2015 Joel Kramer Episode 4 Qumran Cave 1

  • Опубліковано 23 вер 2024
  • Joel Kramer takes our group up on hike they will never forget: Qumran Cave 1. It is the place where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. To see the other episodes in this 16-part series, go to www.mrm.org/joe...


  • @estrellagamo9659
    @estrellagamo9659 5 місяців тому

    You are very good teacher, Mr. Kramer. God bless your endeavors.

  • @bowrudder899
    @bowrudder899 9 років тому +8

    Thanks, Joel! I've always wanted to visit Israel. But your tour was so good, I feel like I already have! Thanks for bringing Israel to us.

  • @waynefisher4585
    @waynefisher4585 9 років тому +5

    Great job Joel, I learned a lot, didn't have to take that long plane ride. I couldn't afford the trip, but someday I see it. I have been sharing your videos with active Mormons and it has helped. God Bless may God keep blessing you.

    • @shawnstatzer95
      @shawnstatzer95 8 років тому +1

      +Wayne Fisher Years ago I used to be Mormon, and loved this kind of stuff. At that time, I also thoroughly loved the history of the Indigenous People of North America.

    • @messianic_scam
      @messianic_scam 4 роки тому

      What did you learn? That Israelite couldnt wait the minute they invaded westbank first thing first put their hands covering much 😉

  • @classicmusic5656
    @classicmusic5656 10 місяців тому

    So beautifully explained.

  • @Joshua-rc3zk
    @Joshua-rc3zk 2 роки тому +2

    Yes thanks Joel, it's Joshua Holt ,Jerry Holt son. I'm so glad your standing up for and edifying the bible and it's history..

  • @conniesimon6305
    @conniesimon6305 4 роки тому +1

    I have been looking at all of your videos and have thoroughly enjoyed them all, but this one so far is my favorite! Thank you so much for giving us so much information and for your time in making all of these. God bless you!

    • @ericrusselljohnson1
      @ericrusselljohnson1  4 роки тому

      Wow, thank you! Your kind words are very meaningful to me. I am glad you are getting so much out of these videos. Someday in the future, I'm planning to re-do them in Israel and make even more professional!

  • @pikawhiskers656
    @pikawhiskers656 Місяць тому

    That is amazing (!) ... All the while Jesus was fulfilling His earthly ministry, there were the scrolls, sitting in Qumran, until 1947, waiting to be discovered.

  • @ASeedSower234
    @ASeedSower234 5 років тому +3

    Again, thank you so much for sharing these videos, God bless you. Where can I find the film or video Mr Kramer mentions where he was talking to the old man at Jericho?

  • @td7shelton
    @td7shelton 6 років тому +1

    Great video! Very interesting. Thanks for sharing :)

  • @michellem3580
    @michellem3580 7 років тому


  • @shawnstatzer95
    @shawnstatzer95 8 років тому

    I am no longer a Christian, however, I am passionate with studying in these areas of discussions, not for debates, but for myself in my humbling walk through life's trickling caverns of wisdom. I long to one day visit there, and step in the same dusty faded prints of wandering sandals as did the ancients. Thank you for this informative and insightful video my friend...thank you.

    • @ericrusselljohnson1
      @ericrusselljohnson1  8 років тому +2

      +Shawn Statzer Thanks for your post. I am wondering, with such solid archaeological evidence such as the Dead Sea Scrolls for the reliability of the Bible, why you have lost faith in God? Eric

