The folks complaining about you taking all the honey and not leaving any for the bees, don't understand how this works. That is what the other one or two boxes are for. You don't leave the flow super on during the winter. You all did a great job congrats. You don't get that kind of production without being great beekeepers
@@HappyBearAcres the people that complain are hypocrite liberals from the cities that learn from Democrat programs like common core. I'm a farmer in northern Minnesota by the way.
Can you tell me how you start one of these? If this only for professionals? Because I am NOT lol. I know you buy the hive and it’s like 800$ but how do you get bees in it? Do you just set it up in ur yard pour honey on it and hope bees come? We r wanting to start a garden as well and bees are great for gardens? Where does a newbie start?
you can tell the bees were ready to get back to work but the cells were full of honey. They make you honey and you make them happy to get back to work. Beautiful cycle - wish people could work together like that!
rhysmuir I was thinking the same because I came directly from that video and I personally think that they should learn how to properly use it even though they said they did a lot of research they clearly didn't do enough because of the fact they didn't put the board on the top notch and left it on the bottom
That's great, but what about the honey going all through the hive, causing all that clean up in the first place? Not liking that at all. Bees can drown from having puddles of honey in their hive. If the Flow frames can't be made to not leak through the hive at all, then it's a very bad design. The normal method of harvesting honey is gonna disturb them a lot less than making them clean their entire hive of all that honey that you've just spilled everywhere.
I have not read all 928 comments, the ones I have read have missed one important point. It takes the bees far more energy to make wax than honey. By not having to rebuild comb such as with a top bar hive or rebuild much of it with a langstroth hive they can produce more honey in a flow hive over a given season. Any time there is change people bad mouth it. Time will tell if this works or not. If the plastic holds up, If the bees prosper.
There is no way to test the moisture content in the honey frame until you're committed to eating it all. I saw no refractometer in the video therefore I assume there's a chance that once in the jars it could ferment. There are flaws in the flow hive and I only described one.
Im surprised the bees dont chew on the plastic. But this is a great invention. The price is way too much though and you have to assemble it. Ive seen video where screws were missing and the dove tails didn't line up.
This video was so neat! Really satisfying! I can't wait to start a flow hive and try to bring back more of an awareness of bees and what they do for us. Your setup looks clean, organized, and natural to the bees. Way to go!
*Wonderful invention.* This will help nature to be more pollinated and we can enjoy the sweet honey :-) I am happy they have found a productive hobby for their back yard !
I'd like to hear all your pros, cons, tips, tricks and lessons learned after you go through your first season. I am a traditional beekeeper, but this is very interesting, and I especially like the fact of not disturbing the bees. I hope you will follow up.
you should get some sort of tax break when you have a bee hive like this. We need these bees. If more people had these, we might be helping the bee population.
As long as people dont abuse it I am inclined to agree with you. Bees are doing well and have had no problems. Its a new product so there is plenty of skepticism with no experience to back it up.
@@mycrazyfamilyid That's a ludicrous claim. People get tax breaks for many things. In fact, you can get an agriculture exemption on your property if you are a beekeeper. There are acreage minimums, but it's the same with cattle.
My grandma in Mexico has bees and my cousin harvests the honey. I personally don't like honey but I've seen how it's harvested traditionally and hundreds of bees are killed. I love that it looks like no bees were harmed.
You're supposed to move the bottom board up to the top slot before harvesting. Keeps the drips inside and the bees will collect the honey off the floor.
Thank you for the video. I am just now looking into the honey process and regardless of the negative comments I really enjoyed and appreciate you taking the time to show me a little something about the process. Thanks again. Great job!!!
until you get hard honey and realize getting it out of plastic is impossible without destroying the honey (very little heat will ruin honey's beneficial properties, like barely over our body temp).
great video! We have a flow hive (here in Australia) and also had some honey leak down and through the hive. We found if you crack the frames in increments- it is not only easier to turn the handle- but if you wait 5 minutes between increments the flow is not so great- the tube doesn't fill entirely and less honey leaks. You could also place a few bits of wood under the front of the hive to increase the tilt towards the rear so the honey flows out faster. Also if you remove the coreflute bottom- and place a metal or plastic tray there you can catch the honey and put the tray in front of the hive for the bees to clean up once you are done. Happy Flow Hivnig!
