100percent ....this is the traditional mafia pensioneer villiage... logical thatr know one knows something... their out of buisness... but i think them still the ruler!!! 🤫🤐
no thats just the way you act when the cops wait till you answer the door insted of batteraming it down wile you'r trying to open it and they break your wrist and hand im strugling with who to blam the cops for being jack booted thugs stuffing there pokets "who i dont blame" or the real culprets the pupaters abuve oure gove that pay the people who pay the lobbyest! and yes im typing with one finger and i canot spell or pungshoate. reade it phonetley
The Police are given fake caches of lookalike bricks by the Drug Lords so the Police can "look good" as they discover the "Drug Bust" The Police are told when and where the fake cache will land in front of the cameras and all the real drugs get through.
The only things I know is all authority politics and military all of them be involved on maffias shit 💩, the mob controls politics, police and military personnel, while authorities busted 100 Kilos the mob have 1000 kilos about tons full sold out. Every one have a peace of cake 🎂 🍰
Getting better learning more every year.. maybe next year you could clean and sterilise the jars. You make great vids . Quite educational. Great stuff 👍
The way they figure it out was the weight of the container empty. Extra kilos add extra weight to the container so if a standard container weighs more than a standard one it's only obvious it's hiding something
No mate, clearly they had received intelligence from an informant who said it'll be hidden under the floor of a container of bananas. It was probably the mafia themselves who told them because 100kg is such a small amount these days. Finding 2 - 4 tonnes is more the sorts of figures being found these days
24:57 The law enforcement are so nice there! In America, the police would storm the properties, break the doors & windows in. Screaming orders for everyone to lay on the floor while at gunpoint. Women & children, as well. Any pets (mainly dogs) that may cause issues will be shot. Once everything living is subdued & accounted for. They will proceed to overturn every single item on the property including houses, garages, or any other building/structure. They will rip open all the furniture & mattresses or anything that may conceal something illegal. They empty out & toss everything the potential criminals own to the floor once its been searched. Seizing cash, assets, document & whatever else they can before leaving. The property will look as if a bomb had gone off. I am amazed at the respect & composure of these officers! They still treat them as humans. Im in awe of the treatment they give these potential criminals. Ive never heard of law enforcement doing it like this. This is very interesting, indeed.
This is where my grandparents came from. I wish they stayed instead of coming to New York. It's beautiful! I don't know how it was in 1909 when they left.
Same 😆, family came to Pittsburgh though… I often fantasize about them rocky cliffs in Calabria, the sunshine and the clear blue water. It does look amazing! But let’s be honest… we’re both quite happy we live in the USA. I’m glad I didn’t have a 50/50 shot at becoming mafioso! Hell I’d probably be one of these dudes losing my freedom
Yes but the fact is another, i'm italian and i know the Ndragheta, this is the richest mafia in the world (the annual turnover is 60-80 Billion, like all the mexican cartels combined),but i'm sure that out of Italy very few people know the Ndrangheta and this is incredible if you think. Everyone know the Sinaloa Cartel and noone know the Ndrangheta, even if the annual turnover of the Ndrangheta is 60-80 Billion and the turnover of the Silanoa Cartel is around 5 Billion. Noone know them...
I remember being in Naples, Italy in 1976....I was looking at beautiful men's suits thru a store window. A man approached me and said how much do you want to pay for that suit. I replied " what do you mean how much do I want to pay?" There was a price tag next to the suit in Italian lire. The suit I saw could easily sell in NY at that time for $200. The stranger told me to go with him. We walked thru a few alleys. I was alert as I was carrying $2000 in Travelers Checks. We walked in an older building, to the third floor. He knocked. Someone opened the door, we walked in. The floor was marble and there were racks of suits spread over a few rooms. Additional rooms had french designers woman's clothing... and a room of very cool crafted shoes!!! They owner, a short man with a measuring tape greeted us with a smile. Two women were on sewing machine making adjustments. This was a fully functioning store! The owner said... " any suit you want...$50 ! And shoes, $25 !" Wow! I assumed this home/ store was an illegal operation and asked if he was worried about the police? The man replied ... " The police? They are my best customers, and will be here tonight to pick up dresses for their wives and girlfriends!!" I was amazed and I purchased 4 suits. (One was a 3 piece blue velvet.. another a white valour).... with 3 pairs of exquisite shoes. All for under $300. In NY, these fine items would easily have cost over $800. The owner encouraged me to buy as many things as possible because all the suits, dresses and shoes would be going on a large cargo ship bound for Montreal, Canada. He would be having new clothing within a month The owner put all my items in a large travellers suitcase with wheels. The man that took me to this store accompanied me to the bus stop until I left....I gave him a $20 tip. Many years later, around 1994 I was in a library on Miami Beach...and looked thru a big book 'Narco-Teacficanto '. It described how the Neapolitan mafia Gomorrah' was bringing drugs, stolen cars and businesses into Canada! This Nandreta of Calabria has similar routes in bringing their illegal fortunes into the world of legal stores, stocks and taxation!! Both these powerful groups are represented in good films 'Gomorrah'... and 'Anime Nere' of Calabria
Italy is corrupt from the citizenry all the way up. What's funny though is the corrupt citizens complaining about corrupt officials. It's hilarious how they can't see through their own hypocrisy. Then there's the catholic church and don't get me started on the Vatican. Same as it was as the days of The Medici, same as the Borgias, same as in the times of Ancient Rome, same as it is now. lessons are never learned and the cycle continues. There seems to be a learning curve
L'ndragheta è in tutto il mondo...non si vede ma c'è...ed è anche la più potente e rispettata soprattutto dai cartelli che gli vendono la sostanza anche a credito... l'unica.....