    • @shawnstatzer95
      @shawnstatzer95 8 років тому +1

      You are welcome. I heavily appreciate your concerns and they are not unnoticed. Hmm, where shall I begin? First, let me brief you in quickly on just one of the many reasons why I believe in God (I use the term "God" here in this letter, generically, as it is a title, the same as "christ" is a title.).
      Back when I was approximately seventeen years old and in the midst of a serious one car accident with three other people inside, God's power literally came before me, washed through me like flowing and powerful water. Now, within my finite mind I do no justice in attempting to bring articulation to that awesome omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient power of God. But...I forge forward in attempt. But before I do, allow me to give you a synopsis of m car accident.
      One of the last things that my eyes gazed upon before tasting that blood in my mouth and blood pouring down my face from the wreck, was us staring unbelievably at the speedometer which registering at 115 miles per hour. Us with eyes glued to that speedometer, is ultimately what blinded us from that fast approaching curve that lied just ahead. By this time it was too late of a reaction to pull out of our straight line. I clearly remember with my eyes peering across that dash, that telephone pole that our headlights illuminated in all its grains and shades of color. And at this moment, I had noticed how time literally slowed down in our heads and visually...time almost stood still. Upon impact, our car pulled the pole out of the ground and snapped it in half. We immediately rested atop the pole.
      Now what occurred next was a result from one of the worst decisions but turned out to be the best decisions of my life. As silence prevailed and that anticipated event was over, a new one was about to take place. A literal power engulfed me. The power alone defined God, and I knew this was not just of God...but actually God. Immediately, God upon His mighty grip then spoke to me and not with me, for "with me implies that I could speak also. He had authority, and I knew this. In His gripped voice dominating my physical being which subsequently caused my spirit to be still, silent, and listen, I learnt what true humility really meant.
      After being bathed in this moment, a masculine voice then came forth, gripping my being, and In my cognitive mind as I was fully conscience, He (I call God "He" as the voice sounded masculine but am not speaking in a mere man often defined with genitalia producing spermatozoa) literally spoke to me and called me by name. God then proceeded in telling me that He was giving me another chance. By the mere fact that God called me by name, I knew that He was a personal God. And for God to keep the very breath of life contained deep within my lungs, revealed to me that He was omnipotent, for God was able to make death flee. And the fact that God knew just the right time to save me from what would have been certainly death, revealed to me of His omniscience, where even the axioms of physics are subdued to do His bidding.
      Well, with driver slumped over the crushed steering wheel; which he gripped with panic in our screams, and not acknowledging my cries to him as he rested motionless on the wheel, and the guy in the back seat moaning in agony, I then rushed out of the car, stepped over the telephone pole and its live lines, and rushed to a nearby house for some help. Expeditiously, help arrived and transported us via separate ambulances. I can remember testifying to the medical team on our ride to the emergency room whilst they cut my pants in search of anymore potential injuries, of my fresh life-changing spiritual experience...and this soul-gripping awakening.
      Anyway, we arrive at the hospital and I went straight back for immediate emergency care and they promptly sutured me up, and then off I went. I remember in that deathly stare I had from the wreck after being doctored up and then sitting in the waiting room, people stared in horror at my bloody and flapping cloths. I can only imagine what ran across their minds as they beheld such a nasty sight and as my sister cued in saying that I was lucky to be alive. I knew that luck had nothing to do with my survival. I knew it was undoubtedly God's work through love.
      As I recovered over the days at home, that strong soul-gripping voice repeated for days, and when anyone spoke to me, they had to yell for me to even hear them. But the voice eventually faded away. I still recall the event that changed that young rebellious and sad young man into who I am today which definitely changed my course of thinking, and of course, my course of living. And my experience has been tried and true in my daily devotional walk.
      The driver of that car accident came to visit me as he was also recovering at home. I remember commenting to him as we walked across our porch on a bright beautiful day, how he and I were twins, because we both were stitched up in the same vicinity on our foreheads with almost identical looking wounds, and we both had bandages positioned in the same manner. Whilst we were walking he asked me if I was going to go to church. Now, at this point none of us spoke to one another about what event happened during the wreck or even after. He then testified to me what happened to them both. He said that God spoke to them and that God was giving them another chance. To this day, I hold close that experience of how my walk through life and my perception of death had changed for the positive.
      I have many more experiences that I could share, but to save your eyes from that lengthy novel, I will just testify on one reason why I believe in God and hope to give you the empathy of the authenticity on what I believe now.
