If somebody accepts Islam for political, economic or other benefits that the society offers, but he does not believe in the message of Islam, that person is a munafiq. So they can be aware of their nifaq. And they will be in the lowest pits of hell. May Allah protect us.
What a gem of a lecture maa shaa Allah.
الحمدلله رب العالمين
الحمدلله على كل حال
JazakaAllah Ghairan Sheigh for this beautiful lecture given with such sincerity.
May Allah swt bless and protect you and your Family، Ameen
Jazakallah khair
How can a person become munafiq? Can a Muslim become munfiq intentionally? My rabb save us fom nifaq😢😢
If somebody accepts Islam for political, economic or other benefits that the society offers, but he does not believe in the message of Islam, that person is a munafiq. So they can be aware of their nifaq. And they will be in the lowest pits of hell.
May Allah protect us.