Some lessons from the Quran ❤️ Don't lie *(**22:30**)* Dont spy *(**49:12**)* Don't insult *(**49:11**)* Don't waste *(**17:26**)* Feed the poor *(**22:36**)* Don't backbite *(**49:12**)* Keep your oaths *(5:89)* Don't take bribes *(**27:36**)* Honour your treaties *(9:4)* Restrain your anger *(3:134)* Don't spread gossip *(**24:15**)* Think good of others *(**24:12**)* Be good to guests *(**51:24**-27)* Don't harm believers *(**33:58**)* Don't be rude to parents *(**17:23**)* Turn away from ill speech *(23:3)* Don't make fun of others *(**49:11**)* Walk in a humble manner *(25:63)* Respond to evil with good *(**41:34**)* Keep your trusts & promises *(23:8)* Don't insult others' false gods *(6:108)* Don't ask unnecessary questions *(5:101)* Don't call others with bad names *(**49:11**)* Don't claim yourselves to be pure *(**53:32**)* Speak nicely, even to the ignorant *(25:63)* Don't ask for repayment for favours *(76:9)* If enemy wants peace, then accept it *(8:61)* Return a greeting in a better manner *(4:86)* Don't remind others of your favours *(2:264)* Make peace between fighting groups *(49:9)* Lower your voice and talk moderately *(**31:19**)* Don't ask too many favours from people *(2:273)* Speak gently, even to leaders of disbelief *(**20:44**)* Don't criticize small contributions of others *(9:79)* Try to make peace between husband & wife *(4:128)* Oppression/corruption is worse than killing *(2:217)* Preach to others in a good and wise manner *(16:125)* Don't accuse others of immorality without proof *(24:4)* Don't call someone disbeliever without knowing *(4.94)* Know your enemies can become your close friends *(**41:34**)* Don't wrongly consume the wealth of the vulnerable *(**4:29**)* Forgive others, as you would like Allah to forgive you *(**24:22**)* If unable to help a needy person, at least speak nice words *(**17:28**)* Verify information from a dubious source before acting upon it *(49:6)* Those who can should continue to spend on those less fortunate *(**24:22**)* Don't sit with those who mock religion until they change the subject *(4:140)* The worldly life is nothing but an illusionary enjoyment *(3:185)*
Some lessons from the Quran ❤️ Don't lie *(**22:30**)* Dont spy *(**49:12**)* Don't insult *(**49:11**)* Don't waste *(**17:26**)* Feed the poor *(**22:36**)* Don't backbite *(**49:12**)* Keep your oaths *(5:89)* Don't take bribes *(**27:36**)* Honour your treaties *(9:4)* Restrain your anger *(3:134)* Don't spread gossip *(**24:15**)* Think good of others *(**24:12**)* Be good to guests *(**51:24**-27)* Don't harm believers *(**33:58**)* Don't be rude to parents *(**17:23**)* Turn away from ill speech *(23:3)* Don't make fun of others *(**49:11**)* Walk in a humble manner *(25:63)* Respond to evil with good *(**41:34**)* Keep your trusts & promises *(23:8)* Don't insult others' false gods *(6:108)* Don't ask unnecessary questions *(5:101)* Don't call others with bad names *(**49:11**)* Don't claim yourselves to be pure *(**53:32**)* Speak nicely, even to the ignorant *(25:63)* Don't ask for repayment for favours *(76:9)* If enemy wants peace, then accept it *(8:61)* Return a greeting in a better manner *(4:86)* Don't remind others of your favours *(2:264)* Make peace between fighting groups *(49:9)* Lower your voice and talk moderately *(**31:19**)* Don't ask too many favours from people *(2:273)* Speak gently, even to leaders of disbelief *(**20:44**)* Don't criticize small contributions of others *(9:79)* Try to make peace between husband & wife *(4:128)* Oppression/corruption is worse than killing *(2:217)* Preach to others in a good and wise manner *(16:125)* Don't accuse others of immorality without proof *(24:4)* Don't call someone disbeliever without knowing *(4.94)* Know your enemies can become your close friends *(**41:34**)* Don't wrongly consume the wealth of the vulnerable *(**4:29**)* Forgive others, as you would like Allah to forgive you *(**24:22**)* If unable to help a needy person, at least speak nice words *(**17:28**)* Verify information from a dubious source before acting upon it *(49:6)* Those who can should continue to spend on those less fortunate *(**24:22**)* Don't sit with those who mock religion until they change the subject *(4:140)* The worldly life is nothing but an illusionary enjoyment *(3:185)*
Alhamdulillah for the gift of Islam from Allah subhanahu wa taala🫀
Some lessons from the Quran ❤️
Don't lie *(**22:30**)*
Dont spy *(**49:12**)*
Don't insult *(**49:11**)*
