There have been a lot of comments in response to this video. Dr Omer has recorded a second video responding to some of the questions and comments from this first video. Here is the link:
It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: ‘The Hour will not begin until the sun rises from the west (i.e. the place of its setting). When it rises, the people will see it, and everyone on (earth) will believe, but that will be at a time when faith will not benefit anyone who did not believe before.’” So it is clearly referring to the sun rising literally..
It might be towards the real End, when the curtains from the eyes are uncovered, when the people saw the real End coming soon with their own eyes. Therefore their faith will not be accepted anymore like the pharoh made a sajda after seeing his End but it wasn't accepted...
Look at the scientific explanations of the surah an-nahl (Chapter 16) as how accurate it is (100%) even when there no biologist or Melittology existed. In reference to this, the sun will rise from the west for sure. Supernova is the nearest explanation or the reverse polar axis on earth's gravity shifting is close to this explanation.
You don’t need to know how it will happen we just know it will because Allah Subhana Wa’tallah told us in the glorious Quran that this will happen. That is enough for me to accept this will occur.
@@sabrinagharbi7702 يَسْـَٔلُونَكَ عَنِ السَّاعَةِ اَيَّانَ مُرْسٰيهَاؕ ﴿٤٢﴾ فٖيمَ اَنْتَ مِنْ ذِ كْرٰيهَاؕ ﴿٤٣﴾ اِلٰى رَبِّكَ مُنْتَهٰيهَاؕ ﴿٤٤﴾ اِنَّمَٓا اَنْتَ مُنْذِرُ مَنْ يَخْشٰيهَاؕ ﴿٤٥﴾ Soorah Al Naziyat 42-45 Rasoolallah is pure from what you utter, there are tens of ayat confirming this ayah that only Allah knows the ghaib!
Quran is sent for people who think.. (go find the verse urself) The WORSR person in the sight of Allah is the One that refuse to think. ( again i leave u to do your home work to find the verse no) Now imagine how many ayat that will become invalid in case sun rising from the west become literally true.. because so many ayat as proof saying that sun rise from the east.. Quran cannot become invalid at any time my friend. Simple analysis. It is not a literal statement but rather that vrybody will leave their eastern natal places and go to the west to earn a leaving because it shines more in the west.. do u het the point??
Our intellect and ability to reason is useless when it comes to the knowledge of the unseen which Allah clearly state in the Quran “Allah know and you don’t know”
@@AT-sd9ejtrue. I believe in the unseen. But I think it’s okay to be curious with our minds that Allah gave to us. That’s why I watched the video. That’s all I’m saying.
Narrated Abu Dhar: The Prophet (ﷺ) asked me at sunset, "Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He said, "It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: "And the sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All- Knowing." (36.38) Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3199 In-book reference : Book 59, Hadith 10
Do you really think Allah has a throne to sit on? Does He have body parts to sit on? If so then he also needs space and that is not possible since he is the creator of space. You cannot compare Allah with anything.
@@Ali_Mekrani read well it is hadith. be knowledgably you want be against to hadith go head! i know that Allah almighty written in quran several times that Allah has hands and not gonna argue nature of his hand not gonna compere it. or assicaite Allah with anything. 42/11 . how Allah almighty created Adam? How Allah almighty write the Torah? you want more evidence read well ? how Allah planted firedaws ? And you will see the angels surrounding the Throne, exalting [ Allah ] with praise of their Lord."(39:75) Verse (39:67) They have not appraised Allah with true appraisal, while the earth entirely will be [within] His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be folded in His right hand. Exalted is He and high above what they associate with Him. In the end if just read a bit quran and hadith you will see even allah mention's about his face : whereever you turn ,there is the Face of Allah 2:115 , and face of your Lord full of majesty and honor will remain forever 55:27 . under his watchful eyes 20:39 , his shin 68:42 even and hadith about his feet . i m not argue if the meaning all of verses mean literal or metaphor. I will not attribute anything to him. but Remember Allah will not reveal anything in vein in Holy Quran. at the end : Creator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you from yourselves, mates, and among the cattle, mates; He multiplies you thereby. There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.(42:11)
The report is quite difficult to interpret. Obviously, literal interpretations are problematic, because it says the sun prostrates, and prostration, the way we think of it, doesn't really apply to the sun. The sun prostrating means something, but it's not the kind of prostration that we humans would perform. We would stand up straight, squat down, get on our knees, place our hands on the ground, bend over, place our forehead between our hands, etc. The sun doesn't do that. The sun doesn't have knees and hands, or a forehead. Moreover, since the sun can be observed by us at any given moment in time, due to our global distribution, it's never observed to do anything 'peculiar', by anyone. When it sets, it only sets from the perspective of those who are located on the planet and are about to enter nighttime, which is the earth facing away from the sun, due to rotation. Others who are still experiencing daytime don't see the sun doing anything, except slowly rotate through the sky; again, due to our own rotation. Nor is the Throne ever observed. And as the sun sets for some, it rises for others, while others still are in the middle of the night, and for others the sun is at its zenith. The former fact, to me, indicates that if the sun is literally going to be rising from the west, then this can only apply to those who are experiencing nighttime, at that moment. Only for them will the rising sun appear in the west. For those who are experiencing daytime, the sun would halt in its track, and start to move back towards the east. For those who are experiencing early morning, the sun rose in the east, but then suddenly it withdraws, and then there will be nighttime again, for these people, and so they could see it rising in the east, and after a couple of hours, see it rising from the west. For those who are about to see the sun set in the west, they would see the sun stop in its track, reverse, and run its course back towards the east now. Meaning that "seeing the sun rise from the west" would only apply to a minority group at first. It would take over 24 hours for everyone on earth to finally see it rising in the west, but at that point, everyone would in fact be fully aware of its direction having changed. So the statement itself: "People will see the sun rise from the west", is open to interpretation, because its meaning isn't as apparent as it may seem. If literal, then perhaps it means that everyone will eventually see it rising in the west, and for those who experienced the end of daytime when the reverse occurred; that might take a full day, since they'll first see the sun run back to the east, then there's nighttime, and only then does it rise in the west from their perspective. Therefor, if literal, the rising from the west seems to indicate the changing trajectory, primarily, and the actual observation of it rising in the west is just an effect of that changing direction. An effect that is only instantly observed by a relatively minor number of people. Since the sun doesn't revolve around the earth, the changing trajectory 'of the sun' is really the earth's rotation changing. That is, if we interpret it literally.