@@vasilevasile1672 are you from Italy? The mafia is part of their culture, as it is here in the US. They will never eliminate it as long as people desire the forbidden. It is not not simple my friend
how can somebody make such a bold dunning crugger effect monocausality. some people man. like the big and famous german philosopher bonhoeffer sayed: stupid people are way worse then very evil mass murders. because against evil u can do something, u can fight it. but stupidity is not conquerable u cant defeat stupidity, its a bullwark.
In the seventies, at the height of the kidnap season, in the Calabrian's banks, there were millions (billions) of Italian liras on the accounts of old women who never paid taxes in their life because too poor. My point? There is no point.
1 shipment caught 10 of the same went thru, crazy to think that majority of officers in the video are not corrupt when they earn barely enough to feed the family altogether
Sono quasi tutti corrotti. L'ndragheta è la mafia più potente e rispettata al mondo tanto è vero che sono gli unici al l mondo ad avere la coca cola a credito dai cartelli e per di più pagata a 1800 euro al kilo...
It’s not the smartness and organized structure, it’s their strategy to destroy all businesses in the region make it hard for people to find jobs until every third person becomes mafia or connected to mafia in order to survive. How can the police destroy something which is almost a majority of the population of the region. As it was said in the beginning, everyone has somebody in the family who is the mafia.
I lived in Rio de Janeiro, a favela in the north of the state, called Acari, a militia that dictated orders to either corrupt people, enter or fail to do so, suffer retaliation...
Don’t know exactly but most likely some kind of added scent to keep the dogs from hitting the container. You’d be amazed at all the different things they wrap a brick in with between layers of wrapping. On top like that is something I’d guess you’d only see in a shipping container from across the globe.
@JimiKGB Hey thats the most likely thing! Thanks!!, Despite the fact that its generally promoted that adding a decoy scent wont throw off a hound trained specifically. Maybe they know something we dont and there is a specific chemical that can mask the layers of scent??? That would be a well guarded secret customs certainly wouldnt want anyone to know. A close mate has a beagle trained to sniff wads of USA paper money (hes uncannily good at it) It is impossible to trick him with masking scents. But maybe there is some particular chemical that does it, thats fascinating, youve got me super curious now as I always thought that vac seals and layers of high density material were the only barriers. Thanks. I wonder what it is.
looking at the video repeatedly, its definitely been placed there for some purpose. its not a result of the flooring or a fire retardent(first i thought maybe a fire retardent but it does not cover the product sufficiently to provide any type of fire protection). It could be some kind of rodent repellent so that rats on the ship dont eat the coke😅
@@peterRobinson10101 I know a man who trains dogs not specifically but including scent dogs. He said that dogs smell everything in layers and masking scents and wrapping bricks so many times they become air tight is still debatable. But he did say that product is supposed to be wrapped and sealed as close to shipping time as possible because everything has microscopic pores and even the smallest leak of a particular scent a dog is trained to hit on is all it takes. He did say conventional X-ray scanning is closer to perfect than a canine.
Watching from Utah, USA. Awesome video! Time to legalize drugs and tax them. No more accidental fentanyl deaths, no more private prison systems based on non violent drug offenders, no more cartels. The only ones losing the war on drugs is the tax payer.
They pretty much did that in Portland, OR and Seattle. Now they're pleading with the city to reverse it. Its gotten significantly worse the last handful of years
@@dudereno21 They decriminalized posession of small quantities of drugs. The addicts in portland still have to buy their drugs from sketchy street dealers, with no idea of purity or possible cross contamination with other substances. I do think it would be nice to have less people dying of fentanyl overdoses when they aren't even trying to consume fentanyl.
