Atheism is ...

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • / sciencereason ... "Atheism is ...", a short poem written and read by Richard Coughlan.
    Atheist (n.): one without a belief in, or one who lacks belief in, the existence of god or gods.
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    All clips/images used in this video are either copyright-free or covered under "fair use" for nonprofit educational purposes (Title 17 § 107 of the USC).

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,1 тис.

  • @paulpreiswerck8072
    @paulpreiswerck8072 11 років тому +9

    It's videos like this that make me want to thank my "former imaginary friend" for creating me an atheist.

  • @codyharley1
    @codyharley1 14 років тому

    One Sunday when I was 10 years old,I just arrived home from Sunday Mass. I walked outside and I felt the Holy Spirit in me.This feeling I have never had before or sence.It was the best feelling I"ve ever had then and now.(even drugs could'nt compare).I think if I would of stayed on the track of worship and live my life in the way of the lord,I would of felt those feelings again I'm not sure but man it felt gloriest.

  • @googoobh
    @googoobh 14 років тому

    I quite enjoyed that .... it was well written and well read , and produced. Great vid.

  • @itsnobody
    @itsnobody 13 років тому

    @lotmein20 The majority of my arguments are entirely original and come from my own mind. So I guess I must be a genius!

  • @itsnobody
    @itsnobody 13 років тому

    @lotmein20 Here I'll explain slowly how your argument is circular reasoning.
    "I move my hand up because I tell it too" - you can only conclude "because I tell it to" if you already assume free-will exists
    So your statement is just like saying "I move my hand up because I already assume I have free-will and I tell it too"
    There's much more scientific evidence against free-will than God

  • @manhinkwan
    @manhinkwan 13 років тому

    Um...Why is Einstein and Lincoln in the "famous atheists" section? From what learned about them, Lincoln's belief as accounted for from his wife was that he was religious and devoted, and Einstein believed in a Intelligent Designer, and that this Intelligent Designer does not throw dices... Just wonderin' how they are considered atheists....

  • @Peristerygr
    @Peristerygr 13 років тому

    "The atheism offers me everything but faith is stolen before it"! That is wise words. The truth is that atheis became when some people saw some "people" (clergy, etc) use it for their own benefit or to manipulate the common man! And that is the after-3th-century-AD christianity! Yet they had to pass 14 centuries until some notice it! Better late than never! Nevertheless we must never forget that the first science revolution came from some very devoted and faithful people!

  • @itsnobody
    @itsnobody 13 років тому

    @lotmein20 So the electrical signals in your brain are not externally determined? Is that what you're trying to say? So do you believe in an afterlife or that consciousness is beyond the physical brain?
    What's making your hand move up is electrical signals in your brain that you have no control over, based on modern physics
    What happens is that your hand moves and then you have an illusory feeling inside that you controlled it

  • @JIDF_TaskForce
    @JIDF_TaskForce 14 років тому

    best video ever, very inspiring and hopeful

  • @hockeater
    @hockeater 13 років тому

    @itsnobody Persistent little troll aren't you? Alright allow me to tell you exactly how general relativity came about and what its purpose was. General relativity is a simple system by which different people can agree on what they are seeing from different points of view. That is its main purpose and it's actually quite simple. As for some of the more complex bits they came about as a result of previous experiments that showed that the speed of light never changed. There was plenty of evidence.

  • @aaronphillips4127
    @aaronphillips4127 10 років тому +4

    is this a troll video?

  • @cnault3244
    @cnault3244 6 років тому +1

    2:00 "trust Jesus' word. He keeps his promises!"
    Great! Christians can eliminate cancer, famine, war, injustice & poverty by following Jesus' words.
    Matthew 17:20 For truly, I say to you, if you have faith as a grain of mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move; and nothing will be impossible to you.
    Matthew 21:21 I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.
    Mark 11:24 Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
    John 14:12-14 "Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these will he do, because I go to the Father. Whatever you ask in my name, I will do it, that the Father may be glorified in the Son; if you ask anything in my name, I will do it.
    Matthew 18:19 Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
    If cancer, famine, war, injustice & poverty still exist after the weekend, it must mean that either Christians do not want to eliminate those things or Christians have no faith.