      Now as far as the "archaeological evidence", for every person declaring archaeological evidence substantiating the bible, there is another person with contrary, yet, supported evidence in opposition. I am not necessarily supporting either side. I know that there are many people incognito, who have evil agendas, floating like lint awaiting that fine wool sweater to just pass by. I have seen it as a Christian, and I see it in my walk now. As a Christian I was often attacked by many agnostics and atheist (not that all of these groups are malicious), and now I get attacked from often by Christians, and until I stepped out of those sandals, I did not see this persecution on both ends. I deeply understand how important it is as a Christian to give a bold and firm testimony...but many people become dogmatic in their testimonies and grow as God shrinks, and testimonial sometimes become like the church crack to them. Jesus said to go and testify. If you are not received (in reality it is that Jesus is not received) dust off your shoes and go about your way, not...for the Christian to belittle or curse the unbeliever out and degrade them like an arrogant professor talking down from that horse. There are many Christians whom I love and deeply respect as I am surrounded in my private theological studies, professors, preachers, and laymen alike. You and I know that the dogmatism, cursing, and degrading is not the message of Jesus. Christians are supposed to shrink as God begins to grow. Now, the same goes for unbelievers, however, many are lost and have little ground in which to anchor themselves. So this is almost expected in the people that have little solid ground.
      Obviously, there is evidence of some things mention in the bible, such as villages, towns, cities, currency, etcetera that existed. There is also true biblical evidence of people such a certain rulers that reined.
      I have learnt that In reference to anything that I want to be believable, if my main objective is to have a believable and palatable story, then I am going to consistently apply markers of truth (elements of truth) throughout. All lies must contain some element of truth to be somewhat believable.
      Over twenty years ago I had danced as a Mormon. I discovered just how untrue their dogma was, and it was not taken well by the church leaders in my sincere but humble questions concerning their belief in: God's wife, God living near Kolob (star or planet is debatable); why their prayers in the church must be repeated until they find it perfect, without blemish...even so much as a mispronounced word; once receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood and getting married to later have spiritual children and becoming their God; why they believe that God has a God, etcetera. Obviously I do not intertwine the canonized bible with the Book of Mormon or the Pearl of Great Price. I understand the difference and is not the deciding factor on why I had left Christianity. In fact, it has been so long ago that Mormonism has no bases in my belief, nor did it prior to leaving.
      Considering that I am quite familiar with the Freemasons, as my family were in this...not I, and I had deeply researched it, and the fact that I was once a Mormon, I could not help but notice the connections with both being intertwined; their garments, secret hand signs, oaths, secret names, etcetera.
      Joseph Smith was of the Fraternal order of the Freemason. What goes on in the Mormon temple proves my statement, and the physical building is undeniably Mason influenced. Also, if Jesus visited the Indigenous People of North America then where is the evidence in their history? I understand that you are not Mormon, neither am I, and know that you do not believe what they do. I also did not and still do not believe them. I find the major heresy in Mormonism can be summed up in its central theological axiom; "as man is God once was. As god is man may become". In the end as a Mormon I left, right before my mission and I do not regret it one bit.
      On a note, I would like to clarify that it is not from confusion that I left Christianity. I was a devout Apologetic Eastern Orthodox Christian for twenty-five years...period. And because I did earnestly believe the bible I defended it to the hilt ("Peacefully" is what I stress. I know "hilt" and "peace" may seem like an oxymoron). But many things entered into the equation to change my stance in Christianity.
      The last thing that I would want is to be "lost" and to mislead others, however, in the same breath with the magnitude in what I state, the last thing that I want is to be separated from God by my own doing. I have seen more blessings now then as a Christian. I understand that people often sell their souls to the devil for a morsel of bread, but this is not my intention. There is nothing more precious than dwelling with God...this is my ultimate goal. I am not saying that I am exactly where I need to be, I believe that I am not even close, hence, my quest for God to help me is greatly desired and burns in my soul like a fire that needs oxygen to thrive. Usually when I make that statement Christian tell me all about the wonderful salvation of Jesus, who bore all the sins of the world, so we (sinners) can accept Jesus and be saved. I know the bible well, and was once an apologetic. One of the prayers that I had recited for years, and quoted every time I woke up was" our father which art in heaven"...Another passage that I had memorize was James 1:5-8. You do not know just how many times I had cordially prayed this because I...as do all Christians...need God's guidance daily.
      Just to give you an idea of my character and where I stand right now in the world around us, I am not a person who believes and puts trust in animism, polytheism, orbs, white lies, black lies, praying near a Buddha statue that sits on a shelf lighted by candles, a feng shui wealth corner in my home, putting pieces of all religions together in one big cesspool of confusion that is based merely on what I want derived from bits of information I gather. etcetera. I only wait for God to lead me...I want this more than life itself. The day that I have truth, I shall die a happy man.