Don't waste *(**17:26**)*
Feed the poor *(**22:36**)*
Don't backbite *(**49:12**)*
Keep your oaths *(5:89)*
Don't take bribes *(**27:36**)*
Honour your treaties *(9:4)*
Restrain your anger *(3:134)*
Don't spread gossip *(**24:15**)*
Think good of others *(**24:12**)*
Be good to guests *(**51:24**-27)*
Don't harm believers *(**33:58**)*
Don't be rude to parents
Turn away from ill speech
Don't make fun of others
Walk in a humble manner
Respond to evil with good
Keep your trusts & promises
Don't insult others' false
gods *(6:108)*
Don't ask unnecessary
questions *(5:101)*
Don't call others with bad
names *(**49:11**)*
Don't claim yourselves to be
pure *(**53:32**)*
Speak nicely, even to the
ignorant *(25:63)*
Don't ask for repayment for
favours *(76:9)*
If enemy wants peace, then
accept it *(8:61)*
Return a greeting in a better
manner *(4:86)*
Don't remind others of your
favours *(2:264)*
Make peace between
fighting groups *(49:9)*
Lower your voice and talk
moderately *(**31:19**)*
Don't ask too many favours
from people *(2:273)*
Speak gently, even to leaders
of disbelief *(**20:44**)*
Don't criticize small
contributions of others *(9:79)*
Try to make peace between
husband & wife *(4:128)*
Oppression/corruption is
worse than killing *(2:217)*
Preach to others in a good
and wise manner *(16:125)*
Don't accuse others of
immorality without proof *(24:4)*
Don't call someone
disbeliever without knowing
Know your enemies can
become your close friends
Don't wrongly consume the
wealth of the vulnerable *(**4:29**)*
Forgive others, as you would
like Allah to forgive you *(**24:22**)*
If unable to help a needy
person, at least speak nice
words *(**17:28**)*
Verify information from a
dubious source before acting
upon it *(49:6)*
Those who can should
continue to spend on those
less fortunate *(**24:22**)*
Don't sit with those who
mock religion until they change
the subject *(4:140)*
The worldly life is nothing
but an illusionary enjoyment
La illaha illa Allah
Muhammadur rasulullah (saw)
اشهد ان لا اله الا الله واشهد ان محمدا عبده ورسوله
Jazakullah kheir
جزاك الله خيرا
لا إله إلا الله
Assalamualaikum, do you have a video regarding the rulling of drawing witthout certain features like the eyes?
السَّلَامُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللَّهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ
Can i repost your videos, they are really beneficial
جزاك اللهُ خيرًا
لا إله إلا الله
Some lessons from the Quran ❤️
Don't lie *(**22:30**)*
Dont spy *(**49:12**)*
Don't insult *(**49:11**)*
Don't waste *(**17:26**)*
Feed the poor *(**22:36**)*
Don't backbite *(**49:12**)*
Keep your oaths *(5:89)*
Don't take bribes *(**27:36**)*
Honour your treaties *(9:4)*
Restrain your anger *(3:134)*
Don't spread gossip *(**24:15**)*
Think good of others *(**24:12**)*
Be good to guests *(**51:24**-27)*
Don't harm believers *(**33:58**)*
Don't be rude to parents
Turn away from ill speech
Don't make fun of others
Walk in a humble manner
Respond to evil with good
Keep your trusts & promises
Don't insult others' false
gods *(6:108)*
Don't ask unnecessary
questions *(5:101)*
Don't call others with bad
names *(**49:11**)*
Don't claim yourselves to be
pure *(**53:32**)*
Speak nicely, even to the
ignorant *(25:63)*
Don't ask for repayment for
favours *(76:9)*
If enemy wants peace, then
accept it *(8:61)*
Return a greeting in a better
manner *(4:86)*
Don't remind others of your
favours *(2:264)*
Make peace between
fighting groups *(49:9)*
Lower your voice and talk
moderately *(**31:19**)*
Don't ask too many favours
from people *(2:273)*
Speak gently, even to leaders
of disbelief *(**20:44**)*
Don't criticize small
contributions of others *(9:79)*
Try to make peace between
husband & wife *(4:128)*
Oppression/corruption is
worse than killing *(2:217)*
Preach to others in a good
and wise manner *(16:125)*
Don't accuse others of
immorality without proof *(24:4)*
Don't call someone
disbeliever without knowing
Know your enemies can
become your close friends
Don't wrongly consume the
wealth of the vulnerable *(**4:29**)*
Forgive others, as you would
like Allah to forgive you *(**24:22**)*
If unable to help a needy
person, at least speak nice
words *(**17:28**)*
Verify information from a
dubious source before acting
upon it *(49:6)*
Those who can should
continue to spend on those
less fortunate *(**24:22**)*
Don't sit with those who
mock religion until they change
the subject *(4:140)*
The worldly life is nothing
but an illusionary enjoyment