im lesbian and there is nothing wrong with me. I just get sick and tired of Christianity making me feel like crap. I do beleive in God but I refuse to think i am shit. I just live in faith and I accept whatever happens to me after death. The way I look at it is i rather live as me and be happy, than to fake being straight and being miserable. I am just me.
You are definitely not crap! You and me are made in the image of God. I learned since covid that I am truly loved by Jesus and it’s really the misguided church people or so called Christians that make us believe that we are not accepted. I know i am saved because Jesus is my savior. I can still be myself in all my flaws and non flaws and even in my gayness and still express Jesus at the same time. Be you and don’t ever think that Jesus Christ doesn’t love you. I quit trying to climb out of myself and now I accept myself because Jesus accepts me. I know I am a sinner saved by grace aka love. ❤ love to you 😊
@@erickchristopher8568 sorry to break it to you, but Jesus was a liar and a fraud. A deeply deluded individual. He is no different than Muhammad Joseph smith or David Koresh. It’s just the mists of time that keep his cults doing so well.
Gay christian here. Im married and have adopted two beautiful children. After my long standing small group Bible study friends tossed me aside, and my family questioned my faith. I have had a long 12 yrs of progress with God. My family quickly turned around once I explained. My friends started showing back up in my life and observing. I took every step with this simple question: God, should I do this and will it be blessed by you? Instead of making me a stumbling block he made miracle after miracle happen in my life. I've never been so sure He is with me. Follow up questions are welcome, theres only so much room in these comments. God bless you! ❤
I’m sorry to inform you that the Christian god Yahweh is a fictitious demon and his “son” was a liar and a fraud, just like every supposed avatar and prophet has been in human history. The deeper you get into any faith, the deeper the person descends into wickedness and delusion. Repent, turn back on your errors and live in reality rather in one you make up in your head.
This gives me hope that maybe it’s okay. I am gay and Christian myself and constantly struggle with this. It’s an internal fight I feel like I deal with every day. I’ve tried praying it away for years, cried myself to sleep wanting to crawl out of my own skin. At the same time I love Jesus and I feel like when it’s counted the most he’s been there and proved his love for me, but I am still so confused with this. I constantly feel on the defense with other Christian’s and yet also try and understand their view point - that they are just going along with what’s been taught to them and maybe haven’t done research on the subject and there just telling me what they think Jesus would tell me. but then again I also question that maybe their right and I need to live a life of celibacy and forget about finding that kind of love. I’ve asked God if that’s the case please take my longing for it away, but then when I see stories like yours or hear about things like this I also question if it’s so wrong why does God bless some gay people with great partners and families of their own? why if God is disgusted with homosexuality why would it be prevalent in many other species? It says God created every living thing and it was good. I’ve heard strong arguments for both sides on why it’s wrong or why it could be right. I sincerely hope there is nothing wrong with that part of myself and It does make me happy when I hear about other gay people that find that peace or happiness and live lives of normalcy. So thank you for sharing! God bless you and your families journey!
@@brenb7153 God bless you man! I was right where you are. If you ever do dip your feet in to date, just be very cautious of two things. The dating world is not like the Christian dating scene, you have to declare you are all about your faith and not compromise on being unequally yolked. #2 I've watched several people just essentially go on like they don't need God anymore, like He was holding them back. Stick close to Him, no matter what others have said He feels about you. I hope you have a prosperous life and can experience what I am experiencing. For all you know He could have made you purposefully this way. I would suggest you assume that going forward. None of us are going to hell for making mistakes, only if we denounce our true creator, and by not wanting to know or be associated with Him. I should comment on more vids. I sure know I was hunting them down when I was where you are now. To show you just how little people know about the Bible you should look into Dr. Michael Heiser's work. He may not be totally on board with what I'm telling you but I'm learning so much from him, on YT and the Naked Bible podcast.
I love the term "clobber passages". I have never heard it put exactly that way before. Looking back on it, having been the son of a lay preacher in a time before the whole evangelical thing was a known huge thing and never having it really reach my little rural middle of nowhere town was a blessing in a way. I'll never be an atheist or a fan of organized religion, but all of that combined with my disability from birth and figuring out that I'm bisexual at 13 made it very different for me than your usual guests. I never had anything to "deconstruct" in the first place. I never held any beliefs that had to be examined that way. Because I always felt ok about it, I would probably have been one of the radical protesters getting arrested all the time for our rights if I had been able-bodied.