  • @BadgerRavenmoon
    @BadgerRavenmoon 14 років тому +2

    Back when Richard was still making great videos and writing great stuff. I hope someday he returns to this quality of material....thanks for sharing it again.

  • @1luv4j
    @1luv4j Рік тому +1

    I believe neither it all books of control. I choose loving instinct and intuition. Peace in stillness

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому +1

    When my husband died, because he was so famous and known for not being a believer, many people would come up to me [..] and ask me if Carl changed at the end and converted to a belief in an afterlife. They also frequently ask me if I think I will see him again. Carl faced his death with unflagging courage and never sought refuge in illusions. The tragedy was that we knew we would never see each other again. I don't ever expect to be reunited with Carl. -Ann Druyan, his wife

  • @StygianDawn
    @StygianDawn 12 років тому +1

    I mean this in the nicest way possible.
    Please don't pull the 'Why aren't X acting like Y?' card. It starts arguments, and it devalues what you're saying. I'm an atheist myself, and I only speak out against religion when it speaks out against me first. Do not generalize the majority on the actions and attitudes of the few that are overly zealous. I have met many violent and hateful theists, but I have also met very kind ones. It all depends on the person, not on what their beliefs are.

  • @ShazamVanBane
    @ShazamVanBane 12 років тому +1

    "Nanny nanny boo boo Christians, we own science and u don't, we are free and ur not, we have reality and u don't." Shut up. "Free" my gold bridge I have to sell you.

  • @mandrael
    @mandrael 11 років тому +2

    ... not the opposite of religion.
    I think you can believe in God or higher spiritual forces and guidance without having a religion.

    • @mandrael
      @mandrael 10 років тому +1

      Yes you can :-) and the reason is personal experience

    • @mandrael
      @mandrael 9 років тому

      And your opinion is also filtered with your own personal belief-system. But you can have it without being offended by me.

    • @falseflagger7514
      @falseflagger7514 9 років тому

      Lokérl Not really. Many people have a god without religion.

    • @falseflagger7514
      @falseflagger7514 9 років тому

      Lokérl Because a God can be a separate idea.

  • @Morr1992
    @Morr1992 12 років тому +1

    I'm on the edge of crying when I look at today's world and see how much we could achieve without religion as an obstacle.

  • @MasteriMorty
    @MasteriMorty 11 років тому +1

    Having an argument over religion with an Atheist is like trying to argue morality with a calculator...

  • @FatHedgie
    @FatHedgie 12 років тому +1

    I'm an Atheist, and I really like this poem. Thank you for posting it ^_^

  • @jonathonfowkes185
    @jonathonfowkes185 10 років тому +1

    That's why we have people.

  • @tranquil87
    @tranquil87 14 років тому

    @d3st88 I'm not an atheist and I don't think I can call myself a pantheist. We are in the position of a little child entering a huge library filled with books in many different languages. The child knows someone must have written those books. It does not know how. The child dimly suspects a mysterious order in the arrangement of the books but doesn't know what it is. That, it seems to me, is the attitude of even the most intelligent human being toward God.
    -Albert Einstein[96]

  • @tranquil87
    @tranquil87 14 років тому

    @d3st88 "An atheist has to know a lot more than I know."[37] In reply to a question in 1996 about his religious beliefs, Sagan answered, "I'm agnostic."[38] Sagan maintained that the idea of a creator of the universe was difficult to prove or disprove and that the only conceivable scientific discovery that could challenge it would be an infinitely old universe.[39]

  • @היילימור-ר1ז
    @היילימור-ר1ז 4 роки тому

    Hey there, I was thinking of nesserriin the other day, maybe u know where all her beautiful poetry has gone, I’m sure they got rid of it just like they did her, sad, if u know freethinker maybe u could let me know, stay safe and happy, thanku

  • @tranquil87
    @tranquil87 14 років тому

    @d3st88 my problem is that you would be so credulous to believe they were atheists. they both stated they weren't, and if you knew anything about them you would know it too.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    I honestly wonder what do you find hypocritical about atheists trying to debunk religion. I wonder if you find, I dunno, math books guilty of hypocrisy when they try to teach math to kids, or astronomers who try to channel why astrology is bullshit. I find no hypocrisy around these things at all and I do strongly think that my nazi/antinazi argument was right and made a good point.

