She was not deranged. Isabelle was a great queen. Sent to England at the age of 12 years she was left aside, neglected and humilated. But she prevailed. Compared to Edward II she had the bigger balls.....
Her name's Isabelle, not Isabeau ! Isabeau is the nickname of the infamous Elisabeth von Wittelsbach-Ingolstadt, wife of Charles VI, who nearly sold France to England. But i agree withe the rest of what you said. And above all, Isabelle was everything but deranged !
Whether Edward and Piers Gaveston were lovers, adoptive brothers, or just close friends, it doesn’t seem to have been their intimacy that the barons objected to. Rather, it was Edward’s blatant favoritism to Gaveston in matters of patronage that led them to rebel.
Flamers were quite common amongst the males of the aristocracy, in the UK and Europe. Studying certain portraits of royal males, also clues us in. In fact, it lead to the extinction of certain Royal Houses of old, due to a lack of progeny.
I used to live near to where Piers Gaveston was executed by the Earl of Warwick, who he named the Black Dog of Arden, and other lords. The inscription on the memorial reads: "In the hollow of this rock was beheaded on the 17 day of July 1312, by barons lawless as himself, Piers Gaveston, Earl of Cornwall, the minion of a hateful king, in life and death a memorable instance of misrule".
Lets be honest Edward the second was no prize and a sorry weak ruler. I blame him for all the troubles during that period. If he had his wits together and put his kingdom first and treated his wife well, things would have been very different
I doubt it. If it wasn't the Flamer problem, it would have been something else. There were the dissident Barons, problems with France, and many other Psychopathic-Narcissistic reasonings. These "royals" were always at each other's throats. Back-stabbing, plotting, for personal advancement. The usurpers of the Norman invasion of 1066, had created all manner of hidden and serpentine behaviour.....after wiping out the original English Royals. Land-grabs, and other piratical behaviour.
Especially, considering how hypocritical Isabella had her own lovers, on the sly. I suppose they just assumed, well she does, so can we. Mirror,Mirror on the Wall, who is the fairest of them all...asked Isabella. NOT YOU !.....but O, your Sisters-in-law are SUPER-hot. That's what threw her into a rage.
the knights / lovers were out of their minds displaying their 'souvenirs' on top of their clothing, in either England or France. IT must have been done deliberately for some reason, but the plan went wrong for them.
@@ZarpSterr - not sure I'll sit through the video. They may be called nobility but if you describe in plain words how these royals operated, without any reference to nobility, and ask someone read that and to tell you how they would call that, I'm sure one of the descriptions would read "organised crime" or "mafia". Second, what your Latin teacher never told you ... "she-wolf" is a translation of Latin "lupa". Roman mythology tells that the city of Rome got founded by two guys, Romulus and Remus, who had been raised by a "lupa". These two are depicted as toddlers getting nursed by a female wolf. Well, the Latin word "lupa" was "code" and used to reference female prostitutes or nymphomaniacs. In Roman times, prostitution was forbidden but as long as it was kept below the radar, it was not prosecuted. Advertising it was forbidden, except in graveyards. And this is where archaeologists have found "business cards". Imagine a business card of the time that reads something like "Giulia - doggy - 200". Name, specialisation, price. When my guide and university teacher of Latin told me that on a visit of a graveyard in Rome, my response was, "ah, now I understand the deeper meaning in the bible of "what do you search the living among the dead - and the debate among theologians that women in the new testament may have been prostitutes!" Well, nothing new. Go to the oldest parts of Los Angeles and find streets with a woman's, girl's, name. In the migration waves to the West, gold diggers and other opportunists, there were few women there and lots of men. The streets got named after a woman that "worked a street" maybe as boss of a house where women work lying down in order to keep standing in life. If way back, Isabella was called "she-wolf" then she was not so subtly accused of screwing around. Considering people's attitudes towards sexuality and marriage in the Middle Ages, the question is if that was actually said in her time, or only later, by hysterians.
Alexander the Great conquered half the known world, he married for an heir, but set up statues of his male lover in every land he gained in war. Sexual preference has nothing to do with ambition.
@NyghtDarkwatch true, but note I said "Wussy" king. It's not just the fact he's only interested in guys, it's the fact he was a pretty weak ruler who gave in to his male lovers than actually rule.
Edward II had mistresses and sired an illegitimate son, so he was clearly not gay. Possibly bi, but there's also no real evidence that his relationships with his male favourites were sexual in nature.
It was a ridiculous film. The events and characters were utterly inaccurate. Weapons, clothing, hairstyles, locations all wrong too. A Holywood travesty of history.
