From Mormonism to Christ - An Evening with Sandra Tanner

  • Опубліковано 5 жов 2024
  • Recorded at Kauai Christian Fellowship on September 22, 2007
    .mov available here: www.kauaichrist...


  • @bettyjobbins1196
    @bettyjobbins1196 10 років тому +34

    This sister in Christ shows a lot of courage speaking out against this false religion. Great will be her reward in heaven!

  • @danigasper
    @danigasper 15 років тому +11

    God bless Sandra Tanner. What an awesome woman of God.

  • @drewroe882
    @drewroe882 15 років тому +7

    I praise God for Sandra Tanner and the wonderful work He has done through her and her husband Jerald! The Lord has indeed used the two of them to lead many out of the deception of Mormonism and to the true Jesus of the Bible over the years! Jerald has gone home to be with the Lord, but I look forward to meeting both of them sooner or later, Jerald in the Lord's Kingdom, and Sandra either here or there. Thanks be to God for those willing to allow Him to work through them in this world!

  • @sassyladyfl4164
    @sassyladyfl4164 9 років тому +14

    This lady is such a good teacher. I would love to have heard gerald tanner! I bet he was an outstanding teacher. Praises to her.

  • @BarbaraJoanneBJ
    @BarbaraJoanneBJ 11 років тому +10

    God bless this woman.

  • @MsTheresaKelly1
    @MsTheresaKelly1 13 років тому +6

    God bless you Sandra! It's b/c of you n Jerald that I didn't join the Mormon church 20 years ago when I moved to Utah!

  • @stephaniesunderland1974
    @stephaniesunderland1974 10 років тому +11

    Excellent! Brava, Sandra!

  • @GiftoAll
    @GiftoAll 16 років тому +4

    Thanks for uploading this one.

  • @georgesquires5526
    @georgesquires5526 10 років тому +32

    To think all these years I believed with prejudice that this dear woman was a shrill hater. Boy was I ever WRONG!!

  • @kristaw2686
    @kristaw2686 2 роки тому +1

    Love her. I watch pretty much any videos I find with her in it. 😀

  • @jamin1632
    @jamin1632 16 років тому +4

    Awesome stuff!

  • @BarbaraJoanneBJ
    @BarbaraJoanneBJ 6 років тому +8

    As Rhett Butler says at one point in Gone With the Wind, 'What a Woman!' She is just remarkable.

  • @georgesquires5526
    @georgesquires5526 10 років тому +17

    Isaiah 43:10-11
    10 “You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord.
    “I have chosen you as my servant
    so that you can know and believe in me
    and understand that I am the one who did this.
    No god was formed before me,
    and there will be none after me.
    11 I alone am the Lord,
    and there is no savior except me.

    @GBY_VIDEO 7 років тому +9

    God is working on bringing back all HIS PEOPLE to him from False religions.

  • @t.balognavich221
    @t.balognavich221 Рік тому +1

    sandra communicates very well.

  • @vcomp1960
    @vcomp1960 15 років тому +7

    You mormons sure are touchy. Anyone who doesn't agree with you is considered anti-mormon. Could it be that they just don't agree.............?

  • @Dernykammer
    @Dernykammer 15 років тому +6

    Gal 1:7-9 7. Not that there is another gospel, but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ.
    8. But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed.
    9. As we have said before, so now I say again, If any one is preaching to you a gospel contrary to that which you received, let him be accursed .

  • @timrileyj10
    @timrileyj10 11 років тому +12

    Please watch the bible vs. the book of mormon, if mormonism is true, science will prove it to be true. The problem that I found was that there is a familiar spirit which will give you warm feelings, there are warnings in the bible about familiar spirits, they are no of God.( There is a real power in the M.Church but it is not of the God of the Bible who is the only God and was not a man.) You must investigate the truth, there are spirits who will deceive I have personal exp. I was a member once

  • @kerrimay3334
    @kerrimay3334 11 років тому +4

    "10 Ye are my witnesses, saith the Lord, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
    11 I, even I, am the Lord; and beside me there is no saviour." Isaiah 43:10-11
    God, Jesus, Holy Spirit are ONE. God the Father is Spirit: "24 God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth."

  • @ApartmentKing66
    @ApartmentKing66 13 років тому +3

    @Ebenezer False teacher? Why, because she's female? Ever heard of Miriam, 1st minister of music (Ex. 15:20)? Deborah (Judges 4:4)? Priscilla the Bible teacher (Acts 18:26)? Phoebe the deaconess (Romans 16:1)? When Paul said "women be silent," he did NOT mean "women have no place in ministry." In context, Paul isn't negating female *ministry*, only female *authority*. Sandra's not usurping *anything* here. Would you have said this if she were extolling the *virtues* of LDS?

  • @deskjockie49
    @deskjockie49 12 років тому +2

    How do you interpret 1 Corinthians 15:40-42, where it says,
    40"There are also celestial bodies, and bodies terrestrial: but the glory of the celestial is one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another.
    41 There is one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory.
    42 So also is the resurrection of the dead...

  • @king1bogey
    @king1bogey 15 років тому +1

    It would behoove you to investigate the doctrines of the LDS faith and really compare it to the Bible.

  • @MsTheresaKelly1
    @MsTheresaKelly1 13 років тому +2

    @LukeAir2008 are you serious? Come on now, the Peril of Great Price is an Egyptian funeral text....wake up!