  • @gklr
    @gklr 13 років тому

    Atheism is the BELIEF, not the TRUTH that there is no god.
    For those gods we know cannot exist, like the god that can do anything and also can not do something, we say so using logic and proof. No atheism is applied at all with any knowledge of gods that can't exist.
    "There’s no way to prove that there is a supreme being or beings"
    1 truth about something, proves it exists. There are no truths for any god, which doesn't prove they don't exist.

  • @CoolRainVibes
    @CoolRainVibes 13 років тому

    @SpyVsSpyFan95 Haha, one doesn't convert to atheism mate. We're born atheists. We have to be indoctrinated to believe in gods. When you give up your religion, you're not converting to anything at all.
    You might as well being saying "I converted to not believing in pink unicorns." But I'm glad for you regardless. When I gave up my religion it was the greatest feeling in the world.

  • @AllForYeshua
    @AllForYeshua 14 років тому

    @jacobromu (what are the names of the authors of the gospels, when did they write them, and how do you know their names and times?)
    We determine those answers in the same exact manner one would do the same for any ancient writting. One, in many of the letters, we can find the authors name. Two, we can also pinpoint dates & times of events mentioned in the letters through historical studies of those events & times. Finally, with the use of many other resources as with any other ancient writting.

  • @AllForYeshua
    @AllForYeshua 14 років тому

    @Exlemic @Exlemic (so you're absolutely sure that YOUR god is responsible for these things because he has come through for you in your time of need? )
    Yep. He has never failed to be true to His word & does answer prayers according to that word.
    (pls don't argue with the 'bible' or 'Scripture' as they are of precarious origins)
    Precarious origins? Hmm. There is nothing precarious about it's origins, but do share & let's test what you say. Argue? That has no effect on God, only you.

  • @AllForYeshua
    @AllForYeshua 14 років тому

    @Exlemic (Keep in mind people from hundreds of different religions have thought the same as you.)
    Keep in mind that the countries that have the foundations of their laws under any other religion, tend to be severly impacted by terrorism, extreme starvatinon, & major humanitarian issues, whereas, those who have the foundations of their laws founded within the context of those found in Biblical scripture, even if being unbelieving of such at this time, are the free countries.

  • @AllForYeshua
    @AllForYeshua 14 років тому

    @Exlemic (how do you know it is your 'god' that has does these things.)
    Because I have been through all the other mindsets. Atheism lacks common sense & I speak that from one who once thought as an atheist. Christianity begins from the agnostic view but finishes with verification through the word of God, the Bible. The word of God has never failed to prove itself true to those of us who have called out to Jesus in our time of need & he came through every time, just as His scriptures say.

  • @AllForYeshua
    @AllForYeshua 14 років тому

    @Syst3m04 (Science has pretty well explained the origins of life on our planet and the origins of said life and therefore I believe in science.)
    From a science major's point of few, we can say that just by the mere fact that science is ever changing, removing, & updating it's information, it's not near to explaining the origins of this universe, planet, or life.
    ("Things happen for a reason they say, but I say there's a reason things happen.")
    Both are good. Some things require our action.

  • @AllForYeshua
    @AllForYeshua 14 років тому

    @Syst3m04 (Faith is believing what you can't answer.)
    Incongruent statement. Faith is believing something to be, such as believing that you came from no where & "poof" you go no where when you die. To state that you don't know the answer is to state that perhaps all other answers could be a possiblity. Nothing births nothing, but to birth anything requires something or some one. Science proves that all things are birthed through something else, but it can not prove anything birthed by nothing.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    I'm sorry, I suppose living an illusion is easier. I was wrong, your friend is alive and well. He says hi. Is that any better? The world is unjust, it has no divine governance. Good people die for no good reason other than an accident or illness and we have to cope with it without indulging ourselves in illusions. Funny how you find it offensive that your friend is dead, but take solace in the idea of him being with a god who let him suffer and die young.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    Hmm let's see. I'm gonna die at one point in time. Wouldn't it be just easier to live forever? *drums* Christianity! But wouldn't it be easier to just live in happiness for eternety in some wonderful place in the sky? Christianity! Sky daddy who grants my wishes, loves me, talks to me? Check. Oh, look, a phenomenon that I'm unable to explain? Reason? Science? Naaah. GOD DID IT! Fuck yeah, christianity is the easier way to sweep shit in life under the rug.