Colby’s opening word about everyone needing to be needed hit something I’ve been grappling with. So often in the church we are told so many things are wrong. Like we can’t trust our desires because our heart is wicked and we can’t trust it. Or that being gay is a sin but I am now beginning to think it’s not so much that these things are outright sinful but the abuse of them or the point they become harmful to others or imbalanced is when it becomes sinful.
I can definitely relate. I was a Baptist Pastor and missionary in Indonesia. 6 years theological training. The fact that I am gay was medically proven during electronic shock therapy as part of 13 years or reparative therapy. It was done by a Dr who was President of the Baptist Church at that time. It was highly abusive and very painful. My accepting wife had MS for 26 years before she passed. I was her carer. On our wedding day we vowed "In sickness and in health...until death us do part. " We did that. I am now free finally to be the gay man I always was. I wrote a paper on what the Bible actually says about homosexuality. It was published in the US and 7700 replied and 90% 7000 agreed with what I wrote. I was told not only that I couldn't preach but that I was not welcome to even attend church. That was hard. I now occasionally attend an MCC gay accepting church, but mostly I just watch the services online. I am not a member there. They meet along way away from here. But believe me I am 100% gay. Not a doubt. But I'm not looking for a guy as my partner or husband. Too old now. I am almost 78. But I strongly support same sex marriage. The church's rejection of gays is political - Not theological. In Australia we had a Marriage Equality Survey done by the Federal Government in 2017. 77.5% of Australians voted YES. It was a landslide victory.
Gay male ex-Christian here! Those clobber verses, the atheists are in agreement with the homophobic Christians that the Christian Bible is virulently homophobic! Except you can flip the Sodom city narrative on its head if you know of gay men who were queerb@shed during which they were also "known" against their will, you can cabin the two verses in Leviticus, but Paul is still problematic. The Greek he uses is like a slippery eel especially when you take into account whet he thinks about sexual desires. Fortunately you can dismiss the Roman passage as his own private opinion and cabin the verses in 1 Corinthians and Timothy, probably against Paul's opinion! Plus, a careful reading of Philemon seems to indicate that he was a hypocrite because he and Onesimus were lovers! PDF, "The Sexual Use of Slaves and Philemon". Then there's Jesus' example with the Centurion at Capernaum (Matthew 8, Luke 7), Lazarus-John his beloved disciple (John 11-12, 13, 19, 20, 21), and the youth in the Garden (Mark 14:51-52).
Great podcast guys - My mountain top experience took me down the path of deconstructing, where I realised God didn’t really care what we thought (our ideas), but he fundamentally cares about our hearts. Love is key, as you approach the throne… as Yeshua taught the Kingdom of heaven is inside of you… A toaster needs electricity, and bread to make toast, take away the bread, you can’t have toast, turn off the power you can’t have toast, take away the toaster you can’t have toast. Body (Christ), Mind (Father), Holy Spirit (Soul).
YES, thank you! It is such a debilitating condition. I wish people would stop throwing it around like that. You know for sure they don't have real OCD when they do that
When this last failed relationship recommended me to their psychologist that's when I realized I'm definitely in need of help. Christianity definitely has not helped at all except represed who i really am
I really enjoyed the discussion of the meaning of faith. The most profound piece of theology I ever read was from former Jesuit priest, John MacNeil, who titled his second theological treatise on homosexuality in the church "Taking a Chance on God". The mere title of that book was the most profound truth I have ever encountered.
We're all sinners. Paul said he was the chief of sinners. Sinners need a savior to save them from sin, not in sin. "He came to save His people from their sins". When I got saved I did not expect no be relieved of my alcohol addiction but I was. "The things I once loved I now hated". All glory to Him.
No one is innocent before God....he is good to all. Even christians do things they should not do. Im gay and occasionaly I pray to God...why not? We all sinners....didnt jesus say "he who is without sin cast the first stone"? Live your life freely God loves everyone. Many hypocrites in the christian faith church.
