Building a Hydraulic Forging Press for Blacksmithing

  • Опубліковано 20 гру 2024


  • @ExosLife
    @ExosLife 3 місяці тому +2

    this is a serious piece of art

  • @UnknowableAbsolute
    @UnknowableAbsolute 7 місяців тому +2

    Few people can even imagine creating complex industrial equipment on their own, this man did a great job

    • @winterbrookforge
      @winterbrookforge  7 місяців тому +1

      Thank you! I really appreciate the compliment

  • @jamesball7322
    @jamesball7322 11 місяців тому +2

    Super clean and strong ,best build out to date
    Smokes the top builders in my opinion and hell I build some myself

  • @shinkicker
    @shinkicker Рік тому +1

    That's a beautiful job, a great deal of work and attention to detail has resulted in an amazing tool. Well done.

  • @zacharyschaafsma2523
    @zacharyschaafsma2523 Місяць тому

    Amazing press ! I would love to get my hands on thows prints so I can make my own !

  • @FarawayForge
    @FarawayForge Рік тому


  • @neilwalker3204
    @neilwalker3204 Рік тому

    Beautiful work. I have been watching mostly US builds where they put 3phase 5hp 300kg monsters together but then you squish a piece of metal as good as if not better then those. Inspiring..

    • @winterbrookforge
      @winterbrookforge  Рік тому

      Thank you! I didn't have the option to throw more power at the problem, so I made a sturdy frame. This way, most of the force goes into squishing hot metal rather than stretching the frame. The results speak for themselves!

    • @neilwalker3204
      @neilwalker3204 Рік тому +1

      @@winterbrookforge the frame idea is something worth exploring but I imagine if metal prices are anything like they are in Australia that was probably the most expensive piece!

  • @SchysCraftCo.
    @SchysCraftCo. Рік тому

    Wow that's beautiful. Hopefully you get great use out of it for many years to come my friend. Can't wait to see more updates an projects and many more videos soon. Keep up the great craftsmanship and hard work my friend. Forge On. Fab On. Weld On. Keep forge lit. Keep Making. God bless.

  • @MNSmiths-on2qz
    @MNSmiths-on2qz 2 місяці тому

    great job! I am building a press myself and I was wondering if it would work to use I beams for the frame and weld them to a lower like you have on there.

    • @winterbrookforge
      @winterbrookforge  2 місяці тому

      Thanks! Yes it's certainly possible to do it that way. There are pros and cons to each method but using I beam would probably be cheaper and doesn't require a big machine shop. Lots of info online and check out the book from James L. Batson as he uses I beam design in his book.

  • @bradsimpson4899
    @bradsimpson4899 Рік тому

    That is absolutely beautiful!!! Great Job!

  • @AzongLee85
    @AzongLee85 Рік тому

    very well done! thanks for sharing your expertise and build with us!

  • @homemadetools
    @homemadetools Рік тому

    Enable playback on external websites please. We'd like to post this video on our forum.

  • @uglenosantos360
    @uglenosantos360 Рік тому

    Que bomba você usou nesse motor de 2HP e qual medida do cylinder? Parabéns

  • @anthonystrunk5360
    @anthonystrunk5360 Рік тому

    Nice build.. excellent craftsmanship!

  • @JaapGrootveld
    @JaapGrootveld Рік тому

    Very nicely made, I assume you had access to EDM and such, because otherwise something like this would be unaffordable. Can you indicate what the output of the pump is and what pressure and motor power?

    • @winterbrookforge
      @winterbrookforge  10 місяців тому

      Thanks! Yes I did have access to the EDM, although I repaid the favor by forging something for them in return. The pump is 3000psi 2 stage and a 2HP motor

  • @zjones19
    @zjones19 Місяць тому

    What was the cost overall

  • @Manchester_engineering
    @Manchester_engineering Рік тому

    I used to build up the Massey 12 ton presses & you have done a cracking job. Have you shown John?

    • @winterbrookforge
      @winterbrookforge  Рік тому +1

      Ah thank you! Yes John gave me advice along the way and has seen the finished press. As you can see, there are many similarities. You guys came up with a great idea!

  • @elisoncorreadasilva4937
    @elisoncorreadasilva4937 Рік тому

    Não tenho ném palavras
    Ficou muito top
    Bela construção
    Belo projeto
    Gostei muito

  • @JustinCiriello
    @JustinCiriello 6 місяців тому

    Nice job!

  • @daviddwight5745
    @daviddwight5745 11 місяців тому

    Best one yet on YT

  • @leeboreham7940
    @leeboreham7940 Рік тому

    Nice Boxford mill 👍🏻

  • @msmith5080
    @msmith5080 Рік тому

    Absolute chad upload

  • @adammeier1211
    @adammeier1211 4 місяці тому

    Umm you dont hapoen to sell these plans, do you?

  • @nickpower2623
    @nickpower2623 6 місяців тому

    how many tons?

  • @av-eng
    @av-eng 9 місяців тому

    Good machine

  • @jmbstudio6873
    @jmbstudio6873 Рік тому +1

    Its a bit narrow. Not sure if an axe head would fit in there or not. I would have made the frame way wider, like double what you did.

    • @winterbrookforge
      @winterbrookforge  Рік тому +2

      I did consider making it wider. When I was designing it, I didn't know i'd have access to that EDM machine. The mill I had access to was the limiting factor. Also a wider press would have been more expensive. It does what I built it for and will fit most hatchets and western axes, probably not a bearded axe but I'm okay with that 😃

    • @billoxley5315
      @billoxley5315 Рік тому

      Outstanding craftsmanship, excellent.

  • @janvanik8945
    @janvanik8945 10 місяців тому +1

    Nice work. But too expensive solution for only 12t.

    • @winterbrookforge
      @winterbrookforge  10 місяців тому +4

      Thank you! Cost/ benefit comes down to individual circumstances. I'm limited by my electric supply so 12t is the sweet spot of power and speed. The sturdy frame makes it squeeze more like a 16t and it does everything I need it to do. I had free access to EDM. Overall it cost me just over £2K which is much less than buying the equivalent in the UK. For me it has been worth every penny!

    • @janvanik8945
      @janvanik8945 10 місяців тому

      Thank you for explanation.@@winterbrookforge

  • @azuanatoya
    @azuanatoya 8 місяців тому

    2:57 noicee!!!

  • @Temirchi_Elyor
    @Temirchi_Elyor 10 місяців тому

    Zór. Bravo.😊👍👍👍👍👍🇺🇿

  • @jonathanconway7256
    @jonathanconway7256 3 місяці тому

    EDM? Holy stupid overkill

    • @winterbrookforge
      @winterbrookforge  3 місяці тому +1

      When a friend offers to do it for free, you don't turn them down because it's overkill...

  • @alirezanabizadeh8547
    @alirezanabizadeh8547 Рік тому


  • @dougwalker2190
    @dougwalker2190 10 місяців тому

    Nice press, but you need to work on your welding skills.

    • @charliesabre4328
      @charliesabre4328 10 місяців тому +2

      Google the man in the arena quote my guy

    • @A4pacific3626
      @A4pacific3626 10 місяців тому +1


    • @chadbrunton3373
      @chadbrunton3373 10 місяців тому +2

      Ignoring the machining skills and time and effort that they put in to this project just so you could make a snide comment is childish.