ah- another flow hive hater. Good for you hater. Hate on! My mum got two complete flow hives- we did so well in our first half season- I just bought two more last week. This year I plan to set between 5 and 10 hives with flow frames. Wish me luck with my crap junk investment Mr know it all hater!
good for you! I hope you do well with your honey. I'm not really an expert on bees, but I am every interested in how honey harvesting works, and how bees themselves function. I wish you the best of luck with your hives, I hope the honey turns out great! :)
Somebody start a gofundme and get this poor girl a steady cam! Sidenote these taps significantly reduce the bees workload by providing a ready made comb and immensely reduces their stress and bee deaths at harvest time. Some traditionalists complain about anything that's new but I consider the idea the best honey super one can have. It just makes it so much easier for the bees, the ease for the keeper is only a bonus and a selling point.
I am impressed!! Thanks for buying that and filming that, you are the first that has told me about why it overflowed, quite impressive. one guy said his did the first time, but he didn't seem to know why it didn't the next, he thought the bees sealed it up at the bottom, but I like opening a few and there by not letting it overflow.
What I'd like to know do the bees know that you drained those frames? If they have them all capped with wax, what tells them they need to refill them again?
+ROMEYYOUROCK I envision them peeking under the wax caps and finding all the cells empty, then standing around scratching their heads, shrugging their shoulders, trying to figure out where all that honey went.
When you turn the key mechanism to start the flow, the cells split open so there will be a split in the wax cappings and when they go to repair it they will be able to see that it's empty and needs to be filled back up again.
In other of videos of people harvesting with this system they watch the bees a bit more and somehow all the bees near that frame instantly know the honey is vanishing and immediately start working to remove the caps.
First time I heard of the frames overflowing aswell, good to know you should crack the frames 1/3 at a time at 5 minutes intervals ... also good to know each frame has a different taste ... great video.!
Thanks for posting this it is great. I have,been watching this product,since their kickstarter entry. Wanted to see someone use it in real world/real time. This is perfect! Looks like I will be ordering in the next,few months. Thanks again.
I had a great harvest from my Flows this year. Since you're getting one, you might be interested in some ideas:
I was just curious as to how many harvests you can expect this season, when should you do your last harvest and how do you know how much honey to leave unharvested for the winter? Also, would you mind telling me which state you are in? Thanks! were supposed to take the bottom floor board and place it into the top slot prior to opening the honey flow...that would have kept the honey inside the hive so the bees could lick it back up...
Not sure if anyone told you, but moving that bottom panel to the top slot before harvesting allows for the honey that comes out of the bottom to stay in the hive for the bees to reuse.
As a beekeeper thanks for posting. I've heard about this product for years it's nice to see it. Hat off to you for trying and posting it. Screw the other idiot comments, tell them to open a hive end of summer and commune with the bees (and get the living daylights stung out of you). I love our bees but they are the meanest SOB's on the planet in fall when you take excess honey away from them. Good job.
This video makes me so happy I can't even tell you. I would like to try beekeeping in the future and you both make it look so personally rewarding. Thank you for sharing.
@@LawrenceReitan -- Beekeeping isn't rocket science. There are intricacies, sure, but if you have a mentor and take the advice you're given, it's pretty easy to keep healthy bees.
It’s a lot of fun, but don’t use a flow hive. They don’t work as advertised and many people have tons of issues that nobody ever mentions. These paid UA-camrs don’t give you the entire story.
@@Makermook amen on getting a good mentor. Our local bee club has a mentorship program for new beekeepers. I don’t know one master beekeeper who would ever recommend a flow hive. They don’t work as advertised and the owners are con-artists.
That was totally awesome, you guys rock. My two favorite parts were when he says he's going to try opening part "like they suggest", and the bee rescue. Did she survive? Thanks for helping to dispel the naysayers.
David Evans | If you want to start a colony from scratch, you'll need some workers, a few drones, and a queen. Bee careful, though. Pre-made colonies might not accept a new queen.