But you've seen this place, not everything is the same in the United States. Here, if there is a drug addict in the middle of the street, they make him disappear in 2 seconds and they will never find him again
I'm from calabria , and my village is near to SAN LUCA AKA the ndrangheta's mother, anyway one thing is sure , in whole calabria our common element is the friendly and lovely attitude towards tourists. i said this becouse i had some experience with tourist in calabria and they were pretty scared about ndrangheta and worried about their safety. this is absolutely not true! Crime in Calabria is a matter only between them . The average tourist doesn't feel this crime in the air (like other place in italy and outside ) they never ruined a touristic's experiences in our region.
How Human Nature Works Human nature is the desire to receive, also called “desire to enjoy,” and it functions by receiving what is beneficial to itself and rejecting what is harmful. Everything in our lives is built upon this calculation where we first try to distance ourselves from harm, and then seek how to draw ourselves closer to what is beneficial. Human nature also includes a multilayering of systems that work simultaneously on still, vegetative, animate and human levels. One of those systems is our bodily one, which operates involuntarily. If our bodies are healthy, then they know what is good for them and draw that goodness to themselves. After the bodily system, there is the emotional system, which also functions relatively according to instinct. From the emotional system, we move to the mind, and from the mind to the intellect, and so on. That is, we have systems over systems that concurrently work on receiving what is beneficial and rejecting what is harmful. Such is human nature and the essence of our lives. Our every desire, thought and action operates according to the calculation, “How can we receive what is most beneficial to us and reject what is harmful?”
That's a bullshit theory from early psychoanalysts which even (a more traumatized) Freud was forced to denounce due to the breakthrough "self destructive" theory all of his darker colleagues were already researching. It's not a binary "more pleasure, less pain" spectrum. we see people torturing and harming themselves everywhere we turn
I’ve been looking at homes in Italy. I’ve been looking in central Italy. I’ve been told to stay away from the south. Is the mafia heavy into the Abruzzo area?
I call the Ndrangheta the Versace Mafia because they're from the same Italian state as the Gianni and Donatella Versace. Italians be like "Who's that?" it's Rube's from Vicenza, Veneto!
If they focused on Australia and New Zealand. We pay the highest prices of all nations on earth and we have strong markets here if users. Start up shop here.
If you know anything, the South Americans DID FOCUS on us firstly after the 2008 GFC because we still had money and also since covid. And the reason they focus on us is because WE WILL PAY high prices. Chinese manufacturers screw us the same way because they know we will pay more than Americans will pay.
Your comment shows you to be the type of idiots that enables organized crime to feed on ordinary citizens: paying protection money, having one’s child murdered, and 40% unemployment are forms of taxation that have been bleeding these communities for many generations. Organized crime is the rule of petty tyrants over their neighbors.
Odds are that Colonel is on the payroll and that seizure was a planned loss for the smugglers. Its a simple cost of doing business and I wouldn't be surprised if it's written off on their taxes lol
the problem is not the mafiozo,the criminals, are the comunity who accepting that kind of life! those humans mostly the olders grandfothers are the meaning in the problem,police and gverment could not change this if the locals not doing something
Hi, I´m Italian, Italians don´t accept mafia, the situation is so hard in my country, the mafia kills anyone who tries to rebel, they have killed judges, politicians and policemen in the past so they can kill normal citizens easily
For anyone wondering: basically all those bricks come from Brazil's cartel First Cartel of the Capital, mostly known as PCC 28:05 and btw Brazil also has a very simmilar crime called "Criminal Association". One can be arrested just with the proof of participation or intention to commit a crime with other people, which also englobes mafia and cartel affiliation
More important to the mafia than family is silence. Of course the oldest residence of the city will say they've never heard of anything. Did you really believe you could walk in and expect them to just start running off at the mouth? That would get them, their kids and grand/great grandkids unalived.
19:57 --> The english speaker says "...arrested for cocaine traffiking" --> The youtube 'CC' subtitle shows "...arrested for sex traffiking". Subs are probably translated from Italian. FYI: Subtitle and spoken word differs all the time in this docu.
"Strangely though, the old inhabitants of the village have never even heard of the Ndrangheta".
That's called 'Omerta'.
Grandpa who said he doesnt know ndrangheta is probably an ndragheta veteran himself
100percent ....this is the traditional mafia pensioneer villiage... logical thatr know one knows something... their out of buisness... but i think them still the ruler!!! 🤫🤐
I just got home from Calabria, beautiful part of Italy with such friendly people
Nah not really, it’s probably the worst part of Italy 🇮🇹
They are Greeks from Magna Grecia that's why file
But your are italian and i am a Foreigen
But your are italian and i am a foreigen
@@Unitarianrealitynon è vero la calabria e anche più bella di Puglia e Basilicata
This explains why I can't get enough of that parmasan cheese. Italy must've mixed up their shipments again.
Please, parmigiano
Id rather get some nose parmesan.
