明日英検なのでよかったら採点お願いします🙇♀️ TOPIC Some people say that Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan. Do you agree with this opinion? POINTS • Aging society • Culture • Language I agree that Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan. This essay will explain two reasons for my argument in terms of culture and language. First, it would be necessary to accept more foreign individuals to work in Japan. This is partly because it contribute to understant abroad culture so we can make a variety of friends. Second, accept more abroad individuals to job in Japan has a good effect on language, For instance, we can learn a lot of language so we became smart. For these reasons mentioned above, Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan.I believe that increase more foreign individuals to work in Japan.
採点結果 1. Structure: 3/4 エッセイはイントロダクション、2つのボディパラグラフ、結論という基本的な構成が取られており、全体の流れは明確です。ただし、各段落の中で論理の展開が浅く、具体例や説明が不足しています。これにより、読者が納得するのに十分な情報が提供されていません。 2. Content: 3/4 意見は明確であり、理由も述べられています。ただし、理由として挙げられている「文化」と「言語」について、具体的な説明や詳細が不足しており、説得力が弱いです。また、特定のエッセイ課題を超えた幅広い視点が欠けています。 3. Grammar: 2/4 複数の文法的誤りが見受けられます。たとえば、「it contribute」や「accept more abroad individuals」など、動詞の活用や表現が不適切です。また、時制や文構造に一貫性がない部分もあります。 4. Vocabulary: 2/4 語彙は基本的なものが多く、一部の表現は不自然です(例: “abroad individuals”)。適切な語彙の選択とより幅広い表現を用いることで、文章が改善されます。また、いくつかの言葉遣いが反復しており、表現の多様性に欠けています。 Total: 10/16 文法や表記のみを直した機械的な修正をした英文 I agree that Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan. This essay will explain two reasons for my argument in terms of culture and language. First, it would be necessary to accept more foreign individuals to work in Japan. This is partly because it contributes to understanding foreign culture so we can make a variety of friends. Second, accepting more foreign individuals to work in Japan has a good effect on language. For instance, we can learn a lot of languages so we can become smart. For these reasons mentioned above, Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan. I believe that increasing more foreign individuals to work in Japan is necessary. 2で修正した箇所 a. “contribute” → “contributes”: 主語が三人称単数のため、動詞を三単現形に修正しました。 b. “abroad culture” → “foreign culture”: 正しい表現に修正しました。 c. “accept more abroad individuals” → “accepting more foreign individuals”: 文法と語彙の両方を正しく修正しました。 d. “we can learn a lot of language” → “we can learn a lot of languages”: 数えられる名詞の複数形に修正しました。 e. “we became smart” → “we can become smart”: 時制の一貫性を持たせるために修正しました。 f. “increase more foreign individuals” → “increasing more foreign individuals”: 不定詞を名詞句に修正しました。 島田が書き直した英文 I agree that Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan. This essay will explain two reasons for my argument in terms of culture and language. First, it is important to accept more foreign individuals to work in Japan because it helps us understand foreign cultures better. By doing so, we can expand our perspectives and make more diverse friends. Second, allowing more foreign workers in Japan can positively impact language learning. For example, Japanese people can practice communicating in different languages and improve their language skills. For these reasons, I strongly believe that Japan should accept more foreign individuals to work in the country. 4で修正した箇所 a. イントロダクションを簡潔にしつつ、エッセイ全体の目的を明確にしました。 b. “it contributes to understanding foreign culture so we can make a variety of friends” → “it helps us understand foreign cultures better. By doing so, we can expand our perspectives and make more diverse friends.”: 不自然な表現をより自然で具体的なものにしました。 c. “we can learn a lot of languages so we can become smart” → “Japanese people can practice communicating in different languages and improve their language skills.”: より明確で論理的な表現に修正しました。 d. 結論部分をより説得力のある形で再構築しました。 コメント このエッセイは基本的な構成と主張がしっかりしていますが、具体的な説明や詳細の不足が目立ちました。また、文法や語彙の面でいくつかのミスがあり、特に自然な英語表現を意識するとさらに良い文章になります。たとえば、具体的な例を挙げることで、読者があなたの意見をより理解しやすくなります。今後は、理由や例をもう少し詳しく掘り下げる練習をすると良いでしょう。 いかがでしたでしょうか?英検のライティング問題パターンごとのテンプレ、覚えておくと使いやすい表現、アイディア出しの方法など直接指導を受けたい場合は、島田まで連絡をくださいね。英検の傾向はどんどん変わっていき、採点基準も微妙に変化しています。最新の情報や最新の指導を受けたい方はご連絡ください。
2024年第2回 In Japan, some people say that famous tourist sites, such as castles and temples, should limit the number of visitors. Do you agree with this opinion? このトピックの場合だとテンプレのthat以下にいれるのって、どこからどこまでを入れればよいのですか?
