If you watch the entire DVD, you'll see that Markus goes through a very grueling high intensity back workout before doing dead lifts. He's already exhausted before doing these sets.
I love anything to do with Mike Mentzer. I don't agree with everything he teaches, but was a genius. I met him and his brother Ray, back in 1975 in PA. Both very friendly, humble.
I don't think you people understand. The reason he was struggling with that weight was because he had just done a total body workout previous to that. Mentzer liked to do either a total body workout everytime or upper body on one day, then lower body. I have worked out like this before and it is harder than you could ever imagine. Plus, Markus is lifting much slower than most people would deadlift. He is doing a full negative and not slamming the weight down.
Good to hear from you Markus. I agree, weights doesn't matter it how you lift it. People just don't really understand what goes into HIT. It's more strict than anything out there and it takes a lot of degree of control to lift the weights properly. Keep up the awesome work.
Well said man. I'm a powerlifter and I have to say I have a lot of respect for Mike, Markus and bodybuilders in general. It takes a ton of work to be a successful bodybuilder. Even us powerlifters employ some bodybuilding principles like isolation through our mass building phase. People who criticise these guys usually don't know shit about training or being an athlete. Morons!
Yes you are right. Ray has Berger's Disease and Mike died shortly after the making of this video due to heart problem (his dad died about the same age too). But before all this Mike had 2 back surgeries and Ray was going through a series of dialysis.
After watching this video and reading the comments, I noticed there was a lot of speculation about the amount of weight Markus was deadlifting. People seem to forget that Markus is a bodybuilder, not a powerlifter. To all the keyboard warriors out there who claim that they can deadlift more than this, that's fantastic, I'm sure Markus is very pleased for you. Just remember, you are the one watching a video of him, not the other way around. Haters gonna hate.
HIT works (i.e. MAX OT). Volume works (i.e. German Volume Training). Anything in between works. Remember that whatever program you're in right now, there is a better program. What I'm saying is that you gotta mix things up. This is the key to continuous progress. Mike was one of the best, no doubt.
Indeed. Furthermore, anyone bashing Marcus for using a "Sissy weight" clearly doesn't understand what High Intensity Training is about. The clue is the word Intensity. Any fool can jerk a heavy weight up with momentum and poor form, here Marcus keeps controlled cadence, making every rep hard as possible, he is training his muscles, not his ego. Strong is in the mind, even if there are people who can lift more weight, you can see Marcus is struggling, but he gets that last rep!
I don't know if it's "warming" the muscle or just practicing your form before you try it with a huge load, but I like to warm up. not to a silly degree, but making sure you're feeling the exercise is a good thing I think
No jump. I read, admired, and benefited from Mike's writing when I made the classic beginner's mistake of treating stalled progress with more lifting, rather than narrowing focus to heavier, compound movements. I liked and respected Mike. It's just that Mike made a kind of religion of the thing and spent a lot of time browbeating everyone else and convincing many (not all) devotees that he had something much more than a prescription for the hardgainer (an overworked term, ironically).
I agree with your statement, i didnt know he wasnt a powerlifter myself. It is very easy to say anything and everything u want about your abiities on here while some like him get on and show it.
Definately. My deadlift went from 225 for 3 to 495 for 3 in less than 1 year after learning about training to failure then resting PROPERLY. My bench press from 185 for 7 to 315 for 6 in the same time frame at a bodyweight of 179lbs. He was the man for sure.
Excellent series of posts. Everything you say is pretty much right on. I would, however, argue that the 20-Squat programs of the old-timers were what everyone had pretty much stopped preaching, so the trainees of the late 60s were trying to big-up on the finishing movements (curls, tri- extensions, etc) w/o laying the foundations. HIT addresses this and people were shocked. Mike's physique isn't best described as "steroids and volume," but rather as "steroids and squats...lots of squats."