Our faith makes us believe that Allah can make the same sun that we see now rise from the west.. its nice to know different theories… but this should be the very first belief on the mightiness of Allah swt
how about changing magnetic field and there you go.. as some scientist say. yes if you have compass and magnetic field flips obviously it will be reversed.. east will be west and opposite
No sun doesn't rotate, compare to earth it's almost stationary, it's going to the earth which is gonna flip up and then sun eventually rise up from west.
When the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the sun will rise from the West, it IS the SUN that will rise from the West. That is as clear as a bright sunny day and it does not need any interpretation. If it was a star, then the Prophet (peace be upon him) would have said that it would be a 'star'.
And the Dajjal is a 40 feet Cyclops, yeah? By the way, since you are the expert, can you also explain how the “bright” sun which is million times bigger than the earth, sank into the murky ocean (Surah Kahf)
No, as per the Prophet's ﷺ authentic sayings, the Dajjal is a human being but given certain powers by Allah سبحانه وتعالى. Very clear from all the authentic hadith on the subject.
@@البروناوي You can’t take everything literally my friend. There are many mutashabih verses and ahadith that need interpretation, especially hadith al fitan. So, how did Dhul Qarnayn see the sun sink into the ocean? Can we take it literally?
@@tanerserdar My friend, you need dalil or evidence from the Qur'an or authentic Sunnah based on the understanding fo the Salaf, especially about ghaib matters, to prove your case. Otherwise, you are just speculating and my deen is not based on your speculations.
@@البروناوي My friend, I asked a simple question. What did the Salaf say about this verse? حَتَّىٰ إِذَا بَلَغَ مَغْرِبَ الشَّمْسِ وَجَدَهَا تَغْرُبُ فِي عَيْنٍ حَمِئَةٍ وَوَجَدَ عِندَهَا قَوْمًا “Then, when he came to the setting of the sun, he found it setting into a muddy spring. And he found near it a people.“ (Qur’an 18:86) Don’t get me wrong brother, I am just trying to understand your views. Are you in the view of tafwid? Do not accept ta’wil?
How is Christianity monotheistic religion? Its in fact a polytheistic belief which I have spent more than half of my life following. Convert to Islam it's the only way.
Assalum Alikum I am a reverted Muslim. I born in Uruguay, Montevideo, South America. The Sun there raise from the East, and Sunset on the west. Currently i am a citizen of Australia, Sydney, the Sun rise on the East and Sunset on the West. Please corrected me if I am wrong, still been a swimmer all my life, I am 74 years old, it always happens in the order....I am so glad Dr. OMAR , ITS MAKING THESE NEW VIDEOS.INSHALLAH
Alaikum Salam. Welcome to the family of Islam. May Allah swt give you strength in your journey. Yes, currently the sun rises from the east but there is a hadith that sates the sun will rise from the west one day. Dr Omer analyses this hadith. Inshallah we will be having many more videos from Dr Omer this year. Watch this space :)
It has been recently discovered that the center or core of the earth was turning very slower than the earth until it stopped turning the same direction as the earth, and recently the core has began turning the opposite direction of the earth, which means after several years it will change the direction of the earth which means when the earth begins turning the other side like it's core, then the sun will rise from the west
Correct me if I am wrong. Even if that star explodes and becomes bright in the sky, it will still rise from the east because the rotation of the earth is not changing.
It depends on what angle we see it and the time its first seen. The moon also rises from the east but sometimes its seen first in the west because it coincides with night time.
The modern astronomy tells us that Earth's rotational speed is ever so slightly slowing down and the moon is ever so slightly moving away from the Earth. So there would be some anomaly happening that time.
The Prophet Muhammad pbuh also said when the sun rises from the west it will be the sign that the judgement day is very near and after it happens no repentance of anyone will be accepted by Allah SWT thereafter. I'm not a scientist or an expert but my hypothesis is what if because of extensive mining or nuclear explosions some of the big mountains are evaporated would it cause the earth to spin on it's axis ? The Quran says Allah SWT has pegged mountains on earth to balance its rotation.
Someone said "Sun raising from the west" potentially could be a nuclear explosion that occurs in the west and as the plume of fire resembles a disk like the sun and slowly raising in the horizon. To me so far that is the most plausible manifestation of that reality, more than an astrophysical event.
If that was the case, it would say: "A" Sun will rise from the west, not "the" sun... And it did not say that after that it will then again come out of the east. Meaning the sun will continue 2 rise from the west untill Allah Azza wadjal will fold up the universe. So this cant never be an "explosion".
In our Zoroastrian religion scriptures n vohuman yasht pazand, it is mentioned tha 1:51 t sun will stop in the center of the earth and will start rotating from the west for 10 days.
actually Dzhanibekov effect can explain it. a rotating body in space will periodically flip 180 degrees around it's axis if it's centre of balance is off. this means the earth will flip upside down and continue rotating. the earths centre of balance is being offset by its core moving, and by the huge transfer of materials to build concrete cities all over the world. Add the melting of the ice caps etc. The earths balance is changing.
1:51 I'm just 2 minutes into the video so I don't know if this interpretation is mentioned or not, but one I'm familiar with and makes sense to me is that the sun will stop, or hold its position in the west where it's supposed to set, and the next day it will still be there, hence, it "rise from the west." Allah Knows Best.
It's not a metaphor. Allah SWT indicated that a time will come when the sun will rise in the west. Planets are in retrograde so when the earth will be in retrograde, the orbit of the sun will also be in the opposite direction
Rotational speed of earth is slowing down. Its inclination around its orbit is also changing. It is possible that north and south may have changed in the past, new ice ages. Earth is slowly loosing its weight as well, as a result of being bombarded by solar particles.
Qiyamah is not Doomsday! Qiyamah is from the verb Qaama or Aqaama, meaning "to restore", such as in Aya 18:77. Qiyamah is the time of restoration. It is an individual day for every person, not a cosmic calendar day as they taught us.
One other interpretation is that it will be by God's will. As simple as that. God created the physical laws of gravity and magnetic forces and set the rotation out of that to be in one direction at all of the universe. Reversing it is also possible and all by God's will.
mashaAlah,you're a tremendous Professor Sheik.i like your tafsir.Allahu azwJ,continues to shine light increase your faculty in beneficial knowledge,aAmiiiiin!
@@sabrinagharbi7702 Sabrina, you are an ignoramus. The guy is a dr in Islamic studies and teaches Islam at a university level. You are are just displaying your own ignorance with these comments. Have a look at the tafsir of Surah Anam 158.
It's all about education and knowledge which both of it will "shine" on each human being... where this "SUN" will make a human to restore their knowledge and become more wise and praiseworthy as Prophet SAW show in his life as normal human being.