We must not forget that Philip IV of France, (Philip the Fair), who was chronically short of money, had the Knights Templar in France arrested on October 13, 1307, had them tortured to confess to all sorts of heretical acts, then burned alive. Then he confiscated all their wealth and property. It is believed he did this because he had borrowed money from them and did not want to pay it back. So Isabella knew what he was capable of when she reported the possible affairs. Even though the husbands, who were also given embroidered purses, could have given them to the knights as gifts, they were just assumed guilty.
Wouldn't the husbands have spoken up about that? ...assuming they both didn't have any clear reason to get rid of their wives or those particular knights.
er.....there was a lot more evidence than that. They used to hang out in a tower together. La Tour de Nesle near one of the gates of Paris. And were caught doing just that. So it wasn't just about embroidered purses that Isabelle had given her sister's in law. In short the knights weren't caught in the Tour de Nesle hanging out with the princes. But rather the princesses. Also I have never read that she gave the same purses to her brothers. Source please? And even if she did, were they all the same design? I doubt you would give ladies and gentlemen the exact same design and colour purses in the 14th century. Any more than you would in any other century including today. She recognised the gifts as the purses she had given her sister's in law. And reported same to her father. Who had them all followed and gathered the additional evidence. So lets stop with the "they were just assumed guilty" nonsense
He never got anywhere near a fraction of the wealth he expected them to have. Either they really WERE keeping their vows of poverty and only using the minimum funding to maintain their armor and weapons, or the legend of their hidden treasure is true. But IF it is true, I lean more towards the theory that the Mali sultan, Mansa Musa stumbled across it before any Templar survivors could reclaim it on an island off the coast of Spain during a raiding expedition. The island is known to have been an alternate rest stop for crusaders if they didn’t want to rest at Gibraltar if they had rivals there.
@eldermillennial8330 not sure why you drag Mansa Musa into this. Other than some vaguely racist reasoning that an African King can only get rich by stealing from somebody. He owned huge mines. He didnt need Templar wealth. As for why the Templars didnt have " a lot of portable riches" the answer is simple. They operated as a corporation and no corporation ever has a lot of ready cash lying about. Otherwise they are not doing their job. Wealth is tied up in assets like land and buildings. Or lent out to creditors. And any portable valuables/relics were taken out before SHTF. Then the land/buildings were seized. And creditors lay low and pretended they didnt owe a penny. Its obvious King Phillip already had a sizeable portion of Templar wealth as a loan. Which he never repaid. To sum up corporations have assets and liabilities and rarely keep huge amounts of cash/gold or portable wealth. Because its not efficient. Its dead wealth. It only yields a return as an asset or a loan.
Calling the queen Isabelle deranged is an insult. If there was someone deranged in her couple, it's Edward, not her. i would even dare to say that the real man was her, at least in terms of governance and intelligence, not her husband. And she never was called "She-wolf of France" during her lifetime, this nickname was created much after
You all should read “Les rois modits” by Maurice Druon , you can have a more complete story of what happened to Isabelle , this is one pf my favorite serie of books
Me. three. But let's face it, if James had put that in the video, the minions of the YT Kingdom would have banned it or forced a blackscreen during the narration.
Hi friend, search the web for a French soap opera called "Les Rois Maudits" it is adapted from the books by Maurice Druon an excellent author and historian, the English subtitles are available if like I think you do not speak French. You have everything, the trial of the Templars, the affair of the Tower of Nesle and the end of the King of England and his method of execution. Have fun.
I found out that I am related to King Edward II, Queen Isabelle and her boyfriend. It would s always interesting that strong female leaders and rulers are often attacked because they weren't decorative arm candy, kept docile and had babies. She-Wolf is suppose to be a put down, but it is a compliment. The poor girl was married off at 12 to a man who was too occupied by his boyfriend and became a ruler till her son took over. She outsmarted her husband and others and figured out how to survive. I am proud of her!
Braveheart as history is a joke! The Scots would not have had any idea of "freedom" such as we do. They were a feudal society of loyalty to their clans.
Rumours at the time say he was killed by a hot poker up the bum.not by Isabella but angry lords who disputed his favouritism to piers and homosexuality.
It's already dangerous to upset a normal woman these days, but to upset, flout and ignore a queen from one of the noblest houses in Europe in the Middle Ages... you had to expect certain problems.
Yeah but, their father was not just a parent but also ruler of France, so had a keen interest in who was spawning babies that, on the face of it, were in the line of succession to his throne. He'd probably have been pretty angry and/or ruthlessly violent if not told first.