@@johnnycrash3270 enjoy it! One day you have to try 72 months old Parmigiano, it's incredible
@@johnnycrash3270racist scum
To be that calm when police show up, can’t convince me massive corruption isn’t afoot.
no thats just the way you act when the cops wait till you answer the door insted of batteraming it down wile you'r trying to open it and they break your wrist and hand im strugling with who to blam the cops for being jack booted thugs stuffing there pokets "who i dont blame" or the real culprets the pupaters abuve oure gove that pay the people who pay the lobbyest! and yes im typing with one finger and i canot spell or pungshoate. reade it phonetley
You know it is, they need their cut they aren’t paid enough to deal with that stuff
they pay corrupted people in all levels...this doc is only show, as soon they turn off camera everything come back as usual
isn't it crazy how they manage to find the biggest scores the same day press is filming a documentary?
and paying the right people to talk :)
@@TheAlexperks I don’t think that was previously recorded
The Police are given fake caches of lookalike bricks by the Drug Lords so the Police can "look good" as they discover the "Drug Bust"
The Police are told when and where the fake cache will land in front of the cameras and all the real drugs get through.
If you think that was a "big score" then - boooy!!... you're NAIVE! 😂
@@2serveand2protect in the video they classify it as a big one.
They sacrificed a 100 kilos but got 900 thru 😅
You don't even know what your talking about. What do you suggest they do...
Facts! They only get est 10% that comes through.
Probably more than that.
The only things I know is all authority politics and military all of them be involved on maffias shit 💩, the mob controls politics, police and military personnel, while authorities busted 100 Kilos the mob have 1000 kilos about tons full sold out. Every one have a peace of cake 🎂 🍰
some people say, that the policeman in minute 22:48 is still climbing till this day..
Im sure a couple of those bricks went missing during transit to the station 😅
Always watching from Georgetown Guyana south America 🇬🇾🇬🇾🇬🇾
Omg your where the famous cult was!!!
Lol how old r u being from somewhere and living somewhere r two separate things @@tylerlienau7548
@@tylerlienau7548😂 I think you mean Jonestown
Ok..but why did you feel the need to share that?
Be careful with Maduro 😂😂😂
Getting better learning more every year.. maybe next year you could clean and sterilise the jars.
You make great vids . Quite educational. Great stuff 👍
The way they figure it out was the weight of the container empty. Extra kilos add extra weight to the container so if a standard container weighs more than a standard one it's only obvious it's hiding something
This whole documentary is fraud
No mate, clearly they had received intelligence from an informant who said it'll be hidden under the floor of a container of bananas. It was probably the mafia themselves who told them because 100kg is such a small amount these days. Finding 2 - 4 tonnes is more the sorts of figures being found these days
Seems like if they wanted to, they could remove an unconcealed beam or something to counter the weight of the kilos.
What about what’s in there 😂
It was probably a paid tip
24:57 The law enforcement are so nice there! In America, the police would storm the properties, break the doors & windows in. Screaming orders for everyone to lay on the floor while at gunpoint. Women & children, as well. Any pets (mainly dogs) that may cause issues will be shot. Once everything living is subdued & accounted for. They will proceed to overturn every single item on the property including houses, garages, or any other building/structure. They will rip open all the furniture & mattresses or anything that may conceal something illegal. They empty out & toss everything the potential criminals own to the floor once its been searched. Seizing cash, assets, document & whatever else they can before leaving. The property will look as if a bomb had gone off. I am amazed at the respect & composure of these officers! They still treat them as humans. Im in awe of the treatment they give these potential criminals. Ive never heard of law enforcement doing it like this. This is very interesting, indeed.
You forgot to mention striping you and your wife naked and checking every hole for contraband
Yup. Had it done to me
But in movies they leave the gun with the person taken down and on the floor so he can fire at them then excuse to shoot him.
Europe is just more civilized. Even the gangsters are.
Amazingly polite ... no handcuffs, cops carry the arrested guys luggage. Here, in Australia people got wrestled to the ground for not wearing masks.
Don't forget about the covid concentration camps...
Powerful ppl don't need to use Force against police... they will find other ways...
@@mododi2072 they just buy the cops
If they are cousins ? Could you keep your familiar on the ground ? Second they are on the top like aristocrats .
atleast they didnt put text to speech this time! finaly! only needed a subtitles tho but it was pretty nice video
Im a huge fan of your posts ,thank you so much for uploading these vlogs for us to enjoy.long my you continue.
This is where my grandparents came from. I wish they stayed instead of coming to New York. It's beautiful! I don't know how it was in 1909 when they left.
My grandparents came around the same time and settled in NJ. I think we're probably living a life they only dreamed of.
I believe facism was getting g ready to take hold. And then hitler. So they prob made a good decision
Most of europe was quite poor in 1909 thats why many left.
