I woke up with the date 5743 in my mind, & although I knew it was Hebrew year, I didn't know that in the Gregorian calendar it was 1983 until I looked it up. Then, it was several minutes later that I ran across this video. God IS up to fulfilling His prophetic word!
May 28, 2023 is Pentecost Sunday this year. Bob prophesied that the rain would come at the "appointed time" 40 years ago on May 28. Pentecost is a festival date (mo'ed) which means "appointed time." 🌦⚡🌦
@@lauravictorious4670 Yes, Shauvot ends on Saturday evening at sundown this year. "Pentecost Sunday" is celebrated on Sunday this year on May 28, however.
There is another large group that I have been praying with since 2020.Pastor Chris Oyakhilom prayer network where believers are praying in 15 minutes segments around the clock and we also have been praying for the peace of Jerusalem.
Whilst praying with my husband each evening for Israel, i felt that as each one of us around the world are praying God was opening portals because, of our prayers and releasing legions of warring angels, who were being sent on assignment. I heard the Lord say, like Elijah, by the power of God and His fire we tear down the evil spirits as God sends His fire down. As a result when they are defeated ( as the baal sacrifice didnt light, and the priests of baal were destroyed with elijah, it was then ahad and Jezabel were removed. As we pray the higher major spirits are being defeated, and leafets then are removed.
Never registered Mike, but I am participating in the 21 day fast for Israel … Queensland, Australia. On the Daniel fast and praying (usually) 1 hour per day. Half hour in the morning and half hour at night. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in praying for Israel.
Great message Pastor Mike. Pastors in our area of Milwaukee are praying. God's love carries us through. We are overcomers in Christ and are praying that your faith does not fail.
Thank you Jesus I’ve been praying for Israel and for Benjamin Yatenyahue and those men and women around him to be doing the will of the God of Israel and for a hedge of protection over him and his family in Yeshua Jesus name. God is absolutely good.
Thank you for being faithful Mike in doing what you are doing right now. God bless you, your wife, family, church and your ministry. Yes, I am for the peace of Israel. Please pray for my country Malaysia, for God to revive the body of Christ, His glory be manifested. All glory to Him. I am blessed and encouraged 🙌🙌🙌🙏
I believe the Jesus People outpouring ended in 1983 because IT HAD TO. Outpourings end or abate to make way for a new movement of God's Spirit. When Bob arrived in KC in 83 it was to prepare the body of believers to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work of tilling, hoeing, planting and nuturing what would one day be a massive outpouring. The Jesus People movement was wonderful but it had to end to make way for a new movement with a new foundation. IHOP was birthed because of this. The spiritual infrastructure that existed in the Church in the 1960's was strong enough to support the Jesus People movement but NOT strong enough or developed enough to support this next, great outpouring. God PROVED to us it wasn't strong enough from the failures of the televanglist empire and certain ways in which the worldly greed invaded Christian music in the 1980's. IHOP was at the forefront of building that new spiritual foundation this great outpouring would need. I didn't know Mike Bickle or Bob Jones even existed in 1983 but I can attest first hand that the open heaven I knew from when I came to the Lord in 1980, lifted in 1983. It's because God was ending one movement and making way for a new work. As time went on, the words God gave Bob Jones went viral. In 1990 my Congregational leaders met Mike Bickle and then Bob Jones a few yrs later. Those prophecies from 1983 eventually went viral, lit fires all over the world and in many cases were solid confirmation of the same words God gave to other leaders globally. Now FORTY YEARS LATER we are about to see it happen. It's no coincidence that in the past 9 yrs we've seen giants like Bob Jones and Paul Cain pass into glory. They've handed the baton off to a younger generation who will steward this outpouring. Praise God forevermore...