It's just the manner of how you lift things. FOr example I can squat 625lbs for 6 reps, but in HIT fashion I have to go down to 305 and I can only do it for 4 strict reps in my consolidated training. 305 feels much harder than the reg 600lbs where I don't pay attention to slow positive lifts w/ no momentum and no negatives, peak contraction and so on. Chk out Nov. 1997 Ironman mag where Markus and Jason Gallant press over 400lbs.
Everyone keeps complaining that this guy is only doing 315 on the deadlift. Okay, first off, if you wanna see someone deadlift 600+lbs, then go to some powerlifting videos for some impressive strong lifts. This is BODYBUILDING, the goal here is to build muscle and achieve aesthetic perfection, not to lift heavy shit. besides, this guy is doing 315 with flawless form, super slow, and after performing like 3 other HIT workouts prior.
TheTrueScource Exactly. I remember some guy in the gym laughing at me doing this kind of form with 225lbs. Weighing 172lbs. He said thats pussy weight. I had done a warm up set of 10 reps with 135. Then went to 225 for 9 reps to absolute failure. So I called this guy over and made him do exactly what I had just done. He was around 180lbs. Sure he did it alright. In fact he did 11 reps to failure. But the next time he saw me in the gym he said he could hardly get out of bed the next morning. He felt like he had never trained properly in his life before. And had some respect from there on. People just do not realize that when you eliminate MOMENTUM. And you go to FAILURE. You do not need joint wrecking poundages to stimulate GROWTH. The body and muscles will truly feel the stress. And they will respond with an adaptive increase EVERY SINGLE WORKOUT. Until you reach the upper side of your genetic potential.
I wish I knew the inside story on the Mentzers: two former Mr. Americas, in great shape for most of their lives. Both dead before 50. To me, something doesn't add up- even people who smoke, drink excessively, never exercise, etc. rarely die before 50.
Markus is using HIT,so theres a good chance that before deadlifting he preexhausted his whole back,also he is using perfect technique with very slow speed and if u add the fact he's not using belts or straps then its easy to understand he's using a respectable weight and he is strong.
@superauto89 the general word is that squats are a greater muscle builder and growth stimulator, however its debateable deadlifts arent needed for high reps (hypertrophy)... its one of those exercises where you'll benefit more from lower reps... 10-12 would be a maximum... a lot of bodybuilders keep it lower to 6-8 as it is
If all you're doing is deadlift then yes, but Markus here has already done a full body workout. The video was all done in one day and it took them 10 hours to complete. So Markus did all these workout in one day. Plus, most people who do deadlifts do it in snapping motion, instead of a straight lift motion.
Yes hard to believe just 3 days after this was filmed. Both would be gone. Its like this was the final chapter in the Mike Mentzer heavy duty training. So glad he did this. Its eternally inspirational.
he means only one work out session every 4 days. once your resistance/weight goes up he recommends every 6 days. work your back day, rest 4 days or 6 if your doing heavy weight than do your chest, know what i mean? its super hard to get used to and takes a strict diet, believe me, but works, takes a long time to build but mentzer did it over 10 years....
when i changed my grip from over hand grip with both hands to my new way .. one hand over grip and the other hand under grip i started shooting up in weight now i can dead lift 450lbs vs being stuck at 315lb chalking up your hands will definitely increase the weight you will be able to lift
I shrugg 315 with no problem and I don't look at muscular as this guy in the video. I also do 5 reps with 350-375 and I've only been PL for 3 months and still learning the fine details and technique.
@ThePhillip I'm with you there. His H.I.T. training system was the best thing for me. i do it once ever 2-3 months for 2 weeks. A great shocker for muscles.
So i have been lifting for almost 3 yrs now(bench press, squats, curls, pullups, dips, etc) but i just recently got the clue that deadlifts could help me so much. So i am a beginner and for two weeks (once a week 2 reps max weight for 6 sets) ive been deadlifting 190lbs. which i think is pretty good for a beginner but what is a good rep set range, or should i just stick to what im doin?. Any response would help. Thanks.