店で人が新しい服を買う代わりに服装を直してもらうことは良いアイデアですかの添削お願いします、、 I think that shops should repair visitor’s clothes for the following two reasons. Firstly,it is important for shops to repairing visitor’s clothes. Repairing clothes contributes to good opinion of shops,and as a result shops will be more famous. Secondly,Repairing clothes makes visitors happy because the can become handsome or beautiful people by doing so.also,a lot of people love it. That is why I believe that shops should repair visitor’s clothes. と書きました。ミスはbeautifulのスペルを間違えたくらいです。とにかく時間が無くてめちゃくちゃな文を書いてしまいました。何点くらいだと思いますか。受験のために今回受からないとやばいです
採点結果 Structure (構成): 2/4 序論・本論・結論の構成があり、一応意見が述べられてはいます。しかし、各段落のつながりが弱く、全体の流れがスムーズではありません。例えば、「Firstly」「Secondly」を使って段落を分けていますが、理由が十分に展開されていないため説得力が薄いです。 Content (内容): 2/4 訪問者の服を直すことで店の評判が良くなるというアイデアは明確ですが、理由の説明が曖昧で具体性に欠けます。「handsome or beautiful」という表現も論理的には不自然で、読者に納得感を与えにくいです。 Grammar (文法): 2/4 文法的なミスがいくつか見られます。例えば、「it is important for shops to repairing」では「to repair」が正しいです。また、「the can become」や「also,a lot of people love it」などの誤りがあります。 Vocabulary (語彙): 2/4 単語の選択において不自然な表現がいくつか見受けられます。「good opinion of shops」よりも「good reputation」の方が自然です。また、「famous」や「handsome or beautiful」などはこの文脈にそぐわないため、別の言い回しが必要です。 Total: 8/16 文法や表記のみを直した機械的な修正をした英文 I think that shops should repair visitors’ clothes for the following two reasons. Firstly, it is important for shops to repair visitors’ clothes. Repairing clothes contributes to a good reputation of shops, and as a result, shops will be more famous. Secondly, repairing clothes makes visitors happy because they can become handsome or beautiful people by doing so. Also, a lot of people love it. That is why I believe that shops should repair visitors’ clothes. 2で修正した箇所 a. 「visitor’s clothes」→「visitors’ clothes」 理由: 主語が複数形であるため、所有格も複数形に一致させる必要があります。 b. 「to repairing」→「to repair」 理由: 「to + 動詞の原形」が正しい形です。 c. 「good opinion of shops」→「a good reputation of shops」 理由: 文脈に適した語彙を選択するため。 d. 「the can become」→「they can become」 理由: 主語と代名詞が一致していないミスを修正しました。 e. 「also,a lot of people love it」→「Also, a lot of people love it」 理由: 文の始まりは大文字、コンマの後にスペースが必要です。 島田が書き直した英文 I think that shops should repair visitors’ clothes for the following two reasons. Firstly, repairing clothes can improve the reputation of shops. This is because providing such a service shows care for customers, which leads to positive reviews and increased popularity. Secondly, repairing clothes makes customers happy, as they can wear their favorite clothes for a longer time. Many people appreciate this kind of eco-friendly and thoughtful service. For these reasons, I believe that shops should repair visitors’ clothes instead of encouraging them to buy new ones. 4で修正した箇所 a. 「it is important for shops to repair visitors’ clothes」→「repairing clothes can improve the reputation of shops」 理由: 理由を具体化し、説得力を高めるために書き換えました。 b. 「Repairing clothes contributes to a good reputation of shops, and as a result, shops will be more famous.」→「This is because providing such a service shows care for customers, which leads to positive reviews and increased popularity.」 理由: 表現を自然にし、論理的なつながりを明確にするため。 c. 「repairing clothes makes visitors happy because they can become handsome or beautiful people by doing so」→「repairing clothes makes customers happy, as they can wear their favorite clothes for a longer time」 理由: 現実的で自然な理由に修正しました。 d. 「a lot of people love it」→「Many people appreciate this kind of eco-friendly and thoughtful service」 理由: 文脈に合った語彙を用い、文章を発展させるために修正しました。 e. 最終文を追加:「For these reasons, I believe that shops should repair visitors’ clothes instead of encouraging them to buy new ones.」 理由: 結論をより明確にし、説得力を持たせるため。 コメント 文章全体のアイデアは面白いですが、説明が抽象的で具体例に欠けていました。また、いくつかの文法ミスや不自然な表現が見られたため、読者にとって説得力が弱まる結果となっています。次回はアイデアをもう少し掘り下げ、具体例を加えるとさらに良くなるでしょう。例えば、服の修理が環境問題への貢献になる点や、顧客との信頼関係を築ける点を挙げると、より説得力のある文章になります。 いかがでしたでしょうか?英検のライティング問題パターンごとのテンプレ、覚えておくと使いやすい表現、アイディア出しの方法など直接指導を受けたい場合は、島田まで連絡をくださいね。英検の傾向はどんどん変わっていき、採点基準も微妙に変化しています。最新の情報や最新の指導を受けたい方はご連絡ください。