I got soundly saved as a debauched motocross racer in 1978. No church service, no tongues, no sensational manifestations. It was a clear sense of profound guilt before a holy God & a keen sense that Jesus Christ was alive and died for my sins and the only reasonable thing to do was to fall at His feet. Everything changed at that moment and now ever since. When God saved me I threw all my Rock & Roll music with my drug paraphernalia and alcohol, for I knew it was wrong and my affections all reversed. Then I was finding more and more CCM coming out of Southern California and I knew in my heart it was evil but I was so addicted to the music I grew up with since the late sixties I missed the spirit of the music; consequently, I capitulated to this draw and emersed myself with and promoted, for others to drink my new "Christian" rock and roll/pop. It took a few years until I saw that it was stunting my growth and subtly and slowly moving me from a love of the Word (which slowly became more boring than reading books about apologetics or any other thing other than the written Word of God.) I was seeing that this music was moving us powerfully; however, it had a sensual spirit that was masquerading as the Holy Spirit. Fellow Christians were starting to struggle with sexual sins and I struggled with my thought life and I seemed to become calloused to watching movies and tv that were vile and blasphemous. The Bible started having a hard veneer over it and insights became shallow by our Bible Teachers and those around me (me included). I also saw this sensual spirit drawing people into unholy physical relationships which often ended in shipwrecks and at times divorce. It was finally after nearly 20 yrs before my wife and I threw out every single piece of music that had any of this spirit. We returned to hymns which initially were dry and dull; however, we commented that once all the CMM was out of our home we all perceived that something subtle lifted. It was like someone put brighter lightbulbs in all the lamps. Our love for the Word returned and it returned again to be a deep pool of cool water for our souls. It took several years for the hymns to become a joy and then I began to realize that they were conveying deep and thrilling doctrinal insights that moved me in a totally different way. Now, after many years I can say that those dull boring hymns have become far more profound and joyful. Just recently I saw a podcast where a young worship leader abandoned the faith and was asked if there were ever times when he sensed the moving of the Holy Spirit working in his life, he said occasionally when he was leading the church in "worship" and when he attended secular rock concerts. He inadvertently said the quiet part out loud. I've never been inside your church so I don't know if you all are struggling with some of these things but based on what I see from afar I felt I needed to at least stop to see if other sheep were who were drinking brackish water and feeding on spiritual thistles was struggling with this. One last thing, many many years ago I saw a little casual backstage interview with David Bowie... He was telling someone about how he went to a very high and powerful Eastern Buddhist monk in Asia who prophecized that there were going to be great things done through Pop music over the coming years. Bowie being a rocker kind of sheepishly, grimaced in jest. Also, I found that those of my friends who didn't abandon CCM all ended up being drawn back to secular music. I still remember, before getting saved, sitting in my van at a motocross race in Bucannon Michigan. I was reading a hardcore pornographic magazine where Steven Stills was being interviewed. He spoke in surprising detail about how he took the "Masters" (the old term for the original recording that was used to produce the albums) to the Satanic temple in San Francisco to cast demons on them so that anyone who possessed an album there would be demonic spirits present. I would say after listening briefly to the music you play that it was profoundly powerful and touched all the same dusty places that Misty Mountian Hop or Bohemium Rapsody had. I've seen over the years that those the enemy fears most he works the hardest to deceive and harm...It appears your movement may fit this strategy well.
I am back from that thing I had to go deal with. I will message you later tonight after I deliver this freight and tell. I am so tired. Definitely use some prayers 🙏
Its important to know this history. Thank you. Ive been fasting and praying Isaiah 62 verses daily and doing half day fast. Im full of anticipation for what God will do. Praying for Joel 2 awakening also. Also keeping 24/7 worship going most of day. Thank you for listening, obeying, serving. Shalom Shalom
In the spirit of the tabernacle of David? How about the restoration of that Tabernacle? Where is your musician king? Mike Bickle! You are amazing! “The things you refuse are the things you should choose” Kevin Porsche is a King David to me.
The end of the drought 40 years ago was August 23. That is 8/23. 8 is the number of new beginnings and this year is 23. Could this May 28 be what Bob Jones saw 40 years ago?
Thank you for telling the "Ole', ole stories and loving us in on the storyline of IHOP. You can't make this stuff up!!! May each of us put ourselves in His-story line! Thank you Holy Spirit for assisting them in staying steady and for having Mike share this beautifulhistory. Holy Spirit continue to lead and guide bringing great wisdom and revelation to the IHOP team and all if us!
Sure thankful for IHOP. What a great happening of events by the Lord for that kinda of providence. Right, God will not forget Israle by Replacement Theology.
I'm feel the fire of the holy spirit when I watched this and the Lord give me again the Isaiah 43:10 it is for his people in Israel they are his witnesses" and the covenant of God will never break🙏shalom Israel🙏 "🙏Maranatha"
The day the fast for Israel ends is May 28, which happens to be Pentecost Sunday this year. The festival of Shauvot (aka Pentecost) first occurred at the Giving of the Law and "Pentecost" in Acts 2 occurred on same date about 1500 years later. Of course, the symbolism is about the birthing of the nation of Israel and the Church (the two Covenants). On the festival of Shauvot, the book of Ruth (who was a Gentile) is read and two loaves of bread are waved - this represents the Jews and Gentiles coming together. Also, according to Jewish history King David (Ruth's great grandson) was born and died on this festival date. 🙂
@@lauravictorious4670 Yes. Shauvot ends at sundown on Saturday, May 27 this year. However, the Church celebrates "Pentecost Sunday" on May 28 this year.
I am grateful that understanding re the Biblical festivals is being restored. I wrote a book on this subject about 10 years ago (after years of study regarding the subject). I posted here because I feel the symbolism is significant.