I might not be the only one with this question. But it has been bothering me for very long. Because i decided never ever to touch any drug to achieve my goal, but this guy's look is what i like, personally. But without having further knowledge, would i ever be able to get the body like his without drugs- Being all natural? Maybe a stupid question, but well..
Yes, Casey was gaining back previous mass but compare him to Arnold's 1975 Olympia prep in which Arnold was 200lb (due to the film 'Staying Hungry'), Arnold was able to get back to 225lb using his same old 'live in the gym' type of training + free weights. Casey, on the other hand was training 3 times a week (no longer than 2 hrs a workout) + using Nautilus machines. Casey gained about 60lb of muscle while stripping off body fat; a feat previously thought impossible. Time A-4 months C-28 days
Good demonstration of form. Double overhand is better imo though... my shoulder hurts doing it like this. For someone that muscular, I'm surprised he can't lift 140kg comfortably, he must be really tired.
i also noticed how everyone says he is using light light weight, look at the paste though, going slow up and down and with PERFECT form, i think 315 would feel like 450 pounds using perfect from. Going slow up and down.
Trust me it DOES. Ego lifters make me laugh. What they do is use clever leverage and MOMENTUM techniques. To pull weight. That they cant really CONTROL. They jerk it up and then just let it drop to the floor. Trutst me on this. Few sub 190lb men. Are going to be moving much more than this man at the pace he is doing it. He warms up in perfect form with 135 for 5. Then does 225 for 4. Then 315 for 2. Then 315 for 5 to absolute failure. Thats a total of 16 reps to failure at the end. After a hard back workout. That will have pre exhausted him. Very few of the people who are saying this guy is weak. Would be moving more under the same conditions. Like the guy that told me I was weak one time in the gym. For only using 100lbs for 10 perfect reps for the barbell curl. Only when I made him do them EXACTLY as I had. He couldnt even do 5 reps. See he couldnt swing his body and use MOMENTUM anymore. He was now forced to use what he was SUPPOSED TO BE USING. HIS BICEPS. And for the first time in his life. He found out how strong HE REALLY WAS. Or should II say WASNT. No its amusing how much weight guys realize they can actually lift when they have to train PROPERLY. Their poundages always drop by AT LEAST 30%
i prefer two sets. i train once every five days. a whole body workout only with leg extentions, squats, dips negatives only {rest pause technique] weighted chins {rest pause technique} v-ups and one legged calf raises. it's "steeve reeves and mike mentzer fushion".
@shishkabobby: Yeah, it doesn't add up, I agree. I've also noticed that some people can deadlift impressive weights for singles or very low reps yet not have much in the way of muscular development.
True true. Just a point: When I started exercising most people did not think about any of this (ie no science). They seem to act as if Science had nothing to do with this. NOW i notice that people tend to over think it. Instead of doing it they seem to act as if they can control every little thing. There should be a balance and THAT IS WHY I DO NOT THINK THIS IS AN EXACT SCIENCE. It would be if we have ALL the info (variables and its characteristics etc). Just my opinion PRACTICALLY SPEAKING.
For those of you that don't know, Mike Mentzer had a complete nervous breakdown, and left bodybuilding for a long time. Eventually, he returned in a coaching capacity - and yes, he seemed a little mentally "slow" thereafter. But he spent a lot of time training others, even helping Dorian Yates develop his own training, which led to several Mr. Olympia titles. He wrote and co-wrote several books, but then died before turning 50. His brother died just days after, of the same heart defect.
@Athnagzo He's not weaker. He can probably dead more than you could. But this is HIT and it focuses on establishing a constant mind-muscle connection. Why do Yates and Mentzer perform only 8-10 working sets TOTAL for each body part, with 3-4 exercises? The next time you barbell curl: only curl say, 40 lbs. Instead, close your eyes, flex your forearms and biceps hard, and squeeze harder than you have ever squeezed before at the top while thinking of your biceps. This is HIT & this is intensity.
