Ven Ajahn Brahmavamso

  • Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
  • I just returned from Melbourne, teaching a couple of one-day retreats. There's one of the questions which is always asked there about the connection between meditation and one of the famous suttas in Buddhism, the Satipaṭṭhāna Sutta. Because in that teaching of the Buddha, he called the practice of mindfulness so important, he called it ekāyanamagga, which as a Pali term means, it's a very controversial term, and some people call it the only way to enlightenment.
    But even later people realized that's not an accurate translation. And so the tentative translation for some time was a direct way. But this recent work done by a couple of friends who are monks, and they were pointing out that actually there's a lot of support for saying it means the path which leads to eka, being short for ekaggata, for the oneness, for samadhi, for stillness.