Dear Pastor Mike and Team, Can the Messianic Jews in Israel and all over the world start crying out in one accord in Hebrew to our Heavenly Father God and Yeshua in this present time : BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD ! instead of waiting for the tribulation Jews to cry out then ?
I am supposed to come see you in July 😊 I have a rod and staff to give away! 😂 That event about Passover event is supposed to take place August 7th. I was wrong about the when the sign of Eagles thatis going to happen. After we walk in faith. Enjoying your messages. God bless 😊
Proverbs 29:18 Where there is no vision/no revelation, the people perish: but he that guards the Torah, happy is he...being a born-again Spirit-filled Spirit-led Torah guarding German Jewish follower of the Lamb, going wherever He goes and for many years now 🤔...it's day 48 of the Omer...Revelation 12:7-11,17 [7]And there was war in Heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, [8]And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in Heaven. [9]And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the Earth, and his angels were cast out with him. [10]And I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our Elohim, and the Power of His Messiah: for the accuser of our brothers is cast down, which accused them before our Elohim day and night. [11]And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death... ...[17]And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Elohim ie the Torah, and have the testimony of Yahshua Messiah...Hebrews 13:8 Yahshua Messiah the same yesterday, today and forever 💕.... ♥...
So you don't dress up for YHWH or Yahuwshua anymore? But you dress up for your work, for going to dinner, for going to a party, to go out...., but the King doesn't deserve your best?
Yisra'el is made up of 12 tribes. The tribe of Yahuwdah, who are biblically the House of Yahuwdah, the southern kingdom, incorporating the tribe of Binyamin, is only one tribe. Then there is the House of Yisra'el, the northern kingdom known as the 10 tribes who were cast away in 722 BC, for her infidelity. She is known as the Lost Sheep of the House of Yisra'el. She was destined by YHWH, and prophesied, to become like those in the lands of her enemies where YHWH cast her away to... gentiles. YHWH took everything away from her: in the lands of her enemies, she would forget YHWH, forget who she really was, forget the Shabbat, forget the moedim, become like the gentiles and eat unclean, without the promises, with YHWH, and without hope in the world. But because she was part of the covenant that arose from the oath and promise that YHWH made with Abraham (when only Yahuwshua walked through the pieces, and not Aabraham), YHWH cannot go back in His Word. So, since He had cat her away, how was He to keep His oath and promise to Aabraham, to give all Abraham's descendants the inheritance of the land of promise? For YHWH's Word commands us that a wife who goes astray and is cast out, will have the charges against her for her infidelity (that she committed against the marriage vows) noted. As long as her husband is alive, these are held against her. Only on his death, can she have her slate wiped clean, to legally marry another. And also, she cannot return to her first husband. The Church have been wrong in naming themselves Spiritual Yisra'el, and claiming they replace YHWH's Yisra'el. That's because of their false shepherds who are leading them astray, away from the truth. She has never lived by every word that comes out of the mouth of YHWH because she is of her mother, the Church of Rome, and refuse to come out of her to take hold of the truth. But the Church don't know who they really are, because the Church start the book half way through and discard the beginning... that is: all scripture. "All scripture is given by inspiration of YHWH, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousnes..." he was only speaking of the first half of the book. If you don't know, understand, or believe Ya'aqob's prophecy in Bereshith over Ephrayim and Maneshsheh, how can you understand who you really are? If you cannot understand B'midbar 30, how can you understand why ha Mashiach had to die? If you do not connect Yeshayahu 54 with both Bereshith and B'midbar, how do you know what your sin is, how to return properly, and how to re enter the covenant the way YHWH commands us to? There will be a remnant of the house of Yahuwdah, and a remnant of the house of Yisra'el. This remnant is YHWH's people, the set apart who keep both the commandments/Torah of YHWH and who also hold fast to the testimonies of Yahuwshua ha Mashiach. Those of the House of Yisra'el, the majority of you who sit in the Church, are still lost from your true identity. What is it about Yahuwshua's parable of the list sheep don't you understand? Did the shepherd go looking for a lamb that got lost, that was not in his sheepfold to begin with? Why was it necessary for him to leave the 90 + 9 and go searching for that lost lamb, if it were not to bring it back where it came from in the first place? A shepherd will not go looking for other sheep that belong to someone else. YHWH has two sheepfolds ONLY: the House of Yisra'el and the House of Yahuwdah. ONLY the two sticks. You who come to the knowledge of the truth and (make) teshuvah, who were once gentiles, you must come back into YHWH's olive tree Yisra'el and walk in faith obedience: you can no longer be gentiles who are against YHWH