Allah (God) says in the Noble Quran about bees theses Quranic verses: ( And your Lord inspired the bees, saying: "Take you habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect, Then, eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of your Lord made easy (for you)." There comes forth from their bellies, a drink of varying colour wherein is healing for men. Verily, in this is indeed a sign for people who think).
With Flow, you continuously harvest honey through the honey season, the bees continue to have new places to add honey- so it's never full. As long as you keep harvesting.
+Daltonownzyoulol we have the flow. we harvested twice this summer before replacing with regular frames so the bees could get ready to winter. we never had a swarm. 2 deeps,one flow and then 2 harvests of just the flow. then replaced with 10 frames. no swarm.
Nice for the backyard beekeeper. But when you run a multiple of colonies I don't think this is practical. But, it's nice to see other people harvesting the honey and not just the inventors. Do you take of the box in the fall to prepare the bees for winter or does it stay on? How about propolis? Is this a factor in how it's working? Enjoyed the video
It's not practical. It's slow. When taking the honey it could start robbing. What if you end up with AFB? You can't use it anymore and must get rid of it according to state regs. a toy for the lazy beekeeper who won't check hives for health. A lot of reasons why I don't like it. I found out these are extremely expensive!
NO,, I didn't say I can't afford it. But it's wasteful if you want to know the truth. If you need a 'flow hive' so badly I've would like to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge. Interested?
The other way takes much much longer though o.O So this is very practical. Much better then taking the whole hive apart and cutting the honey caps off and getting in suit and spraying the bees and ect
Shotgunsam 23 I actually hear about that a lot, bees cap their honey from the outside in, so what your getting from a flow hive can actually go bad, unlike real honey.
I know nothing about bees, other than I'm afraid of them, (well, and the obvious honey output) but your video was fascinating to watch! Thanks for posting it! :)
Zak White when I was a kid a honey bee colony moved into a tree beside our house. We called a bee keeper and he came to remove the bees and relocate them to his hives. He pulled some honeycomb from the tree for us and the honey was really warm and flowed like that from the bees warming it.
I know absolutely nothing about Bee Keeping, so be gentle. Came across this Flow Hive while watching something else ... and I find it a very, VERY cool innovation. Anyhow, from what I have learned watching numerous Flow Hive vids, apparently after the 1st harvest the bees wax-up that area near the flow holes, which prevents that issue of loss in your flow... and the 2nd harvest would be even higher yield, less mess/"waste"(gets recycled anyhow). ALSO, I believe you were supposed to move that bottom panel (the "drip tray" as I would think of it) to the upper slot. Nice job ... I sure do love honey. LOL. Good luck!
Thank you for cutting to the chase and having your title match your content. I'm really tired of videos that have one or two minutes of intro that only they care about. Yours was straight to the subject at hand. Again -- thank you.
One of the concerns about the Flow Hive that I thought would be a very legitimate concern was that once you harvest the honey, how many of the cells are still capped but empty. This would make the bees think that they were full and during the winter when they needed the honey, the cell would be uncapped and would have nothing in them and could cause a starvation problem. Have you looked at the emptied frames and see if that is the case?
When you turn the handle to harvest the honey it actually shifts the pre-built "honey comb" inside. This cracks the wax without disturbing the bees too much. It is probably worth checking anyway, just in case.
The bees can feel underfoot that the cells are empty and get right to work on removing the caps, cleaning them out, and filling the cells with honey again. It only took them a few days to start filling again, kind of amazing! :)
I know that they recycle cracked wax, but what if the bee side is not cracked and only the inside cracked and drained the honey. That is what I was referring.
A note on the leaking and all the bees on the front of the frame; Flow Hive has responded to others about the issue and said that it only really happens the first harvest. The bees seal up the leakage points after that and you shouldn't notice any change in the hive behavior on future harvests.
The folks complaining about you taking all the honey and not leaving any for the bees, don't understand how this works. That is what the other one or two boxes are for. You don't leave the flow super on during the winter. You all did a great job congrats. You don't get that kind of production without being great beekeepers
Thank you! It's nice to hear from someone who knows what's up :) we love our bees!!
Excellet, reading the comments I finally found a commenter with a brain. well done.