Leviticus made you stop -- Leviticus is so great it gets into the social experiment -- how we will have a good society part. Ut has the forgiveness of debts and sabbath year and stuff
So where are all the ignorant people quoting Leviticus and Romans 1? You know, those heartless, close minded, uninformed, and holier than thou people? Well, we come a long way since the late 1970s and 1980s with the Moral Majority and the like
This guy in the interview is a revelation and is a true christian. Jesus excepted everyone and did'nt turn anyone away no matter what your sin or how poor you were. Today, there are various branches of so called christian faith, who profess they are right and preach the bible as they see it, but some will turn you away for being gay or simply having an attraction to the same sex. You don't even have to have acted on it to be banished from the church you attend. who gives them the right to turn anyone away? Everyone is a sinner including the pastors of the church. They foreget that Jesus died for our sins because he knew that humans will sin at sometime in their lives, some more than others, no matter how hard we try not to sin. The church are trying to be holy than thou, which for most people, they cannot be without complete sin. The so called christians who turn away folk they don't approve of are going against gods word. The gay issue is stupid because if being gay was so sinful in gods eyes, then why is'nt it one of the ten commandments? Stealing and bearing false witness against somone, or taking your neighbours wife are more prority sins. No mention of the gay issue. Use theological reasoning and truth. Don't add things to scriptural verses and it's true meaning.
No person has all the desires "percetct". We live in a fallen world, we have fallen bodies/mind/souls. Being atracted to same sex is one of consequences of that. It is not sin by itself, it is not something that somene has to try to change by force, but as every other perosn on Earthe, they are called to accept fullnes of life in Christ. Which can not be found in practicing on all the desires we have. I know it can sould crule...but there is so much gay people who didnt fing happines and fulfilmet before they went celibate. ❣🙏
55:44 Colby’s example here really does not work for suggesting Jesus didn’t want people to know who he was, or didn’t care about if they had the right answer about who he was. 1. Jesus told Peter, and many others, not to share information about who he was to avoid crucifixion at that time. He is constantly saying in the gospels that it is not his time. 2. Jesus then commands Peter and ALL his disciples, to go out and share everything he taught them. Including his identity. This happens at the end of the gospels. 3. The entirety of the gospels focus on people interacting with Jesus and having to make a choice or decision on who he truly is. Jesus is constantly presenting who he is to many people. He did this in parables to protect himself. You could not just outright come and say “I am God” without being killed is 1st century Jerusalem. He did this because he said it wasn’t his time to die on the cross yet. You have to look at scripture in context. I disagree with Colby’s theology. And I am sure I would disagree with this podcast, but that does not mean I did not enjoy listening to this. I enjoy hearing other peoples sides, and debating them. So thank you for this podcast!
If one truly has faith that Jesus is Lord and knows the best for humanity, then one will attempt to obey his counsel, as well as that of those he has appointed. This includes all people, the 'gay' and the 'straight' and all the other identity groups of this temporal world. The alternative is to put one's own decisions first, making one's self Lord. Faith and action are not two separate things.
The Church world is so WIDELY DIVIDED. This homosexual topic is so saturated within the fiber of Christianity as a whole. None of us will truly know what happens beyond this life UNTIL OUR PHYSICAL DEATH. There is soooo much uncertainty relative to whether or not embracing this particular life experience will cause us to burn for all eternity. Im exhausted from constantly trying to fast and pray the gay away. If God will not split the sky, stick his head out and say whether or not being gay is right or wrong. The Bible has all more divided than collective in our faith walk in this life. Im so exhausted of trying to figure it out. What will be will be ..... If hell is my eternal home when i die then what can I do about it. Good luck to all who struggle with their faith and sexuality.
Need...vs.....self idealistic/self righteous/self promoting to be some type of hero/self....false self Still in front of the camera, saying hey I know...follow me! ?? To where?
@@garybryson1900 The same way all the sages know, through meditation, reflection, introspection, looking within myself. This is the first of Jesus' twofold teaching. The second is love. "The kingdom of heaven is within you." JESUS, Luke 17:21
Jorge, I pray you come to realize your true sexuality, and stop repressing that essential part of yourself because you're afraid of being judged and losing the love of others. If those "others" would abandon you for affirming your true self their love was not worth it in the first place.
You have no idea what you're talking about. You're brainwashed. Christianity is theological propaganda, running completely counter to the teachings of Jesus.