Depends on the person, i just went into the gym day 1 and worked my ass off and i've continued that way and it payed off, never cared about the science behind musclebuilding..just pushed myself & soon things started happening.Obviously there are people who barely see any results from doing volume training..but i think something is lacking, either it's the nutritional aspect or intensity..but for some HIT might be the last alternative in hopes of gaining weight..who knows! No true path - i agree!
@MrCherryKirsche Yea! I recently started using the type of high intensity rep cadence that we see in these videos and the weight definitely goes down. I train every mon, wed, fri, and I can't emagine doing more.
Light or medium weight with proper form beats heavy weight with shitty form every time. People mistake bodybuilding with powerlifting all the time and it's getting irritating.
EXACTLY. I can deadlift 405 for 6 reps in shitty fast form. But doing like Markus here. Im forced to drop to 3 plates. And my body from neck to ankle feels the work and responds.
all these comments are ridiculous, saying he is weak and not strong etc etc...first of all it was his last exercise which makes a world of difference! I myself after a year and 8 months of training, after almost 10 years off, can work up to 315 for 3 sets of 6 after 2 warm up sets, but i always do deads first. If i made it the last exercise i know i would be hard pressed to get those same numbers, Oh did i mention im 180 lbs!! Another thing is his form was absolutely perfect!!
lol why do people comment about the weight marcus lift. Remember 1 thing, this is HIGH INTENSITY WORKOUT, where doing an exercise with perfect forms till absolute failure. so what if you can lift very heavy weights but doing it in a shitty form? its how we work our muscle that counts
Yes Mike always looked 10 to 15 years older than he was anyway. But he didnt look after himself in the last 20 years of his life. He was a heavy smoker. Drank. And took amphetamines. Was a workaholic. And had an unhealthy diet. All this broke him down before his time. And broke an amazing human being to the end of his days before his time. There was a history of heart disease in his family too. His mother and father both passed away relatively young. Genetics and lifestyle were not on his side.
He didnt look after himself after he left competition. But his wisdom and truth about overtraining and INTENSITY VOLUME FREQUENCY Remains the greatest TRUTH in bodybuilding. That many STILL refuse to embrace.
If you watch the entire DVD, you'll see that Markus goes through a very grueling high intensity back workout before doing dead lifts. He's already exhausted before doing these sets.
His calm "yes I would" was genius 🤣
what a great trainer . one of the best body builders on his time .
Of all time
I love anything to do with Mike Mentzer. I don't agree with everything he teaches, but was a genius.
I met him and his brother Ray, back in 1975 in PA. Both very friendly, humble.
Nothing like watching men flex their muscles to the sound of pumping techno :P
I don't think you people understand. The reason he was struggling with that weight was because he had just done a total body workout previous to that. Mentzer liked to do either a total body workout everytime or upper body on one day, then lower body. I have worked out like this before and it is harder than you could ever imagine. Plus, Markus is lifting much slower than most people would deadlift. He is doing a full negative and not slamming the weight down.
Good to hear from you Markus. I agree, weights doesn't matter it how you lift it. People just don't really understand what goes into HIT. It's more strict than anything out there and it takes a lot of degree of control to lift the weights properly. Keep up the awesome work.
HIT won't work for people who don't work hard.
Volume works for people who don't work hard.
Volume is for PUMP ARTISTS. Especially when on roids. For a natural to really grow they have to get STRONGER.
Spot on how how the Techinque and Posture is spoke about in this video. :P
Mike about the deadlift :" it is the best exercise in the world...".simple.
Well said man. I'm a powerlifter and I have to say I have a lot of respect for Mike, Markus and bodybuilders in general. It takes a ton of work to be a successful bodybuilder. Even us powerlifters employ some bodybuilding principles like isolation through our mass building phase. People who criticise these guys usually don't know shit about training or being an athlete. Morons!
This is spectacular!
Thank you for showing.
Yes you are right. Ray has Berger's Disease and Mike died shortly after the making of this video due to heart problem (his dad died about the same age too). But before all this Mike had 2 back surgeries and Ray was going through a series of dialysis.