Yes. Absolutely Right!
@@HappyBearAcres the people that complain are hypocrite liberals from the cities that learn from Democrat programs like common core. I'm a farmer in northern Minnesota by the way.
Can you tell me how you start one of these? If this only for professionals? Because I am NOT lol. I know you buy the hive and it’s like 800$ but how do you get bees in it? Do you just set it up in ur yard pour honey on it and hope bees come? We r wanting to start a garden as well and bees are great for gardens? Where does a newbie start?
you can tell the bees were ready to get back to work but the cells were full of honey. They make you honey and you make them happy to get back to work. Beautiful cycle - wish people could work together like that!
you were meant to put that white board at the bottom 2:25 , in the slot above it so the honey didn't drip out, and the bees could clean it back up
I watched the FlowHive creator's tutorial on it and thats what they said to do. I don't understand the workings of it
rhysmuir its so the bees have honey to feed on and collect and save for winter.
rhysmuir I was thinking the same because I came directly from that video and I personally think that they should learn how to properly use it even though they said they did a lot of research they clearly didn't do enough because of the fact they didn't put the board on the top notch and left it on the bottom
rhysmuir .. from bottom to top with the honey catcher board .. may want to drain b4 too long .. yup .. then put it back after while...
That's great, but what about the honey going all through the hive, causing all that clean up in the first place? Not liking that at all. Bees can drown from having puddles of honey in their hive.
If the Flow frames can't be made to not leak through the hive at all, then it's a very bad design.
The normal method of harvesting honey is gonna disturb them a lot less than making them clean their entire hive of all that honey that you've just spilled everywhere.
Still by far one of the best basic farming inventions; lovely harvest!
I have not read all 928 comments, the ones I have read have missed one important point. It takes the bees far more energy to make wax than honey. By not having to rebuild comb such as with a top bar hive or rebuild much of it with a langstroth hive they can produce more honey in a flow hive over a given season. Any time there is change people bad mouth it. Time will tell if this works or not. If the plastic holds up, If the bees prosper.
Bees don't recycle the wax from the caps, so that wax is tossed. The flow box is not any better for the bees in that regard.
There is no way to test the moisture content in the honey frame until you're committed to eating it all. I saw no refractometer in the video therefore I assume there's a chance that once in the jars it could ferment. There are flaws in the flow hive and I only described one.
Im surprised the bees dont chew on the plastic. But this is a great invention. The price is way too much though and you have to assemble it. Ive seen video where screws were missing and the dove tails didn't line up.
Except that the bees clear out all of the old wax and re-cap when ready. How do you think they refill them if they are capped?lol
Mike Ries The bees evaporate the water from the honey naturally before it is ready , then capped
Long live our divine creatures - bees. Super hive, just class! Thank you Flow, prosperity and success to you. Thank you for the video beekeepers!
Nice to see how other beekeepers work :)
Beautiful, well done video...Loved the dog Too! Thank you!
This video was so neat! Really satisfying! I can't wait to start a flow hive and try to bring back more of an awareness of bees and what they do for us. Your setup looks clean, organized, and natural to the bees.
Way to go!
*Wonderful invention.* This will help nature to be more pollinated and we can enjoy the sweet honey :-)
I am happy they have found a productive hobby for their back yard ! it doesn’t help pollinate.
Sure it does... encourages people to build hives. The more hives people build, means more pollination.
I know that the bees are happy, because we saving the bees and our planet, all of you inspired me!
I'd like to hear all your pros, cons, tips, tricks and lessons learned after you go through your first season. I am a traditional beekeeper, but this is very interesting, and I especially like the fact of not disturbing the bees. I hope you will follow up.
Seen a few videos about flowhive over the years. Thoroughly enjoyed yours. Huge fan of flowhive.
you should get some sort of tax break when you have a bee hive like this. We need these bees. If more people had these, we might be helping the bee population.
As long as people dont abuse it I am inclined to agree with you. Bees are doing well and have had no problems. Its a new product so there is plenty of skepticism with no experience to back it up.
That would mean more government intervention, which we don't need...