and who are akrobustia. You are either Yisra'el, or unclean gentiles. So because the House of Yisra'el were cast away (but not forever) to become an almanuth, alman, azab, the House of Yahuwdah were left still legally married to YHWH. YHWH could have destroyed the House of Yahuwdah as well, but the Messiah had to come through them, and besides that, the tribe of Binyamin was given to the House of Yahuwdah (Shelomoh's son, Rechav'am) so that Dawid would always have a light burning in YHWH's presence in Yerushalayim. So in Yahuwshua's day, the House of Yahuwdah were known as Yisra'el, recognised as Yisra'el. The world only recognises the House of Yahuwdah as Yisra'el, and the current house of Yahuwdah only include themselves in all their stories, biblical accounts, etc. They will never say that YHWH took the whole 12 tribes out of Mitzrayim, they'll say "when G-d brought the Jew's out of Egypt". But YHWH made a promise to Ephrayim (who interchanges with Yowsephs) and Maneshsheh, and that's who you are... the descendants of the 10 northern tribes. So because you became gentiles (YHWH's plan, for He has declared the end from the beginning) and have to turn back to keeping the commandments as you have faith that YHWH has forgiven you and ratified it by Yahuwshua's blood, then as you, the House of Yisra'el (gentiles) come back into the sheepfold of Yisra'el, you come under the shepherds staff. You are numbered. So when the number of you come back into obedience, then all Yisra'el will be delivered. That means... only all the remnant. All Yisra'el means all the remnant of the House of Yahuwdah, and all the remnant of the House of Yisra'el. Remnant = All those who have not stayed in unbelief. All those of both houses who stay in their unbelief, cannot be grafted in. So who are you praying for? Why are you only praying for the House of Yahuwdah, when the fullness of the nations (Milo ha goyim) are the House of Yisra'el your brethren who are walking in unbelief and desperately need to know of the truth? YHWH is gathering the "Whole" House of Yisra'el back to the land. It's not just the tribe of Yahuwdah. Once you understand who you really are, then you can rightfully discern the scriptures and the testimonies concerning the end times. Are you keeping the seventh day Shabbat, the biblical moedim, eating only that which YHWH commands as clean, etc? Or are you keeping Sun-day, Christmas, Easter, eating pork, shellfish, etc??
The man speaks for almost two full hours, without a break. Nothing concrete, just chatter. It seems deep and spiritual, but it is not. There's nothing here, just hot steam! Everything is in a person's head and belief system, but without concrete things. Every five minutes some kind of excitement - a glow, but I repeat without concrete things.
The news reports on the dates he specified are pretty concrete. He gives that info in specifics on his website.. I would encourage you to look them up unless of course you just don't want to believe and in that case nothing would change your mind.
The mystery, prophecy ended with the 7th trumpet and the new covenant being established! The last mystery revealed 2000 years ago is the reality of Christ kingdom as a spiritual kingdom; new Jerusalem from heaven NOT earthly! Never again will there be a national Israel blessed by God! NEVER! That's not what the Jews expected! They anticipated a Mesiah who will restore national Israel.... BUT God had something greater in mind : a heavenly Jerusalem, spiritual...of the faith , the children of the promise!
Back in 1980s the word was Get back to the basics beginning. Seek first the kingdom of God. The question to jesus teach us to pray for the naghbour. 🙏💤🦻🏼🦻🏼👄🦶 jesus movement
I woke up with the date 5743 in my mind, & although I knew it was Hebrew year, I didn't know that in the Gregorian calendar it was 1983 until I looked it up. Then, it was several minutes later that I ran across this video. God IS up to fulfilling His prophetic word!
May 28, 2023 is Pentecost Sunday this year. Bob prophesied that the rain would come at the "appointed time" 40 years ago on May 28. Pentecost is a festival date (mo'ed) which means "appointed time." 🌦⚡🌦
Pentecost according Christian tradition, biblically the holy day is shavout, which began yesterday evening.
@@lauravictorious4670 Yes, Shauvot ends on Saturday evening at sundown this year. "Pentecost Sunday" is celebrated on Sunday this year on May 28, however.
I never get tired of hearing Mike retelling these stories. They build my faith every time I listen to them!!
To God be the glory, now and forever. Thank you Mike! I pray great strength and joy over you.
There is another large group that I have been praying with since 2020.Pastor Chris Oyakhilom prayer network where believers are praying in 15 minutes segments around the clock and we also have been praying for the peace of Jerusalem.
Whilst praying with my husband each evening for Israel, i felt that as each one of us around the world are praying God was opening portals because, of our prayers and releasing legions of warring angels, who were being sent on assignment. I heard the Lord say, like Elijah, by the power of God and His fire we tear down the evil spirits as God sends His fire down. As a result when they are defeated ( as the baal sacrifice didnt light, and the priests of baal were destroyed with elijah, it was then ahad and Jezabel were removed. As we pray the higher major spirits are being defeated, and leafets then are removed.