I wouldn't if it was going to get people killed. And it was clear people was going to die for it. Moreover, she took her own lover later. Hipocrital is what I call it. I think she was a brave woman and I'm in her side against her husband. But she was prideful and she thought her french royal blood put her over everyone.
I totally understand Isabella. I gave 2 dooney Burke handbags to my sis for xmas. She sold them. Wish I could do the same Isabella did. Good for her!! Those ingrate didn't deserve the handbag gifts she gave..
She wasn't deranged, she had to step up in place of the weak king she was married to. Her ruthlessness and political acumen are to be expected, especially considering her upbringing (she was the most Philip-like of all of Philip Le Bel's children, and his treatment of the Templars says everything regarding his own ruthlessness).
Isabella was not deranged, she was fed up. Everything she had inherited, all of her clothes, all of her jewels and even her footstool were taken from her and given to Edwards "favorite" Piers Galveston. Hubby didn't understand that playing by his rules was going to end him. After the execution of Piers Galveston, he got even worse with the DeSpensers. He simply got what was coming to him.
I knew this video would have inaccuracies just from the misinformation in the teaser. Isabella was 19 at the time: of course she relayed her suspicions to her father. He had an investigation done before the arrests. 2 of the 3 wives were found guilty, the knights confessed. The 3rd lady was found not guilty, she was supported by her husband.
It's possible, however in those days Royalty didn't marry for love. They married for power and succession. E2 would have known that he needed a son. Despite whatever his preferences might have been, it's more likely that he "closed his eyes and thought of England" in order to produce one.
Lots of gay men throughout history have had wives and children. Sometimes to hide their preference, sometimes to have heirs to their fortunes and power. Even if he didn't enjoy it, E2 knew it was crucial for him to have legitimate heirs.
The knights must have known where the purses came from, the entire court would have known. The courtiers had nothing more important in their lives at court, than tokens of royal respect, purse given from a Queen, to Princesses, would have been known on sight by hundreds of people. For the knights to then wear them in public, at a reception the gifter was at, was no accident, it was a kind of taunt or boast, they expected them to be recognised.
And then the lovers were tortured to make them confess, probably castrated, skinned alive and crushed on a wheel, or hanged, drawn and quartered (like William Wallace/Braveheart) and two of the women died in prison. One was eventually freed.
Edward the second was murdered at Berkeley castle and entombed at Gloucester cathedral I believe . Why Gloucester and not London ? Gloucester was and is a power house of the church , possibly the bishop of Gloucester , at the time , was more aligned with Edward;s family than other church men , all of whom had ties with powerful families . Of course the king's murder would be a state secret , that is why he so say was killed in a manner that showed no obvious wounds . Because of the secrecy we ate likely never to be completely sure of the real facts . A bit like JFK's murder more recently . I subbed because you have worked hard to tell us this story as well as you can . Thank you .
Uh, how about some real history? Kids were married at very early ages, some at 1 year old, to cement alliances. The rule with women/girls was no consummation before the "first bleeding". There was one egregious example during those times that was so bad that it became history.
An understanding of personal hygiene, in these times, would lead one to conclude that brooding resentments and fickle behaviour had an anatomical source, of course. Still, the daily routines had to be obeyed, as now, and the rubbing of liniments and oils abated the relentless body odours, prevailing......also powders, being applied. Thus, we can understand, that the wealthy families moved, periodically, from castle to castle, when it became too much to bear, as the rank air would testify, within these clammy walls........and then there was the English weather ; always a present enemy against the health and wellness of all its citizens. Yes, we love our modern amenities, do we not. Just imagine, as your nostrils flare in outrage, when considering those times.
Actually She Wolf No. 1. She Wolf No.2, Margaret of Anjou (1400s) bore one of the meanest mean little kids in history and eventually made it into one of Flo's Progressive commercials.
Queen Isabella was a bit of a busy-body and in many ways is deserving of the title of a She-Wolf. in my opinion. The incident at Leeds Castle was instigated by Isabella,as was so the French royal family with this fiasco.
She obviously learned the history of a very powerful fellow French queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine, wife of Henry II--Edward II's g-g-grandmother who was quite active and toppled her king with the aid of her sons. If Isabella was a "she-wolf" Eleanor was a "she-lion" -mother of Richard the Lion-Hearted. She really kicked ass.
Not really. His son Edward IIi was the eldest son so would always inherit the throne. Any other child of Edward II by another woman would be illegitimate so have no claim.
