TOP 10 Kobolds and Catacombs Cards! Trump's Picks for the Strongest Cards
- Опубліковано 5 лют 2025
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That camera angle on Trump's face.
"I showed you my deck now answer me."
Melan Choly NICE ONE
Underrated comment.
To the top!!
I laughed
The best case for master oak heart is if you pull void lord, dragon hatcher, and the 3 mana 1/5 that doubles your end of turn effects. Then dragon hatchet pulls both deathwings
David Konheim I don't know why you wanna put Deathwing Dragonlord into a warlock deck
so you can pull of that exact combo and dab as your opponent concedes on turn 9
He just wanted a second 12/12 body that would be pulled by Dragon Hatcher and is "protected" by the Void Lord
yeah... these 12/12 need protection though ;)
and then they scream, everything is gone, and you die 2 turns later to the machine gun
giving this card to priest really is stupid
Blizzard makes their expansions about a year in advance. Something tells me that a year ago, around the time that Purify was revealed, Blizzard said "Well, priest is so underpowered we should just dedicate a few expansions to them where they get the really premium cards, just to be fair". And now we are seeing the results of that.
That outro makes me think Trump could actually be a pretty scary dude if he wanted to.
+United Potatoes
What do you mean "If he wanted to"?
Jens with that +25 in Production Value
_Holy Toledo_
heho ma singed main :D gassing here in euw
Holy it's you again.
I see you under all comment about league/heartstone/Master singed420.
You are everywere.
Want to help me to spam a new meme?
TheDankness4/20 shall dominate internet/youtube with the Kripperinos and all the other memes
lel singed420 sucks
Sexy Support Group
I don't watch him becouse he is good, I watch him becouse he tilt people
"Somebody had some fun!"
Thank goodness Priest got some of the strongest cards, they *really needed* it. Good job Blizzard.
lol priest
Sean *haha priest
The fact does remain that when Dragonfire potion, Raza, and Kazakus rotate out priest is getting hit hard. KotFT is pretty much the first time Priest has ever been a dominant deck in a really long time. It is definitely oppressive and I will be very happy once Razakus Priest is over and done with, but as a Priest player I would like to see the class not totally gutted and returned back to joke status.
Priest may be actually kind of good this time. Looking forward to play it.
p.s. Priest is one of the worst classes (only shaman and warrior are consistently worse)
Dermondor as a hunter main I can teach you how to cope with the joke status:
1. Try not to cry
2. Cry a lot
I'm torn, these cards look pretty good but Forge of Souls tells me I shouldn't craft them.
William Tablan Just open packs early on, and craft later
No the fact trump rates them 5-star means you shouldn't craft them. Remember warlock quest? LUL
What was that one video he did where he tried to make Forge of Souls work. It had the best editing in the beginning.
It’s not that trumps predictions are bad it’s just nobody can predict what happens. Open packs and wait it out
I am not criticizing him for Forge of Souls his premise is correct 2 mana draw 2 is powerful in theory. If it said anything else like minions or spells it would be very powerful. You just can't use 2 weapons fast enough for it to work.
If youre playing tar creeper for the 1 attack minion, why not replace it with tar lurcker to make it even bettef
sakmi kuhl because tar lurker sucks
The idea is that each of the cards he plans to summon are powerful on curve as well as when summoned. That and cards like tar creeper are there to help bridge to the late game
Tar Creeper is still playable when you draw it and can't recruit it
Because tar lurker does not fit well in zoo warlock. You simply don't want to risk drawing a 1-attack 5-mana minion.
Mikkel Højbak he's talking about in control warlock with master oakheart
Me: Crafts the Darkness to counter Raza Priest.
are you even seeing raza priest on ladder?
havent met any for 3 days straight
There will probably be a lot of raza priest and miracle rouge so the darkness is probably deceptively good
darkness against raza is not the same as geist against jades. geist straight up removes the idols from play whereas darkness is "just" a 20/20. by the time the candles are played priest will probably have a death ready for it
But The Darkness shuffles 3 cards into opponents deck right? It will deactivate their Raza and Kazakus 🤔
132569sZ they only have one death, can they really afford to save it for the 20/20 that may or may not become an issue if there are more pressing threats? Also, yeah, it straight up disables Raza
Priest is getting revenge for all those years of 'Haha! Priest'.