I have been praying this daily.
Oh that the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion! When the LORD restores the fortunes of his people. Psalm 14:7
Your musical ending has driven the Lords message into my heart, thank you IHOP and God Bless you and keep you all!
Never registered Mike, but I am participating in the 21 day fast for Israel … Queensland, Australia. On the Daniel fast and praying (usually) 1 hour per day. Half hour in the morning and half hour at night. Thank you for the opportunity to participate in praying for Israel.
Great message Pastor Mike. Pastors in our area of Milwaukee are praying. God's love carries us through. We are overcomers in Christ and are praying that your faith does not fail.
Unfortunately haven’t been able to find a hub near me, but I pray every time I can get a chance. MARANATHA!
Just read and speak out loud Isaiah 62-66 back to God, He hears
@@louisielle5852will do!! Thank you!
Thank you Jesus I’ve been praying for Israel and for Benjamin Yatenyahue and those men and women around him to be doing the will of the God of Israel and for a hedge of protection over him and his family in Yeshua Jesus name. God is absolutely good.
I love that spelling “yatenyahue” 😂
I never registered but praying for Israel and in particular Jerusalem. I'm from India
Thank you for being faithful Mike in doing what you are doing right now. God bless you, your wife, family, church and your ministry. Yes, I am for the peace of Israel. Please pray for my country Malaysia, for God to revive the body of Christ, His glory be manifested. All glory to Him. I am blessed and encouraged 🙌🙌🙌🙏
God bless you dear. Surely the Lord will touch Malaysia even just for your precious heart
Thank you, from RI, for all you do for Him and for all this work to keep us informed! Thank you!
I love your prophetic history; I believe that I am being grafted into it…
So Amazing Mike. Glory to God!
I am with you
Mike really thank you for ur story!!!!
Morristown Tennessee here ❤
I believe the Jesus People outpouring ended in 1983 because IT HAD TO. Outpourings end or abate to make way for a new movement of God's Spirit. When Bob arrived in KC in 83 it was to prepare the body of believers to roll up their sleeves and do the hard work of tilling, hoeing, planting and nuturing what would one day be a massive outpouring. The Jesus People movement was wonderful but it had to end to make way for a new movement with a new foundation. IHOP was birthed because of this. The spiritual infrastructure that existed in the Church in the 1960's was strong enough to support the Jesus People movement but NOT strong enough or developed enough to support this next, great outpouring. God PROVED to us it wasn't strong enough from the failures of the televanglist empire and certain ways in which the worldly greed invaded Christian music in the 1980's. IHOP was at the forefront of building that new spiritual foundation this great outpouring would need. I didn't know Mike Bickle or Bob Jones even existed in 1983 but I can attest first hand that the open heaven I knew from when I came to the Lord in 1980, lifted in 1983. It's because God was ending one movement and making way for a new work. As time went on, the words God gave Bob Jones went viral. In 1990 my Congregational leaders met Mike Bickle and then Bob Jones a few yrs later. Those prophecies from 1983 eventually went viral, lit fires all over the world and in many cases were solid confirmation of the same words God gave to other leaders globally. Now FORTY YEARS LATER we are about to see it happen. It's no coincidence that in the past 9 yrs we've seen giants like Bob Jones and Paul Cain pass into glory. They've handed the baton off to a younger generation who will steward this outpouring. Praise God forevermore...
I got soundly saved as a debauched motocross racer in 1978. No church service, no tongues, no sensational manifestations. It was a clear sense of profound guilt before a holy God & a keen sense that Jesus Christ was alive and died for my sins and the only reasonable thing to do was to fall at His feet. Everything changed at that moment and now ever since.
When God saved me I threw all my Rock & Roll music with my drug paraphernalia and alcohol, for I knew it was wrong and my affections all reversed.
Then I was finding more and more CCM coming out of Southern California and I knew in my heart it was evil but I was so addicted to the music I grew up with since the late sixties I missed the spirit of the music; consequently, I capitulated to this draw and emersed myself with and promoted, for others to drink my new "Christian" rock and roll/pop.
It took a few years until I saw that it was stunting my growth and subtly and slowly moving me from a love of the Word (which slowly became more boring than reading books about apologetics or any other thing other than the written Word of God.)
I was seeing that this music was moving us powerfully; however, it had a sensual spirit that was masquerading as the Holy Spirit. Fellow Christians were starting to struggle with sexual sins and I struggled with my thought life and I seemed to become calloused to watching movies and tv that were vile and blasphemous.
The Bible started having a hard veneer over it and insights became shallow by our Bible Teachers and those around me (me included). I also saw this sensual spirit drawing people into unholy physical relationships which often ended in shipwrecks and at times divorce.