添削お願いします 問題 It is often said that restaurants and supermarkets should try to reduce the amount of food that they throw away. Do you agree with this opinion? 自分の意見 I agree with this opinion for the following two reasons. First of all, It is worse for the environment to abandon the trash.It contributes to bad smell and flourishing pest, and as a result these things has a negative impact on people's health and safety. Another reason is that poverty is one of the critical factor. Therefore,abandoning a lot of foods will makes poor people sad because they can't eat more food. For these reasons mentioned above, I agree with this idea that restaurants and supermarkets should try to reduce the amount of food that they throw away.
直しました I agree with this opinion for the following two reasons. First of all, It is worse for the environment to abandon the trash. It contributes to bad smell and flourishing pest, and as a result these things has a negative impact on people's health and safety. Another reason is that poverty is one of the critical factor. Therefore,abandoning a lot of foods makes poor people sad because they can't eat more food. For these reasons mentioned above, I agree with this idea that restaurants and supermarkets should try to reduce the amount of food that they throw away. お願いします🙏
@wakatukirikujyou 採点結果 構成: 3/4 理由が2つ提示されており、それぞれ段落が分かれている点は良いですが、文章全体のつながりがやや弱く、スムーズな流れに欠けています。例えば、結論部分が短すぎるため、全体の締まりが足りません。 内容: 3/4 意見がはっきりしており、環境問題や貧困について具体的な理由を述べています。ただし、「poverty is one of the critical factor」という点についての具体例がやや不十分です。さらに深い説明があると説得力が増します。 文法: 2/4 いくつか文法的なミスが見られます。例えば、「these things has」や「abandoning the trash」などの部分に文法的な誤りがあります。また、冠詞や動詞の一致が正確でない箇所があります。 語彙: 3/4 適切な単語が多く使われていますが、「flourishing pest」のように意味が曖昧な表現や、不自然な語の選び方が見られます。「makes poor people sad」のような表現も、より洗練された言い回しにするとよいでしょう。 総合得点: 11/16 文法や表記のみを直した機械的な修正をした英文 I agree with this opinion for the following two reasons. First of all, it is worse for the environment to throw away trash. It contributes to bad smells and flourishing pests, and as a result, these things have a negative impact on people’s health and safety. Another reason is that poverty is one of the critical factors. Therefore, abandoning a lot of food makes poor people feel sad because they cannot eat enough food. For these reasons mentioned above, I agree with this idea that restaurants and supermarkets should try to reduce the amount of food that they throw away. 2で修正した箇所 a. 「It is worse for the environment to abandon the trash」を「it is worse for the environment to throw away trash」に修正。 →「abandon」は「見捨てる」というニュアンスが強く、不自然。適切な表現に置き換えました。 b. 「flourishing pest」を「flourishing pests」に修正。 →「pest」は通常複数形で使われるため修正しました。 c. 「these things has」を「these things have」に修正。 → 主語が複数形なので、動詞を「has」から「have」に変更しました。 d. 「poverty is one of the critical factor」を「poverty is one of the critical factors」に修正。 → 「factor」が複数形である必要があります。 e. 「makes poor people sad」を「makes poor people feel sad」に修正。 → 感情を表す場合、「feel」を加える方が自然です。 f. 「they can’t eat more food」を「they cannot eat enough food」に修正。 →「eat more food」は不自然なため、より適切な表現に変更しました。 