Why Women Hate Ballerina Farm - Tania Reynolds | Maiden Mother Matriarch

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @ceeeceeeeeeeeeeeeee
    @ceeeceeeeeeeeeeeeee 4 дні тому +15

    You mean she prefers taking care of and spending time with her children herself instead of hiring a stranger? Oh the horror

  • @lennny2218
    @lennny2218 5 днів тому +11

    That article was so obviously twisting everything Ballerina farm said to fit the biases of the writer, it bordered on ridiculous at times. What a lovely way to pay them back for inviting her into their home and showing her around on the farm. I think your analysis is spot on.

  • @ecvfamilytube
    @ecvfamilytube 5 днів тому +16

    I’m a woman and I love ballerina farms. They are a happy family. Some people like a more traditional life.

  • @wearelightbeings
    @wearelightbeings 5 днів тому +32

    Cause they’re jealous. End of story.

    • @moderngoblin
      @moderngoblin 5 днів тому +4

      No one in the history of humanity is jealous of a woman with 10 children.

    • @LoneWulf278
      @LoneWulf278 5 днів тому

      @@moderngoblin 😂

    • @LoneWulf278
      @LoneWulf278 5 днів тому +4

      @@moderngoblin Probably jealous of the things about her life that allow her to have as many kids as she wants.

    • @wearelightbeings
      @wearelightbeings 5 днів тому +6

      @@moderngoblinYou mean a woman who is beautiful, rich, and supported by her husband in such a way where she is able to have 10 children. Definitely mothers out there who are jealous of that.

    • @bluevelvet2
      @bluevelvet2 5 днів тому +2

      Most women are indeed jealous of beautiful women, and Ballerina is gorgeous. However, the jealousy is overstated in this case. No woman fantasizes about doing hard labor on a farm with 10 kids in tow. Women are envious of beautiful, wealthy women that are spoiled by their men and don't work too hard. I know plenty of well-taken care of women, who have ample help with raising their 2-3 kids and lots of leisure time. That is the ideal women are most envious of and aspire to - not working on a farm.

  • @cityman2312
    @cityman2312 5 днів тому +4

    Hi everyone. European royals did marry ballerinas back in the days when there were absolute monarchies, so they have had success historically with netting wealthy men.

  • @bigthangz5489
    @bigthangz5489 5 днів тому +4

    ballerina family must sue(defamation) the journalist who wrote that.

  • @dhickey5919
    @dhickey5919 5 днів тому +4

    It's another version of the American dream mythology. The only way the image of choosing professional career and sacrificing everything else works is if everyone else is doing it too. She's not doing what we're doing so she must be unhappy. God forbid she's found a husband and is happy without us!

  • @MC-ze8wj
    @MC-ze8wj 5 днів тому +9

    Tall poppy syndrome 100%.

  • @sarahalderman3126
    @sarahalderman3126 4 дні тому +3

    Women hate it? Since when? She has millions of female followers…

  • @scarlettstoever8093
    @scarlettstoever8093 3 дні тому +1

    Spot on about the ballet. It’s low status work, and many ballerinas end up in sex work. I’m speaking from experience. I love ballet, and now enjoy it in my 30s as a hobby and workout not anything more.

  • @Himmiefan
    @Himmiefan 3 дні тому +1

    Early in their relationship, Hannah, because of her Mormon conditioning, let Daniel walk all over her and overrule her dreams and follow his. He did not put her name on their business; it's all in his name, so she's a glorified volunteer and will have a hard time claiming any of it in the event of a divorce. The most telling part is the egg apron for her birthday. Daniel didn't even wrap it, and she said over and over that she wanted a trip to Greece for her birthday, and her billionaire husband gave her an apron instead.

  • @Jules-Is-a-Guy
    @Jules-Is-a-Guy 5 днів тому +1

    Ok, I think we finally broke the meta-meter.
    This fem-psych stuff is like playing 4d chess upside down.
    However no, I speak this language well enough to understand your point, but I meant what I said the first time.
    Sure, I guess it ultimately depends on what someone's values are, but I'm arguing that by any reasonable metric, all the current status markers are ridiculously askew.
    You'd end up acquiring way fewer tasty/nutritious meats in the ancestral environment, with this amount of noise in the signal.
    'Throwing noise into the signal,' that's exactly the right idea, which is discussed in clip.
    Except you're maybe not getting, that I'm trying to minimize noise.
    Sure, I have some experience with how things get distorted - microcosm of personal life, mapped onto macrocosm of social sphere.
    Yet I'm trying to use my low-key powers for good, not for illin'.
    Do you really think I'd be showing my hand this much otherwise, especially when fem-counterpart has laser vision?
    I could never even attempt to manipulate you, as much as this entire society has manipulated you, for at least the past decade.
    But hey, there you go, see how it works now?
    'Join our club, play along, we have things you need'.
    I don't like clubs, I don't play along, and all I need is an accessible version of stuff I can actually appreciate (i.e. this channel) 👍