Recent studies have shown that the Earth’s axis has been wobbling more than usual in recent decades. This could be due to melting of the polar icecaps and redistribution of water. In addition, we are witnessing that the deserts in Saudi Arabia and Africa are turning green If the Earth’s axis of rotation were to flip, it would indeed cause the sun to rise from the west.
We can have many assumptions and interpretations. Only Allah knows everything. Doomsday will come uninformed even if there are signs. The ayah in the Quran contains messages that are specific (muhkamat) and those that are inspecific (mutasyabihat).
ISRA Academy Thanks....can you see any possibilities as a physicist, if Jupiter which we consider as a potential but a sleeping sun, would explode, i.e start flaming up like the Sun ?
Your interprétation of the Sun being Science make more sense and the West will take the Lead. We are witnessing western scholars clarifying Islam in every way especially in sciences
Backed by the quran, the mountains are as pegs, to stop the earth from shaking The torah says go forth and multiply throughout the earth When we run out of clay for example, people will chop down the mountains (also mentioned in religious scriptures) that will then cause the world to shake, and floating castles in the sky will contribute to the safety of the earth by modifying the spin so that people won't die until the "very end " (judgement day on this earth/nor the final one in qiyama (I hope I used that last word correctly)
Quran stated dual east and west in SURAH RAHMAN, where humans n jinns both are being addressed so two dimensions of two creations .but we also see plural easts in Quran .Allah also told us about doors in sky in SURAH naba and for flood of Nüh alihi salam they were opened.Suppose easts are entry doors and west is exit door… may be sun will be send through the exit door and all harmony of our solar system will be disturbed and signs of qayamah will start, allah knows best
Could you please explain relevance or irrelevance of comment about Uranus, which I have copied from the Quora ......."Uranus is different. It’s axial tilt is 97.7 degrees. This means that for a quarter of its year or so, the Sun doesn’t set. And for a quarter it doesn’t rise. And for a quarter the Sun rises in the west and for a quarter the sun rises in the east." Can't such a thing ever happen with earth?
I think it will literally rise from wast I don't know how. The Hadith says that a man will do thajud and will wait for Fajar, but Fajar will not happen and will happen only after a very long time.
Is there a possibility that this prophecy refers to a time when humans will colonize a planet which rotates in a clockwise direction e.g. Venus where it would seem that the Sun rises from the West. Just a thought.
Sun rise in the west before Day of judgment because the gravitational movement stops as per His Will, as a result of which the mountains (fixed to the earth as pegs) will fly off and broken into dust , Sun and Moon loose their lustre as mentioned (Surah Nahl, Taha Qayama etc)
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ شَاهِدًا وَمُبَشِّرًا وَنَذِيرًا * وَدَاعِيًا إِلَى اللَّهِ بِإِذْنِهِ وَسِرَاجًا مُنِيرًا﴾ ، (وَجَعَلَ الْقَمَرَ فِيهِنَّ نُورًا وَجَعَلَ الشَّمْسَ سِرَاجًا،) the sun is a man from the ahlulbayt of Muhammad .allah knows best
It may be possible according to Newton's Law of motion, every action has a reaction but opposite in direction. As big bang starts expansion of universe. This is action when the action force becomes zero then the reaction force starts and the universe starts for collapse. What you say am i right ?
There is a very very simple answer to this. What if the sun expands? Stars expand when they reach their end stage, the day the sun rises from the west it is said the sun will be closer, the seas will boil and run dry, the magnetic change in the sun expanding is enough to make the earth go out of its axis and spin in a different way. And it is mentioned that day will not come until no true believers are left.
Actually, we have narrations that were brought forward by Abdullah Hashem on the mahdi has appeared channel, he said the ‘sun’ is the allegory for messenger. Hence the Quran refers to the sun prostrating to Joseph, and by that the sun was meant to be Jacob, his father. The sun is an actual person. A man who comes from the west.
you are on to something. The quran is full of stories and parables. that is how it protects it meaning (understanding) over time. Languages change and evolve over time, so if we want to understand the quran we have to find the keys to the meaning of words revealed 1400 plus years ago. Sun and moon are mentioned several times in the quran (including surah Yousuf). So is east and west, sunrise and sunset. So Sun could mean a person as you said. It could mean a messenger or message. West could also mean other than a physical direction. It could refer to sunset. So the messenger or message will rise after a period of dormancy ( a revival of the message). Look at our situation today after we have abandoned (reflect with understanding not blindly just recite) the quran (the message). If we dont take the literal meaning of the words we will also understand some of the hadiths mentioned in the comments
Even if the supernova occurs, we may have earth spinning in the same direction...ending up with the east witnessing the supernova 1st everyday...and then the west later ... like we witness Sun now... So, it may be something big and bright that revolves around the earth's axis,...that travels faster than the earth's spin....such that it shows up at west 1st and passes through the east at last ...
I always guessed that earth would slow its spins and start spinning the other way hence sun then start rising from the west, i say that because there are another sign where a day will be like a week,month,year etc indicating the slowness of rotation of the earth durring Dajjal time which is before the sun rises from the west sign.
I believe that when the universe expansion comes to and end everything returns to the beginning and the earth will start to revole and rotate backwards that would result to sun to the sun rising from the west instead of the East
Iti sudah di sampaikan oleh saya dulu bahwa jika tdk merubah maka rotasi bumi akan berubah karena kekutan bumi dalam menerima resiko berkurang maka harus ramah lingkungan dan ramah enrgi mineral...ini kembali lagi ke R 1 di R and D.....friendly energy macam minya jagung jadi bahan bakar di kembangkan dgn kimia aditiv apa di lab terus jgn berhenti di kwmbangkan sampai friendly zone
Naturally, the Sun currently rises from east because the earth spins from east to west. Our earth has a giant magnetic core which its North pole points to our Southern pole. If this magnetic core reverses its alignment, then earth's poles will shift, making it spin the opposite to the current direction. How about if the earth's spin reverses and spins from west to east? This means the sun will rise from west and set to the east. I think this's also what NASA believes.
Wrong, as explained in the video magnetic poles have changed many times in the history of the earth. The earth’s core spins differently to the earth’s outer layers. It rotates approximately once a year. Lately, is has slowed down and there are predictions that it may begin to spin the other way. This does not change the spin of the earth. The earth has always rotated anti-clockwise. It is not possible for the earth to just come to a stop and spin the other way. If a massive body like the earth suddenly stopped spinning and then begin to spin the other way, everything on earth will be destroyed instantly. No one will witness the son rising from the West.
@@babuvangu7220 The earth will not flip on its axis by the shift of magnetic poles. This has happened throughout earth’s history. It does not cause the earth to spin the Opposite direction, nor does it have significant effects on the surface.