      The Dead Sea Scrolls, particularly what was found in Cave:1, Cave:4, and Cave:11 have texts in which Christians have translated into and is known as the Easter Orthodox canonized bible. However, there were also other dogmas (texts that I will not bring up in this letter) found near or with them that shows no physical separation from these so-called holy ones. Yes, all an intellectual person generally has to do in this scholarly work of deciphering what belongs is diligently critique these manuscripts to draw a rational conclusion on what does and does not seem to belong together, a form of process of elimination...but even this too is up for debate, as the Catholics (not Protestant) contain portions of the Apocrypha in their texts, as do many other sects who hold dear to them many non-Christian texts that they apply to their faith. They are often considered a Christian sect outside the United States that read other non canonized "Gospels".
      Before the Council of Nicaea, people were divided and did not have a solidified answer on what Protestants now accept as the triune of God.
      Some of these so-called biblical markers of land and location are not factual but rather theorized, hypothesized. or just assumed.. The Nazarene's point out sites such as Joseph's carpentry shop, the spot where Mary received the enunciation, Mensa Christi, and the site of the synagogue (only a well exists there) where young Jesus preached. Where is this demonstrable evidence from the Nazareth site dating to the time of Jesus and Hellenistic time? And graves under the Church of Annunciation would have been impossible, as the faithful Jews would have had tombs no place under such a structure. According to Jewish religious law, Jews cannot live in the vicinity of tombs which are prime source of ritual impurity. So the ancient commentary on Jewish law mandates that tombs must be located outside of the village proper.
      Now let me get into bible text to show why I do not believe it: Some of the modern bible translations have omitted seventeen passages from their translations when compared to the John Wycliffe Translation and the New Revised Standard for example: 1) Matthew 17:21, 2) 8:11, 3) 23:14; 4) Mark 7:16, 5) 9:44, 9:46, 6) 11:26, 7) 15:28, 8) 16:9-20; 9) Luke 17:36, 10) 23:17; 11) John 5:3-4, 12) 7:53-
      13) 8:11; 14) Acts 8:37, 15) 15:34, 24:6p-7, 16) 28:29; 17) Romans 16:24
      Now, the older translators such a John Wycliffe and King James translated from the "Latin Vulgate" and the "Textus Receptus" which contained these passages. However, the New Revised Standard for example, translated their bible via what they consider to be a more reliable manuscripts that did not contain these seventeen passages, and predate those newer texts used to translate the older bible such as the King James. These modern translations did, however, leave note acknowledging that these passages were omitted.
      There are just some of the obvious copyist, scribal errors and contradictions in all English translations. There are many passages that leave the devout believing reader scratching their head in confusion such as found in Matthew 1:16, Luck 3:23; Matthew 28:1, Mark 16:1, John 20:1; 1 Kings 4:26, 11 Chronicles 9:25; 11 Samuel 24:13, 1 Chronicles 21:11; 11 Kings 24:8, 11 Chronicles 36:9; Acts 9:7, Acts 22:9; 1 Kings 16:6-8, 11 Chronicles 16:1,; 11 Kings 8:26, 11 Chronicles 22:2; Matthew 27:28, John 19:2;. Now I understand the explanation that some Christians apply in attempt of explaining away these confusions, but these apologetics (I used to be one) people almost always surmise, to the best of their ability, what it "could mean" or what it "can only mean", yet they have no biblical references to back any of their answers up other than "it has to mean this" or just hypothesizing.. I am not here to point my finger, but rather, to give my testimony on why I left Christianity.
      I have found that not even the Christian churches understand "one truth" in a unified way, as the myriad of denominations do attest to this by simply being divided via denominationalism. And here I am not speaking in being divided by traditions. Yes, every Christian falls short and misses the mark as to be expected and as does the bible speak much of. Even the very disciples fell short. As far as denominations, Jesus declared that a divided house cannot stand.
      All that I have written is by no means an exhausted list of why I left Christianity and what I believe, but it should give you some of the basics on my reasoning on my departure. I realize that I did not elaborate much, and any question on this letter I will be glad to politely respond to. Thanks for reading on what I tried to keep brief. I look forward to your response.

    • @messianic_scam
      @messianic_scam 4 роки тому +1

      16:10 what a baloney! the caves infron of him instead film ot let inside he rather talks about it

  • @fyrerayne8882
    @fyrerayne8882 2 роки тому

    I bet there's a lot more out there that hasn't been uncovered yet

  • @gregdavis19
    @gregdavis19 Рік тому

    Would this be the scroll of Isaiah that Jesus used to read from in the temple?

  • @DragonHeartTree
    @DragonHeartTree 3 роки тому

    If you believe God communicated with man thru prophets, then you realize He must do so again before the end.

  • @dianeplummer526
    @dianeplummer526 Рік тому

    So did you all go in the cave?

  • @lindaphillips4246
    @lindaphillips4246 5 років тому

    as of 2019 there are now 12 caves.

    • @ericrusselljohnson1
      @ericrusselljohnson1  5 років тому

      Not officially, though some scraps were found there. But it is still officially 11.

    • @messianic_scam
      @messianic_scam 4 роки тому

      Yah so why blabbering instead of film them inside the truth is inside afraid much?!

  • @jamaicateachthechildrencha9786
    @jamaicateachthechildrencha9786 5 місяців тому