@@shaunre8363just like silvio dante
Same 😆, family came to Pittsburgh though… I often fantasize about them rocky cliffs in Calabria, the sunshine and the clear blue water. It does look amazing! But let’s be honest… we’re both quite happy we live in the USA. I’m glad I didn’t have a 50/50 shot at becoming mafioso! Hell I’d probably be one of these dudes losing my freedom
Italian peasantry who never heard of the mafia?...Imagine that!
Yes but the fact is another, i'm italian and i know the Ndragheta, this is the richest mafia in the world (the annual turnover is 60-80 Billion, like all the mexican cartels combined),but i'm sure that out of Italy very few people know the Ndrangheta and this is incredible if you think. Everyone know the Sinaloa Cartel and noone know the Ndrangheta, even if the annual turnover of the Ndrangheta is 60-80 Billion and the turnover of the Silanoa Cartel is around 5 Billion. Noone know them...
Clan Laurendi, Calabria. Esempio.@@salvocampoli
I remember being in Naples, Italy in 1976....I was looking at beautiful men's suits thru a store window.
A man approached me and said how much do you want to pay for that suit. I replied " what do you mean how much do I want to pay?"
There was a price tag next to the suit in Italian lire. The suit I saw could easily sell in NY at that time for $200.
The stranger told me to go with him. We walked thru a few alleys. I was alert as I was carrying $2000 in Travelers Checks. We walked in an older building, to the third floor. He knocked. Someone opened the door, we walked in. The floor was marble and there were racks of suits spread over a few rooms. Additional rooms had french designers woman's clothing... and a room of very cool crafted shoes!!! They owner, a short man with a measuring tape greeted us with a smile. Two women were on sewing machine making adjustments. This was a fully functioning store!
The owner said... " any suit you want...$50 ! And shoes, $25 !"
Wow! I assumed this home/ store was an illegal operation and asked if he was worried about the police?
The man replied ... " The police? They are my best customers, and will be here tonight to pick up dresses for their wives and girlfriends!!"
I was amazed and I purchased 4 suits. (One was a 3 piece blue velvet.. another a white valour).... with 3 pairs of exquisite shoes. All for under $300. In NY, these fine items would easily have cost over $800.
The owner encouraged me to buy as many things as possible because all the suits, dresses and shoes would be going on a large cargo ship bound for Montreal, Canada. He would be having new clothing within a month
The owner put all my items in a large travellers suitcase with wheels. The man that took me to this store accompanied me to the bus stop until I left....I gave him a $20 tip.
Many years later, around 1994 I was in a library on Miami Beach...and looked thru a big book 'Narco-Teacficanto '. It described how the Neapolitan mafia Gomorrah' was bringing drugs, stolen cars and businesses into Canada!
This Nandreta of Calabria has similar routes in bringing their illegal fortunes into the world of legal stores, stocks and taxation!!
Both these powerful groups are represented in good films 'Gomorrah'... and 'Anime Nere' of Calabria
Italy is corrupt from the citizenry all the way up. What's funny though is the corrupt citizens complaining about corrupt officials. It's hilarious how they can't see through their own hypocrisy. Then there's the catholic church and don't get me started on the Vatican. Same as it was as the days of The Medici, same as the Borgias, same as in the times of Ancient Rome, same as it is now. lessons are never learned and the cycle continues. There seems to be a learning curve
That false bottom container find was the biggest TV set up I’ve ever seen 😂
You obviusly have,nt seen much
Same thing I thought. Why else would so few be wearing gloves and handling whatever that blue powder on the bricks was unless they knew what it was.
@@dustinclarke4575-the blue powder was probably a desiccant or something to throw off the smell by the dogs.
Yes the Carrabineri are allowed a few shipments to avoid being seen as tainted.
@@elissitdesign I wonder what it is excatly probably some household item of some sort
Sou do Brasil e a ndrangueta esta presente aqui tbm
In Italia abbiamo anche noi il PCC.
L'ndragheta è in tutto il mondo...non si vede ma c'è...ed è anche la più potente e rispettata soprattutto dai cartelli che gli vendono la sostanza anche a credito... l'unica.....
It is nice to see such professional Italian law enforcement
lol!!! Professional??? You are obviously being sarcastic
@@alpha_echo_diDi I have witnessed them at work
@@Themadsparky just like in the US, see the legal system works!
if they were that professional those mafia clans wouldn't exist for so long!!
@@vasilevasile1672 are you from Italy? The mafia is part of their culture, as it is here in the US. They will never eliminate it as long as people desire the forbidden. It is not not simple my friend
It's terrible to see how many ppl aren't able to activate subtitles 😂😂😂
Gaetano It's more unique than rare. ❤
This is a reupload. This video was already uploaded long time ago.
And they still didn’t add the subtitles..
This was posted on another channel a bit ago. I remember watching it already
The world is a stage and nothing is what it seems....