  • @thebrassdubliner
    @thebrassdubliner 14 років тому

    @chukmaty Theres no way to say this without sounding a little arrogant/patronising so I wont bother trying. I am very well travelled, moreso than you I imagine and to some of the poorest places on Earth and things most certainly are improving. Their are exceptions of course, I've volunteered in Haiti and central Africa but "progress" has its own inertia and the plight of the average human improves.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    We do live in a world where virtually all people have some woos, be it religion, or astrology, dowsing, feng shui, astrology, chiropractics, racial superiority, ghosts, 9/11 truthers, etc, but I do share your wish to live in reality, without shackles on our minds and respect for our fellow humans in our heart. I suggest you to read Carl Sagan's Demon Haunted World, which talks about this problem in detail.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    "For me the Jewish religion like all others is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people. [..]" Albert Einstein, in a letter responding to philosopher Eric Gutkind, who had sent him a copy of his book Choose Life: The Biblical Call to Revolt

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    Not like it would matter a lot to me. I don't care much if he was an atheist or an agnostic or a pantheist or deist or whatever and it would leave 0 impact on my opinions about the world, but religious people like to claim A.E. for themselves and they like to disregard all those comments about him dismissing religion or gods as childish or ridiculous or evil or immoral.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    First, I've read and I could cite dozens of quotes that make it clear that Einstein did not believe in the existence of any god. Second, I'm sure that some of his quotes have been taken out of context, and some are misattributed to him. Which ones? I don't know. I'd even propose, that he might not always had a solid opinion about this topic during his whole life, maybe he has constantly been changing his mind. I wish he was alive and I could ask him though.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    Those are exactly my thoughts (and also any thinking atheists'). You can not prove or disprove the existence of a god, a supernatural being, the same way you can not disprove my invisible, ethereal pet dog, Jimmy. And I find the idea of a god wishful, absurd, childish and greedy, "if you knew anything about Sagan you would know had the same opinion". I've covered the rest in an other comment.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    I think agnosticism, and even atheism have different meanings to different people, most people are not familiar with the dictionary definition of these words, and while I am, I'm always follow them, for example, I'm reluctant of calling an astrologer, horoscope freak an atheist for example, while, by dictionary definition, they should be considered atheists if they believe in no deities.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    Nope, you are right about that. I'm yet to read most of Sagan's stuff, he certainly was a godless person, but he did think that being an atheist means that you have to be able to prove your claims of the universe harboring no gods with evidence and that's clearly impossible. I believe he was agnostic in that context and not in the context of "hmm, I'm playing with the idea of god, but damn, I'm not sure, I'll just call myself an agnostic".

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it. "
    Albert Einstein, letter to an atheist (1954)

  • @bijoukaiba
    @bijoukaiba 12 років тому

    So, the moon generates its own light? (Gen. 1:16)
    Plants don't need the sun to survive? (Gen. 1:11-18, note that plants were created before the sun)
    By giving a woman a drink made of dust and water, you can tell if she has cheated? (Numbers 5:11-31)
    Donkeys can talk? (Num. 22:28)
    Um... I think God might need to retake 3rd grade science...

  • @gklr
    @gklr 13 років тому

    Quite right on atheism being a position that there is no god. Quite wrong that they are talking about agnosticism. Agnosticism is also a position, only it is a position about what man can know.
    A lack of belief? That isn't anything. So it isn't atheism.
    There is no such thing as a lack of something. Ironic really.

  • @assassin186
    @assassin186 14 років тому

    @saveaplanteatavegan Incorrect. There were many attempts by the public to convey Einstein as religious, but he himself was constantly stating that he was not, "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly."