Long Shanks was his father Edward I who had 16 children, but I understand E-1 was about 6'3" and so "long shanks" was all about his legs!Of course YOU already knew this. BUTT, medieval rumor has it that Eddie II's executioner rammed a hot poker up him while he lay in his prison cell. So maybe some "could" have called E-2 "Long Shanks II?"😊 Ouch! Hey, you started this! Speaking of Edward I, the depiction of Isabella above is Sophie Marceau from the movie "Braveheart," THAT was "Long Shanks," the guy that had Mel Gibson HD&Q (hung drawn and quartered). It's been long since I saw the movie and I don't remember if Eddie II was even in it.
How hypocritical of her. She was shamelessly and routinely committing adultery with Mortimer the whole time she (and he) were running England in her son’s name (because he was not yet of age). She got off easy, in my opinion.
She was the daughter of Phillipe le surprise there.!!!he destroyed the knight templar's.cursed family.😥but karma took effect as his sons died one by for she ,she did not have a real good end😶
She was not deranged. Isabelle was a great queen. Sent to England at the age of 12 years she was left aside, neglected and humilated. But she prevailed. Compared to Edward II she had the bigger balls.....
Her name's Isabelle, not Isabeau ! Isabeau is the nickname of the infamous Elisabeth von Wittelsbach-Ingolstadt, wife of Charles VI, who nearly sold France to England. But i agree withe the rest of what you said. And above all, Isabelle was everything but deranged !
@@laurentdevaux5617 T´as raison. Ma faute. Je corrige.....
Whether Edward and Piers Gaveston were lovers, adoptive brothers, or just close friends, it doesn’t seem to have been their intimacy that the barons objected to. Rather, it was Edward’s blatant favoritism to Gaveston in matters of patronage that led them to rebel.
@@censusgary Oh, they were definitely butt buddies. No serious historian I’ve ever heard about has questioned this.
Flamers were quite common amongst the males of the aristocracy, in the UK and Europe. Studying certain portraits of royal males, also clues us in.
In fact, it lead to the extinction of certain Royal Houses of old, due to a lack of progeny.
@@ZarpSterr lol.Flamers! I haven't heard that in a while. Benders seems to have taken over.
@@TomLaios Haven't previously heard it at all! Benders, yes, plus a whole lot of other terms, but never flamers.
@@Krzyszczynski pillow biters,midnight visitors to vegemite valley, poofta, poof, but these days LGMQTI++ etc.
I used to live near to where Piers Gaveston was executed by the Earl of Warwick, who he named the Black Dog of Arden, and other lords. The inscription on the memorial reads: "In the hollow of this rock was beheaded on the 17 day of July 1312, by barons lawless as himself, Piers Gaveston, Earl of Cornwall, the minion of a hateful king, in life and death a memorable instance of misrule".
But your info wasn’t coincident with clickbait.
the key words >>> " by barons lawless as himself."
Yes, just a bunch of criminals who dressed well.
Nothing much has changed, to this day.
In English, or French?
She certainly was not deranged. Her husband was irresponsible and unfit to rule. And she had a lot of support for that view
Also Edward is in love with Piers Gaventon. Önce Edward gave all her money to him
Mortimer became her lover.
Lets be honest Edward the second was no prize and a sorry weak ruler. I blame him for all the troubles during that period. If he had his wits together and put his kingdom first and treated his wife well, things would have been very different
He was outrageous. He gave her wedding gifts to his current boyfriend and ignored his new wife .
I doubt it. If it wasn't the Flamer problem, it would have been something else.
There were the dissident Barons, problems with France, and many other Psychopathic-Narcissistic reasonings.
These "royals" were always at each other's throats.
Back-stabbing, plotting, for personal advancement.
The usurpers of the Norman invasion of 1066, had created all manner of hidden and serpentine behaviour.....after wiping out the original English Royals.
Land-grabs, and other piratical behaviour.
Agreed and he was flaunting his way love affair as well
Check the excellent play Edward II by Christopher Marlowe.
Pretty stupid of her sisters-in-laws to give their knight lovers such easy identificatable gifts.
Especially, considering how hypocritical Isabella had her own lovers, on the sly.
I suppose they just assumed, well she does, so can we.
Mirror,Mirror on the Wall, who is the fairest of them all...asked Isabella.
NOT YOU !.....but O, your Sisters-in-law are SUPER-hot.
That's what threw her into a rage.
the knights / lovers were out of their minds displaying their 'souvenirs' on top of their clothing, in either England or France.
IT must have been done deliberately for some reason, but the plan went wrong for them.
Are the 'enactments' shown part of a film or drama? If so, what was it please??
@@ZarpSterr - not sure I'll sit through the video. They may be called nobility but if you describe in plain words how these royals operated, without any reference to nobility, and ask someone read that and to tell you how they would call that, I'm sure one of the descriptions would read "organised crime" or "mafia".