To my side is most powerful card
its not even close to as bad as people are losing their shit over,. just wait till it gets a couple more support cards like purify did. all those Reddit sheeples will look like the biggest bunch of retards that we know they are.
To my memes!
Tomasz Gawłowski It's basically purify
cant rate a card on nonexisting, future-maybes that will eventually make it good.
Isaia Costa and you can't rate a card by comparing it to the "current meta" it's just ignorant really. We're rating the card, not whether or not it can outvalue jade Druid and raza priest.
Because I'm bored, let's look at the success of these cards:
10: Arcane Tyrant - Ultimately was right, it was a mainstay in most Druid decks until it rotated out. But it couldn't replicate that success in Wild, a 0 mana 4/4 is too fair if you have to cast a 5 cost spell to play it first.
9: Dire Mole - Hunter ran it a lot. It dwindled Boomsday, though that was mostly because Hunter wasn't that amazing. Wild never considered it.
8: Kobold Librarian - The card on the list which saw the most play, by far. It is omnipresent, both during its time in Standard and Wild. The only Warlock deck which didn't run it was Even.
7: Master Oakheart - Its time came much later, around Rastakhan's, primarily when Wall Priest rose to prominence. As for Wild, it was too slow and unreliable.
6: Elven Minstrel - The sole thing which held Minstrel's time in Standard back was the fact it costed 4. You couldn't run it in Odd Rogue, which was the dominant Rogue deck for most of its tenure.
5: Call to Arms - Strong enough to get nerfed. In its post-nerf state it died because pulling 1-drops with it is really bad in Odd Paladin, but after its unnerf, any Paladin other than Odd runs it.
4: Twilight Acolyte - Raza Priest ran enough dragons to make it work. But come the set rotation, it died along with Raza Priest.
3: Psychic Stream - Mainstay of any Priest deck until it rotated out. Still sees play in Wild in Raza Priest, but it's more optional there as it has to compete with other, better removal.
2: Duskbreaker - See Twilight Acolyte. The only thing to add is that some Raza Priests in Wild ran a dragon package, and this card was included.
1: Aluneth - It's honestly amazing they managed to print a draw package more powerful than Aluneth, but they did. Until then, it DEFINED Secret Mage well past its rotation, which held onto the top rungs in Wild for years. Even now some people still hold out for Aluneth, which is impressive, though it's now too slow.
It genuinely surprises me that you put Master Oakheart in your top 10 instead of Void Lord, considering that Void Lord is the only reason why Master is even good.
Tudor Naconecinii Because playing a voidlord by itself for 9 mana isn't very good. With Oakheart you can bring out voidlord + 2 other minions and get a 5-5 all for 9.
Tudor Naconecinii Cheating a bunch of stuff into play is good. Whatever you're targeting for usually changes with time.
No, it won't change with time, since they're both from the same set XD. They're not gonna randomly print a 9 or 10 drop with 3 attack in the next two sets, those are rare as hell.
It doesn't have to be 9 or 10 mana... they could print a nutty effect with 1, 2 or 3 attack in any mana slot. Granted, its not likely that the 3 attack slot would change with time but the other two slots though
This is insanely late so you probably already know it, but it’s always the enabler the problem and not the payoff, voidlord is not as good as skull of manari, even if skull without voidlord would suck
That ending scene lmao, great editing as always Jens
I'm glad Priest will finally be a viable class! Oh wait...
Karue Hah hah Priest! Hah, hah hah, hah... (Laugh goes on slower and slower as it gets supressed by the sound of the machinegun)
Karue sometime in the Future gadjetzhan rotates Out and priest will be less cancerous
There has been a few cheap editions for Exodia Mage, meaning you could probably cut out Cabalist tome. With that you could afford to grab Aluneth, and litreally just draw until you have all the cards for the combo.