I love your documentaries, thanks for sharing! I Subscribed
I love this channel watching from Indiana USA
I’m Pretty Sure The Mafia is Done After Denzel Washington Went There in “Equalizer 3” 🤷♂️😂😂
Why Are All Your Words Capitalized? Except is?
that was the camorra not the 'ndrangheta. two completely different organizations from different regions
What a beautiful thumbnail, i thought it was some mosaic mold sculpture for some odd reason..
Drugs are illegal because the pharmaceutical would go out of business
how can somebody make such a bold dunning crugger effect monocausality. some people man. like the big and famous german philosopher bonhoeffer sayed: stupid people are way worse then very evil mass murders. because against evil u can do something, u can fight it. but stupidity is not conquerable u cant defeat stupidity, its a bullwark.
In the seventies, at the height of the kidnap season, in the Calabrian's banks, there were millions (billions) of Italian liras on the accounts of old women who never paid taxes in their life because too poor. My point? There is no point.
Bricks not numbered until after leaving the scene hahahahaha💀
1 shipment caught 10 of the same went thru, crazy to think that majority of officers in the video are not corrupt when they earn barely enough to feed the family altogether
Sono quasi tutti corrotti. L'ndragheta è la mafia più potente e rispettata al mondo tanto è vero che sono gli unici al l mondo ad avere la coca cola a credito dai cartelli e per di più pagata a 1800 euro al kilo...
My naive father-in-law: "In Italy and Europe there is no drug trafficking and no one uses drugs." 😅
I am Scottish, I assure you we Europeans don't.... Your dad's right 🙈🙉🙊😉
-former every day user from Finland
@@eveliinaniilivuo7329 LOL
Was he a member of the Ndrangeta 😂
In italy majority don’t. Probably the lowest in Europe
Documentario ben fatto👍
101 but they were lined in 2 rows 😅😅 someone had at least 1 stuffed in his jacket 😂😂
Or they weighed alittle over rather than under.
For all those commenting about subtitles: Just click on CC (closed captioning). Top right hand corner of your screen. Very simple folks.
Thank you 😊
We love Calabria!!! Long live Grecanica Area!!! Cheers from Greece!!!
The calabrese mafia never be broken , so smart and. Organized
It’s not the smartness and organized structure, it’s their strategy to destroy all businesses in the region make it hard for people to find jobs until every third person becomes mafia or connected to mafia in order to survive. How can the police destroy something which is almost a majority of the population of the region. As it was said in the beginning, everyone has somebody in the family who is the mafia.
Guess you never heard the Italian teenagers are taking over the Ndrangheta and killing the old timers off ? You naive wave rider......
Infatti è la più potente e rispettata al mondo...
@@lucacavani107respected 😂 only by fools
@@Power_Prawnstar and the cowardly.
Why blur out the logo on the coke brick ? 😂
Am fuckn dead 🤣
It was only the Biden family crest
TE or TA
Not just the logo but actual cocaine needs censoring I guess
I lived in Rio de Janeiro, a favela in the north of the state, called Acari, a militia that dictated orders to either corrupt people, enter or fail to do so, suffer retaliation...
whats the blue powder under the lead ontop of the coke?
It looks like a billion dollars worth of Cocaine
Don’t know exactly but most likely some kind of added scent to keep the dogs from hitting the container. You’d be amazed at all the different things they wrap a brick in with between layers of wrapping. On top like that is something I’d guess you’d only see in a shipping container from across the globe.
@JimiKGB Hey thats the most likely thing! Thanks!!, Despite the fact that its generally promoted that adding a decoy scent wont throw off a hound trained specifically. Maybe they know something we dont and there is a specific chemical that can mask the layers of scent??? That would be a well guarded secret customs certainly wouldnt want anyone to know. A close mate has a beagle trained to sniff wads of USA paper money (hes uncannily good at it) It is impossible to trick him with masking scents. But maybe there is some particular chemical that does it, thats fascinating, youve got me super curious now as I always thought that vac seals and layers of high density material were the only barriers. Thanks. I wonder what it is.
looking at the video repeatedly, its definitely been placed there for some purpose. its not a result of the flooring or a fire retardent(first i thought maybe a fire retardent but it does not cover the product sufficiently to provide any type of fire protection). It could be some kind of rodent repellent so that rats on the ship dont eat the coke😅
@@peterRobinson10101 I know a man who trains dogs not specifically but including scent dogs. He said that dogs smell everything in layers and masking scents and wrapping bricks so many times they become air tight is still debatable. But he did say that product is supposed to be wrapped and sealed as close to shipping time as possible because everything has microscopic pores and even the smallest leak of a particular scent a dog is trained to hit on is all it takes. He did say conventional X-ray scanning is closer to perfect than a canine.