It was finally after nearly 20 yrs before my wife and I threw out every single piece of music that had any of this spirit.
We returned to hymns which initially were dry and dull; however, we commented that once all the CMM was out of our home we all perceived that something subtle lifted. It was like someone put brighter lightbulbs in all the lamps.
Our love for the Word returned and it returned again to be a deep pool of cool water for our souls.
It took several years for the hymns to become a joy and then I began to realize that they were conveying deep and thrilling doctrinal insights that moved me in a totally different way.
Now, after many years I can say that those dull boring hymns have become far more profound and joyful.
Just recently I saw a podcast where a young worship leader abandoned the faith and was asked if there were ever times when he sensed the moving of the Holy Spirit working in his life, he said occasionally when he was leading the church in "worship" and when he attended secular rock concerts. He inadvertently said the quiet part out loud.
I've never been inside your church so I don't know if you all are struggling with some of these things but based on what I see from afar I felt I needed to at least stop to see if other sheep were who were drinking brackish water and feeding on spiritual thistles was struggling with this.
One last thing, many many years ago I saw a little casual backstage interview with David Bowie... He was telling someone about how he went to a very high and powerful Eastern Buddhist monk in Asia who prophecized that there were going to be great things done through Pop music over the coming years. Bowie being a rocker kind of sheepishly, grimaced in jest.
Also, I found that those of my friends who didn't abandon CCM all ended up being drawn back to secular music.
I still remember, before getting saved, sitting in my van at a motocross race in Bucannon Michigan. I was reading a hardcore pornographic magazine where Steven Stills was being interviewed. He spoke in surprising detail about how he took the "Masters" (the old term for the original recording that was used to produce the albums) to the Satanic temple in San Francisco to cast demons on them so that anyone who possessed an album there would be demonic spirits present.
I would say after listening briefly to the music you play that it was profoundly powerful and touched all the same dusty places that Misty Mountian Hop or Bohemium Rapsody had.
I've seen over the years that those the enemy fears most he works the hardest to deceive and harm...It appears your movement may fit this strategy well.
Thank you, Mike!! We are aligned with our Heavenly Father, Jesus, and HOly Spirit!!
I am back from that thing I had to go deal with. I will message you later tonight after I deliver this freight and tell. I am so tired. Definitely use some prayers 🙏
Its important to know this history. Thank you. Ive been fasting and praying Isaiah 62 verses daily and doing half day fast. Im full of anticipation for what God will do. Praying for Joel 2 awakening also. Also keeping 24/7 worship going most of day. Thank you for listening, obeying, serving. Shalom Shalom
It is game on!
God’s blessings on each of you.
Isnt 1983 when George Orwell wrote his prophetic book of what he saw coming in the future.
In the spirit of the tabernacle of David? How about the restoration of that Tabernacle? Where is your musician king? Mike Bickle! You are amazing! “The things you refuse are the things you should choose” Kevin Porsche is a King David to me.
The end of the drought 40 years ago was August 23. That is 8/23. 8 is the number of new beginnings and this year is 23. Could this May 28 be what Bob Jones saw 40 years ago?
Thank you for telling the "Ole', ole stories and loving us in on the storyline of IHOP. You can't make this stuff up!!!
May each of us put ourselves in His-story line!
Thank you Holy Spirit for assisting them in staying steady and for having Mike share this beautifulhistory. Holy Spirit continue to lead and guide bringing great wisdom and revelation to the IHOP team and all if us!
Amen and Amen, all the glory to Almighty Father God 🙌🙌🙌🔥
Sure thankful for IHOP. What a great happening of events by the Lord for that kinda of providence. Right, God will not forget Israle by Replacement Theology.
Bless you, Mike. Do you have anything to say on Twitter in order to respond to my mentions of your own name on that platform…?
Is there a Hub in Conn.?
May 14, 1983 was a Saturday. I asked Siri on my iphone. LOL
I'm feel the fire of the holy spirit when I watched this and the Lord give me again the Isaiah 43:10 it is for his people in Israel they are his witnesses" and the covenant of God will never break🙏shalom Israel🙏 "🙏Maranatha"
1983….all I can think about is how Tammy Woods was left behind, uuuuugh….
The day the fast for Israel ends is May 28, which happens to be Pentecost Sunday this year. The festival of Shauvot (aka Pentecost) first occurred at the Giving of the Law and "Pentecost" in Acts 2 occurred on same date about 1500 years later. Of course, the symbolism is about the birthing of the nation of Israel and the Church (the two Covenants). On the festival of Shauvot, the book of Ruth (who was a Gentile) is read and two loaves of bread are waved - this represents the Jews and Gentiles coming together. Also, according to Jewish history King David (Ruth's great grandson) was born and died on this festival date. 🙂
Shavout began the evening of May 25th, according to the Bible and Hebrew calendar.