No one is called to "TRY to be straight." ALL are called to obey the WORD of your KING and LORD over their desires. If you choose one over the other you are worshipping one over the other. You cannot serve two masters.
@@angelina9345doesnt take away from anything OP said. He is still correct. It makes no sense to choose Christianity but also choose to live in sin. Thats the equivalent to cherry picking
@@timothy2491 yeah just ditch Christianity, it’s a wicked and deluded collection of sects that have no truth in them. Smash the idols of Yahweh and Jesus on the trash bin of history where all the other false gods have gone.
@@timothy2491 Agreed, but they are not cherry picking. The closest thing that queer people of faith could do is to acknowledge and recognize the multivocality of the scripture and approach that in multiple ways. All believers will eventually cherry pick what they want to prioritize and believe in regardless of their acknowledgement of such an act.
im lesbian and there is nothing wrong with me. I just get sick and tired of Christianity making me feel like crap. I do beleive in God but I refuse to think i am shit. I just live in faith and I accept whatever happens to me after death. The way I look at it is i rather live as me and be happy, than to fake being straight and being miserable. I am just me.
You are definitely not crap! You and me are made in the image of God. I learned since covid that I am truly loved by Jesus and it’s really the misguided church people or so called Christians that make us believe that we are not accepted. I know i am saved because Jesus is my savior. I can still be myself in all my flaws and non flaws and even in my gayness and still express Jesus at the same time. Be you and don’t ever think that Jesus Christ doesn’t love you. I quit trying to climb out of myself and now I accept myself because Jesus accepts me. I know I am a sinner saved by grace aka love. ❤ love to you 😊
@@erickchristopher8568 sorry to break it to you, but Jesus was a liar and a fraud. A deeply deluded individual. He is no different than Muhammad Joseph smith or David Koresh. It’s just the mists of time that keep his cults doing so well.
Your awesome❤
@@MB-nx9tq and how does that relate to the overall conversation that they are having?
Wow the truth will be revealed
Gay christian here. Im married and have adopted two beautiful children. After my long standing small group Bible study friends tossed me aside, and my family questioned my faith. I have had a long 12 yrs of progress with God. My family quickly turned around once I explained. My friends started showing back up in my life and observing. I took every step with this simple question: God, should I do this and will it be blessed by you? Instead of making me a stumbling block he made miracle after miracle happen in my life. I've never been so sure He is with me. Follow up questions are welcome, theres only so much room in these comments. God bless you! ❤
I’m sorry to inform you that the Christian god Yahweh is a fictitious demon and his “son” was a liar and a fraud, just like every supposed avatar and prophet has been in human history. The deeper you get into any faith, the deeper the person descends into wickedness and delusion. Repent, turn back on your errors and live in reality rather in one you make up in your head.
Love this story!!! We need more like it to show that there is freedom, joy and peace on the other side
This gives me hope that maybe it’s okay. I am gay and Christian myself and constantly struggle with this. It’s an internal fight I feel like I deal with every day. I’ve tried praying it away for years, cried myself to sleep wanting to crawl out of my own skin. At the same time I love Jesus and I feel like when it’s counted the most he’s been there and proved his love for me, but I am still so confused with this. I constantly feel on the defense with other Christian’s and yet also try and understand their view point - that they are just going along with what’s been taught to them and maybe haven’t done research on the subject and there just telling me what they think Jesus would tell me. but then again I also question that maybe their right and I need to live a life of celibacy and forget about finding that kind of love. I’ve asked God if that’s the case please take my longing for it away, but then when I see stories like yours or hear about things like this I also question if it’s so wrong why does God bless some gay people with great partners and families of their own? why if God is disgusted with homosexuality why would it be prevalent in many other species? It says God created every living thing and it was good. I’ve heard strong arguments for both sides on why it’s wrong or why it could be right. I sincerely hope there is nothing wrong with that part of myself and It does make me happy when I hear about other gay people that find that peace or happiness and live lives of normalcy. So thank you for sharing! God bless you and your families journey!
@@brenb7153 God bless you man! I was right where you are. If you ever do dip your feet in to date, just be very cautious of two things. The dating world is not like the Christian dating scene, you have to declare you are all about your faith and not compromise on being unequally yolked. #2 I've watched several people just essentially go on like they don't need God anymore, like He was holding them back. Stick close to Him, no matter what others have said He feels about you.