  • @JtheFool1337
    @JtheFool1337 14 років тому

    @skyvilla Some serial killers are atheists. Atheists have caused just as much suffering. Atheism still thinks a belief ought to dictate our lives, just a different one. I agree morality has nothing to do with faith, but if so, having faith in one belief over another does not make one morally exempt from fault.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    Any good thinking or educated person can destroy, no, annihilate, ravage the christian god in an hour or less - provided the listeners won't cover their ears and go NANANANANA. Also, humans rarely seek evidence and even when they are presented with evidence tend to go with their emotions, and that's especially true when it's about religion.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    Of course, if I'd say I'm a shaman, or I can see the laylines, or your aura, or ghosts, or talk about alignment of planets, or if I'd believe in the no longer popular gods like Athene, Jupiter, Apocatequil, etc, etc you'd probably think I'm nuts despite you having the very same basis for your belief and you practicing the same shit, with different names and customs.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    You see, if we'd met on the street and I'd immediately start to ramble about my imaginary friend enthusiastically, you'd probably think I have a mental illness, but the moment I'd mention that the guy's called yahwe/jesus/mohamed/allah you'd smile it off: "oh, he's just religious, how admirable!".

  • @BlackHatTy
    @BlackHatTy 14 років тому

    @RichChocCheeseCake Yeah and my friend who had a hole in his heart dropped dead on the floor in the dorm hall at 18. Nicest kid you'd want to meet and dropped dead on the spot. The family lost a daughter to the disease as well. They knew he had the disease and prayed, and hes dead. Wheres the miracle there?

  • @JtheFool1337
    @JtheFool1337 14 років тому

    @tskasa1 I understand the distinction being made- that atheism is not a blind belief but a conclusion based on lack of evidence. I was being merely semantic I suppose..and agreed, either way. If such a being exists it has done nothing to be rewarded with my worship.

  • @cannibalgourmet
    @cannibalgourmet 14 років тому

    @sweetlands33 It takes no faith at all to not believe in fairies, superheroes, unicorns or the monster-under-the-bed. Why would it take faith to not believe in one more tall tale? And atheists don't "worship" any of the things you've mentioned, they don't worship anything... they're atheists.

  • @NathanWubs
    @NathanWubs 14 років тому

    @jnthnbush Just a suggestion *comes close to you and whispers* Please stop talking before you make even a bigger fool out of yourself. But then again we had a debate like this similiary before you got pwned just like now but you go on and on after defeat. Please don't this time.

  • @6stringsbrainfingers
    @6stringsbrainfingers 14 років тому

    Perfect and very beautiful, So goddamed well spoken! I know for me, I am soooo much happier and appreciate the things I have, and the people in my life, infinately more since I stopped believing all that mind numbing, gut wrenching bullshit that even as a child, repulsed me.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    Also, not matter what you do in this life, you are going to change other people, even if you try vehemently not to. You are the product of genetics, nature, and mainly of your interactions with other people. I wonder if according to your point of view everyone is guilty or hypocritical.

  • @four81
    @four81 14 років тому

    The 14 people that thumbed this video down are idiots.
    Great video FFreeThinker!!!

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    You know, if you have a health condition and you pray to the big ghost who lives in your underwear drawer chances are you are going to either die or live on - sadly, the praying part can't do shit towards remission.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    Aye, Sagan is an inspiration. I'd love to suggest you other books by him, but the thing is I haven't got around them just yet :) I suppose you did watch Cosmos already, but check out the UA-cam user, Melodysheep, I see you aren't subbed. Blasphemy!

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    Err, no? You make a ridiculous statement, that has been dismissed with reasonable arguments about a bajillion times before. It only shows that you are not well versed in religious debates or logics at all.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    Watch Neil deGrasse Tyson's presentation on Stupid Design watch?v=p_nqySMvkcw The man managed to give a fatal stab in just 5 minutes with the last 2 minutes being golden.

  • @Tab54o
    @Tab54o 14 років тому

    @cmaprice Yeah okay but I just wanted to put down the short version obviously its about not believing in gods and not just what I said as a general statement, you know what I meant.

  • @cannibalgourmet
    @cannibalgourmet 14 років тому

    I'm not a great lover of poetry. But this poem really touched me. Beautiful, elegant, well said. If there were still stars rather than like/dislike, this would get 5.

  • @Anonymoose
    @Anonymoose 14 років тому

    Brilliant! Coughlan puts it all together SO well with this.

  • @dragknuckle
    @dragknuckle 13 років тому

    If we are not created, on what objective, empirical basis are we equal?

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    Would you elaborate on that? I do not understand why you think that this video implies that the creator is mentally weak.

  • @txdmsk
    @txdmsk 14 років тому

    So my point is that maybe we should make it clear what we call agnosticism or atheism before we try to label someone with these words.