@@mycrazyfamilyid That's a ludicrous claim. People get tax breaks for many things. In fact, you can get an agriculture exemption on your property if you are a beekeeper. There are acreage minimums, but it's the same with cattle.
@@look4keith the government needs to mind its own beeswax
@@shotgunsam23 -- Do you have any evidence for that? Bees dying in a flow hive?
Wow... you guys are great. Love the video and I can't wait to buy my own hive.
I enjoyed this vid. When I start my homestead, I will be investing in one for my green house. Thank you.
My grandma in Mexico has bees and my cousin harvests the honey. I personally don't like honey but I've seen how it's harvested traditionally and hundreds of bees are killed. I love that it looks like no bees were harmed.
You're supposed to move the bottom board up to the top slot before harvesting. Keeps the drips inside and the bees will collect the honey off the floor.
Thank you for the video. I am just now looking into the honey process and regardless of the negative comments I really enjoyed and appreciate you taking the time to show me a little something about the process. Thanks again. Great job!!!
My intuition was right on. The greatest invention in beekeeping ever
Was it worth 700 dollars for tho?
until you get hard honey and realize getting it out of plastic is impossible without destroying the honey (very little heat will ruin honey's beneficial properties, like barely over our body temp).
The joy of harvesting must be so rewarding
great video! We have a flow hive (here in Australia) and also had some honey leak down and through the hive. We found if you crack the frames in increments- it is not only easier to turn the handle- but if you wait 5 minutes between increments the flow is not so great- the tube doesn't fill entirely and less honey leaks. You could also place a few bits of wood under the front of the hive to increase the tilt towards the rear so the honey flows out faster. Also if you remove the coreflute bottom- and place a metal or plastic tray there you can catch the honey and put the tray in front of the hive for the bees to clean up once you are done. Happy Flow Hivnig!
Flow hive is junk...terrible investment!!!!
ah- another flow hive hater. Good for you hater. Hate on! My mum got two complete flow hives- we did so well in our first half season- I just bought two more last week. This year I plan to set between 5 and 10 hives with flow frames. Wish me luck with my crap junk investment Mr know it all hater!
good for you! I hope you do well with your honey. I'm not really an expert on bees, but I am every interested in how honey harvesting works, and how bees themselves function. I wish you the best of luck with your hives, I hope the honey turns out great! :)
personally i'd rather buy 2 - 3 producing hives than an empty flow hive that I then need to fill with bees
BeeFriendlyApiary why?
Somebody start a gofundme and get this poor girl a steady cam!
Sidenote these taps significantly reduce the bees workload by providing a ready made comb and immensely reduces their stress and bee deaths at harvest time. Some traditionalists complain about anything that's new but I consider the idea the best honey super one can have. It just makes it so much easier for the bees, the ease for the keeper is only a bonus and a selling point.
This is soooo awesome guys! It makes me want to do my own.
I am impressed!! Thanks for buying that and filming that, you are the first that has told me about why it overflowed, quite impressive. one guy said his did the first time, but he didn't seem to know why it didn't the next, he thought the bees sealed it up at the bottom, but I like opening a few and there by not letting it overflow.
I just love to see the delicious harvest, thank you. Our Beekeepers are my heroes......
2:31 Your tapered shim appears to be installed backwards, sloping the hive to the front. The tubes overflowed toward the front landing board.
I was thinking of buying a flow hive and found this video very helpful thank you
What I'd like to know do the bees know that you drained those frames? If they have them all capped with wax, what tells them they need to refill them again?
natural instinct
+ROMEYYOUROCK I envision them peeking under the wax caps and finding all the cells empty, then standing around scratching their heads, shrugging their shoulders, trying to figure out where all that honey went.
Jeffro Doe that too
When you turn the key mechanism to start the flow, the cells split open so there will be a split in the wax cappings and when they go to repair it they will be able to see that it's empty and needs to be filled back up again.
In other of videos of people harvesting with this system they watch the bees a bit more and somehow all the bees near that frame instantly know the honey is vanishing and immediately start working to remove the caps.
Awesome job. This makes me feel more confident about trying bee keeping
First time I heard of the frames overflowing aswell, good to know you should crack the frames 1/3 at a time at 5 minutes intervals ... also good to know each frame has a different taste ... great video.!