Second, what your Latin teacher never told you ... "she-wolf" is a translation of Latin "lupa". Roman mythology tells that the city of Rome got founded by two guys, Romulus and Remus, who had been raised by a "lupa".
These two are depicted as toddlers getting nursed by a female wolf.
Well, the Latin word "lupa" was "code" and used to reference female prostitutes or nymphomaniacs. In Roman times, prostitution was forbidden but as long as it was kept below the radar, it was not prosecuted.
Advertising it was forbidden, except in graveyards. And this is where archaeologists have found "business cards". Imagine a business card of the time that reads something like "Giulia - doggy - 200". Name, specialisation, price. When my guide and university teacher of Latin told me that on a visit of a graveyard in Rome, my response was, "ah, now I understand the deeper meaning in the bible of "what do you search the living among the dead - and the debate among theologians that women in the new testament may have been prostitutes!"
Well, nothing new. Go to the oldest parts of Los Angeles and find streets with a woman's, girl's, name. In the migration waves to the West, gold diggers and other opportunists, there were few women there and lots of men. The streets got named after a woman that "worked a street" maybe as boss of a house where women work lying down in order to keep standing in life.
If way back, Isabella was called "she-wolf" then she was not so subtly accused of screwing around. Considering people's attitudes towards sexuality and marriage in the Middle Ages, the question is if that was actually said in her time, or only later, by hysterians.
@@carolinejohnson22 They are scenes from the Mel Gibson movie, "Braveheart."
I think the name she wolf is a compliment.
Right? I know that I'd be complimented by being called a she wolf instead of just drop dead gorgeous all the time... 😂😂😂😂
Admirers of Queen Boudica unite!
She has been called _The Harlot Queen._
And no relation that I know of....
Why do they insult women or wolves ?
Wasn’t she a granddaughter of Cu Chullain?
Let's be real, she went down as the woman who stepped up cus she had the misfortune to marry a gay, wussy king.
Alexander the Great conquered half the known world, he married for an heir, but set up statues of his male lover in every land he gained in war. Sexual preference has nothing to do with ambition.
@NyghtDarkwatch true, but note I said "Wussy" king. It's not just the fact he's only interested in guys, it's the fact he was a pretty weak ruler who gave in to his male lovers than actually rule.
Edward II had mistresses and sired an illegitimate son, so he was clearly not gay. Possibly bi, but there's also no real evidence that his relationships with his male favourites were sexual in nature.
@@NyghtDarkwatch he had more than one wife/concubine, at least 3 that we know of, so I suspect he was bi rather than gay.
Depends on if he’s a top or bottom.
Alex was a top. Ed was a bottom.
I had forgotten how historically inaccurate, but awesome, braveheart was.
What do you expect from Mel Gibson he is a moron
It was a ridiculous film. The events and characters were utterly inaccurate. Weapons, clothing, hairstyles, locations all wrong too. A Holywood travesty of history.
We must not forget that Philip IV of France, (Philip the Fair), who was chronically short of money, had the Knights Templar in France arrested on October 13, 1307, had them tortured to confess to all sorts of heretical acts, then burned alive. Then he confiscated all their wealth and property. It is believed he did this because he had borrowed money from them and did not want to pay it back. So Isabella knew what he was capable of when she reported the possible affairs. Even though the husbands, who were also given embroidered purses, could have given them to the knights as gifts, they were just assumed guilty.
Wouldn't the husbands have spoken up about that? ...assuming they both didn't have any clear reason to get rid of their wives or those particular knights.
er.....there was a lot more evidence than that. They used to hang out in a tower together. La Tour de Nesle near one of the gates of Paris. And were caught doing just that. So it wasn't just about embroidered purses that Isabelle had given her sister's in law. In short the knights weren't caught in the Tour de Nesle hanging out with the princes. But rather the princesses.
Also I have never read that she gave the same purses to her brothers. Source please? And even if she did, were they all the same design? I doubt you would give ladies and gentlemen the exact same design and colour purses in the 14th century. Any more than you would in any other century including today.
She recognised the gifts as the purses she had given her sister's in law. And reported same to her father. Who had them all followed and gathered the additional evidence. So lets stop with the "they were just assumed guilty" nonsense
@@jcf9499 one of the husbands did. Frankly there was too much incriminating evidence.
He never got anywhere near a fraction of the wealth he expected them to have.
Either they really WERE keeping their vows of poverty and only using the minimum funding to maintain their armor and weapons, or the legend of their hidden treasure is true. But IF it is true, I lean more towards the theory that the Mali sultan, Mansa Musa stumbled across it before any Templar survivors could reclaim it on an island off the coast of Spain during a raiding expedition.
