The chassis design is based on a Marshall but that is where all real similarity ends. If you knew anything at all about the Splawn amps, you would know that there is a considerable difference in the gain stages and the tone stack. And why the 'idiot' comment? Seriously...?
sorry we didn't have a studio setup. Just a quick shot with a sony camera... Come up to the convention next year and bring a nice mic and recording rig, we'd be glad to have ya! Josh
Priceless. Both for comparing the two amps side-by-side, and for seeing Scott himself get up and jam with his customers. Thanks for posting.
Great to see Scott having fun! Tj you country raawker!
Impressive, guys. Greatest of luck with the Nitro release
This stuff is awesome, Man! Thanks for posting this! I, too, have recently become a McNaught/Splawn disciple!
They both sound effin awesome! My personal fave would have to be the Quickrod though. Sounds a little 'sweeter' to my ears.
Love my Quickrod, gotta get me a Splawn speaker to complete the package.
damn...the mids on the quickrod are amazing! so much clarity. i want one! ha
That tone. It out Marshalls a Marshall any day. WOOF!
+MeTuLHeD just dont forget these are marshall copies u idiot
The chassis design is based on a Marshall but that is where all real similarity ends. If you knew anything at all about the Splawn amps, you would know that there is a considerable difference in the gain stages and the tone stack.
And why the 'idiot' comment? Seriously...?
2:00!! A collaborative KILLER TONE effort. Sweeeet :)
those amps really rock ;))
I love my Marshall Plexi 1987X 50W Clone gonna do some mods to it to sound even better hehe
Damn, the QR sounds thin against the Nitro, but then again, it cuts better through a mix and it's a bit more suited for lead playing, I guess?
sorry we didn't have a studio setup. Just a quick shot with a sony camera... Come up to the convention next year and bring a nice mic and recording rig, we'd be glad to have ya!
Kickin' it!
Don't forget to get a Splawn cab!!
Hey Josh, Wade (guy from Memphis) here...What is this Nitro? Sounds killer!
Anyways, hope to meet up and try that Vigier soon too.
this isn't a demo!!!! This was just a recording of people jamming at scott's convention when he released this amp!
I think the nitro wins, but i still love my quickrod.
yeah he did! Adam has one too now!
I think this is what Marshall wanted to be when he was little but never made it.
both ams sounding good...
wish the boys would play more textures instead of riff.. but I can understand :)
Kool ile think about it
both amps sound great, but let licks dueling and more tonal laying would have showcased the amps better,
I need an amp
Just waiting for a Nitro to pop up on ebay. :p
I wanna buy a Quick Splawn... but I live in Brazil it is hard to find one here.
Uhhhh which guy is using the nitro and which guy is using the quickrod?
does that yellow stack look familiar?
I like the nitro better here but, they're pretty close in character. both marshall sounds just more mids on the left from what i hear.
You know TJ ?
How? Is it possible?
Fact: Splawns will shut off if you attempt to use a neck pickup :o
i do want a quickrod but i live in italy .-.
we could make it happen easy.
demos with not rythm guiter just dont do it for me. Kinna irritating I'd love to hear what these amps can do.
Man, I get so sick of hearing people solo. Would have been nice to just hear some fat chord work.
Hey, as super-cool as this video is, it does NOTHING to illustrate the differences between the Nitro and QR. Just sayin'.