Thanks for posting this it is great. I have,been watching this product,since their kickstarter entry. Wanted to see someone use it in real world/real time. This is perfect! Looks like I will be ordering in the next,few months. Thanks again.
I had a great harvest from my Flows this year. Since you're getting one, you might be interested in some ideas:
You guys are so blessed, I enjoyed every moment of that video! Good stuff! :-) 🐝🐝🐝 I rate this video three Bees! 👍🍯🍯🍯
You just sold me on the flow hive. Thanks for a great video!
3:50 that one bees 🐝 like “what’s going on back here?”
4:30 a bees supervising you two 😂
Awesome , thanks 4 showing to us!!
You forgot to move the board up to the top space! Watch the video about harvesting from the people who make it
Joli Kelly they also forgot to make sure it was tilting forward as well
That was like the first Step to do from the FlowHive guys :X
@@sbdonlon It needs to tilt back not forward.
@@MikesManCave where does one get all these instructions from, are they in the box from.the manufacturers,?
@@maranathaafrica Yes they are and there is plenty of videos on youtube that will show you how to do it.
Definitely a great idea to have two deeps.....great work guys!
I was just curious as to how many harvests you can expect this season, when should you do your last harvest and how do you know how much honey to leave unharvested for the winter? Also, would you mind telling me which state you are in? Thanks!
This is amazing!! I'll definitely be looking into this in the future when I finally have my own property!!
Thanks for sharing :) Getting some this spring. Here. We. Go!
I like was interesting and fun!!! were supposed to take the bottom floor board and place it into the top slot prior to opening the honey flow...that would have kept the honey inside the hive so the bees could lick it back up...
@ResidentEvil302cuba rican215
You are right.
Not sure if anyone told you, but moving that bottom panel to the top slot before harvesting allows for the honey that comes out of the bottom to stay in the hive for the bees to reuse.
Man you gotta love You Tube.I've never seen or heard of "Flow hive" before. So cool!
It really is a cool invention, so much easier on the bees!
Wow that looks like at least 15 L honey from just one hive. Good job.! A efficiënt and easy must have for self sufficient people.
Tilting the hive a couple of degrees will solve the overflow problem.
Any updates on the flowhive 5 years later?
how are you finding it?
I'm just getting into bee keeping and was considering it next season
5:58 I see a black bear come out the woods looking for the honey 😆
Luis Torres that’s there dog
@@non-stickfryingpan6242 wooosh
Fresh and natural.
Amazing your video Mis..
Indonesia watching...
It's a learning process. They are doing no harm. This is like a fun hobby for most but a lifestyle for many.
As a beekeeper thanks for posting. I've heard about this product for years it's nice to see it. Hat off to you for trying and posting it. Screw the other idiot comments, tell them to open a hive end of summer and commune with the bees (and get the living daylights stung out of you). I love our bees but they are the meanest SOB's on the planet in fall when you take excess honey away from them. Good job.
This video makes me so happy I can't even tell you. I would like to try beekeeping in the future and you both make it look so personally rewarding. Thank you for sharing.
Wow I’m speechless great job y’all 🍯
this makes me wanna try bee keeping
@@LawrenceReitan -- Beekeeping isn't rocket science. There are intricacies, sure, but if you have a mentor and take the advice you're given, it's pretty easy to keep healthy bees.
Me too
@@Makermook are u a bee keeper then? I am interested in learning
It’s a lot of fun, but don’t use a flow hive. They don’t work as advertised and many people have tons of issues that nobody ever mentions. These paid UA-camrs don’t give you the entire story.
@@Makermook amen on getting a good mentor. Our local bee club has a mentorship program for new beekeepers. I don’t know one master beekeeper who would ever recommend a flow hive. They don’t work as advertised and the owners are con-artists.
wow. just WOW. congratulations to you!!!
That was totally awesome, you guys rock. My two favorite parts were when he says he's going to try opening part "like they suggest", and the bee rescue. Did she survive? Thanks for helping to dispel the naysayers.
Thank you so much. I really have been wanting one of these. Nice to see someone doing it. 🐝💕
Where do you get the bees and how do you convince them to stay?