@@lauravictorious4670 Yes. Shauvot ends at sundown on Saturday, May 27 this year. However, the Church celebrates "Pentecost Sunday" on May 28 this year.
@@karibrowning4765 the church observes the pagan tradition, not the biblical instructions. Ditto for Christmas.
I am grateful that understanding re the Biblical festivals is being restored. I wrote a book on this subject about 10 years ago (after years of study regarding the subject). I posted here because I feel the symbolism is significant.
@@lauravictorious4670 That is correct Laura. It is Very important to understand the day and the time.
Please pray for Israel and be blessed by our heavenly Father because He has asked us to
Dear Pastor Mike and Team,
Can the Messianic Jews in Israel and all over the world start crying out in one accord in Hebrew to our Heavenly Father God and Yeshua in this present time : BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD !
instead of waiting for the tribulation Jews to cry out then ?
Amen! Replacement theology is going down! In Jesus Mighty Name! Amen!
I am supposed to come see you in July 😊
I have a rod and staff to give away! 😂
That event about Passover event is supposed to take place August 7th.
I was wrong about the when the sign of Eagles thatis going to happen. After we walk in faith.
Enjoying your messages. God bless 😊
No man has ever seen GOD - YHWH, or well ever seen YHWH.
Man has only ever seen Yahuwshua.
Proverbs 29:18
Where there is no vision/no revelation, the people perish: but he that guards the Torah, happy is he...being a born-again Spirit-filled Spirit-led Torah guarding German Jewish follower of the Lamb, going wherever He goes and for many years now 🤔...it's day 48 of the Omer...Revelation 12:7-11,17
[7]And there was war in Heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,
[8]And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in Heaven.
[9]And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceives the whole world: he was cast out into the Earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
[10]And I heard a loud voice saying in Heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the Kingdom of our Elohim, and the Power of His Messiah: for the accuser of our brothers is cast down, which accused them before our Elohim day and night.
[11]And they overcame him by the Blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death...
...[17]And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of Elohim ie the Torah, and have the testimony of Yahshua Messiah...Hebrews 13:8 Yahshua Messiah the same yesterday, today and forever 💕.... ♥...
So you don't dress up for YHWH or Yahuwshua anymore?
But you dress up for your work, for going to dinner, for going to a party, to go out...., but the King doesn't deserve your best?
All I want to know is when are you going FLAT
Respectfully, What does that mean?
@@hislamb genesis 1
@@hislamb flat earth
Yisra'el is made up of 12 tribes.
The tribe of Yahuwdah, who are biblically the House of Yahuwdah, the southern kingdom,
incorporating the tribe of Binyamin, is only one tribe.
Then there is the House of Yisra'el, the northern kingdom known as the 10 tribes who were cast away in 722 BC, for her infidelity.
She is known as the Lost Sheep of the House of Yisra'el.
She was destined by YHWH, and prophesied, to become like those in the lands of her enemies where YHWH cast her away to... gentiles.
YHWH took everything away from her: in the lands of her enemies, she would forget YHWH, forget who she really was, forget the Shabbat, forget the moedim, become like the gentiles and eat unclean, without the promises, with YHWH, and without hope in the world.
But because she was part of the covenant that arose from the oath and promise that YHWH made with Abraham (when only Yahuwshua walked through the pieces, and not Aabraham), YHWH cannot go back in His Word.
So, since He had cat her away, how was He to keep His oath and promise to Aabraham, to give all Abraham's descendants the inheritance of the land of promise?
For YHWH's Word commands us that a wife who goes astray and is cast out, will have the charges against her for her infidelity (that she committed against the marriage vows) noted. As long as her husband is alive, these are held against her.
Only on his death, can she have her slate wiped clean, to legally marry another.
And also, she cannot return to her first husband.
The Church have been wrong in naming themselves Spiritual Yisra'el, and claiming they replace YHWH's Yisra'el. That's because of their false shepherds who are leading them astray, away from the truth. She has never lived by every word that comes out of the mouth of YHWH because she is of her mother, the Church of Rome, and refuse to come out of her to take hold of the truth.
But the Church don't know who they really are, because the Church start the book half way through and discard the beginning... that is: all scripture.
"All scripture is given by inspiration of YHWH, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousnes..." he was only speaking of the first half of the book.
If you don't know, understand, or believe Ya'aqob's prophecy in Bereshith over Ephrayim and Maneshsheh, how can you understand who you really are?
If you cannot understand B'midbar 30, how can you understand why ha Mashiach had to die?