The island is known to have been an alternate rest stop for crusaders if they didn’t want to rest at Gibraltar if they had rivals there.
@eldermillennial8330 not sure why you drag Mansa Musa into this. Other than some vaguely racist reasoning that an African King can only get rich by stealing from somebody. He owned huge mines. He didnt need Templar wealth.
As for why the Templars didnt have " a lot of portable riches" the answer is simple. They operated as a corporation and no corporation ever has a lot of ready cash lying about. Otherwise they are not doing their job.
Wealth is tied up in assets like land and buildings. Or lent out to creditors. And any portable valuables/relics were taken out before SHTF.
Then the land/buildings were seized. And creditors lay low and pretended they didnt owe a penny. Its obvious King Phillip already had a sizeable portion of Templar wealth as a loan. Which he never repaid.
To sum up corporations have assets and liabilities and rarely keep huge amounts of cash/gold or portable wealth. Because its not efficient. Its dead wealth. It only yields a return as an asset or a loan.
Calling the queen Isabelle deranged is an insult. If there was someone deranged in her couple, it's Edward, not her. i would even dare to say that the real man was her, at least in terms of governance and intelligence, not her husband. And she never was called "She-wolf of France" during her lifetime, this nickname was created much after
I knew nothing about this Queen's history. Very interesting, and very well done, James. Per usual!
You all should read “Les rois modits” by Maurice Druon , you can have a more complete story of what happened to Isabelle , this is one pf my favorite serie of books
Pakylousy. Les rois maudits.
Even today people want to speak of the sins of the woman while taking up for the weak man.
AWESOME narration!!!!! Kudos.
She didn't resort to anything. She simply reported her suspicions to her father the French King. He made his own decisions and owns the consequences.
King Edward ii, supposed to be killed by insertion of a red hot poker 1327. Historians not sure, but there is is.
That's what was taught in my history class.
I heard that too!
Me. three. But let's face it, if James had put that in the video, the minions of the YT Kingdom would have banned it or forced a blackscreen during the narration.
Insertion of a red hot poker.....thus confirming he was a notorious Flamer.
Yes, it seems appropriate.
That's the story told in Berkely Castle too, where Edward is said to have died.
Brilliant I so love history. Can you put up the one about the 2 boys in the tower. Hi from Ireland 😊
Hi friend, search the web for a French soap opera called "Les Rois Maudits" it is adapted from the books by Maurice Druon an excellent author and historian, the English subtitles are available if like I think you do not speak French. You have everything, the trial of the Templars, the affair of the Tower of Nesle and the end of the King of England and his method of execution. Have fun.
I found out that I am related to King Edward II, Queen Isabelle and her boyfriend. It would s always interesting that strong female leaders and rulers are often attacked because they weren't decorative arm candy, kept docile and had babies. She-Wolf is suppose to be a put down, but it is a compliment. The poor girl was married off at 12 to a man who was too occupied by his boyfriend and became a ruler till her son took over. She outsmarted her husband and others and figured out how to survive. I am proud of her!
Braveheart isn't historically accurate, so lets just go with it 😂😂😂😂
Good visuals! 😀
Braveheart as history is a joke! The Scots would not have had any idea of "freedom" such as we do. They were a feudal society of loyalty to their clans.
A grizzly time to live . This was a most excellent explanation !
It's "grisly" not "grizzly", (a kind of bear!)
@@linshanhsiangthank you! this spelling error is always one of the more annoying ones
"Les rois maudits" give a depiction of what happened with Edwards II.
As far as I'm concerned, being called "the she wolf of France" is awesome.
Rumours at the time say he was killed by a hot poker up the bum.not by Isabella but angry lords who disputed his favouritism to piers and homosexuality.
Really enjoyed this, narrator is very good. Ill be backm 🙌🏻💚🇮🇪
Is he Irish? I love his accent
@yts70r135 hi, I haven't a clue could be or maybe not. But great voice for narrating. 🙌🏻💚🇮🇪
@@Tracey-t4n i absolutely agree. Take care. Happy new year.
@@yts70r135 James is a Scotsman. And, yes, he makes excellent videos. There's something about a Scottish accent!
@@yts70r135I think his accent is Scottish
Well, hell has no fury worse than….
It's already dangerous to upset a normal woman these days, but to upset, flout and ignore a queen from one of the noblest houses in Europe in the Middle Ages... you had to expect certain problems.
It would be good to provide the credits for the movie used for this video.