  • @ApartmentKing66
    @ApartmentKing66 13 років тому +2

    First, I was talking to a Mormon who was saying that Sandra's a false teacher simply because she's female. I then cited verses that document women who served God. Do you mean to come across as thinking you have some sort of corner on the truth and appear quite immature in the faith? As for having "spelled it out with...Bible verses," LDS do the same thing. Keep several things in mind where women in the church are concerned:
    Women, like the guys, are in God's image, and as such, are equal --->

  • @pwreric
    @pwreric 13 років тому +2

    @wannawatchu66 Yes I would. Although LDS is not the church of Christ.

  • @ApartmentKing66
    @ApartmentKing66 13 років тому +2 nature. 2nd, both are equal by redemption; same Lord, same salvation...all one in Christ (Gal 3:28). Are you going to say Gal. 3:28 says something else now? 3rd, ministry gifts aren't gender specific: women have the same that men do; 4th, God gifted, blessed and used women in ministry, and I've already cited verses to this effect. 5th, women helped Jesus in His ministry (John 11). Do you not find it noteworthy that, in a patriarchal society, Jesus chose women for His 1st TWO ----->

  • @ApartmentKing66
    @ApartmentKing66 13 років тому +1

    @pwreric You remind me of people I used to go to church with who thought they were right and everyone else was wrong. With them, there was no in-house debate on anything. If it makes you any happier, I don't believe women should be ordained as pastors or reverends as I don't believe the Bible gives them that authority. But nothing forbids them from simply TEACHING from the pulpit, for crying out loud. If you have a problem with that, take it up with God, not me. Pissing contest over.

  • @pwreric
    @pwreric 13 років тому +1

    @wannawatchu66 Yes they are equal. It doesn't say for the wife to be willing to give her life for the husband nor for the man to teach the younger women. There is an order. I didn't create it God did. If following God's word makes me immature then so be it

  • @GlowingMpd
    @GlowingMpd 12 років тому +1

    Okay. Tell us in order which things she is lying about. Which parts are distorted?
    Please. I want to know b4 I join.

  • @Tavlo
    @Tavlo 16 років тому

    How come Aaron? Is it for quality reasons?

  • @pwreric
    @pwreric 13 років тому

    I know that you and others will be angry with me.I am only telling you what Yahweh said; be angry with Him not me.He has a reason for everything He does.I may not understand or want to agree but we are to "be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God." --- Rm. 12:2. I know that the world hates me and the Word of Yahweh because it doesn't agree with the world system. It's OK though.

  • @pwreric
    @pwreric 13 років тому +1

    @wannawatchu66 I can see you are very fond of twisting and even falsifying the Word of Yahweh.How was Miriam 1st minister of music from that scripture?Priscilla witnessed to one person because he only knew the baptism of John and you make it sound as if she was teaching to an entire congregation.We are all to be ready to give an answer for the hope in us,male and female.How is Phoebe a deaconess when all Paul said was "is a servant of the church which is at Cenchrea" again we are all servants

  • @ApartmentKing66
    @ApartmentKing66 13 років тому

    ...resurrection appearances? Peter didn't have the privilege 'til the 3rd go around. 6th, whatever Paul may have meant by the "women be silent," no evidence indicates he meant they shouldn't at all have ministry in the church. And as I said before, Paul isn't negating women's *ministry,* only limiting female *authority.* There's nothing wrong with a woman teaching in the church. And I don't cite any more Bible verses than I have because of this cumbersome, annoying 500-character limit.

  • @pwreric
    @pwreric 13 років тому

    @wannawatchu66 Well I spelled it out with actual Bible verses. I have shown that you have provided verses that in no way prove your point, attributing being a servant of the church to somehow being a deacon. To a female deacon being able to be the husband of one wife. I'm sorry but you make no sense. And I am still trying to figure out how you have cast me as a Mormon. I am not. Can you copy and paste a comment from me even hinting that I am?

  • @pwreric
    @pwreric 13 років тому

    Paul was plain in his instruction of womens role in the church and if that isn't enough 1 Tim 3:2,12 say that bishops and deacons are to be the husbands of one wife. I have yet to meet a woman who can meet that criteria. Although in these modern debaucherous times I'm sure the US is not far from fulfilling the requirement. I suppose that then it will be official so that false women teachers will feel justified. However Phoebe would not have fit the criteria even if your verse did say deacon.

  • @WilliamSilva-cd7rf
    @WilliamSilva-cd7rf 9 років тому +1

    I'm a convert (32 years). The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is true. Jesus Christ is my savior.

  • @Nyu1971
    @Nyu1971 14 років тому

    ...and to become A GOD, z1freerider.

  • @DefendingMormonism
    @DefendingMormonism 15 років тому +1

    The continual justifications for leaving the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is understandable.
    When it is impossible to prove that Mormonism is false, individuals need to come up with trivial reason after reason to legitimize the decision to leave the faith.
    She seems like a nice lady. Unfortunately her whole life has been devoted to deterring people from following the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and she will be held accountable for that.

  • @leSavaii
    @leSavaii 15 років тому

    How do you know? Didn't you know that your husband is in the spirit world?

  • @iloveabbie12
    @iloveabbie12 14 років тому

    @mastad23 read doctrine and covenants 132 only marriage in the temple make you god otherwise you will be an angel.

  • @Ebeneezerable
    @Ebeneezerable 13 років тому

    Talk about false teachers.Has this woman preacher not read:1Timothy 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.I know all the arguments:God called you to preach,had to obey,that was cultural/historical.I've heard it all. No,God didn't call you because He said he wouldn't right there in that verse from His word. So whomever called you it wasn't God. I wish people would just say they don't agree or wish to obey God instead of justifying sin.