島田が書き直した英文 I agree with this opinion for the following two reasons. First of all, throwing away food harms the environment. It produces bad smells and attracts pests, which negatively affect people’s health and safety. Reducing food waste can help solve these problems. Another reason is that food waste worsens poverty. When edible food is thrown away, it could instead be given to people in need. This would make a significant difference for those who cannot afford enough to eat. For these reasons, I strongly agree that restaurants and supermarkets should try to reduce the amount of food they throw away. 4で修正した箇所 a. 導入部を「for the following two reasons」とし、主張が明確になるように微調整しました。 b. 「throw away trash」を「throwing away food」に変更し、テーマにより直接関連する表現に修正しました。 c. 「flourishing pests」を「attracts pests」に変更し、自然な表現にしました。 d. 「abandoning a lot of food」を「when edible food is thrown away」に変更し、意味が明確になるよう改善しました。 e. 「makes poor people feel sad」を「could instead be given to people in need」に変更し、説得力を高めました。 コメント この文章は、テーマに対する意見が明確であり、構成も整っています。ただし、いくつかの文法的なミスや不自然な表現が見られました。修正により、全体の流れと表現力が向上しました。特に具体例を増やすことで、内容がさらに説得力を持つようになります。いかがでしたでしょうか?英検のライティング問題パターンごとのテンプレ、覚えておくと使いやすい表現、アイディア出しの方法など直接指導を受けたい場合は、島田まで連絡をくださいね。英検の傾向はどんどん変わっていき、採点基準も微妙に変化しています。最新の情報や最新の指導を受けたい方はご連絡ください。
It can have a good effect on the way をIt's can possibility impact people's perspectives.でもいいですか?
is can?
Some people say that Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan. Do you agree with this opinion?
• Aging society
• Culture
• Language
I agree that Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan. This essay will explain two reasons for my argument in terms of culture and language. First, it would be necessary to accept more foreign individuals to work in Japan. This is partly because it contribute to understant abroad culture so we can make a variety of friends.
Second, accept more abroad individuals to job in Japan has a good effect on language, For instance, we can learn a lot of language so we became smart. For these reasons mentioned above, Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan.I believe that increase more foreign individuals to work in Japan.
1. Structure: 3/4
2. Content: 3/4
3. Grammar: 2/4
複数の文法的誤りが見受けられます。たとえば、「it contribute」や「accept more abroad individuals」など、動詞の活用や表現が不適切です。また、時制や文構造に一貫性がない部分もあります。
4. Vocabulary: 2/4
語彙は基本的なものが多く、一部の表現は不自然です(例: “abroad individuals”)。適切な語彙の選択とより幅広い表現を用いることで、文章が改善されます。また、いくつかの言葉遣いが反復しており、表現の多様性に欠けています。
Total: 10/16
I agree that Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan. This essay will explain two reasons for my argument in terms of culture and language. First, it would be necessary to accept more foreign individuals to work in Japan. This is partly because it contributes to understanding foreign culture so we can make a variety of friends.
Second, accepting more foreign individuals to work in Japan has a good effect on language. For instance, we can learn a lot of languages so we can become smart. For these reasons mentioned above, Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan. I believe that increasing more foreign individuals to work in Japan is necessary.
a. “contribute” → “contributes”: 主語が三人称単数のため、動詞を三単現形に修正しました。
b. “abroad culture” → “foreign culture”: 正しい表現に修正しました。
c. “accept more abroad individuals” → “accepting more foreign individuals”: 文法と語彙の両方を正しく修正しました。
d. “we can learn a lot of language” → “we can learn a lot of languages”: 数えられる名詞の複数形に修正しました。
e. “we became smart” → “we can become smart”: 時制の一貫性を持たせるために修正しました。
f. “increase more foreign individuals” → “increasing more foreign individuals”: 不定詞を名詞句に修正しました。
I agree that Japan should accept more people from other countries to work in Japan. This essay will explain two reasons for my argument in terms of culture and language.