  • @thebrassdubliner
    @thebrassdubliner 14 років тому

    @tranquil87 "you've put Sagan and Einstein @ 2:34 as 'famous atheists' ... that's pretty idiotic"
    ........Are Sagan and Einstein not famous?

  • @thebrassdubliner
    @thebrassdubliner 14 років тому

    @iTzGiNz Brilliant, but you do realise I will now have to steal it! use it at parties, claiming it as my own to make freinds. sniff... so lonely

  • @silverhawkroman
    @silverhawkroman 14 років тому

    @mrcartoonmusicvideo The chicken did came first indeed, because of genetic mutation (evolution). Remember that we all came from several main bases of animals. So the circumstances in those periods altered the method of birthing, making cold blooded animals, and birds to lay eggs. Its so simple, you just dont understand how evolution works. Check out Richard Dawkins' videos and books on evolution, so you may understand how evolution, natural selection and such work.

  • @silverhawkroman
    @silverhawkroman 14 років тому

    @mrcartoonmusicvideo different versions mean different perspectives on the same thing, ITS STILL THE SAME THING. what other evidence can you find?
    (i mean science uses tons of methods to prove something does exist, e.g. carbon dating, history books/ lists/ pictures, evidence of ground tampering, multi-layered ground research (tectonic plates and such), bones/hair, weapons to name a few.
    BUT A BOOK OR TWO? srsly man, i would be much more convinced of vampires if i read twilight.

  • @munstrumridcully
    @munstrumridcully 12 років тому

    There may or may not be a god, but any claims made about god are just speculation as no person can KNOW without compelling empirical evidence. People can believe anything they like, even if it is only based on feelings, the problem comes when belief is asserted as fact without conclusive evidence it is a fact and when belief is forced onto others by force of arms or law. It is not emotion that makes me ask for evidence, it is reason. It's faith(belief without evidence) that is based on emotion.

  • @shanabell420
    @shanabell420 12 років тому

    Albert Einstein's religious views have been studied due to his sometimes apparently ambiguous statements and writings on the subject. He believed in the god of Baruch Spinoza, but not in a personal god, a belief he criticized. He also called himself an agnostic, and criticized atheism, preferring he said "an attitude of humility." Ever heard of Wikipedia. I'm an Agnostic Atheist. Yes they can go together. Just like Atheist Religion. One such religion is Buddhism.

  • @shanabell420
    @shanabell420 12 років тому

    You are not stupid. Just the opposite. People have hated on the intellectuals since Roman Times and my grandmother tries to get me to repent still to this day. Just remember they fear hell. That thought is what controls their subconscious mind and subconsciously they cause their conscious mind to not listen or they look for errors in your judgement. Fear is a powerful and paralyzing weapon. And possibly the hardest thing to overcome.

  • @shanabell420
    @shanabell420 12 років тому

    Because you want it to. How about think of the people that DONT want to blow it up and the children not just your bitterness. Turn that bitterness into anger and then turn that anger into peaceful resolve. You have to change your life before you can change how you feel about it. Most people think feeling good will then be followed by good things. Its actually the other way around. Do good and the feelings of good will come.

  • @StygianDawn
    @StygianDawn 12 років тому

    We grow up thinking that beliefs are something to be proud of, but they’re really nothing but opinions one refuses to reconsider. Beliefs are easy. The stronger your beliefs are, the less open you are to growth and wisdom, because 'strength of belief' is only the intensity with which you resist questioning yourself. As soon as you are proud of a belief, as soon as you think it adds something to who you are, then you’ve made it a part of your ego.
    Just food for thought.

  • @answerstotheuniverse
    @answerstotheuniverse 12 років тому

    This video is so nice. It sums up everything I've wanted to say but couldn't put to words.
    I understand that religion can bring people to do many good things as well as many bad things but good or bad, i believe it's simply wrong when people do things based on religion, not based on his or her own wants and needs. Nothing should be forced upon people. They should have a free mind and they shouldn't blame religion for their actions.

  • @DeidaraTheTerrorist
    @DeidaraTheTerrorist 13 років тому

    Religions all say different things about different topics. Any one of them could be right. But it is totally pregudiced that people only apply athiesm to christianity. I'm a full-on buddhist and I've heard monks talking about athiests! Everyone needs to wake up. SOMEONE created this earth and evolution clearly exists. You are not automatically an athiest if you beleive this and anyone who tells you differently should shut up. You can beleive whatever the hell you want guys.

