Здравия) хотел спросить есть ли разница между Steed 7 и Wingle 7. Так как в Болгарии есть только Steed, a Wingle не видел. И не знаю какие ревью смотреть
Question to all My Russian friends... How are you liking this chinese truck?? Do you think it will be strong enough to support the Russian terrain?? I'm thinking of getting one so I would appreciate any feedback back. Thanks and greetings from Mexico! 🖐️
Hey MegaRetr that was really a cool review therefore please do some more Great Wall reviews on your channel and I would like you to review the older Great Wall Hover 2005-2011 I guess the older generation thank you very much because I would like to see an in-depth review of this car therefore it would be great if you can do one on your channel for us to watch!
Tell me how it's a Ford Ranger. No every car made in China is a knockoff... What is wrong with people? One of my friends called my dream car a knockoff because it's doors looked similar to another car's doors.
Good job, have English video version
More English reviews please!
Será que vai comprar a montador fechada da Ford em Camaçari Ba...
The HeadLights kinda resembles the Ford Ranger
i mean its from china...
Feels so good driving and riding this car it is really cool and nice!
Looks better than the canon we get in Australia
More Great Wall videos please thank you very much friend!
I'm looking for a Great Wall Wingle 7 2024 pan covering
My great wall wingle7 is not pulling well and the same tym smoke come from the exhaust how can you help me about it
Are these coming to the UK?
Headlights got some inspiration from Ford
I Love it...
I bought the wingle 7 but it had an accident and I want the front head light and bumper to buy. Can anyone be of help?
Здравия) хотел спросить есть ли разница между Steed 7 и Wingle 7. Так как в Болгарии есть только Steed, a Wingle не видел. И не знаю какие ревью смотреть
Where you based bro?
What's the asking price for the vehicle in your country?
He's based in Nebrezhnie Chelny, Tatarstan, Russia.
The starting price is 1 298 800 RUB ($17,624)
Is it a family of Ford Ranger?
This truck is very luxury just like its European counterparts which are also very luxury!
i do have wengle 7 in ksa
Сделай обзор на Шевроле реззо ты делаешь обзоры на одни и те же машины
Question to all My Russian friends... How are you liking this chinese truck?? Do you think it will be strong enough to support the Russian terrain?? I'm thinking of getting one so I would appreciate any feedback back. Thanks and greetings from Mexico! 🖐️
There is no wide operational experience yet. ”Assume” only.
Hey MegaRetr that was really a cool review therefore please do some more Great Wall reviews on your channel and I would like you to review the older Great Wall Hover 2005-2011 I guess the older generation thank you very much because I would like to see an in-depth review of this car therefore it would be great if you can do one on your channel for us to watch!
Братан следущий видио сделай гольф2 пж
It's basically a Ford Ranger with the build quality of a 2013 Tacoma
Tell me how it's a Ford Ranger.
No every car made in China is a knockoff... What is wrong with people? One of my friends called my dream car a knockoff because it's doors looked similar to another car's doors.
Made in Russia?
Симпатичный трак, но 20 секунд до сотни...
На тойоту такому близко не похож, больше на шеви колорадо.
Тест драйв пж
This car kinda feels like a Renault
Such a goofy name for a goofy ass truck I’d be embarrassed to drive this
you wouldn't drive a wingle???
@@Professor_Sex I’d rather walk bear footed
@@jaytubin5444 What did the bear do to you???
Very basic !!! Even it doesn't have fog lights 👎
Ford raptor rip off....
you're fun at parties bore
It looks nothing like a raptor...
По-русски можно? А то в России где-то, а болтает на чуждом на языке.
Иносранская подстилка 😂👍
Думает за бугром кому-то интересны его обзоры 🤦♂️
Dan Man думаешь, ты сам хотя бы в России кому-то интересен?
А в школе вы чувашский учили?
@@ТщеславНевинный Не твоё дело, умник.
Описание на русском пиздит на английском 😂в чём понт?