He did, braveheart
It,s from Braveheart maybe.
@@hildahilpert5018 Definitely Braveheart. It was my favorite movie when I was in my 20s (saw it in the movie theater 5 times).
Thanks for the history lesson. 🤔
That was very interesting. 😃
17:02 She was the brother's sister, if my brother's wife cheated and I knew. I would tell him
Yeah but, their father was not just a parent but also ruler of France, so had a keen interest in who was spawning babies that, on the face of it, were in the line of succession to his throne. He'd probably have been pretty angry and/or ruthlessly violent if not told first.
Philip the Fair ?....he was no Brad Pitt.
Isabella the Vengeful.
Mommy the Homicided.
What a lovely family.
I wouldn't if it was going to get people killed. And it was clear people was going to die for it. Moreover, she took her own lover later. Hipocrital is what I call it.
I think she was a brave woman and I'm in her side against her husband. But she was prideful and she thought her french royal blood put her over everyone.
They all had it coming after what she was put through
I totally understand Isabella. I gave 2 dooney Burke handbags to my sis for xmas. She sold them. Wish I could do the same Isabella did. Good for her!! Those ingrate didn't deserve the handbag gifts she gave..
She wasn't deranged, she had to step up in place of the weak king she was married to. Her ruthlessness and political acumen are to be expected, especially considering her upbringing (she was the most Philip-like of all of Philip Le Bel's children, and his treatment of the Templars says everything regarding his own ruthlessness).
Thank you for the great video, Hugh was one of my ancestors.
I am descended from Edward II and Isabella and had not heard about this piece history. Hope there are no hard feelings!
You can't judge the past by todays standards!
At the coronation of Edward II a wall collapsed killing a knight. Not an auspicious start to his reign!
One of greatest most vicious women who made history
She was a fair maiden, compared to the De Medici women.
@ZarpSterr ofcourse she was different -blood thirsty and most vindictive nature cruel woman. But a different beast of different kind.
Isabella was not deranged, she was fed up.
Everything she had inherited, all of her clothes, all of her jewels and even her footstool were taken from her and given to Edwards "favorite" Piers Galveston.
Hubby didn't understand that playing by his rules was going to end him.
After the execution of Piers Galveston, he got even worse with the DeSpensers.
He simply got what was coming to him.
I knew this video would have inaccuracies just from the misinformation in the teaser.
Isabella was 19 at the time: of course she relayed her suspicions to her father. He had an investigation done before the arrests. 2 of the 3 wives were found guilty, the knights confessed. The 3rd lady was found not guilty, she was supported by her husband.
If E2 was gay then is it possible that someone else, even Mortimer, was E3's Father?
Well it is possible.
Certainly not William Wallace, as in the movie!
It's possible, however in those days Royalty didn't marry for love. They married for power and succession. E2 would have known that he needed a son. Despite whatever his preferences might have been, it's more likely that he "closed his eyes and thought of England" in order to produce one.
Lots of gay men throughout history have had wives and children. Sometimes to hide their preference, sometimes to have heirs to their fortunes and power. Even if he didn't enjoy it, E2 knew it was crucial for him to have legitimate heirs.
Very unlikely, as E3 was born in 1312, when Isabella was 17 or 18. Her affair with Mortimer likely started in 1325, 13 years later.
The knights must have known where the purses came from, the entire court would have known. The courtiers had nothing more important in their lives at court, than tokens of royal respect, purse given from a Queen, to Princesses, would have been known on sight by hundreds of people.
For the knights to then wear them in public, at a reception the gifter was at, was no accident, it was a kind of taunt or boast, they expected them to be recognised.
So her extremely gruesome punishment was ratting them out to daddy? Comme les Français!
And then the lovers were tortured to make them confess, probably castrated, skinned alive and crushed on a wheel, or hanged, drawn and quartered (like William Wallace/Braveheart) and two of the women died in prison. One was eventually freed.
What is the name of the movie you got the visuals!!
She was not 'deranged'.
To History Expos’e: Pls. stop with the sensational clickbait! Isabella was Not deranged. You Sir, need to apologize!
Edward the second was murdered at Berkeley castle and entombed at Gloucester cathedral I believe . Why Gloucester and not London ? Gloucester was and is a power house of the church , possibly the bishop of Gloucester , at the time , was more aligned with Edward;s family than other church men , all of whom had ties with powerful families . Of course the king's murder would be a state secret , that is why he so say was killed in a manner that showed no obvious wounds . Because of the secrecy we ate likely never to be completely sure of the real facts . A bit like JFK's murder more recently .
I subbed because you have worked hard to tell us this story as well as you can . Thank you .