Mike was the smartest bodybuilder.
Alright, thank u. I appreciate the response.
After watching this video and reading the comments, I noticed there was a lot of speculation about the amount of weight Markus was deadlifting. People seem to forget that Markus is a bodybuilder, not a powerlifter. To all the keyboard warriors out there who claim that they can deadlift more than this, that's fantastic, I'm sure Markus is very pleased for you. Just remember, you are the one watching a video of him, not the other way around. Haters gonna hate.
Adam's nose. Markus' tuchus.
HIT works (i.e. MAX OT). Volume works (i.e. German Volume Training). Anything in between works. Remember that whatever program you're in right now, there is a better program. What I'm saying is that you gotta mix things up. This is the key to continuous progress. Mike was one of the best, no doubt.
Thanks mike!
Indeed. Furthermore, anyone bashing Marcus for using a "Sissy weight" clearly doesn't understand what High Intensity Training is about. The clue is the word Intensity. Any fool can jerk a heavy weight up with momentum and poor form, here Marcus keeps controlled cadence, making every rep hard as possible, he is training his muscles, not his ego.
Strong is in the mind, even if there are people who can lift more weight, you can see Marcus is struggling, but he gets that last rep!
What a legend
He even teaches hook grip! Incredible.
I don't know if it's "warming" the muscle or just practicing your form before you try it with a huge load, but I like to warm up. not to a silly degree, but making sure you're feeling the exercise is a good thing I think
No jump. I read, admired, and benefited from Mike's writing when I made the classic beginner's mistake of treating stalled progress with more lifting, rather than narrowing focus to heavier, compound movements. I liked and respected Mike. It's just that Mike made a kind of religion of the thing and spent a lot of time browbeating everyone else and convincing many (not all) devotees that he had something much more than a prescription for the hardgainer (an overworked term, ironically).
Very well put
@Lavabug, that grip is for legs, the double overhand is for back
I agree with your statement, i didnt know he wasnt a powerlifter myself. It is very easy to say anything and everything u want about your abiities on here while some like him get on and show it.
Mike was the Man!
Definately. My deadlift went from 225 for 3 to 495 for 3 in less than 1 year after learning about training to failure then resting PROPERLY.
My bench press from 185 for 7 to 315 for 6 in the same time frame at a bodyweight of 179lbs. He was the man for sure.
Happy Bday Mike, Rest in peace
Excellent series of posts. Everything you say is pretty much right on. I would, however, argue that the 20-Squat programs of the old-timers were what everyone had pretty much stopped preaching, so the trainees of the late 60s were trying to big-up on the finishing movements (curls, tri- extensions, etc) w/o laying the foundations. HIT addresses this and people were shocked. Mike's physique isn't best described as "steroids and volume," but rather as "steroids and squats...lots of squats."
So... in short, to be big you have to do a lot of squats?
It's just the manner of how you lift things. FOr example I can squat 625lbs for 6 reps, but in HIT fashion I have to go down to 305 and I can only do it for 4 strict reps in my consolidated training. 305 feels much harder than the reg 600lbs where I don't pay attention to slow positive lifts w/ no momentum and no negatives, peak contraction and so on. Chk out Nov. 1997 Ironman mag where Markus and Jason Gallant press over 400lbs.
Everyone keeps complaining that this guy is only doing 315 on the deadlift. Okay, first off, if you wanna see someone deadlift 600+lbs, then go to some powerlifting videos for some impressive strong lifts. This is BODYBUILDING, the goal here is to build muscle and achieve aesthetic perfection, not to lift heavy shit. besides, this guy is doing 315 with flawless form, super slow, and after performing like 3 other HIT workouts prior.
Exactly. I remember some guy in the gym laughing at me doing this kind of form with 225lbs. Weighing 172lbs. He said thats pussy weight. I had done a warm up set of 10 reps with 135. Then went to 225 for 9 reps to absolute failure.