Calabria! My pop’s hometown! Very nice people and cibo deliziozo 😋
Can i ask you? Are they Greeks? Becous i see they writ in Greek.
Can i ask you? Are they Greeks? Becous i see they writ in Greek.
@@giorgos158 no sono italiani !! Den iparcune ellines ciao da Torino, naste kala ......
@@enzosallu3444and Albanians? Arberesh?
Watching from Utah, USA. Awesome video! Time to legalize drugs and tax them. No more accidental fentanyl deaths, no more private prison systems based on non violent drug offenders, no more cartels. The only ones losing the war on drugs is the tax payer.
They pretty much did that in Portland, OR and Seattle. Now they're pleading with the city to reverse it. Its gotten significantly worse the last handful of years
pretty much and doing it are 2 diff things@@dudereno21
@@dudereno21 They decriminalized posession of small quantities of drugs.
The addicts in portland still have to buy their drugs from sketchy street dealers, with no idea of purity or possible cross contamination with other substances.
I do think it would be nice to have less people dying of fentanyl overdoses when they aren't even trying to consume fentanyl.
Logical I felt that I agree
But you've seen this place, not everything is the same in the United States. Here, if there is a drug addict in the middle of the street, they make him disappear in 2 seconds and they will never find him again
I'm from calabria , and my village is near to SAN LUCA AKA the ndrangheta's mother, anyway one thing is sure , in whole calabria our common element is the friendly and lovely attitude towards tourists. i said this becouse i had some experience with tourist in calabria and they were pretty scared about ndrangheta and worried about their safety. this is absolutely not true! Crime in Calabria is a matter only between them . The average tourist doesn't feel this crime in the air (like other place in italy and outside ) they never ruined a touristic's experiences in our region.
How Human Nature Works
Human nature is the desire to receive, also called “desire to enjoy,” and it functions by receiving what is beneficial to itself and rejecting what is harmful. Everything in our lives is built upon this calculation where we first try to distance ourselves from harm, and then seek how to draw ourselves closer to what is beneficial.
Human nature also includes a multilayering of systems that work simultaneously on still, vegetative, animate and human levels. One of those systems is our bodily one, which operates involuntarily. If our bodies are healthy, then they know what is good for them and draw that goodness to themselves. After the bodily system, there is the emotional system, which also functions relatively according to instinct. From the emotional system, we move to the mind, and from the mind to the intellect, and so on. That is, we have systems over systems that concurrently work on receiving what is beneficial and rejecting what is harmful.
Such is human nature and the essence of our lives. Our every desire, thought and action operates according to the calculation, “How can we receive what is most beneficial to us and reject what is harmful?”
Such an incredible insight. Thanks
That's a bullshit theory from early psychoanalysts which even (a more traumatized) Freud was forced to denounce due to the breakthrough "self destructive" theory all of his darker colleagues were already researching. It's not a binary "more pleasure, less pain" spectrum. we see people torturing and harming themselves everywhere we turn
I aint reading all that 💀
What are you selling?
😂😅😊 human nature 😊
I’ve been looking at homes in Italy. I’ve been looking in central Italy. I’ve been told to stay away from the south. Is the mafia heavy into the Abruzzo area?
no, Abruzzo is a safe place
Lì ci sono gli slavi...mafia dell' est Europa...
@@lucacavani107 sono zingari italiani, tipo quelli di Rancitelli
If you ain't rich, you ain't sheet. 💪😎✌️ Health is wealth, might is right.
😂 Compensating for something are we? Little is still little mate
Why would you not take the time to Google translate some subtitles in this
The game is to be sold not told. When you’re on that level all police and politicians are bought. Hence how they get so keep doing so much business
When was this recorded
I call the Ndrangheta the Versace Mafia because they're from the same Italian state as the Gianni and Donatella Versace. Italians be like "Who's that?" it's Rube's from Vicenza, Veneto!
They probably killed him if you check
@@FedericoFumagalli-rs2jq No, the mob didn't kill Gianni Versace, that punk Cunanan did.
Where are subs for the italian speaking parts?
Click on CC. Top right hand corner of your screen.
@@sandrabentley8111shouldn’t have to if the uploader would do their job properly
Fast forward is the subtitle
Ndrangeta they are Greeks from South Italy proper gangsters, I salute them
They're not Sicilian?
@@geraldfahey2681 Ndrangeta is Calabria
@@LondonPoweryeah not Greeks watch your mouth
Why would you salute them? You like scumbags? Heroin is a filthy scourge.
How they gonna blur out the logo but say the name of the resort??
Be careful C.I.A hates competition
WHO???? C.I.A??? 😂😂😂😂😂
Every country can very easily solve the problem with drugs and the mafia, if politics wants it.
How do you have so many interviews without translations or translated captions
Click On Caption Uptop For english
why the hell is the cocaine blurred out.