Virgin Mary appeared somewhere recently and said, the sun is sending out magnetic energy with it's solar storms. This magnetic power is causing the earth's iron core to become hotter. Eventually the Earth will reach 130 degrees Fahrenheit, causing the oceans to evaporate. Revelation 21; 1, the oceans will be no more. Virgin Mary appeared somewhere and said recently, "the ships will rest on the bottom of the oceans. Amen
No matter What ever theory is correct,one sun or two suns,cosmic explosion etc,the signs of end time is this that the sun will appear from West,, and then it's all gone ,no time for humanity
Allah Swa tells us in Sura 18, among other things, that there is a place where the sun rises and a place where the sun sets. If you take these words as Allah Swa tells us, then we may see the earth differently, and a sunrise from the west may be conceivable. we are the center of our universe and not the sun. There are enough hadiths (as some brothers have mentioned) regarding the sun and its rising and setting. Allah swa made the sun and moon subservient to us and made the heavens and earths for us (humans, jinn,...).
Allah almighty has the power to reverse the earths rotation with no impact . Physically or metaphorically doesnt matter . The important thing is what did you prepare dor that day ? Because once that event happens if in our time forgiveness will not be accepted because it will be the final major sign where you wouldnt have the freedom of choice but you would be forced to believe. Iman is believing by choice not force. Allah knows the best ofcourse.
To my understanding, the Sun represents- The messenger or message according to Abraham locution . So Sun rising from West means a messenger will rise from West- Muhammad PbUh coming from Madina , west of Mecca or Prophet Issa will come from West
Earth is currently rotating around its axis of rotation from west to east ( counter- clockwise. Hence we see sun appearing from east, first. If the axis of rotation, is slowed...we will not see dah of 24 hours. Recall when Dajjal arrives, earth's spin motion slows down n one day (of spin motion) become 360 days ( number of days in lunar year), second day the spin motion be bit fast and spread over 29/30 days( of 24 hours day). On 3rd day spin gerd fast and one spin is completed in 7 (×24 hours). Then spin is completed in 24 hours, it continues for 37 normal 24 days and then after 40 spins of earth (1 year i.e 360 days+ 30 days + 7 days+ 37 days = 433 to 434 normal 24 days), the spin motion of earth around its axis of rotation is reversed/ flipped ( from right to left i.e. cl9ckwise) and humans will see sun rising from west
"The Sun" refers to the current sun rising in the east. If your statement commenced as "A sun" will rise in the west then you are allowed to speculate as much as you want.
Earth spining is slowing down, so the day is elongating. Moon and earth rotate to each other, referreing to a barycenter in between. So, the lunar phases will not change. In Cosmic long scale of comprehending the time, when the day will be equal to 6 lunar months, planet earth will start experiencing the Sun rising from west.
But the day like one year 6 month night 6 month day that dajjal (antichrist) first day. At this time it happens. Prophet Muhammad(saw) said dajjal 40 days 1 day same like a year 2 day same like a month 3 day same like a week 37 days normal days so 14 months 14 days.
As it's said that now Venus rotates in an anti clockwise direction, thus on Venus the sun rises from the west...So the same could happen on Earth...and it's not Earth flipping the poles...its about turning the direction of rotation of the earth...
Personally I don't think that we should not try to find the meanings of Quranic verses and Hadith other then it literally means and is understood by the majority of people who speak and understand Arabic, the language of Quran. Quranic verses came to be understood by the people of that time and those came after till today, and is not meant to be understood by a selected few with extensive scientific knowledge.❤
There have been a lot of comments in response to this video. Dr Omer has recorded a second video responding to some of the questions and comments from this first video. Here is the link:
It was narrated that Abu Hurairah said:
“I heard the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ) say: ‘The Hour will not begin until the sun rises from the west (i.e. the place of its setting). When it rises, the people will see it, and everyone on (earth) will believe, but that will be at a time when faith will not benefit anyone who did not believe before.’”
So it is clearly referring to the sun rising literally..
It might be towards the real End, when the curtains from the eyes are uncovered, when the people saw the real End coming soon with their own eyes. Therefore their faith will not be accepted anymore like the pharoh made a sajda after seeing his End but it wasn't accepted...
Yes its literal but its the day of judgement. The days of Dunya ended, people will rise from the dead and that day the sun will rise from the west.
Look at the scientific explanations of the surah an-nahl (Chapter 16) as how accurate it is (100%) even when there no biologist or Melittology existed. In reference to this, the sun will rise from the west for sure. Supernova is the nearest explanation or the reverse polar axis on earth's gravity shifting is close to this explanation.
What a load of garbage
@@shredx81 you are the Garbage!
You don’t need to know how it will happen we just know it will because Allah Subhana Wa’tallah told us in the glorious Quran that this will happen. That is enough for me to accept this will occur.
i agree
Which verse and surah?
يَسْـَٔلُونَكَ عَنِ السَّاعَةِ اَيَّانَ مُرْسٰيهَاؕ
فٖيمَ اَنْتَ مِنْ ذِ كْرٰيهَاؕ
اِلٰى رَبِّكَ مُنْتَهٰيهَاؕ
اِنَّمَٓا اَنْتَ مُنْذِرُ مَنْ يَخْشٰيهَاؕ
Soorah Al Naziyat 42-45
Rasoolallah is pure from what you utter, there are tens of ayat confirming this ayah that only Allah knows the ghaib!
Quran is sent for people who think.. (go find the verse urself)
The WORSR person in the sight of Allah is the One that refuse to think. ( again i leave u to do your home work to find the verse no)
Now imagine how many ayat that will become invalid in case sun rising from the west become literally true.. because so many ayat as proof saying that sun rise from the east..
Quran cannot become invalid at any time my friend. Simple analysis.
It is not a literal statement but rather that vrybody will leave their eastern natal places and go to the west to earn a leaving because it shines more in the west.. do u het the point??
Allah gave us brains and intellect for a reason. It is an appropriate and necessary discussion.
Our intellect and ability to reason is useless when it comes to the knowledge of the unseen which Allah clearly state in the Quran “Allah know and you don’t know”
@@AT-sd9ejtrue. I believe in the unseen. But I think it’s okay to be curious with our minds that Allah gave to us. That’s why I watched the video. That’s all I’m saying.
I enjoy your lectures Dr, I wish you should produce more of these lectures , I understand it much better. Following from Malawi 🇲🇼
Thanks for scientific and comprehensive clarification and interpretation. As an Afghan muslim, I really want to see Sheikh Omar on the screens more.