I hope you have a prosperous life and can experience what I am experiencing. For all you know He could have made you purposefully this way. I would suggest you assume that going forward. None of us are going to hell for making mistakes, only if we denounce our true creator, and by not wanting to know or be associated with Him.
I should comment on more vids. I sure know I was hunting them down when I was where you are now.
To show you just how little people know about the Bible you should look into Dr. Michael Heiser's work. He may not be totally on board with what I'm telling you but I'm learning so much from him, on YT and the Naked Bible podcast.
I love the term "clobber passages". I have never heard it put exactly that way before. Looking back on it, having been the son of a lay preacher in a time before the whole evangelical thing was a known huge thing and never having it really reach my little rural middle of nowhere town was a blessing in a way. I'll never be an atheist or a fan of organized religion, but all of that combined with my disability from birth and figuring out that I'm bisexual at 13 made it very different for me than your usual guests. I never had anything to "deconstruct" in the first place. I never held any beliefs that had to be examined that way. Because I always felt ok about it, I would probably have been one of the radical protesters getting arrested all the time for our rights if I had been able-bodied.
Colby’s opening word about everyone needing to be needed hit something I’ve been grappling with. So often in the church we are told so many things are wrong. Like we can’t trust our desires because our heart is wicked and we can’t trust it. Or that being gay is a sin but I am now beginning to think it’s not so much that these things are outright sinful but the abuse of them or the point they become harmful to others or imbalanced is when it becomes sinful.
God loves lgbtq people and made us in His image also.
God doesn’t exist.
You bet!
You are God.
@@daodejing81 absolutely not.
@@MB-nx9tq absolutely so
I can definitely relate. I was a Baptist Pastor and missionary in Indonesia. 6 years theological training. The fact that I am gay was medically proven during electronic shock therapy as part of 13 years or reparative therapy. It was done by a Dr who was President of the Baptist Church at that time. It was highly abusive and very painful. My accepting wife had MS for 26 years before she passed. I was her carer. On our wedding day we vowed "In sickness and in health...until death us do part. " We did that. I am now free finally to be the gay man I always was.
I wrote a paper on what the Bible actually says about homosexuality. It was published in the US and 7700 replied and 90% 7000 agreed with what I wrote. I was told not only that I couldn't preach but that I was not welcome to even attend church. That was hard. I now occasionally attend an MCC gay accepting church, but mostly I just watch the services online. I am not a member there. They meet along way away from here. But believe me I am 100% gay. Not a doubt. But I'm not looking for a guy as my partner or husband. Too old now. I am almost 78. But I strongly support same sex marriage. The church's rejection of gays is political - Not theological.
In Australia we had a Marriage Equality Survey done by the Federal Government in 2017. 77.5% of Australians voted YES. It was a landslide victory.
I really like the formatting and style of this video! Thank you for helping me through this season in my life
Gay male ex-Christian here! Those clobber verses, the atheists are in agreement with the homophobic Christians that the Christian Bible is virulently homophobic!
Except you can flip the Sodom city narrative on its head if you know of gay men who were queerb@shed during which they were also "known" against their will, you can cabin the two verses in Leviticus, but Paul is still problematic. The Greek he uses is like a slippery eel especially when you take into account whet he thinks about sexual desires.
Fortunately you can dismiss the Roman passage as his own private opinion and cabin the verses in 1 Corinthians and Timothy, probably against Paul's opinion! Plus, a careful reading of Philemon seems to indicate that he was a hypocrite because he and Onesimus were lovers! PDF, "The Sexual Use of Slaves and Philemon".
Then there's Jesus' example with the Centurion at Capernaum (Matthew 8, Luke 7), Lazarus-John his beloved disciple (John 11-12, 13, 19, 20, 21), and the youth in the Garden (Mark 14:51-52).
What a wonderful guest. I was so blessed by this episode
LOL I love Nate's word vomit at the end of nearly every episode. haha. Love you guys! Another great episode. :)
Great episode and handsome guest 🙈
Great podcast guys - My mountain top experience took me down the path of deconstructing, where I realised God didn’t really care what we thought (our ideas), but he fundamentally cares about our hearts. Love is key, as you approach the throne… as Yeshua taught the Kingdom of heaven is inside of you… A toaster needs electricity, and bread to make toast, take away the bread, you can’t have toast, turn off the power you can’t have toast, take away the toaster you can’t have toast. Body (Christ), Mind (Father), Holy Spirit (Soul).