If you do not connect Yeshayahu 54 with both Bereshith and B'midbar, how do you know what your sin is, how to return properly, and how to re enter the covenant the way YHWH commands us to?
There will be a remnant of the house of Yahuwdah, and a remnant of the house of Yisra'el.
This remnant is YHWH's people, the set apart who keep both the commandments/Torah of YHWH and who also hold fast to the testimonies of Yahuwshua ha Mashiach.
Those of the House of Yisra'el, the majority of you who sit in the Church, are still lost from your true identity.
What is it about Yahuwshua's parable of the list sheep don't you understand?
Did the shepherd go looking for a lamb that got lost, that was not in his sheepfold to begin with?
Why was it necessary for him to leave the 90 + 9 and go searching for that lost lamb, if it were not to bring it back where it came from in the first place?
A shepherd will not go looking for other sheep that belong to someone else.
YHWH has two sheepfolds ONLY:
the House of Yisra'el and
the House of Yahuwdah.
ONLY the two sticks.
You who come to the knowledge of the truth and (make) teshuvah, who were once gentiles, you must come back into YHWH's olive tree Yisra'el and walk in faith obedience: you can no longer be gentiles who are against YHWH and who are akrobustia.
You are either Yisra'el, or unclean gentiles.
So because the House of Yisra'el were cast away (but not forever) to become an almanuth, alman, azab, the House of Yahuwdah were left still legally married to YHWH.
YHWH could have destroyed the House of Yahuwdah as well, but the Messiah had to come through them, and besides that, the tribe of Binyamin was given to the House of Yahuwdah (Shelomoh's son, Rechav'am) so that Dawid would always have a light burning in YHWH's presence in Yerushalayim.
So in Yahuwshua's day, the House of Yahuwdah were known as Yisra'el, recognised as Yisra'el.
The world only recognises the House of Yahuwdah as Yisra'el, and the current house of Yahuwdah only include themselves in all their stories, biblical accounts, etc. They will never say that YHWH took the whole 12 tribes out of Mitzrayim, they'll say "when G-d brought the Jew's out of Egypt".
But YHWH made a promise to Ephrayim (who interchanges with Yowsephs) and Maneshsheh, and that's who you are... the descendants of the 10 northern tribes.
So because you became gentiles (YHWH's plan, for He has declared the end from the beginning) and have to turn back to keeping the commandments as you have faith that YHWH has forgiven you and ratified it by Yahuwshua's blood, then as you, the House of Yisra'el (gentiles) come back into the sheepfold of Yisra'el, you come under the shepherds staff.
You are numbered.
So when the number of you come back into obedience, then all Yisra'el will be delivered.
That means... only all the remnant.
All Yisra'el means all the remnant of the House of Yahuwdah, and all the remnant of the House of Yisra'el.
Remnant = All those who have not stayed in unbelief.
All those of both houses who stay in their unbelief, cannot be grafted in.
So who are you praying for?
Why are you only praying for the House of Yahuwdah, when the fullness of the nations (Milo ha goyim) are the House of Yisra'el your brethren who are walking in unbelief and desperately need to know of the truth?
YHWH is gathering the "Whole" House of Yisra'el back to the land.
It's not just the tribe of Yahuwdah.
Once you understand who you really are, then you can rightfully discern the scriptures and the testimonies concerning the end times.
Are you keeping the seventh day Shabbat, the biblical moedim, eating only that which YHWH commands as clean, etc?
Or are you keeping Sun-day, Christmas, Easter, eating pork, shellfish, etc??
Uuuuuuugh!🤦🏼♀️so confusing. How is this any young persons story???
The man speaks for almost two full hours, without a break. Nothing concrete, just chatter. It seems deep and spiritual, but it is not. There's nothing here, just hot steam! Everything is in a person's head and belief system, but without concrete things. Every five minutes some kind of excitement - a glow, but I repeat without concrete things.
Dalmatia, WHY do you waste your time on here??
What is your assignment??
The news reports on the dates he specified are pretty concrete. He gives that info in specifics on his website.. I would encourage you to look them up unless of course you just don't want to believe and in that case nothing would change your mind.
The mystery, prophecy ended with the 7th trumpet and the new covenant being established!
The last mystery revealed 2000 years ago is the reality of Christ kingdom as a spiritual kingdom; new Jerusalem from heaven NOT earthly!
Never again will there be a national Israel blessed by God!
That's not what the Jews expected!
They anticipated a Mesiah who will restore national Israel.... BUT God had something greater in mind : a heavenly Jerusalem, spiritual...of the faith , the children of the promise!
Back in 1980s the word was Get back to the basics beginning. Seek first the kingdom of God. The question to jesus teach us to pray for the naghbour. 🙏💤🦻🏼🦻🏼👄🦶 jesus movement