Narrated Abu Dhar:
The Prophet (ﷺ) asked me at sunset, "Do you know where the sun goes (at the time of sunset)?" I replied, "Allah and His Apostle know better." He said, "It goes (i.e. travels) till it prostrates Itself underneath the Throne and takes the permission to rise again, and it is permitted and then (a time will come when) it will be about to prostrate itself but its prostration will not be accepted, and it will ask permission to go on its course but it will not be permitted, but it will be ordered to return whence it has come and so it will rise in the west. And that is the interpretation of the Statement of Allah: "And the sun Runs its fixed course For a term (decreed). that is The Decree of (Allah) The Exalted in Might, The All- Knowing." (36.38)
Reference : Sahih al-Bukhari 3199
In-book reference : Book 59, Hadith 10
Do you really think Allah has a throne to sit on? Does He have body parts to sit on? If so then he also needs space and that is not possible since he is the creator of space. You cannot compare Allah with anything.
@@Ali_Mekrani read well it is hadith. be knowledgably you want be against to hadith go head! i know that Allah almighty written in quran several times that Allah has hands and not gonna argue nature of his hand not gonna compere it. or assicaite Allah with anything. 42/11 . how Allah almighty created Adam? How Allah almighty write the Torah? you want more evidence read well ? how Allah planted firedaws ? And you will see the angels surrounding the Throne, exalting [ Allah ] with praise of their Lord."(39:75)
Verse (39:67) They have not appraised Allah with true appraisal, while the earth entirely will be [within] His grip on the Day of Resurrection, and the heavens will be folded in His right hand. Exalted is He and high above what they associate with Him. In the end if just read a bit quran and hadith you will see even allah mention's about his face : whereever you turn ,there is the Face of Allah 2:115 , and face of your Lord full of majesty and honor will remain forever 55:27 . under his watchful eyes 20:39 , his shin 68:42 even and hadith about his feet . i m not argue if the meaning all of verses mean literal or metaphor. I will not attribute anything to him. but Remember
Allah will not reveal anything in vein in Holy Quran. at the end : Creator of the heavens and the earth. He has made for you from yourselves, mates, and among the cattle, mates; He multiplies you thereby. There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.(42:11)
@@abuharib8261 use google thats not hard. bukhari 3199
The report is quite difficult to interpret. Obviously, literal interpretations are problematic, because it says the sun prostrates, and prostration, the way we think of it, doesn't really apply to the sun. The sun prostrating means something, but it's not the kind of prostration that we humans would perform. We would stand up straight, squat down, get on our knees, place our hands on the ground, bend over, place our forehead between our hands, etc. The sun doesn't do that. The sun doesn't have knees and hands, or a forehead.
Moreover, since the sun can be observed by us at any given moment in time, due to our global distribution, it's never observed to do anything 'peculiar', by anyone. When it sets, it only sets from the perspective of those who are located on the planet and are about to enter nighttime, which is the earth facing away from the sun, due to rotation. Others who are still experiencing daytime don't see the sun doing anything, except slowly rotate through the sky; again, due to our own rotation. Nor is the Throne ever observed.
And as the sun sets for some, it rises for others, while others still are in the middle of the night, and for others the sun is at its zenith.
The former fact, to me, indicates that if the sun is literally going to be rising from the west, then this can only apply to those who are experiencing nighttime, at that moment. Only for them will the rising sun appear in the west. For those who are experiencing daytime, the sun would halt in its track, and start to move back towards the east. For those who are experiencing early morning, the sun rose in the east, but then suddenly it withdraws, and then there will be nighttime again, for these people, and so they could see it rising in the east, and after a couple of hours, see it rising from the west. For those who are about to see the sun set in the west, they would see the sun stop in its track, reverse, and run its course back towards the east now.
Meaning that "seeing the sun rise from the west" would only apply to a minority group at first. It would take over 24 hours for everyone on earth to finally see it rising in the west, but at that point, everyone would in fact be fully aware of its direction having changed. So the statement itself: "People will see the sun rise from the west", is open to interpretation, because its meaning isn't as apparent as it may seem. If literal, then perhaps it means that everyone will eventually see it rising in the west, and for those who experienced the end of daytime when the reverse occurred; that might take a full day, since they'll first see the sun run back to the east, then there's nighttime, and only then does it rise in the west from their perspective. Therefor, if literal, the rising from the west seems to indicate the changing trajectory, primarily, and the actual observation of it rising in the west is just an effect of that changing direction. An effect that is only instantly observed by a relatively minor number of people.
Since the sun doesn't revolve around the earth, the changing trajectory 'of the sun' is really the earth's rotation changing. That is, if we interpret it literally.
Subhanallah. I corrected my misunderstanding.thanks Sheikh Omar. بارک الله فی عمرک
It will be the Sun. Allah doesn’t need to strike the earth with a meteor to flip it. When the day comes he will say “Be” and it will flip.
No you all wrong. The sun rose from the west already.
Modern western civilization.
@@galielachmatebrahim5063 that is not the sun rising from the west, it is the devil.
Our faith makes us believe that Allah can make the same sun that we see now rise from the west.. its nice to know different theories… but this should be the very first belief on the mightiness of Allah swt
how about changing magnetic field and there you go.. as some scientist say. yes if you have compass and magnetic field flips obviously it will be reversed.. east will be west and opposite
No sun doesn't rotate, compare to earth it's almost stationary, it's going to the earth which is gonna flip up and then sun eventually rise up from west.
When the Prophet (peace be upon him) said that the sun will rise from the West, it IS the SUN that will rise from the West. That is as clear as a bright sunny day and it does not need any interpretation. If it was a star, then the Prophet (peace be upon him) would have said that it would be a 'star'.
And the Dajjal is a 40 feet Cyclops, yeah?
By the way, since you are the expert, can you also explain how the “bright” sun which is million times bigger than the earth, sank into the murky ocean (Surah Kahf)
No, as per the Prophet's ﷺ authentic sayings, the Dajjal is a human being but given certain powers by Allah سبحانه وتعالى. Very clear from all the authentic hadith on the subject.
You can’t take everything literally my friend. There are many mutashabih verses and ahadith that need interpretation, especially hadith al fitan.
So, how did Dhul Qarnayn see the sun sink into the ocean? Can we take it literally?
@@tanerserdar My friend, you need dalil or evidence from the Qur'an or authentic Sunnah based on the understanding fo the Salaf, especially about ghaib matters, to prove your case. Otherwise, you are just speculating and my deen is not based on your speculations.
@@البروناوي My friend, I asked a simple question. What did the Salaf say about this verse?