So I called this guy over and made him do exactly what I had just done. He was around 180lbs. Sure he did it alright. In fact he did 11 reps to failure. But the next time he saw me in the gym he said he could hardly get out of bed the next morning. He felt like he had never trained properly in his life before. And had some respect from there on.
People just do not realize that when you eliminate MOMENTUM. And you go to FAILURE. You do not need joint wrecking poundages to stimulate GROWTH.
The body and muscles will truly feel the stress. And they will respond with an adaptive increase EVERY SINGLE WORKOUT. Until you reach the upper side of your genetic potential.
I wish I knew the inside story on the Mentzers: two former Mr. Americas, in great shape for most of their lives. Both dead before 50. To me, something doesn't add up- even people who smoke, drink excessively, never exercise, etc. rarely die before 50.
Thanks for the info, man.
"That's failure" haha loving it.
His name is Markus Reinhardt a German Bodybuilder. He lives in Las Vegas.
Mike Mentzer and his Heavy Duty System lives forever !
Markus is using HIT,so theres a good chance that before deadlifting he preexhausted his whole back,also he is using perfect technique with very slow speed and if u add the fact he's not using belts or straps then its easy to understand he's using a respectable weight and he is strong.
the general word is that squats are a greater muscle builder and growth stimulator, however its debateable
deadlifts arent needed for high reps (hypertrophy)... its one of those exercises where you'll benefit more from lower reps... 10-12 would be a maximum... a lot of bodybuilders keep it lower to 6-8 as it is
If all you're doing is deadlift then yes, but Markus here has already done a full body workout. The video was all done in one day and it took them 10 hours to complete. So Markus did all these workout in one day.
Plus, most people who do deadlifts do it in snapping motion, instead of a straight lift motion.
rest in peace mentzer bros,
Yes hard to believe just 3 days after this was filmed. Both would be gone. Its like this was the final chapter in the Mike Mentzer heavy duty training. So glad he did this. Its eternally inspirational.
he means only one work out session every 4 days. once your resistance/weight goes up he recommends every 6 days. work your back day, rest 4 days or 6 if your doing heavy weight than do your chest, know what i mean? its super hard to get used to and takes a strict diet, believe me, but works, takes a long time to build but mentzer did it over 10 years....
when i changed my grip from over hand grip with both hands to my new way .. one hand over grip and the other hand under grip i started shooting up in weight now i can dead lift 450lbs vs being stuck at 315lb chalking up your hands will definitely increase the weight you will be able to lift
Hey guys,
Anyone know the name of the dance/trance track at the beginning of the video? Cheers.
Can't believe it's been 10 yrs since the Mentzer bros died. And only 2 days apart.
I shrugg 315 with no problem and I don't look at muscular as this guy in the video. I also do 5 reps with 350-375 and I've only been PL for 3 months and still learning the fine details and technique.
Game, set, and match.
@ThePhillip I'm with you there. His H.I.T. training system was the best thing for me. i do it once ever 2-3 months for 2 weeks. A great shocker for muscles.
So i have been lifting for almost 3 yrs now(bench press, squats, curls, pullups, dips, etc) but i just recently got the clue that deadlifts could help me so much. So i am a beginner and for two weeks (once a week 2 reps max weight for 6 sets) ive been deadlifting 190lbs. which i think is pretty good for a beginner but what is a good rep set range, or should i just stick to what im doin?. Any response would help. Thanks.
Hello, have you wondered about this thing called the MegaMax Muscle Maker? (look for it on google). My sister says it helps people get ripped fast.
@adammichaelbreen Another thing some folks don't realize is the perfection of the form that Markus is using.
I might not be the only one with this question. But it has been bothering me for very long. Because i decided never ever to touch any drug to achieve my goal, but this guy's look is what i like, personally. But without having further knowledge, would i ever be able to get the body like his without drugs- Being all natural? Maybe a stupid question, but well..
Forearms , also abs and Muscule Stabilazers , The whole body actually, but answering your question mainly these.