Entice the bees with cheap rent and/or a rent to own option and they'll likely stay.
David Evans | If you want to start a colony from scratch, you'll need some workers, a few drones, and a queen. Bee careful, though. Pre-made colonies might not accept a new queen.
Your friendly neighborhood Ratchet Sounds like West Hollywood.
Extremely helpful info - thank you!
There seems to be two schools of thought on these flow hives. Those who love them and those who hate them. No in between.
Zoes Dada it’s like Vegemite “ you either love it or hate it” 😀
From those that have them, seems to be a large large love for them. For those who don't have them, you can safely discount those people's opinions
Very cool!
do the bees try to sting you when collecting the honey?
Sarah walshaw no, the reason the flow hive was made we so you don’t disturb the bees.
excellent job! that was beautiful! keep up the good work
I want my own bees; so I can have my own army and take over the world!
how many Weight Of The honey produced from whole box?
this is great, would u recommend the flow hive? I just gave u my sub, we wax moths take out 1 hive, I posted about it. that look so easy
Allah (God) says in the Noble Quran about bees theses Quranic verses: ( And your Lord inspired the bees, saying: "Take you habitations in the mountains and in the trees and in what they erect, Then, eat of all fruits, and follow the ways of your Lord made easy (for you)." There comes forth from their bellies, a drink of varying colour wherein is healing for men. Verily, in this is indeed a sign for people who think).
@@عبدربالنبيعبدالمجيد god doesnt speak so he didnt said anything. the pedophet was hallucinating.
@@bogdan1213 try check the quran there is a chapter named An Naml which means The' s where those verses come from
i loved watching the dog in the background with the music...the honey was mesmerizing too
Your hive is too crowded, it needs another honey super or else your bees will take off. I already have 5 honey supers on my strongest colonies.
With Flow, you continuously harvest honey through the honey season, the bees continue to have new places to add honey- so it's never full. As long as you keep harvesting.
still doesnt stop your bees from swarming.
the comment was saying about the population of the hive, not the honey storage :P
+Daltonownzyoulol we have the flow. we harvested twice this summer before replacing with regular frames so the bees could get ready to winter. we never had a swarm. 2 deeps,one flow and then 2 harvests of just the flow. then replaced with 10 frames. no swarm.
Are you still using your flow hive 3 years later? Are you getting the same harvesting quantity as last year?
Nice for the backyard beekeeper. But when you run a multiple of colonies I don't think this is practical. But, it's nice to see other people harvesting the honey and not just the inventors.
Do you take of the box in the fall to prepare the bees for winter or does it stay on?
How about propolis? Is this a factor in how it's working?
Enjoyed the video
How is this not practical?
It's not practical. It's slow. When taking the honey it could start robbing.
What if you end up with AFB? You can't use it anymore and must get rid of it according to state regs.
a toy for the lazy beekeeper who won't check hives for health.
A lot of reasons why I don't like it.
I found out these are extremely expensive!
Ah the age old "I can't afford it so it must be shit"
NO,, I didn't say I can't afford it. But it's wasteful if you want to know the truth.
If you need a 'flow hive' so badly I've would like to sell you the Brooklyn Bridge. Interested?
The other way takes much much longer though o.O So this is very practical. Much better then taking the whole hive apart and cutting the honey caps off and getting in suit and spraying the bees and ect
Wow amazing so much honey and easy collection 🤩👍
How long does it take for bees to make that?
one month
mangle that amount in one month, holy bee vomit that's a lot, haha but for reals though it's also up to how many boxes of bees there are right?
Hazzah! Great job and video guys.
This is cool and all, I'm not a bee expert, but aren't you supposed to leave some honey in the hive for the bees?
We have another super below the flow hive with honey in it. We left plenty.
depends if you go the naturaul way you just take the ehole super of and away from the hive so they just stay in the brood
Sophie Johnson
Shotgunsam 23 I actually hear about that a lot, bees cap their honey from the outside in, so what your getting from a flow hive can actually go bad, unlike real honey.
Thank you for the video, I enjoyed it.
Girl you are definitely the sweetest part of this video.