حَتَّىٰ إِذَا بَلَغَ مَغْرِبَ الشَّمْسِ وَجَدَهَا تَغْرُبُ فِي عَيْنٍ حَمِئَةٍ وَوَجَدَ عِندَهَا قَوْمًا
“Then, when he came to the setting of the sun, he found it setting into a muddy spring. And he found near it a people.“
(Qur’an 18:86)
Don’t get me wrong brother, I am just trying to understand your views. Are you in the view of tafwid? Do not accept ta’wil?
This Supernova and the unity of people from Christianity and Islam on monotheism really make sense. I hope it is the unity on monotheism.
I really that christians understand that Is a as is a Muslim..and we aren't their attackors
when the sun rises from the west, it will not rise from east for 3 days. so a supernova can supresss the sunlight but cannot stop sun from rising
How is Christianity monotheistic religion? Its in fact a polytheistic belief which I have spent more than half of my life following. Convert to Islam it's the only way.
Jews exist.
Right. Muslims and Christian follow different ideologies. Muslims follow Mohammed, Christians Yeshua.
If ALLAH has said THE(our) sun will rise from the west it will.
Kun fiya Kun.
Great discussions - thank you sir for yr brilliant refreshing talks
I have wondered about this
Jazakallah khayr
Assalum Alikum
I am a reverted Muslim.
I born in Uruguay, Montevideo,
South America.
The Sun there raise from the East, and Sunset on the west.
Currently i am a citizen of Australia, Sydney, the Sun rise on the East and Sunset on the West. Please corrected me if I am wrong, still been a swimmer all my life, I am 74 years old, it always happens in the order....I am so glad Dr. OMAR , ITS MAKING THESE NEW VIDEOS.INSHALLAH
Alaikum Salam. Welcome to the family of Islam. May Allah swt give you strength in your journey.
Yes, currently the sun rises from the east but there is a hadith that sates the sun will rise from the west one day. Dr Omer analyses this hadith.
Inshallah we will be having many more videos from Dr Omer this year. Watch this space :)
The Truth reveals it's self❤
It has been recently discovered that the center or core of the earth was turning very slower than the earth until it stopped turning the same direction as the earth, and recently the core has began turning the opposite direction of the earth, which means after several years it will change the direction of the earth which means when the earth begins turning the other side like it's core, then the sun will rise from the west
Correct me if I am wrong. Even if that star explodes and becomes bright in the sky, it will still rise from the east because the rotation of the earth is not changing.
It depends on what angle we see it and the time its first seen. The moon also rises from the east but sometimes its seen first in the west because it coincides with night time.
@tanerserdar, apparently, you don't know anything on this topic.
@@mohammedvaseem9516 😂I am an astronomer you ignoramus…
Allah knows the best the human being can't be able to explain.
The modern astronomy tells us that Earth's rotational speed is ever so slightly slowing down and the moon is ever so slightly moving away from the Earth. So there would be some anomaly happening that time.
Great Review 🎉
The correct answer is Allaahu Aalam ,
Those who see the sign , will know !
The Prophet Muhammad pbuh also said when the sun rises from the west it will be the sign that the judgement day is very near and after it happens no repentance of anyone will be accepted by Allah SWT thereafter. I'm not a scientist or an expert but my hypothesis is what if because of extensive mining or nuclear explosions some of the big mountains are evaporated would it cause the earth to spin on it's axis ? The Quran says Allah SWT has pegged mountains on earth to balance its rotation.
What ever Happens, our Abrahamic God Decides and that's A Blessing 🎉🐍⚖️☀️🖐️🙏🤚☝️🔥
Someone said "Sun raising from the west" potentially could be a nuclear explosion that occurs in the west and as the plume of fire resembles a disk like the sun and slowly raising in the horizon. To me so far that is the most plausible manifestation of that reality, more than an astrophysical event.
If that was the case, it would say: "A" Sun will rise from the west, not "the" sun... And it did not say that after that it will then again come out of the east. Meaning the sun will continue 2 rise from the west untill Allah Azza wadjal will fold up the universe. So this cant never be an "explosion".
@@aqielvanrussel232 bro think of it whatever you think of it, at the end of the day, it is the end if the day: 😀 May Allah grant us all happy endings.
In our Zoroastrian religion scriptures n vohuman yasht pazand, it is mentioned tha 1:51 t sun will stop in the center of the earth and will start rotating from the west for 10 days.
Well we Muslims believed that zoaraster is a prophet of God sent to his nation during his time
@@tazboy1934 Zoroastrian is called religion of King zulkarnain .Zulkarnain is Servant of One and only Creator Allah.
Amazing scholarly and scientific analysis of the hadith of the beloved prophet s.a.w.
It will rise wherever Allah wants.
A normal compass would show the sun rising from the West if the poles switch ... No twisting of the planet necessary...
actually Dzhanibekov effect can explain it.
a rotating body in space will periodically flip 180 degrees around it's axis if it's centre of balance is off.
this means the earth will flip upside down and continue rotating.
the earths centre of balance is being offset by its core moving, and by the huge transfer of materials to build concrete cities all over the world. Add the melting of the ice caps etc. The earths balance is changing.
Sun rises from the west meaning is Sun rises from the west. There is no other explanations needed we believe in that.
Thanks a lot Isra Academy
1:51 I'm just 2 minutes into the video so I don't know if this interpretation is mentioned or not, but one I'm familiar with and makes sense to me is that the sun will stop, or hold its position in the west where it's supposed to set, and the next day it will still be there, hence, it "rise from the west." Allah Knows Best.
Love from India 🇮🇳
What about if it's a metaphor
It's not a metaphor. Allah SWT indicated that a time will come when the sun will rise in the west. Planets are in retrograde so when the earth will be in retrograde, the orbit of the sun will also be in the opposite direction
Rotational speed of earth is slowing down. Its inclination around its orbit is also changing. It is possible that north and south may have changed in the past, new ice ages. Earth is slowly loosing
its weight as well, as a result of being bombarded by solar particles.
It will be great if Christians and Muslims unite in the worship of Allah.
Discussions like that are unlimited never ending ,,start from anywhere ends nowhere
We should consider Surah Takvir about the Sun undergoing a change and relate it to the sun arising from the West as initial step of something huge...
Qiyamah is not Doomsday! Qiyamah is from the verb Qaama or Aqaama, meaning "to restore", such as in Aya 18:77. Qiyamah is the time of restoration. It is an individual day for every person, not a cosmic calendar day as they taught us.
What? Qiyama means qoom (get up) out of your graves from death (back to life, to face God)
Good video.
One other interpretation is that it will be by God's will. As simple as that.
God created the physical laws of gravity and magnetic forces and set the rotation out of that to be in one direction at all of the universe.
Reversing it is also possible and all by God's will.