I was half expecting a Trump jumpscare at the end there.
Jersonx3000 never forget
I wonder if I should be missing the days of "Hah hah, Priest!"
When is the full review coming out?
Wouldn't it be cool if warlock cards that discard we're like "discard two of your left/right cards in your hand" so you knew exactly what you were sacrificing? Or would that be bad?
"Psychic scream, only a one of in razakus priest" bruh
I loved the map animation! Great job as always Trump!
I like your channel
Hey so do I
Hey so do I
unrelenting awesomeness Hey, so, I do too.
So Master Oakheart can also pull Alley Armoursmith and Direhorn Hatchling, along with one other card in control warrior (maybe Armour Smith?). He's actually solid in control if you get to that point.
9:33 "even thought it is probably only going to fit as a one-of in raza priest"
Everything is a one-of in Raza priest
It's also always possible to run 2 copies of very important/powerful cards in these raza decks, like people used to do for reno (though it's worse since you usually want to play raza earlier).
yeah that's the point
androkguz No shit.
That bass you can hear in the background is making me go INSANEEEEEE
They should have made a card in homage to you.
They did. It's called Nozdormu.
Ultimate Infestation was given to Trump to reveal because he is Mayor of Value Town. I feel UI is the Trump card.
Should've been called T H E M A D M A N
They should give trump an insane value card every expansion just like UI.
Its called Mad Scientist
for perspective; in Duelyst the faction Lyonar got a minion similar to Aluneth with basically the same text. And it made their tempo decks insane.
Arguably a minion is harder to remove in duelyst than it is in hearthstone, but i think a hearthstone weapon is probably harder to remove than that.
Anyone else hoping the cards Trump picked end up not seeing any play just so we can get more memes?
Emerald Splash nah that meme became boring one and a half expansions ago
Do I hope the 3 insane Priests cards don't see any play so that we don't have to suffer through another bullshit Raza machine gun meta? Yes, yes I do.
I need Trump's face in the thumbnail to be the new TrumpChamp
No Corridor Creeper? XD
Swapneel Ghosh No voidlord either
Sumonner can be in shaman deck too, with 2/1 minibrann seems cool. Also its controlable draw.
dire mole.... either a sneaky refference to dire maul or maybe a hint at the expansion after kobolds? :D
No, it's just a Dire Maul joke.
raver377 or just a tag. dire wolf, dire bear, dire mole.
its hearthstone it could be anything realy :D
Daar Darkness The Maul ALWAYS hits the Mole.
I'm curious if Blizzard are specifically making the last expansion of each cycle more powerful in order to have higher impact on the meta. Gadgetzan had a lot of cards that are still meta defining, and arguably between Patches and Jade it's had a higher impact than even Frozen Throne, and certainly than Un'Goro, where the only card that still is in every deck is Tar Creeper. It seems like a bunch of Kobolds cards will stay around and be meta defining that same way. I guess they do it so that it has an impact on the meta even with the higher power level that comes from there being the max amount of cards available. Not sure it's a great idea, but it does seem to be starting to form a pattern (League of Explorers was kind of the same way I suppose?)
do you think aluneth will still be a top tier card if they hof ice block?(6 mana draw three is a pretty big commitment), mage is getting a lot of defensive/tempo cards which to me indicates that they plan on doing this
qwert qwerty aluneth is gonna be played in a aggressive secret Mage or mech Mage in Wild. Ice block Is only played in control/Freeze Mage. So I don't think it will affect it.
you can totally play aluneth in an aggressive mage and with ice blocks
but yeah if ice block goes away you can still play aluneth in an anggressive deck without ice blocks
just play aluneth
Problem with Master Oakheart is that he can also pull out other 1, 2 and 3 attack minions usually run in control warlock decks
1- Mistress of Mix, Thalnos, Tainted Zealot
2- Dirty Rat, Golakka, Kabal Courrier
3- Kazakus, Farseer, Happy Ghoul, MCT
Excavated evil also seriously fucks with aggro and tempo draws. drawing excavated evil in aggro is a dead card.
