @Yunginspirit
    @Yunginspirit 14 років тому

    Busted: I don't think there is anything wrong with speaking your mind here...being up front abt things. I know that's an Aussie trait...being! It's only the anger and/or intolerance of other ppls' beliefs that causes friction in any given scenario. We must allow other folks to believe what they will and yet still have an interesting discussion/debate.
    I hope your health improves. I am into vitamins and holistic cures & remedies, good diet and exercise to keep healthy and fit.

  • @Yunginspirit
    @Yunginspirit 14 років тому

    BustedMyth: Too, when you make mention of Religion in a negative fashion like that, you can expect a response or challenge to it, 9 times outta ten, sooner or later.
    : 0
    Have a good day.

  • @Yunginspirit
    @Yunginspirit 14 років тому

    @ Busted: Right, the scriptures say that God placed the sun and our solar system in the heavens...that He created our Universe, etc. But that is not all. We learn that whenever there are two planets or stars, one is always above the other. There shall always be another planet whose reckoning of time shall be longer still. Thus there shall be one above the other, until they come nigh unto the throne of God. - Where all those planets which belong to the same order as that of earth are governed.

  • @1BustedMyth
    @1BustedMyth 14 років тому

    @Yunginspirit ,
    Carl Sagen, Athiest !, he would not share your view, nor do I.
    You might like to watch or read "Contact" by Sagen before making further remarks or using his work as your own.

  • @Krandolph17
    @Krandolph17 15 років тому

    what is the song bro

  • @StillOnTrack
    @StillOnTrack 14 років тому

    @nowhereusa But that's the nature of faith, you can't make scientific sense of it and I wouldn't ever try. As I said, my *point* was simply to state the fact that it's absolutely foolish to deny what science proves beyond doubt. By the way the concept of one more gods is way deeper, older and more universal than Santa Clause so I don't really think that's a fair comparison. Either way, that was my only point, that it's stupid to deny science.

  • @questionsleadtotruth
    @questionsleadtotruth 14 років тому

    @daaku176 well put!! :)

  • @Yunginspirit
    @Yunginspirit 14 років тому

    @ Busted: Having no ntelligent or plausible comeback to my comments, does not warrent an angry response from you. You don't have exclusive rights to any video board or's a free & open dialog for all. If one makes a comment on any video, one can expect a reply from whoever decides to join in with the 'discussion.' Afterall, this is only a discussion/debate. Fortunately, I have my 'text options' on, but your bad language may affect the young ppl who visit here. Have a good 2010!

  • @raifsevrence
    @raifsevrence 14 років тому

    @jursle Not true. That may be what most of us were taught in American schools or elsewhere, but the reality is quite different. Sure, there were stupid peasants etc. who actually believed this garbage, but the majority of people with experience had no such delusions. Sailors for instance, have long known that the world is not flat. Why else would they not be able to see beyond the horizon ? How else would they explain the movement of the night sky ? Historically, ignorance is exaggerated .

  • @StillOnTrack
    @StillOnTrack 14 років тому

    Oh yeah sorry btw, my point was that's why it's would be foolish for any theist to deny any matter of science.

  • @jursle
    @jursle 14 років тому

    @JohnnySoprano87 Something bein universal doesn't make it true. At a certain point, the idea that the Earth was flat was universal. Doesn't mean it's true.
    You obviously know and accept scientific knowledge, why do you believe in a creator? You know there's no need for one, and he doesn't add anything at all to the discussion, outside of an extra step that still requires answers. Is it that the belief in a creator comforts you? Because then it's just childish, and rather much like Santa Clause.

  • @1BustedMyth
    @1BustedMyth 14 років тому

    @Yunginspirit ,
    I love people, but hate religion, that is the distinction.
    I have been interested in what makes life tick all my life! There are far too many errors in genetics for life to be designed by a creator.
    The Bible states "God placed the Earth upon its foundation" and that He created the Earth etc and then made the light. I tryed to explain to a thiest over dinner that the Sun keeps Earth in its orbit, so the Sun had to be there first! and that there is no foundation ::::

  • @1BustedMyth
    @1BustedMyth 14 років тому

    @Yunginspirit ,
    Carl is sacred ground to me, he in no way believed in either the Bible or Qoran. I am more of an Agnostic than an Athiest, as he was but its symantics. I am a very bright (too bright) mind trapped in a failing body, I see the world VERY differently to most people, I am lucky enough to be able to grasp almost anything, I think maybe my brain overdeveloped as I escaped my destitute surroundings by thinking a lot.

  • @1BustedMyth
    @1BustedMyth 14 років тому

    @Yunginspirit ,
    Look, excuse my behavior please, but I have little patiance for this, religion destroyed my family and I have seen far too mush suffering of innocent people, where there was no help.
    This is by no means a personal attack, I'm glad you enjoyed your time in sydney, I was not so lucky , I grew up there in the poorest area's eating out of bins!.
    I was lucky, i got a chance and i took it and never looked back, but the wounds are not healed.

  • @Yunginspirit
    @Yunginspirit 14 років тому

    @ 1BustedMyth: Joseph Smith ( LDS Prophet) wrote in 1830! P of GP Moses 1:28 "And he beheld also the inhabitants thereof & there was not a soul which he beheld not; & he discerned them by the Spirit of God; & their numbers were great, even numberless as the sand upon the sea shore. 30 And were it possible that man could number the particles of the earth, yea, millions of earths like this, it would not be a beginning to the number of thy, creations; & thy curtains are stretched out still;..."

  • @Yunginspirit
    @Yunginspirit 14 років тому

    Busted; I'm sure you have wondered in amazement at 'what keeps that huge ball of fire and brimstone hanging there in the heavens?' (Not to mention the countless other suspended. heavenly bodies.) By what power is this made possible? Absolutely fascinating and mind-boggling when you think abt it! To me there is only one answer.

  • @1BustedMyth
    @1BustedMyth 14 років тому

    It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring.
    -- Carl Sagan
    I was raised a JW, then I grew up.

  • @jursle
    @jursle 14 років тому

    @raifsevrence It was merely an example. I'm not a specialist on history, so I wouldn't know. I might have as well have said that at some point the belief that the Earth was the centre of the universe was universal. Of that I'm quite sure.
    And I really don't know wether everybody believed this, but it sure was the official doctrine.

  • @1BustedMyth
    @1BustedMyth 14 років тому

    Fantastic, far better than any rubbish religion can give you.
    Great music

  • @OverlordJake
    @OverlordJake 15 років тому

    The back of a turtle, like in "Discworld." Cool vid.

  • @onyo101
    @onyo101 14 років тому

    @TheEnixia i am am religious and i am i am a chemist what the fuck is our point

  • @godlesssss
    @godlesssss 15 років тому

    Please see "Thunder bolts of the Gods"
    Thank You

  • @JoeyTube
    @JoeyTube 15 років тому

    Kudos... this looks awesome man. ;)

  • @DeletedDelusion
    @DeletedDelusion 15 років тому

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention.

  • @NeoWoodstockHippie
    @NeoWoodstockHippie 14 років тому

    Excellent contribution, xJediHowieX