Yes, Casey was gaining back previous mass but compare him to Arnold's 1975 Olympia prep in which Arnold was 200lb (due to the film 'Staying Hungry'), Arnold was able to get back to 225lb using his same old 'live in the gym' type of training + free weights. Casey, on the other hand was training 3 times a week (no longer than 2 hrs a workout) + using Nautilus machines. Casey gained about 60lb of muscle while stripping off body fat; a feat previously thought impossible.
A-4 months
C-28 days
C - horseshit
RIP, Mike
high intensity is good, thats why MAX-OT is the best :)
Beast. Both trainer and pupil
whats the name of the bodybuilder performing the exercise?
Good demonstration of form. Double overhand is better imo though... my shoulder hurts doing it like this.
For someone that muscular, I'm surprised he can't lift 140kg comfortably, he must be really tired.
i also noticed how everyone says he is using light light weight, look at the paste though, going slow up and down and with PERFECT form, i think 315 would feel like 450 pounds using perfect from. Going slow up and down.
Trust me it DOES. Ego lifters make me laugh. What they do is use clever leverage and MOMENTUM techniques. To pull weight. That they cant really CONTROL. They jerk it up and then just let it drop to the floor.
Trutst me on this. Few sub 190lb men. Are going to be moving much more than this man at the pace he is doing it.
He warms up in perfect form with 135 for 5. Then does 225 for 4. Then 315 for 2. Then 315 for 5 to absolute failure.
Thats a total of 16 reps to failure at the end. After a hard back workout. That will have pre exhausted him.
Very few of the people who are saying this guy is weak. Would be moving more under the same conditions.
Like the guy that told me I was weak one time in the gym. For only using 100lbs for 10 perfect reps for the barbell curl.
Only when I made him do them EXACTLY as I had. He couldnt even do 5 reps. See he couldnt swing his body and use MOMENTUM anymore.
He was now forced to use what he was SUPPOSED TO BE USING. HIS BICEPS.
And for the first time in his life. He found out how strong HE REALLY WAS. Or should II say WASNT.
No its amusing how much weight guys realize they can actually lift when they have to train PROPERLY. Their poundages always drop by AT LEAST 30%
Sorry for the non relevance , bit what piece of music is playing in this video ?
he has textbook perfect form!!!
i prefer two sets. i train once every five days. a whole body workout only with leg extentions, squats, dips negatives only {rest pause technique] weighted chins {rest pause technique} v-ups and one legged calf raises. it's "steeve reeves and mike mentzer fushion".
@shishkabobby: Yeah, it doesn't add up, I agree. I've also noticed that some people can deadlift impressive weights for singles or very low reps yet not have much in the way of muscular development.
What other muscles are used in deadlifts besides back and legs?
It's the best exercise in the world, because it stimulates more muscles than any exercise you might think of.
this song slaps
True true. Just a point: When I started exercising most people did not think about any of this (ie no science). They seem to act as if Science had nothing to do with this. NOW i notice that people tend to over think it. Instead of doing it they seem to act as if they can control every little thing. There should be a balance and THAT IS WHY I DO NOT THINK THIS IS AN EXACT SCIENCE. It would be if we have ALL the info (variables and its characteristics etc). Just my opinion PRACTICALLY SPEAKING.
@marsh8417 This is HIT, not some crappy powerlifting program 8*3 with 10 min breaks. This is balls to the walls, all-in training.
What is the trance music ?
Alright, my maximum is 225 when should that be on the bar? last set?. And if thats my max what would u start at? 185Lbs?.
Everyone critisizing the amount of weight - it's a LOT different when you lift slowly and eliminate momentum.
dude lifting looks life lieb schreiber
For those of you that don't know, Mike Mentzer had a complete nervous breakdown, and left bodybuilding for a long time. Eventually, he returned in a coaching capacity - and yes, he seemed a little mentally "slow" thereafter. But he spent a lot of time training others, even helping Dorian Yates develop his own training, which led to several Mr. Olympia titles.