It's not a dead's sweet revenge.
Kyle B If you're playing an aggro deck why would you play a 5 mana kill all your minions
silly I meant it is sweet revenge for the priest, who won't just excavated evil and concede when they draw it as an aggro deck when they know they have lost? :D
Psychic scream can give your opponent your minions as it says shuffle ALL minions into your OPPONENT'S deck.
Is trump missing the party upstairs?
I think Master Oakheart is a great addition into a Taunt Warrior deck, just the 1/11 TarLord itself is already nuts but u can also get the 2/6 bloodhoof or 2/7 allysmith aswell as the 3/6 direhorn hatchling
arena sucks since they made it standard. plus i think Kripp, Amaz, and Hafu have that covered.
Rarely, if ever. Plebs don't appreciate it sadly.
penoyer79 tbh it's a lot better now that it's standard. Smaller set = more consistent picks and decks
Nujum Key but that’s what was fun about Arena, selecting from such a wide variety of cards to pick making the games crazy and exciting
Good list Trump. Very safe bets. Thought that The Darkness would be one in the honorables since it hard couters 1-of decks like the Raza deck we all enjoy so much to play against.
This is great and all but can you tell us when you'll be uploading the trump reviews trump reviews trump reviews?
This list basically means all the cards on the list are 5 star, the honourable mentions are 4 star and all the rest....1 STAR BITCHESSSSS
Marcus K When the criteria is no play, no stars, sure.
taunt warrior with oakheart could get big tar creeper, bloodhoof brave, and direhorn hatchling
The best card is the 0/4 chest bc dark souls
What about playing spitful summoner in paladin? You just add 8 mana spell drawing cards and then you allways pull out ragnaros or the 8 mana 7/7 charge beast? Any other thoughts on this idea?
LOL that number 1, I say it’s going to be tier 4
Trump has to trump
Oakheart is really good. Considering you need to recruit just 5 mana to break even.
Like go for Warrior with it: your 1-attack is Tar Lord, 2-attack is Alley Armoursmith, 3-attack is Direhorn Hatchling. That's 17 mana with Oakheart being worth 4 That is 21 mana for 9
Where is TheDankness4/20?
Too slow
filthy frick
Yeah. Now I have to spam that in every youtube video and top comments to make this meme become true.
TheDankness 4/20 Change your god damn profile picture before you force a meme on us. Show some profesionalism.
I know I have to do it, but I can't find immages of the right size. I was sure to have one, but it's to small.
TheDankness 4/20 Well, lets wait untill HearthPwn or IcyVeins or whatever hearthstone page out there puts one up.
I certainly approve of the master oakheart rating. Altho i think the the 2 attack card is not homunculus, but rather possessed lackey.
Pls do the worst too 😂
Son Cocku the worst *
Son Cocku ohhhh my eyes jeezus badest
I hope he does so I know what to craft
the most badest*
Son Cocku worst
Yup, agreed. I also loved the doom idea, will try that.
Have a feeling blizzard will nerf priest soon
Natt S That nerf is called next year when they lose Kazakus, Raza, and potion. These new cards are to help them stabilize for when that massive hit happens.
I freakin love the Dire Maul(dire mole) reference haha
Aluneth is going to be the biggest fail of the expansion
What makes you think that?
Alex Sanchez that’s why you run it in a deck such a secret mage where that will never happen, also if you attack with it twice then it has one durability meaning you can delete it whenever you want
Alex Sanchez are you sure? I thought it could be swinged with Still. Either way, you can easily play 3 cards a turn in a secret deck.
James Vereker "a character with attack value 0 cannot attack" have you really never seen this text before?
Anyone notice that 'Psychic Scream' doesn't specify all enemy minions, it just says shuffle ALL minions into your opponents deck? Does that mean it shuffles your side of the board into their deck as well?