  • @malhenning1608
    @malhenning1608 4 дні тому

    Men seem (to my humble interpretation) to have sorted things into
    The Profit: J Peterson
    The Anti-Profit: Mr Tate
    The Dream: Oliver Anthony and JD Vance.
    This Lady sounds like a feminin version of "The Dream." It looks like men and women think slightly differently.

  • @lisasinervo1633
    @lisasinervo1633 5 днів тому +7

    You can’t really analyze the Ballerina Farm story fairly without considering the influence growing up in Mormon culture has on a female member’s choices or a Mormon man’s choices either. Missing this aspect is a real weakness in this video. Yes, the article was heavily biased against this couple but it accurately described the roles the Mormon church pressures its members to adhere to.

    • @blondeenotsomuch
      @blondeenotsomuch 5 днів тому +2

      Absolutely. It seems like another role type you have to align with to be deemed favorable by your community. You are still being forced into a mold. Your authority figure is just different. The rules are different, the expectations are different, the ostracization is not

    • @lisasinervo1633
      @lisasinervo1633 5 днів тому +3

      @@blondeenotsomuch Not so long ago, Utah had the highest rate of anti-depressant prescriptions in the US and they are ranked sixth in plastic surgeons per capita. The pressure to portray perfection is really high in Utah. I’m into sourdough baking, cooking from scratch, sewing and growing my own veggies myself so her content appeals to me but I am not blind to the suffering many LDS members experience trying to meet the standards of family life the church demands of their members.

    • @bigthangz5489
      @bigthangz5489 5 днів тому +1

      its their culture...those who dont want do leave the religion

    • @lisasinervo1633
      @lisasinervo1633 5 днів тому +2

      @@bigthangz5489 Not always. There can be severe consequences for leaving the religion. Some bishops suggest remaining members divorce their spouses if one loses their faith. There is social ostracism. Mormons even have an acronym for coping with this pressure PIMO, which means “physically in, mentally out.” It’s for the faithless who don’t want to experience the negative consequences of leaving. The LDS faith is a very cultish, high demand religion.
      I’m not trying to assess this particular couple. They might be quite happy with their lives. Hard to know someone from an Instagram account.

    • @blondeenotsomuch
      @blondeenotsomuch 5 днів тому +1

      ​@@lisasinervo1633 have you read Jennette Mc Curdy's book "I'm glad my mom died?" It touches on Mormonism culture a bit, it is more about extreme stage moms, was an interesting read.

  • @Lilalalalalallllla
    @Lilalalalalallllla 3 дні тому

    Hannah is very kind though. And anassuming. She has the Mormon cult thing going against her giving her a bad look. But people who would automatically translate cults to meaning ALL the men are abusive are just stupid. I grew up in a cult. Just like the regular population, a lot of the women are the abusers in the relationships. Can go either way. But anyone there is no evidence he abuses her, they just overblew the fact he interrupted her and sfuff! They literally clearly want to equate being a traditional wife with being a victim of abuse!!! It is so evil!!

  • @LoneWulf278
    @LoneWulf278 5 днів тому +1

    I’m sure the older kids help her with the younger kids.

    • @effever0
      @effever0 День тому

      That's called parentification...

    • @LoneWulf278
      @LoneWulf278 День тому

      @@effever0 I think it’s only parentification only if the parents make the child responsible for the baby. There’s a difference between asking an older child to hand you some baby wipes and making them stay home from school to watch a baby all day. Problematizing the way families have always functioned isn’t going to help with birth rates.

  • @lostcauselancer333
    @lostcauselancer333 5 днів тому

    Lot of theorizing on the (male?) right about contemporary feminism being a scam perpetrated by promiscuous high status guys. Interesting theory about contemporary feminism being about inter-female competition and cooperation.

  • @eglezinkute8240
    @eglezinkute8240 5 днів тому

    Hannah is totally superior to all of her detractors. Fact.

  • @carmeld45
    @carmeld45 5 днів тому

    He stalked her, that was the disturbing part. Our grandmothers who had a dozen or more kids were miserable, and everyone knows that women are married, men aren't..so

  • @blondeenotsomuch
    @blondeenotsomuch 5 днів тому +1

    Have you ever wondered about the prevelance of blonde mormon influencers? Have you looked at their theology? Continuous pregnancy? Why do mormons push continuous pregnancy? *Always on* status for social media?
    I'm glad pregnancy wasn't an unspoken requirement in my faith.