This is so cool! Just starting to look into having bees. When should we order bees and get things set up?
Super cool video! Looks like that flow hive works pretty good!
That's the 1st video I've really seen by an actual user. Looks very interesting how it just pours out, how is the hive going?
I would love to know how its held up and if you still recommend it years later. Do you have an update video?
I know nothing about bees, other than I'm afraid of them, (well, and the obvious honey output) but your video was fascinating to watch! Thanks for posting it! :)
Hi Happy Bear! Super video! Just a quick question, how often can you harvest the honey? What is the rough time fram. Thanks
i think two to three times a season.
That is so cool you guys, you must be so excited, and never mind any negative comments you did GREAT!
the day the bees gonna find out where all the honey goes... :>
thank you for sharing the cool video and dont let negative people drag ya down your doing great.
I'd like to see what the water percentage is. I've never seen honey just flow out that quickly.
Zak White when I was a kid a honey bee colony moved into a tree beside our house. We called a bee keeper and he came to remove the bees and relocate them to his hives. He pulled some honeycomb from the tree for us and the honey was really warm and flowed like that from the bees warming it.
It cameout like that because it 90F outside when this video got made, Also natural honey is liquid I hope you realize.
I know absolutely nothing about Bee Keeping, so be gentle. Came across this Flow Hive while watching something else ... and I find it a very, VERY cool innovation. Anyhow, from what I have learned watching numerous Flow Hive vids, apparently after the 1st harvest the bees wax-up that area near the flow holes, which prevents that issue of loss in your flow... and the 2nd harvest would be even higher yield, less mess/"waste"(gets recycled anyhow). ALSO, I believe you were supposed to move that bottom panel (the "drip tray" as I would think of it) to the upper slot. Nice job ... I sure do love honey. LOL. Good luck!
Fascinating! how long did it take for the bees to fill all the frames ?
The description box said a month.
@@alissameade-fields9615 omg, thats pretty quick
Thank you for cutting to the chase and having your title match your content. I'm really tired of videos that have one or two minutes of intro that only they care about. Yours was straight to the subject at hand. Again -- thank you.
Now you can start your mead production :)
goagăl minus +1
I really love this stuff it does very little or no harm to the bees...
I hope everyone adopts this method of bee keeping....
Old fashioned hive does no harm to the bees too. You just have to be a bit careful.
Jeez, are those bees going to have any honey left?
Gratz on the harvest
it's fantastic...
I like honey so much
As a non bee keeper I'm very impressed, and I love honey too.. Nice video
omg that looked soo good i just want to eat it all
A few years later, can you do an update video? Thank you
One of the concerns about the Flow Hive that I thought would be a very legitimate concern was that once you harvest the honey, how many of the cells are still capped but empty. This would make the bees think that they were full and during the winter when they needed the honey, the cell would be uncapped and would have nothing in them and could cause a starvation problem. Have you looked at the emptied frames and see if that is the case?
I think the process of harvesting the honey cracks the caps.
When you turn the handle to harvest the honey it actually shifts the pre-built "honey comb" inside. This cracks the wax without disturbing the bees too much. It is probably worth checking anyway, just in case.
In theory bees will recycle cracked wax, but in just a theory. Never saw a log on YT about it.
The bees can feel underfoot that the cells are empty and get right to work on removing the caps, cleaning them out, and filling the cells with honey again. It only took them a few days to start filling again, kind of amazing! :)
I know that they recycle cracked wax, but what if the bee side is not cracked and only the inside cracked and drained the honey. That is what I was referring.
Thank you for showing your first time. If you choose to answer, were any bees harmed during the harvest?
+Elena Haskins no bees were harmed at all in this harvest!! ZERO! one almost drowned in the honey but we saved her ☺
Yay! So glad to know the bees were not harmed. Thank you.
Wow how long does it take to accumulate that amount of honey?
read the
description ya fuck
be nice
@Happybearacres can you answer the question about time?
A note on the leaking and all the bees on the front of the frame; Flow Hive has responded to others about the issue and said that it only really happens the first harvest. The bees seal up the leakage points after that and you shouldn't notice any change in the hive behavior on future harvests.