First, it is important to accept more foreign individuals to work in Japan because it helps us understand foreign cultures better. By doing so, we can expand our perspectives and make more diverse friends.
Second, allowing more foreign workers in Japan can positively impact language learning. For example, Japanese people can practice communicating in different languages and improve their language skills.
For these reasons, I strongly believe that Japan should accept more foreign individuals to work in the country.
a. イントロダクションを簡潔にしつつ、エッセイ全体の目的を明確にしました。
b. “it contributes to understanding foreign culture so we can make a variety of friends” → “it helps us understand foreign cultures better. By doing so, we can expand our perspectives and make more diverse friends.”: 不自然な表現をより自然で具体的なものにしました。
c. “we can learn a lot of languages so we can become smart” → “Japanese people can practice communicating in different languages and improve their language skills.”: より明確で論理的な表現に修正しました。
d. 結論部分をより説得力のある形で再構築しました。
@ ありがとうございます😭
@asa-v7q あります!noteの有料版に13種類、問題のパターン別に載せてます!
In Japan, some people say that famous tourist sites, such as castles and temples, should limit the number of visitors. Do you agree with this
famous tourist sites should limit the number of visitorsになります。such as以下は具体例なので抜いて大丈夫です。
I think that shops should repair visitor’s clothes for the following two reasons.
Firstly,it is important for shops to repairing visitor’s clothes.
Repairing clothes contributes to good opinion of shops,and as a result shops will be more famous.
Secondly,Repairing clothes makes visitors happy because the can become handsome or beautiful people by doing so.also,a lot of people love it.
That is why I believe that shops should repair visitor’s clothes.
Structure (構成): 2/4
Content (内容): 2/4
訪問者の服を直すことで店の評判が良くなるというアイデアは明確ですが、理由の説明が曖昧で具体性に欠けます。「handsome or beautiful」という表現も論理的には不自然で、読者に納得感を与えにくいです。
Grammar (文法): 2/4
文法的なミスがいくつか見られます。例えば、「it is important for shops to repairing」では「to repair」が正しいです。また、「the can become」や「also,a lot of people love it」などの誤りがあります。
Vocabulary (語彙): 2/4
単語の選択において不自然な表現がいくつか見受けられます。「good opinion of shops」よりも「good reputation」の方が自然です。また、「famous」や「handsome or beautiful」などはこの文脈にそぐわないため、別の言い回しが必要です。
Total: 8/16
I think that shops should repair visitors’ clothes for the following two reasons.
Firstly, it is important for shops to repair visitors’ clothes.
Repairing clothes contributes to a good reputation of shops, and as a result, shops will be more famous.
Secondly, repairing clothes makes visitors happy because they can become handsome or beautiful people by doing so. Also, a lot of people love it.
That is why I believe that shops should repair visitors’ clothes.
a. 「visitor’s clothes」→「visitors’ clothes」
理由: 主語が複数形であるため、所有格も複数形に一致させる必要があります。
b. 「to repairing」→「to repair」
理由: 「to + 動詞の原形」が正しい形です。
c. 「good opinion of shops」→「a good reputation of shops」
理由: 文脈に適した語彙を選択するため。
d. 「the can become」→「they can become」
理由: 主語と代名詞が一致していないミスを修正しました。
e. 「also,a lot of people love it」→「Also, a lot of people love it」
理由: 文の始まりは大文字、コンマの後にスペースが必要です。
I think that shops should repair visitors’ clothes for the following two reasons.
Firstly, repairing clothes can improve the reputation of shops. This is because providing such a service shows care for customers, which leads to positive reviews and increased popularity.
Secondly, repairing clothes makes customers happy, as they can wear their favorite clothes for a longer time. Many people appreciate this kind of eco-friendly and thoughtful service.
