70 trains in 30 minutes?!? I love it. You do so much effort in your videos each day. Those trains are calm, steady, and especially fast! I wish you the. best
ignoring the really cool trains and beautiful landscape, can we talk about how many people I saw on bikes, and how they didn't even use the bike lane because the car drivers were so safe in that one clip? Like wow, there are a lot of bike riders in Romania, thats really cool!
Cumva, trenurile si sunetele care le fac cand merg pe sine este calmant pentru mine. Multumesc ca ai fac videoul asta!
te salut prietene biruitor
@@tractorsmachinesro1405 salut :)
Excellent video, you have my like. Greetings from Zimbabwe:)
Mi-a plăcut mult începutul, dar si unghiurile de filmare cât si lumina pe care le cauti intentionat ca totul sa iasă bine si frumos! Like 13.
Mulțumesc frumos....Tot binele de la Oradea :)
Excellent compilation of passenger and freight workings. I hadn't been aware of the variety of locomotives and liveries in Romania. I have subscribed
Thank you John 🤝💖
70 trains in 30 minutes?!? I love it. You do so much effort in your videos each day. Those trains are calm, steady, and especially fast! I wish you the. best
Thank you my friend
ignoring the really cool trains and beautiful landscape, can we talk about how many people I saw on bikes, and how they didn't even use the bike lane because the car drivers were so safe in that one clip? Like wow, there are a lot of bike riders in Romania, thats really cool!
Interesting video. Greetings from Finland. I subscribed to the channel. I'll watch the video when I have time
the only finish word i know is perkele! don't even know what it means :D
It is a curse word.
@@MarkkuAlamaunu oops, sorry
Very beautiful and interesting video 👍🏻
Thank you 🤝💖
I'm a tram and I approve this video!
Oaeoiwaoewaioewaoewaewaeaa! Videorimeeeent de videorimeeeeeent de Big Laikarimeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeent! ;)
Te pup fratele meu de la Pajura
Felicitări pentru postare !
Multumesc frumos 💖
Excellent videoooooooOOOO 📹
Greetings from Spain
Thank you my friend
Frumos filmare❤️❤️❤️👌👌👌
the audio is so HD I like it!
Thank you my friend
Nice Video, liked. Greetings Christian😉
Mi-a plăcut faza când ai ținut pasul cu acel tren alb, și v-ați salutat cu goarnele!
Salutare prietene biruitor
Nice comperlation video !👍
Thank you my friend Paul :)
Și mă bucur că ai filmat și din orașul meu Arad.
Good ❤
Bravo pentru colaj.
multumesc frumos...toate cele bune de la Oradea
Super Colaj frate !!!
Te astept sa vii "odata" pe la Medias !
Mare like
Mulțumesc frumos :)
super video ...............100%
Very nice video my friend with the trainmix.
Thank you and Thumbs Up.
Thank you my friend Andreas
Nice video,Like :-)
Thank you
Unde e locatia?
in ce gara este filmat la 3:45
Oradea EST 🤝💖
Can you make a vid and type the title maximum speed in romanian railways can you do that?
la prima ocazie
@@tractorsmachinesro1405 la București baneasa-fetesti ie 160 km/h