Fake. Who knows. They don't wanna tease drug addicts. Stupid asf
22:48 - i guess he is not the favourite climber in the police unit ;-)
That was embarrassing
At 9:25 when he says “he has it striped” the subtitles say “he has him boned”. I think the camora have infiltrated the subtitles 😂
10 mins in, precise bust! That kind of info only comes from those who want it found. Give em a fish to keep em happy....
I wish you had provided CC translations from Italian.
Click on CC on the top right
What brave people there are still. Well researched and presented.
No budget for subtitles ay?
That method of testing is not 100% accurate. Using a rolled up bank note works better
Bel paese tranquillo silenzioso ed una bellissima chiesina. 1993. Un saluto da Leonardo 👋👋🤝👋🤝🍷
Vincenzo just showing the kids how to build a secret room, and that if they work hard in the mafia a whole house like this can be theirs .
No subtitles 😢
Subtitles of the Italians would have been helpful to your video
That's what the CC button is for lol
Good documentary but no subtitles
Click on CC. Top right hand corner of your screen.
Thanks for your informative video,please uses subtitles in English for English speaking viewer please
Just click CC. (Closed captioning), top right on your screen. Easy.
Subtitles are there.
This would be good if it had subtitles
In the Equalizer 3, denzel takes cares of ALL THESE FOOLS
It was camorra in the movie
please include translations though.
Just turn on the Closed captions
plot twist the people who confiscate it are the people bringing it in
If they focused on Australia and New Zealand. We pay the highest prices of all nations on earth and we have strong markets here if users. Start up shop here.
If you know anything, the South Americans DID FOCUS on us firstly after the 2008 GFC because we still had money and also since covid. And the reason they focus on us is because WE WILL PAY high prices. Chinese manufacturers screw us the same way because they know we will pay more than Americans will pay.
Ndrangheta is no different from any government.
Your comment shows you to be the type of idiots that enables organized crime to feed on ordinary citizens: paying protection money, having one’s child murdered, and 40% unemployment are forms of taxation that have been bleeding these communities for many generations. Organized crime is the rule of petty tyrants over their neighbors.
How about simply legalize street drugs to take criminal element out of the equation.
You don't get it , you think the government wants to legalize drugs so these people can officially legally be billionaires and millionaires ..
Odds are that Colonel is on the payroll and that seizure was a planned loss for the smugglers. Its a simple cost of doing business and I wouldn't be surprised if it's written off on their taxes lol
Makes you wonder who builds our cities and the banks and big buildings…. 😮 ❤ 😮
Long live the Italians
Lol that police colonel probably has a very nice bank balance 😂
Lack of subtitles is ruining the experience.
the problem is not the mafiozo,the criminals, are the comunity who accepting that kind of life! those humans mostly the olders grandfothers are the meaning in the problem,police and gverment could not change this if the locals not doing something
Hi, I´m Italian, Italians don´t accept mafia, the situation is so hard in my country, the mafia kills anyone who tries to rebel, they have killed judges, politicians and policemen in the past so they can kill normal citizens easily
To psari vromai apo ton kefali........... 💰💸
Click on CC. Top right hand corner of your screen.!!!!
@@sandrabentley8111 When the video was uploaded, they were not available. Now they are. Cheers.
Everybody is involved even the police 😂😂😂
Why blur the image? That's silly
To see the subtitles click CC. They work just fine.
For anyone wondering: basically all those bricks come from Brazil's cartel First Cartel of the Capital, mostly known as PCC
28:05 and btw Brazil also has a very simmilar crime called "Criminal Association". One can be arrested just with the proof of participation or intention to commit a crime with other people, which also englobes mafia and cartel affiliation
I have been to Calabria twice - Pizzo + Tropea are beautiful
The food is amazing
The mafia are scum !! 😊
❤ 🇮🇹
And you the pope from Roma!!!????
@@marcopiga4920hahaha he is the telescope in the vatican.
Are you still alive...and if you are...how??
And ur coco the clown
Wow I like this channel
Don Strangio mi fa morire!
More important to the mafia than family is silence. Of course the oldest residence of the city will say they've never heard of anything. Did you really believe you could walk in and expect them to just start running off at the mouth? That would get them, their kids and grand/great grandkids unalived.
Me no speaky itialian.
Me too😂😂😂
Click on CC. Top right hand corner of your screen.
4 days a week for 10 years , Father i salute you .
The Mafia don't seem to spread the live around to their neighbours....
where is the other ton,lol
19:57 --> The english speaker says "...arrested for cocaine traffiking" --> The youtube 'CC' subtitle shows "...arrested for sex traffiking". Subs are probably translated from Italian. FYI: Subtitle and spoken word differs all the time in this docu.
btw world is running by drugs money 😂 most