From what I can gather, if you make a save file of any area, kill the people you want to stretch in this area, make a new save, then reload the save you made before where they're still alive, then it'll cause the stretch glitch. The way I enable it for myself, is when I first boot the game up, load the save of all the people I killed, then load up a save file where they're all alive, kill em, hope for stretch, otherwise keep doing it until they do :P
what triggers the stretch glitches? Its happened to me a few times.
From what I can gather, if you make a save file of any area, kill the people you want to stretch in this area, make a new save, then reload the save you made before where they're still alive, then it'll cause the stretch glitch. The way I enable it for myself, is when I first boot the game up, load the save of all the people I killed, then load up a save file where they're all alive, kill em, hope for stretch, otherwise keep doing it until they do :P