He wrote and co-wrote several books, but then died before turning 50. His brother died just days after, of the same heart defect.
i dont think you could lift that much with great form as your LAST excercise of the workout
haha that guy didnt look too happy at the end!
What is the name of the song in this?
Guy in the background mirin
@Athnagzo He's not weaker. He can probably dead more than you could. But this is HIT and it focuses on establishing a constant mind-muscle connection. Why do Yates and Mentzer perform only 8-10 working sets TOTAL for each body part, with 3-4 exercises? The next time you barbell curl: only curl say, 40 lbs. Instead, close your eyes, flex your forearms and biceps hard, and squeeze harder than you have ever squeezed before at the top while thinking of your biceps. This is HIT & this is intensity.
Well argued.
What is the name of the song????
Depends on the person, i just went into the gym day 1 and worked my ass off and i've continued that way and it payed off, never cared about the science behind musclebuilding..just pushed myself & soon things started happening.Obviously there are people who barely see any results from doing volume training..but i think something is lacking, either it's the nutritional aspect or intensity..but for some HIT might be the last alternative in hopes of gaining weight..who knows! No true path - i agree!
@MrCherryKirsche Yea! I recently started using the type of high intensity rep cadence that we see in these videos and the weight definitely goes down. I train every mon, wed, fri, and I can't emagine doing more.
Light or medium weight with proper form beats heavy weight with shitty form every time. People mistake bodybuilding with powerlifting all the time and it's getting irritating.
EXACTLY. I can deadlift 405 for 6 reps in shitty fast form. But doing like Markus here. Im forced to drop to 3 plates. And my body from neck to ankle feels the work and responds.
all these comments are ridiculous, saying he is weak and not strong etc etc...first of all it was his last exercise which makes a world of difference! I myself after a year and 8 months of training, after almost 10 years off, can work up to 315 for 3 sets of 6 after 2 warm up sets, but i always do deads first. If i made it the last exercise i know i would be hard pressed to get those same numbers, Oh did i mention im 180 lbs!! Another thing is his form was absolutely perfect!!
Was Mike suffering with lower back injury, he was bending.
lol why do people comment about the weight marcus lift. Remember 1 thing, this is HIGH INTENSITY WORKOUT, where doing an exercise with perfect forms till absolute failure. so what if you can lift very heavy weights but doing it in a shitty form? its how we work our muscle that counts
It is one of Paul Van Dyk's mixes.
What is Marcus doing these days? Does anyone know?
Marcus has a great physique
i just added some vids to my favorites of mike mentzer but how old is him on this video i know he died in 2001 but dam he looks so old
Yes Mike always looked 10 to 15 years older than he was anyway. But he didnt look after himself in the last 20 years of his life. He was a heavy smoker. Drank. And took amphetamines. Was a workaholic. And had an unhealthy diet.
All this broke him down before his time. And broke an amazing human being to the end of his days before his time. There was a history of heart disease in his family too.
His mother and father both passed away relatively young. Genetics and lifestyle were not on his side.
Holy fuck its been 10 years
hahahha, ill see you in 6 days, look at that guys face, he looks well happy!!!
I think Mike is talking into the wrong camera. Why didn't anyone tell him?
I cant believe that was Mike Mentzer!
He didnt look after himself after he left competition. But his wisdom and truth about overtraining and
Remains the greatest TRUTH in bodybuilding. That many STILL refuse to embrace.
The idea is to work the muscle. I personnally don't like lifting that slow, but you can't compare a slow lift with no momentum to a fast lift.
Why must we have the meathead background music playing as Mike is talking ???
Just be careful don't compare yourself to these guy's do what you can safely.
its called HIT training. google it and read about mike mentzers workout routine. its a bit controversial but actually kinda fun...
Love the guy doing curls in the background @2:00
If you say so, at the end of the day it's how he looks when he stands on stage that matters.
you guys have to understand that they filmed the entire training video in 1 day. At least I belive I remember Markus stating that at some point.
@TheHoffmanHouse traps, shoulders, forearms, hamstrings, glutes, calves, arms (generaly)