Angecias he talks about it just rewatch. he says you would trade your minions to kill em so they don't get your dank cards
Remember gents don't craft these cards
warlock quest = 5 stars
Lol I died when I saw this comment
Note: I know this is a meme, but I'm responding to the hypothetical actual serious argument against Trump's review anyways.
*Don't craft all of these cards. Cards like Aluneth, Psychic Scream, Kobold Librarian, Elven Minstrel, etc. are still safe crafts because we know how strong that type of card effect is from previous experience, and we know how strong the archetypes they fit in are from the current meta/seeing the new cards.
The things Trump got horrifically wrong were due to lack of experience, like Forge of Souls because we'd never gotten a chance to see how bad weapon specific draw is (crazy anti-synergy having multiple weapons in hand), or what quests are like, or what a heavy discard focused deck is like (dear lord 5-star warlock quest, T H E S A D M A N).
So, following this logic, which cards should one avoid crafting until we see for ourselves how they perform in the meta? Only Master Oakheart and some of his honorable mentions such as spiteful summoner.
well force of souls is weak becayse weapon took too long to get used up, imagine Blizzard release a 3 mana 6/1 weapon... they would never do that as long as pirate are still in the game but still... imagine the possibility...
3:49 get you a man who looks at you the same way Trump looks at Master Oakheart
What's this anime called?
Hassustone: Dokidoki Battles
If you wanted to double down, you could even put in Tar Lurker for a 1-7 to get pulled out with Master Oakheart, whether you get the Creeper or the Lurker you're still getting a pretty good taunt.
Poor Tar Lurker, nobody remembers you.
somebody actualy agrees with me that dire mole is really good yay :D
Marto Parto
You know what is really good?
so with that mage weapon, do you try to counter secret mage with secret removal or with weapon removal? or neither?... or both?
distilledwill Ruined!
I'm glad you're seeing cards for their possible upsides first rather than their possible downsides.
Nino wouldn't make such a shitty expansion
Master Oakheart is gonna be even better cause you can draw Darkshire Councilman (if you're talking about zoo) as the 1 attack and it'll be buffed by 2 out of the gate from spawning the other 2 minions. Super big tempo swing.
I love the chest animation Trump. Keep up the great contents.
where is the meta breaking to my side LUL ?
You mean "turn it on"?
Guys the only metabreaker here is the Dankness4/20.
Just perfect counter to razakus priest with the candle :)
Dude that card actually has a lot of potential /s
The main problem I see with aluneth is that it's essentially a 6 mana do nothing on the turn you play it since you draw the cards at the end of your turn. That's a huge tempo loss for tempo mage. If your against a control deck and running out of options and you can afford to play this it might help you come back though. Maybe you just throw it in to help against the control matchups and never play it vs aggro but then it becomes a terrible topdeck vs aggro. I want this card to be good but it definitely has it's downsides. It has the potential to be either a 5 star card or a 1 star card. It's either going to boost tempo mage to tier one or completely flop...
I'm also imagining the potential because some decks can lose steam towards those later turns, especially if you have a more "aggro" build, it can be the card that completely wins you the game by allowing you to rapidly dig your win condition out while churning out all the cards. I don't really think it deserves #1, but certainly is a strong card
you shouldve already used your cards by then lol.. you cheat out secrets all the time from the 4/3, crystal runner comes down basically for free, you drew your secrets early from arcanologist, i dont see why you should have a clunky hand at turn 6. think about it this way, mage has always been running a card that "does nothing" in 3 mana draw 2 (early game). the downside is like you said, it draws at the end, BUT it won't matter since if you have ice block up, you will live to use those cards. the downside is relevant only if you would die before using the cards
If you play aluneth, you can cut some big things from the deck, which makes your aggro matchups better.
actually i'm a genius who has reached rank 5 and These Are All Bad
Yeah, all those priest cards are absolute garbage. I can say that because I watch Richard and Mortimer on regular basis.