We need merch. Also, please don't use OCD as an adjective if you don't have it. This trivializes the disorder. I love this podcast though!
And those of us with it wish it was trivial. 😭
YES, thank you! It is such a debilitating condition. I wish people would stop throwing it around like that. You know for sure they don't have real OCD when they do that
When this last failed relationship recommended me to their psychologist that's when I realized I'm definitely in need of help. Christianity definitely has not helped at all except represed who i really am
Thanks for sharing!
I really enjoyed the discussion of the meaning of faith. The most profound piece of theology I ever read was from former Jesuit priest, John MacNeil, who titled his second theological treatise on homosexuality in the church "Taking a Chance on God". The mere title of that book was the most profound truth I have ever encountered.
Such a a great episode 💗
Thanks for this. It took many, many years, but for me, it's about the Love of God and the love of Neighbour.
Nate, you should look up just how many people become atheists after studying the Bible in an intense academic way.
You don’t have to be a genius or a scholar to understand how ridiculous the Bible is, it’s clear natural and historical errors and its contradictions.
Well twelve minutes in and I had to pause so I could go and order the book!
This fellow is all over the place.
We're all sinners. Paul said he was the chief of sinners. Sinners need a savior to save them from sin, not in sin. "He came to save His people from their sins". When I got saved I did not expect no be relieved of my alcohol addiction but I was. "The things I once loved I now hated". All glory to Him.
You guys are going HARD in the paint
As a devout trans woman episcopalian please igerview some queer priests from our denomination and trans people .
No one is innocent before God....he is good to all. Even christians do things they should not do. Im gay and occasionaly I pray to God...why not? We all sinners....didnt jesus say "he who is without sin cast the first stone"? Live your life freely God loves everyone. Many hypocrites in the christian faith church.
True, Christianity fosters hypocrisy and division.
However, you can be righteous.
Leviticus made you stop -- Leviticus is so great it gets into the social experiment -- how we will have a good society part. Ut has the forgiveness of debts and sabbath year and stuff
Hi Colby.
So where are all the ignorant people quoting Leviticus and Romans 1? You know, those heartless, close minded, uninformed, and holier than thou people?
Well, we come a long way since the late 1970s and 1980s with the Moral Majority and the like
What is the relation between love and sacrifice?
What prompts your question?
This guy in the interview is a revelation and is a true christian. Jesus excepted everyone and did'nt turn anyone away no matter what your sin or how poor you were. Today, there are various branches of so called christian faith, who profess they are right and preach the bible as they see it, but some will turn you away for being gay or simply having an attraction to the same sex. You don't even have to have acted on it to be banished from the church you attend. who gives them the right to turn anyone away? Everyone is a sinner including the pastors of the church. They foreget that Jesus died for our sins because he knew that humans will sin at sometime in their lives, some more than others, no matter how hard we try not to sin. The church are trying to be holy than thou, which for most people, they cannot be without complete sin. The so called christians who turn away folk they don't approve of are going against gods word. The gay issue is stupid because if being gay was so sinful in gods eyes, then why is'nt it one of the ten commandments? Stealing and bearing false witness against somone, or taking your neighbours wife are more prority sins. No mention of the gay issue. Use theological reasoning and truth. Don't add things to scriptural verses and it's true meaning.
No person has all the desires "percetct". We live in a fallen world, we have fallen bodies/mind/souls. Being atracted to same sex is one of consequences of that. It is not sin by itself, it is not something that somene has to try to change by force, but as every other perosn on Earthe, they are called to accept fullnes of life in Christ. Which can not be found in practicing on all the desires we have. I know it can sould crule...but there is so much gay people who didnt fing happines and fulfilmet before they went celibate. ❣🙏
You find faith again by repenting. Not pretending.
You don't know what faith is. Nor do you know what repentance is.
55:44 Colby’s example here really does not work for suggesting Jesus didn’t want people to know who he was, or didn’t care about if they had the right answer about who he was.
1. Jesus told Peter, and many others, not to share information about who he was to avoid crucifixion at that time. He is constantly saying in the gospels that it is not his time.