SubhanAllah ❤
mashaAlah,you're a tremendous Professor Sheik.i like your tafsir.Allahu azwJ,continues to shine light increase your faculty in beneficial knowledge,aAmiiiiin!
Sabrina, you are an ignoramus. The guy is a dr in Islamic studies and teaches Islam at a university level. You are are just displaying your own ignorance with these comments.
Have a look at the tafsir of Surah Anam 158.
It's all about education and knowledge which both of it will "shine" on each human being... where this "SUN" will make a human to restore their knowledge and become more wise and praiseworthy as Prophet SAW show in his life as normal human being.
Thank you so much sir
Recent studies have shown that the Earth’s axis has been wobbling more than usual in recent decades. This could be due to melting of the polar icecaps and redistribution of water. In addition, we are witnessing that the deserts in Saudi Arabia and Africa are turning green If the Earth’s axis of rotation were to flip, it would indeed cause the sun to rise from the west.
Maybe it could be discussed but in the quran, Allah said in AlQamar 17,22,32,40..that the quran is made easy to understand...
So just imagine the low IQ these days.
We can have many assumptions and interpretations. Only Allah knows everything. Doomsday will come uninformed even if there are signs. The ayah in the Quran contains messages that are specific (muhkamat) and those that are inspecific (mutasyabihat).
What about if big crunch happen?
ISRA Academy Thanks....can you see any possibilities as a physicist, if Jupiter which we consider as a potential but a sleeping sun, would explode, i.e start flaming up like the Sun ?
Earth rotates on its axis from west to east.
what happens if this rotation changes from east to west .
Your interprétation of the Sun being Science make more sense and the West will take the Lead. We are witnessing western scholars clarifying Islam in every way especially in sciences
In The East they are to busy being at each other throats for different sectarian reasons.
Backed by the quran, the mountains are as pegs, to stop the earth from shaking
The torah says go forth and multiply throughout the earth
When we run out of clay for example, people will chop down the mountains (also mentioned in religious scriptures) that will then cause the world to shake, and floating castles in the sky will contribute to the safety of the earth by modifying the spin so that people won't die until the "very end " (judgement day on this earth/nor the final one in qiyama (I hope I used that last word correctly)
Not and not nor
Quran stated dual east and west in SURAH RAHMAN, where humans n jinns both are being addressed so two dimensions of two creations .but we also see plural easts in Quran .Allah also told us about doors in sky in SURAH naba and for flood of Nüh alihi salam
they were opened.Suppose easts are entry doors and west is exit door… may be sun will be send through the exit door and all harmony of our solar system will be disturbed and signs of qayamah will start, allah knows best
Its also possible that it is poetic. Perhaps something like the Mehdi/Isa/enlightenment (The sun) will come from western 'civilisation'.
Mehdi and Isa (AS) will be coming from eastern
Could you please explain relevance or irrelevance of comment about Uranus, which I have copied from the Quora ......."Uranus is different. It’s axial tilt is 97.7 degrees. This means that for a quarter of its year or so, the Sun doesn’t set. And for a quarter it doesn’t rise. And for a quarter the Sun rises in the west and for a quarter the sun rises in the east."
Can't such a thing ever happen with earth?
Excellent point. In fact, the sun rises from the west all the time on Venus, because it spins the other way.
Currently we lost good relationship between each other in this world 🌎...That means end of the world 🌎
A satellite which can be used to reflect light and create artificial day
I think it will literally rise from wast
I don't know how.
The Hadith says that a man will do thajud and will wait for Fajar, but Fajar will not happen and will happen only after a very long time.
If Allah says the sun will rise from the west, it really will rise from the west
What about the earth's spin going into retrograde
Is there a possibility that this prophecy refers to a time when humans will colonize a planet which rotates in a clockwise direction e.g. Venus where it would seem that the Sun rises from the West. Just a thought.
Sun rise in the west before Day of judgment because the gravitational movement stops as per His Will, as a result of which the mountains (fixed to the earth as pegs) will fly off and broken into dust , Sun and Moon loose their lustre as mentioned (Surah Nahl, Taha Qayama etc)
If there is a nuclear war, would it be possible for pole shifts; thus the sun rises from the west?
Many things related to akhir zaman are not literal. Its symbolic.
يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ شَاهِدًا وَمُبَشِّرًا وَنَذِيرًا * وَدَاعِيًا إِلَى اللَّهِ بِإِذْنِهِ وَسِرَاجًا مُنِيرًا﴾ ، (وَجَعَلَ الْقَمَرَ فِيهِنَّ نُورًا وَجَعَلَ الشَّمْسَ سِرَاجًا،) the sun is a man from the ahlulbayt of Muhammad .allah knows best
It may be possible according to Newton's Law of motion, every action has a reaction but opposite in direction. As big bang starts expansion of universe. This is action when the action force becomes zero then the reaction force starts and the universe starts for collapse. What you say am i right ?
Inner most core of the earth when started moving in the opposite direction then chain of events can be started leading to Sun rising from the West
There is a very very simple answer to this. What if the sun expands? Stars expand when they reach their end stage, the day the sun rises from the west it is said the sun will be closer, the seas will boil and run dry, the magnetic change in the sun expanding is enough to make the earth go out of its axis and spin in a different way. And it is mentioned that day will not come until no true believers are left.
Actually, we have narrations that were brought forward by Abdullah Hashem on the mahdi has appeared channel, he said the ‘sun’ is the allegory for messenger. Hence the Quran refers to the sun prostrating to Joseph, and by that the sun was meant to be Jacob, his father.
The sun is an actual person. A man who comes from the west.
you are on to something. The quran is full of stories and parables. that is how it protects it meaning (understanding) over time. Languages change and evolve over time, so if we want to understand the quran we have to find the keys to the meaning of words revealed 1400 plus years ago. Sun and moon are mentioned several times in the quran (including surah Yousuf). So is east and west, sunrise and sunset. So Sun could mean a person as you said. It could mean a messenger or message. West could also mean other than a physical direction. It could refer to sunset. So the messenger or message will rise after a period of dormancy ( a revival of the message). Look at our situation today after we have abandoned (reflect with understanding not blindly just recite) the quran (the message). If we dont take the literal meaning of the words we will also understand some of the hadiths mentioned in the comments
Even if the supernova occurs, we may have earth spinning in the same direction...ending up with the east witnessing the supernova 1st everyday...and then the west later ... like we witness Sun now...
So, it may be something big and bright that revolves around the earth's axis,...that travels faster than the earth's spin....such that it shows up at west 1st and passes through the east at last ...