I see there are men of high IQ in this comment chain.
Jacob Juneblad I'd say mildly entertaining, but the laugh came out so dry it became a cough. So, tough call.
Actually I'm a genius who has never reached rank 5...
But who cares?
Why was i expecting Deck of wonders to be No. 1, but the honorable mentions got me good, never disappointed.
When Trump says a 1/3 minion for 1 mana is in the top 10 cards of a set, that's when you know it's a shitty set.
PandaBear RS tunnel trog
It's just a overall good neutral card. That beast tag makes it so useful especially for tempo hunter who currently uses fire elemental as a one drop. Where it does little more than give two 1/2's on the board. The 1/3 body helps that deck become even stronger with it's beast modifier cards.
When you use that logic, that's when you know you can't see the big picture or the cards for their roles, only their stats. Right now the reason Hunter is even on any tier list is because of alley cat. Alley cat has enough turn 1 sticking power to maintain a tiny bit of tempo in relation to the other tempo decks out there. So 2 of your 30 cards essentially decide how effective you're deck will be. Doubling the chances of your deck being relevant is huge and that is why the card is so important.
Garbage logic, small cards always play important roles and this is a neutral 1 1/3 with an upside that a lot of different decks can make use of. Good statline, versatile. Obviously good card.
That's an insane card. Druid or Hunter can win game with it on turn 2 after it gets buffed.
That Ocarina of Time sound effects tho
Nice job Jens
Again the sound is fucked
Mohawk Pigeon It's mainly because of that techno rave in the background
I got at least one of all these cards in my 50 packs :D. Except for Aluneth, but i'm remaining a bit more skeptical on that one. Might craft if it turns out as strong as you propose
Man this expansion sucks
abdullah abbas stfu Abdullah
Johnny that's my opinion jerk
abdullah abbas
Stfu Abdullah
Who wanted your opionion ?
Yeah it's pretty boring. Didn't even really like KFC either.
The problem with Aluneth is that it would be your only card drawing source. Getting Oozed is something really common actually
Boring expansion. Most fun card is swap decks card.
What about TheDankness4/20?
Stefano Martinelli
Trueee, but its sooo sloww and is just stats, i want something with unique text like Noggenfogger.
Azari, the destroyer (destroy opponents deck) seems beautiful however 😍
I'm looking forward to trying the added singleplayer stuff.
but yee.. Dungeons seem pretty awesome 😍
Problem with spiteful summoner is the general power level of 'x' mana cards is at an all time low for average stats with the upcoming expansion
No honorable mention for the 4/5 that enables combo/freeze mage?
Something I'm missing since several expansions ago is increasing the level cap and adding more rewards . It doesn't feel good to play a max level -golden class anymore.
Does recruited cancels the battle cry since thy been summon in the board
My right ear enjoyed this thoroughly
When downstairs is a party and you review Hearthstone cards (listen to the background)
Wht shouldni craft bloddriver guldan or some other new legendary
I really like this expansion, a lot of fun cards, a lot of potential new archetypes and unique deck building challenges.
Interestingly this might be the fatigue rouge meta, if recruit turns out to be good :).
Spiteful Summoner is doing really well in my Anyfin Paladin Wild deck.
No mention of the paladin legendary weapon?
elven minstrel has a significant downside with the combo tag, after quite a few games you consistantly cant save cheap spells to always combo it
u startled the fuck out of me at the end Trump lmao
You could also build a hunter deck with Spiteful Summoner and Call of the Wild which might bring you a King Krush as there are not so many 9 mana cost minions on hunter, and despite that there are some heavy weighted dragons on the 9 cost as well like Alextrasza, Nozdormu and Ysera
and leave out animal companion, kill command, tracking and eventually deadly shot? nah man
how does explosive runes work with divine sheild?
Lmao at the end screen, this is why you're the best hearthstone youtuber
1:10 Two horses riding on an arcane tyrant? I want someone to make a picture of that..