  • @midnitespider
    @midnitespider 13 років тому

    @ApricotArtLover I never said you had no morals silly, I am sure you do! I don't worship I serve the Lord and do what He asks of me,but yet I can do it or not do it ,I am still free in my choices and not a zombie. I'm not arguing,I am stating my opinion, you have every right to think,believe and do whatever you want. I will not try to convince you, that's lunacy and a waste of my time.

  • @ApricotArtLover
    @ApricotArtLover 13 років тому

    @midnitespider Well lets just say, I'm a born again atheist. I was born and raised by a Christian family that spoon fed me all this BS, my enitre life. AND I do have morals along with most human beings, you dont have to worship someone to be able to make good decisions and know the difference between right and wrong. Stop trying to argue with someone who knows how to listen to her OWN mind and thoughts. Im not gonna start eating from that same dirty spoon AGAIN goodluck trying to convince us :p

  • @midnitespider
    @midnitespider 13 років тому

    @ApricotArtLover No,you lack a faith in Christ that's whats going to wind you up in hell. You do still have a choice of course, but I'm guessing you aren't going to make the correct one. So hats off to you,and all that jazz. You cannot say you haven't been told about Him, and well when your standing there in front of HIM you will then realize your HUGE mistake. But hey live,laugh,love. Do what you want now... cause you won't be able to when you are in sheer darkness. You still have a choice....

  • @GothPriincess120
    @GothPriincess120 13 років тому

    @reticeon You've obviously never talked to an atheist.
    Either that or you put your fingers in your ear when they tried to argue back as you went.
    Sha nananannaaa hey hey hey goood bye.
    Or some other over played lyric.
    The vast majority of NeoNazi's i've ever met were Christian.
    But that doesn't mean the whole of Christianity is bad, just that those guys were.
    Special arguements deserve no logical or rational placement in this world.

  • @ElveeKaye
    @ElveeKaye 13 років тому

    @ZackAttack261 Your parents, friends, family, nobody else is worth living for, just because they are imperfect? It seems to me like you are willing to throw away the only life you can be sure of living, and disregard other people as of no value, in hopes of going to some imaginary Never-Never Land in the sky. I think it is very self-centered to imagine that you are so perfect and important that you have to live forever, while nobody else is good enough to live for right here and now.

  • @Trukkerkeps
    @Trukkerkeps 13 років тому

    @ZackAttack261 I don't have faith that the chair will hold me. Faith is ignorant. While it is true that I can't know to 100% certainty that my office chair won't break on me when I sit down, I find the odds in such favor of it not breaking that I simply don't care thinking about it. The odds are "calculated" with the help of years of chair experience. I trust my ability to differ a risky vs a safe chair.
    Also, I believe there's a reason why Rumpelstiltskin isn't proving he exist plainly.

  • @TheShaolinShen
    @TheShaolinShen 13 років тому

    @ZackAttack261 except that Christianity is most definetly a religion and Atheism is the one which isn't. Christianity represents a system of beleifs about the world whereas Atheism is nothing more than the lack of a single beleif, that in a God. And as for your first comment regarding How do you know what reality is? Science. Ever heard of it? You should check it out if you haven't, that and logic are the least subjective things their are, and we use them as our basis for reality.

  • @TheShaolinShen
    @TheShaolinShen 13 років тому

    @ZackAttack261 We don't require infinite existance to hold any meaningful life. And if your wrong, their are far more worse things that could happen. You could end up in the torture chamber of another God beleived in less than Yaweh for not beleiving in him. There are thousands of gods that humanity has conjoured. Any one of them could be true, or none at all. I find them all ridiculous and as such choose not to place a bet on which God is real.

  • @tranquility4all
    @tranquility4all 13 років тому

    @helpmetony It's also apparent You're like many theists who choose to believe claims without evidence because they make You feel good. It's time for You to free Yourself from the shackles of religious dogma & accept REALITY ! Your faith is your excuse for believing claims without credible evidence. If You have credible evidence, You don't need faith. Now try answering my original Question instead of running for cover.