For these reasons, I believe that shops should repair visitors’ clothes instead of encouraging them to buy new ones.
a. 「it is important for shops to repair visitors’ clothes」→「repairing clothes can improve the reputation of shops」
理由: 理由を具体化し、説得力を高めるために書き換えました。
b. 「Repairing clothes contributes to a good reputation of shops, and as a result, shops will be more famous.」→「This is because providing such a service shows care for customers, which leads to positive reviews and increased popularity.」
理由: 表現を自然にし、論理的なつながりを明確にするため。
c. 「repairing clothes makes visitors happy because they can become handsome or beautiful people by doing so」→「repairing clothes makes customers happy, as they can wear their favorite clothes for a longer time」
理由: 現実的で自然な理由に修正しました。
d. 「a lot of people love it」→「Many people appreciate this kind of eco-friendly and thoughtful service」
理由: 文脈に合った語彙を用い、文章を発展させるために修正しました。
e. 最終文を追加:「For these reasons, I believe that shops should repair visitors’ clothes instead of encouraging them to buy new ones.」
理由: 結論をより明確にし、説得力を持たせるため。
It is often said that restaurants and supermarkets should try to reduce the amount of food that they throw away. Do you agree with this opinion?
I agree with this opinion for the following two reasons.
First of all, It is worse for the environment to abandon the trash.It contributes to bad smell and flourishing pest, and as a result these things has a negative impact on people's health and safety.
Another reason is that poverty is one of the critical factor.
Therefore,abandoning a lot of foods will makes poor people sad because they can't eat more food.
For these reasons mentioned above, I agree with this idea that restaurants and supermarkets should try to reduce the amount of food that they throw away.
I agree with this opinion for the following two reasons.
First of all, It is worse for the environment to abandon the trash. It contributes to bad smell and flourishing pest, and as a result these things has a negative impact on people's health and safety. Another reason is that poverty is one of the critical factor. Therefore,abandoning a lot of foods makes poor people sad because they can't eat more food.
For these reasons mentioned above, I agree with this idea that restaurants and supermarkets should try to reduce the amount of food that they throw away.
構成: 3/4
内容: 3/4
意見がはっきりしており、環境問題や貧困について具体的な理由を述べています。ただし、「poverty is one of the critical factor」という点についての具体例がやや不十分です。さらに深い説明があると説得力が増します。
文法: 2/4
いくつか文法的なミスが見られます。例えば、「these things has」や「abandoning the trash」などの部分に文法的な誤りがあります。また、冠詞や動詞の一致が正確でない箇所があります。
語彙: 3/4
適切な単語が多く使われていますが、「flourishing pest」のように意味が曖昧な表現や、不自然な語の選び方が見られます。「makes poor people sad」のような表現も、より洗練された言い回しにするとよいでしょう。
総合得点: 11/16
I agree with this opinion for the following two reasons.
First of all, it is worse for the environment to throw away trash. It contributes to bad smells and flourishing pests, and as a result, these things have a negative impact on people’s health and safety.
Another reason is that poverty is one of the critical factors. Therefore, abandoning a lot of food makes poor people feel sad because they cannot eat enough food.
For these reasons mentioned above, I agree with this idea that restaurants and supermarkets should try to reduce the amount of food that they throw away.
a. 「It is worse for the environment to abandon the trash」を「it is worse for the environment to throw away trash」に修正。
b. 「flourishing pest」を「flourishing pests」に修正。
c. 「these things has」を「these things have」に修正。
→ 主語が複数形なので、動詞を「has」から「have」に変更しました。
d. 「poverty is one of the critical factor」を「poverty is one of the critical factors」に修正。
→ 「factor」が複数形である必要があります。
e. 「makes poor people sad」を「makes poor people feel sad」に修正。
→ 感情を表す場合、「feel」を加える方が自然です。
f. 「they can’t eat more food」を「they cannot eat enough food」に修正。
→「eat more food」は不自然なため、より適切な表現に変更しました。
I agree with this opinion for the following two reasons.
First of all, throwing away food harms the environment. It produces bad smells and attracts pests, which negatively affect people’s health and safety. Reducing food waste can help solve these problems.
Another reason is that food waste worsens poverty. When edible food is thrown away, it could instead be given to people in need. This would make a significant difference for those who cannot afford enough to eat.
For these reasons, I strongly agree that restaurants and supermarkets should try to reduce the amount of food they throw away.
a. 導入部を「for the following two reasons」とし、主張が明確になるように微調整しました。
b. 「throw away trash」を「throwing away food」に変更し、テーマにより直接関連する表現に修正しました。
c. 「flourishing pests」を「attracts pests」に変更し、自然な表現にしました。
d. 「abandoning a lot of food」を「when edible food is thrown away」に変更し、意味が明確になるよう改善しました。
e. 「makes poor people feel sad」を「could instead be given to people in need」に変更し、説得力を高めました。