Uh, how about some real history? Kids were married at very early ages, some at 1 year old, to cement alliances. The rule with women/girls was no consummation before the "first bleeding".
There was one egregious example during those times that was so bad that it became history.
An understanding of personal hygiene, in these times, would lead one to conclude that
brooding resentments and fickle behaviour had an anatomical source, of course.
Still, the daily routines had to be obeyed, as now, and the rubbing of liniments and oils abated the relentless body odours, prevailing......also powders, being applied.
Thus, we can understand, that the wealthy families moved, periodically, from castle to castle, when it became too much to bear, as the rank air would testify, within these clammy walls........and then there was the English weather ; always a present enemy against the health and wellness of all its citizens.
Yes, we love our modern amenities, do we not.
Just imagine, as your nostrils flare in outrage, when considering those times.
What,a bogus click bait title.Shame on you.
Actually She Wolf No. 1. She Wolf No.2, Margaret of Anjou (1400s) bore one of the meanest mean little kids in history and eventually made it into one of Flo's Progressive commercials.
Jump to 16:00ish for the pertinent info.
He was a shitty king
😂 beautifully said
Using film pieces from Braveheart.
I know, wasn't his comment about the movie, stating it was Braveheart and inaccurate historically, funny?! What a witty insert!
Queen Isabella was a bit of a busy-body and in many ways is deserving of the title of a She-Wolf. in my opinion. The incident at Leeds Castle was instigated by Isabella,as was so the French royal family with this fiasco.
Busy body is such a belittling term. She was strong and fierce and unforgiving. Formidable is a better term.
She obviously learned the history of a very powerful fellow French queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine, wife of Henry II--Edward II's g-g-grandmother who was quite active and toppled her king with the aid of her sons. If Isabella was a "she-wolf" Eleanor was a "she-lion" -mother of Richard the Lion-Hearted. She really kicked ass.
She caused the primal evil haunting ?
There is a reason why Castles are haunted.
The incident at Leeds Castle was fiasco for Edward II.. She was daughter of Phillip the Fair. That said everything..
if they can prove that Edward the 2d survived and if he had Children there ancestors would have claim to the English Throne
Not really. His son Edward IIi was the eldest son so would always inherit the throne. Any other child of Edward II by another woman would be illegitimate so have no claim.
Did Isabelle give birth to Gaveston's baby?
Beautiful young girls complaining to daddy?!?! Some things are as old as time!!!
Fascinating accounts of Royal life & death !! Hv Liked & Sub’d
Lead poisoning!
What is the video of Bamburgh Castle (4.05) doing in the video? It has nothing to do with the story.
good video, proper history
Game of Thrones!
This Edward, was he the one called Edward Long Shanks?
No - absolutely NOT!!! 😉
Long Shanks was his father Edward I who had 16 children, but I understand E-1 was about 6'3" and so "long shanks" was all about his legs!Of course YOU already knew this. BUTT, medieval rumor has it that Eddie II's executioner rammed a hot poker up him while he lay in his prison cell. So maybe some "could" have called E-2 "Long Shanks II?"😊 Ouch! Hey, you started this!
Speaking of Edward I, the depiction of Isabella above is Sophie Marceau from the movie "Braveheart," THAT was "Long Shanks," the guy that had Mel Gibson HD&Q (hung drawn and quartered). It's been long since I saw the movie and I don't remember if Eddie II was even in it.
That was Edward I.
The father of Edward II
@@czgator9000 Thank you.
I think we all know how Edward 2nd died. You'r prurient views don't wash.
You’re means you are.
There is no such thing as an innocent french maid.
Pretty sure a 7 year old would qualify for that name, regardless of nationality of origin.
How hypocritical of her. She was shamelessly and routinely committing adultery with Mortimer the whole time she (and he) were running England in her son’s name (because he was not yet of age). She got off easy, in my opinion.
That was after YEARS of mistreatment by Edward and Hugh Despenser, the Younger.
She lived her life. Her husband wasn't really a husband.
How judgemental of you: a man who was never sold off by your family to a man you didn’t know when you were a child.
She was the daughter of Phillipe le surprise there.!!!he destroyed the knight templar's.cursed family.😥but karma took effect as his sons died one by for she ,she did not have a real good end😶
The man's accent gets in the way.
Edward Ii was way openly gay we historians know favorites same sextile were gay and today should say lovers
He says at the end
He said they were tortured, hung, then drawn and quartered. Doesn't get much worse than that!
They were tortured and killed in a gruesome manner and the women imprisoned. Her father, who also had the Knights Templar killed, had it done.