  • @tranquility4all
    @tranquility4all 13 років тому

    @helpmetony Like many theists You only read what You want to read instead of reading the entire list of comments. Read the comment just below Your last comment addressed to me & You will note I asked You a second time to justify Your belief that a god exists by defining god in specific terms & presenting credible evidence. Apparently You didn't carefully read My entire comment before You responded to it. What's wrong ? Tony wasn't there to read for You ?
    Learn HOW to READ for Yourself !

  • @tranquility4all
    @tranquility4all 13 років тому

    @helpmetony Apparently You need to take a coure in remedial reading. Scroll down the Page & READ where I posted 3 comments within 10 minues & not just 2. I asked You to DEFINE god in Specific Terms & Present credible verifiable evidence ( NOT scripture, Personal Revelation or Logical Fallacies) to support Your Positive Claim that a god exists. I also asked You NOT to preach. Instead of asking Tony to help You. Ask Tony to READ for You !

  • @tranquility4all
    @tranquility4all 13 років тому

    @helpmetony That's all You have ? I don't claim claim to know How the Universe came into existence nor do I claim knowledge about "ALL". I asked You to justify Your belief that a god exists by defining god in specific terms & presenting credible evidence to support Your positive claim. You're like many theists whenever confronted to justify their belief, You chose to change the subject or run away & hide.

  • @tranquility4all
    @tranquility4all 13 років тому

    @helpmetony I attended religious class & BUY BULL study from K thru 8th. grade & served as an Altar boy. When I turned 13 I began to question the preachings of christianity & when I turned 16 I determined their claims were not supported with credible evidence. It appears You have been INDOCTRINATED into christianity & choose to remain Willfully IGNORANT & not Question it's preachings. Christianity was created by some people as means to control Many people. Learn How to QUESTION religious dogma.

  • @itsnobody
    @itsnobody 13 років тому

    @lautz73 Why do you keep saying I didn't refute anything when anyone can go and read the past comments and I see that I easily effortlessly ruined all of your arguments?
    You're the one who hasn't refuted anything, instead in desperation you just try to dodge out of arguments by throwing lame argument ad hominems and creating straw man.
    Just face the facts, against me atheists have met their one and only match.
    Atheists just can't handle a superior intellect like me.

  • @itsnobody
    @itsnobody 13 років тому

    @lautz73 lol atheists not racist? What about liberal atheist James D. Watson, one of the most celebrated atheist scientists?
    "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa because all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours - whereas all the testing says not really" - James D. Watson, 2007
    "there was a natural desire that all human beings should be equal but people who have to deal with black employees find this not true" - James D. Watson, 2007

  • @lautz73
    @lautz73 13 років тому

    @itsnobody In case you aren't up to speed on politics (which actually doesn't surprise me since you seem to know nothing anyway) the republicans didn't become the conservatives until recently. Atheists are usually some of the most non racist people on the planet. I am an atheist and I call tell you for a fact that I'm not racist and have 2 bi-racial children. It's usually the conservatives and the religious that are racist. The KKK is highly religious and they are highly racist.

  • @itsnobody
    @itsnobody 13 років тому

    @lautz73 Here's something that you obviously don't know....a Catholic Priest named Georges Lemaitre invented The Big Bang theory.
    I encourage science, seeking natural explanations, empirical testability, and free and open criticism because I know the closer science comes to the truth, the closer science will come towards God.
    In the future the atheists' last resort will only be impersonalism, or to say that God is an impersonal force.

  • @itsnobody
    @itsnobody 13 років тому

    @lautz73 What holy book? My assumptions of the God that I believe in don't come from religious scriptures, tradition, being raised, or anything like that, they come from the observations I made with my mind.
    If you believe in free-will, then this means you must have faith-based beliefs, since there's more scientific evidence against free-will than God.
    So you can't make the free-will argument unless you're willing to have lots of beliefs without evidence. I already explained this.

  • @itsnobody
    @itsnobody 13 років тому

    @PossessDismiss You're just using an argument ad hominem, again. I didn't learn logic from some 8th grade class, I learned it from having the natural innate ability for logic.
    I can explain why it's illogical, personally attacking me doesn't refute any argument I made, that' why it's called an argument ad hominem. The reason I can so easily clearly explain logical fallacies in detail is because I have the innate ability.
    As usual, atheists have NO LOGICAL arguments.