I always guessed that earth would slow its spins and start spinning the other way hence sun then start rising from the west, i say that because there are another sign where a day will be like a week,month,year etc indicating the slowness of rotation of the earth durring Dajjal time which is before the sun rises from the west sign.
I believe that when the universe expansion comes to and end everything returns to the beginning and the earth will start to revole and rotate backwards that would result to sun to the sun rising from the west instead of the East
Iti sudah di sampaikan oleh saya dulu bahwa jika tdk merubah maka rotasi bumi akan berubah karena kekutan bumi dalam menerima resiko berkurang maka harus ramah lingkungan dan ramah enrgi mineral...ini kembali lagi ke R 1 di R and D.....friendly energy macam minya jagung jadi bahan bakar di kembangkan dgn kimia aditiv apa di lab terus jgn berhenti di kwmbangkan sampai friendly zone
This is not in the Quran. It's in a Hadith.
Naturally, the Sun currently rises from east because the earth spins from east to west. Our earth has a giant magnetic core which its North pole points to our Southern pole. If this magnetic core reverses its alignment, then earth's poles will shift, making it spin the opposite to the current direction.
How about if the earth's spin reverses and spins from west to east? This means the sun will rise from west and set to the east.
I think this's also what NASA believes.
Wrong, as explained in the video magnetic poles have changed many times in the history of the earth. The earth’s core spins differently to the earth’s outer layers. It rotates approximately once a year. Lately, is has slowed down and there are predictions that it may begin to spin the other way. This does not change the spin of the earth. The earth has always rotated anti-clockwise. It is not possible for the earth to just come to a stop and spin the other way. If a massive body like the earth suddenly stopped spinning and then begin to spin the other way, everything on earth will be destroyed instantly. No one will witness the son rising from the West.
@@outthinkersubliminalfacts The earth spins from West to East that’s why the sun appears to travel around the Earth from East to West.
If a pole reversal takes place the magnetic poles will be insignificant.
@@babuvangu7220 The earth will not flip on its axis by the shift of magnetic poles. This has happened throughout earth’s history. It does not cause the earth to spin the Opposite direction, nor does it have significant effects on the surface.
Virgin Mary appeared somewhere recently and said, the sun is sending out magnetic energy with it's solar storms. This magnetic power is causing the earth's iron core to become hotter. Eventually the Earth will reach 130 degrees Fahrenheit, causing the oceans to evaporate. Revelation 21; 1, the oceans will be no more. Virgin Mary appeared somewhere and said recently, "the ships will rest on the bottom of the oceans. Amen
No matter What ever theory is correct,one sun or two suns,cosmic explosion etc,the signs of end time is this that the sun will appear from West,, and then it's all gone ,no time for humanity
Allah Swa tells us in Sura 18, among other things, that there is a place where the sun rises and a place where the sun sets. If you take these words as Allah Swa tells us, then we may see the earth differently, and a sunrise from the west may be conceivable. we are the center of our universe and not the sun. There are enough hadiths (as some brothers have mentioned) regarding the sun and its rising and setting. Allah swa made the sun and moon subservient to us and made the heavens and earths for us (humans, jinn,...).
Allah almighty has the power to reverse the earths rotation with no impact . Physically or metaphorically doesnt matter . The important thing is what did you prepare dor that day ? Because once that event happens if in our time forgiveness will not be accepted because it will be the final major sign where you wouldnt have the freedom of choice but you would be forced to believe. Iman is believing by choice not force. Allah knows the best ofcourse.
To my understanding, the Sun represents- The messenger or message according to Abraham locution . So Sun rising from West means a messenger will rise from West- Muhammad PbUh coming from Madina , west of Mecca or Prophet Issa will come from West
Prophet Isā will land in Jerusalem, did you not know that?
@@irenedoha9383no he will land in mosque in damascus😂😂
Earth is currently rotating around its axis of rotation from west to east ( counter- clockwise. Hence we see sun appearing from east, first.
If the axis of rotation, is slowed...we will not see dah of 24 hours. Recall when Dajjal arrives, earth's spin motion slows down n one day (of spin motion) become 360 days ( number of days in lunar year), second day the spin motion be bit fast and spread over 29/30 days( of 24 hours day).
On 3rd day spin gerd fast and one spin is completed in 7 (×24 hours).
Then spin is completed in 24 hours, it continues for 37 normal 24 days and then after 40 spins of earth (1 year i.e 360 days+ 30 days + 7 days+ 37 days = 433 to 434 normal 24 days), the spin motion of earth around its axis of rotation is reversed/ flipped ( from right to left i.e. cl9ckwise) and humans will see sun rising from west
Sun = light = vision = knowledge = technology = west (North America)
Where did you find the "Sun rising from the West" in the Quran?
Surah and ayah # please?
A black hole can transform the sun and change direction, creating a new solar shape. (Also mentions that the Sun will be near to the Earth)
We learn from The Quran that doomsday gonna be very heavy for earth and the heavens .
"The Sun" refers to the current sun rising in the east. If your statement commenced as "A sun" will rise in the west then you are allowed to speculate as much as you want.
May be modern day physics can't explain it but for Allah it's easy kun fa ya kun.
It means it will burn western ideologies?
The earth can tilt on its axis without an astroid impact .
A magnetic pole shift will make the compass needle point to what is now the south .
Earth spining is slowing down, so the day is elongating. Moon and earth rotate to each other, referreing to a barycenter in between. So, the lunar phases will not change. In Cosmic long scale of comprehending the time, when the day will be equal to 6 lunar months, planet earth will start experiencing the Sun rising from west.
But the day like one year 6 month night 6 month day that dajjal (antichrist) first day. At this time it happens.
Prophet Muhammad(saw) said dajjal 40 days 1 day same like a year
2 day same like a month
3 day same like a week
37 days normal days so 14 months 14 days.
What will happen when the big Crunch begins, after the expansion collapse?
As it's said that now Venus rotates in an anti clockwise direction, thus on Venus the sun rises from the west...So the same could happen on Earth...and it's not Earth flipping the poles...its about turning the direction of rotation of the earth...
0:14 the flipping of the poles
@@ahrazathar then what
Perhaps If the arctic or the Antarctic begins to warm, it could potentially cause a shift in the axis and influence rotation
How it will happen, Allahs knows best. It will happen so we should all prepare for it
Whatever the interpretations are, as long as the earth rotate from west to east everything will appear rising from the east.
The metaphor precedes the reality
Personally I don't think that we should not try to find the meanings of Quranic verses and Hadith other then it literally means and is understood by the majority of people who speak and understand Arabic, the language of Quran. Quranic verses came to be understood by the people of that time and those came after till today, and is not meant to be understood by a selected few with extensive scientific knowledge.❤