2. Jesus then commands Peter and ALL his disciples, to go out and share everything he taught them. Including his identity. This happens at the end of the gospels.
3. The entirety of the gospels focus on people interacting with Jesus and having to make a choice or decision on who he truly is. Jesus is constantly presenting who he is to many people. He did this in parables to protect himself. You could not just outright come and say “I am God” without being killed is 1st century Jerusalem. He did this because he said it wasn’t his time to die on the cross yet.
You have to look at scripture in context.
I disagree with Colby’s theology. And I am sure I would disagree with this podcast, but that does not mean I did not enjoy listening to this. I enjoy hearing other peoples sides, and debating them. So thank you for this podcast!
If one truly has faith that Jesus is Lord and knows the best for humanity, then one will attempt to obey his counsel, as well as that of those he has appointed. This includes all people, the 'gay' and the 'straight' and all the other identity groups of this temporal world.
The alternative is to put one's own decisions first, making one's self Lord.
Faith and action are not two separate things.
Christianity is theological propaganda. It runs counter to the teachings of Jesus.
The Church world is so WIDELY DIVIDED. This homosexual topic is so saturated within the fiber of Christianity as a whole. None of us will truly know what happens beyond this life UNTIL OUR PHYSICAL DEATH. There is soooo much uncertainty relative to whether or not embracing this particular life experience will cause us to burn for all eternity. Im exhausted from constantly trying to fast and pray the gay away. If God will not split the sky, stick his head out and say whether or not being gay is right or wrong. The Bible has all more divided than collective in our faith walk in this life. Im so exhausted of trying to figure it out. What will be will be ..... If hell is my eternal home when i die then what can I do about it.
Good luck to all who struggle with their faith and sexuality.
Christianity is theological propaganda, running completely counter to the teachings of Jesus.
Need...vs.....self idealistic/self righteous/self promoting to be some type of hero/self....false self
Still in front of the camera, saying hey I know...follow me! ?? To where?
Stop misusing ocd…
There is no hell? There is no punishment for sin? God isn't holy? God endorses sin? Or sin isn't a real thing?
Heaven and hell are within you.
@@daodejing81 That could be true in a way. But Heaven & Hell are also real places. Maybe in another dimention
It is true in every way.
They are not places, they are states of consciousness.
@@daodejing81 how do you know?
The same way all the sages know, through meditation, reflection, introspection, looking within myself. This is the first of Jesus' twofold teaching. The second is love.
"The kingdom of heaven is within you."
JESUS, Luke 17:21
Please interview less evangelical people. Please interview some united methodist elca and episcopalians. I prefer more traditional theology.
How sad that you laugh and make light of the Holiness of God.
You don't have a clue about God, nor holiness.
@ yes I do
@@CrossAndWindMinistries All brainwashed people think they know
@ yes I do
lol pray you guys have a fresh revelation of Jesus and his greatness over your desires and sin...
you're like 16, they already went trough that journey while you repeat pretty much what preachers tell you, it's ok you'll get it soon
Jorge, I pray you come to realize your true sexuality, and stop repressing that essential part of yourself because you're afraid of being judged and losing the love of others. If those "others" would abandon you for affirming your true self their love was not worth it in the first place.
you sound like a pharisee
It seems like you haven't truly watched nor understood the purpose of the video.
You have no idea what you're talking about. You're brainwashed.
Christianity is theological propaganda, running completely counter to the teachings of Jesus.
No one is called to "TRY to be straight." ALL are called to obey the WORD of your KING and LORD over their desires. If you choose one over the other you are worshipping one over the other. You cannot serve two masters.
I would encourage you to listen to the episode before commenting.
@@angelina9345doesnt take away from anything OP said. He is still correct. It makes no sense to choose Christianity but also choose to live in sin. Thats the equivalent to cherry picking
@@timothy2491 yeah just ditch Christianity, it’s a wicked and deluded collection of sects that have no truth in them. Smash the idols of Yahweh and Jesus on the trash bin of history where all the other false gods have gone.
@@timothy2491 Agreed, but they are not cherry picking. The closest thing that queer people of faith could do is to acknowledge and recognize the multivocality of the scripture and approach that in multiple ways. All believers will eventually cherry pick what they want to prioritize and believe in regardless of their acknowledgement of such an act.
@@niretheylamps im sorry but thats cope.