  • @LoneWulf278
    @LoneWulf278 5 днів тому

    @2:47 I suspect the same envy is what motivated the backlash against Blake Lively recently. 😂

    • @southbug27
      @southbug27 5 днів тому +1

      While the Ballerina Farm stuff is absolutely about jealousy &/or the hatred of women who choose traditional roles, Blake Lively’s backlash was well-deserved due to her lies, bullying, & plain bad behavior. Justin Baldoni bought the rights to the books years ago & developed it into a film. He hired Blake & brought her onto the project only for her to use her husband’s power in the industry to have her own version of the movie cut by Ryan’s movie editor even though she was NOT the director. She then went on to exclude him from all the movie premieres of his own movie, get all the other cast members to publicly chose sides, got the author to chose her side, & her & her husband are actively trying to destroy any future career he may have in Hollywood. It’s the worst kind of human behavior. There was so much more regarding her cross merching her alcohol line & hair care line instead of focusing on the movie, domestic violence, & telling women where to get help to leave. A month or so before that, Blake joined forces with Meghan Markle, her PR company, etc. to bully Princess Catherine who was recovering from major surgery, undergoing chemotherapy, & being mercilessly bullied by Markle, her PR team, & some members of the press. Blake isn’t a girl’s girl as the saying goes, & even more importantly, she’s a bully who likes to wield power, fame, & money to destroy other people’s lives for fun. Not only did she get what was deserved, but her & her husband haven’t been held to account enough for what they did just to Justin Baldoni not to mention other people they’ve bullied.

    • @LoneWulf278
      @LoneWulf278 5 днів тому

      @@southbug27 What did Megan say about Princess Catherine? 😕

  • @hr3134
    @hr3134 5 днів тому +6

    Most the calories consumed by hunter gatherer's was from vegetables, not meat, and women hunted also (though not as much.) With Ballerina Farm I imagine it's basic jealousy at play? If she were less attractive, I doubt anyone would care.

  • @mama-nono3652
    @mama-nono3652 2 дні тому

    So, because some women didn't see her life as the best thing ever, they're jealous and hating? Because, dang, why can't these childless cat-ladies see that she hit the jackpot and is living the life EVERY woman should envy. I mean who wouldn't want to be her? Because women can see that ballet was and (I think) still is a passion for her, her dream deferred. But we can't even entertain that idea, can we? Nope, so paint the narrative that her passion was just some silly, useless, girlish fantasy, a "thing" best set aside for "real" life. That relinquishing her passion was just much ado about nothing. Play up that there was a downside to the artform anyway and look all the pitfalls she avoided. Never mind that EVERY profession and art have a downside, yet people still choose them because IT IS THEIR PASSION. I mean, it's a completely wasted life that actually gifts one with a chance to experience their dreams even if it doesn't last forever, right? How dare we see she still carries a longing for her first passion, you know, because we are biased like that. But, we saw Farm-Hannah slip up and revealed that Ballerina-Hannah is still alive behind the curtain, THAT HANNAH, Ballerina-Hannah, wanted tickets to Greece for her birthday from her (eat your heart out, ladies) billionaire, airline owning husband. But, nope, this sweet, compliant, hard-working woman who gave birth to 8 of his children, got a goddamned egg apron instead, gifted to her in a ratty little tattered postal box. And watched as that woman swallowed her disappointment and click her heels in some bizarro face save. I died inside for her. So, in your estimation this woman has achieved her Magnum Opus. She got the millionaire hubby who won't get her a trip to Greece, and she added 8 more mouths to feed to the over 8 billion already on the planet. Yeah, people are just jealous and biased.

  • @helenatroy33
    @helenatroy33 5 днів тому +1

    The most obvious thing no one mentions is this...
    Most content creators do it as a job re, content creation or to pass time or needing attention.
    She obviously doesn't need the money so why?
    Its loneliness. She is lonely and needs the attention. It makes no sense otherwise why she would e even have a channel.
    Things are never what they seem.

    • @lisasinervo1633
      @lisasinervo1633 5 днів тому

      Hanna’s Instagram is a way to advertise their business. She also likes performing, was a ballerina, participates in pageants still. It’s a creative thing to do. I always thought she had a production team and nannies.

    • @chickenfishhybrid44
      @chickenfishhybrid44 4 дні тому

      They're Mormon. It's like the most extreme form of Protestant work ethic.